You Can Draw This LIGHTHOUSE Landscape in PROCREATE

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you can draw this in procreate you can draw this landscape with a lighthouse by just following this video all the way till the end because i will show you every single step and we'll just be using the brushes that are already in procreate if you find this tutorial to be a little bit challenging then don't forget you can always just hit pause rewind and take your time and once you've reached the finish line don't forget to share your work on instagram and tag me in the image that way i will be able to find your work and perhaps we'll see it in the next you can draw this video are you ready let's get started i have created a color palette for you which you can download for free through the link in the description in case you want to use the exact same colors i'm using in this video if you want to use the same brush sizes as well then be sure to set your canvas to the same size that's 3000 by 2000 pixels and if you want the colors to look the same then also be sure to set it to srgb color profile first thing we'll do is paint our sky and we'll do that by using the soft brush which you can find under airbrushing we will start off with this bright blue that's the first color in the color palette and the brush well the opacity is set to forty percent and we can make it pretty big let's go for ten percent we are going to fill our sky you can just make horizontal strokes and since the opacity is pretty low you will have to make multiple strokes to make it more opaque but that way you can slowly build up your colors so i always prefer to work with low opacity brushes or the ones that have the pen pressure set to opacity now let's go for a brighter lighter blue and we'll go over that center area adding some of that brighter blue and just keep making these horizontal strokes gradually building up that color then we'll go to the color palette again and grab that lighter blue and we'll drop that down here adding some lighter blue some less saturated blue to our sky and down here that's where the water and the sand will be so don't worry too much about that area now finally i want to grab this grayish blue and drop that at the bottom it'll be near the horizon let's make the brush a little bit smaller i'll go for well let's say seven percent and make a darker area here you can make multiple strokes building it up a little bit and if you want your gradient to look more smooth then you can go to the magic wand in the menu that's the adjustments then go to gaussian blur and slide your finger or your pen to the right to add a slight blur i will go for around ten percent next step will be the water let's make a new layer for that we'll go to the layer menu and click the plus to create a new layer first thing i'll do is make a selection go to the s-shaped ribbon set the selection tool to rectangle let's move our canvas up a little bit start here in the bottom left corner and drag your selection up up to about here not too high and now we can fill this selection by going to our palette and let's pick this dark blue and you can just drag in the circle to fill that selection and then you can click the s shape ribbon again to get out of the selection menu this will be our horizon and it is looking way too crisp right now in real life it really wouldn't look this crisp so let's go to the blur menu the gaussian blur in the adjustment menu and let's add a slight blur to this layer and you really only have to do it just a little bit let's say around three and a half percent that's fine and i will start painting on this water layer but to make sure that we don't go outside of the edges of this shape we'll go to the layer menu click layer 2 which has the water on it and use alpha lock now this layer is locked wherever there is no paint yet no paint will show up when we start painting only on that shape that we already created now let's start creating a gradient here as well just like we did with the sky so let's still use that soft brush and let's add some of these blue well it's not really blue it's more towards green almost but let's add that color to our water i'll go back to 10 for the brush size i'll go up from the bottom adding a little bit more color variation to our ocean here and you'll be a bit lighter at the bottom [Music] and darker near the horizon the next step is to add our little beach our sand and let's create a new layer for that so we'll go to the layer menu click the plus for a new layer and let me use the soft airbrush for this step and for the color we will start with this dark sandy color the brush opacity is set to 50 percent and the brush size is set to 50 and now let's make a shape that starts in the corner here and it goes up towards the right side let's make a shape that looks a bit like this with a little slope you can just fill it like this that's the sand for our for a lighthouse [Music] you can just fill it in by hand i already want to give it some color variation even though we are going to work on it a bit more at a later stage but let me grab this lighter sand color as well to add some lighter colors to this lower left side of our sand and because i'm using a low opacity brush it gives me a lot of control you can make multiple strokes slowly building that up and we are definitely going to add some more texture to the sand later on but we want a nice base for our lighthouse to stand on and that's what we're creating here now i would like to work on the water again we'll go back to the water layer that's layer two and i want to add some watery texture even though water doesn't really have a texture but you know what i mean right we'll add some water effect there and we'll use a brush that you can find under elements it's the oceans brush and we can use this brush to add that that texture that effect and let's first start with that dark blue that we use near the horizon and i also want to just turn my canvas a little bit it makes it more easier to make these strokes i have the opacity set to 65 and let's make a brush a little bit small maybe five percent because near the horizon this effect will be very small it's so small that you can barely see it but that's okay because then you can slowly just build it up so we'll add some of these darker waves on this greener area and you can switch to that greenish color and paint that over that area near the horizon you can see i'm just making these horizontal strokes giving that slight texture and as we move to the front we can go back to that blue color again and make the brush a little bit bigger let's say 12 because as you move towards the front those little waves will appear to be bigger now finally i would like to switch to that very light color here and we'll add some lighter wave effects here near the front now keep making these horizontal strokes adding the most of these lighter waves to this area in the front and if your brush is acting a little wonky if perhaps your waves are vertical instead of horizontal then what you could do is go to the brush menu click that brush then go to grain in this case and then click edit and you can just flip the grain you can just flip it and that should fix your brush if it's acting wonky now let's get started with the exciting part let's start drawing our lighthouse i will make a new layer for that so we'll go to the layer palette and go on top of that sand layer of course so first click layer three then click the plus to create a new layer for our lighthouse for our lighthouse we will pick a nice bright red it's that first color here at the bottom in the color palette and for our brush we will go to the calligraphy brushes and use the monoline brush it is set to 100 opacity and the size is set to 2 and we'll start off creating our lighthouse by creating an oval we can do it around here draw an oval and hold your pen in place and then you can go to edit shape here at the top and you can move it around make your oval smaller make it broader do whatever you like with your oval i want it to be like straight something like this should be fine now i would like to use this oval as a kind of like a base for our entire lighthouse so i would like to save this oval so i'll just duplicate this layer by swiping to the left and i'll turn off this oval so i can just keep it around in case i need it at a later point so now first let me duplicate this new oval that i created you can just duplicate the layer again or you can swipe down with three fingers and hit copy and paste i will move this one downward but do be sure that you have your move tool set to magnetics that way you can easily drag it down in a perfectly vertical line and also be sure that you set it to uniform if you want to make your oval a little bit bigger so we're making it a little bit bigger the bottom part of the lighthouse will be a bit broader than the top so i've created a bigger oval here now we'll go to the brush again and we'll create a vertical slightly diagonal line from the bottom to the top i do feel like we can move that top part up a little bit so i'll go back to this layer then to the move tool and drag it up just a little bit [Music] to about there okay now i'll go to the brush and connect these parts i'll start here at the bottom drag up hold your pen in place and that way you can create a perfectly straight line you can even go to edit shape and move these anchor points around and then we'll go to the other side from the bottom all the way to the top use edit shape to adjust it if needed [Music] and then we have this nice cone shape now we can't fill our shape yet because these shapes are on different layers so we will need to merge them this one at the bottom that was our extra oval so we won't be touching that one we will just merge these top two and now you can just drag in the color circle and fill the shape and perhaps you'll need to move the threshold a bit so that all the lines are more perfectly filled and fill this part and this over here as well [Music] now i would like to add a white ring to our lighthouse and we use that base oval that we saved here duplicate it again and i'll put it at the top i don't want this oval to be red though i want it to be white way you can do that is first by turning it on then we'll click the layer and turn on alpha lock then we'll grab the white color over here and then you can go to the layer again click it and select fill layer and now we have a white oval and we use this one to create that ring around our lighthouse let me just turn off alpha lock and we'll use the gesture again we'll swipe down with three fingers use copy and paste and we'll move this ring downward to about here and let's make it slightly bigger by pinching out our fingers and make sure that it touches those edges of the lighthouse it shouldn't be overlapping too much but it shouldn't be not touching the edges of either so if you zoom in you can see that it's slightly over the edge and that's great i want to move that other one down a little bit so i'll go to layer four one of the layer fours in any case with the one with the white ring go to the move tool and move it down just slightly and again i'll make it a little bit bigger so that it'll touch the edges to fill the shape we will have to merge these layers again so let's pinch them together and before we fill it we will need to connect these sides so let's do that you can do it a little bit messy don't worry because what we will do is use a clipping mask we'll click this layer and set it to clipping mask now it is clipped to the lighthouse layer and whatever is on this layer it'll only show up on the shape of the layer that's below so let's fill our shape we'll fill this part and this part but this part that's the part we'll remove let me turn around our lighthouse a little bit and let's use the eraser tool i have my eraser set to monoline now i'll just go along that edge to tidy this up here and our lighthouse has a nice white ring let's move up i would like to make another shape on top of our lighthouse so let's duplicate this ring again that base ring that we saved let's duplicate it let's turn on the layer turn on alpha lock again and we'll use fill layer again so that our ring will be white and now let's go to the move tool and move it up for that top part of our lighthouse actually i need two rings so let's duplicate it we can use the three finger swipe down again and use copy and paste now let's move it down just to this top and turn off the move tool now all we have to do is connect these two parts you can go to the monoline brush again and just connect these two sides i want to go straight down so i'll hold one finger on the screen and that way i will have a perfectly vertical line so make a line hold your pen in place so that it'll snap to a straight line and then hold your finger on the screen to make a perfectly vertical line don't forget to merge these layers and also make sure that alpha lock is turned off otherwise you won't be able to fill it and now let's just fill these parts [Music] for the next step we'll go back to our little ring again and again duplicate it by swiping to the left and clicking duplicate we'll make it a different color again let's click it and use alpha lock and this time we'll pick a color that i forgot to put in the color palette let's pick a very dark color a well an almost black and let me just put it in the color palette so you will be able to find it and now let's go to the layer again click it and use fill layer so now we have a near black ring let me turn off alpha lock and let's put it on top of the other layers without clipping mask we don't need that so click the layer and turn off clipping mask here let's go to the move tool and make this ring slightly bigger and we'll move it up a little bit to about here let's duplicate this ring and let's go to the move tool again to move this one up a little bit to about here [Music] i want to move the other one down a little bit actually i feel like it's too high let's go for something like that next i'll duplicate the layer again and go to the move tool and i'll make this ring slightly smaller again and i wanted to cover that well slightly cover that red part [Music] and i just want some slight openings on these sides i want to merge these bottom two rings so you can just check with these uh with these check marks if you have the right layer so we just want these bottom two let's merge these and fill that shape i want this part to be gone this lower part the way you can do that is by going to the lighthouse layer click it and use select now if we go back to that layer with the rings it is more easy to remove this lower part because you can only erase whatever is inside of that selection all right now i want to connect this part with that top oval so let's create a new layer and let's turn off that selection because otherwise we won't be able to draw use the monoline brush and let's connect these two like this make a layer we'll make a line of layer make a line down and one on this side too you can hold one finger on your screen to make a perfectly vertical line and let's create some more let's make one here one in the middle and one over here i want to remove some parts of that circle here that oval so we'll go to that layer which is called layer four like many other layers and let's use the eraser to get rid of this part for example and let's create some more decorations here well let's just merge all these layers now that we got this go to the monoline brush again and let's add some extra here we'll start at the center of this little pole and then to go to the center of this area and make a little curved line from center to center [Music] over here like that next let's add the top to our lighthouse i feel like we don't have a lot of room left at the top so i would like to make our lighthouse a little bit smaller we can do that by just grabbing all these layers by swiping to the right going to the move tool and be sure to have it set to uniform and i'll turn off magnetics that's not really important right now and let's just make it a little bit smaller so we have a bit more room at the top and i'll move it to the left just slightly all right for the top for the top i would like to be behind this column right here so i'll make a layer underneath it i'll select layer 4 this layer 4 click the plus for a new layer and for our color i'll pick the bright red lighthouse color and use the monoline brush first thing i'll do is make a circle so just draw a circle hold your pen in place and well it doesn't have to be a perfect circle you can go to edit shape you can move it around a bit and then you can just fill that shape and then let's just draw in a little extra touches let's add a little oval here you can hold your pen in place again let's fill that shape and add a smaller oval here just do it by hand [Music] and you can add a little pin to the top now we need our little oval one more time let's duplicate it again and we want to put it on top of this cone shape and let's turn it on let's use alpha lock again and for the color we will use this bluish one let's go back to the layer click it and use fill layer and we'll turn off alpha lock now let's go to the move tool turn on magnetic so we are sure that it's going up vertically in a perfect way let's move it up all the way here turn off the move tool and swipe down with three fingers to duplicate this layer just use copy paste and drag this one down [Music] to about here now you're going to draw some vertical lines we'll go down a bit left from the center hold your pen in place and then hold one finger on the screen to make it snap to a perfectly vertical line and let's do the same here like that and now we can merge these layers so we are able to fill the shape and we don't want to fill the entire shape we just want to fill this part and this part we are going to remove the rest of it because this will be our window let's grab the eraser and you can make a well you can do the same thing here you can hold your pen in place and make these perfectly vertical lines let's erase this part here and if you don't have the patience to remove this part by hand you can just go to the selection tool that s shaped ribbon use the free hand selection tool and select this part of the shape i have that selection and you can swipe with three fingers to erase that part now we'll still be using the eraser and let's make a vertical line here and one over here and we'll also make a little horizontal line but it'll be a bit curved because we are following the shape of the lighthouse so follow that shape and make a line like that now we have a nice little window for our lighthouse it looks a little bit boring though i want to give it some color variation and we can do that by using alpha lock again so click the layer use alpha lock and then let's go to the airbrushing brushes and use the soft brush now let's pick perhaps this color of our sky and make our brush a bit smaller let's go for six percent and add a little bit of light here on the inside and i want to make that top part a little bit darker so perhaps we can use some of that black just add a little bit of shadow there i like the way that looks finally i want to add a little white line at the bottom of our lighthouse here so let's go back to that oval that we saved this will be the last time we use it let's turn it on use alpha lock and go to the white color right here in the color palette and let's fill it with this color so click the layer and use fill layer let's turn off alpha lock and let's move the layer all the way down and let's also make it bigger that's looking good it's below all the other lighthouse layers so that's great let's go to the calligraphy brushes and use the monoline brush for this that looks way better all right let's add a little bit of a line going up here and most of this will be covered by sand so i don't need to close the entire shape let's fill it and i'll fill this in by hand now let me use the eraser to erase this part we'll be covering a lot more by sand but for now this is fine let's add some texture and some lighting to our lighthouse first let's go to the red layer that we got that's this one right here and to add shadow let's use we'll click the layer use alpha lock and with alpha lock we will be sure that we will be painting on the shape and not outside of the shape for our brush we'll go to the airbrushing brushes and use the soft brush and for the color we will use this dark red the brush opacity is still set to forty percent and the brush size is set to five percent and let's go over this right side of the lighthouse adding a slight shadow there and since we are using a low opacity brush you can make multiple strokes slowly making it darker and now i would like to switch to the soft airbrush which has some more crisp edges a little bit less soft we have the opacity set to 50 and for our size let's go to 20 percent i want to make a slight dark edge on this side of the lighthouse just along that edge and i would also like to add a shadow here we'll make a curve to this side that's that railing that part where you can walk that's casting a shadow on the lighthouse of course our white part needs some shadow as well so let's go to that layer that's that little white edge let's use alpha lock on this layer as well and also let's use that soft brush again and let's pick this gray color in the color palette and again we will just go over that right side slowly building up that shadow there and you can also use that soft airbrush here at the top to add a slight little shadow here as well since we are already using this gray let's go to that top white part that's right here and again let's use alpha lock and we'll start off with the soft brush first let's add a slight shadow here on the right side and let's switch to the soft airbrush for a tiny little shadow here at the top next let's go to that little dome at the top and again be sure to use alphalog so we won't be painting outside of that shape and again we'll use the soft brush first for our color we'll go to the dark red and again we'll focus on that right side of the shape adding a shadow there then we'll switch to the soft airbrush let's zoom in just a little bit we'll add a slight shadow on this little bowl i would also like to add a little edge here at the top and i would like to have it cover a little bit of that cone here as well so let me make a new layer on top here and for the brush let's go to the inking brushes and use a dry ink brush let's make it pretty small the opacity is at a hundred percent by the way let me check i have it at six percent right now i think that's fine and i want to make a little edge just along the edge right here we'll just follow that shape and i would like to add just a little bit of texture here actually [Music] makes it look a bit more interesting [Music] just a slight touch you can actually also use it on the dome here a little bit make a little line here at the top adding some slight texture there and let's add a little bit of texture to that like a body of the lighthouse as well and to start painting on the body of the lighthouse we will actually need to be on a layer that's on top of that body so let's just move this layer that we were just using let's move it to the top now let's turn off clipping mask let's turn off clipping mask because we want it to be visible on all of these layers i do want to make the brush a little bit smaller perhaps one percent let me check yeah that's nice and let's add a little bit of texture a little bit more interest to that body first i'll make a line going down all the way to the bottom of the lighthouse and then i want to make some curves that follow that shape of the lighthouse and i'll just do it by hand i like it to be a little bit playful it doesn't have to be perfect i'll go all the way down along that body of the lighthouse i'll make them a bit more straight here near the bottom because that curve it's going the other way around here i think that already it looks a lot more interesting now let's go and add a little bit more texture to our sand for our brush i would like to go to the sketching brushes and use the artist crayon and for the color we will pick this light sandy color and for our layer let's create one on top of all the others because i want to be covering that lighthouse a bit as well and the opacity is at 100 and the size is at three percent and i'm going to turn around my canvas a little bit and let's just make some kind of like vertical little horizontal strokes over that sandy beach creating a nice sandy texture here [Music] of course these videos these you can draw this videos those are really very step-by-step easy videos but if you want more if you want to challenge yourself more if you want to work more with textures with realism then i really suggest you check out my patreon page because there i have videos with well ranging in difficulty but especially with the intermediate and more advanced tutorials i don't really have this super step-by-step guide but i show you my entire process from sketch to finished piece and also share my thought process when i'm creating digital artworks so that way when you follow those videos eventually you can create your own artworks let me grab this darker color again and i'll make the brush a little bit smaller here go to one percent to cover this white area here to make that sand cover that bottom of the lighthouse a bit so at patreon i also show you how you can use reference images photos how you can look at those and create your own artworks from them just creating more texture here i think it's already starting to look like lovely sand it doesn't need much and now let me add a drop shadow here the light is pretty strong and it'll definitely create a a dark drop shadow here on the sand i don't want it to cover our our lighthouse though so let me make a selection of our lighthouse let's click that layer use select and now i will reverse this selection you can do that right here you can invert and now we can only paint on well all the areas outside of that selection outside of that that lighthouse shape so our shadow won't end up on that lighthouse let's grab this dark color right here that fourth color in the color palette and now of course we will need to go to the layer with the sand we just created that layer on top and now let's create that drop shadow here doesn't have to be too big [Music] just a little one it's like the light the sun is very high up in the sky so that drop shadow won't be very big and it's also a bit textured because of that sand always be sure to zoom out every once in a while to check out your artwork see how it looks i think we're doing great let's click that s-shaped ribbon to get out of the selection menu for the final touch in our scene let's work on some clouds let's go to a layer well let's make a layer on top of our sky layer that we made oh way back in the beginning feels like ages ago let's click the plus to create a new layer and for our brush we will go to the elements brushes again you can find them yeah right here and let's use the clouds brush we will just be using this brush as a base let's grab a color let's first grab this pretty dark gray color and like i said we will just be using it as a base not as a solution to create clouds the opacity is at 100 the size is at 15 and let's just create some cloud shapes i kind of i like the edges that these clouds give [Music] so we'll go from the left to the right with this pretty dark gray i just want to create some nice edges here for our clouds let's make another cloud over here don't worry about the color you'll be fine i always like starting with some darker colors for the clouds and then lightening them them up and some clouds over here now that we have a basic shape for our clouds we can click the layer and use alpha lock again and while we still use the clouds brush we can add some lighter colors let's pick this one now let's go over some areas of the clouds lightening them up since we're using alphalock we will only be painting on the clouds that we already created [Music] i'm trying to keep the bottom parts of the clouds i'm trying to keep those pretty dark this is a great base to start with for our clouds let's turn off alpha lock on this layer click it click alpha lock and then go to the magic wand just give it a slight blur so we'll go to gaussian blur drag your pen to the right just slightly let's say around two and a half percent that's really enough and now what i'd like to do is just go to the airbrushing brushes and use the soft brush i'll use it at a small size perhaps like three percent the opacity is still at forty percent and at first i'll just keep using this light gray and now you can just play around and work on these these clouds a bit more if you feel insecure about painting on top of these clouds you can just create a new layer on top by clicking the plus to create a new layer and if you're having problems with your layers if there are too many then you can always merge layers that you're happy with or make your canvas a bit smaller and now by hand i'll make these circular motions and play around with these clouds a bit working on them a bit more and making them look less like they were created with a clouds brush make sure that you keep those shadow areas in your clouds i'm making these small circular motions i'm painting stuff by hand just basic brushes that's actually what we do at patreon i always use my basic flow brush set which you'll get when you join patreon that will mostly just be painting things by hand working on textures by hand lighting sketching like the whole shebang [Music] so circular motions here clouds are usually nice and fluffy and yeah they have these rounded shapes so you can use these small circular motions to create that effect and also do be sure to grab reference images don't try to paint them from memory even though you see clouds every day using reference images that really helps i use reference images all the time i use the reference image to create this as well keep making circular motions and making those top parts of the clouds lighter than the bottom parts let me also grab this dark color right here you can just hold your finger on the screen to grab the color and let me make the bottom part of this cloud a little bit darker again making these circular motions adding a little bit of shadow there also some darker clouds over here [Music] [Music] you're almost there some dark areas underneath these clouds and let's also go to the lightest color over here it's for some slight light touches to our clouds and just be sure that you keep that variation in values in your cloud so some dark shadow areas and some lighter parts don't go over all of these clouds with your light brush just ending up with light blobs you made it all the way to the end of this tutorial you should be very proud of yourself thank you so much for following along this tutorial i hope you have enjoyed it if you did do be sure to check out the other you can draw this videos as well or you know you could also just start with these two videos over here thanks for watching
Channel: Art with Flo
Views: 80,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: you can draw this lighthouse landscape, you can draw this landscape, you can draw this lighthouse, you can draw this, art with flo, procreate drawing tutorial step by step, procreate drawing tutorial for beginners, art channel, digital painting for beginners, procreate tutorial easy, procreate 5 tutorial, ipad pro procreate drawing tutorial, digital art tutorial procreate, procreate drawing tutorial for beginners easy, digital painting landscape
Id: XYyv64GNlTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 34sec (3334 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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