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you can draw this in procreate you can create a clean ocean in procreate you might have heard of tmcs perhaps you've seen other youtubers create videos about it it's because youtubers have actually banded together to clean the oceans of 30 million pounds of trash since i'm a youtuber as well i thought well perhaps i can help too and i thought it was a great opportunity to create something ocean themed for a you can draw this tutorial so what i'll be doing is give all the ad revenue for this you can draw this video tutorial to and also if you purchase my ocean life brush pack before january 1st i'll be donating that money to as well so that's what i'll be doing but you can help too of course just by watching this video because ad revenue but of course you'll also be following this tutorial and when you have your result go and share it raise awareness about tmcs on social media share it with your mom your friends your dentist and that way we can all help and at the same time we can have fun just creating this ocean scene so let's get started what you need for this tutorial is a canvas of 2 300 pixels by 3 000 pixels a color palette that i have linked in the description and brushes from the treasure chest brush pack i have actually added two new brushes to the pack so be sure to keep an eye on the weekly newsletter to download any new brushes that i add to the treasure chest but now let's get started and create a clean ocean alright first thing we'll do is go and grab the soft brush which you can find under airbrushing and we are going to fill our layer one we are going to use this color for that that's the fourth color in the first row let's drag it onto our canvas and now we are going to grab the fifth color in the first row let's zoom out just a little bit by pinching so we can see the entire canvas now the opacity of the brush is at 85 percent and the size is at 40 and now let's add some light here at the top very gently not too much the sunlight is coming through lighting up that top area now we are going to create a new layer on top by clicking the plus and for our color we are going to grab this first color in the first row and then we'll select or grab the selection tool that's the s shape ribbon here at the top we're going to set it to freehand and turn on color fill it's already turned on here you can see when it's blue it's turned on now let's zoom out a little bit again so we can see everything and we are going to create two underwater like cliffs we'll start about here and we are going to make a bit of a wobbly line going down so this is these are rocks underwater rocks so you can make it a little bit wobbly go to the right a bit over here and then loop around and close the shape by clicking that little ball here now let's create another shape over here let's start about here and then make a wobbly line going down again you can make it a bit jagged i think that adds to to it it makes it look more interesting then we'll go a bit to the right and then to the left again so you get something like this and then loop around again and close that selection i think this is looking great now let's click the s shape ribbon to get out of the selection menu let's zoom in a little bit again now we'll go to the layer menu click layer 2 and turn on alpha lock so we won't be able to paint outside of the shape that we already created now let's go to the treasure chest brush pack and let's grab the chalk pencil for the color we are going to grab the second color in the first row and we are going to use the chalk pencil to add a little bit of texture and interest to our rocks i have the opacity and the brush size to a hundred percent and we are just going to create some horizontal strokes i hope it's visible on camera it's pretty subtle but this will add to the idea of this being rock or rocky texture so just some horizontal strokes you can also go a little bit diagonal here at the bottom and on the other side we can do the same adding a little bit of texture you don't have to give it too much thought we are going to create a pretty stylized underwater scene so it doesn't have to look realistic or anything this is easy just some lines you can go a little bit diagonal over here i think this is good next we will create an ocean floor we are going to do that behind the rocks so we need a layer between that background layer and the rock so first select layer one then click the plus and for our brush we are going to the calligraphy brushes and use the script brush and for the color we are going to use this third color in the first row now the opacity of the brush is at a hundred percent and the size is at 20 now we are going to start all the way on the left outside of the canvas or just on the edge and then we are going to make a hilly shape and go all the way to the right because that way we are able to fill the shape by dragging in the color i feel like it's a little bit high up so we can just go to the move tool the little arrow set it to uniform or free form and just drag it down a little bit i think this is fine and then just click the arrow again and now let's add some seaweed or sea plants ocean floor plans not sure how to call them but we are going to add some wiggly lines here near like the horizon of our hill and try to push hard at the beginning and then press less hard at the end of your stroke so that the ends are nice and thin now you do need a pen that has pressure sensitivity of course otherwise it wouldn't work and these are like they look a bit like hairs on the ocean floor but they add a little bit of interest to our scene so push hard at the beginning and less hard at the end this is a nice practice a nice exercise to work on your well on your pressure sensitivity skills so just some wiggly lines and i'm pressing very light to also add some thinner thinner plants thinner leaves not sure what they're called just to add interest to the background here we are going to continue adding interest to our to our ocean floor by creating a new layer and we are going to add some random oval shapes in different colors i want to grab the mono line brush to do that and for the color let's start off with this bright blue that's the fifth color and the second row now make sure to set the opacity to 100 the size is at 15 and let's just create some ovals hold your pen in place as you make the oval to make it snap to a quick shape and we are creating various sizes okay you don't have to give it too much thought we're just adding some interest to the ocean floor so just random random spots and then once you've got some then you can start filling them you can drag the color inside one of the ovals you might need to adjust the color drop threshold by holding your pen in place and then dragging it to the right and then you can click continue filling with recolor here you'll see that little cross hair drag it on top of one of the ovals and then click every oval to fill them and then click the magic wand again or the brush to get out of that menu now let's add some more ovals let's create a new layer for that by clicking the plus and for the color we are going to use this color over here that's the fourth color and the second row and again let's create some ovals and some random places you can make them overlap with the other ovals make some smaller ovals and some bigger ones like i said you don't have to give it too much thought this is easy process you can add some here in the distance perhaps some smaller ones and then you can start filling these as well same process click continue filling with recolor and tap all the ovals to fill them and we'll move on and create another layer so again we'll click the plus and for the color we are going to use the fourth color and the first row and we'll repeat the process adding ovals to our ocean floor vary the sizes use the quick shape until you have filled the ocean floor with these oval shapes and then fill them all same process continue filling with recolor drag the crosshair to one of the ovals and tap them all to fill them now we can actually merge the layers with the ovals by pinching them together and we can actually also merge them with the ocean floor that way we are saving layers now i want to darken the ocean floor a little bit we will create a new layer on top by clicking the plus then we'll use clipping mask click the layer then use clipping mask then click the n scroll up and set it to multiply now because this layer is clipped to the one below whatever we paint here won't show up outside of this layer now let's grab the soft brush under airbrushing and for the color let's grab the second color in the first row and now i want to darken the underside of the ocean floor a little bit so we'll gently go over the bottom adding a little bit of shadow there now it's time to add more plants to our scene and some corals let's create a new layer on top of layer two click the plus and for the brush let's use the monoline brush under calligraphy and for the color we are going to use this third color in the second row now let's add some corals here we are going to make some of these like oval shapes a bit like sausages and some ovals like this then we'll do the same over here also a bit like like a flower shape almost then an oval over here and another one then we'll go to this side let's add one here we'll make these long drop look like shapes and one over here these are attached to the rock all these oval shapes so a bit like this now we will fill these shapes use continue filling with recolor drag it to the shapes and click wherever you need to fill something click it all and then grab the brush again if there's anything that you need to fill then just go in by hand now we'll switch to the third color and the third row and we are going to add these little ovals inside near the ends of these well like sausage shapes that we created and one over here so they look like very abstract corals you can just use the quick shape tool to make perfect ovals to this side making these abstract underwater corals i think it's coral or is it something else i don't know at least it's abstract now on to more plants we'll create a new layer on top of this one click the plus for the color we are going to use this color over here it's the sixth color in the second row and for the brush we are going back to the script brush now let's start about here and make a wiggly line to the top and let's do the same on this side start about here and wiggle your way to the top now let me make the brush a little bit smaller let's go for six percent and we are going to add leaves to the wiggly line first over here go down a little bit vary to size and you can make them nice and wiggly these don't have to be perfect leaves and make sure that you go down a little bit before you create the next one and of course it can overlap with the coral that we have just created and it can move outside of the frame so wiggly leaves make sure that they are thin here near the stem and another one over here and perhaps one here and we'll go to the other side and we'll start at the top and just make some random leaves i like making them nice and wiggly because i think that's just what they look like it's like like a kelp forest it's kelp right it reminds me of these big kelp forests that you did you see on the ocean floor and i have these these very wiggly leaves [Music] you can vary the sizes a little bit of course [Music] until you're all the way at the bottom make sure you close every shape that you create every leaf so we are able to fill these and again we can use the same technique we can drop in the color and then use continue filling with recolor drag the cross hair to one of the leaves and then just tap them all now we are going to create a new layer on top of this one by clicking the plus and we will set it to clipping mask so we won't be able to paint or draw outside of the leaf shapes for the brush we'll still be using the script brush and for the color we are going to use this sixth color in the third row and we are just going to add some lines to these leaves follow that shape of the leaf make a little bit of a wiggly line and you can either start at the outside here near the tip or at the base of the leaf whatever you prefer i vary it up a little bit and do the same thing on the left side all the way to the bottom then i like to make a new layer in between these so first click layer six then click the plus and you see that this new layer is automatically clipped to the leaves we are going to switch to this color the sixth color in the first row and we are going to grab the selection tool it's set to free hand still and we still have color fill turned on now we are going to make some selections and color some of these leaves and i'll follow that center line and make a diagonal stroke like that adding some interest to these leaves so i'll just color like half of the leaf i'll go for one side of that center line every time then we'll go to the left side color some of these leaves as well every time i'm following that center line not for a particular reason just because i like it you can do whatever you want of course with your leaves but i like the way this looks and then just click the s shape ribbon again to get out of the menu now let's just merge these layers for these plants and now i just want to get rid of some parts of these leaves add just a little bit more interest we'll go to the selection tool again turn off color fill and now let's let's make these like triangles taking bites out of the leaves you can't see it right now not yet but we will be removing these parts adding interest to these leaves so little triangles once you have done that you can use the three finger swipe or you can go to the layer click it and use clear to clear whatever is inside the selection so the leaves look a little bit more jagged right now let's move on and create more underwater plants and corals let's create a new layer by clicking the plus let's go and use the monoline brush and for the color let's grab this color over here the fifth color in the second row now we are just going to create a wobbly thing here at the bottom just to wobble very simple and we'll make another one here on the left and then fill the shape or the shapes by dragging in the color then we will set the layer to alpha lock so we won't be able to paint outside of the shape i'll just keep repeating it so you will never forget then we'll go to the artwork flow treasure chest brush back and use the micropio brush it is a fun pattern brush which is part of my pattern brush pack so if you want more patterns be sure to check that out we will use the fifth color in the third row the opacity is at 100 and the size is at 18 and we will just go over the shapes adding a nice texture or pattern or whatever you want to call it now we'll create a new layer on top again for even more ocean floor action here or well actually there's not a lot of action when it comes to corals now let's grab the monoline brush again under calligraphy and for the color let's grab this color over here that pink color second color in the third row and we will be creating a random variety of ovals we are creating lots of ovals today these ovals are covering our other shape or other thing that we have just created you can color some in by hand or you can use the drag and drop method we'll make a variety of big and small ovals and i don't need to be super tidy perhaps a small one over here bigger one here and some small ones in between and let's fill these bigger ones i'll use continue filling with recolor already all filled yeah now you're going to duplicate this one you can actually swipe down with three fingers and use duplicate and let me flip it horizontal and we can make it a little bit bigger let me zoom out and we are going to place it over here something like this now let's merge these two layers by pinching them together and we'll make a new layer underneath it so first click layer seven then click the plus then for the color go to this color second color in the second row now we are going to go behind these ovals and make a shape following them then fill that shape and do the same thing over here and fill the shape next we'll create a new layer again on top of the others oh we can actually merge these these coral layers eight and nine but i can't yeah there there it is you can also just click a layer and then tell it to merge down it's often a lot easier now let's click the plus for a new layer let's go back to the script brush and for the color we are going to use this color over here it's the seventh color in the first row and we are going to make wiggly lines again let's go up here and let's create two wiggly lines on this side like that now we are going to add well i'm not sure how to describe them it's a bit like plumes and we'll go along the wiggly line adding these like semi-circles these rounded shapes all the way to the bottom leave a little space in between just some rounded lines go all the way to the bottom it's a very simple shape make short strokes so you can make like three on the left side of the wiggly line and three on the right side for example until you're all the way at the bottom and then you can move on and do this for these lines as well you get the idea of course we need even more plans so let's make another new layer by clicking the plus and for the color we are going to use this color over here the first color in the second row and now let's make more wiggly lines and we're making these bigger leaves and you can cover other plants don't worry and the great thing about having these things on separate layers is that you can move them around if you want or you can erase parts from some plants if you want it just gives you a lot of flexibility having your stuff on separate layers now let's fill these shapes by dragging in the color you can use continue coloring with re color refill what i don't remember what it said now we are going to set this layer to alpha lock again let's go and click the layer use alpha lock so we won't be able to paint outside of the shape let's use the first color in the third row and we are going to make a wiggly line just following the shape that we have already created but this is a very simple leaf shape i just want one more type of plant so let's create another layer by clicking the plus again for the color we are going to use this color over here the fourth color in the third row and we'll start with wiggly lines again just cover the other plants no worries it looks more natural when you cover parts just some wiggly lines we'll start with a rounded leaf at the top and then add more of these rounded leaves keep some space in between the leaves where they start a bit like steps on a ladder [Music] here we'll start with a rounded leaf at the top again [Music] and don't worry you don't have to make these little leaves like perfectly rounded they can be a little bit wiggly actually if it looks a little bit wiggly it makes it look more natural and more interesting overall rounded leaf here and we'll just go all the way to the bottom adding these rounded leaves and do this for every wiggly line and i will fill all these leaves again by dragging in the color first then use continue filling with recolor and just tap all of these leaves to fill them all and then let's add some more interest to these leaves by going to the layer turning on alpha lock again switching the color to this one over here the fourth color and the second row and let's just add these little lines little rounded lines curved lines to the leaves just go over every single leaf now i think we have enough plant life in our ocean let's also add some animals first i want to add two whales let's go to the treasure chest brush pack i have added a whale where is it there are so many brushes here here we have the whale it's part of the ocean life brush pack now remember we need to reach that 30 million dollar goal to clean our oceans if you purchase the ocean life brush pack in my store i will be donating the money to so we can reach the goal of 30 million dollars to clean up 30 million pounds of trash from the ocean and the beaches so that's a great way for you to help let's select the whale brush and for the color let's grab this one over here it's the last color in the second row and now let's first make a new layer let's do it behind our rocks so first click layer forward and click the plus for a new layer the opacity of the brush is at a hundred percent let's set the size to 20 and just tap here to add a whale i want it to be just a little bit bigger i'll go to the arrow tool make sure that it's set to uniform and just drag one of these handles to make it slightly bigger i'll place it here now make a new layer again by clicking the plus in the layers menu make the brush a little bit smaller let's say 10 and tap here for a smaller wheel you can move it around by going to the arrow tool let's place it over here and then just click the arrow tool again to get out of the menu and now you can merge the two wheels let's also add some fish let's create a new layer again by clicking the plus let's set the color to this color over here the last one in the third row and let's use the selection tool again let's go to the s-shape ribbon set it to freehand and turn on color fill so we can add some fish and we are just going to create very simple fish with a very simple fish shape by using the selection tool you really don't have to give it too much thought just like well a simple fish shape i think everyone has creative fish like this in their life you can make some of them a little bit bigger and some of them can be very small and they are coming from there let's make a very small one over here behind these plants let's check it out let's click the s-shape ribbon to check our fish you can actually move them around a little bit you can go to the move tool use the warp option to distort them a little bit make it appear as if they are coming from the distance there and these are very happy little fish they are in a clean ocean here let's click the arrow again i think this is looking nice now let's just add some rays of light because i just love the way rays of light look on an ocean floor on an ocean scene let's make a new layer on top of let me think on top of the face actually let's click the plus for a new layer let's click the n and set it to color dodge and let's set the opacity to 30 by moving the slider and let's set the color to this color over here the last color in the first row and we are going to use the selection tool again let's zoom out just a little bit let's click the s shape ribbon and then we'll start here click there then click about here and move to the right a little bit that will go back up click if your pen is working yeah then go a little bit to the right next to the ray that we have just created then go about here go to the right tap here near the top if it's working close the selection and go to the right a little bit again then click over here go to the top a little bit and here to the top close the selection then click the s shape ribbon now we have these nice rays we can blur them a little bit by going to the magic wand then selecting gaussian blur and then slide your pen or your finger to the right to make these rays a little bit blurry and then just click the s shape ribbon again now that was super easy don't forget to go to and help us reach that 30 million dollar goal to clean up the ocean and the beaches i hope you have enjoyed following this tutorial let me know in the comments if you did don't forget to share your work if you share it on instagram then don't forget to tag me in the image not just in the description that way i will be able to find your work and perhaps we'll see it in the next you can draw this video tutorial i'd like to thank you for watching and i will see you next time for the next you can draw this video tutorial
Channel: Art with Flo
Views: 21,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: procreate tutorial, you can draw this procreate, anyone can draw this, you can draw this, teamseas, team seas, digital art tutorial beginners, draw with me procreate, procreate tutorials, procreate drawing tutorial, procreate art tutorial, drawing tutorial easy, how to draw in procreate, you can draw this ocean, how to draw ocean in procreate, art channels on youtube, digital art tutorial, underwater drawing, underwater drawing tutorial
Id: TsWZk7ifu60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 38sec (2378 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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