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you can draw this in procreate you can draw this bubble tea in procreate by just using the brushes that are already in the app and of course by following this video all the way till the end and do be sure that once you have reached the end to share your work on instagram and tag me in the image not just in the description and i'll be able to find your work and perhaps will see it in the next you can draw this video if you are enjoying these tutorials then you can support this channel by either giving a thumbs up leaving a comment hitting that subscribe button and of course turning on the bell notification so you won't be missing the next you can draw this video and if you have already followed all of the you can draw this videos and you want more then you can check out my patreon page because there i have a lot more content video tutorials ranging from beginner level to more advanced levels but now let's get started and create a cute looking bubble tea our canvas is 2500 pixels by 2500 pixels and i have created a color palette for you in case you want to use the exact same colors i'm using in this tutorial you can just download it through the link in the description first thing we'll do during this tutorial is give a color to our background we'll go to the layer menu and click background color and we'll pick this light purplish color then we'll go to layer 1 and we'll start creating our bubble tea to make a nice symmetrical looking cup we will use the symmetry tool in this tutorial let's go to the wrench in the menu over here and then turn on drawing guide you can find it under canvas turn it on and then go to edit drawing guide now select symmetry here at the bottom and that's how you turn on symmetry you can just click done and now whatever we paint on the left side of the canvas will also show up on the right side you can also see it in the layer menu you can see that this layer is assisted that means that symmetry is stirred on for this layer for the color we will use the second color here in the color palette that nice looking purple and for the brush we will go to the calligraphy brushes and use the monoline brush the opacity for this brush is set to a hundred percent and the size is at eight percent we'll start by making the bottom and the top of our cup let's start at the bottom by drawing a horizontal line here let's start about here make a line to the other side and hold your pen in place now if you put one finger on your screen you can turn it into a perfectly horizontal line and let's do the same thing at the top let's start a bit more to the left so around here and make a horizontal line again hold your pen in place tap one finger on the screen to make a perfectly horizontal line and now we'll connect these two lines let's just start here at the bottom draw a line to the top and hold your pen in place to let it snap to a perfectly straight line and now we can fill the shape by dragging in the color and for the next step we are going to cut some parts off of this cup we are going to make some indents in the cup and we'll do that by using the eraser now if you tap and hold the eraser it'll switch to the brush that you're using right now so that's the monoline brush let's click and hold eraser and now the eraser is also the monoline brush we'll start at the bottom let's start about here make a little rounded shape here that's the bottom of the cup and then we'll see a little indent or well it sticks out a little bit here so we'll go to the left and then let's go up diagonally and in this case you can also use the the snapping feature making it a straight line our eraser let's go to about here and then we'll go to the outside again a little bit to about here and again let's make a line up to about here a diagonal line and then again we're carving out our cup [Music] and then finally one more and make a line here now we've cut off quite a big part of our cup now to erase that part that we just cut off you can either use the eraser and just go ahead and erase everything or we can go to the selection tool that s shape ribbon and use freehand now you can select [Music] every part here and you can also just tap in each corner making straight selection lines [Music] and we can close it by clicking that circle here now we have made a selection and if you use the three finger swipe you can erase that part of your cup and we can do the same thing on the other side selecting everything [Music] and click the circle to close the selection use the three finger swipe and there it's removed now you can tidy some some parts up a little bit make some parts a bit more rounded by using that eraser [Music] and whatever you're doing on this side it'll also happen on the other side because we have symmetry turned on let's go up a little bit here now you can see we have a little bit of an indent here it's not too tidy so we can just go over make that straight line and then make it a bit rounded again here you can just keep tweaking that cup i like the way it looks now i want our bottom part to be a little bit rounded and a way we can do that is by going to the magic wand and then using liquify i have it set to push let's make it around 40 percent our brush and we can pull down that center part of the bottom making it a little bit more rounded [Music] like that and then you can just click the magic wand again to get out of that menu next thing we'll do is create a lid for our cup we'll do that on a separate layer so let's go to the layer menu and click the plus to create a new layer for the brush we will still be using the monoline brush and for the color we will pick this third color in the color palette and now we will create an oval at the top here just draw an oval hold your pen in place until it snaps to a quick shape and then you can click edit shape here at the top to adjust it a little bit i don't want it to be too rounded i want it to be quite flat a bit like this and now to make sure that it's exactly centered we can go to the arrow to the move tool and if you set it to snapping you can make it snap to well the exact middle of your canvas and we can tap here at the top to move it up just a little bit i think this is the perfect place and you can just tap that arrow again to get out of that menu so here we have the bottom of our lid let's fill it by dragging in the color and now let's create a new layer to create the top part of that lid so we'll go to the layer menu again click the plus for a new layer and we will still be using that monoline brush and the same color i will make an oval that's a bit smaller than this one so let's run oval hold your pen in place to make it snap and use edit shape at the top to make it a bit smaller i want it to be slightly smaller than the bottom oval and move it down a little bit and again to make sure that it's exactly centered you can go to the arrow make sure that you have it set to snapping and just let it snap to the center and you can tap like this to move it down a little bit and just click the arrow to get out of that menu again and now we can fill the shape by dragging in the color and now we want to fill that little gap between the bottom and the top part of the lid so we'll go to the bottom lid layer click it and turn on drawing assist that means that now symmetry is turned on for this layer let's zoom in a little bit and let's just use that monoline brush to fill that gap here and you can see that the same thing has happened on the right side and now let's turn off that drawing assist well that drawing guide let's turn it off by going to the menu to canvas and then turning off drawing guide because we really don't need to see that line next we'll create a straw let's make a new layer for that so we'll go to the layer menu and create a new layer on top so first click layer 3 then the plus for a new layer and for the color we will pick this one right here at the bottom left first thing we'll do is create a little oval so create an oval hold your pen in place and click edit shape in case you want to adjust it a little bit let's place it about here and now let's duplicate this oval you can do that by swiping down with three fingers and clicking duplicate now we can drag it up like that to create the top part of the straw and now let's use the monoline brush and make two lines connecting these two ovals you can hold your pen in place to let it snap to a perfectly straight line and you can even use edit shape if you need to move it around a little bit and once you have those lines you can merge these layers by squishing them together and then you can drag in the color to fill that straw and now you might find that your straw is a little bit too thick i think this one is a bit too thick you can just go to the arrow tool to the move tool and you can adjust it a little bit let's go to free form and let me turn off snapping and now we can just make it a little bit thinner and move it around and if you go to distort we can even move it sideways a little bit if you use that middle handle over here then click the arrow to get out of there and there we have a nice looking straw and now we already have a nice base for our bubble tea let's get started adding some milk to our tea let's go to the layer menu by clicking the two squares and then go to that layer with the cup on it now click the plus to make a new layer and we'll set this layer to clipping mask now this layer is clipped to our cup and whatever we paint on this layer five will only show up on that cup shape so nothing will end up on the outside we are going to add some milk using this white almost white color and for the brush we will go to textures and use dove lake the opacity of this brush is set to a hundred percent and the size is at nineteen percent and now let's add some milk by going over well mostly over the bottom part of the cup you can see we're getting this nice texture which isn't exactly looking like milk a way to fix that is by going to the magic wand and using gaussian blur click layer and now slide to the right with your pen and blur this a little bit i'm at five percent right now now let's add some more milk by going to the brushes again then to elements and then use the clouds brush we'll still be using the same color the brush is set to 100 opacity and the size is at 11 but you can play around with that now let's add some more tea mostly going over that underside i want to leave some purple at the top so i won't be adding too much there and again you can use the magic wand and the gaussian blur set to layer to blur this layer a little bit and i'll go for 4.5 now that we have our milk i want to add some shadow and highlight to our cup we'll also do that on separate layers so let's click the plus for a new layer and again set this to clipping mask so nothing will end up on the outside of that cup and we'll set this layer to multiply just click the n and then scroll up to multiply and for the brush we will go to the airbrushing brushes and use the soft brush for the color we will pick that purple color that we used for the cup the opacity of the brush is set to forty percent and the size of the brush is set to two percent so it's pretty small now i'll be rotating the canvas a bit [Music] and i want to create these shadows for these like this indents on the cup so we'll go from this little indent to the other side creating a bit of um appended line and we're on a separate layer so if it's not working out the first time you can just erase it and try again it's a low opacity brush it's at 40 so you can make multiple strokes building up this little shadow line and if you're having trouble making a fluid line it can help to zoom out a little bit more because it's easier to make a small fluid line than a very big one let's move to the bottom part here i want to line from this side to that side and just it's slightly bended i'm here at the bottom as well now we can make the brush even a little bit smaller i'm going at a big one percent and you can just use that line that you just created go over it making it a bit more crisp looking just go over it like that here at the bottom as well that's looking good i can make the brush a bit bigger for some bigger shadows first i'll go to four percent for a little bit of a shadow underneath that lid just go over that underside of the lid creating a slight drop shadow there and now i'll go even bigger to eight percent and we'll add some shadow on the right side of the cup imagining that the light is coming from the left side here so we'll have a shadow on this side and here at the bottom [Music] like that now we'll do the same thing with the lights let's create a layer for that as well we'll go to the layer menu click the plus and again use clipping mask so we won't be spilling any milk here click clipping mask and we'll set this layer to screen so click the n and then select screen now we'll pick another color we will use that bright almost white color and let's make the brush a bit smaller again we'll go for a small three percent two percent something around there and let's add some light here to the left side just a line going down here at the bottom as well let's go even smaller for our brush let's go to a small two percent just create a little line on each part of that cup [Music] then a line going down you can use that quick shape tool so hold your pen in place to make a nice straight line and you can do the same here now let's also brighten up this bottom part by going over there and we can add some highlights here let's make a line and a short line and here as well a longer line and a short line and a little one here at the top you can also make the brush a little bit bigger just like we did earlier to around five percent and go over some areas lightening it up a little bit because this is where the light is hitting the cup so the light is coming from this side so here we'll have light and on this side we'll have shadow now let's add some of those bubbles to our bubble tea we'll do that on a layer underneath this light and dark layer but on top of that milk so let's click layer five click the plus for a new layer and for the brush we will go to artistic you can find it here and use the hearts brush and for the color we will use this nice orange the brush is set to 100 opacity and the size is at two percent and now let's add a variety of bubbles here you can make circular motions and make some big and some smaller bubbles some will be squished against the outside of the cup and some will be a bit more in the middle of the cup so you won't see them that good you will only see a tiny part of it a little dot so vary the size of these bubbles [Music] and just continue moving to the right adding these bubbles [Music] and they'll be concentrated at the bottom of your cup they've all floated down to the bottom and one there to make them merge with the milk a bit more what you can do is add a layer mask to the layer you can click the layer click mask and now you can paint with black on this layer mask to mask parts of these bubbles we'll set it to a pure black and if we zoom in we can still use the same brush and just go over the outsides of these bubbles a bit with low pressure and merging them a bit more with the milk or with the tea or with both it's it's like tea with milk right and i remember thinking well the first time i saw bubble tea i thought these bubbles that those were like chocolate bubbles it was kind of disappointing when i found out that it wasn't chocolate just making some little indents here merging them with the drink so you don't want those very hard outlines you want some some of that milk seeping through covering a part of that bubble and if you feel like you have removed too much of your bubble if you've used too much of that mask you can just switch to white and then you can paint it back in on your layer mask whatever is white on the layer mask that'll be visible and whatever is black will get masked i think that's looking good now let's move to the lid first let's go to the top part of the lid that's this layer let's click it and turn on alpha lock when you use alpha lock you lock the layers not the layers you lock the pixels on your layer and you'll only be able to paint on the pixels that are already there and the rest the checkerboard pattern that's locked you can paint on that let's go to the airbrushing brushes and use the soft brush to add a highlight here the brush is still set to 40 opacity and for the size let's go to 10 and for our color we will use this very light almost white color and we'll add a light to this left side of the lip because remember the light is coming from the left so this part will be a bit lighter so let's glaze over that and make that a bit lighter and while the light is coming from here that straw will block a part of the light and make a little bit of a shadow on top of that lid so let's pick a darker color we'll pick this one and let's make the price a bit smaller let's say four percent and let's add a little bit of a shadow and we can go even smaller for our brush perhaps three percent and here near the bottom of that straw let's make a slight shadow next let's move to the bottom part of the of the lid we'll have to turn off drawing assist because we don't want this well we don't want it symmetrical because the light is coming from this side and we don't want light on both sides so let's click the layer and turn off drawing assist but let's do turn on alpha lock because we don't want to paint outside of that shape first let's add a bit of a shadow to this right side by still using that color that we were just using for that little drop shadow and for the other side let's pick that light color for the light let's make the brush a bit bigger again seven percent and let's go over this side adding some light now i want to go to that even lighter color that milk color let's make the brush a bit smaller let's go for one percent and let's add some lines to this lid to that edge making lines going up [Music] adding some some texture to that lid go all the way to the right going a bit more diagonally here on the side so in the center they'll go up straight and as you move towards the outside they'll be more diagonal and we can also add a little bit of a highlight to the top bar let's go to the layer 3 and go over that edge here you can make the brush a bit bigger go to seven percent adding a slight highlight there now for our straw that needs a bit of depth as well right let's go to the straw layer that's layer four right here and again let's turn on alphalog so we won't be able to paint outside of that straw so click the layer click alpha lock and for the color we will pick this grayish purplish color let's make the brush pretty small let's go for a small two percent let's make a straight line from the top to the bottom hold your pen in place to make it snap to a straight line and then you can go a bit bigger for your brush to around three percent and go over it again for a softer looking highlight [Music] and with just two strokes you are giving depth to that straw we're almost there let's add a little drop shadow to our bubble tea let's click the plus for a new layer and we'll want to drag this layer all the way to the bottom so we can add a shadow there we'll still be using the soft brush and for the color we will pick this brownish color over here let's rotate the canvas a little bit just to make it easier to make the strokes now let's go over that underside [Music] making horizontal or actually well in this position it's diagonal but let's make these horizontal strokes and it'll stick out here on the right side a bit because that's where the shadow will be because the light is coming from this side [Music] so we'll make it a bit darker there let's go a bit bigger for a brush six percent and you can also soften the shadow a little bit by going to the magic wand using gaussian blur and clicking layer and drag to the right to soften that shadow a little bit but you do want to make sure that here near that bottom edge that it's a bit darker there so let's go make the brush a bit smaller two percent you'll want a dark shadow just underneath that cup where it is touching the underground [Music] like that if at this point of the process you're feeling that the shape of your whole bubble tea is a little bit off if you feel like it's too broad or too too narrow you can always adjust it zoom out a little bit you can always just select all of the layers do be sure to turn off alpha lock on the layers where it's turned on so we'll click these layers and turn off alpha lock and now if you select all of the layers by swiping to the right like that selecting all of them you can go to the arrow tool to the move tool click free form and you can just adjust your bubble tea without undoing all of the work that you just did and of course you you shouldn't go too extreme you shouldn't be making it super thin or super broad but tiny adjustments on the entire image can be made by selecting every layer i'll go to uniform making it a little bit bigger while keeping the same ratio and i think i like it like this as a final touch we can give a little bit of cuteness to our bubble tea let's do that on a new layer so i'll click the top layer then click the plus for a new layer and for the brush we will go to the calligraphy brushes again and use the monoline brush then i'll pick this gray color over here and let's draw a circle for an eye hold your pen in place tap one finger on the screen for a perfect circle and drag in the color to fill it now let's add a highlight to this eye i want to use pure white for that so i'll double tap here in this corner to select pure white and let's add a little dot here for a highlight to add a little bit more depth i'll also be adding a shadow to that top part of the eye i'll turn on alphalog first so we won't be able to paint outside of that eye and for the color we will pick this near black color and i'll go over that edge adding a slight shadow there and now that we have this eye we can easily just duplicate it by swiping down with three fingers again clicking duplicate and moving it to the right if you want to make sure that it's going in a straight line to the right then let's click snapping or magnetics doesn't really matter and that way you can make sure that it's at the same height as the other eye let's click the arrow to get out of here and let's check these eyes we can select them both in the layer menu by swiping to the right on that other eye and then you can go to the arrow again to move them around together let me turn off snapping because i want to place them wherever i want i think around here looks nice and then we can create a new layer click that top layer then click the plus create a new layer for a tiny little mouth let's go back to that gray color that we used and let's make a little mouth you can hold your pen in place to let it snap to a perfect shape and you can use edit shape to adjust that mouth a little bit move it around and then click the brush again to get out of that menu and there we have our cute little bubble tea i hope you have enjoyed following this tutorial let me know in the comments and if you want more be sure to check out my other you can draw this videos here at youtube my more advanced tutorials at patreon or my classes at skillshare have fun creating and have a wonderful day
Channel: Art with Flo
Views: 52,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: you can draw this bubble tea, procreate drawing tutorial for beginners, art channel, procreate drawing tutorial step by step, digital drawing procreate, digital painting tutorial, procreate art tutorial for beginners, digital illustration for beginners procreate, how to draw bubble tea, how to draw bubble tea easy, how to draw, art with flo, procreate 5, digital illustration procreate, procreate brushes free
Id: 4HG-Yup4O14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 56sec (2156 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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