How to Draw a Cat in Procreate!

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welcome back for another live tutorial i am so excited about this one today we're going to teach you how to draw this cute kitty in procreate um let me talk a little bit about the brushes that you guys are going to need so i created these fur and fluff brushes it's a set of 17 brushes for making five different unique fur textures you kind of see some of the fur textures in the background but you can get these brushes for free at free so if you don't have them yet i would go download them um we're going to be using them very extensively in this tutorial so you're going to want to have these brushes so we'll give that a couple minutes but i'm really really excited to teach you guys um about drawing this cat and teaching you about how to draw fur because fur is one of those things that seems really daunting like i speaking personally i we're doing um animals month for making art every day which is a drawing challenge i run and i decided to do a week on furry animals and i thought that would be really cool i'll do a fur tutorial but fur has always intimidated me um and so i was like okay let's figure this out how can we draw fur and i was like oh well if i had this brush that could do this that would make it much easier and that's kind of how these brushes came to be so i learned how to draw a brush i learned how to draw fur i made these brushes so that we can all be able to draw fur easily and it's not so scary so go ahead and get those and free i just wanted to give a quick introduction in case there's anybody new here um i am lisa bardeaux i am an artist illustrator a teacher a brush maker and all around creative person um i i love to teach people i love people helping i love helping people find their creativity and most of what i do is teaching people how to draw on the ipad so i'm also a mom those are my kids and i love color if you know me at all if you know one thing about me you probably know that i love color so um i'm also the owner of bardo brush where i make really awesome brushes for procreate which you'll get a little bit taste of those today as we draw with fur with the fur brush set and this is a little preview of what we're going to be drawing today so it's this fluffy kitty so i'm going to be teaching you how we're going to set up the structure of the cat we're going to color it in and do the fur i'm really excited to show you how to do these eyes for some of the details i'm going to be using brushes from my gouache paint box one brush in fact which is painty round and you can actually get that brush for free it's a part of procreate's all-star brush pack that they released during the holidays it's got a bunch of brushes from all amazing brush creators um so that one brush is in that set and i put a link to that in the description but if you look up procreate all star you'll find it so i'm adding a link right now and jeff's adding a link right now so this is the kitty that we're doing today so all the brushes we're using today are completely free yeah we're not going to be using anything that's not free i think the only thing is like i did these shadows using one of the other gouache paint box paint box brushes but yeah everything else is free so all right and i wanted to tell you guys really quick before we get started is i just launched a week ago my new my first skillshare class i was really nervous about doing a skillshare class because it's like kind of like longer format more in-depth but you guys know i like to go in depth with my tutorials so it felt really good to to finally get a class on skillshare so it's all about how how to draw fur it goes into a lot of the fundamentals and it gives you three illustrations to walk through to teach you how to draw fur so if you want to check that out you can i have a link in the description i'm sure jeff will share it and if you go through that link you get two weeks of skillshare for free so it's a great chance to try it out and see if you like it i really love skillshare as a platform just because there's so much there and the teachers put a lot of work into making these really like in-depth classes with lots of resources and projects and things like that so i think it's definitely worth it so check that out and let's get started that was a lot of intro thanks for sticking around we're going to go ahead and jump oops into procreate there we go okay so and i just want to say before we get started if you're having questions about anything um you can put a question in the comments and my wonderful husband jeff is there manning the comments and everything back there so he's typing and stuff to you guys um and if there's something related to what i'm drawing he'll ask it as i'm drawing it and if it's something other than that like if it's about me or creativity or whatever other procreate stuff we'll do a q a towards the end okay so throw up those questions and we will get them answered all right so we're going to go ahead and create a new canvas and we're we're going to start with this is like my favorite size which is 38 whoops tapped on the wrong thing strike that don't you hate like like delete okay i didn't want to do that all right plus sign uh my favorite size is 3800 by 2800 pixels um so if you follow me i would create a template for that um because i use it a lot but 3 800 by 2800 pixels is the size i'm going to be using today okay so the first thing we're going to do is start with a sketch of our cat so i like to use a pencil brush for my sketches i'm just going to go to my pencil box set and grab my bardo pencil it's my favorite pencil um you can use any sketching brush you want or pencil brush or whatever you want procreate has a bunch and i'm going to get like a kind of medium darkish gray okay and i'm going to start just by laying out kind of the ground of where the cat will sit so what i'm doing is i just drew a line across and i didn't lift up my pencil and it makes like a straight line here this is called quick line and if you put another finger down it becomes like perfectly straight like that so that's just to kind of give us a foundation that the sketch will sit on top of and what i've done here is i've kind of broken the cat shape down into basic shapes so that's what we're going to be doing we're going to start with basic shapes and then we're going to work to a more detailed illustration and i also wanted to mention that this tutorial might run a little longer than our usual tutorials but if you don't get to stick around for the whole thing i'll be saving it to my website it'll also be on youtube and i'm sorry what size was the canvas 20 uh 3 800 by 2800 pixels all right next we're going to draw a triangle something kind of like that this is going to be the body of the cat um like the tail is going to be here and the head's going to be here so just draw a triangle kind of like that the proportions of your drawing will might be a little bit different than my drawing but that's okay because we're drawing an a stylized cat it's not like super realistic so i think it's really cool if the proportions are different than what they normally be and then we're going to chop the top and the side off like that and you can come in with an eraser i just have the same brush for my eraser you can use whatever you want for eraser just kind of loosely get rid of that this is a really rough sketch so don't worry if it's messy and then this is going to be where the head's going to go so i'm going to just draw a circle and this is going to be the body so i'm just going to kind of round it out just roughly real quick make like a bean shape inside of that okay and then the feet are gonna sit right under the head so i'm just gonna kind of just draw a little line to guide me straight down and then this is where the feet are gonna go we're just setting up like basic where this is a kind of like a structure that we're setting up and then we need a tail so you can draw whatever tail shape you want just a line is fine for now and this is kind of like the basic form of the cat we're going to zoom in and we're going to work on the face okay um so this is the point where i'm going to draw some lines like this to kind of give the circle some dimension or some shape so this i always draw like with faces and things like that i draw like a cross kind of thing on it like that and depending on which direction you draw this line like if you draw it this way he's going to look like he's looking that way and if you draw it this way he's gonna look like he's looking that way so i'm gonna make him look that direction so i'll draw a line like that and then for the other line if i draw it like this he's gonna look like he's looking up this is where the nose is going to be when we get there and if i draw a line like this he's going to look like he's oops it's going to look like he's pointing that way so that's how you can kind of control which direction the head is looking and for this one i'm gonna do it up a little bit like that and like i said right here is where the nose is gonna be so i'm gonna draw a circle and this is gonna be like the muzzle the snout i don't know what's called on a cat um the muzzle i think it's a muzzle on a dog i don't know if the same on the cat like the mouth and the nose and stuff um and then we're gonna this is also a 3d shape that kind of sticks up off the face of the cat so we're gonna do that same like thing with the lines like that it is commonly referred to as the tip of the snouts okay it's a snout it can be called or the rinarium oh well i'm not gonna remember that so now it works okay so um this line that i just drew is giving some volume to this snout shape manerium no i don't know i'm gonna try and then i'm gonna do the same thing so if you can imagine like this is a 3d shape the nose is going to be kind of like that are you with me and then this is going to be the mouth so that one goes all the way to there and that one kind of disappears off to that side so there's some like for shortening which is um when things look shorter because of the angle you're looking at them at um so that's we're gonna do there and then we're also going to add some eyes and for the eyes i'm just gonna draw some big circles for now and the shape and are the size of the eyes are totally up to you i'm giving my cat like these gigantic eyes because i think they look really cool um so there's one eye and then the other eye kind of is hidden a little bit behind the nose so i'm going to draw a circle kind of like that they should be pretty similar in size but this side kind of like falls off that way and these kind of things like how to make the eye like where to put it in between things these definitely come with lots and lots of practice so that's kind of why i know like where exactly the eye goes and stuff like that but you can kind of use mine as a guide and that's what i'm going to do for the eyes for now and i'm going to add some ears and the ears kind of stick straight up like that and the other one's about right there so that's all i'm going to do for the ears for now all right and if you have questions jeff will call them out i'm happy to repeat things if i need to um okay so this is going to be the foot or the the two legs so this one's going to kind of come in at an angle let me try that again okay and then it's gonna also come that's a little bit big again it doesn't have to be perfect because this is not realistic um in fact let me let me move that over just a little bit as i go ahead and perfect it do as i say not as i do okay and then for the feet this is kind of hard to see if i maybe erase it a little bit so you can see it better um this is how i like to do my cat feet i kind of make like a shape that goes up and then down like that that's how i do my feet so it's kind of like a like a rainbow that's a little bit pointing up that way and then the other leg is going to come down like that you only see a little bit of it so something like that and you can make the legs bigger or the feet bigger if you want it's totally up to you all the proportions of things if you want to have really big feet you could do that but i like little like dainty little kitty feet um if i want to make them a little bit bigger you could just do this use your transform tool and do that like that so totally up to you and then um for well we'll do the cat tail i think that's pretty good we're going to go ahead and do a refined sketch now so this is kind of like our basic sketch where we're laying out where everything's going to go and then i'm going to create another sketch where it's more refined and it has like the actual shapes and stuff that i'm going to use do you have streamline on that brush this brush has a little bit of streamline it's at about 40 um you can you can turn this up and this will help make your lines up smoother and less like if you have a shaky hand it kind of helps smooth things out so that's a good tip okay so we're going to go to our layers we are going to go to this little n and this little slider is for the opacity which makes it like more see-through so we're just going to turn that like way down until we can barely see it something like that and then we're going to tap the plus sign and that's going to create a new layer and then we can go ahead and refine this drawing and you can start anywhere you want for this i think i'll start with the face oh you know what i forgot one thing i wanted to add to this drawing before we do the refined sketch so i'm going to go back to that first layer is i want the kitty to have these like kind of puffed out cheek areas little fluffy cheeks because the cat head kind of goes out like that so i'm just going to draw these little circles right there that's on the first layer the one that i had done all that first sketch on part of me okay back to layer two um let's go ahead and get started with our cat okay so i'm just gonna draw a cat nose which a cat nose kind of looks like like a t-bone steak um and i am gonna just sketch in this little muzzle or no snout area and then for the eyes they kind of they're the cat eyes are kind of at an angle like this so i'm drawing these lines to help guide me when i make the eyes more of that like cat eye shape and less circular like an almond shape so and i'm i'm keeping it pretty circular but it does come to a point a little bit and you can make them really round like that or you can make them like less round it's totally up to you like how round you want them to be uh and then over here on this one we kind of have to imagine here because it's behind the nose and then this eye is going to this one's a little weird because it kind of sticks off the side of his head but bear with me we can always refine it later okay i move that one down just a little bit because it's a little weird okay and then um just gonna sketch in some pupils and the thing with the pupils is you want them to kind of be at the same up and down like if this one was tilted more then look this one is a little bit tilted more they look a little bit weird we have to worry about it too much until we do like our final drawing but there's there's the eyes okay let's do the head okay so i'm going to kind of flatten out the top of the head just a little bit and then i'm gonna come down around the little chubby cheeks and then they've got like the puffed out chest area and the leg and then i'm gonna draw like a little schwoopie like that on the leg because the that's that's kind of like the cat has a lot of hair near his like cat elbow so that's what that is and then i'll draw the feet so this will come around part of me okay and i forgot i should drink that tea lisa i know you guys always comment i don't i'm just busy drawing and talking okay we'll give you a moment to catch up um i forgot this other foot here too and this foot is gonna be mostly buried under the kitty's like coat so maybe that's too far out hold on let me draw the body first and that'll make it easier so it kind of is just gonna like stick out like that that's all you can see that makes it they'll make it a little bit easier to draw this whole thing too all right let's go back over here and we'll kind of i'm not gonna make it stick out that far you kind of want to look at both and imagine how big you want that side to be but i think that looks pretty good and then we'll get we'll do the body kind of like that a little butt it's so cute for this we're gonna make the tail puff out so i'm slowly gonna make this end bigger okay it's kind of wonky you need to come around and fix it if you need to so something like that it doesn't have to be perfect we're going to fur it up so yeah it's kind of weird but okay the ears they're kind of a little bit rounded at the top and then like the sides of the ears will do like that all right and there's a kitty sketch so i'm going to leave that up for just a second um do we have any questions before we move on to the next part jeff i will drink some tea okay cool ready and people are saying slow down sorry i'm trying to the beauty of it is guys is this will always be live for you to watch later so yeah please take your time pause um you know take this at your pace if you need to yeah absolutely and if your sketch comes out a little wonky like this okay so if you go through this tutorial and it doesn't come out like you wanted to do it again like it's it's all about practice like going through and doing this multiple times like you guys i've drawn this cat many times now in preparation for this tutorial so that's why it's gonna come out like i'm able to do it so much faster and easier like i've practiced a lot so if you do it a bunch of times you're gonna be able to do that as well so don't feel bad if it's not coming out the way you want it does take practice but i hope that this tutorial helps okay let's continue we're gonna go up to layers we can turn off that first layer we don't need it we are going to reduce the opacity of this layer it's about 18 i'm also going to set the blend mode which are these like things down here to multiply this will just make it so it's easier for me to see it as i'm coloring it in okay and the other thing that we're going to do because this cat is like mostly white um is we are going to set the background color now and i am going to use this beautiful blue nice bright blue that's the color that i chose you can do whatever color you want for your background um i just really love this color so and it goes really well with the cat's eyes it really brings out his eyes so okay now we're going to draw in the shapes of the cat and like separate things out onto layers so for the color i'm going to choose kind of like um i'm over here in like an orange orangish hue and this color has almost it's almost white but it has a little bit of color and a little bit of darkness if you go over to value you can see that a little bit more clearly like it has eight percent saturation and 93 darkness so it's really close to white but not and we're going to go over to brushes now and i'm going to go to the fur and fluff set and i'm going to choose the shaper brush and this brush i made specifically for drawing shapes it's got a nice soft edge with a little bit of texture and it's really nice for drawing shapes that's what i made it for so and you'll want to adjust the size because the larger it is the more like that's huge i'm not on the right layer okay we need to create a new layer so i'm going to create a new layer and i'm actually going to put this new layer below the sketch layer i always keep my sketch on top that way it's always visible for me to reference as i'm drawing my final piece okay um so as i was saying we're using the shaper brush if it's really big it's going to be very soft like that um so you want to do it smaller and you'll have a little bit more control so what i'm doing now is i'm just going in and just coloring it in and it doesn't have to be super perfect because we're going to change all these edges when we add fur so for this layer we're going to do the whole cat body and tail so his head oops we're going to do its head and the dish and the tail so i'm kind of just going around the edges like that the harder you press the bigger your brush stroke will be i want to do them the harder you press the bigger your brushstroke will be so i've kind of got a light light touch as i'm going around you can also make the brush size smaller but if you make it too small this edge won't be so soft so just something to keep in mind this the bigger the brush the softer the edge is going to be the lighter you touch the smaller the brush is going to be all right color that all in okay all right so that's one layer it's the tail and the cat body now we're going to create other layers for the other things like the legs and the ears and the snout um so and because these things are overlapping that's why we're going to put them on another layer um so let's go ahead and create a new layer go to the layers menu tap the plus sign i'm actually going to turn off visibility of the body layer just by tapping this little plus sign here and that just makes it easier for me to see this leg because if i had this on i can't really see what i'm doing because it's all in the same color so i'm just going to turn that off so we're going to do this leg right now what brush are we going to get we're using the shaper brush from the fur and fluff set shaper it's the one at the top i put it at the top because you use it first i try to organize my brush sets in semi the order that you use them like shape making brushes or at the top or ones that use all the time or at the top and then like detail stuffs kind of towards the bottom all right so i've got a leg and i can put other things on this layer as long as they don't touch so anything that's going to be like on top of this body layer like the little snout i'm going to draw that in and then i'm just going to do as like a circle okay all right so the only two things on this new layer are the leg and the snout and now i'm going to create another new layer so i hit the plus sign and then i'm going to move this layer behind the cat body and this layer is going to be for anything that is behind the cat body like this leg see how it's behind this one these ears so that's what's going to go into this layer so let's start let's take it from the top we'll do the ears okay down here doesn't matter because it'll be behind the cat body i could do this for all that matters doesn't matter what this is the only part that's going to show up here so just color in those ears all right we've got some ears perfect let's do this leg i'm gonna make my brush size a wee bit smaller all right now we've got a leg and this little foot that you can barely see all right okay so now we've got all our shapes drawn and we'll come back to things like the eyes and the nose in a little bit later um we're gonna work on like the fur and the body and stuff like that okay i'm gonna actually it's bugging me that it's not like centered so i'm going to move everything down you don't need to do this but i am i usually move my sketch to exactly where i want before i start drawing things but i forgot to okay so the next thing that we're going to do the next step in the process is to get these edges all these edges to look furry and fluffy so we're going to go to the brushes and we're going to go to we're going to use the combed brushes so these three to add this texture there's different brushes for different textures and i show you how to use these other ones um in my skillshare class but for today we're just going to be using the combed brushes so choose the first one there's dark and there's light but we're going to choose the first one and what we're going to do is we're going to go around the edges and just draw in some fur texture and if you on the right layer all right make sure you're on the cat body layer that's important that you're on the right layer so make sure you go to the cat body layer and i just want to show you real quick let me make the brush bigger so these brushes they they are meant to make fur and these are kind of the strokes that come out of them and the motion that i'm using is kind of this like shoop i have a little bit more pressure and like less at the end and i kind of vary up i do like a little curve if you do it really straight i mean that could be good for certain things it just kind of depends so i just want to let you guys know the motions that i'm doing now i'm going to undo all that okay so now i'm going to establish the direction of the first so the cat's tail it's going to go like that um so i'm just gonna add some edge and what i'm basically doing is like blending away this soft edge and making it a furry edge like that so i'm just doing lots of strokes kind of these ones i'm kind of going out like that a little bit if you go in then it's going to look like this like the fur is curving in like that but if you go out you'll see the ends of the fur like the ends of the hairs and i think that's the look that i want for this cat so i'm kind of going like this out and what layer are we on right now very important you're on the cat body layer so the one with the tail and the body make sure you're on the layer of the shape that you're making doing the edge texture so i'm just going around the whole edge of this tail zoom in so you can see and i'm adding fur down here it's a little see sometimes it's easy if you turn your canvas and as we're getting closer to the tail it's maybe like less fluffy so i can adjust the brush size a little bit so it's easier to control it and if they're like shorter hairs or thinner hairs or whatever adjust the brush size that'll help all right i kind of got a tail basically you want to get rid of that that hard it's soft but that like hot that smooth edge and make it fluffy the harder you press the bigger your strokes are going to be so that's another way you can control all right so there is the tail and you can go around and add more the more you make the fluff like stick out the fluffier it's going to look so it's up to you like how much fluff you want to add like if i add more like this it's going to look more fluffy it's totally up to you all right let's do the body now so i think the tail looks pretty good i'm gonna do the body i'm gonna make the brush size a teeny bit bigger and then i don't want the body to look too fluffy because a lot of the hair is kind of just down on his back so i'm just kind of like adding little strokes like that just a little bit not as fluffy as i did here here they really stick out here they don't so much if you want to be fluffier you can make them stick out more and then i'm stopping here because i'm going to come up here now to the chest and i think the chest is going to be pretty fluffy i i'm basing this illustration off of a ragdoll cat the breed ragdoll um so they're fluffy they're fluffy if you millennials remember the movie homeward bound sassy is a ragdoll cat unless i'm wrong about that she looks like one um but i don't know that much about cats so okay i have to i have to be honest i'm not a cat person at all i was trying to find something cat like to like put over here on the side of for you guys because i was trying to decorate and this lego of a cat this is like a duplo from this is my kids that's the only cat thing i had in my whole house we have a dog where are my dog people at oh boy okay so i'm just kind of adding more fur texture here which fur brush are we on right now we're still using combed yeah combed just not dark or light just combed darker light have some um special effects that change lightness or darkness hence the names but combed is just like your standard brush flat color nothing okay so we've got a fluffy chest fluffy back fluffy tail and fluffy face um so i'm gonna fluffify that just a little bit i don't know maybe i can make this more fluffy if i want it's all your call how fluffy you want it to be so for the cat head there is something you want to keep in mind because the cat like all their hair kind of emanates from the nose so it's gonna go like that like that like that but then like also down so you got to be thinking about like which way the hair would naturally go using references is great i'm going to actually pull up a reference in a minute so we can get the coloring of this cat right so definitely always use a reference i think it's great unless you like have intimate knowledge of cat fur you just really know a lot about cat fur um references are great i am going to turn off the ear layer because i can't really see what i'm doing right here so i'm going to turn that layer off and that'll make it easier for me to see so like i said the hair is going to come here so i'm just going to kind of do this and then the kind of you know cat like they're here's hair kind of goes into their ears a little bit i don't know just like i said don't be perfect and then this one's going to come around this way so i'm going to kind of and then maybe i'll do some hair going up he looks a little scrappy right there that's fine you could make their hair really messy like i think this looks a little messy and you could do that all over it it could be like an alley cat like kind of a little scrappy okay i think this is pretty good for the body so i'm gonna move on and do the other parts now so let's start with this layer with the ears so i'm turning that back on so again we're moving layers now to the layer with the ears and the back paw and then the like or the back front paw and the behind paw okay and here the cat's ears like they don't have a lot of hair so i'm just gonna make the brush size a bit smaller and just add some really small strokes not not much not like the tail or like the rest of the cat so that's how you can control like how much how hairy they look so there we go not a lot on the ears i'm going to do this one and the cat ear the hair goes up so that's why i'm doing the strokes up and edge texture is very important for anything any type of texture you want if you want something to look like its textures be textured be sure the edges match that texture because if this was smooth all the way around and i added a bunch of cat hair it would look totally weird so edge texture is important okay this one here so we'll just same i'm using that small size again and then for here i'm just kind of doing some curved ones around the foot i like that just a little bit of fluff not even very much at the bottom because they're sitting on their paws they're not gonna like look like a bunch of hair sticking out so that's all i did there just a little bit on that foot and so when we were painting on the feet which layer moving on we're on well my layers are different names but it's the layer that had this foot the ears and then this foot that's in the back behind foot okay now i'm going to move on i'm i'll just so you can still see that one and these are all combed combed yep combed is the brush we're using yeah and then i don't even need a lot of texture down here at all really i'm just going to add a little bit to the end of the foot and down here i think this fluffy texture is actually a nice soft texture to leave on like the underside of the foot because it still looks a little fluffy because it's soft um so i'm going to leave i'm not going to add some fur texture to the bottom of the feet okay almost there guys and then we're ready to start adding some fur to the inside okay last layer to add edge texture to is this top layer this one has this front foot leg and the snout so i am going to turn off my body layer so that i can see what i'm doing and let's start actually i'm going to start with this the snout um okay so the hair here kind of goes like this comes out from the nose so i just need to keep that in mind um and then kind of like down around like that there's not what's going on okay there's not a ton that i need to add here in fact i don't know this is gonna end up blending into the rest of the hair so i'm just kind of adding some that way and then down here make my brush a little bigger and i'm going to blend this in a little bit more later but this this side matters a lot because this side i'm not going to blend so i'm just kind of adding a little bit of texture there yeah this looks a little messy but don't worry okay that's what the snout looks like i'm gonna do this leg i'm gonna make my brush size a bit bigger and these i want to make the legs kind of fluffy especially on this side because that's where all the hair is kind of going that way and then kind of down a little bit more down as we get closer to the paw and here don't worry too much about here this is on top of this layer but we're going to blend it later so don't worry about making that part furry but i do need to do a little bit on this side less than this side just a little bit see i can't see what i'm doing here either so i'm going to turn this layer off okay so now all my other layers are off except for this one but it makes it so that i can see what i'm doing and then a little bit of fur on the paw okay all right there's the leg all right so we've done all the edge texture um we're gonna now do the texture on like overall in the fur so do we have any questions before we move on to that jeff how are we doing uh we're doing we don't have specific okay perfect if you guys have questions or you want you need me to clarify something i'm happy to do so just ask okay um so now we've set up our edge textures we're not going to be changing the edges anymore so we can turn on alpha lock which pretty much what it does is it locks in this shape and we can no longer draw outside of that shape so we're not going to alter our beautiful hair edges that we already made so we're just going to turn on alpha lock there's a couple ways you can do it tap tap alpha lock you'll see this checker board pattern behind the layer preview or you can take two fingers and swipe to the right which is my preferred way because it's faster so i turned on alpha lock on the three layers that we used to make the cat and we're gonna start with the cat body and tail i'm actually gonna start with the tail we did just get one really good question um someone said that my flicks look either enormous or non-existent how are you getting your wispy ones that you were doing on those edges well play around with your brush size but it also comes with control and practice like i have a lot of practice doing the right amount of pressure to do it so i would practice like off to the side or something like that so you can see what you're getting because it might frustrate or frustrate you if you're over here trying to do it it's not coming out but practice a little bit off to the side and then try to apply it over here um also check your pressure curve which is in the actions menu under preferences under edit pressure curve this is what it looks like by default but if you notice that it's like doing something weird and your strokes are not coming out right you can just reset it i set all my brushes up to be in a default pressure curve so if it's anything other than that you might not have the same results and then uh a couple people actually asked why are we putting fur on the body right now when it's the same color you will see in just a minute basically is um now we can come in here willy-nilly and like add strokes to add all the texture that we want and if you if you if you didn't have alpha lock and you were trying to add all the like colored texture and all the you know you might mess up these and it'll get too like if i let me don't do this i'm just gonna show you if i kept coming in here and i'm trying to add in fur color just pretend it's gonna like take away my beautiful fur edge that i set up so that's why it'll make more sense as we continue on but that's a really good question okay alpha lock any other questions before we continue let's get started and then but what brush are we going to be starting with i will tell you um first i'm going to i'm going to just make my sketch i want to keep my sketch on but i'm just going to reduce the opacity so i don't see it as much okay we're moving on to a new brush this one is called combed dark and what this brush does is anytime you make sure i'm on the right layer make sure you're on the right layer we're going to the cat body layer um anytime you lay layer strokes and continue layer strokes it will get darker and darker and darker and darker and darker and darker and darker darker and darker like that that's the that's the effect that this brush has and it's very handy for doing what we're gonna do with this fur okay so we're gonna start with the tail and basically what we're doing now is we're gonna add in kind of like an overall fur texture and establish where the direction of all the fur all over the whole body okay so i like to start on the ends i like to swoop this way so that's why i'm rotating my canvas because it's a lot harder for me to go like that than it is to go like this that's what's great about digital arts you can just turn it around okay and so i am now adding in some lines and i'm making sure to follow like obey the same direction that i've set up here but then i'm also filling in the middle too so all right just watch me for a second so i'm getting the edges they're going the same direction that i've set up but i'm also filling in the middle and the way that especially for this tail kind of what i like to do is have them all like go up and then the sides kind of go out so you'll see me do that here so i'm kind of going out again this is following these lines in the edge that i've already set up so i'm kind of like in a sense coloring them in and i'm doing very light strokes that's why it's coming out so like light and dainty if i did heavy it would look like that so i'm just doing really light strokes and my brush size is 45 which brush are we using this is combed dark combed dark oh you know i didn't even mention that because we didn't change our color at all so it's basically doing a darkened version of whatever color we had selected so if i layer this on top of this color i already made it'll multiply it's got a multiply blend mode baked right into the brush so it's self darkening so you don't have to change the color but i will tell you about manipulating the colors which we'll do a little bit later because right now i don't have to change the color but if you needed to for certain reasons which i'll explain in a bit you can so again really light strokes i'm kind of up here out to the sides up in the middle out to the sides and they kind of have a little bit of a curve to them my little strokes they're not just like perfectly straight so so fur it is time consuming it's more than other types of textures i would say but it's kind of therapeutic you guys like just to sit and like stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke put in some good music listen to me babble so we're setting up a base texture essentially is what we're doing right now look at that see it already is starting to look fluffy this looks unfinished still because it is unfinished but it's already starting to look like furry almost like you could touch it now will this work if we do this with clipping mask instead of alpha lock um no for a specific reason because um don't follow along but i'll tell you what if i were to do if i sorry tea can't talk so sorry um if you were to paint over nothing like this it would start out this color and then like when you added another stroke over it would it just doesn't look as clean um so i don't recommend doing a clipping mask for this plus your first stroke if you did a clipping mask oops if you did a clipping mask your first stroke wouldn't show up because the first time you lay down a stroke with this dark brush and there's nothing underneath it it's the this color it's this color and then the second time you lay a stroke it gets darker and so like you can see that it just doesn't look good so that's why i recommend doing it this way it's a very painterly style and when you do a release style you don't like use a ton of layers and clipping masks and things like that um you just keep working it until it looks the way you want so that's what we're doing don't worry it will look good okay so when i'm doing fur and this is why i started with the tip of the tail is i start not where the fur comes from but where the fur ends and then i work my way backwards so that's why i'm doing here so the cat like the hair starts at the nose and then it comes down so i'm starting at the butt for this part and i'm just kind of again obeying these four directions i set up but now i'm kind of like giving the body some contour i'm gonna make the brush bigger okay and the more your brush strokes kind of do this it'll look more fluffy but i kind of want the hair to be nice and flat here so you could do it this way if you want but it's up to you maybe i'll do a little bit and even if this like this this first base of fur doesn't have to look perfect either but you want to definitely start to establish some texture in the right directions and where you want how you want to look okay so there's the body i'm just kind of going back and forth and a little bit of a little bit of curve but not too much and now here again following this direction of fur on the chest now i'm just working my way up lots of little strokes going across here here's where the this is like the other layer of the foot and we'll blend that in later so i don't have to worry about too much but and then here i'm kind of doing these like little here i kind of curved these strokes out a little bit more and here i'm going to stop and i'm going to move to i'm actually going to start here because i think for the face it's easier if you start the nose and kind of work your way out just so you make sure you have you're going the right direction so i'm going to make my brush size smaller do we have any questions before i work on the face there's just some people who were having issues with their comb dark working um and i was just suggesting to try i think if you do not have any color in your color if you're just pure white it's not going to do anything so make sure and if you want to just very gradually add some color and darkness you can go to the value color picker and my color is eight percent of the orangey color i have selected and 93 um bright brightness um so you need to have a little bit of color a little bit of darkness white colors are a little tricky like that that's why i didn't start with a bright white perfect white um we can we're gonna come back and add some like really white tones later but make sure you have white otherwise this multiply effect that's built in the brush won't do anything because there's no color to on which to build upon you can't multiply by zero people we learned that in math class okay um all right so i'm going to make my brush size smaller because the hairs on the face are a little smaller and i'm just going to just lay out where i want this face to go it's going to kind of come out from the nose curve around the eyes like that okay can you guys see that i know it's so light might be hard to see i had to pick a white cat i don't know i just did and then here we're gonna come around the eyes like that so the hair is gonna curve around the eyes kind of like that and then then it's going to kind of go like this so i'm going to go a little bit bigger the brush let's do this tell me how it's feeling for you guys i want to know if this is like how it's how it's feeling if it's hard to follow if i can explain it better like i would love to know and then this is going to come out kind of like that i like that do you guys see these kind of rounded strokes around to this fur it's kind of going shoo like that it's a lot of like visualizing you know what the hair does and if you again if you have a reference that does help i just wanted to have a full screen for you guys so you could see okay what is the size of the brush that you have right now right now i'm doing it about 30. and i don't really i don't people ask about the brush sizes and i it makes me wonder if you guys like look and you're like oh thirty percent or if you just do it by eye i do it by eye i just like oh that's too small that's too big and i change it so i'm curious how other people do it there's no wrong way whatever works for you okay so we've got like the overall texture direction of all the fur on the face established let's do the little muzzle so this is the top layer so the one with the front foot and the snout not a muzzle not a muzzle okay so this gonna do some swoopy lines like that you know like a cat okay um hold on this one's gonna go uh i'm gonna i want this to connect so it's kind of like an almond shape around this little shape so it's curved down here so kind of like that and then the other side and then down at the bottom okay okay um on that same layer here there's a good look at the at how i did the this uh the snout not the whatever jeff said it was called and then the grenarian the ranarium the ranarium surrounding the external opening of the nostrils oh so that's okay so that's like the actual the tip the tip not like the whole like snout so does the snout and the venereum is like right here you guys are learning so much about cats you didn't really think you could ever know okay it is also called muzzle i mean that is yeah okay you're okay all right let's do this leg [Laughter] okay this foot we're gonna curve the fur around this is gonna give us some contouring um contouring is what makes flat things look 3d and curved like this so i'm going to make it curve around and down like that and then that's what's great about fur is it gives contour gives texture it's great it's fun and then we're gonna do the legs kind of like the tail where we're gonna go uh down in the middle and then like out on the sides i'm gonna go a little bit bigger as we go up okay okay so we've got some cat and then here i kind of want this to we're going to blend this these two things together in a little bit but that's a good start it's like carrie it looks a little weird right there that's okay okay so we did that leg we just have two more legs to go so the bottom layer um is the one with the ears this back front paw and this hind paw so let's start at the bottom here we're gonna do the same thing we're going to kind of like curve it around i don't know this one something like that we have fur going that way and then it kind of curves around at the end it doesn't have to be perfect so that's what we got there and lots and lots of little strokes guys all right curve maybe a smaller brush size i'm just going down a little bit curve it around something like that nice curvy paw and then we'll do the rest in the same way as the other leg out at the sides kind of like that okay one more thing is these little ears and so for these ears um here i'll give you guys a minute to catch up so i've done um i've done everything i've done the pause i just need to do the ears this is what it's looking like so far if you're watching this in the future feel free to pause at any time if you're watching it live sorry i'm trying to slow down for you if you need me to slow down or repeat things please ask um okay so we're still on the layer with the ears and for the ears i'm sticking so i have this line that in my sketch which is like the side of the ear so that's going to be like darker and i'm going to darken everything up later but i'm going to add a lot of fur there because that's like the outside of the ear and the rest is the inside of the ear which is a little furry on the edges so i'm adding some fur texture here on both edges but mostly more here on the like side like the furry side and then i'm just going to add some little like fluffy tufts that doing that like like like like a plant would do like that kind of exploding we're still using the dark combed brush we have not changed yet and this is getting darker if you notice this is darker than anywhere else because i have layered lots of strokes and that's how these work if you layer and layer and layer strokes they'll get darker there are other ways to make things darker which we will do but that's one way all right this side so here we've got this line from the sketch so this side's going to be a lot more furry so i'll put a lot of fur texture on that side a little bit on this side and a little bit in the middle of the ear just kind of these like little fluffy toughs oops bigger brush size there we go i don't need a lot just the appearance of some fur texture like i actually think that's too much when i zoom back out so i'm gonna try that again all right just a little bit so you can see those are my those are my two ears so lots of fur on the outside a little bit of fur on the inside okay all right so that's step one of the fur well step two i guess step one is the edge texture step two is overall texture and now we're gonna start to establish like what parts are darker and what parts are lighter um so the first thing you want to do is imagine where your uh light source is coming from in my case i'm imagining the light source is coming from this angle like from the upper left um that way the face is illuminated and stuff it was this way then like the face would be dark so that's what i decided you could decide whatever you want but that's what i'm doing so now i'm going to layer on some more strokes where the shadowy parts would be and darken those up so i'm going to go a little let's start with the tail um so this side of the tail would be dark and i'm not on the right layer go to the layer make sure you're on the right layer um alpha lock is great like that because when you're on the lat in the wrong layer you know because nothing's happening um so we're on the layer with the body um same brush we have not changed brushes combed dark is what we're using and we're just going to like layer on more brush strokes just like we did before but layer on more like towards the side i'm doing the wrong direction i told you guys it's better if i rotate it there we go you always want to go out i don't like to do my brush strokes in um because the fluffy or the like softer ends are on the end of my stroke like the like that so that's what i try to do so like this direction like that and i'm using kind of a heavier brush like a heavier pressure here kind of maybe have some of them come off that way a little bit too yeah so something like that and then maybe on the underside of the tail because there's this whole side is a little dark this is not the only way we're going to add shadows but it is one of the ways and the doing this versus the other way that i'm going to show you adds shadows with texture i also have a brush that adds shadows but without texture like you can see the hairs and everything like that still that probably doesn't make any sense a little more i'll explain it again when we do the other kind of shading um this side this whole underside we're gonna i'm gonna do like a big brush stroke and just kind of paint in some dark areas and it's okay that i'm doing bigger strokes here as long as it's following that same direction that's fine okay let's do this side of the head i'm gonna go a little smaller okay you guys starting to see this now like the the shading on the side like that okay um let's do these legs so i'm going to go to the layer with the front leg question so i was just asking since alpha lock is on the same layer what happens when you mess up on the fur layers and need to go back to the shaper brush step um i i'm not sure well okay maybe whoever asked that can explain what you mean by messing up because there are things we can like is it getting too much fur texture or like explain what it is you mean by like messing up because once you i wouldn't turn on alpha lock until you were happy with the shape of your cat because uh the shape of the fur and everything after that it doesn't matter you can manipulate whatever you want within that shape um but make sure that you're happy with the edges we're not changing the edges at all so maybe explain that a little bit more and i'm happy to answer that because i have some ways that you can like if you overwork your fur and stuff like that things that you can do all right we're going to do this side and his little butt a little bit darken that up and what else is on this layer i'm not gonna do a lot of shading here yet because that muzzle is gonna be really light in the end but i'm gonna go to layer with the ears and i'm gonna go to this foot and darken this one's pretty dark because it's like behind everything and it's on the shadow side so we're gonna darken it more up a different way but i'm gonna darken it up with this brush a little bit and this one here and the ears well the ears will do a different way so i think that's a good jumping off point for just starting to add some shading and now i'm going to show you the other way that we're going to add shading so i'll give you just a minute to catch up if you need to pause the video if you're watching in the future go ahead i'm going to sip my tea okay all right so before we actually do that i want to move on and work on these eyes um that's gonna yeah i wanna do that before we add the different shading so let's do that so we're going to add another new layer this layer is going to be underneath the snout muzzle and on top of the body so if i select the body layer and hit plus now this new layer is in between the muzzle and it's above the body so in between those two layers for the color i'm gonna go back to the disk that's my favorite i'm gonna choose a nice bright blue it's almost the same blue as the background so i could almost sample that background color but okay and then for the brush we're gonna go into gouache paint box and choose the painty round brush this is the brush that um that was included in the all-star pack so if you don't have this brush installed um you can use a different brush like a anything that's maybe got a little texture but it's pretty opaque would work well so you can try different brushes if you want but nothing with like too much texture okay so now we're gonna draw get the right brush size that's fine i want to draw the shape of the eye i'm gonna make it a little smaller okay color it in real quick what was the on the first layer of fur was it supposed to be white what was the color um it's kind of an off-white um like it's probably hard to see it in the video but it was like if this was in the orange area it would be somewhere like really close to white but not quite completely white it has to have a little bit of color in it a little bit of darkness and i it was like yeah it was i had to rewind it but okay um and one last question why again aren't we using clipping mask um i i explained that a little bit before but it messes up the texture and the way the fur brushes work so if you want to watch that part again like when this video is all done i would definitely recommend checking out because i showed you some examples but it doesn't make it work as well all right so here we go we're going to add this eye now we're just coloring in the shape that we had done with our sketch and this eye kind of rounds out here because it's like you can see the edge of the eye it's not completely on the fur because of the angle that this face is at yours if you did at a different angle might not look exactly like that but there is some like for shortening happening there okay all right so these eyes now um we're gonna use alpha lock again um we're not gonna change the shape of these eyes anymore so that's why i'm going to turn on alpha lock so swipe to the right with two fingers or you can tap it and hit alpha lock and so to do this cat eye effect and maybe let me go back to my slides real quick oh here we go okay so um to do this like oh their their eyes almost look like gems like like an um like a rounded gem or something and so the lights kind of coming in and it's lighting up this bottom part and there's a shadow on this top part so we have this kind of like gradient thing happening which i'm going to show you how to do right now and this is fun i actually did this for the first time in my metallics tutorial it's about um how to draw metallic objects and we did little robot eyes that were kind of gem-like they're fun um okay so we're gonna get a darker color than this blue so i'm gonna get it a little bit darker but i'm also gonna go a little bit cooler i like to change the hue like when i go to a darker color i like to change the hue to like a darker hue so that's what i'm doing here and then i'm going to turn up my brush size again i have alpha lock turned on on this layer and i'm just going to kind of paint in like that okay and i'm going to do it on this side as well so that top edge and it's i'm actually gonna smudge this and blend it in a little bit so don't worry if it's like looks too textured like that like that's too textured for me but i'm gonna blend it so it's okay um and then we're going to go darker more saturated a little cooler okay or yeah that's cooler right yeah and then i'm going to paint in that top so we're kind of like essentially like making a gradient okay and then um i'm going to smudge this with the smudge tool so if i tap and hold the smudge tool it will select that same brush as my smudger so painty round is what we're using for the smudge and you can maybe do bigger brush size and i'm just kind of smudging it to make it more smoother like that okay and this side as well so we're kind of smoothing that out but it still has a little bit of texture that's what's great about the smudge tool all right back to the brush tool we're going to add some lighter colors here so i'm going to eye drop this blue i am going to go to my colors i'm going to go lighter and i'm going to also go a little bit towards green okay i just like to include more colors when i can i think it makes it look more dynamic we're going to paint some color down on the bottom edge probably need to go a little bit lighter i think the more contrast you have between the lights and the darks the more like deep thighs will look okay all right so there's where we're at then we're gonna smudge it again i have the painty round as my smudge and i'm just gonna smudge it wonderful okay let me smudge this a little bit just so it looks a little smooth i don't want to look perfectly smooth because i don't like anything to be perfect um all right and then the next thing we're going to do is add a little bit of darkness on the bottom edge so i'm just going to sample this kind of like darker blue color and i'm going to just paint in oops that's too much paint in some darkness around the bottom edge like that and here as well don't because this is like the side of the eye and not like this part of the eye it's kind of like this part of the eye i don't want to do that because that will look weird so i'm doing that and then i can smudge that in a bit and then i'm going to actually choose a darker more towards purple color and do that to the same thing to the top let me know if you're not following me on this guys oops that's too much this one a little bit i want them to look deep and wonderful and you can smudge it just a little bit but you don't want to smudge it too much i kind of like to look a little painterly and texturally texturally okay there's the eyes so far um we're gonna add the pupils next any questions about the eyes yeah so far anybody throw any questions up jeff i haven't had any for the eyes yet cool okay so those are the eyes um we're gonna add the pupils those are gonna be on a new layer we're gonna use clipping masks you guys hope you're excited um hit the plus sign to create a new layer right above the eye layer we're going to tap this layer and we're going to choose clipping mask and then for the color we're going to choose a gray like a dark gray but not black so that's important so don't go too close to black we want it to be pretty dark but not completely black and you'll see why in just a second we're gonna need to use both tones in these eye pupils so we're still on the painty round brush oops okay and we're gonna draw all the pupils whatever shape you want them to be and they're kind of like ovals i like that i think that looks pretty good always zoom out especially when you're doing something like eye pupils um to make sure that they look okay and if you need to you can adjust them like if i grab the selection tool i can select this side go to the transform tool and i can like adjust it i think they're pretty whoa i think they're pretty good um but that's kind of the cool thing about using a clipping mask is you can like move it all around if you need to and manipulate them um all the guys were just using painting stuff yeah that's the only other brush i'm going to be using other than maybe something else for the shadows if i get that i know this is kind of a long tutorial you guys i appreciate you bearing with me but there's some really cool stuff that we're getting to learn today so if you can't stick around like i said we'll have it ready to go okay all right so we've got those pupil shapes now i'm going to turn on alpha lock on my clipping mask um you can use these things together which is great so on the layer with the pupils alpha lock turned on again i can check it alpha lock is turned on and now here's where i'm going to get like my super black like if i double tap next to black it will snap to black that works in a lot of different spots it's how i also get white when i need white so if i tap near black it'll snap to black and i hope i didn't make my gray too dark because here i'm adding like a little bit of a shadow on the pupil it's a little subtle but it makes a difference because it's kind of like the shadow that that like eyebrow ledge ridge gives it gives it a little bit of touch of a realism so if you can see that this is gray this is black i've added it right there okay and you can even smudge that tooth like that all right okay one more layer for the eyes we're going to create another new layer we already have black selected i'm still using painty round and i'm gonna draw the like black part that goes around my eye oops that is way too big smaller brush size that might work so i'm kind of it's thinner here and it kind of gets a little bit thicker there and then um here it's thick and i kind of like kind of like to there that's what i want i want it to like kind of like taper off here to make this kind of like cat eye shape i don't want to go all the way across but i will maybe draw a little bit here this is totally up to you like how if you want this to go all the way across and look really dark you could like that's a look it's not wrong it's just a look you do it however you want and then we do the same thing or a similar thing over here oops two but this one's not gonna go all the way because we have the side of the eye here okay because it's like the round part and then we'll add a little bit of something right there maybe i don't know if i like that maybe a little less see i think what's bugging me about this one eye is it's too far down so if you ever like huh that looks weird but i already spent all this time painting this i don't want to start over liquify is your friend i'm going to go to the layer with the eyes it's just a little tip don't worry if you don't have to do this i'm going to turn off alpha lock because you have to have alpha lock off to use liquify and you go up to the adjustments menu liquify i like to use the push and you can adjust your brush size so it's yeah that's way too big and i can just like push that up a little bit you see so if i think i can preview reset yeah see the difference so if it's looking a little off that's a way that you can adjust your stuff without having to redo everything i love liquify okay last thing for these eyes oops i gotta add in my little black right here okay last thing for these eyes is a catch light so i'm going to choose white and i'm just going to draw in a little oops what layer i'm not on the right layer i'm actually i'm going to do this on the layer with the black like this eye surround i don't know eyelashes it's not eyelashes but there we go and the catch lights should marry like they should be the same angle and stuff so these should be at least pretty similar it's pretty close look at those eyes yay the cat looks totally unfinished but the eyes look great all right cool if you have any questions about the eyes let me know um we're gonna move on and add some other coloring to the cat okay um so one of the things that i need to do is like i said we're doing this kind of like ragdoll breed of a cat and they have a very specific coloring around their face so i am going to pull up a reference photo for that um you could already have it i already have it loaded up but i'll redo it here i'm going to create a new tab okay so i'm going to type in ragdoll cat i can't type today rag doll cat and i forgot to do the split screen view so let me show you how to do that um swipe up from the bottom until you get your dock take safari and drag it over here and then resize it wreath race race come on oh my goodness maybe you have to do that for there we go okay so let me refresh the search okay ragdoll cat go to images and i want one that shows off that coloring there's a like there's a lot of variations in the coloring that you could do from cat to cat but i like this one so this is the cat i'm gonna be looking at and i probably should have done this when i did my sketch but i'm gonna do it now so i'm gonna go back to my sketch layer i'm going to make it a little darker so i can see what i'm doing and i'm going to grab like a black blackish gray and a pencil brush so what basically what i'm doing is like i'm laying out where i want the coloration to go so it kind of goes like this for that part and then around the snout this is a lot smaller of a snout than this cat obviously but that's how i chose to stylize it there's like a really dark area and then there's kind of like a lighter gray so i'm drawing the really dark part which kind of goes up over the eye up here kind of like that and then this side too and maybe we'll do it like that okay so this is like the darkest part and then like it kind of fades off so i'm just this is what the second line is for is like that part that kind of fades off so this is just giving me guides as i add in the coloring to my cat okay another thing to notice about this cat is their ears are really really dark so we'll make sure we do that um they're back their like chest is kind of white and their backs like a little bit more multi-colored and again it depends on the breed so you can do whatever you want like this kitty is a really like desaturated photo has a really dark tail the coloring is a little bit different a lot fluffier so just whatever you want to do but what layer are we on i'm on my sketch layer i just went to my sketch layer and i got my pencil brush and i just added in some guides for this this is just to give me a guide of what to do this isn't on my actual furry illustration layer okay i should have done that in the beginning but i forgot i'm sorry where's the cat i liked there it is okay i'm gonna keep that up on the screen as we work all right so i'm gonna reduce the opacity of that sketch a little bit now okay we're gonna go back to the layer with the body so we're on the body layer again and we're going to go to the we're going to go to the fur and fluff that we're going to choose a different brush now all the way at the bottom there is a brush called shadows and this is a soft brush similar to the shaper brush it's got but it's a little bit different um this black brush darkens in the same way that the dark brushes do so the more you layer strokes the darker and darker it will get like hold on oh geez here the more i layer the strokes the darker and darker it will get so that's how it works so we're going to use that brush to add all these and it's a little bit transparent too so that's going to be helpful okay so we're going to use it to add these colors so i'm going to go over to kind of orangey orangey color and i'm going to start with a let's start with a color like that so i'm about at uh what is this nine o'clock but up a little bit so that's the color that i'm choosing um and i'm just gonna try it out and see if it's the right color i'm gonna go make it smaller so i think that's that's the right tone like if i added more color to this it would look more brown you know like more vibrant uh and if i did less color it would be more gray so you kind of want to see what tone you want to do but i think what i had before which was this one was pretty good so i'm just basically going to go in and color in the markings and i'm doing one continuous stroke here because again like i said the more you pick up your um your brush and layer they'll get darker and darker so i'm trying to do it one continuous and then here near the edge i'm doing really light motions to soften because i want here to be nice and sharp like look at that cat but here on the edge it kind of like fades off so here too i'll do that it's really soft little circles but here darker okay that was all one stroke to do that first laying down of the color and then i can come in and layer more but i think what i'm going to do is add a little bit more just a little bit more darkness a little bit more color to it the more the darker the brushes the faster it will get darker when you add new strokes so yeah kind of nice and soft around the edges this is the part that takes a little bit of finesse but it'll look really cool so nice soft strokes here and now i'm going to go even wider and add actually what i'm going to do is i'm going to make the brush stroke a little size a little bit bigger the softer the brush is the softer are the bigger the brushes the softer the edge of this the like what you lay down will be and then here okay we're getting there i'm gonna go a little bit more the more i had strokes the darker to be so i'm gonna add some dark strokes like around the eyes so which layer are we on right now we're on the one with the body so we're adding and yes i know that some of the hair texture is starting to fall off now but we're going to be using that lightning brush which we haven't even used yet to add that in so i'm just kind of darkening like around the eyes a little bit so they look like they're sitting in the head of the cat maybe dark in here too okay so i think that's looking pretty good um all right we're gonna add some more fur texture to the cat overall now but i think that looks pretty good as far as the coloring goes oh you know what i'm gonna do the ears while we're at it because it's a similar color go to the layer with the ears and the foot and we're going to use that same brush actually i'm going to make the brush size even bigger a little bit but i'm sorry which brush is this this is the shadows brush that's included at the very bottom of that set and what i love is this nice soft fall off that we get like on the inside of the ears like see that nice soft i love it i love it so i'm actually painting like off to the side so it's just getting the edge of this um just getting that nice soft edge and then i'm gonna layer a bunch of strokes on the cat ear so it'll get nice and dark so far looking good i love it okay so see how the cat ears are nice and dark um i'm going to add a little bit of pink see there's a little bit of pink in there i can do it with the same brush i just need to go and find like a really light pink color like that so like super light i'm about at 3 o'clock here and like what is that i don't know 10 11. and then oops i'm gonna go a little bit smaller with my brush size just paint in a little bit of pink right oh that's so perfect yes just paint a little bit nice and soft there you go okay um a couple other spots we want to add some dark areas too um i'm gonna just sample this color that's in the middle like i just kind of sampled where the fur is and anything in that tone range is probably gonna work well for this i'm gonna go back to the cat body and i'm still using the shadows brush and i'm just gonna add some shadows here i think i'm gonna actually make it less saturated when i do this so that's how so this is how i kind of control the colors like if it's like oh i don't like the way the color is looking with this brush it doesn't work exactly like a normal brush um but this is how you can control things so i'm adding some shadows in here what's nice is it darkens everything at the same rate if that makes sense i'm gonna add some shadows here maybe under the butt and it's okay to go a little bit darker than you think you need to go because we're gonna come in with the light brush and like lighten everything up a little bit okay so it's looking pretty good and let's do the other layers too so we'll do the one with the this foot adding some shadows with this soft shadows brush so that's what's great about this brush is you can use it for coloring things or you can use it to add shadows to things here on the other side of the paw here on the very underside of the paw there's always a really dark shadow like right underneath the ground like if it's touching the ground there's going to be really dark shadow there so i'm going to darken that up quite a bit it's pretty good blend it a bit okay and i will blend this don't worry um what else is on this layer the muzzle i'll come back to that um the the layer with the ears now i'm on the layer with the ears and this like back foot so i'm going to use this brush to darken it quite a lot actually make it nice and dark in there and then down at the bottom of the foot and so we're still using that same the shadows brush yep okay nice and dark i really will help ground whatever thing you're drawing as if you add this dark spot at the bottom this definitely needs to get darkened and we'll also do that okay you can always come back and darken it more if you need to um okay that's looking pretty good um let's add let's come and do some light colors now so we're going to change brushes now and we're going to go back to the combed brushes and we're going to choose the light brush i told you guys this drawing it's a bit more time intensive but it'll really help you learn a lot of skills if you go through all this but you know learning skills takes time so that's what we're doing okay let's go to the layer with the cat body and now this brush automatic little lightening light and lighten and lighten is the more that you layer stroke so it just does the opposite of what the um what the dark brush does so if these strokes are coming out a little too white like these are like lightening really intensely um i can change the color to something a little bit darker again if i go more saturation it'll infuse more color and saturation into it just like i was kind of explaining with that other brush so i think that's a little better these little fine adjustments will help okay so what i'm doing now is i'm very lightly adding in some highlights to this dark part and then on this side i'm being a little more heavy-handed and letting it um darken or lighten more so to speak because i don't want to lighten this up too much but i do want to add a little bit of highlights to these dark areas and then over here it's going to be a lot so this definitely takes a little bit of finesse too in my skillshare class it's not quite this um it's a little bit easier to i think of a illustration so if you really want to like learn and you want to jump in in an easy way that is a really great class to take this is kind of a little bit more intermediate i would say um so i'm just kind of layering on a little bit of the light strokes everywhere but more so where it's light and less where it's dark okay and then let's go here too and this is like a mostly white cat so it's okay that most of it's pretty light just down here it's gonna be dark so i'm just layering on a few little strokes try to make it a little bit bigger and these are like the highlights of the fur i do talk about more like what makes fur look like fur in that skillshare class and stuff too so now i'm going to come in and do it even more here so we're starting to get some more shape and volume to this cat now that we're adding in like highlights so that's why it's okay if you started with oops you started with not a white color to begin with because now we're adding in white now okay let's add a little bit down here and add some light spots here especially on these like when you add light over dark areas it really starts looking fluffy you don't like things that are lighter in color don't look as fluffy as sometimes things that are darker or mid-tones because you can't see all those shadows and stuff all right so there we've got that okay we're gonna do this spot a little bit over here again i'm kind of working my way towards where the hair emanates from and then here i'm going to start with the smaller brush size i'm over um i'm moving on to like the face now smaller brush size especially on these dark areas i don't want to add in too much because it'll just like see like it'll take away from that dark color so i'm just adding some really light furry areas kind of following the direction of the hair that i have established a little bit bigger brush size come around see how like nice that's starting to look i love it okay let's do this side okay so that's looking pretty good um another thing i want to do here is i want to blend like this is a very soft shape and i want to make the transition from light to dark look more furry shaped so i'm going to use the smudge tool for this um so if i tap and hold on the smudge tool it's going to again select the brush whatever i had selected as my brush it will select as the um smudge tool which in this case any of these three combed brushes would work doesn't matter um because it's smudge the lighter dark doesn't matter and i can like smudge some of this light up into the dark a little bit and like i can i don't have any other like if there were more of a transition where it goes back from dark to light you can kind of smudge them into each other like that i think this would just a little bit so it's less a little less um of that kind of soft edge and more of like a furry edge this is like very subtle stuff but it will it'll make a difference and another thing you can do with the smudge tool is if you find that like it's starting to get a little too much like transitions from like this is getting a little messy you can um use your smudge tool to kind of clean it up a little bit that's what i like to do if it's getting a little bit too much i can kind of like use the smudge tool to clean it up if it just looks like this maybe there's too much contrast i can use this much tool to clean it up a little bit or there's one other thing that you can do uh which i'll show you now okay here i'm gonna do a little bit here this is totally up to you this is like where you're like oh do i need to keep working on this or is it okay but this is just something you can do i'm just want showing you this as a tool that you can use if things aren't it's if it's looking a little too messy like you want to kind of soften the fur texture a little bit okay okay so the next thing i'm gonna do is um i'm gonna whiten up some of the areas if if this is uh there's too much contrast between the light and the dark furs you can paint over it a little bit so i'll show you that real quick um i'm gonna go to the shaper brush i'm going to select white so i have the shaper brush from the fluff and fluff fern fluff uh and i have white as my color i'm going to make the brush size a bit bigger and i'm going to take the opacity almost like this is it like 30 or so and i can like paint white over this and that'll make it a little less contrasty so if there's ever areas where it just like the fur got to be so intense like too much too furry you can always paint over it with white or another color too like i could come in with a color similar to this like just select a color from there and i can paint over it with a low opacity to just kind of like tone it down like that okay and i'm gonna get my white again kind of white in this area especially here where i had the cut different coloring and things like that here a little tail okay all right i don't want to spend too much time doing stuff like that but i just wanted to show you that you can do that because we need to give this little kitty a nose and then i think we'll be done so we're going to create a new layer above all the other layers and we're going to choose a nice like pink this is kind of a warmish pink uh just above three o'clock about right there and i'm going to choose the gouache paint box that painty round brush again that's the one we used to do the eyes and i think this brush pairs really well with this fur texture like they both have kind of that painterly feel to them so that's why i really like using it to go with the fur brushes all right we're gonna color in the nose so cute um and then i'm just looking at this nose kind of as a reference once i've got the shape all set up of my nose i can turn on alpha lock and i can start shading it and making it look like i want like i'm going to get a little bit of a darker pink kind of darken the bottom a little bit you know you can make it look as real as you want to just by kind of like seeing how it looks there but i don't know let's smudge that a little smudge it with my painty round brush and maybe with like i'll get an even darker color to do like these little nostrils so i'm going even darker and just kind of i think they look too big let's try that again that's fine they're a little bit big but that's fine um and then there's kind of like a dark line down the middle something like that and i can even um i kind of want to maybe soften the top edge so i could erase part of it away with like my shaper brush which is a soft edge it's kind of soft at the top of the nose i think that looks good so um let's do the mouth shape i'm just gonna get like uh that kind of pinkish color it's a little bit dark and my painty round brush again oops i have alpha lock turned on turn off alpha lock now so i can add more stuff to this layer maybe that's a little bit too dark that's pretty cute what do you guys think okay it's pretty good on this same layer i'm going to add some um little dots that are gonna be where the whiskers are gonna go so for the whiskers i'm gonna choose like a grayish color we'll see how it looks there's some little dots like that and this is where the whiskers are gonna come out and then for the whiskers i'm gonna i'm gonna put those on a new layer in case i need to erase them or if i mess it up i'm gonna choose white as my color i'm still using the painty round brush but at a pretty small size and i'm just going to do these maybe a little bigger well those are like swoopy marks maybe it's too big there we go so you can make your kitty whiskers look however you want i think they're i'm just doing a nice swooping line ah well you get the idea i would probably change that a little bit but i'm going to turn off my sketch layer now so i can really get a look at how how it's looking i know i said i was going to blend this in so i'll do that now um let's go to the layer with that which is this one it has this muzzle and it has um this shape so to do this what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn off alpha lock so this is really helpful if you have like you want to separate things out but you also need them to look like they're blended in together one of the things you could do is you can get the smudge tool and set it to the the texture of the fur whatever texture you're using so in this case combed and you can um kind of smudge like i'm kind of smudging that shape away if that makes sense i'm like smudging it the edges of the shape down and revealing what's behind it which is this you know the cat body so it kind of gives the effect that i'm uh you know that that hair is on top of that let me know if that doesn't make sense i'll try to explain it better but that's a way that i can use to like kind of blend that together and you can also use the smudge to smudge in you know blend these little areas together and you know you can keep working at it as long as as you want to but um one thing that i'm gonna do here is i'm gonna duplicate this foot so i think it needs two um i'm gonna select this foot with the selection tool i'm on the layer that has this foot swipe down with three fingers um and hit duplicate and then i can oops i can move that so now he has two feet that's a quick way to do it which brush do you use for the whiskers oh i use painty round just at a really small size okay do you guys want me to show you how to do the drop shadow too are we are we good to keep going what do you guys think um yeah when i did my other one i probably spent a little bit more time kind of judging it a little bit like maybe coming in and adding some more light fur strokes and things like that but i you know don't want to keep you on here forever so you know you can continue working on it until you feel good about it and you feel done but don't you know don't overwork it i think this also looks great too so i don't need to keep going but um drop shadow why not or keep going with me okay um well i hope you guys really enjoyed this i'm gonna get rid of that so this is our finished kitty cat if you want you can add a background and things like that um i do do drop shadows in other videos so you can see that but i'm really i think it's really fun you learn a lot of really cool techniques like fur how to do this cool like glassy eye look um how you can use just one brush to do a lot of different things so um i hope you had fun i'm just gonna real quick go back to my slides um this is my my class on fur that you can take on skillshare where we go into doing we do this sloth this duck i have a time lapse of this cool fox there's also um a llama with a fluffy texture that you can learn how to do so if you want to take that you can get two weeks of skillshare for free using my link that's in the description jeff will share it in the comments but it's really great crafts we've gotten a lot of really awesome feedback from it um lots and lots of people have taken it and getting it really great reviews which makes my heart happy so thank you so much for that uh if you do take it i recommend posting a project so you can share your work with others um i would love to see them as well that's a really great way for me to give you feedback or if you want feedback feel free to reach out it's really fun and this is just um i'm just going to throw it up on the screen so if you want to pause it and see see this this is how you control the lightness or darkness of those brushes the lightening or darkening brushes and i go into this into more detail in the skillshare class so you can check it out but this is just a little thing that you can look at okay i would love to see what you guys have made if you follow this tutorial and you're posting your work on instagram please do tag me so that i can see it um use the hashtag bardo brush my instagram account is at bardo brush and also use the fur bb furry cat use that as your hashtag as well so i can see like all the kitties all together at once and you can go and go to that hashtag and see what other people have done so hashtag bb furry cat so i can see your work um and really quick um we'll take a couple questions if you guys have any questions just throw them up now i'm just going to talk to you real quick about the making art every day challenge and then i'll answer a few questions and then we will call it a day so making art every day is a series of daily drawing prompts tutorials and resources motivational emails and a supportive community all with the goal of helping you establish a daily art making practice each month we have a theme and each week there's like a sub theme within that theme and this year we've been working on building different skills so as often as i can um at least a few times a month we work on a specific skill and this past week we were working on drawing fur and so everybody was making all these really amazing furry drawings and really working on that skill and it's it's a really great thing to participate in if you want to learn to draw better and i try to guide you through the process of developing different skill sets within drawing and digital art um and things like that so you can join at joinm a e it's really fun it's completely free um there's lots of tutorials and the we have a facebook group and everybody in there is so awesome shout out to my facebook group you guys are likes the nicest people ever okay do you have any questions um so i was asking how did you duplicate the foot oh that's a great question um all i did so i went to the layer that had the feet so it had the ears and these two feet i selected that area of the canvas so i'll do it again real quick i've selected the area of the canvas and if you swipe down with three fingers that'll pull up the copy paste menu and then i just hit duplicate and that duplicated that one area i had selected and then i just moved it over so and if you didn't want them to look completely identical you could go work it some more but i think it looks better with the two feet there um where do you find the pressure curve adjustment good question that is in oops so that's in the actions menu which is the wrench press which is a little toggle button and it's under edit pressure curve you can experiment with it if you feel like you have a really heavy hand when you draw you might want to adjust it or if you feel like you have a very light touch when you draw you might want to adjust it the other way i forget which way is what but experiment and you'll get the right way that works for you uh someone's asking how do i get a realistic look on my drawings i mean i think this tutorial helps you um like this is kind of a realistic fur texture with a very stylized cat body shape and like proportions and things like that but if the more that you study a reference and work at your drawing like trying to get it to look like that you know it'll look more realistic i prefer a more stylized look myself so that's why most of my drawings have that and this is kind of like my foray into realism like step baby steps into it um but yeah it's all a matter of of studying your references and really working on the skills to develop that particular texture like what that texture looks like like we've been really working on fur but what do scales look like what does wood look like how can i depict that i don't do a lot of realism so there i'm sure lots of youtube teachers and skillshare teachers that do more realism type work in their teaching um so maybe look for that um how would you uh incorporate more than one color into the eyes like green and yellow flecks or those kinds of things yeah you know you could have like started with a base color and then like i could have done different colors at the top and the bottom as long as these colors are darker and these colors are lighter like if this was like a bright yellow the background was green this was i don't know blue you know you could do different things so i would experiment with that you know you could also play around with gradient maps which is kind of fun um which is in i've got the eye layer selected so i go to adjustments gradient map layer and you can play with gradient maps like this is pretty like look at that that's cool um that's a gradient map that i made but i do talk about gradient maps in that robot um metallics tutorial that i mentioned so you can learn about doing that like this and this is a good guide because you're like oh i could do like a teal here and then like a kind of aqua and then a purple up here like it gives you some good ideas of colors that you can mix and you can experiment like this one maybe doesn't work as well but the green one's kind of cool so yeah how do we recent okay any more questions um [Music] what's the difference with blending with a brush or without any brush i'm not sure i'm not sure about that question and then someone was asking about colors and complementary colors and how you decide what colors to go with each other that's a big question um you know the only quick tip i could probably give is just like i would experiment with color palettes and you'll find colors that you love the way that they look together like i love this blue and i think it looks good with a lot of different colors but i especially love it with pink and orange and um yellow like that color palette is my favorite but um that's a that's i think probably too big of a question to to answer but just play around with colors look at look at pictures with different color palettes see what you like um i keep a pinterest board of like inspirational colors that i'm just like i love the way all those colors look together so all right well last question someone's just asking about when do i know to replace my pencil tip oh if it feels like scratchy or if there's any like gray or black showing you'll know like i i use the same one for like a couple years so i guess it just depends on how hard you uh press i don't know uh some people use that paper like tech procreate thing or screen protector you know what i mean uh it's been a long tutorial guys um and that some people complain about that wearing down i use matte glass and it's super smooth i like the smooth texture so i don't maybe that's why it doesn't wear out so fast one last thing how would i crop this so say maybe i wanted it square oh that's a great question okay go to the adjust no go to the actions menu go to canvas actions menu is the wrench canvas crop and resize you can just do that if you want and make it the size you want or you can go up to settings and you can set in the like actual pixels of what you want it to be so if you want it to be square these two would just have to match like these two width and height but that's a really good question because i think it looks great crop square so all right you guys that was a big one thank you so much for joining me today um i'm hoping to do more more live tutorials going forward um i have something next month that you guys have been asking for for a year and a half two years you guys we're gonna be doing more people skills next month and i'm gonna finish the people skills series so if you guys have been around on youtube for a while you know that i made this amazing set if i do say so myself series of tutorials about drawing people but i got so burnt out that i couldn't finish it and it's been you know like pandemic and kids and all kinds of stuff so i didn't get to finish it but it's gonna happen next month so stay tuned uh again embardo brush check out making art every day have a great day have a great week and we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Bardot Brush
Views: 255,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 477vaTshNSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 53sec (7013 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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