You Being Evil, Seeing Our Father - Bishop Tudor Bismark

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[Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ah [Music] uh [Music] from [Music] ah [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] here we go [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] he's a good guard hallelujah hallelujah thank you god for this amazing experience in your presence tell your neighbor let there be praise in the house telling you but let there be praise [Music] thank you god we have come we have coming to this house holy spirit i'll praise him in the morning [Music] [Music] change [Music] oh [Music] we sing praises [Music] the lord with me [Music] [Music] to leave [Music] [Music] crazy [Music] here we go come on [Music] thank you jesus let that be praised [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let there be [Music] [Applause] let me pray [Applause] [Music] let that be free [Music] hallelujah wow wow it was a good thing to praise his name the bible says in the book of isaiah 41 10 god says do not fear and he says be not dismayed for i am your god there is something about that scripture that i love he says i will strengthen you number one i will help you number two and i uphold you with my righteous right hand uh we want to know when i want you to know this and believe that god he says he will never leave you nor forsake you he is your strength he is your strength so in this service i want you to believe god and say god be my strength even in this month of may be my strength even in my family oh god god you are my strength my god [Music] strength like nowhere it reaches to me oh god you are my strength straight like no one the oh god strength [Music] strength like no one swim strength like no water [Music] reaches to me tell them reaching you are my strength oh god [Music] your strength is made perfect in weakness oh god when i'm weak you make me [Music] [Music] tell him you lift me up jesus oh god you lift me up jesus [Music] oh god you let [Music] hope like no other [Music] [Applause] you are [Applause] [Music] oh god i need your strength [Music] [Music] i'm coming up [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] straight [Music] reaches greetings this morning good morning new life covenant church and to our viewers in our second auditorium and all of you in the city and around the world thank you for being in our sunday morning service chi chi and i take great delight in bringing this service to you and i know you enjoy receiving it in our general research of church in the country and around the world africans want to be in church zimbabweans want to be in a church gathering and it's so refreshing to know that people want to be in church and and to hear the word and have not just an ecumenical gathering but literally a sense of worshiping together come let us magnify the lord together and let us magnify his holy name and so there's an us-ness about gathering for church and thank you for being here this morning let's go to chapter number 7 and verse 7 of the book of saint matthew matthew 7 verse 7 ask and it shall be given you say that seek and you shall find please say that knock and it shall be opened to you for everyone that asks and continues to ask i put in brackets there one version says receives the king james version says for everyone that asks f the f means continues to receiveth or receives continues to receive and he that seeketh or he that seeks continues to seek fine death or fines and to him that knocketh or knocks it shall be opened and so the desire then is basically for you not to knock where as you are approaching the door the door opens or what man is there of you or whom if his son asks bread will he give him a stone or if asks for a fish will he give him a serpent if you then being evil the word evil there is in the category of being prone to evil if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more shall your father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him how much more how much more shall your heavenly father give good things to them that ask him and so uh in the message today the message is entitled you being evil you being evil and then the subtitle is seeing our father in matthew chapter 6 verse 9 we have what is called the lord's prayer and basically the lord's prayer is let's say together after this man i therefore pray you let's say together our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever our men the luke version says forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us luke is a doctor matthew is a tax collector and so matthew leans more towards a debt forgive us our debts he leans more towards a debt that is old that christ jesus paid and a trespass in terms of medical terms is a sickness that crosses the health line and so either either we have our deaths cancelled and or we have all of our sicknesses the deficits of health removed and and when the writer of the book of matthew who is writing he is dealing with three particular discourses and these are matthew chapter number 5 6 and 7 in which is the known as the sermon on the mount and then secondly we have the discourse in chapter number 13 where they are the seven parables and then from chapter number 20 through 24 or 25 uh the is the third discourse which jesus is dealing with basically kingdom events that are taking place when we look at the particular subject we are addressing today in terms of uh the message seeing seeing our father or you being evil i want to talk about uh precious things and so the last few weeks we were dealing with uh the house preachers were dealing with various precious things i talked about the last message being seeing precious things and identifying that which is precious and so number one there is the precious christ precious is something that is unique i was extremely emotional on friday i was just saying to teach i think i'd like to go to india again and watching the stats in india seeing the indians dying by the tens of thousands is very stunning and we have a close friend that we visited when i turned 60 dr pata just to find out how they were and how they were faring and they were in essence saying it is not well because there are so many people dying by the tens of thousands bishop smith our presiding bishop they have a monthly missions program in which they raise money and they designate money to particular jabula mission fields mission being a geographical location outside of the united states and so even though we are the founders of jabula here in zimbabwe we are considered a mission field uh rightfully so from their perspective as we would consider every other country or city or neighborhood a mission field and so i said to them the money that you want to send please can you direct it to india and so they have said they feel strongly they should send it to zimbabwe as they did before which pastor mandaza in blueway will direct but they will also raise money for india and at some point we would like to raise some sort of an offering for india and send it to dr pata in hyderabad where there's as many as 20 million people and 1.3 1.4 billion people in india and they dying with the tens of thousands not being able to cope and so the largest percentage of indian people have never met the precious christ they are thousands and thousands of gods and the indians are very sincere in the way they worship one of the reasons for the massive spread of covert 19 in this strain this season is because of the diwali celebrations around the ganges river where millions of people gather together to worship the expression of their god and their god blessed them in my own words with the only thing that they know to do and that's bring sickness and disease and curses and the scripture is very clear that god causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust but when you know christ the precious christ we have salvation through him we have healing through him blessing through him we have his name and and through him and by his name we are saved there's precious faith precious faith there's uh the trying of our faith james chapter number one it's a precious trial every trial is not the same and not equal therefore every trial doesn't get the same reward and so when you are selected to have a precious trial it's because of something precious god wants to give you and so abraham sacrificed many many times but the one sacrifice that was precious was offering his son offering his son and so the the the difference between the ram caught in the thicket that was eventually sacrificed and the difference between that sacrifice and the sacrifice of isaac was that one was more precious than the other and we have all kinds of stones but we have one stone that's more precious than another a woman prefers a diamond engagement ring and it would be nice if you could give her a very big diamond engagement ring but if you just give her an ordinary ring made out of brass don't be offended the ring may be less precious as a metal but the the proposal is more precious than the ring are we together and then we have precious thoughts we are thinking constantly all the time thousands of thoughts run through our mind we have to be highly selective in the way we think and in the way we choose and direct our thoughts they are precious and divine promises i heard a commentator of the gospels or of the bible say that there are as many as 8 000 promises i can't verify that but i know that there are many promises in the bible and there are some that are more precious than others and we used to sing a song every promise in the book is mine every chapter every verse every line i'm living on his word divine every promise in the book is mine and so many of us don't live up to the privileges that god has given us we have a full ticket to go to a wonderful destination and everything is included meals drinks service is all included in the ticket you don't have to pay extra when you get on board there's the precious blood of jesus christ the bible talks about in first peter there's precious anointing there are several levels of anointing and each time we go higher the anointing is more precious we are god's precious children we handle the precious word of god we have prayer that that is prayed on a regular basis but there's some prayer that's more precious than others prayer can be help me oh god and that can be more than a litany of written prayers that we can pray and chant and go through rudimentally but very simple prayers sometimes become more precious and then the bible talks about the precious death of saints that when a saint dies it's just asleep and that precious death is a promotion into the future so when we're looking at the gospels and talking about precious things we have four particular gospels that are in our bible and uh in reading and studying the on the backdrop of this there are as many as 24 gospels uh one of the gospels that was written was written in in the year 2 a d 2 a d and that was a commentary from the stories of mary the mother of jesus that was picked up by a third generation apostle and wrote the gospel according to mary but we lean basically towards the four gospels the first gospel in chronological order was the gospel of saint mark that was written to the romans it was the record it was written to the greeks rather come on tutor it was written to the romans and to caesar it was the commentary of saint peter to saint mark and here jesus is portrayed as the great not greek as the great king and because the romans revered caesar as a god and on the top of the chain of human gods higher than that was uh saturn and jupiter and mercury and there's the his equivalent in the greek gods of zeus and so on and so jesus now is portrayed as in the book of romans in the book of mark as the great king and mark is very succinct he doesn't spend any time in genealogies or in you know introductions when he starts his genealogy when he starts his book he goes straight into action which the romans uh were a type of people and so the book of matthew is the first one in our bible and the reason it was placed that way in inspired by the holy spirit is because of the genealogy of jesus that begins from abraham and goes all the way to the birth of jesus is in this book that jesus is portrayed as the great high priest because in the jewish religion the high priest is the very highest even higher than the king and so it is through the high priest that the blood of the lamb on the day of atonement was applied it was the high priest that on the 50th year on the day of atonement where the priest would pronounce the season and the year of jubilee cancelling deaths freeing all slaves all land repatriated to its original owner and a plethora of many many things that come as a result of the high priest pronouncement the book of luke was written to the greeks where jesus is portrayed as the great teacher or the great lecturer because the greeks were philosophers they leaned into aristocrat aristocracy uh socrates rather aristotle is the great greek philosophers and many others uh all of these phenomenal thinkers and men began the kind of thinking and lifestyle that we have leaned towards even in the 21st century and many of the practices and many of the sciences that we have today come from that era and so luke is writing to theophilus and he explains that jesus is the great teacher therefore jesus attracted many many greek scholars some greeks came and said we would see jesus because they wanted to sit and listen to his lectures and they didn't produce too much faith but they as you'll see in chapter 17 of the book of acts uh they they were given too much philosophy and much superstition and created many many many gods as you'll see in luke 17 and paul finds a scripture that says to the unknown god and takes that particular inscription and preaches jesus and then the book of john is the book of love in which we see jesus the great sacrifice and in that sacrifice he becomes the precious lamb that's been separated from the from the beginning of the world we look at the book of matthew very quickly it's in three discourses as i said the sermon on the mount from which we extract this teaching starts from chapter number five begins with the beatitudes and it's basically around uh where jesus introduces the kingdom he's introducing the kingdom as a lifestyle he's introducing the kingdom as god's way the systems that operate heaven the systems that god put in place where all heaven in its protocols and its order functions and then from chapter number nine the end of chapter number nine of the book of matthew where jesus healed all manner of sickness all manner of diseases in all these cities and in all their villages chapter 9 verse 35 6 7 and 8 uh and then chapter number 10 and verse 1 he named the apostles and sent them out in jews and and said heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead uh freely give the gospel freely you have received don't take a purse with you don't take your stuff go into these cities and and those that receive you receive them if they don't receive you leave their dust at the door and uh goes on to instruct and teach the apostles and it is here where jesus actually activates the kingdom he activates the kingdom and so the activation of the kingdom is important in the middle of the activation of the kingdom you will see the seven parables that are taught in matthew 13. these seven parables are equivalent and equal to the seven candlesticks that you'll see in the holy place the seven candlesticks are equal to the seven churches or the seven church ages in revelation chapter one two and three and these are important because each candlestick has the same anointing but the anointing oil is filled every week or every day from the middle branch the middle branch stood tallest and three came out of it that middle branch is christ empowering the three on each side which is the number of man the three on each side are the three dimensions of body soul and spirit the three dimensions here are earth uh earth first heaven third heaven and so christ links the the the two branches of the heavens and of the human christ is the equalizer he is the mediator he is the one that brings heaven and earth together all things are connected through jesus christ as a human being we would just be basically an animal but without the soul without the spirit and without christ activating the spirit we would just be an ordinary animal that's why a person that doesn't know god has animal tendencies and when you see uh crimes committed by human beings you'd be asking yourself what was going through this person's mind to commit such a heinous crime there's got to be something really wrong with an individual a lot of the time it has to do with demon possession and then the last part of the gospels of the book of matthew rather are the demonstrations of the kingdom where from chapter 21 right up until the place where jesus said all power in heaven and earth is given unto me and he commissions the apostles and send them we then have the demonstration of the kingdom where the kingdom of god is demonstrated and it's here that jesus takes on the pharisees head on in chapter 20 of the book of matthew norton notes here in chapter 20 of matthew we have the seven woes to the pharisees woe unto you scribes and pharisees whoa you you can't have seven positives without seven negatives and so the seven was to the to the pharisees are very important because if they did not repent or did not recant then uh they would then find themselves in a lot of peril and again just to give some perspective to these seven walls the reason these woes are given is because he said woe unto you pharisees you do everything correctly remember god had not spoken formally from the book of malachi to the appearance of the angel gabriel at zechariah and elizabeth's home announcing john the baptist and so in that time those 400 years without god speaking people begin to make an assumption of what god is saying or what god says and we lean then towards religion or being religious and we lean towards works as opposed to seeking god by spirit and so then we we tend to become morally upright and it's very difficult to reach a person that's a good person because why would a good person need god i've not done anything i'm a good person i've never stolen from anybody i've never taken anybody's goods i've never taken anybody's wife i've never taken anybody's husband uh i've i've never gone through a traffic light teaching drives me up the wall really you know when we're driving in the middle of the night literally and there's a red light she will not go through a red light alex what's wrong with you there's no traffic she said well it's red i said all these green on this side and so you have people that that do things in a right way i was talking to bishop smith and he was talking about his wife litha who who is similarly uh framed if you go to a mall in the united states uh there are many many shops if you can imagine borrowdale uh brooke for example there are many many shops and so on just to go around the mall is a long distance and so everywhere there's an entry point there's a stop sign and so even in the middle of the night when there's no traffic and there's nobody there pastor leto will stop at every stop sign stop stop and he says but why are you stopping he says because he says stop and so where kingdom could italy's books there's a stop sign there where uh joey's mom lives and so there was a guy putting from the council he couldn't smell so instead of putting s stop he put spot and then when he realized he put spot he then put stop spot stop and so you can have a person that does things right however it is imperative that a person is introduced to jesus that's why it was so difficult for the apostle paul to acknowledge a new truth because the pharisees as he was a pharisee of pharisees from the tribe of benjamin uh followed every line dressed correctly had all the colors and the tassels right wore the respective garments and clothing and their layers of clothing to keep them righteous and jesus was very explicit that the righteousness of man is as filthy rags we need to seek the righteousness of god in christ jesus and so when he begins to demonstrate the kingdom of god it comes in word and it comes in action and and so in acts chapter number one the scripture says he appeared to his disciples for 40 days and nights speaking to them in many infallible truths concerning the kingdom and so there were things that a resurrected jesus was able to teach that he wasn't not able to but couldn't teach before he was resurrected because all things were fulfilled in him on the cross and so there were things that he could not say because they were not yet fulfilled in him on the cross when he goes through the cross experience that is raised from the dead that then acts activated another level of kingdom teaching which he was able to teach them in 40 days and nights these infallible truths so let's look at the lord's prayer very quickly our father which art in heaven and so trying to experience the love of a father is fairly overwhelming i'll give you a little example wednesday was a rather traumatic day for pastor teacher and i uh because bernie had to have a number of tests and that to go to four different places for tests and at the end of the day uh we we realized that uh bernie is probably the strongest weakest person we've ever met and endured so much in that whole day we were the ones that at the end of the day were literally a basket case and the last testimony we got from his last consulta gave us the news that we've heard for many years that he will not survive this and we've heard that so many times from when bernie was four months old and uh you know bernie's like be positive and he's laughing and we a basket case crying it took so much out of me individually that i couldn't even get up on friday and we had to keep on quoting whose report will you believe when we kept on saying we shall believe the report of the lord and we went back to prophet nancy cohen's prophecy on bernstein when bernie was a baby we didn't even know he had a heart condition and uh and we were reciting that story because nancy said bernie were married he left children and so we keep on warring with that prophecy and it's ours to do and so when we got home and so on bunny got him but on the late side it was dark and uh we were making sure he's gonna eat and so on and i found myself when bernstein went to uh the nurse took him for his uh bath and changed his garments and so on for the evening uh i was tiptoeing watching to see where he was and i was by the dining room peeping you know and so i could get the microwave uh just right so his food could be right and tiptoeing to see is he here getting his tea and then he began to dwawn on me you know that the heavenly father does ten times a thousand times a million times more uh i was worried and and emotional is he okay what's his temperature what's his pulse you know uh what's his oxygen level and tiptoeing back and forth that i didn't disturb him and then you know can i take him my cell phone so we can listen to his music and and uh watch his star wars and and uh and going back and forth does he need this does he need that and couldn't sleep really because i was so worried for bernie and bernie had already taken his tablets he was on the table he was hard he was already gone laughing talking about all the girls he's going to meet in heaven and wawa and here i was as the father wide awake worrying uh concerned and jesus said you being prone to evil no to give give good things to your children how much more your heavenly father and so i'm trying to be a good father i'm i'm trying to be a good father and sometimes we we we uh try to be a good parent or a good pastor or a good husband or a good wife by giving things to demonstrate our love for a a person you know and and so you know that the the gitla uh uh you know to get close to the girl you know so you you'll drive all the way to chamba to buy a puppy to chamber to buy a puppy and you take the puppy and you give it to the girl and the next thing she says but i didn't want a puppy and so now you're jumping so now you you you're going to find a rose or you're going to find whatever whatever whatever and so we we tend to thingify to quantify our love and so the bible says your heavenly father will give you all these things he'll give you all these things and all you have to do is ask him but the first thing when you pray you have to say our father and i can guarantee you that the the the largest percentage of individuals in this group of 50 maybe 100 today if we do a survey there's very few people in this room that can say they had a good relationship with their physical father and if you haven't had a good relationship with your physical father you cannot have a good relationship with your heavenly father you cannot because you jesus said we deal with what we can see you can't say you love your brother you can't say you love your heavenly father whom you can't see when you don't like your brother whom you can't see and so the problem then is uh you have the isms there's racism there's sexism genderism and it's categories that human beings place groups of people in and so you can have on the on the subcontinent of india for example or just look at myanmar slash before burma how people are killing each other look what's happening in nigeria it's one country different states different expressions and languages but people are at war look at what's happening in some of the francophone countries look what's happening in ethiopia the wars that have taken place there where people are not getting on look what's happening in yemen people that we can't see and yet and yet in those countries where there are expressions of a different kind of religion most of them now are doing ramadan tj was telling me that uh in his apartment complex there an old man came in and began to shout at him a lot two weeks ago and says you young man you know that we are frosting and you're having a bride right here and all the fumes are coming to our area [Laughter] and tj was just tj said he said in his heart to the man he says you just have to watch and pray that's so funny but as human beings we we compartmentalize we create categories and and we put things in different categories to show that we love but god loves all and all he loves ultimately he is love he doesn't know what it means not to love and he loves every single person here and so when you say our father of course he is a heavenly being john 4 24 he is a spirit and the spirit will put its form into anything and so if you enlarge your heart he'll be enlarged in your heart if you close your heart he'll be closed in your heart if you fill your heart with with the lusts of the flesh and paul names them in 5 19 of galatians if there's more space for those things there's less place for the holy father so the more we unthinkify our lives the more god has expression and rule in our life and so it is important that when we start our prayer we recognize the heavenly father and know that he gives good gifts if i'm tiptoeing trying to make sure bernie's food is right and making sure you know that uh we he's not allowed to have cappuccino and coffee after a certain time because that messed up his sleep patterns but every now and then i'll sneak him a coffee a cappuccino you know and uh then there's days he doesn't call his mother ma you know he says chichi's here and so the other day because he can't speak the other day as i was coming he says shoot is coming shoot is coming you know and so uh of course tudor's coming am i bringing coffee that's the whole thing am i bringing coffee and so as a heavenly father our father which out in heaven hallowed be thy name and so we respect his name we show him honor we show respect and i love certain cultures in the world where uh the women curtsy or bao or there there's the hombella thing uh in in various cultures in new zealand which was quite stunning for me when they greet you before they do the hakka that you touch a man's nose i thought the guy was trying to kiss me is like what and so they came like this nose to nose and i was really pre-warned by pastor alexander that that is a great honor if you don't do that you actually dishonor the culture and then after they do that when it's nose to nose they then come and demonstrate they do the and uh it looks like one of zeph international's prayer meeting very interesting and so the heavenly father then protects us and guides us and so when we hallow his name and we respect his name and we honor his name and this is important before we give him our prayer list our father which hasn't even held his name then you ask him let me express your systems in my life and then we start asking him give us this day our daily bread say give us this day our daily bread so when people argue that we shouldn't be praying every day he doesn't say give us this day our weekly bread or monthly bread or our yearly bread or our once every 10-year bread it's daily bread which means that you ought to be in prey every day and so give us this day our daily bread and so when we ask for daily bread it's broken into three categories i'm taking too much time now so the first one is ask you ask him and bread is broad it's supply is provision give me my daily bread for a person in this room daily bread could be a million dollars a day it could be a million dollars a day for for you a hundred thousand dollars is not money because it's it's 100 it's 900 000 short of what you need and so you could be praying next to somebody who's asking god for two and six uh okay uh who's asking god for five bonds and you asking for a million for that person five bondies daily bread for you it's a million u.s that's daily bread for someone else it's something else and so when you be asking for daily bread according to your needs you must ask and be brave you must ask and be bold you must ask and be sure you must not be double-minded because a double-minded person is unstable in all their ways let not that man or woman think they shall receive anything from the lord and so before you go into prayer to ask don't be double minded you must be sure you must ask yourself tutor are you sure this is what you want you must answer the question yes this is what i want then you go into prayer and you ask him you ask him for that land you ask him for that house you ask him for that event you ask him you ask him in advance and so we are already already praying for idris and eden's children we're already praying for them and we are demonstrating that by the money we are putting aside for idris and eden's children already from january february march and april i've been putting money aside for them because it's a demonstration of faith and we are also now preparing instructions for them when they come to the age of understanding how they must treat their children and when they get pocket money how they must separate a certain amount of pocket money for their children and it's a work by faith it's a work by faith and so we asking already so i asked the lord when chichi pushed our dream father thank you bless chichi so on and so forth and i prayed we both prayed please send dream the like the right life partner we said the same for jason he got we said the same for tj he's getting rashan we said the same for bernie i think he has to become a muslim because i think there's 14 that he wants i think alexia is giving him lessons on my posterism so maybe he can be under a tree and have a white garment and have 14 amen ah maybe 361 for each day but ask and it shall be given turn to your neighbors say ask say ask so so let's say for example uh i need tammy to play for me i need tammy to play for him for me and so tammy knows that sunday bishop is gonna need to play for me and so then uh i get you a traffic light it's red for me it's green for tammy i don't know it's tammy tammy knows it's me because it's an orange car and so as tammy is going through the green light and i'm passing through i start swearing him you stupid you you you you know whatever whatever whatever and then uh i don't really recognize his sammy and i'm on my way and then 15 minutes later like his phone rings his bishop he thinks that bishop is making an apology you know sorry tell me i almost hit your car i was racing bernstein so on and so forth and but i'm saying to tell me hey don't forget i need you in the first service on sunday don't forget so so how can i ask if there's an offense and so many times there's an offense and so before you ask you have to remove the offense you have to repent you have to clear your heart so that you are not offended within your heart you are not feeling bad inside so you ask and so when you ask you must ask boldly you must come to the throne of grace and ask boldly father i need one thousand hectares i have this opportunity to export cotton or cassava or maize i need 1 000 hectares give me an opportunity to meet somebody that can introduce me to the ministry of agriculture or somebody in indonesia or somebody somewhere in in saudi arabia or china's easy chinese will take anything anywhere so let's make it more difficult uh somebody in france or italy or so on open doors father let there be oil on this property give me a piece of land where there's diamonds uh and the government doesn't get involved give me a piece of land where can gold can get gold and it it's not smuggled out through certain ways and let fidelity give me what rightfully is mine you can ask and you must ask boldly because god is able to take a person that's put in prison and send angels to open doors all you have to do is put on your shoes put on your shoes and doors that opening for you say ask for doors to open for people in this room doors are about to open for you all you have to do is put on your shoes in the old testament you take off your shoes because god does the walking for you in the new testament you put on your shoes because the gospel is the your feet are shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace so you walk in the gospel and as you walk in the gospel as the gospel approaches a closed door the door has to open because you are fulfilling the purposes of god in your life and then you have to seek turn to your neighbors they seek a person seeking goodly pearls you a goodly pearl just doesn't come you have to seek a goodly power you have to seek good treasure if you seek it you will find it it's there and if something is so precious it's not usually in the open not usually in the open if you read the book acres of diamonds there was a man looking for a diamond and eventually became discouraged and allegedly if i get the story right uh died disappointed uh one reference in my mind says he killed himself and somebody came passing through and uh noticed in his house there was a very big stone there and for years and years he didn't know that that stone was actually a very precious diamond but it was a diamond in the rough because in his head he was expecting a diamond to be cut shiny and so on he in his head he didn't end in his mind that a diamond could be a piece of stone that was in the rough just lying there seeking something very precious you're seeking for something that's right there seek and you shall find the thing that you are seeking for is within reach you see it every day you pass it every day you talk to it every day you handle it every day the pharisees were seeking the messiah he was teaching them he was talking to them he was demonstrating miracles but they were looking for something that was extraordinary some superman coming out of the sky you know in an angelic light form that doesn't produce faith it doesn't produce faith but but when you see an ordinary man that's so ordinary and you hear his words and you are lying to those words faith both in your heart because god is only satisfied and is pleased by actions of faith without faith it's impossible to please god and then knock and the door shall be opened for you the apostle paul was very clear he said when i got to ephesus there was a very large door that was open for me an effectual fervent draw effectual and fervent draw but that drone was protected by many adversaries there were adversarial forces that were standing by an effectual fervent jaw and for you as you now come and face an effectual fervent door you have to be willing to mix it you have to be willing to fight so in times of peace you are not sleeping in times of peace you are practicing karate you are practicing kalati you are chewing jujitsu you were hitting the the the punching bag you were doing the miles you don't run a marathon the first day you think you're going to run you train weeks and weeks and weeks if you are already a runner and you are preparing for a marathon they tell me that eight weeks you now have to go before the marathon you have to go into a regimented schedule eight weeks before of of running certain uh times within certain times for the 40 kilometer marathon and so if you are now entering into this coming to any ineffectual fervent door you have to be fit you have to be agile you can't be fragile you can't be given to offense because they will come you you can't have a chip on your shoulder uh you you can't let things that you see discourage you walls cities discourage you giants discourage you you have to look for the grapes and the pomegranates you have to look for the wells that were not dug by yourself you have to look for the houses that are fully furnished because there's always enemies there's always somebody better than you there's always somebody bigger than you there's always somebody that knows more than you and if you're going to live your life by looking at walls and and giants and stuff you're never going to enjoy the pomegranates you'll never enjoy the grapes you'll never enjoy the figs and the blessings that god has given you you'll never be a person that is satisfied uh with small things if you are not satisfied with with small things big things don't mean anything to you and so knock and the door shall be opened unto you and so finally matthew chapter number six and verse 19 lay up for yourselves treasures uh do not lay your up for yourselves treasures on the earth where moth rust uh and thieves come and so the dynamic here in slide number eight moth corrupts rust corrupts thieves breakthrough and steel and so i was asking uh i think it was jossie who said they were doing something at the house yesterday and freshening up spring cleaning in the months of winter which is quite interesting and so i asked her a question i said you guys put mothballs in your wardrobe and uh she said yes and i know that you should i don't think we do do we we don't for whatever reason and says well what what do the moths do and she gave me a little lesson say well they come in and they lay their eggs there and these things hatch and your clothes deteriorate and you can have something that's very expensive that's uh diminished to little uh rags or powder powder you you touch your clothes and it just disintegrates into powder or something like that and so there are precious things we have in our lives and we put all of our time all over investment and it's in a moth world it's a moth world where everything is reduced to dust and powder or we put things into a world where everything is an oxide and so it's a ferrous metal and so when he says here uh rust he's talking about weapons moth is talking about possessions imprasta clothing what you cover yourself with rust he's talking about steel ferrous metals he's talking about war and the power of force don't trust in the roman sword the roman sword is given to rust just a little bit of moisture will cause that thing to rust and and a challenge with with aviation is not the competence of a pilot or the computers or or fuel it's rust and so the uh engineers and the pilots and the first officer and so on every time they're examining the plane they are not looking for anything else but rust especially when planes are flying mostly to sea level destinations because salt is a killer when it comes to ferrous metals and so rust can cause a pressurized compartment of a massive aeroplane to disintegrate and so as you are climbing in god as you are climbing in god and you are going to heights where oxygen is short and you need a compressed chamber to keep you sailing at that level rust will take you out at the highest level and lastly thieves sheila v would like the thieves all of them thieves when somebody steals from you they're actually taking the future because it takes you so many years to get this so many years to get this and it takes them a minute to take it but what's on this is not the the it's not this agent here it's not this origins it's the time that's spent with things that this urgent keeps you can lose thousands and thousands of hours when a thief takes it and so jesus was crucified between two thieves that had stolen everything from man and secondly stolen god's rights to be god to man and when the thief is caught sevenfold has to be restored and so jesus caught the thief and so what was restored was sevenfold the seven churches seven church ages were restored that came out of him because the thief was caught the thief steals kills destroys but now you get life and life more abundantly i pray that god will give you precious things i pray that god will open doors for you stand with me as we read matthew 6 21. for where your treasure is there will your heart be also so look where your heart is that's what you treasure the most my television can be sold for as good as new now because it's not being used because liverpool isn't playing in as many games and even in the games they are playing it's like you know it's like kissing your sister there's no buzz so the tv is off really you don't watch tv uh i just when i hear that man united got beaten over also and so forth i rejoice but there's no need to watch television news can be picked up by headline here or there and and so i learned that where my treasure is there my heart is also so my heart was given to not walking alone the place you spend the most time that's where your heart is that's where your treasure is and some of these things need to be looked at and analyzed to all the men in the church husbands this is important for you there are many things that we did pre-marriage we were there all the time she turns around you are there in the supermarket you here also yes i'm there but then you get married it's now liverpool games don't preach so hard to do you're gonna preach yourself into the water it's travel and you get more and more distant because you then open your hearts to other treasures and this becomes detrimental to your success and so you have god waiting for you it's like the father he's waiting for you just for five minutes in the morning for prayer he's waiting for you just waiting so he can bless you he's waiting for you in the evening for that small prayer thank you father for what you have done for me and so we need to develop a culture where we are thankful thanking god for what he's done not just giving him a shopping list but thanking him for what he has done and having prayers where you don't ask him for anything don't ask him for anything just come to give him thanks don't ask him for anything or you take a sec a minute and just thank god for all the things he has done i want to thank you for all the things you've done i just want to thank you for all the things you've done thank you for our miracle this week thank you for our miracle this week thank you for the great things you have done thank you for idris and eden their parents thank you for the joy they bring thank you for mom who's stronger than all of us thank you for bernie thank you for our leaders and elders thank you thank you for all the things you have done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] uh
Channel: Tudor Bismark
Views: 3,960
Rating: 4.8904109 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Tudor Bismark, Bishop Bismark, Tudor Bismark Sermons, Bishop Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismarck, ChiChi Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismark, ChiChi, Bismarck
Id: podmaj7Ahis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 8sec (4508 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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