You Don't Know | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] [Applause] let's tell Mac pal how much we love him and appreciate it Bendis we're praying for Amy how many of you gonna be praying praying me his wife she shall recover in Jesus mighty name we love you and your old family thank you so much thank you so much we've had so much fun here today welcome all our campuses one more time so glad you're there why don't you reach over and give somebody a little Christmas hug but Christmas my love Christmas grunts or something wink and then you can be seated so good to see you here and I want to give a shout out to our amazing amazing thing that is happening at our Midtown campus they have a new home we're at the Woodruff Center today the theater downtown Atlanta and there's a great great crowd there today I just got news and God is doing amazing things brand-new theater that we have there that's being filled in another area for the children which we haven't had that it's going to make such a difference in growing that campus so we celebrate with you guys and are so glad for what God is doing are you glad to be in church today tell your neighbor you smell good just tell them that I want you to open your Bible with me for just a few moments this morning I want to go to mark chapter 16 mark chapter 16 and then we're going to end up in Ecclesiastes chapter 11 so mark chapter 16 and Ecclesiastes chapter 11 one of the things that I love about the exchange series is I get to cast vision and remind you of what our purpose and mandate is of why we do what we do and why we are consumed with doing it and I want to share a message today that I pray the Lord makes real to you as he has in my own heart in Mark chapter 16 and verse 14 I'll begin reading later he appeared to the eleven as they sat at the table and he rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart everybody say unbelief and hardness of heart and listen to this he wasn't doing that to people who were out in the world but he had to do this to the church to the disciples to the believers then verse 15 is a famous famous verse but notice he had to deal with that in verse 14 the hard hearts the unbelief then he follows it up with after he says let's get that out of you he said unto them go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he who believes and is baptized will be saved but he who does not believe will be condemned some translations say damned so this is this is the heart of the gospel go into all of the world and preach the gospel but notice the instruction is he had to upbraid them he had to deal with the cold hard hearts and spirits of unbelief he said I don't want my disciples to get hard-hearted and full of unbelief and stop sharing the gospel stop having a burden to reach people and preach the gospel and tell their testimonies and tell their stories one of the signs that your hard that your heart as a Christian is becoming hard and you're being filled with unbelief is you no longer talk about Jesus in everyday life and so he said once you get the hard heart removed and the unbelief out then the natural thing will be to preach the gospel to every creature I want to make an announcement to you today you might as well get ready company is coming the lost are coming what we have is too good to keep to ourselves the world is ready for a spirit-filled Church Church in their community and we are that church give me a big Amen right there back and when the attacks took place in New York City on the Trade Centers it was a tragedy and it was radical Muslims that attacked and because of that a lot of hatred was stirred up in people's hearts toward all Muslims and there was a t-shirt that became the most popular t-shirt that people began to wear with a racist statement on it a bad statement and it said this it said kill them all and let God sort them out kill them all and let God sort them out that's wrong but I want to give you our church's mandate save them all and let God sort them out that's why we're here we're not here to have concerts we're not here to have teachings and taunts we're not here to be a broken hearts Club for the singles we are here to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ we've got to tell the world this is a soul Saving Station the church has to save the world we're not a museum we're a hospital so we shouldn't be surprised when people show up with problems with crisis with broken lives with addictions with bondages with things out of order that's where they need to be able to come and we are to preach the gospel the church is not called to be the judge the jewelry and the prosecuting attorney for the people who come into our walls well I don't know if I want those kinds of people in my church well first of all check your hands and if you don't have nail prints and if you don't have any stripes on your back it's not your church he said I will build my church and the kind of church I'm gonna build here's the invitation whosoever will that's pretty broad whosoever will save them all and let God sort them out nobody's too low nobody's messed up too bad nobody's too messed up nobody's too addicted nobody's in any lifestyle that they are not welcome in this place our motto is save of all God reach of all because nobody should go through life and not hear about Jesus somebody praise Jesus right now with a mighty shout hallelujah whosoever will let him come Jesus was getting ready to tell his disciples to go into all the world and preach this gospel but before he could do it he said I've got to get rid of two things inside of you you have hard hearts and you have a spirit of unbelief we need a revival of faith in the power of the Cross the power of the blood the power of the gospel we need a revival of faith in the power of the name of Jesus it's still the antidote for sin it's still can make a man a new creation and the old things can pass away and he can walk out of that life and be a brand new creation we need to preach it bold and we need to believe it again and we need to lose the hard hearts the unconcerned the the callous spirits the unbelief that the gospel won't reach some people they've just gone too far let me give you what I'm talking about I'm preaching this morning I've entitled this sermon you don't know and I'm gonna tell you why I'm gonna call it that because out of Ecclesiastes 11 this is what it says it says cast your bread upon the waters cast your bread is a reference to your testimony the word of God Jesus said I am the head of life and he said the job of the Christian and the church is to cast the bread that's what I'm doing while I'm preaching I'm casting the bread I'm preaching and sewing the bread of life and he said cast it on the waters the multitudes it's a symbol a type of the multitudes of people and then today as I stand here I'm casting it across their campuses and across the internet across television I'm casting the bread on multitudes of people and then he says something so profound in the next verse and he said after many days it shall come back that if you just keep casting it and you don't give up you don't get a hard heart and you don't get a spirit of unbelief that says it's not working because they rejected it or they don't like me sharing Jesus and I'm not talking about being obnoxious and being you know arrogant and pushy on people but just when you get a chance you just keep casting the bread casting the bread he said after many days it will come back don't ever give up on that husband don't ever give up on that son don't ever give up on that daughter I don't care how far they go I don't ever give up on that person that you work with but keep casting the bread on the letters and after many days everybody shout in many days see if we don't we don't we don't read that but sometimes it's not a quick thing but it's just and it may happen in a week it may happen in a month it may happen in a year it may take a whole lifetime but if you keep casting the bread after many days it will come back God deliver us from hard hearts and unbelief that this message doesn't work anymore it does work then he's goes on to say give seven a portion and even a and then he says he who regards the clouds I just wanna I just want you to see how many times he says for you don't know for he says in verse four look at it he says he who observes the wind will not so he who regards the clouds will not reap in other words what he's saying is there's never a perfect day for revival and if you regard the atmosphere and the way people are receiving what you're saying you you'll just not ever do it but he said always there'll be an excuse to not do it if you're looking for it but he said we basically he's saying we need to quit singing somewhere over the though and we need to just do it no matter what the winds do and no matter what the clouds doing no matter how they just keep sewing the bread and notice what he said would happen in the next verse he said for you do not know what is the way of the wind and then he says in verse 3 again so you do not know the works of God who makes everything and then he says in verse 6 in the morning so your seed and in the evening do not withhold from your hand he's trying to get us preach the gospel preach the gospel share your testimony share it with people on the job Sheron Sheron share it with your family and notice what he says a 4-time in the in the next part of that verse for you do not know which will prosper either this or that you know what he's trying to get us to understand he says it over and over and over he said you don't know turn to your neighbor and say you don't know he said it four times you don't know you don't know what will prosper this or that it might be a song it might be a story it might be a testimony it might be a verse it might be a prayer but you just keep sowing the bread because you don't know when the Bible says you don't know it's it's time to quit acting like you do know you don't know who God's gonna say you think you know who God can reach you think you know who's open to the gospel you think you know because they act big and bad that they don't care about your Jesus but you don't know your job is not to figure your job is to say God save them on I'm gonna sow the seed out there and throw the seed out there and you know what I don't know what you're doing but I'm gonna be alike I'm gonna be a voice I'm gonna be a preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ shout I don't know we think we know who will come to church that's why we invite some people that look a little religious they look like they're little Christian II I'll ask them but if they got tattoos and they look crazy and they look I'm not not that if you got tattoos you look crazy but you know what I'm saying if they got purple hair and they got this and that you know what I'm saying but if they if they've got squats to sir or what do you call them the Nazi thing on their forehead if they got all of that then we don't we don't we don't even bother with them and that's the very one the Holy Spirit could be looking for they may they may they may look like they're far from God as they can be they look like they're just lost as they can be but the very one could be that one and you don't know shout you don't know it's time to quit acting like you know who God can say we think we know who'll come to church and who won't so we invite some kind of people that look fit our little Christian little thing you know and we don't invite the other heathens that really need it we think we know who'll accept and he'll reject we think we know who get saved and who won't but the Bible said four times you don't know you don't know you don't know you don't know and we gotta save them all we've got to reach them all we think that there's some people that are beyond the reach of God that's why he said you've got to get rid of that hard heart that is not compassionate that is not broken and you got to get rid of that unbelief and then preach the gospel with faith believing what I've got the whole world needs everybody needs it it's a great illustration of this in mark chapter five I need my volunteers I need about six people up here five five people up here just quick as you can come and and and and you know I thought about this text in mark chapter five and you just stand right there Jason and you guys get in front of him come on hurry get in the picture get in the picture there you go there you go there you go there you go there you go thank you that was good wasn't it you know there's this story in act and in mark chapter five where Jesus lands on the land of gadarenes and puts his foot on the beach and when he does a demon-possessed man that the Bible said had a Legion of demons Allegiant was a reference to a Roman military squadron that would have six thousand soldiers in it he had six thousand demons in him but when Jesus came on his territory he came and bowed down and worshiped him six thousand nothing is authorized to stop your worship nothing nothing and this man was demon-possessed this is him demon possessed demon possessed and if ever Satan said in his own mind yo you guys move up just a little bit cuz I know where a camera shot needs to be come on stand right there mr. demon possessed the devil said to himself if there's any body that can't be reached it's my demoniac I've got six thousand demons in it and I put up barriers from anybody to reach him I put the sea of galilee he's on the whole opposite side where nobody lives i put a storm in the middle of the sea of galilee a category 5 storm on top of that I put him in a graveyard he lived in the graveyard and nobody will go to a graveyard and if that's not enough I've surrounded him with pigs and there's no way that those self-righteous Jews will get around anything is filthy as hogs and pigs they are forbidden to do it Satan thought he had that boy in a place where nobody can reach my demoniac thank God we have a Savior named Jesus who said my gospel is so powerful what the devil didn't count on is the one who would get out on that sea and he would say see you can't stop me cuz I walk on water and he would say to the storm you can't stop me cuz I'm the peace speaker and he would say to the grave grave you can't stop me because I went in you and conquered you in three days and he would say to the Hogs you know what he would say he would say I am the only one who can walk through the Pigpen and not get dirty it won't influence me I'll send you into the ocean and you get washed and cleaned if you know the story you know what I'm talking about Jesus pushed all of that out of the way and he said I'm going to reach the one that everybody said can't be reached you don't know that son that daughter that drug addict that alcoholic that prostitute that person who's been through hell that person who curses God with every both you don't know you don't know that the grace of God is not already working on them somebody thank God for a savior who said save them all save them all save them all save them all don't let any of them go to hell don't let any of them don't get hard-hearted don't get a spirit of unbelief to where you don't think God can reach them I can reach them the Lord is say I can change them I can set them free the Bible said that boy got delivered and set at the feet of Jesus clothed and in his right mind that can be your son that can be your daughter that can be your boss that can be the most vile person that you think of when I preach and the enemy says nobody can reach them God can reach them and he needs you to have a tender heart and a spirit of belief that's the power of the gospel you don't know you know when the church people start hearing sermons like this where we say we won't ever I don't I don't I don't have the answers anymore I look at this generation and I don't know how God's gonna save them I I'm not willing to throw away a whole community I'm not willing to say that the gay community is just throw aways and there's no hope for them I say save them all and let God sort them out I don't know how he's gonna do it I don't understand it all but I know what my job is my job is to preach the gospel tell them there's a God who loves them and nothing can separate them from the love of God if they'll reach out to him he'll raise them he'll deliver them he'll set them free just like he did me just like he did you it doesn't matter gay or straight the blood of Jesus can watch you can cleanse you in my prayers come on in come on in just like you are we're gonna let God save them and we're gonna let God sort them out I can't fix nobody but if I'll preach the word the same gospel that changed me can change you it can set an alcoholic free it can set a drug addict free this morning you don't ever have to go back to it the gospel can set you free church people start getting nervous when you preach sermons like this well where of all of our standards gone your standards can't save nobody your standards are for you your standards are to be like Jesus and Jesus ate with publicans and sinners he was trying to save them all while the church criticized him why the church when I see people like Kanye a rapper who used to curse and be foul and vile and live a wicked life and now he's putting the same rhythm with songs like you and my chick-fil-a and and king of kings and Lord of lords I say do it Lord save them all I love it God is doing something and if God can't find any preachers who get up and preach the old message of Jesus and the cross he'll raise up a rapper and he'll preach it to a new generation and conviction will come and millions will be saying I don't have any stones to throw my prayer is save them all and let God sort them out cause you don't know who God's going to use and who God's gonna say everybody take a praise break everybody at every campus we have a powerful gospel I'm not ashamed of the gospel it is the power of God unto salvation we better get ready company's coming I think Kanye is the beginning I think that athletes are gonna get saved by the thousands I think politicians are going to get saved by the thousands I think movie stars and rock stars are gonna get saved by the thousands and we can't be looking down our nose like we're so holy that we can't get around those kind of people what do you mean those kind of people you've forgotten where you came from you're just like them except you've been washed and cleanse and you ought to give God the glory and it ought to make you love a more when you got a when you got a tender heart and a spirit of belief want to say I wanted to happen to you I want it to happen need does it happen to me Brad Pitt 57 year old my same age we're the same age I don't appreciate your laughs I don't appreciate your time he has much better face doctors than I do but I read an article in GQ magazine I think it was the other day where he said at 57 I was raised in Christianity my parents were ultra-religious he said these words they spoke in tongues out loud in my house and prayed for me and he said I went far from it and I've tried every thing you can't imagine and he said it this time in my life I feel a need to return to my Christian roots I want what they had in that house I'm telling you you don't know you better quit marking people off you better quit profiling saying God can save that one but that one will never change you don't know what God is going to do you don't know that Donald Trump won't end up on his knees praying in the power of the Holy Spirit you don't know God is able to reach the ultimate people that need to be reached in this earth and he said I'm not willing that any should perish you don't know you don't know if you if you traveled after 9/11 happened and you went in airports the security got so strict and they began to do something called profiling which meant if you had a one-way ticket it triggered a triggered an alarm in the in the security people and they would look with beady eyes and if you had a lone beard if you if you looked a certain middle-eastern look they would profile and they would say that one needs to be touched he can't just walk through bring him over here bring her over here and I'm afraid if we're not careful as Christians we become Christian profilers and we start saying that one can be touched but that one can't and that one can be reached but that one can't in that group all they'll never change and all the only reason they're coming is cuz he got in trouble with the law and now he's coming to church because everything yeah you don't know you don't know you don't know that these people that are in these programs were the only reason they're in those programs is the courts a choice you can go to prison or you can go to a no longer bound or you can go to new beginnings or you can go to 3d and some of them chose that but you don't know that it was a set up by God to get them at free chapel this morning and when I give this all to call you don't know that they're not gonna walk down that aisle and gloriously get saved and their life be forever altered you don't know I realize that there's a lot of pretty girls in this church and the only reason some men come to this church is they're looking for a date they found out the prettiest girls are not in the lizard lounge down the road the top of Gainesville and nothing else that the prettiest girls are right here in God's house and they're not dummies but you know what I say little man because while they're looking and while they're checking you out the Holy Ghost can get ahold of them when the preacher gets up and says you didn't know that you were coming for one thing but you're gonna leave with something else some of you ladies came looking for a new man you gonna find a new man this morning you go found in Jesus what you couldn't find in any man somebody give him a shout if you believe you don't know you don't know and we need to quit slander we need to quit trying to fix everybody let's just preach the gospel let's just love people trust your pastor that I'm not gonna compromise I'm not gonna lower the standard but I'm gonna preach the truth but you know what the truth is people need to feel an environment where they can come and not be judged and put down and look down on God is never for bullying people and being ugly to people being rude and obnoxious to people because you're so high and holy you don't know you don't know I thought about that story where Jesus said after he prayed for the blind man can you see he said I see men as trees in other words I see men but I don't clearly clearly see them as someone Jesus died for I just see them as objects Jesus prayed for him a second time and then he saw men as they were the scripture said we need to see me and not as trees not men and women not as pieces and objects but they're so valuable that Jesus would die and go to hell for him we need God to touch our eyes again and touch our heart again and get the unbelief out and realize people are dying and lost all around us and Lord forgive us for hard hearts and a spirit of unbelief that doesn't even believe if we share the gospel that it'll have any impact you gonna hug a tree you need to hug Calvary there's no insect no plant no tree more precious than a man's soul Tod open our eyes open our eyes I'm gonna close with this last point in 1st Corinthians 6 it says some powerful things Paul is teaching and he says know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God and all of us who've been in church a long time we act man this scripture and we should some want us to act real religious onus that like we were born yesterday and we never had a sin in our lives and I'm gonna read it again I want you all to just kind of say yeah you ready no you're not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God be not deceived turn your neighbor and elbow and say this is the good part look real religious and pious neither fornicators look over somebody looks like a fornicator and just nod your head right neither fornicators nor idolaters yeah get them gone get up get those nor adulterers look to the other side there's probably one on that aisle someone come on look at him yeah get them god those adulterers nor the effeminate if you can't preach on nothing else preach on homosexuality and a crowd or get moving nor abusers of themselves with mankind look at the next verse nor thieves turn to somebody say yeah yeah they deserve and get them calling get them nor covetous yeah get them nor drunkards tell somebody uh-oh nor partiers nor extortioners that's politicians get them God come on everybody get him God kill them all God they shall not inherit the kingdom of God and everybody say yeah next verse and such were some of you but you are washed you are sanctified you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the spirit of God such were some of you that you walked into a church that said save them all and let God sort them out and he's changing you and you may not be what you ought to be but you're not what you used to be and you ought to praise him for the blood reason for the cross praising for the name above every name that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved what's that name Jesus stand up on your feet and clap your hands and shout Jesus three times shout it from the rooftop shout it in Atlanta Spartanburg shouted incoming and Buford and Gwinnett shout the mighty name of Jesus [Music] Oh such were some of you such were some of you my prayer this morning is God removed from my heart the hardness due are we over souls do I pray for the lost have I become hardened in my heart have I been filled with unbelief that I think that the gospel that I carry and me cannot change people that I can't change any environment I walk into I carry Jesus he said you will not successfully preach the gospel if you've got a hard heart and a spirit of unbelief so I say Lord restore my compassion restore my tears restore my vision for the lost nun or hopeless nun are helpless Jesus has not given the responsibility for the selection of his bride to any one of us he chooses whom he will you know what he's chosen you there's no one under the sound of my voice in Africa and South America and Europe in America whether you're sitting in a mansion on a cliff in California you're in the lowest place you've ever been in some filthy place that you drugged out or alcohol and you just feel like taking your life Jesus sent me to you today he loves you and you don't know you don't know who you are you don't know how much he loves you nothing can separate you from his love he said there's nothing you've done there's nothing no barriers the enemy's put in front of you that I can't shove aside and reach you there's no one reachable so with Jesus he doesn't ask you to try harder he says come to me weary heavy laden come to me bring me your shame bring me your kilt bring me your condemnation bring to your addiction I'm not gonna cast you down I'm not gonna put you down bring it to me I want to help you I want to see you free I want you to get out of that mess you're better than that I don't see you as an object I see you as a soul that I love the Lord would say you better than that affair you're better than that sexual immorality you better than that God's calling you home today every head bowed every eye closed at every campus I'm gonna ask no one to move please because this is a sacred and a holy and a powerful moment if you're in this room or any of our campuses and you would say pastor Jensen pray for me I'm backslidden I'm far from God I don't know Jesus maybe you're Muslim maybe you're Buddhist maybe you've tried other religions maybe you've become an atheist because something has happened and it's so made you angry at God but you just felt like giving up and you've walked away from it all but while I preach the spirit of alive casts the bread and is connected it's the bread of life and you need it you're hungry for it the world can't satisfy that hunger Pastor pray for me I want to know what it's like to be guilt free I want to know what it's like to know that I'm restored I'm forgiven pray for me if that's you and you know it I'm gonna ask you to do a bold act pastor pray for me I acknowledge I need that prayer if that's you boldly raise your hand right where you're standing I want to see it I see it in this room hands going up all over the rim beautiful up in the balcony up on the main floor right there and that rim where you are just lift your hand high just lift it high just lift it higher come on do something and people criticize sometimes they say that's not necessary but I like old fashioned altar calls we're gonna be dismissed in about two minutes but there's nothing more important on the agenda than this right here if you raised your hand and you mean business you don't know you don't know what God is about to do for you but if you'll step out of that seat if you raise your hand and come stand right down here at every campus get out of the seat they're gonna stay with us just get out of the seat pastors are coming and leaders are coming but I want every one of you that raised your hand and maybe you didn't raise your hand but you really feel it's wrong come on come on come on he's not here today as your judge and jury the prosecuting attorney he's saying come on come on home I've seen your pain I've seen your tears I've seen your struggle I've seen your I've seen your failure and I still love you there's nothing you've done that I can't cleanse there's nothing you've done I can't forgive there's nothing in your life that I can't change for my glory come on come on come on they're coming they're coming they're coming clap your hands Church this is a miracle come on come on there's more there's there's marriages there's husbands wives business people teenagers college students come home this is your altar call come on come on come on that's beautiful that's beautiful bring the addiction bring the problem bring the broken life bring the broken thesis he'll take it he's the answer he's the only answer come on come on come on come on I need you to clap as long as they're walking the aisles and they are I see them in every aisle come on come on come on somebody else it's right there you're right there just slip out of that seat grab a friend and say walk with me walk with me I gotta respond to this one this is my day is my day come on come on if not now win why go through another Krampus why go another day without Jesus come home Jesus is the West [Applause] Jesus is the answer [Music] for the world [Music] and you're so valuable to the Lord that God so loved the world he gave His only begotten Son that whosoever that's you that's me whosoever would believe on him would not perish in that wonderful I'll never perish you'll never perish but will have everlasting life he's about according to the Bible to take a pen and write an ear ear erasable pen and write your name in the Lamb's Book of Life he's about to clean the slate and say it's only there wash there forgiving there cleanse and you may fall but you'll never fall out of his grace you may fail but you'll never fail so bad that he won't be there to pick you up and to love you even when you live beneath the dignity of a child of God he won't give up on you he'll keep reaching he'll keep loving he'll keep forgiving and his blood will keep working [Music] see my job is to catch fish and I'll let God clean them and that book right there if you'll read it it'll read you and it will clean you and we'll love you through the process everybody pray this prayer and then we're gonna take a miracle offering and that great so that we can save them all all over the world all the ushers to get ready to do their thing in just a moment but I want you to stay with me and let's pray this prayer everybody out loud at all of our campuses say these words Lord Jesus thank you I don't know why you love me so much but I'm so thankful thank you for loving me thank you for dying on the cross you shed your blood and now my heart is not hard my heart is tender I'm not full of unbelief I am a believer and today I receive you as my Lord and Savior I'm forgiving I'm washed I'm cleansed and I will proclaim your gospel and what it's doing for me to everybody I can from this day forward I am a child of God they'll give the Lord the biggest roar of praise you can welcome to the family of God you are forgiven you are cleanse [Music] Church are you excited about this exchange offering and in if you haven't done it today and you didn't remember to whatever you've got til the end of the year it's all totally tax-deductible that you could give last year in this offering we had when it was all counted by the end of the year we had above and beyond our regular giving almost two million dollars come in on this special and that's why we were able to do so many things that you've seen on those screens will you help us today I know you will I want to bless you for it so the ushers are coming to receive your exchange gifts if you've got those envelopes if you're still praying about it take that and I'm gonna pray a prayer over you and we're gonna be dismissed in about 30 seconds us yours go right ahead and receive the gifts of the people everybody hold up your right hand and lord I just thank you that you are the answer uh sure go ahead and pass those I can't thank you enough as the pastor of this church for your generous giving for the miracles that you're gonna make happen in Israel we're building that school bomb shelter on the Gaza Strip and all the projects that I don't have time to go over again it's all the cults of generous generous people have never seen a more generous Church that I'm looking at right now and thank you to all of you who are new to this we don't do this a lot this is something that you'll never Ardley see on a regular day but this is one time out of the year where we challenge people to give sacrificially above and beyond to say preach the gospel into all the world and reach them and then the end will come Jesus will return boy will be glad when we stand on streets of gold that we populated heaven is Reinhardt Bonnke who passed away yesterday he had a say in populate heaven and plunder hail populate heaven and plunder hail that's what we're doing and now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine on you may the Lord be gracious unto you may he lift up his countenance upon you and may he give you peace and Lord bless your people and bless their homes and families and businesses for what they are doing for your kingdom I pray and send the harvest in money and what money cannot die in Jesus name favor in the name of the Lord we love you so much Merry Christmas everybody thank you we'll let you know next week don't miss the amazing Jason Crabb I'll be preaching we're just gonna have an amazing time Wednesday night is Christmas under the stars out in the amphitheater we'll be having outside food on the grounds and fire pits and beautiful Christmas carols what an opportunity to bring your friends and neighborhood bring your whole neighborhood have a block party right out here in the amphitheater there'll be thousands of people out there and food and all kinds of activities for the children it's just remarkable this part of our culture as a church and we build memories so don't miss that this Wednesday night at 7 o'clock let's sing it just one more time Jesus is the end [Music] and as we live here today I do want to encourage you if you have been running about giving into the exchange of offering all the limbs that you would need as well as the information about the different initiatives that we're partnering with not just here locally but all around the world all that information is online but we do want to thank you for your gift and if you're just being introduced to this to the very first time it's okay you're not missing out on any opportunities you can give in the exchange all the way through the end of the year but again we do want to thank you for your partnership before your giving because we're believing that 2020 is gonna be our best year yet seeing more Souls one for the kingdom of God let us know how we can pray for you as we didn't service today as you step into a brand new week but we do love you we're so thankful for you god bless you and we'll see you next Sunday morning [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music]
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Views: 73,362
Rating: 4.8642716 out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Free Chapel, Sermons, Purpose, Direction, Spiritual warfare
Id: FU7FkSpxvWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 55sec (2815 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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