You Can Draw This LIPS in PROCREATE

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you can draw this in procreate you can draw these lips in procreate by just using the brushes that are already in the app i will really do my best to make the steps of drawing and painting these lips as easy as possible i will hold your hand through the process and just be sure that if things are going too fast to just pause or even rewind the video i'm sure you can do it because i have seen so many great results of other you can draw this videos on instagram and if you make it to the end of this video then be sure to share your result on instagram and tag me in the image so i will be able to find it and perhaps we'll see your lips in the next you can draw this video are you ready to get started first of all our canvas it's three thousand by two thousand pixels and i have created a color palette for your convenience which you can download through a link in the description first thing we'll do painting these lips is add a color to our background you can just go to the layer palette that's these two little squares click the background color layer and then we'll pick this first color right here it's kind of a skin tone color since lips are usually surrounded by skin and then we'll go to the layer palette again we'll use layer one to create a sketch or actually we are going to make some basic shapes making our sketching face a lot easier for our color we will pick the second color in the color palette and for our brush we will be using the 6b pencil which you can find under sketching let me just zoom out a little bit first thing we'll do is create a circle and this will be the center of the upper lip just draw a circle hold your pen in place and tap one finger on your screen to create a perfect circle and you can use edit shape here at the top to move your circle around just place it somewhere in the middle of your canvas next we'll make two other circles so let's draw one here hold your pen in place again and tap one finger on the screen to make it a perfect circle and you can use edit shape again to move it around i want it somewhere right here i want this edge to be in the center line of that other circle and then we'll create another circle on this side hold your pen in place again tap one finger on the screen and use edit shape to move it around we'll go for something like this and next we'll create an oval shape underneath our three circles just draw a rough oval hold your pen in place and then use edit shape now i want to make sure that the top of the oval touches the two outer circles and the height is about the same as the height of these circles and the outside is just well just outside of those three circles so the oval will touch the circles right there and if you draw a line from the side of the circle down then you'd have a little more oval here on the right and there on the left now this doesn't look quite like lips yet but we will fix that let's make a new layer on top of this layer but before we do that let's turn down the opacity we'll click the n and then just drag this slider to the left to around 33 34 and then we can click the plus to create a new layer and on this layer we will be sketching we will still be using the 6b pencil which is by the way set to well it's around 53 52 it doesn't really matter it's it's about what you like and first thing we'll do is add the corners of the lips it's about well it's a little bit below this line of the oval and it'll be a little bit outside of the oval just make a little well kind of like an oval shape [Music] because the corners of the mouth are usually pretty dark and then we'll make the line between the lips we'll go down a little bit here and then we'll follow that oval up and then we'll follow that middle circle down and when we're here we'll follow that oval again and we'll make a bit of a curve up towards the corner of the mouth and you can just work on that line a bit so here we'll follow the circle and there we'll follow the oval then we'll go for the upper lips here we'll follow the circle and here we'll go down a little bit not too much and just follow that circle and we'll go down a little bit here [Music] almost to the corner of the mouth and on this side as well just a slight curve like that so now we have an upper lip and for the lower lip you don't have to do a lot you can just follow that oval shape from one corner of the mouth to the other and you don't have to let your line touch that corner of the mouth entirely so now with a few easy steps you have created some basic lips i might feel like these lips are a little bit small and also it's just easier to start small with your sketch it's easier to make smaller shapes but we can make it bigger now and we can just make both the basic shapes and the sketch make them bigger by selecting both layers so we have the sketch layer here and here's the layer with the circles you can just swipe to the right to select them both and now if you go to the little arrow over here you can make your shape bigger be sure to set it to uniform otherwise you will totally ruin the proportions and let's just make it a little bit bigger i think something like this looks nice and then you can just click the arrow again to get out of here now that we have this basic lip shape our sketch it's time to start painting and we'll want to do that on a separate layer we don't want to paint on our sketch so we'll make a layer underneath these layers that we just created with the sketch so just click layer 2 then click the plus to make a new layer and click and drag it underneath those sketch layers and now let's make the sketch layer that we just created let's make that one a bit more transparent as well so just click the n and drag your opacity slider to the left let's put it around 33 and we can make that layer with the circles even more transparent around nine percent and then go to layer three where we will start painting let's start off by filling these lips with some color let's go to the color palette and pick this third color in the color palette and for our brush let's go to the airbrushing brushes and let's use the soft airbrush let's set the opacity to a hundred percent and let's make it nice and big let's go for seventy percent yeah that's a nice size we'll start off by filling the upper lips with a color just fill that entire shape and keep an eye on that sketch that you just created there and the lower lips are usually a bit lighter we'll go for this fourth color in the color palette which is a bit lighter because light is coming from above and it will hit that lower lip making it appear a bit lighter than that upper lip again just follow your sketch and give that lip a nice base color lips usually don't have very defined outlines the outline is actually quite blurry so on this color layer let's use a slight gaussian blur we'll go to the magic wand and pick gaussian blur i want to blur this layer just slightly let's go for somewhere around seven percent and now i want to define the lips a bit more we'll go for a dark color let's pick this one that's the first color in the second row and we'll still be using the soft airbrush but we'll make it a lot smaller let's go for six and while the outsides the outlines of the lips are very soft and well they have a soft transition between the lips and in the corners you will find more defined edges you will find the darkest parts there so make that corner of the lip dark and we'll just follow that sketch a bit but don't just go over that line try to vary that line make it quite a bit darker here near that center of the lip so we'll use that sketch as a guide you'll find a lot of shadow right here between the lips and towards the corners of the lips don't just go over that line try to vary it [Music] here we'll go over that corner and we'll make it a bit thicker here next let's turn off the sketch layers we'll just hit those check boxes to turn them off now without the sketch i want to refine these lips a bit more let's grab that color that we used for the sketch that darker reddish color and we'll keep using that soft airbrush and we'll make a well let's go a bit bigger with our brush 13 14 13. and let's just make a slight line underneath that lower lip just go along that edge but not all the way to the corner of the mouth and now let's add some dark and lighter areas on the lips we'll use the soft brush for that which is also under airbrushing and we'll keep it relatively small we'll go for six percent and the opacity is at forty percent that way we can slowly build up first of all i want to darken that underside of the lower lip a little bit let's pick up this color from the upper lips you can just use your finger to pick up the color and let's go over this underside a little bit because the most well the light will hit that top part of the lip and it curls down a little bit so this underside will be slightly darker and also that top part will be a little bit darker as well because it will be covered by those upper lips now let's add some light let's just pick this really light color and slowly we'll gently glaze over this lower area so that we get some slight light there and i'd also like to add some reddish tones so we'll pick this color in the color palette to add some brighter reds here at the top and also on the underside of that upper [Music] lip next i want to pick up that skin color and work on the upper lip a little bit let's make the brush eleven percent and make this one a little bit smaller [Music] we'll go just around the outer edges and you can pick up the lip color again i'll go to nine percent with the brush and just shape those lips a little bit in our next step we will really start to define and refine our lips and we'll do that on separate layers set to different layer blending modes first we will make a layer that is set to multiplies first click the plus for a new layer then click the n scroll up to multiply now when we paint on this layer everything will turn out to be a bit darker first let's just add some general shadows we will pick a local color that reddish color we'll set the brush to 9 and let's add a little bit of shadow to those corners of the mouth and we'll also add some shadow underneath the lips because that will cast a little bit of a shadow on the skin there now let's pick that local color that we just created to slowly build up the shadow there and the corners a little bit more and now let's go grab the soft airbrush again which you can make quite a bit smaller go for eight percent and let's also lower the opacity let's go to 50 percent and let's start refining these lines between the lips for example and we'll also start making some creases on the lips [Music] when making these creases make sure to follow the shape of the lip it'll curve up like this so on this side it will curve like this and on this side it'll curve this way try to see the 3d shape of the lips and you can also turn on the sketch layer again if that's helpful for you by the way if you can't get enough of procreate and following my tutorials then you'll want to check out my latest skillshare class it has just launched and it's super fun in it we will be creating colorful houses in procreate you can actually join skillshare for free for two months if you follow the link in the description we can make a couple of creases on the lower lip as well and again do be sure to follow that shape of the lip we're making these rounded curves next thing we'll do is create another layer but this time we will set it to screen so click the n on that new layer and scroll down to screen here we can make everything appear lighter so we can make lighter creases for example so just pick the local color by holding your finger on the screen and again follow those curves upwards here on this side will curve like this let's also create some creases on that lower lip [Music] all the way to the outside and some creases on this side as well you can add some little lights here and a little light here near that corner of the mouth we'll add some light here near the top and now let's grab that very light pink that we have right here in the color palette now let's add a little bit of light here near that upper lip [Music] some shine on that skin over there and let's also create some highlights on that lower lip we will go to the drawing brushes for that and use the gloaming brush i have it set to nine percent in size and the opacity is at a hundred percent and let's just create some tiny highlights which will really add to that shine on the lips don't make them too big just some little dabs [Music] and next we'll add a new layer on top of these and we'll set this one to overlay so click the n scroll down until you see overlay and this one we'll use to boost the colors of these lips let's go back to the airbrushing brushes and use the soft brush and for the color we'll pick this bright red over here let's make the brush a bit bigger it's 15 and let's glaze over some of that bright red this really intensifies and give gives more saturation to our reddish color [Music] and finally i want to add one more multiply layer let's click the plus again click the n and then scroll up to multiply for some final tweaks and some more definition between the lips let's use the soft airbrush again and for the color let's just use this very dark reddish color and let's just define that line between the lips a bit more making this very dark that's the darkest area between the lips so be careful the outside of the lips is usually a soft transition and between the lips you'll find that darker shadow and if you really want to learn more about painting realism and procreate then you might want to check out my patreon page there i have a lot more videos about painting realism including painting glossy lips using my artwood flow brushes and there i share a lot more about blending techniques for example using the smudge tool using other brushes all to create realism and procreate just be sure to define that area between the lips you can keep making tweaks on your lips you could even merge all these layers and then start building on top of that again i just want to make one more normal layer by clicking the plus and using the soft brush and i want to make that shadow underneath the lower lip i want to make that a bit more subtle so i'll just pick that local color i have the brush set to seven percent i want to get rid of that side a little bit but using these layers that gives you a lot of control because if you don't like what you're doing on this layer then you can just remove it start over let's lighten this a bit as well and this way you can just tweak your painting without ruining the base this is just a way to easily paint lips and a way to utilize layers and procreate i hope you had fun following this tutorial if you did then be sure to check out my other you can draw this videos as well or check me out at patreon or skillshare or just check out these two videos over here
Channel: Art with Flo
Views: 116,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: you can draw this lips, how to draw lips, you can draw this mouth, anyone can draw lips, you can draw this, art with flo, art with flo you can draw this, drawing lips step by step, how to make lips drawing step by step, drawing lips, digital painting lips, how to draw lips digital painting, procreate tutorial for beginners easy, digital painting in procreate, how to do digital painting in procreate, procreate drawing tutorial easy
Id: -rt6vrz8Exs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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