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oh my god I often wonder in my life you know what has gone wrong we've got an illness that's going around killing thousands and thousands of helpless children they're still selling Dasani basically everywhere you go and I'm sad here at 2:00 in the morning playing five nights at freddys I'm a minimum wage worker I think that's it I've never played the game before so I'm gonna jump right in and I'm gonna try and survive the night phone's ringing I guess you just used the mouse for this one phone guy's gonna pick up now hello hello hello yeah so this guy came before us huh I wonder how much they paid him buddy how was the pay my first job ever was working stock at a local deli i sat in a freezer all day and I got paid five dollars an hour in cash why can't I just put on my first suit why can't I just [Music] what if I just put on my first suit right would they recognize me then what they I mean they're still just sitting there like a bunch of idiots now I suppose the goal is to reach the end of the night without dying and to do that you kind of have to have all the power because then you can't close the doors if they get too close this is gonna oh he's gone so he's in the dining area it guys in the dining area that's fine let's eat you know Amazon makes like rechargeable batteries they're pretty easy to get he's still there oh okay they're all gone I'm not gonna lie I am definitely spooked right now the cameras just been been [ __ ] with he's getting close he's in the supply closet basically what I did in my deli job is I'd sit in a freezer all day okay all right he's in the West Hall he's just chillin there now my body temperature would reach I'm gonna close that for a second my body temperature would reach absolute zero as I as I marinated in the fridge and I just loaded drinks and pee and no one no one took him no one wanted my drinks everybody that walked into a deli wanted to pack a camels you know it's 5:00 in the morning it's 5:00 in the morning I don't see a problem here the guys are still chillin there I think at 6:00 the Sun comes up okay all right okay okay okay not gonna close the doors yet I'm no [ __ ] I'm no [ __ ] I know how to conserve power you know what maybe I just closed him maybe I just closed them he's right there he's right there so I'm glad I'm glad I'm doing that I'm glad I'm doing that I'm gonna leave I'm gonna I'm gonna just you know I'm gonna keep that door closed and hey yeah he's gone I got a raise right I deserve a raise I just have a race I'm not getting paid five dollars an hour in cash under the table I'm inside w-2 it's night two and I'm sure we're gonna we're gonna get a call from the big guy on the telephone hello hello how are you my friend why don't you just like permanently close the doors I don't really understand but hey it's not my place I make five dollars an hour no they do they become more active as the week progresses I get more active as the week progresses too you should see me on Friday they call me Larry the lobster we're chilling what's yelling I'm a little scared I'm not gonna lie I'm a little scared I don't usually play horror games and I think you'll probably understand that when when I get nervous I just start talking to myself and going on tangents about my previous employer and how awful it was but at the same time everybody needs to work a job like that I think I think it builds character you know you're not really you'll really understand what it's like in the real world until your spit on by a good by a guy who is 65 years old the customers are you kidding me that's just quick I'm feeling absolutely great you know what I don't think there's anything in this game that can scare me this time because I've seen it all he's in he's in these backstage he's backstage boy do I want to know what what goes on backstage at Freddy fazbear's pizzaria maybe Charles Entertainment cheese spends his time back there with the with the other animatronics he's already these are ready right outside he's already right outside where is he where is he now he's still there he's still there he's we're fine we're fine we're fine wasn't it closing the door the doors been closed I I can't tell if he's there or not oh god he's gonna be right there he's gonna be right on me he's gonna be right on me he's gonna be right where is he where is he where is he where the [ __ ] did he go okay now the other ones out the other ones out where where did he go man it's only 2:00 in the morning and I'm at 66% cameras gone cameras are gone cameras are gone why the cameras not working in the left hallway I need that's what I just sit here and do nothing I just sit here and do nothing I got a check I got a check the anxiety's building anybody hello - anybody there okay pirate call I have nothing [Music] [Music] I don't know what that means they're trying to recruit me into their into their pagan religion and it's not gonna happen I'm a Catholic I believe in God and I'm going to heaven I just have to not give in to the thoughts I mean the last thing I'm gonna do tonight is spend my time watching Freddy fazbear tutorials okay I'm not gonna watch some tutorial on how to beat the game because I'm a man and I figure things out the way I know how by trial and error city boys might watch tutorials but country boys make do any any phallic objection in the office that that are looking good right now okay back in the supply closet the yellow one is still okay yellow ones in the restroom she's taking a piss and I get some rule 34 piss yellow yellow fazbear's Freddy fazbear pissed rule 34 art still there still there nothing to worry about nothing to worry about he's in the west of all this he can't touch me he can't touch me he doesn't want to touch me I'm too old for his hands there'd be no fun it's 4:00 in the morning 38 percent I'm looking good I'm looking good I'm looking good I look good I'm handsome I'm hot ladies want me ladies want me and I look good it's cool it's it the cameras went off the cameras went off but I'm still looking good I look good right now I get the Yankee on it's got a brim I didn't cut it off because I hate that stupid-ass meme he's still in the hallway I'm okay okay okay okay that's all right I don't worry about things like that I'm getting robbed am i safe on this sunny still in the West all still there still there where's the whiny turn the kill why do the cameras turn off at the wrong time [ __ ] [ __ ] I can turn both I can open both of the doors I can open both of the doors I can open both of them I can open both of I don't find too much of a [ __ ] I'm too much of a [ __ ] there's still okay the all the kids oh I just have to shelter in place I have to shelter in place the cameras are all often and non functioning anymore I'm gonna take a risk and I'm gonna unplug that door five perspire [ __ ] % oh [ __ ] they're both gotten they're both gone they're both gone they're both gone they're both got I can open that door I can open that door [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's Wednesday now it's Wednesday the worst day of the week the day I brutally murdered three children back in 1999 talk to me [ __ ] me big man most people don't last this long I'm surprised I lasted this long to my guy I mean usually it's not the case I don't last very long at all look at all those drawings on the wall I use pushpins on the cement wall those are what my children drew me as I as I went off to my new job at Freddy fazbear's pizzaria they said to me pops you know you're probably gonna die and I said to them you know what they call me they call me Pablo Picasso you know why because I could do infinitely better drugs than that do you have multiple sclerosis 3:00 in the morning 52 52 percent maybe I take a hit of my vape too I've started vaping since I started working here the job is just so stressful that I need something had calm my blood get the juices flowing a little bit I mean my children have started calling me smokestack after this after I came home from the first night and they saw me puffing on fifty Nick I'm like a power plant they call me power plant listen every great artist when you think about it every great artist had a drug problem and think about it for a second every great artist had a drug problem Picasso smoked Britney Spears she's she got [ __ ] right [ __ ] out okay alright alright he got me yeah I'm not gonna lie gammy he scared the [ __ ] out of me I saw him he just came he just came I just chill here that's all I do I just chill here I sit and I jerk off what would that what would happen right what would happen if chica or whatever her [ __ ] name is walked in on me jerking my [ __ ] and dick would she still trying you know jump on it which he still try and force me into the suit or would she sit back and admire the show that's going on in front of her I mean Freddy fazbear is all about putting on a show and I think I could do a good job if I just whipped out my [ __ ] and balls and dick and nuts and started jerking it and sorry just pumping it maybe she'd get maybe she'd be like you know what hey maybe for once I shouldn't be the one who's doing all the entertaining maybe I could write and relax and watch this show going on in front of me in that okay fine you got me I won't jerk off I won't get my dick out I won't get it out it's come to my attention that I'm not too good at video games I should just slinging dope or something maybe I'll be better at that times like this I wonder why they call me big guy cuz honestly I'm not in charge in this situation big guy is not in charge let me tell you that much big guy is is in the is in the passenger seat this guy's out and about he's out and about already is that the bad already and I don't see him I don't see him at all I don't see him at all he's right in front of me isn't he no he's not okay okay pick a breath take a breath buddy he's in the kitchen all the cameras are off all the cameras are off all the cameras are off why do you know the cameras work when I need them to the most the most it's in the hallway right they're already already and through the nose [Music] he's right there he's right there I don't like this situation anymore I'm gonna die I'm gonna close the door close the door I mean should I get my dick out you think that helped all right hold on I'm unzipping I'm unzipping like that [ __ ] [ __ ] like this she's gone it worked it worked it worked it worked she's gone she's gone I'm gonna have to go knocking on doors tomorrow and tell everybody I'm a registered sex offender one in the morning 77% feeling like a million dollars not feeling like a million dollars I feel like [ __ ] to be honest I just jerked my dick for an animatronic but it's okay it's all right I feel fine I'm gonna take it seriously this time no commentary no commentary the next game is going to be me playing it legitimately trying to win here we go mmm hello hello my friends maybe there's time to practice Russian while I'm waiting for my inevitable death the last points yet okay hello Bree good how are you my friend okay I close the door I close the door now I close the door he's got he's back in the hall he's backing off and open I can open I can open I can open I can open I get over 30 go anywhere - it's only [ __ ] - and it's 56% power you guys are kidding me they're all gone they're all gone they're all [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] up but I just got to take a chill pill is 4/20 it's April 20th we sure to smoke the ball but and get up fight friends the misfits but at the same time
Channel: jschlattLIVE
Views: 2,491,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jschlatt, jschlattlive, jschlatt livestream, schlatt, livestream, twitch, jschlatt twitch, jschlatt livestream highlights, button, dont, press, jschlatt funny moments, feeding america, fundraiser, charity, clip compilation, highlights, highlights video, jschlatt compilation, schlatt highlights, jschlatt highlights, schlatt march, jschlatt march, schlatt walk, schlattcoin, funny mic, matt mii, wii sports resort, fnaf, five nights at freddy's, chica, bonnie, schlatt fnaf, the bite of 87
Id: 8m1I1HPmvpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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