Tony Evans Sermons - Why God Wants You To Be Alone July 15 2021

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[Music] god is so good at what he does he can take a little bit of this and a little bit of that and a little bit of the other and put it in his cosmic blender dr tony evans says god works all aspects of our lives for our ultimate benefit that's the good news about the sovereignty of god he can even use evil to accomplish his goals celebrating 40 years of faithfulness this is the alternative with dr tony evans author speaker senior pastor of oak cliff bible fellowship in dallas texas and president of the urban alternative if god made everything did he also make evil it's a question people have been asking for centuries but dr evans says it's one that has a biblical answer today he looks at how god uses both the good and bad events in our lives let's join him the second most important truth you can learn about god is his sovereignty the second most important thing you can learn about god is his sovereignty the first thing that you should learn is the gospel the good news of the death and resurrection of jesus christ and how faith in his finished work gives you guarantees you eternal life but when it comes to now living your day-to-day life after having become a christian the most important thing for you to understand is god's sovereignty to the best of my ability i want to based on his word help us to understand and relate to this critical dimension of god that is in fact critical for every aspect of your life now this is not a popular truth that we're going over today because men want god everywhere but on his throne we live in a day when men want a jack in the box god when the grandkids come over the house we've got this little thing you we grew up with where you turn it and you play the music and at the proper time pop up comes the clown and when the entertainment is over he's pushed back in the box until the desire to be entertained again and it's whirled around until it pops up again what people today want is a god that will pop up conveniently when we want him or need him and then when we're finished with him he's put back in the box until such time as he's called upon to bless us to forgive us to help us to encourage us oh it's not that we don't want god and we just want him conveniently but to understand this doctrine this understanding of god will blow your mind and if you understand it enough by the time we are finished and respond to it accordingly it can also change your life so what do we mean by the sovereignty of god the sovereignty of god refers to god as absolute ruler controller and sustainer of all of his creation to talk about sovereignty is to talk about rule or authority and he sits on the throne of the universe everything he created he rules over and he created everything what this means is that there is no noun person place thing or thought that situates itself or operates outside of god's sovereignty that there is nothing that escapes him nothing that can override him nothing that he is not fully aware of because he rules all things because he either causes all things to happen one option or he consciously allows things to happen but there are no oops mistakes miss that one or surprises because if it happened he either made it happen or he okayed it happening even if he didn't directly cause it to happen so let's get this straight nothing exists outside of the rule of god in your life in this world or in creation the bible says not one bird falls to the ground of which he is not fully aware and not one hair of one's head is lost that he is not fully overseeing that so he is not just sovereign in the sweet by and by he's sovereign in the nasty here and now he's sovereign in the big things and he's sovereign in the details he is absolute ruler over all things job chapter 23 verse 13 says god does what his soul desires job chapter 42 verse 2 says no purpose of god can be thwarted or overridden he will achieve his goals psalm 115 verse 3 says god is in the heavens and he does whatsoever he pleases psalm 135 verse 6 says god rules from the heaven and that even includes the fish in the sea nothing sits outside of sovereignty god will always accomplish his purpose what you do or do not do will never block god from getting to where he's designed to go okay he will go with you around you or over you but you will never interfere with his end result god will always accomplish his purposes because god never limits himself to one root this church is 11 miles from downtown dallas there is a preferred route to go to downtown dallas a direct line 35 north you get on 35 north it will take you directly to downtown dallas that is the preferred route that is the quickest route but sometimes 35 north gets blocked with an accident gets blocked with construction and the route is no longer the convenient way to go well because of google maps and other technology you're not limited to 35 they will show you other options if you know it there are more than one options than your preferred route god would prefer to accomplish his plan with your cooperation that's what he would prefer because if he can accomplish it with your cooperation everybody wins but if you don't cooperate don't think you were his only option he's got multiple ways of accomplishing his goal he can do it with you or without you he can go around you or run over you but no human being will through wart god's ultimate plan you are his preferred root never his only root and so when you understand that god's sovereignty does not negate your choice it includes freedom to choose you are free to choose god didn't stop adam and he's not going to stop you he'll give you indicators but but he will let you choose because he made you with that within certain limitations and boundaries but you need to know when you choose against him you have opened up the door for the manifestation of another attribute because god exists for his glory and the glory is the manifestation of his characteristics perfections or attributes god is so good at what he does he is so good at what he does he even uses evil to accomplish his goals so even when folk are evil he says i can do something with that isn't this what joseph said in genesis 50 verses 19 to 21 you meant it for evil but god meant it for good to bring me to this place guess how god got me here god got me here by you boys getting jealous god got me here by you selling me into slavery god got me here by you accusing me of rape god got me here by forgetting me in jail god got me here from pharaoh having a bad dream and god didn't use all that mess to bring me to this place [Applause] and see that's the good news about the sovereignty of god he can take a little bit of this and a little bit of that and a little bit of the other and put it in his cosmic blender by itself it may not look like much you take the flour by itself it ain't much you take the sugar by itself in a muds you take the different ingredients of a cake by themselves it's not much but bake it right and all those independent elements are joined together to accomplish something that's why romans 8 28 all things work together for good to them who love god and all the called according to his purpose he says i prefer 35 cooperate with me he's so good at what he does as sovereign he even uses the devil to help him out that's as bad as you can get that's as low as you can go because the devil is not the devil the devil is his devil peter luke 22 satan has asked to sift you like we satan has made a request why because even the devil can't do anything without asking god first and we're going to let him mess with you a little bit to to put you in your place but when you have been converted when your life gets right when you stop trying to do this stuff on your own when you learn your lesson then i can use you but i'm gonna let the devil mess with you a little bit because you you ain't thinking right you ain't acting right you're not living right so i'ma let him blow you up until you get right then i can fix your life the only reason job's life fell apart was because the devil made a request of god and god okayed it and the great apostle paul in 2nd corinthians chapter 12 he said there was a messenger sent from satan to buffet me to oppress me and i went to god and i said god get the devil off my back you ever said that to god get the devil off my back he said god get the devil off my back and god said no no i'm gonna let him ride you because i gotta deal with something in your life that's a problem and i need the devil to amplify it so that you see it so that i can deal with it so that you can get rid of it so that i can do something special with you in a greater revelation [Applause] god is sovereign and he rules within boundary he allows choices and according to lamentations chapter 3 verse 37 and 38 he rules both the good and the evil dr evans will come back to explain what that means for us when he continues our lesson in just a moment but first i want to tell you about prayers for knowing god it's tony's latest book and it's designed to help you develop a healthy and ongoing communication with god leading you to experience greater grace and peace and if you visit today and make a contribution we'll send you the prayers for knowing god book as well as all 12 full-length lessons from tony's current teaching series god's heart revealed these two resources are designed to help you appreciate god's motives desires and will for your life leading you to move closer to him and today's the last day you can get them bundled together is our way of saying thanks for your support of tony's ministry get all the details and make your request online at or call us at 1-800-800-3222 i'll repeat that information for you after part two of today's message and this throughout any woman's life you'll hold many roles and so often it can feel like you're just plotting to get through we know that this can feel like obscurity and mundane tasks but whatever god has called you to do plant yourself there because you got a harvest coming back to you if you do carrying the legacy of lois evans daughters crystal hearse and priscilla shire encourage you to not just survive the season you're in but thrive there with the new four dvd bible study seasons of a woman's life with your generous gift to the urban alternative receive the classic book workbook and dvd series now he rules both the good and the evil okay now you understand sovereignty you got a little handle on it what does this mean the first thing it means is that you change your vocabulary first thing it means is you change your vocabulary and you x out the word luck you cannot have sovereignty and luck now i know how we use it casually we use it for everything we got lucky dog we got wish me luck we got plain luck we got luck be a lady we got lady luck we got tough luck good luck blind luck bad luck right luck and then potluck we got luck for everything [Applause] you cannot have sovereignty and chance you cannot have sovereignty and fate you cannot have sovereignty and happenstance you cannot have sovereignty and accidents because nothing sits out of sovereignty so now when you get that straight it changes your prayer life when paul says pray without ceasing the reason why he can say pray without ceasing because now you've included god in everything he's not included in everything because if he's in control of all the details then the little things the medium things the big things are all god so i'm talking to him all the time about everything sometimes formally sometimes informally sometimes walking sometimes thinking sometimes driving i'm bringing him into everything why because he's sovereign over everything don't affect your prayer life now now god is engaged everywhere you are now looking for him everywhere i love first corinthians chapter 8 verse 6. because first we're in corinthians chapter 8 verse 6 reads this way paul the apostle says yet for us there is but one god the father from whom are all things and we exist for him and one lord jesus christ by whom are all things and we exist through him he says two powerful things he says god the father we exist for him god the son jesus christ we exist through him so we exist for god and that is made possible through our relationship with jesus christ so when you accept christ you now can exist for god and you are now operating or designed to operate under his rule and when you decide when i decide because we all have failed in that decision on various levels but when we decide to align our lives under his sovereign rule that's when you get to see how real he is in your life many of the problems that we are facing in our lives with our strongholds in our relationships in our in our careers with our finances are due to the fact that god is not allowed to rule in certain areas we'll let him rule over here but you better not touch over there when we exist for him that is the only reason you exist you just get bonuses along the way god is sovereign so i close with with a passage that says it all i can't improve on this one daniel chapter four and i'm gonna read it and comment along the way because it says it all you remember king nebuchadnezzar i'll call him nebby for sure verse 28 of daniel 4. all this happened to nebuchadnezzar the king 12 months later he was walking on the roof of the royal palace of babylon the king reflected so he walking on the roof and he's just thinking he reflected and now we are told what he thought he reflected and said is this not babylon the great which i myself have built as a royal residence by the might of my power and for the glory of my majesty so he's walking on the roof smelling himself says this is not the great babylon that i have built you the man you all let in a bag of chips you you you look at what you didn't done boy while the word was in the king's mouth while he was still talking to himself a voice came from heaven saying king nebuchadnezzar to you it is declared sovereignty has been removed from you what you just said i just canceled and you will be driven away from mankind and your dwelling place will be with the beast of the field you will be given grass to eat like cattle and seven periods of time seven years will pass over you until you recognize that the most high is ruler overall the realm of mankind and bestows it on whomever he wishes immediately the word concerning nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled and he was driven away from mankind and began eating grass like cattle and his body was drenched with dew from heaven until the hair had grown like eagle's feathers and his nails like birds claws he went insane verse 34 but at the end of that period seven years completion of time nebuchadnezzar raised his eyes toward heaven and my reason returned to me and i blessed the most high and praised and honored him who lives forever what did you say nebuchadnezzar for his dominion is an everlasting dominion and his kingdom endures from generation to generation all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing but he does according to his will in the host of the heavens and among the inhabitants of the earth and no one can ward off his hand and at that time my reason returned to me and my majesty and splendor was restored for me for the glory of my kingdom and my counselors and my nobles began seeking me out so i was re-established in my sovereignty and surpassing greatness was added to me now i nebuchadnezzar praise exalt honor the king of heaven for all his works are true and his ways are just and he is able to humble those who walk in pride okay pay attention whenever god sees you infringing on his sovereignty he gonna make a lesson out of you whenever he sees you think you all that he gonna show you at whatever level is needed there is one god and you are not he what he's gonna do is drop the mic on you and he's gonna let you see that he is the sovereign he's in charge and you are not to compete with him if you ever hear tony evans say look at the great oak cliff that i have built if you ever hear me say look at the great prizes and the people and companies and organizations that resource that i have built you better grab me quick because the hammer is getting ready to drop on me to god be the glory great things he has done he is to get the credit he is to get the glory dr tony evans wrapping up his 12-part series on god's heart revealed and that means today's the last day to take advantage of that special offer i mentioned earlier you can get all these messages in their entirety on both cd and digital download as well as tony's brand new book prayers for knowing god is our way of saying thanks when you make a donation to help support tony's ministry just contact us anytime today at to make the 1-800-800-332-2222 resource team members are standing by to assist you 24 7. that's 1-800-800-3222 or make your request online at again that's when life gets thorny many times our only instinct is to do whatever it takes to get things back to normal but tomorrow dr evans will explain that god just might have something bigger in mind be sure to join us the alternative with dr tony evans is brought to you by the urban alternative and is celebrating 40 years of faithfulness thanks to the generous contributions of listeners like you [Music] we have been studying and we are studying the armor of god from ephesians chapter six we have explained that you and i are engaged in a spiritual battle and our premise is very simple until we address the invisible spiritual cause of a matter we can never fully address its visible physical manifestation most of the things that happen into our lives come from a visible physical reality but paul wants us to know that it emanates from an invisible spiritual source it is your ability and my ability to address the invisible spiritual cause that leads to the visible physical cure the unfortunate problem today is that most of us address physical visible problems in physical visible ways which means on our best day we're dealing with fruit not root we're dealing with a cure without addressing its cause paul wants you to know flesh and blood the physical realm is not the source of your problem it is merely the vehicle through which the source works to bring you your problem so if you spend all of your time addressing the physical visible manifestation flesh and blood and very little of your time dealing with the invisible spiritual cause or source or root then the best thing you can do with that issue is manage it not fix it because you're not dealing with where it came from the scripture says that we died with him we were buried with him we were raised with him and now we are seated with him in heavenly places he says that in the book of ephesians we are now living spiritually in another realm so that unless you operate in this realm from that realm you will be controlled by this realm so much of our defeat frustration misery anguish agony and difficulty comes from the fact that we are forgetting our primary location because we have forgotten the fact that the spiritual realm and your ability to function in it determines how you make out in the realm of the five senses the problem occurs because the realm of the five senses we're used to the realm of the five senses that's the way we flow the five senses that's the environment that we know about hearing and seeing and tasting and touching and smelling we we know that world this other world seems so out there so otherworldly so spacey so twilight zone-ish it seems so untouchable so because it doesn't seem as real as the five senses it's not given the priority of the five senses which means we're controlled by the five senses what paul wants you to understand is that what jesus christ achieved we ought to stand firm in that's why he says over and over again stand firm stand firm stand firm beginning in verse 10 because he wants you and i to understand that we don't have to leave what christ did to deal with what we face the moment you leave it you lose your positioning so we started off with his first piece of armor we call it dressing for success he calls it in verse 13 he calls it the belt of truth if you're going to operate from the spiritual realm of verse 14 you must first of all put on your truth belt we explain truth is god based knowledge truth is more than facts you can have facts and not have the truth if you only operate on the facts you may never graduate to the truth and only the truth set you free but the truth that sets you free must be the truth you know you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free so if you don't know the truth you won't be free and if you settle for facts without graduating to the truth then you're settling for information that's not transforming so a lot of us operate on facts and information never getting to the truth which is the god-based reality behind the information and if you never get to that you never get to god if you never get to god you never get the truth if you never get the truth you never get to the origin of a thing if you never get to the origin of the thing you never get to the cause and cure for the thing you're dealing with that the facts have indicated to you facts are not enough facts are essential you got to start with facts to get to the truth but facts are never enough facts are just the starting point to deliver the truth facts are the truth is objective absolute reality it's objective it operates outside of you it's absolute it's non-negotiable and it's reality in its original form therefore the only original person is god so the only way you can arrive at truth is to start from what god says about a subject that's why we told our young people when you start with truth david said you can know more than your teachers because they're occupied with facts never arriving at the truth he then says you put on the breastplate of righteousness in verse 14 he says the breastplate of righteousness when you learn the truth you know the right way to go so then you move in the right way because of the truth you've now discovered once the truth governs the decision then you are now protected why because the devil operates in a lie and he operates wrongly so if you're operating in the truth and moving rightly he has no influence over you so you need truth god based knowledge that leads to right decision making right choices where satan cannot enter or operate from which blocks him the moment he can function on the lie or function on facts without truth or get you to move wrongly rather than rightly gotcha in the spiritual realm which manifests itself in the visible physical realm he now comes to verse 15 our verse for the day and he wants to talk about your shoes he wants to talk about your shoes he's moved from your belt to your breastplate which is the heart of righteousness heart to please the lord heart to move in the way the truth has directed you and now he wants to talk about your shoes this is a day of shoes there are shoes for everything they're dress shoes they are casual shoes there are a million kind of athletic shoes there are shoes that you put on your feet appropriate to every occasion i am sure most of the ladies in here have a wardrobe full of shoes shoes all over the place designed to adorn your feet guess what paul wants you to know paul says in verse 14 there are shoes that if you wear them and don't take them off we'll address a major issue of spiritual warfare in your life he says in verse 15 having your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace having your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace shad means what you have on he says on your feet ought to be some footwear and this footwear is preparation for the gospel of peace the greek word for preparation means readiness you will be ready for the devil if you got your shoes on you will be ready for his attacks if you're wearing your shoes he says if your feet are shot you will be in readiness you will be prepared to deal with the enemy but you got to have your shoes on now to understand why he is saying this you have to understand that the roman soldier had what most football would all football players have they had cliques they had spikes that emanated out of their shoes and the purpose of the spike in the roman soldier's shoe was to give him sure footing it was to keep him from going james brown slipping and sliding it was to keep him mobile it was to keep him stationary in battle and in conflict so he was not easily knocked over so he was not evilly dismantled because the click the spikes that came out of the bottom of the shoe gave him sure footing when he was under attack because we thought about spiritual warfare so when the roman soldier was under attack the the spike the clique would give him footing so that the enemy would not knock him down knock him over would not remove him from his place of stability when he says have your feet shod he is talking about positioning yourself in a stationary position so when the devil comes which he calls the evil day in this passage he can't knock you over he can't knock you off of your feet he can't knock you out and knock you down because what you have on you is stationary it has sunk itself in deep giving you a stationary position or sure footedness in order to keep him from knocking you over i know what it is you know what it is the various levels to be knocked over by the evil one you've been knocked over your circumstances have knocked you over your situation has knocked you over other people have knocked you over your finances has knocked you over your job situation has knocked you over it has removed you from your place of stability your sure-footedness has slipped you have slipped and slid because you were not able to hold on to the turf he has told us over and over again stand firm stand firm stand firm he now tells us at 15 you can't stand firm without shoes on you need shoes on you need shoes with clicks to hold you steady when you're under attack so what he wants to do is create here it is stability he wants to create sure-footedness he doesn't want you sliding he wants you steady he wants you holding on to the ground he wants you solidified in the turf he wants you holding on under attack because this is a war frame under attack i wish i could tell you now that you know jesus you won't be attacked but that's a lie we know it's a lie ain't nothing but a lie from hell because sometimes you haven't seen hard till you met jesus because once you meet jesus you are now under attack now now let me tell you the essence of the attack and we'll deal with this the shoe that you're supposed to be wearing the essence of the attack of the spiritual realm satan and demons the essence of the attack is to keep god's purposes will provision blessings from being manifested in your life the purpose of his war now that you're saved he can't take away your salvation but he can sure make you a miserable christian so since he can't take away from your salvation what he does want is to keep your salvation from working for you now he can't keep you out of heaven but he can make you have hell on earth by keeping what has happened to you when you accepted christ from being manifested in your reality so that's his goal in spiritual warfare to keep you in defeat and to keep you playing defense he doesn't want you in an offense position but we're going to change the side of the ball we on he says i want you to put on the shoes and what is this pair of shoes you and i are supposed to be wearing we started with truth god based knowledge objective absolute reality in its original form god based form we go to right decision making rightness in light of the truth that i learned he now says put on some shoes and these shoes are the gospel of peace he says the shoes i want you to wear under attack is the gospel of peace let's talk about peace all of us know the opposite of peace anxiety worry that's the opposite of peace so if you don't know what peace is if you know what where he is not doing that that's peace okay the biblical definition of peace is come and tranquility of soul peace is calm and tranquility of soul in the midst of difficult circumstances let me give you that definition again the biblical definition of irene the greek word for peace is calm and tranquility of soul despite external turmoil two painters one day were asked to paint a picture of peace in a contest and they wanted to see they were going to win a thousand dollars whoever painted the best picture of peace the first painter painted his picture and oh what a serena portrait it was it was a picture of a lake the sun was glistening off of the lake so you could see the the shine across the water the water was still the painting included a shepherd walking sheep by this serene lake trees were on the side of the lake with birds in them and it was a picture of calm and tranquility and ease and peace what a great picture the second gentleman came out with his portrait and it wasn't like the first one the sky was pitch black lightning was shooting through the thunder was roaring the waves on the water were billowing up and down boats that were on the water were being tossed about trees were blowing in the wind horrifically it was a portrait of disaster but in the corner all the way at the bottom on the left-hand side of the portrait right there at the edge of this horrific circumstance in life was a little bird standing on a rock with its mouth open songs coming out of its mouth and one little light coming from the darkness of the cloud shining down on the bird as it sung in the midst of its darkness when they made the decision about the portrait they said the second man won with the dark surroundings because that's biblical peace biblical peace is when nothing's wrong i'm calm when nothing's wrong you're supposed to be calm something wrong with you if nothing's wrong and you're worried if nothing's wrong and you're anxious you have issues biblical peace is when everything is wrong there is thunder and lightning and the wind's blowing and circumstances are against you and nothing looks right and you're still singing it's when nothing should be creating a song and you still have a song it's when there is tranquility on the inside despite chaos on the outside it's when things are at ease when trouble is all around you don't know whether you have biblical peace until things are not peaceful the only way you got biblical peace as opposed to peace that anybody would have when everything's okay is because all hell is broke loose and you're still singing guess what the bible calls that it calls it a peace that passes understanding in philippians 4. he says the peace that god gives is a peace you don't understand and the reason you don't understand it is because based on the situation you shouldn't be peaceful right now so why am i singing when there is no song why am i calm when everything's chaotic why can i be stable when everything around me is trouble because god has given me a peace that passes understanding because i don't even understand why i'm singing right now so nobody else understands why i'm calm right now nobody else understands why when i lost my job i didn't lose my mind nobody else understands why when there's no money in the bank i'm still praising the lord for his provision nobody else understands why the doctor gave me a bad prognosis and i'm still laying here blessing the lord on my soul and all that is within me i'm blessing his holy name nobody else understands why when my world is falling apart i'm not falling apart with it because you got a peace that passes understanding [Applause] that's peace in the bible in fact so important is this peace this calm the colossians 3 verse 15 says let the peace of god rule in your heart let the peace of god rule in your heart the greek word for rule means umpire what does an umpire do in a baseball game ball strikes he calls it that's what an upper does he calls it if it's a ball cause the ball of his strike calls it a strike and guess what whatever he calls it that's the way it is he makes the call let the peace of god make the call in your life now why do you need to know that because life is full of decisions and choices life is full of you know do i go this way do i go this way do i go that way he says once you've aligned with truth you found god's view on a matter once you've now begun to do righteousness based on the truth let the peace of god make the call in other words god will show you what to do once you're operating on the truth you know by giving you a calm about the decision he will calm your heart by the holy spirit giving you peace sometimes you'll look at a situation and all the facts may line up but you'll say but i just don't feel right about it something not right about this something that god hasn't released me i do not have peace or calm about this thing you always hold up where there is no peace because what he says is i want your feet and remember the greek word is to have is the verb is to have meaning don't ever take these shoes off you are to flow in peace once you've picked up truth and righteousness peace is to be your flow okay now now let me explain something here if peace is not your normal way of operating you ought to sing spiritually let me say it another way if weary is your normal way of operating if weary is your modus operandi if anxiety is how you roll you just go from one worry to another one anxiousness to another and that's how you roll you're not wearing your shoes you're going out with no shoes on you supposed to roll with peace not roll with weary so the mere fact that work now everybody has moments of worry because we still live in our flesh but i'm talking about what's normative for you is peace normative or is worry and anxiety normative if weary and anxiety is normative then that means you are not wearing your shoes but don't worry because i'm going to tell you how to put your shoes on and how to tie them up okay but i just want to get this straight piece is to be the normal ruling operative program in your life john 14 verse 27 john 14 verse 27 jesus is getting ready to go into a very non-peaceful situation and get right be crucified guess what jesus says on his way to be crucified he turns to his disciples in john 14 27 and he says peace i leave with you he says and then he goes deeper he says my peace i leave with you not as the world gives you peace see the world can give you peace momentarily okay the world can give you peace in the form of a pill they give you pill popping peace okay the world will give you pill popping peace the world will give you peace in form of an ejection okay the world will give you peace and in form of prozac the world will give you peace and form of entertainment if i get entertained then for two hours three hours i wanted to think about how miserable i am because it'll be so the world will give you peace but here is the difference between the peace god gives and the peace the world gives the peace the world gives is outside in it's something they do outside that you put in here that makes you feel better temporarily jesus says that is not the peace i'm talking about peace i leave with you and the peace that i leave with you will be my peace and what kind of peace do you have peace that can even handle a cross because he's on his way to be crucified peace that can handle you getting ready to be slain that's the peace because i'm getting ready go to the cross and i'm chilling they get ready for crown of thorns in my head and i'm i'm cool you know i don't prefer it i don't like it let this cup pass from me but we gonna roll with it he says that's the kind of piece i want you to have and that's the kind of piece i want to be normal for you not showing up every now and then worries should show up every now and then anxiety should show up every now and then peace you're supposed to roll with as long as you leave your shoes on okay so he says put on or have your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel jesus said in another place he says in john 16 33 he says um peace i leave with you in this world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world now in order to overcome something you got to have something to overcome that's why peace is always tied to you overcoming something so many things go wrong in a day in a week in a month in a year some of it you have control of it some of it you have absolutely no control of and it'll send you spinning so hear me out now how do you put the shoes on ty lace them up and don't take them off he tells you have your feet shot with the preparation here it is of the gospel of peace peace that jesus is giving away he says is in the gospel okay follow me now peace that jesus is giving away is in the gospel let me say that again peace that jesus is getting away is not in the pill and not in the shot not in your homies not in your favorite television program not in the movies not in a vacation not more money not in a better job that's the world's peace he says the peace that i am talking about that you wear on your feet that hold you stable regardless of external situations is in the gospel he calls it the gospel of peace so to understand the peace that jesus is talking about you got to understand the gospel so let's go back to the gospel the greek word for gospel is the word juan galleon that's how it's pronounced hewon galion is simply translated good news so i got some good news for you the good news of peace now watch this you stick it with me man because we get ready go deep sea diving okay the good news of peace the huang galeon the gospel this word is used a whole lot in the new testament but it was rarely ever used outside of the new testament either in classical greek or koine greek cornegreet means the greek of the common people so classical greek was the more sophisticated greek coin greek was greek of the everyday folk okay the word gospel is rarely found in classical or cornea greek but it's all over the new testament why didn't they use it much because the word gospel in the normal greek dialect and dialogue in greek speaking to people would only be used when the good news was so good it was too good to be true so they didn't use this word i mean it's like going around talking about supercalifragilisticexpialidocious i mean that's just not something you do you know that's not a normal used word well they wouldn't use you on galileo too often because the news had to be so good it had to be too good to be true yet in the gospels and in the epistles it's gospel gospel gospel gospel gospel gospel why because the good news is too good to be true so the question is what's the good news then that's so good that it's too good to be true well we all know that the gospel refers to the death and resurrection of jesus christ as our substitute for our sins we know that and we know that when a person trusts christ alone for the forgiveness of sins and for the gift of eternal life they are forgiven for time and eternity for sin we know that okay and that means we are saved or born again because you say i'm saved but i don't live with peace i live with worry well here's a problem you either don't believe or understand the gospel or i don't believe or understand the gospel and here's the problem most christians apply the gospel only to what it takes to get to heaven see we only apply the gospel to getting saved so that i'll go to hell and i go i go to live with jesus christ forever that's just the part of the gospel the gospel has a bunch to do with earth i love romans 5 verses 5 to 10. read it when you get a chance he says you know when we were sinners christ died for us but then he says if we were saved by his death how much more shall we be saved by his life in other words we save for heaven by his death but he says when he rose from the dead and went up to heaven and seated on the right hand apart he's delivering you for life we know the gospel because of the death what we have missed is the gospel of the life all right now i do want you to turn here first thessalonians 5 23. first thessalonians 5 23. okay here is where we're going to go deep sea diving here now may the god of peace did you hear that now may the god of peace himself oh i love that word himself it means god with nobody else's help may the god of peace himself you entirely and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete without blame at the coming of our lord jesus christ let me read that again may the god of peace all by himself himself sanctify you entirely and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete without blame of the coming of the lord jesus christ okay here we go here we go here we go when you accepted jesus you were justified that means god declared you righteous and now you got a free passport to heaven but the rest of your time on earth is being sanctified that is being transformed in your soul he says the god who gives peace does it as part of his sanctification process and the god who gives peace who does it as part of this part of the gospel the sanctifying part of the gospel does it here it is from spirit to soul to body and the order is everything he does not do it from body to soul to spirit he does it from spirit to soul to body so if you're looking out here for peace you're looking in the wrong direction he does not start with the body then go to the soul then wind up with the spirit he starts at the spirit he says the god of peace and he moves to the soul then he moves to the body the reason why we can't find peace is we're doing it backwards christian soldiers we're trying to find peace in the wrong direction all right let me explain your spirit that's the god part of you that's the perfect part of you if any man is in christ he's a new creation all things pass away and behold all things become new in 2nd corinthians 5 17. he says the spirit is the thing of god the nature of god that's been deposited into every believer and it is perfect all of god is operative right now in your spirit everything or god's powers in your spirit god's presence within your spirit joy is in your spirit peace is in your spirit powers in your spirit righteousness is in your spirit holiness is in your spirit everything that's perfect is in your spirit that is the one part of you the devil does not have access to because if the devil had access to it it wouldn't be perfect it is the perfect divine nature of god and it is the only place the spiritual realm of darkness does not have access to if you've accepted christ you've got a pill inside of you a spirit pill a seed the bible calls it that is full of the dna of deity all right the problem is your perfect spirit is lodged in your imperfect soul your soul is your personality it's your mind your emotions and your will that's your personality and that is distorted and damaged so if your body is malfunctioning it's because it's got a malfunctioning soul the mind is malfunctioning the emotions are malfunctioning and the choices are malfunctioning a malfunctioning soul which all of us have leads to a malfunctioning body well now if i got a malfunctioning body and i got a malfunctioning soul how is my malfunctioning body gonna go out and fix my malfunctioning body when my body is malfunctioning i can't fix me i can only try to manage my mess that's why new year's resolutions don't last because that's managing your mess that is trying to get the outside of you to fix the inside of you god doesn't work that way he works first let's only 5 23 from spirit to soul to body that's how he works so here it is so if i want my body to work right i got to get my soul working right cause my body only does what my soul tells it to do but the problem is my soul doesn't work right my soul has been affected by the way i was raised my soul has been affected by the sins i've committed my soul has been affected by people who committed sins against me my soul has been affected by scenarios my soul has been affected by what my peers think my soul has been affected by television and radio and movies and my soul has been affected by things i've learned in school and my soul has got all this information coming to it and that's why my soul is one way one year in another way another year that's why my personality is all up and down and and my i got a problem in my soul and my soul is telling my body what to do so when my soul is worried my body starts twitching so when i get nervous and i stay nervous long enough my eyes start twitching because because my soul is damaged and it's telling my body what to do it's called psychosomatic illnesses that's what psychology calls it psychology the study of the soul is so you can have psychosomatic illnesses you go to the doctor and you say this is her net certain they say i can't find anything wrong well what has happened is that the damaged soul is rubbing off on the body and so the body is expressing the damage and that's what happens when we lose our peace the peace is not lost in the body the peace is lost in the soul so the body can't sleep the peace is lost in the soul so the body wants to stay laying down the peace is lost in the soul so the body gets mad and you get a temper and you cuss and fuss and stay mad because you got an angry soul it just comes out in your vocabulary it's the angry soul the unpeaceful soul that's telling the body that you got to let everybody else know how miserable you are so when you say somebody don't you ought to stop cussing you are not cussed like a seller when their soul has not been fixed all they can do is manage language they can't be changed by it so but most people started the body and hope they can do something with the toll so they go for analyzing and counseling so i'm gonna save you three hundred dollars an hour right now okay because this is free maybe the god of peace the god who gives him peace all by himself himself sanctify you the greek word sanctify means to set apart as unique or special so i'm talking about something special now may the god of peace sanctify you in your spirit soul and body so here's how it works the goal of the spirit is to release into the soul the dna of god the goal of the spirit is to release into the soul the dna of god so that the soul gets changed because of what's being released into it by the spirit then the goal of the soul is to release the dna that came from the spirit into the body so the body piggybacks off the soul because the soul is piggybacking off of the spirit the reason why we don't have peace is that the soul is not piggybacking off the spirit so the soul doesn't have that information to pass on so the question is how do i get the soul to piggyback off of the spirit so that i can have peace because i need to go to sleep i need to be able to rest i need to stop worrying i need to stop twitching i need to stop being so anxious but my soul has got to get back to my spirit not talk to my body okay it is in order for the soul to grab the spirit here it is the soul must agree with the spirit okay follow me now if the soul disagrees with the spirit the spirit won't release anything because the spirit is perfect and it won't partner with imperfection the spirit will only partner with the soul when the soul agrees with the spirit which is why you must start with truth you must start with truth because that's the way things really are despite how you feel despite what mama taught you despite what you learned in school despite what you know all your life despite what your posse thinks if it doesn't agree with the spirit it must be rejected once the soul accepts the outside the inside will close up clam up and release nothing so you could be searching for peace for the rest of your life and all you will get is management on the outside and no change on the inside because nothing is being released from the spirit into the soul because the gospel only relates to what jesus christ accomplished not what the doctor can prescribe it only relates to what jesus christ has accomplished may the god of peace send peace from the spirit into the soul so that it winds up in the body so here's the only way to get peace i'm talking about real peace not fake peace the only way is when the soul has to make a decision when you have to decide which way to go which road to take how am i going to not worry in this situation i just lost my job there's no money in the bank i got the facts the facts don't look good the facts are causing me to worry i must then retreat to what the spirit says the spirit says i don't have any money in my pocket but the spirit says my god shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in christ jesus now that's what the spirit says in truth my soul says you broke as a skunk my soul says how you gonna pay your life bill my soul says they're gonna kick you out of your house my soul said and that's fact the fact is i'm broke the fact is my soul is telling me the truth they're going to cut my lights out it's not that my soul is wrong is that my soul doesn't have the truth it just has the facts but once my soul goes to my spirit and the spirit says the truth of god's word and the soul and the spirit agree a release valve is opened up and out of the spirit flowing into the soul is the peace of god that passes understanding because last year this time i would have lost my natural mind but the spirit has been able to release into the soul so now my body can go to sleep at night knowing i'm going to sleep on the truth and i can tell my soul you're lying you ain't nothing but a liar and i'm calling myself a liar you are a liar because god is the truth [Music] so the god of peace will flow peace listen the moment you begin to worry you ought to tell yourself the moment that worry pops up you can't stop it from popping up but the moment it pops up and seeks control that's the moment you want to run to the spirit and the only way to run there is to find out god's view on the subject that's the only way to run to the spirit you know that's why i love philippians 4 7 it says be anxious for nothing but in all things through prayer and supplication let your requests be made known to god and it says and watch this now i love this and when you go to god during those words and moments watch as it says philippians 4 7 says go with thanksgiving why does he tell you to go with thanksgiving okay watch this you don't miss this this is sweet because when god deposited the spiritual seed in you it's like an acorn all the oak is already located you know what you don't have to infuse anything into an acorn to help it become an oak once it's planted in the right location it will become an oak because all the oak is already in the acorn all the god is already in the spirit you don't have to add god to god to get god all the god you're ever going to get is already there so when you go to god and say i have a need i have a situation i have a circumstance what i'm giving thanks for is that the answer has already been deposited in the spiritual realm lord i got this problem but you talked about this answer that answer is already been deposited so i want to thank you even though i don't see it manifested yet that it's going to be manifested because the spirit already houses it it's already there see that's why i can give thanks and you can give thanks even in tough times because god has already answered in advance in the spirit your goal isn't to try to get something new your goal is to draw out what god has already deposited it's a change of direction look submarines don't have to get nervous in a storm because they going deep fish fish don't have nerve attacks when it's storming because they know storms or as bad as storms get they will only get 25 feet below sea level on the worst day so they go 26 feet in other words they go deep when things get chaotic when your world gets chaotic that's the time to go deep that's time to dip down that's the time to say okay god you sending me to the spirit realm where there's calm down there there's peace down there there's cool down there i can chill down there because down there is the perfect mind of god in the spirit but we retreat out there to that which can't give us real peace only world peace so my challenge is you just put on your shoes and don't take them off don't take them off this is something you keep on you at all times in all situations don't take them off isaiah 26 3 says and you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon you when your mind agrees with god's mind you will get god's spiritual results and then you'll know you've just experienced god i love the story of the three hebrew me boys shadow rack and bendigo they got fired and i do mean fire nebuchadnezzar said we firing you when they heard the bad news now you talk about something that will take away your peace you get ready be burned alive that'll take away your peace they looked at nebuchadnezzar and said oh nebby we do not have to be concerned about answering you according to this matter our god whom we serve is able to deliver us from your furnace of burning fire and then he went on to say but even if he doesn't we're not going to bow before your gods nebuchadnezzar got so ticked off that he told them to light the furnace and make it seven times hotter than it normally is because he was upset that they didn't quiver at the threat they were thrown in see following god doesn't mean you don't hit the fire they were thrown in after a while nebuchadnezzar came up and looked inside and said what is this we put in three men shadrach meshach and abednego we tied them up i'm looking through this glass and i see four men and they're all walking around in the fire full of peace full of calm in a bad situation that's because there was a fourth person in the fire god joined them in it let me explain something to you god's not going to join the world to help you out he michael you going out there and you calling on god and praying to god so god can come out here to the world to give you the peace because god would be compromising his peace to join their peace but if you will take your stand with the mind of god the god of peace all by himself will show up in the fires of life and take off the ropes take off the chains and give you peace they were under fire there's somebody in here today and you're under fire you've lost your job listen don't panic run to the spirit realm david said i've never seen the righteous forsaken and i've never seen that seed begging bread and you hold on to what god said and watch what god does some of you were fired from your job and you don't know where your new job is well you run back to the spirit realm and say god you said that if a man doesn't work he ought not eat i'm willing to work so i can eat so i thank you for the job you're already preparing that hasn't become manifest yet you go back to the spirit realm every time satan wants to remove your peace you look down at your feet you hold your ground you connect with the spirit world so that you let this world know that that world is telling you what to do and he will give you a peace that passes understanding without him you cannot but without you he will not when we travel across a bridge it typically means that two bodies of land have been separated by a challenge this bridge is designed to take you from where you are to where you are trying to go the bridge that god has constructed for you to move from the natural to the supernatural is the bridge called faith unbelief will keep you stuck where you are unbelief is so powerful it'll stop god's work in your life he says i believe help my uncle he said i believe but i'm shaking will you give me what i lack so i can go deep enough to believe so even if your faith is weak you've got a faith helper so get ready for your miracle as long as you cross the bridge [Music] our series is believing is seeing experiencing the supernatural it is our intended purpose for you to begin to experience in your life in your world the supernatural interruption of god to move you from the natural to the supernatural experience of his reality in your life as a common occurrence and not merely as an occasional thing that may happen or may not happen in your lifetime again i want to distinguish the difference between supernatural and natural natural means that it's operating according to the laws of nature the laws are already known science studies them we operate on them the law of gravity what goes up must come down these are the rules by which the world works and they're natural men can discover them and use them for living but when we speak about the supernatural we're speaking about when god overrides his own laws when god steps in to a law a circumstance a situation and brings to it or upon it something that comes from outside of it our twin word that we would call those things are miracles things that god does that are outside of the laws that he himself has established i would like to suggest to you that the supernatural is not as far from you as you may think but it is predicated on faith now we've explained faith acting like god is telling the truth acting like it is so even when it's not so in order that it might be so simply because god said so and in our story today we find this principle of believing is seeing being brought to light again jesus is on his way to galilee and he comes across philip and he tells philip phillip follow me philip says okay philip has a homeboy named nathaniel is there and philip says nate we have found him the one who the whole old testament prophesied about jesus of nazareth we found him the whole bible we've been studying all these years about the coming messiah nate we have discovered him he's here nathaniel we'll call him nate for sure nate says um can any good thing come out of nazareth you you're telling me messiah has come out of nazareth we're talking about the son of joseph the cop of this kid you're saying that's the messiah can any good thing come out of that jesus sees him coming and says behold an israelite indeed in whom there is no deceit in other words nathaniel i heard what you just said about me can any good thing come out of nazareth nathanael said to him how do you know me i've never met you we've never talked before we've never interact it's my first time how do you know how do you know my background how do you know what i was talking about that you could claim that i was being honest about it how do you know me jesus continues before philip called you when you were under the fig tree i saw you so that leads nathaniel to conclude in verse 49 rabbi you are the son of god you are the king of israel strictly based on what jesus said that he saw which he couldn't have known without having some supernatural insight and knowledge because he wasn't there when he was under fig tree he wasn't there when philip asked him to come and see and yet he knew all this information he said to him uh you've got to be the son of god what he does here stay with me is affirm jesus's deity son of god in other words you have the uh characteristics of divinity you have the nature of god you are the son of god he declares his deity he expresses to jesus i believe you are not only the son of god your messiah that is you are the king of israel he confesses it so say with me we have now nathaniel moving from a big question mark can anything good come out of nazareth and in lickety-split he now is confessing you are not just an ordinary man you are god incarnate you are the son of god so his his doubt has now become enough faith to make a public confession about who jesus is so he's moved in a manner of minutes spiritually because of what he heard jesus say now watch what happens next jesus says to him because i said to you i saw you under the fig tree i just talked to you you heard my word and i said it to you do you believe question mark you will see greater things than these he's doubting one minute he's confessing christ the next minute and he says if you keep this belief thing going you ain't seen nothing yet you will see greater things than these many of you come every sunday and you hear a message you may agree with the message you may amend the message and jesus said to nathanael and i say to you he wants to do more than give you another sermon he wants to do more than give you another message he wants to do more in fact he wants to give you something you can see once god gives you something you can see with your own two eyes once he once he lets you see something something because you've operated in faith now his reality his power his presence is a whole new ball game for you because now you're not depending on a sermon you just became one so he says i i got some stuff nate that will blow your mind if i can get your faith to keep moving do you believe question mark you you you have grown in your faith but i have a lot more and then he comes in verse 51 and he said to him truly truly i say to you you will see the heavens opened and the angels of god ascending and descending on the son of man i'm going to show you some greater stuff now before i go any further i want to drop a exegetical note in here because you need to know that the word you that he's going to show him this heaven and opening up is plural so he moves from in the greek texas plural so you can be singular or you can refer to a group plural well it's plural so he's carrying on a conversation with an individual but he jumps from nathanael and talks to the group and guess what you and i are in the group so this is not just what he's getting ready to tell nathaniel isn't just for nathanael he says it's for the rest of y'all too you're going to see heaven open up which means it was closed and you're going to see angels going up and down from heaven to earth on the son of man this brings us into the doctrine of angels angels are god's delivering service they're the mailmen the male persons of god their spirit beings and their job is to deliver whatever god wants me to be delivered from heaven to history now hebrews chapter 1 14 says that every believer has been assigned their own angel hebrews 1 14 says that so if you are a christian you have an angel at least one that has been assigned to you what's the job of an angel to be your spiritual mailman male person because their job is to deliver when heaven opens up something heaven wants to do down in history that history can see because you're going to see it so you have a male person whose job it is to respond to you on earth from heaven but you only get to see that when heaven opens so if heaven is closed it's like a holiday you don't get the mail heaven has to be open for you to see what your angel is supposed to deliver to you and take from you back up to heaven because they're descending and ascending they're going down and up oh wait a minute he just shifted language nathanael said you are the son of god he said because you recognize i'm the son of god if you take that belief and move with it you're going to see the angels come on the son of man son of god is jesus's deity son of man is jesus's humanity we call it the hypostatic union two natures in one person unmakes forever he's god and man he's god so he creates he's man so he was born he's god because he can feed five thousand he's man because he can get hungry he's man because he can walk on water man because he get thirsty he's god because he can walk on water he's man he can die he's god he can raise the dead so you got son of man son of god in one person he says because you recognize i'm son of god you're gonna watch me be son of man because you recognize i'm from up there you're gonna be seeing me do some stuff down here where human beings live and the angels will be going up and down the ladder of the son of man now he just told nathanael what he was thinking you see he's under the fig tree he's a man with no deceit and he's going to see angels going up and down well that comes straight out of genesis chapter 28 when jacob was running from his brother esau terrified he was going to get killed by his brother he finally comes to a place where he's too tired to go any further he lays down puts his head on the rock and the bible says jacob had a dream and jacob had a dream and he saw a ladder going from earth to heaven and heaven to earth and he saw angels going up and down the ladder and when he saw the angels going up and down the ladder god said to him i'm going to be with you i'm going to take care of you i'm going to provide for you i'm going to fulfill my covenant with you and even though your life is messed up right now heaven has got an answer for the mess you have put yourself in so nathaniel you under the fig tree jacob is called the man full of guile you're a man of no guile the seat means guile that's cause you're up there meditating on how am i gonna get connected to heaven you're gonna get connected to heaven the same way the one you were thinking about got connected to heaven on a ladder but it won't be a ladder with rungs in it it'll be a son of man ladder in other words jesus christ is your link to experiencing the supernatural from heaven to earth or as the scripture says we have one mediator between god and man and that is the man christ jesus so it is your operating faith in christ not your intellectual faith not your emotional faith it will be as you'll see in a second you're operating faith in christ where you get to see heaven move okay so we have a question on the floor when am i going to see this where am i going to see this man come on jesus okay well first of all it's contingent upon your belief and your willingness to confess okay you must believe enough to act on what he says and to confess identification with him he confesses jesus to be the son of god so let me tell you now how to keep heaven closed be embarrassed to be identified with christ okay heaven will shut up on you because god is glorifying his son so if you're a secret agent christian spiritual cia representative and covert operative uh don't expect heaven to open heaven will stay totally closed if you're embarrassed about being a christian i'm not talking about believing in god no i'm talking about identification with jesus christ the bible says in matthew chapter 10 if you deny me before men i will deny you before my father who is in heaven so you asking for this miracle but you deny association with me i will deny you before my father heaven will stay closed and angels will not come down the ladder they will be on holiday so there must be the identification and confession of christ for you to see it with operating faith because he's already expressed faith but jesus raised the question now do you believe do you believe enough to operate and follow me now three days later so this story is continuing there was a wedding in cana of galilee and the mother of jesus was there and both jesus and his disciples were invited to the wedding so when he went to the wedding when the wine ran out verse 3 the mother of jesus says there they have no wine we don't have enough juice wine has run out in other words jesus what you're going to do about it you were invited to the wedding wink wink i know who you are jesus said to her woman what does that have to do with us my hour has not yet come you want me to solve your problem apart from my purpose and woman you're my mother i love you but but i don't operate apart from the will of god so watch this when god does the supernatural he does it in accordance to his will based on his timeline my hour that's time has not yet come so when you are expecting because you're operating in faith and confessing him if you're not doing those things two things you can't expect the supernatural but if you're doing those two things you have to understand he operates according to his will and based on his timeline it's got to agree with his hour and it's by got to be consistent with his purposes okay my hour has not come so mother backs off mother says to the servants whatever he says to you do it now when she backs off and gives jesus the freedom to do it his way and not demand that he does it her way jesus says it says in verse six there were um six stone water pots each one could hold 30 uh 20 to 30 gallons each and he said to them fill the water parts with water so they are filled up to the brim now before you get to that verse it sounded like jesus was going to do nothing because he says woman why are you asking me to do that my hour has not yet not yet come so it sounds like he's telling her forget it i ain't trying to do do that when she backs off and he says to her he says to the folks okay now here's what i want you to do and i'll tell you why in a moment as we close he says i want you to fill these water pots up with water so the servants went and they fill these gallons uh 20 to 30 gallon pots six of them they fill it up with water when they fill it up with water he said to them draw some out now and take it to the head waiter so they took it to him when the headwaiter tasted the water which had become wine watch this damn and did not know where it came from but the servants who had joined the water knew the headwaiter called the bride's groom and said him every man serves the good wine first and when the people have drunk freely then he serves the poor wine but you have kept the good wine until now this beginning of just the signs jesus did in cain of galilee manifested his glory and the disciples believed in him whoa let me tell you about something when god does a supernatural thing whatever that is because you confess and you operate in faith even though things may look empty right now the parts were empty even though it looks like there's nothing there even though it looks like there's no hope even though it's empty whatever he says to you even in your emptiness do i don't feel like it i'm tired i'm worn out i'm depleted i'm empty in in spite of the emptiness in the bible wine was a symbol of joy whenever whenever wine is used it was joyful occasions typically he says fill it up to the brim because even though it's empty when i get finished doing my thing oh they're gonna be all the joy you can get a handle up in here even though it's empty not only that but he goes on to say he saved the best for last it may not be the best right now but you haven't come to the last because sometimes god waits till the last second to pull off what he wants to do sometimes he waits till there's no other option to pull off what he wants to do sometimes he waits till you don't think you can make it any further to pull off what he wants to do why would you take your time when my pot is empty jesus it says because his disciples believed in him but wait a minute they had already believed in him how do you say they're believing in me now when they've already believed in me before well when you see the supernatural injuring to the natural that's a whole other level of belief you may believe in him in church but when he breaks through for you oh that's another level of belief you're going to believe like you never believed before your confidence will be great because you will see his glory now you know why he did not tell he did not let his mother's request go through up front he did not let his mother's request go through up front because this miracle wasn't for the crowd it was for the disciples he wasn't ready it says the bridegroom didn't know how it happened the headmaster didn't know how it happened because god wasn't trying to do it for everybody else he was trying to do it for his followers now why was he trying to do it for his followers because when his followers got the message about the glory of jesus christ he would have no problem having representatives out there in the public because now his reps are going to tell what jesus was able to do one of the reasons god can't get his church folk to be his representative is they have not yet seen his glory but if you ever see his glory you won't be able to keep your mouth shut if you ever see his glory you won't be able to keep it to yourself if you've ever seen his glory you won't be able to hold it in because you will have seen what god can do when he breaks through supernaturally and turns your water in the wine [Music] history was never installed to operate separate from eternity earth was never created to operate independently of heaven time was never made to be distinct from eternity you see the way god created our life and our world was to be dynamically and directly connected to him the moment that cord is cut and earth seeks to run on its own independently of god then it's going to fly off the handle in every aspect of our lives and we'll fly off the handle with it god wants to be dynamically involved if your life is going to be ordered if it's going to make sense if our world is going to operate like it was created to operate but the further we push eternity away the further we keep heaven from invading earth the further we negate the lord's prayer thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven the moment we begin to function with that mindset no matter what our words are then don't expect anything other than chaos confusion discombobulation we've got to reconnect we got to go back to the outlet and plug earth back into heaven our lives back into god and his word so that we can see what the electricity looks like when it flows from up there down here empowering us to be what we were created to be down here because we're pulling from the life up [Music] there [Music] no [Music] do [Music] bye foreign [Music] you
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Rating: 4.8886509 out of 5
Keywords: tony evans sermon, tony evans sermons, tony evans, sermons, sermon, tony evans radio, motivational sermons, inspirational sermons, tony evans message, tony evans wife, pastor tony evans, sermons on prayer, prayer sermons, sermons on satan, jesus sermons, jesus sermon, prayer sermon, sermons on demons, sermons on belief, sermons on demonic, trust sermon, belief sermon
Id: vXmynzOzDmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 22sec (6082 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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