You Can Draw This COOL GIRL in PROCREATE - plus FREE Procreate Hair brush

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you can draw her and procreate it seems you really enjoyed the last character you can draw this so let's do it again let's create another character i saw so many lovely results on instagram and it's really great because every character has its own character so keep sharing your results don't forget that if you reach the end of this video to share your results on instagram tag me in the image not just in the description and that way i will be able to find it and perhaps we'll see it in the next video and don't you worry i will guide you through every single step again you can do this we will be using free brushes only and you don't need any experience with procreate or withdrawing at all the canvas we'll be using is 2300 pixels by 3000 pixels and i have the color profile set to srgb and i have created a color palette for you which you can download for free through the link in the description the first thing we are going to do is we'll go to the layer menu the two little squares we'll click background color and we will pick this first color so that our background is not scary white anymore then we'll go to layer one and for our brush we will use the monoline brush and for the color we will use this second color in the color palette i have the opacity of the brush at 100 and let's set the size at let's say 15 and let's draw a circle draw a circle hold your pen in place and you can tap one finger on the screen to make it snap to a perfectly round circle then let's drag in the color to fill our shape and now let's make sure that our circle is in the center and i also want to make it a little bit smaller let's go to the arrow here at the top make sure you have it set to uniform and go to snapping and turn on snapping if it's not turned on already now let's make a circle a little bit smaller let's place it in the center of our canvas you can see by these orange lines the vertical and horizontal line you'll know that you are in the center of your canvas the next thing we'll do is we'll go to the wrench and we are going to canvas and we'll turn on the drawing guide then go to edit drawing guide and turn on symmetry here at the bottom and here by using the slider you can set the line to your favorite color i don't really care about the color let's go for like a pink and then click done now we are going to use the liquify tool we can do that by going to the magic wand here and then pick liquify now since we are using the symmetry tool since we have that symmetry line and symmetry is turned on for this layer whatever we liquefy on the left will also liquefy on the right and the other way around make sure that you have your liquify set to push and that you have distortion and momentum turned off i have pressure set to max and you can play around with the size of your brush for instance you can set it to 70 and let's squish the top of the head a little bit because yes this circle it's a head or it'll become a head so first we'll make it a bit more squished we'll push the sides a bit and we'll drag a little bit here making these little like cheeks so you can imagine that these are these round cheeks and here we have a little chin so try going for a shape that looks like this then we'll go to the brush again just click the brush and let's add two ears we'll place them pretty low let's start about here and then make a semi circle going down and then drag in the color to fill the ears the next thing we'll do is add the eyes we'll do that on a new layer so let's go to the layer menu click the plus but do make sure that you turn on drawing assist if you look at layer one you can see that it's assisted and that means that symmetry is turned on on that layer and we want that to happen on layer 2 as well so click the layer and turn on draw assist now whatever we draw on one side will also show up on the other side now for our color let's pick this one over here that fifth color that white and let's draw a circle on one side let's start about here draw a circle hold your pen in place and tap one finger on the screen and make it about this big and then go to edit shape so you can move the eyes around i want to place them about here making these eyes nice and big will make our character look extra cute now let's drag in the color to fill both the eyes at the same time next we'll add an iris and also a pupil let's make a new layer by clicking the plus again make sure that you turn on drawing assist and for our color let's pick this one over here that's the sixth color and let's draw a circle that's smaller than the white circle that we just created hold your pen in place tap one finger on the screen and go to edit shape again to be able to move the circle around let's place it about here and then drag in the color to fill the shape alright next shape let's go and create a new layer again let's click the plus click the layer turn on drawing assist and now we can draw the pupils by using this color the seventh one and we'll make a circle that's even smaller than the one we just created hold your pen in place tap one finger on the screen to make it snap then you can go to edit shape move it around if it's needed place it at the top here and then drag in the color to fill it now i feel like it's already starting to look pretty cute let's create another layer let's click the plus again and let's grab this fifth color again that white and this time we won't be turning on drawing assist because i want to add a little highlight to the eyes and i don't want them to be well like symmetrical i want them to be on the left side here and i want it to be on the left side here as well otherwise it will look weird alright so let's make a circle a small one hold your pen in place tap one finger on a screen for a perfectly round circle and you can use edit shape again to move it around let's place it about here dragging the color and now we are going to duplicate it so we can place it on the other eye as well you can do that by swiping down with three fingers and using duplicate now we can drag it to the left while you have snapping turned on you can see these blue lines so you will know it's at the right height let's place it here and click the arrow again to get out of the menu and then let's merge these two layers by pinching them together now i want to add some details to the face let's create a new layer again by clicking the plus and let's turn on drawing assist again and for our color we are going to use this color over here that fourth color and we are going to pick another brush we are going to use one of the brushes that is in the treasure chest we are going to use the fine liner brush remember you can get my free brushes by going to or if you are already subscribed to the weekly newsletter then just follow the link in the newsletter now the brush opacity is at a hundred percent and let's make the brush a little bit bigger let's go for 20 let's create a little shape in the ear first a semi-circle and then up like this for a simple little ear shape now let's create the nose let's do that by starting here and then go to the center line to create this semi-circle then let's create the lips the mouth will do that by using this color over here that reddish color and let's turn off drawing assist on the layer i don't want any symmetry anymore let's click it turn off drawing assist now let's make the brush just a little bit bigger let's go for 40 and we're going to make three circles let's start here we'll make it just a little bit a little bit bigger a little bit wider than the nose two circles right next to each other and then another one underneath so it's a bit it's a bit like a simple flower shape now we'll go back to that color that we just used that fourth color over here let's make the brush a bit smaller again 20 and now we are going to add these lines for the mouth follow these circles go down here and here we have the corner of the mouth and you can add a little bit of thickness here to the center until it looks a bit like this then we can add some little highlights to the lips let's grab this color for that and let's add a little highlight here at the top just a little semi-circle and a little highlight on that lower lip here next let's add some lashes to the eyes we'll create a new layer for that now in case you tend to run out of layers quickly you can actually just merge these eye layers all together and then let's create a new layer on top and let's set it to drawing assist so we have symmetry turned on again for the color we are going to grab this seventh color over here now let's make the brush a little bit smaller let's go for eight percent and then let's start about here and let's follow the line of the eye you might need to zoom in a little bit and you might also want to rotate your canvas to make it easier on yourself you can make the line a little bit thicker here at the top it can touch the pupil that dark area let's cover the white here rotate it again just follow that white of the eye and make it a bit thicker here now we are going to follow the circle almost all the way around and luckily you only have to do this once since we have symmetry turned on let's follow the circle it doesn't have to be perfect and no worries if you make wobbly lines you can always just undo but it's actually it's a nice it's a nice exercise to get a more steady hand let's go all the way to to about here so this area will stay stay white and here we have that nice darker line in some areas you can make it a bit thicker around the upper part from here as well we can cover the iris a little bit and then let's add the lashes we'll add a couple of small ones here the bottom just three and then we'll add some bigger ones here let's start here and make a curly shape towards the outside then a bit shorter one on top again a curvy shaped a curved shape and you can make it a bit thicker near the base near the eye and thinner as you move outwards and some smaller ones here and now let's make the brush a little bit bigger to create some eyebrows let's go for 30 and let's place these short pretty small eyebrows here like that now let's add some hair let me zoom out a little bit let's create a new layer for the hair we'll go to the top layer we'll click the plus and let's turn on symmetry click the layer turn on drawing assist i'm going to make the brush just a little bit smaller i'll go for 20 and let's start here near the ear and let's make a little bit of a wobbly line following the skull all the way to the center and then we'll go along this area let's make another wobbly line going upwards make some wobbles a bit bigger one bit smaller we'll go close to the eyebrows and we'll wobble our way to the center line you can adjust it a little bit add some wobbles or add some smaller ones and then you can drag the color into the shape and you might need to adjust the color drop threshold a bit by dragging to the left or right to get rid of any edges or you can just go along the edge to get rid of it now i just want to adjust the top part a little bit i feel like there's a little bit of a flat area i want it to look more like this now we are going to add more hair on a layer underneath the face first click the plus for a new layer and then drag it all the way to the bottom and let's turn on drawing assist again you know what let's turn off that center line that we are seeing let's go to the wrench turn off the drawing guide now we can't see it anymore but still assisted is turned on for the layer so we can still use symmetry i actually also realized that i wanted to use a different color for the hair but we can easily fix that let's go back to layer five let's pick this color over here right next to the very dark one it's a little bit lighter and let's just drag it onto the shape and it's fixed now let's go back to layer six that we just created underneath all the other layers and we'll still be using this color now let's go and grab a new brush that i have added to the treasure chest it's the small curls brush it's a brush that is great to create small curls the opacity is set to 100 and the size is at 17 and now let's create these cute buns let's just make these circular motions here and you want to create a couple of passes because the brush is a little bit transparent and you can slowly build up these buns this way they look nice and fluffy you can go even a little bit bigger now let's add some extra touches to the hair we are going to create a new layer on top of layer 5 so we'll click the plus again and we are going to set this new layer to clipping mask now whatever we paint on this new layer 7 it'll only show up on the hair that is on layer five and we are going to change the layer blending mode on this layer we'll click the n and we'll scroll up to multiply now we can still use the same color that same hair color but when we paint on this layer it'll appear darker because multiply it is great to add shadow and darker areas for the brush we are going back to the fine liner brush and let's not forget to turn on draw assist on this layer and we are going to add some wobbly lines like this moving to the bun all right now i hope that it's visible on camera if it's not then you'll just have to believe me start near the hairline and then make these wobbly lines towards the bun and here we'll start near that center line imaginary center line and make wobbles towards those buns now we are going to do the same on the buns so let's go to the buns layer layer six let's click the plus for a new layer again let's use clipping mask and let's set the layer blending mode to multiply now we are going over the buns and we are going to make rounded shapes from like the start of the bun to the outside so wobble wobble wobble to the outer part make rounded shapes here we'll make pretty straight shape still wobbly and then we'll make another rounded shape but the other way around imagine that it's a ball and imagine that you have forgot to turn on drawing assist on this layer so now we only have the wobbles on this one now you can either just not forget to turn on wrong assist or you can duplicate this area flip it to the other side or you can just draw this part by hand you know what i'm just going to draw it in by hand so we can do the same process all over again rounded wobbly shape to the top and of course it'll give some variation to our character you can also start at the top and go to the bottom area just follow that rounded shape next i would like to give our character glasses let's create a new layer for that on top of the others again if you tend to run out of layers quickly on your ipad you can just merge all the layers right now and then create a new one on top but i'll keep all of these make a new layer let's turn on drawing assist again let's not forget this time and for the color we will pick this orange color over here and for the brush let's use the monoline brush again we'll go to calligraphy and use the monoline the opacity of the brush is at 100 and let's set the size to 50 percent and now let's create a circle around the eye hold your pen in place tap one finger on the screen for a perfectly round circle and then you can go to edit shape to move it around let's place it around here and then you can just click the brush to get out of that menu now we'll create a new layer underneath our glasses layer click layer 7 then the plus let's turn on drawing assist again and then let's add a little shape over here just above the ear and let's add a little shape here hold your pen in place and then tap one finger on the screen to make it snap to a perfectly horizontal line and another one and let's close it like this now i want these glasses to look nice and shiny let's go to layer nine let's turn off drawing assist and let's turn on alpha lock now whatever we paint on this layer it'll only show up on the circles and not on that checkerboard area let's grab another brush let's go to the airbrushing brushes and use the soft brush and for our color let's grab this dark color first now let's set the opacity to eighty percent and let's set the size to three percent and now let's darken this lower area here in the lower right and in the upper left here and let's do the same on this side we'll darken this area and this area in the upper left and i will grab another color let's grab this yellow third color first and let's go over these areas i'm just going over the entire glasses right now with diagonal strokes and on this side as well but i'm making sure that we still have some orange in between then we'll switch to this very light color that fourth color and let's add a little shine here and on this side very bright spot and here as well and on the lower left here now we can go to the magic wand pick gaussian blur set a two layer and drag your pen to the right to blur it a bit let's go for 10 and then click the magic wand again we can actually follow the same process on layer 10. let's turn off drawing assist turn on alpha lock and now let's just add first well let's first add some dark areas just along the edge here and on this side and right here along the edges and then let's grab let's grab this light color immediately and go over the center area here and on the outer edge here and now we can blur it again by going to the magic wand pick gaussian blur set it to layer and drag your pen to the right and let's go for let's go for eight and a half percent and click the magic wand again now i would like to add glasses to our glasses let's create a new layer underneath layer 10 so first click layer 7 and click the plus and then click layer 9 that's the circles click it and then turn on reference now we can go back to this layer layer 11 you can pick that pink and while that layer 9 is set to reference we can actually fill those shapes on this layer and once we have done so don't forget to go to layer 9 and turn off reference again then we'll go to layer 11 and we are going to set the layer blending mode to add and we are going to lower the opacity to around 35 and now she has these nice pink glasses now we are going to select all of these layers or you can merge all of the layers if you would like to but then you can't change anything on the layers anymore let's let's just select all of them then click group then close the group and now we are going to rotate the entire head a little bit so we'll go to the arrow let's make the head just a little bit smaller so we have some space make sure that you have it set to uniform though and then use this green handle to rotate the head just slightly until it's tilted like this and then click the arrow again to get out of the menu now we are going to work on the body first let's make a new layer let's click the plus and let's place it underneath the head and for the color we are going to use this color over here that third color and for the brush let's use the fine liner brush in the free from flow treasure chest pack and now let's just create a semi circle just underneath the mouth just color it in by hand make a semi-circle like this next we are going to create a new layer underneath this layer so again click the plus for a new layer drag it underneath and for the color let's pick this color that first blue color and now we are going to make a shape underneath the neck we'll start about here make a rounded shape and go back up and close it behind the character then drag in the color to fill the shape now if you like you can actually make it a bit bigger you can adjust it don't make it too small something like this is perfect now we'll create a new layer on top and we will use this color over here it's a slightly darker blue and we are going to draw an arm here we'll start about here make a rounded shape and go back up right in front of that shirt and you can drag in the color to fill the shape then we'll make a new layer underneath layer 14. so first click the plus drag a new layer underneath and we'll make another arm over here go down here make a rounded shape at the bottom then go back up to close the shape now at this point you might need to adjust the arms a little bit make these this one a little bit bigger and i'll go back to layer 15. make this one a little bit longer so that the two arms will actually match i will create a new layer underneath these blue layers so again click the plus drag the layer underneath and let's pick this color the same color that we used for the face and let's add two hands we are going to keep it really simple we are just going to make like these mid mitten shapes very simple hands on this one as well a thumb and then a semi circle to create these hands now for the legs let's create a new layer by clicking the plus and let's start with this color over here and let's start about here make a rounded shape here at the bottom so you have something like this then we'll grab the other color that lighter one over here and we'll do the same thing starting at the center of the belly make this rounded shape and go back up close the shape so you can fill it now let's do the same thing on the other side let's grab that dark color make sure that behind here that the shape is closed and then drag in the color now for the feet we'll create a new layer again by clicking the plus and i want this layer to be underneath those pants and we'll grab this color over here that pretty light gray and again we'll make very simple shapes just these rounded shapes you can color it in by hand and on this side as well just a little foot now let's add some extra touches first let's go to layer 14 over here let's set it to alpha lock so we won't be able to paint outside of the shape and let's grab this light blue and i'll start right here around the neck and then go down on this side as well and then color it in turning a blue shirt into a jacket and now at this point we can actually merge these clothing layers of the shirt 15 14 and 16. let's merge them together and let's grab this fourth color over here now i want to make the brush a little bit smaller let's go for 10 and let's add these lines to the clothing add a little color here [Music] and on this side as well and we'll follow this line all the way down we'll make an outline here and a little outline here that will make an extra line over here and on this side as well and then we'll make these short lines going down let's also add two pockets i'm making these diagonal lines and let's add a little outline to the pants follow the outline all the way down and on this side as well and now for a little extra touch on the shoes we'll go to the shoes layer let's turn on alpha lock just to be sure and let's grab this light color over here now on each shoe we'll add some shoelaces by just making these little lines keep it simple and we can add a little light line around the ankle now there's one more thing i'd like to do i'd like to add a drop shadow now to do that i'm going to group all the layers together so also this group i'll group it in the group so select them all click group and i'm going to duplicate the group but in case you are getting into trouble with the amount of layers then you can also flatten the entire group before you duplicate it this means you won't be able to change anything on the layers anymore though so if you still want to be able to make those changes then i would suggest duplicating your entire canvas in the gallery actually and then on a duplicate project you can just flatten your group before duplicating it i'm just going to duplicate the group and then i'll click that group and i'll select flatten now i will drag this layer underneath the group then i'll click it and turn on alpha lock now we are going to pick this color over here that dark color then go back to the layer menu click that layer and turn fill layer on now our entire character is completely dark on this layer then let's turn off alpha lock again and we are going to use this layer to make our shadow first we are going to transform this layer we'll do that by going to the arrow at the top here and then pick distort here at the bottom now we are going to make it flat first and drag it to the right we are going to add some perspective drag the handles just make sure that the feet are still attached well to the feet so don't make them go outside or don't have to feed like here this is not a proper shadow the shadow should be attached to the character so it should be something like this you can play around with the angle here just make sure that the feet are attached then you can click the arrow and now let's lower the opacity of this layer let's click the end then drag the slider to the right and let's go for 35 now i want to blur a part of the shadow now the shadow will look more blurry as it moves away from the character and it will look more crisp near the feet of the character so we'll blur this area more than the area near the character we can do that by going to the magic wand then picking gaussian blur and then picking pencil now we can click this magical pencil here and we can use the soft brush let's go to airbrushing pick the soft brush let's make it a little bit bigger let's go for 14 now let's go over this area blurring that but blurring that area more than the area near the feet once you have done that you can use your finger to increase and decrease the blur i'll go for 54.6 and then you can just click the magic wand again and of course you can still play around with the opacity by clicking the end you can make it darker or lighter i think i'll go for 30 and i have created a cool little character let me know if you enjoyed this tutorial and if you would like me to create more character tutorials and don't forget that you can support this channel by leaving a comment hitting that thumbs up subscribing of course and if you want to do even more then you can go look me up at patreon and there you won't just get a whole lot of brushes but also a lot more procreate tutorials i want to thank you for watching and i will see you next time for the next you can draw this video tutorial
Channel: Art with Flo
Views: 32,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: procreate tutorial drawing, you can draw this girl, you can draw this character, character drawing tutorial for beginners, drawing a character in procreate, drawing a girl in procreate, drawing a cartoon character, cartoon character in procreate, how to draw a black girl, how to draw a girl easy draw so cute, you can draw this black girl, procreate tutorial drawing for beginners, procreate tutorial, drawing tutorial cartoon, you can draw this, you can draw this procreate
Id: yF8-fc_MQbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 51sec (2151 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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