Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, KEEP YOUR DRESS DOWN - July 8th 2018

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[Music] when the Lord saw that Leo was not loved he enabled her to conceive but Rachel remained childless Leah became pregnant and gave birth to a son she named him Reuben for she said is because the Lord has seen my misery surely my husband will love me now she conceived again and when she gave birth to a son she said because the Lord heard that I am not loved he gave me this one too so she named him Simeon again she conceived and when she gave birth to a son she said now Edmond at last my husband will become attached to me because I have borne him three sons so he was named Levi she conceived again or she gave birth to a son she said this time I'll praise the Lord so she named him Judah and she stopped having children you may be seated look at verse 35 keep your Bibles a jar is replete with revelations and insights and information that I want to give you just is 29 verse 35 she conceived again when she gave birth to a son she said this time I'll praise the Lord so she named him Judah then she stopped having children I want to preach on this I final service for the day I'm appreciative your dressed down because of the sensitivity of subject I will not have you turn to your neighbor and you just keep keep you dress down sisters are relentlessly soaring to new heights in this era of civil rights after the massacre in Charleston South Carolina Bree Newsome outside of the State Capitol scaled the stand holding the Confederate flag to dismantle the symbolism of white supremacy and to underscore while all related monuments need to come down and now most recently in the wake of this heinous inhumane immigration policy that displaces children from their parents with to thousands children still disconnected men in the movement have made press statements but it took 44 year-old Teresa Patricia Akuma was an immigrant from the Congo State to take action on so-called Independence Day the full-time fitness instructor moved up the base of the Statue of Liberty and staved off authorities for over three hours she held her ground and it became difficult for them to reach her because she sat in the folds of Lady Liberty's dress she held her ground repeating her position that she wouldn't come down until all the children were released the meaning was completely missed by the press not just that she was placed right above the inscription that states give me your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free the wretched refuse of your teeming Shores she sat over it because our present policies are in direct contradiction to that statement my dear friends I ought tell you that demonstrators should in fact be holed up in front of thousands of churches in America this morning blocking the entrance because in many instances our code of conduct does line up with Jesus's statement come unto me all that are weary and are heavy laden and i'll give you rest you should be burned out because of Church church ought to be the place that gives you strength that gives you refreshing and gives you renewal all the more to sit on the bottom of her dress as a feminists created a scream in octaves of equality in the middle of the me2 movement Teresa was coming to the aid of a woman in distress who's been robbed of her voice who we know as Lady Liberty Lady Liberty against her will keeps getting groped with her dress being lifted by those who enjoy her benefits but don't take seriously her relationship the dress of Lady Liberty keeps being lifted by pseudo patriotism that tries to define and justify domestic terrorism Lady Liberty's dress is being lifted up for those who pretend taking a knee is an insult to those who fought for freedom when it's freedom that allows us to take a knee in the first place the dress is being lifted up by the Republican Party who refused to even have a hearing for President Obama's Supreme Court nominee in fear that it would in fact shift the balance of ideology in this nation Lady Liberty is sick of her dress being pulled up by white supremacist who called the police if we go to picnic Starbucks or Waffle House and deport Haitians and Africans at a higher rate than any other Democrat demographic in the nation I would quote Patrick Henry give me liberty or give me death until I remember that Patrick owned slaves liberty is distinctively different from freedom because freedom is the ability to do as one wills and what one has the power to do whereas liberty deals with the absence of restraints so when they put on red white and blue and drink beer and say liberty and justice for all they really don't mean it where are all the protesters who declared out loud all lives matter if all lives matter why won't you protesting when children were in cages and cheated less than the performance of a pit bull it says everybody should Excel what's this - with no restraints as long as it does not interrupt another person's freedom I am in fact not calling for your freedom I'm calling here this for your liberty your liberty means that there are no restraints there's no limits there are no obstacles there are no hindrances there are no obstructions to anything that God has called for you to do I want to lift up that hand I want to speak an Apostolic announcement to you everything has been slowing down your progress and now bind it by the blood of Jesus Christ's everything that's been stopping your momentum and your movement and now crush it by the power of Calvary every word that was spoken to besmirched your character or to assassinate your integrity I now reverse the curse back into the mouth of the person that spoke against you there will be no obstruction to your freedom those of you who believe that as of this moment because of the release of the Holy Spirit there will be no obstruction I hope y'all a shout about it no limit to your earning potential no limit to your ideas no limit to your business no limit to your assignment no limit to your opportunities no limit to your children no limit to your bank account no limit to your spending no limit to your vision no limit to your dream and those of you who believe by faith that the limitations have just been lifted will you give God's Thanksgiving now like you believe God just took the bread sauce you can no longer forward after today after today as of 12:30 God will not allow anybody else to illegally use you god I can't hear nobody nobody will have enough influence to manipulate you to seduce you or to distract you from what you have been called to do God is now putting a restraining order around the neck of every person demonically assigned to slow down the will of God in your life I wish L would shout about it whoever has been coming into your life with a spirit of confusion and insanity and drama and stress God is holding them back by 500 feet whoever it is that brings cussing out of you aggravation out of you stress out of you and the headaches out of you the power of the Holy Ghost is deleting your contact information from a linear phone y'all ain't saying nothing to me whoever been trying to sabotage your gift your assignment and your call you won't be able to find them because they are here to fall under your feet whatever demon been assigned in your house they are summarily being evicted and evacuated who ever been assigned in your child to your mother's health to your father's mental state the curse been reversed and no weapon a farm you will press [Applause] highly somebody ought to shout about it I only wants you shouting have you been running up on a brick wall if every time you take two steps forward something pushing your back will you give God glory no more limits you may be seated there's another sister I want to discuss [Music] we gotta go but those of y'all that feel the fire god will you just announce to your role for me the limits are off god I can't hear nobody in here idatr shouted again don't you dare tell me what I can't do what I can't accomplish what I can't achieve what I cannot obtain oh there's another sister I want to discuss with you this morning and their sister and the balance of time that has been afforded and allotted to me this sister never climbed a flagpole never climbed up on the Statue of Liberty she just existed she didn't even have a life she just existed and that that's the that's the lot that many of you find yourselves in you just live in with no life payin bills with no expectation working a job you don't even love living with people you got nothing in common with and his sister she's living on her father Levens farm and one day unannounced a scoundrel by the name of Jacob who is a fugitive runs up on their property looking for refuge he sees Rachel and is immediately smitten goes to the Father Laban and performs the first episode of let's make a deal says I worked seven years if you'll give me your daughter Rachel what Jacob doesn't realize is that Laban is a bigger rascal than him I don't care how slick you are you gonna find somebody who want I'll select you every criminal in jail thought they were smarter than the police the young man Jacob ends up marrying was this leo who he never wanted I want to walk slow cuz I'm walking heavy listen to me very carefully I told you at 12:30 things are shifting in you and around you but I'm gonna say to you as rug it is gonna be raw it's gonna be real Halle something is ignited in you that God will not allow you to warn anybody who don't want you y'all just missed it you are free I hope 50 y'all the fearless thing you are free from playing second fiddle I am not an option on the first choice god I can't hear nobody and if I don't feel like I'm first choice I'm opting out cuz I don't wait in lines I need somebody who knows what God has for me is not a friends-and-family policy I'm not sharing I'm too selfish for that God you gotta give me somebody whose whole attention is on me [Applause] Leah ends up marrying a man who she know don't wanna and knows that his heart is somewhere else I need to show you something because healing is gonna happen in this place I'm telling you I almost went to weeping when I was reading the scripture and I couldn't wait to get it to you I need you to go to Genesis 29 I want you to go to verse 31 and I want to really heal somebody on the day look at verse 31 it's gonna help you and all of my days of reading the Word of God and studying preaching and being your pastor I never saw this revelation until this week and when I read it it almost made me want to jump out of my own skin cuz I knew you were coming to this 11:30 service look at look at verse 31 please look at it and the Lord saw leah was unloved so he blessed it's gonna maybe deep y'all for those of yahuwah's super-spiritual he never saw Leah Shou never saw Claire never saw her run in the church God saw how she was unloved and says you were too good to be that neglected God I can't hear you're too valuable to be ignored and to be treated like the bottom of somebody's shoe so because they didn't know how to love you I'm gonna make it up to you y'all ain't saying nothin to me he said because of how you are unloved I'm gonna give you the ability to produce you got people now who don't understand the level of blessing you got don't know why you drive what you drive while you live the way you live while you're making the money you make it why got the job you have and they don't even understand you one with me in the seasons I felt unloved God I can't hear nobody you you you don't know the moments when I begin to second-guess my own Worth and my own value and one even sure with our deserving of love and affection and attention and God saw me at that broken place and says you forgot that I'm your first love and it don't matter who comes and who goes I'm still gonna take care you I'm sick are y'all Saints acting like you always been happy and always been fulfilled and always have somebody but I'm talking to some people that had to fight real depression had to fight to anxiety and head to deal with unmeasured stress and head days you didn't want to get out of the bed and you could look yourself in the mirror God said I owe you some stuff I refuse to let you be my job and feel alone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah I'm trying to move but I feel this presence right here I just need 50 of you to lay hands on yourself and shout out la I am good enough hallelujah y'all y'all didn't say that thing I need you to shut Satan up I need you to lay hands on yourself good enough I deserve to be loved and spoiled ever valued and honored and appreciated and not take it for granted I deserve to be [Applause] and he opened up her womb he opened up her womb and help her conceive hallelujah simply because she was she one being loved right for those of you now gonna be super deep God is gonna help you to be productive in this season because of all of the things they kept trying to avoid yourself esteem for for everything that tried to kill you off before you developed into the woman of the man that God wanted you to be ain't even talking about who you dated I'm tell my family members that never supported you a develop ship or shined on you God said because you weren't long [Applause] I'm help you to conceive a mom I'm in verse 32 I'm in Genesis 29 and she has her first son and name's him Ruben do y'all see that in your Bible she named him Ruben why because he has seen my misery he's seen my misery and Charlotte my husband will love me now gossip when you move into this next season and dispensation of blessings you cannot do it for other people's approval hallelujah I'm doing this for you I'm doing this for God I don't need you to validate who it is you had your shot but that window is now closed because people will cry Hosanna I'm sick of living for people there are some timing and fair weather prayer I hope that will be consistent so you ain't even got to tell them when I do it you don't owe them an explanation or a testimony let them find out on their own y'all ain't saying nothin to me and they're gonna know I've been had this you just found out I've been working in the background while you were up trying to get likes on Instagram I was grinding and hustling trying to get my dream off the ground [Applause] look at verse 33 and she conceived again she conceived again Wow I need y'all to see it in your Bible don't take my word for it she conceived again because the Lord heard I'm lost this is important Wow because the first time he saw it now folketing about me god help me so this time I got a do with the ship people love God help me because there's some people who think you ain't gonna make it without them god help me be careful put my name out your mouth god yummy you you don't know who I belong to you you don't know who I'm connected to I'm telling you they're gonna be some people that are gonna be sorry that they didn't take better care you when they had that access and the opportunity but you ran in my name to the mud and I didn't say nothing because God said if you hold your peace I'll fight your battles for you and now people you ain't even know apologizing I'm even know you was nice for real cuz all this stuff I heard about you I thought you was one way y'all ain't saying nothing get to know me boo check your references huh I'm not who they say I am I am who he says that I cuz the Lord heard that I'm not loved he gave me this one too and she named him Simeon I got a all the question how many times does God need to prove he's not forgotten you hallelujah morning by morning new mercies I see all I have needed yes ham has provided huh I came to tell you if you don't do nothing else he's done enough already and you ought to be giving God glory just for what I did yesterday out of insufficient I'm in verse 34 now my husband will be attached to me God did all it is and she's still worried about somebody who don't wanna [Music] her mind is still on somebody who never professed to love her God keep givin her all these blessings and she still involved with somebody she should have never been with God y'all don't like me this morning she said and my husband will be attached to me so she named him Levi how much it'll stretch out your hand in any direction that is feasible without you messing up somebody's hair stretch out their hand I'm gonna say it to you by the power of the Holy Ghost you are now disconnected from unnecessary attachments God is freeing you from every sexual soul tire from every habit that will in fact debilitate your growth and stunt your prayer life God is pulling people out of your system so that when you see them you won't even feel nothing you won't even miss him Yahweh saying nothing all of the memories are being deleted out of your memory bank God is now freeing you until you are happy that you find out that they're with somebody else God free me whoever he's blocking me from seeing that you've been blessing me all this time look at verse 35 and I'm finished I still got time on the clock look at verse 35 she conceived again and said this time I'll praise the Lord so she named him Judah and the tech sayers was it then she pulls her dress now god help me and she conceived no more hallelujah said now all this other time I allowed you to sleep with me because you enjoyed the pleasure but never wanted to make the commitment y'all are you saying nothing but you should have got me before I woke up and realize my value and my words and my connectedness to God you got me too late to dress is down and the places are going up is there anybody here that got a praise on the inside that God has freed you be seated please thank you holy God hallelujah I'm giving him glory not for the car not for the house not for the money hallelujah I'm giving him glory for who I lost taste for God got y'all y'all ain't saying nothing I'm I'm giving him glory cuz now I'm thinking what was I thinking God y'all ain't come ride with me on the day I'm giving him glory because I don't even understand that leaving him was the best decision of my life because had I stayed there I would have just been pumping out tears but never producing his will my dresses died and so many of you are quick to give quick to give leo high five hallelujah and so many of you identify with Leo you celebrate leonis letting him who I won't talk about the miracle ladies and gentlemen the miracle is in Jacob he's a conniver he's a trickster he's a con man he's a manipulator he's a user he slept with the wrong people y'all aren't gonna like it but his seed still worked god help me see some of y'all ought to be giving God glory because you were the victimizer there were some people you should have never been with and your new better y'all I ain't sayin nothin but you did what you thought you had to do in order to get money in your pocket to get the rent paid and God said I'm looking past your issues and I'm still gonna bless your scene see I can tell what the problem is I'm tellin what the problem is I just figured it out it just dawned on me yes it just dawned on you in church you got on your sunday clothes you carry the Bible how do you sit near your mother your aunt is two rolls over I get it so you're trying to sit in church like you've been celibate and keeping yourself and you ain't never fell and you ain't never had a vulnerable or weak moment y'all ain't saying nothing like you didn't stay in something too long like you always made wise relationship decisions that's why you sitting there with your arms folded and your legs crossed but I need some folk in this room that know sometimes my my spirit is willing my flesh has been weak and inspired that he keeps all blessing me I don't want y'all phone disaster shelf but those of us thinking give God glory that he looks beyond my fault and he makes me I am going says the Lord still use the seed of people who out order your seed is still don't produce Junya hallelujah I can't hear nobody in here had a preacher text me this morning same pastor pray for me I gotta go preach in my church in Chicago and I don't feel worthy I'm thinking about resigning from my church this morning cuz I don't feel worthy got this tick at 6:30 this morning and I sent back to that preacher in Chicago who is worthy hallelujah who's worthy to speak his name who's worthy to be able to be identified with him every time you come in church you ought not be arrogant you ought to be humble enough to know wow we were yet sinners [Applause] I'm pulling my dress down you may look cuter than me y'all they say or nothing you may have more money than me but you'll never produce more than me because my relationship with God you solid from when I was unloved lift that hand up please [Music] shop is closed you are getting nothing more from me I wasted too much time trying to make you happy while I was miserable Oh God said I'm still gonna bless your seed they want the right person you weren't in the right frame of mind he said I'm still gonna bless you coz you released your seed I want that hand lifted please how it opened up this altar you mean not even for people to get saved I'm gonna do that not even for folks to join the church God knows I'm gonna do that what God has encrypted in this text is I got a blessing just for people that been feeling unloved however is that you are in this room you may be single maybe divorce maybe a widow may be married could be living alone could be living and house full of people but you feel unloved gosh as I see you not only do I see you I heard you and now i'ma do something for you that's the way you are would you meet me at this altar I want to pray for you [Music] I don't want you to come because your friend is coming I want you to come [Music] I want when you look at me you got excitement in guys shouldn't have to wish for you to touch me God y'all ain't saying like it tired of getting compliments from strangers and the people who know me won't open their mouth come on because as I'm stapling your dress down I gonna let you please people trying to use you [Music] hallelujah his was crazy he kept going to Lia because the one he wanted couldn't produce and he I am producing and you still don't want me am i talking to anybody in there you keep then asking and reevaluating in questioning your own self what more I gotta do cooking cleaning the house buying you stuff doing tricks can I talk to grown-ups this ain't me [Music] I'm trying to do this cuz I'm thinking if I do this now I can keep you now you'll stay so I tried everything got your call on my credit had a baby gave it your name let you move in when you don't feel like going home love me and not even acknowledge my kids gosh y'all can I talk to real people in here I give you my last and you act like that ain't enough I'm tired but I find the strength to support you today I'm putting my dress down cuz I realize I gotta take care of me and this has become toxic and unhealthy this is not the will of God for my life I'm pulling my dress down it was good for that season but it ain't good for the next chapter [Applause] [Music] and I want to be honest with you I ain't even mad you won't owe me nothing god I can't hear nobody is I'm just on to something else in this season of my life all I got is Sudha I'm giving God everything now you don't even know you drove me to God I didn't pray like this before you and I wouldn't be in church on no 4 for July weekend you drove me to God lift up that hand I want to pray for you I hope you'll allow me to do that I'm praying for every person with lifted hands those of you watching online buzz of you who are streaming those of you who are hearing this podcast those of you tuned in on television I'm praying for you praying that God will bless you for the long season of being unloved every day you had to cry in a shower every day you gave yourself therapy in the mirror for the days that you had to ignore the phone or even for the days when friends who were calling himself helpful with sending you information you didn't even want pray that God will bless you then not another day in your life will you ever feel unloved not another day in your life will you feel unvalued unappreciated and unworthy I pray that every day of your life you will have evidence you are on God's mind and you are in his heart those of you your faith resonates with mine would you do me a favor please if you're in love with Jesus and you know he's in love with you come on give him Judah come on I can't hear you come on I I said give him to the back it's the last thing I got give him to the back I need everybody in the room standing trust me on this every person physically able I need you to trust me cuz it's another 70 in the pew that need to be at this altar that you shamed are too prideful to get here but God gave me to break some yokes in this room today I want you to move from where you are I want you to find five people who you don't know and tell them you deserve to be loved come on come on quickly come on embrace her you deserve to be loved [Applause] [Music] you deserve to be loved [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 51,387
Rating: 4.8320127 out of 5
Id: oN80tqN9-MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 3sec (2583 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 08 2018
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