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you can draw this in procreate you can drop this in procreate by just using the brushes that are already in appropriate app and two free brushes which you can download through a link in the description this procreate tutorial might be a bit more challenging than the other you can draw this videos but I'm sure you can do this you can always just pause rewind the video and take your time and I know you can do it because I have seen so many great results on Instagram so be sure to follow this video all the way till the end and share your work on Instagram as well and be sure to tag me in the image and not just in the description because that way I will be able to find your work and perhaps you'll see your work in the next you can draw this video so grab your pen or your finger or whatever you're using for drawing and let's get started with this procreate tutorial as always I have created a color palette for you so you can use the exact same colors as I'm using in this video and if you want to use the same brush sizes as well then the canvas is 3000 by 2000 pixels if you use the same canvas size you will be using the same brush sizes as well first thing we'll do is drop in a color for our background we'll be using this yellowish color that first color in the color palette you can just drag in the color by dragging that circle on your screen on this layer we will be painting our sky and we will be painting from the back of our landscape to the front before we get started painting the sky I want to add a layer with our first mountain range go to the layer palette and click the plus to make a new layer now we'll grab the mono line brush which you can find under calligraphy and we will pick this very light purple color and I have to brush size set to around 7% and we'll get started making our first mountain range we'll start just above halfway of our canvas and just draw some mountain shapes not too wobbly just a little bit we'll go from the left side of our canvas all the way to the right side something like this and now you can just drag in the color by dragging the circle onto your canvas and now that we have a sense of how big our sky will be we can get started painting in some clouds let's go to the layer with the yellow color on it first I want to use a soft brush which you can find under airbrushing a soft brush right here I want to use that to add in a little bit of a gradient in our sky let's set the brush to about 10% in size and the opacity is at 40% and I want to add some purple colors to our sky and also some oranges let's grab this fourth color in the color palette and let's start adding some purples to the top of our sky and you can make multiple strokes because the brush is a little bit transparent so you can slowly build up that purple color and I want to keep the bottom of that sky I want to keep that yellowish I also want to add some oranges at the third color in the color palette I want to add some of that as well around the middle here and like I said if things are going too fast for you just hit pause rewind as many times as you want and just take your time making your landscape painting I also want to add some lighter yellows to the bottom near that horizon you have that second yellow color and let's add some here now let's also use some of this very light purple color to make it even lighter and now to soften these transitions we can use the Gaussian blur you'll find it under the magic wand and there you'll see gauzy and blur now if you slide with your pen or finger to the right on your screen you will be blurring this layer we don't want too much of a blur let's just go for something around 12% and you can hit the wand again to get out of this menu or just hit your brush or whatever something else on your screen to get out of that gauzy and blur menu next let's make a new layer to add some clouds you could just paint these clouds on the layer that we already have of making a new layer and placing them on the new layer gives you a lot more control in case you end up not liking the clouds that much you can just remove the clouds layer and start over for our clouds I would like to use another airbrush we will be using the soft airbrush the brush size is set to 30 30% and the opacity of the brush is 60% and now I would like to add some darker clouds and I'll use this dark purple color for that let's start about here let's just make some cloud shapes and since this as well because of the low opacity it is a more of a transparent brush you'll have a lot of control you can slowly build up those clouds do be sure to look up reference images get some inspiration for your clouds you know I look up reference images as well I look at photos to let myself be inspired to make these you can draw it as videos and the more you use references the bigger your visual library and your brain will become and it'll start to get easier to come up with your own with your own ideas I'm gonna make the brush a little bit smaller perhaps around 17% I want to make some very small clouds here and since you are painting these clouds on a separate layer you keep full control you can always adjust the opacity of the layer move your clouds around erase parts of the clouds working on a separate layer like this it's just super handy and as you can see I'm making sort of circular motions creating these clouds and let's also add some lighter clouds I'll be using this yellowish color to add some lighter clouds as well [Music] you Nissim here we can also add a bit more of that orange let me make the brush a bit bigger again I'll go to 30% and if you want to learn more about painting and procreate then you might want to join the biggest propria community at patreon there I share a lot of fully narrated video tutorials but not only that I also share special procreate brushes show you how to use them and the whole community is just very supportive everyone is giving each other tips and encouragement and yeah that's just wonderful it's great to see everyone grow and develop their appropriate skills so you might want to check that out let's just add a little bit more of that bright yellow and I'll make the brush 13% I want to add some slight lights now of course I'm not some sort of drawing machine I to use reference photos when I make paintings especially for you can draw this video like this I plan everything ahead and I make studies and I look at photos to get examples of how these clouds how did what they look like so please don't refrain from using reference photos for your paintings and you can always use that Gaussian blur tool again to just slightly blur your clouds like perhaps maybe just two and a half percent and you could just build on top of that and start adding more and more details to your clouds for this tutorial I will leave it at this because I want to keep it simple but you can work on your sky for as long as you like of course I want to move on and work on those mountains we'll go to the mountain layer and we'll select alpha lock just click the layer and select alpha lock and if you have seen my other you cantatas videos then you might have heard this a hundred times but I think that it's really good to repeating the lessons so that it'll stick al-falaq that means that well the pixels are locked and we are only able to paint on the pixels on the paint that's already on this layer you can see a little checkered checkerboard pattern around that shape you can paint there only on the purple we'll go to the soft brush that we just use for our sky and we are going to add a little bit of more light we'll pick this color right here and we'll go over those mountains just below the top to give it a little bit of a misty appearance I want the mountains in the back to be a bit more faded and as we will move towards the front they will become darker and darker now you don't have to go all the way to the bottom because that part will be covered by our other mountains let's make a new layer to create another Mountain layer again we will be using the mono line brush which you can find under calligraphy it's still there and let's pick this purple color right here and again we will start at the left side of the canvas and make our way to the right side just make a wobbly line stay a bit close to that utter mountain range I'll go all the way to the side making some wobbly lines like this for instance and we can just drag into color again to fill that shape and again I want to add a little bit of mist here so click the layer and select alpha lock so we won't be painting any missed outside of this mountain shape we'll go to air brushing again and use a soft brush and let's pick this light purple color and just go over it just below that top so that that upper edge will stay a bit dark but that underside of the mounds and that's a bit covered in mist just make some horizontal strokes slowly building up that mess [Music] and again you don't have to go all the way to the bottom let's make another mountain range let's go to the layers again and click plus for a new layer and we'll go back to the mana lime brush again and let's use this color right now and again we'll start at the left and make our way to the right I like to stay close here to that utter mountain range but make a slightly different shape and I'll go down here [Music] and we'll go up on the right side there and you can just drag in the color again to fill your shape and be sure to click your layer and select alpha lock before we start painting with our airbrush go to airbrushing and use the soft brush and let's add some mist again this time I want to add some of these blues so I'll slightly go over just below that top of the mountain [Music] to add some interesting mist of course you can add some of these want purple missed colors as well [Music] and we can even add some of these bright blues now I want to make one more layer with mountains so click the plus again go to the mono line brush and let's select this dark color one more time and we'll start on the left side again and go down [Music] and go up again on the right side and drag in the color to fill the shape I want this part to be the darkest so I won't add a whole lot of mist first be sure to use alpha lock again on this layer and go to the airbrush to the soft brush under airbrushing and I'll just add some slight blue mist [Music] now let's start working on our foreground we'll have to make a new layer for that so click the plus and we'll pick a grassy color let's pick this one the fifth color in the color palette will the lower row and let's go to the mono line brush again and just like with the mountains we'll start here on the left side and go all the way to the right side make a bit of a wobbly line [Music] and fill your shape and this layer we will also use alpha lock and first I want to add some color variation to our grassy field by using the soft airbrush again I want to add some darker greens to the left side so we'll pick this one and we'll just go over this left side roughly and some darker grass right here and I also want to add some brighter grass and I also glaze over some yellows just slightly and this will form a nice base for our grassy field let's use the Gaussian blur to soften it a little bit I'll go to around 15% now let's add some trees to our scene we'll do that on a layer below our grassy layer so we'll have to select layer 6 and then click the plus to make a layer that is below our grass seat layer and I will start using the pine tree brushes which you can download for free through a link in the description be sure to enter a 0 though and read the instructions when downloading so you can download them for free first let's use the pine tree broad brush I'll pick this second color in the color palette bottom row and let's start adding some trees and now let's start placing these trees I have to brush size set to around 30% but you can play around with that and I'll let these trees pop up just above that horizon let's go from the left to the ride adding these trees you can make the brush a bit smaller let's go to well let's say 15% add some smaller trees here [Music] and you can also switch to the other pine tree - pine tree long brush that is set to 15% as well and just add some other trees as well for the variation [Music] just fill some of these gaps [Music] just make sure that you don't see any floating trees now we can add a little bit of color variation to these tweets we can do that by using alpha lock on this tree layer and then we can go grab an airbrush like the soft brush to add some slight color variation so let's grab this lighter greenish color for instance and let's just glaze over some of these trees [Music] and you can also use that very dark color to darken up some of these trees let's make the brush a bit smaller I'll go for 6% [Music] adding these darker and lighter trees that just gives a little bit more depth to our trees now I want to get back to the grass and work on that some more I want to use a brush that's under painting I want to use the damp brush now we are going to add a little bit of texture and some more color to this layer let's first start with this dark green well it's almost gray blackish let's use that on this layer I want to create some depth here so we'll make this area a bit more dark as if there's a little hill I'll make the brush a bit bigger I was at 6% I'll go to 10% let's add a little bit of a dark area here as well if that's a bit more eye shadow and here as well just want to add some texture and color variation to our grass oh and by the way if you want to use more tree brushes than just these two that we used in this video I have actually made a brand new brush back full of forest and trees stuff I'll leave a link in the description so you can check it out now we can add some lighter colors as well I want to add some yellowish colors so if some sunlight is hitting this grass here lightening up that field and I'm using very little pressure on my pen I'm just making four-way strokes following that hill let's also add some of that orange I'll make the brush a bit smaller let's go to 8% to add some slight touches of orange a nice warm glow now I would like to add some trees to the foreground as well we'll do that on a new layer so go to the layer palette and then click plus and we'll go back to the trees let me use the pine tree broad and pick this dark green now we'll just play around with the size a bit I'm at nineteen percent right now that's a bit small so I'll make it bigger thirty-two that's nice for our foreground and I'll make it a bit smaller for some trees in the background and a 15 percent right now maybe sixteen and you can just tap with two fingers to undo in case you don't like the way your tree looks eleven percent right now you can also use the other brush to pine tree long make it a bit bigger twenty-one percent just very the brush size to get a variation of trees and I want to go back to that painting brush that damp brush to paint on top of these trees a bit to give it a little bit more variation I'll make the brush a bit smaller let's go for three percent now I'll just also smudge them a bit because if you hold your pen on your screen you can kind of smudge the paint a little bit move it around to create a bit more of a painterly look and that way all these trees well they don't look the same you get some variation we can also add some darker parts to our grass some dark patches of brass some shadow areas also try painting in some little trees by hand some small tree shapes we can also grab that lighter color for the trees to add some light touches adding this light I try to stick to one side of the tree I try to imagine where the light is coming from because if you add these light touches to the entire tree well then you'll just have a lighter tree you want to get some depth in there so pick a side and add some light there and let's also add some more light touches to the grass I'll go back to the yellow brush roll that yellow color another yellow brush and I'll make the brush smaller around 2% and I'll add some little specks as if perhaps there are some little flowers on the grass just some little touches and of course you can go into way more detail than what I'm doing during a video like this you can choose sit and relax on your couch and grab your iPad every once in a while to work on these little details it's really relaxing just pick it up every once in a while and just dab away and just look at reference photos check what you like in those images and put it in your landscape picking up that dark color up those trees there and some darkness to these trees over there you can just continue building up your painting playing around with the brush sizes now let me pick a light color from the grass area here I want to add a little bit more light to these trees blending them a bit more with the surroundings with the grass now what I really like to do in the end is add an overlay layer so you can play around with the colors I'll make a layer on top of all the others and click the end and then go to overlay and now you can use the soft airbrush let's go there airbrushing the soft brush and you can use that to really give a boost to your colors let's try that out let's make the brush a bit bigger perhaps around 15% but you can just play around and check what size you like and we can pick this orange for instance and add a warm glow to our grass just by glazing over that area and you can do the same in the sky add some warmth there and we can pick that blue for instance and add a bluish glow to the mountains here we can also boost the Purple's in our sky just pick this fourth color you can boost those a little bit and if you think the effect is too strong you can just go to the layer click the O and lower the opacity a bit let's say to 70% for instance that way you can tweak those colors a bit and there we have our little landscape with mountains and trees I hope you enjoyed following this tutorial if you did then you might want to check out my other you can draw us videos as well or if you want to learn more about procreate and join the biggest procreate community at patreon they might want to check out the link in the description
Channel: Art with Flo
Views: 108,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: you can draw this mountain landscape, you can draw this, you can draw this landscape, art with flo, digital painting for beginners, procreate drawing tutorial step by step, art with flo you can draw this, procreate tutorial easy, procreate drawing tutorial for beginners, anyone can draw this landscape, procreate tutorial drawing, art channels on youtube, procreate easy drawing tutorial, you can draw this landscape in procreate, you can draw this procreate, procreate tutorial
Id: EkoQ-fJAWCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 4sec (2044 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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