Bishop Tudor Bismark - You Will Dance When You Get It Right

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I'm going to speak to for about 50 minutes today and the presentation will take on the characteristic of a semi lengthy scripture reading and then we're going to slip into three distinct units of definition first one is going to be very briefly communication how communication functions and works and then I'm going to jump in for a few minutes on prophecy and the prophetic and why that is applicable and how that functions and work through systematically a timeline for prophecy then we're going to jump into brew again breaking down a few case examples from the scripture and then try to tie it up god willing I can do that in 50 minutes amen go with me to chapter number 6 of 2nd Samuel [Music] who says that you are good and all men become you've done have brought you all [Music] thank you for the miracles in this place thank you they are so many miracles in this place this morning so many so many I was watching you tall handsome man throughout the service the Holy Spirit is targeting you this morning at the nervous twitch authorities for these targeting near this morning as Bishop was talking to our little sister that he prayed for last week the same anointing that she had last week whatever that one is right on you today today is your day today is a crossroads for you right here you are going to make the decision today it's going to change the trajectory of your life okay let's see a smile come on there you go [Music] wonderful to see the orange bird work on an individual on you today again they would gather together or the chosen men of Israel 30,000 that's amazing that he can have 50,000 chosen men in a short period of time and he arose and went with all the people that were formed out of Judah to bring them from thence to bring them to the Ark of God whose name is cover the name of the Lord of Hosts that throughout between the cherubs and they set the aquaponic new cottage and brought into the house of abinadab which was in Gibeah and advented up to at two suns user and Ohio the sons that have been to the van they drove the Ark and brought it out of a suburban is AB which was at Gibeah accompanying the ark and verse 5 and David and all the house of Israel played before the Lord in all kinds of instruments that were made of special material for wood opts and saw trees and tambourines and corners and cymbals when they came to nessam fishing floor user the oldest son touched the ark and broad killing there verse number 8 David was displeased because we're all it made a breach on user and they call the name of the place carries user to this day and David a great respect for the Lord and he was afraid of God that day and said how in the world I'm going to bring this Ark back to its rightful place so they would not remove the Ark of the Lord unto the City of David but he didn't took it to the house of obed-edom the kid lights and the ark remainder for three months and God blessed over hidden in every way in all and all of his house snowfalls and they told King David and said the Lord has blessed the house of the vidum and all that pertains to him and because of the Ark of God and David went up from there mm forbidden and brought the ark to the City of David with gladness and it was so that when they bear the ark they took six spaces had wonderful sacrifices and David danced before the rural record his night and he wore a little infant father please help me in the name of Jesus amen for a few minutes this morning I'm going to preach on the subject you were dense when you get it right against when you get it right please be seated if you can I meant to mention as I'm traveling with Vincent Leonard's from South Africa from Genesis and everybody see you and one of our friends and Africa I was saying at a ministry along the way that on this trip that in the early years of ministry I started very young started when I was 16 years old preaching and that's 44 years ago and as time went on it just for the grace of God that I'm here because in our early years I had absolutely nobody to protect me nobody it was nobody that achieved me I was taking blows teach and I were taking blows that were unreasonable and initially in our fight I was thrown in the ring to fight double heavyweight and I was barely a while to wait in featherweight and I was taking blows from heavyweights from life from demonic forces and I thought like Rocky in Rocky one two and three like this I had a guard and fight but what I didn't realize that every time I'd be knocked down and I go back to my corner when I came out the heavyweight is still the same but my weight range increased every time I came out our weight range increased and I started as a feather went back as a feather came out as a welter and worked throughout the years throughout the ranks and I'm standing here literally about the grace of God and so that leads me to if I can get it here just a little chart I want to walk through very carefully with you now that's just number ones slide number one on this chart it's difficult to know what's the right thing to do when you don't know what that is it's difficult to know what's the right thing to do when you don't know what that is when we started out we knew nothing we believed everything we were told everything we were taught we never questioned it because that was not in the kind of spiritual or Church background you know it's like touch not mine anointed you do as you're told and we did and faithfully so and that has its advantages and one or two disadvantages but there were many many things that we were we were not introduced to we met the person of Christ but we won't ever given an opportunity to recognize the principles of Christ because many of our world was framed within rigid theological belief not wrong but but without accommodating life forms that could advance us throughout the ranks and so I always knew that there was more but didn't know what that was and again it's typical to do the right thing when you don't know what that is so that puts us into four categories number one is doing the wrong thing and you don't know you're doing the wrong thing you just don't know you're doing the wrong thing I can deal with like that when they doing the wrong thing and they don't know they doing the wrong thing because you can help somebody like that category number two when somebody's doing the wrong thing and they know they doing the wrong thing too I feel an NRA anointing Amen when somebody's doing the wrong thing they know they doing the wrong thing and they continue to do the wrong thing they perpetuate the wrong thing and the tragedy is is that they pass that on to another generation or two people that don't know any better and they start doing the wrong thing category number three when you're doing the right thing but you don't know you're doing the right thing and so I found teach and I found ourselves in that world where we were doing the right thing but we didn't know we were doing the right thing in terms of financing developing our family raising children I was in taught we won't talk dating I wasn't taught that I'm the orders of ten kids I wasn't taught any of that I wasn't taught what it meant to be a husband let alone a father wasn't taught the premise of how to build and structure a church and how to put that in order but we said we were doing the right thing didn't know we were doing the right thing until we got a little bit of exposure we started visiting certain places and we saw people doing what we were doing and then it dawned on us man we're doing the right thing but we didn't know we were doing the right thing kateri number four in this is that when you're doing the right thing and you know you're doing the right thing you're building systematically you're working slowly you're building towards the desired ends and anytime you're doing the right thing with the desired end sometimes it takes time to get the results and so if you're watching as a pastor or if you hear this morning you have to be patient because if you're growing an oak it takes time for that bad boy to grow but if you're growing a weed is coming up overnight when the Sun comes up the test of that will prove who you is a man for Pete is slide number two very quickly stay with me learning how to function when God is silent because we we are receptive as believers to when God speaks we we want to know because faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the Word of God and so we come here for a word and we have an active zone where the Rhema word of God is released and it changes our lives completely but how do you function when God is silent so you look at Adam for example Adam probably had one of the most excruciating human experiences in the history of human beings because here's a man made in the image of God after his likeness he's talking to his father every single day in the cool of the day even God are communicating every day and then there's a gross error that changes the destiny of the entire human family and God's initial ultimate program for human beings and Adam is cast out of the Garden of Eden and it's night so he goes into a night season and here's a man who knows absolutely everything he knows everything about everything is highly intellectual extremely academic he's akin to what God is doing God's agenda and then overnight Adam knows absolutely nothing about anything he's totally ignorant he's got to start learning everything from scratch you know so in the garden is you know pooping with Mufasa you know and his singing penis yes it is and all of that and suddenly now he's got to learn you know Mufasa wants to kill him a bear was the strangling a snake wants to bite him and so there's nothing to eat because he's got to learn that's a bad wee he'd never seen thorns in his life and suddenly there's thorns that hurt him is what this emotional roller coaster he's on and his point of reference for information is always in the past and nothing at present and it is nothing in the future and of course in Genesis chapter number 4 all the way through the Bible there's no record ever not one where God spoke to Adam not a single time but in Genesis four God speaks to his son Cain whose eject up one of that outfit the first person that God speaks to with Cain and speaks to him twice first time he says him you know if you would do the right thing he says why you're angry and why you depressed and tell them you do the right thing you know you have opportunity and then the second time he speaks to Cain doesn't even speak to Abel who has an excellent sacrifice he speaks to Kayla second time I said seem you know where's your brother and Cain is so belligerent and angry and facetious he responds to God in a horrible way but there's no record of God speaking to Adam how do you function when God is not waking and then from Adam to Noah is a thousand years and so when Adam comes out of the garden when records are being kept Adam dies at 139 years he's 139 years old imagine living your life for 139 years and God has not spoken to you at all how do you function when God is not speaking number two learning how to interpret what God says when he does speak how learning how to interpret that when God does speak there's a principle called the equalization of truth which is God speaks to the human family globally at the same time so he's speaking right now a similar truth in Kiev Ukraine he's talking to somebody in Lahore Pakistan in Buenos Aires Argentina somebody in Haiti even talking to somebody in Zimbabwe and as broadly speaking a principle of truth whether it's in a world of science technology and so on and so forth or spiritually we all at the same time receiving that word but how do we interpret what God is saying in 1988 of phret 1919 yes 88 a friend of mine in Watford had a dream and in his dream he saw three W's coming out of the sky team www and he thought he was to start a church in Wembley in Watford and in Wickham is it possible that he was getting a view of the World Wide Web so when God was speaking to him the way he was interpreting that was based on his background as we do we interpret stuff based on our culture our background a lot of times unfortunately our pain and the reason we have so many churches everywhere I mean you just throw a stone and the strong or heated Church it's because of the interpretation something comes based on our interpretation and that experience we build a thing and then number three I'm agreeing when God is literally moving knowing what to do when you have a literal move of God what do you do when God is literally moving so in 1991 92 93 in Harare our church was in a major move of God and we didn't know it we had no idea it was we invert this premise for church and we thought it was just hard work and now the hard work was paying off that too but we were in a move of God we were in a visitation and didn't know it Jacob said I was in the house of God I didn't even know that this place is the house of God so so so how do you then man a move of God how do you manage that and so we've been asking God God give me favor and but give me the wisdom to manage favor because years later when the Lord gave me the wonderful privilege to preach you know Toronto Pensacola and some of the spots in South America where they were in a revival I was like oh my goodness we had the same thing happening for three years but we didn't even know it was a move of God so how then do you manage your move of God when it comes how do you recognize it and of course it is expensive because he changes one's entire routine it changes your life it changes the way you do things it changes the way you scheduled your your ministry to be your business to be your future to be so how do you manage your visitation from God so then brothers I can't be too critical of Jerusalem who didn't recognize the day of their visitation because I've had a few and he doesn't know it was the visitation because my expectation was different my expectation was God's going to move in this way he's going to do this kind of thing and he walks in the door in the last closing prayer and we don't even know that that's representation and we race out and we missed a visitation so how do you deal with that and then point slide number three dealing with the psychological pain of when you do the wrong thing knowing that it was on your watch or in a certain time that you missed a visitation and so you get a chance to go over into the promised land to take what God gave Abraham as a promise 700 years before and now you cross into the land and the spies come back with a negative report imagine now you are part of the group that said we're not going in and then for 40 years you are in the world Ernest knowing that at some point you are not going to make it in imagine dealing with the psychological implications that you squandered an entire move of God you know we've got the wonderful again of ministering alongside African grace and I've seen literally men and women on the continuum occur that God has given Nations is for a nation in their hands an entire city and then I've seen those that God has given them nations and cities but through some foolish decision or some wrong turn that all of that has been lost and some of them have said to me I'll give anything to have what I had I'll give anything to have it again and so now they're dealing with the psychological problems we'll issues or challenges of squandering what was a moment and the visitation based on the fact that they could not interpret or understand what God was saying when he said it please take your hand off strength put it on your head say God give me wisdom to manage favor sacred power say God give me wisdom to manage favor it was we sang it enlarge my territory so when that starts happening you're going to need the wisdom to manage that favor yah yah yah yah let me slip now into part two of this presentation which is what I call the communication charts the communication chart we communicate in four levels at all times and anytime we are addressing any group whether it's our children whether it's our leaders with a the church on any subject we are communicating on four different levels Jesus gave us an inference of that in you 13 equally the wayside ground stony ground thorny ground and fruitful or productive ground and so you know if you're not a musician and you came in here with your kumbaya self you may not really have had a full appreciation of what the musicians did and how tight this band really is because it's like oh that's great because in the music world you are a wayside person we're wasting note on you we're wasting modulations on you you just like there you know just hallelujah but you could be somebody that could be a high-level lawyer or a high-level medical physician a research scientist and so on and so the same people that are typed in a productive area music in the green room you start throwing sand around some Latin words and some Mexican words from Latin based terminologies the same individuals who were productive on one level and now waste like people on that level so anytime we are addressing our leaders I have to keep this in my mind I'm dealing with four levels or people here waste like people and you have to spend more time with waste like people because you want them to be productive too so when we talking to our children we have to remind ourselves we are dealing with four levels I put this in the category of four levels of communication here is the chart there's intimate communication there is business communication there is social communication and this peripheral communication so let me give you a couple examples what you and I do in our bedroom what we talk about and the things we do in that setting is intimate communication it will not be on Facebook I don't know what's wrong with this group because just in to identify with something the gross definite area of intimate communication even though our children and you know our four sons we're very tight and went close but this stuff that teach and I do and talk about this that even our boys are not akin to they will not have access to some of the things we say and do that but then as a family as a family we have intimate communication on the orders of ten kids chichi is one of so many and so on but as a family the things we talk about the things we do that the rest of my siblings don't get to know about because that's an intimate communication zone I'll church as this one does you probably have a church board and the stuff that we discussed on a church board level that should not be discussed outside of that God and it's unfortunate that we have to sign confidentiality documents because somebody's got a big mouth and we have to protect intimate conversation so that it doesn't go peripheral but what happens is if we have a discussion intimate conversation and we talk about something we want to do we then we'll take it to the next level it's business communication we talk to the rest of the leaders and say this is what we've decided this is are we going to do it and then after a few weeks we'll bring it to the church and we'll tell the church this is what we've decided and this is what we're going to do it that's social communication and then of course when we announce that it then goes throughout Toledo throughout Ohio starts spreading throughout the world in the range of peripheral communication and so intimate communication should not be celebrated at the same time with peripheral communication people shouldn't be hearing what your leaders are hearing at the same time is everybody tracking with me now this is very important because it's going to assist us and facilitate the things that we have to accomplish in our lives let's go to the third section of this message and deal with the premise of prophecy I have to get to the freeway I have to drive to this neighborhood every human being has the ability to and he has been given the right in the god class to prophesy every person has the ability to prophesy we don't call it prophecy in essence but Romans 4:17 covers that where we have the ability and the anointing to cause something that is not as though it already is we call it in the church world prophecy we speak a word and it will come to pass and so you can get a richard williams who can see two little girls put little box in the head and tell them at little age tell them Venus and Serena one day you win Wimbledon you'll win roland-garros you win the US Open what is it about Richards that he saw over on those girls it's the ability to prophesy to call it and so all can find a little boy take a club and put it in his hands call him tiger who are waiting for him lions in according line or something calling Mufasa but call him tiger for the club in his hand and tell him you'll be the youngest that will ever win the US Open or Dustin so on and so forth there's something that innate in human beings where you can identify a gift and call it so a school teacher has a major role to play a pastor has a major role to play because you can look over a congregation and you can see a Timothy way at the back and you can see that child's future before that child can even see their lunge it's called prophecy we don't call it that in the human world but it is actually prophecy the first time the word prophecy or prophet is mentioned is in Genesis 20 and verse 7 and it's in that chapter where abemolik is a is about to take Sarah into his harem and God said to me said you touch that girl I will kill you he says you need to go to Abraham and he will pray for you for he is a prophet so the word prayer and the word prophet mentioned for the first time in Genesis 20 verse 17 the fact that it's mentioned for the first time in Genesis 2017 does not mean that that did not exist because prophecy and prayer were existing way before that was ever mentioned point said is that you can be doing something that you are ahead of a word the definition for what you do is yet to be spelled out and you can feel like an oddball doing the right thing not knowing you're doing the right thing and a word is so to be crying for what you're doing so Abram is prophesying long before he ever is so you are a prophet he has the ability to heal and end Berenice long before he knows he's actually doing that he has the ability to raise up men in his house one three hundred eighteen men keep them a strength and a power Abram doesn't even know what that point is doing the right thing at the right time because sometimes when you don't have a point of reference it becomes very very difficult Oh ever you are keep on plowing where you are keep on pushing to where you're going leave us is going to pay off in your life can you put your hands together clapping you're free [Applause] and so then as Christians we then have the wonderful opportunity to prophesy every single person according to first Corinthians 14 has the right to prophesy but the fact that you proper size does not make you a prophet it just meant that you precise whereas every prophet has the ability to prophesy and does and shoot so when a purpose event is released out of your mouth when you've called something that is not as though it already is sibility you do that you are setting in motion something that's coming for the future and so all prophesy then has a birthdate all prophecy has a growing period and all property has a harvest season or prophecy is birth it's grown it's harvested so when a property is released out of your mouth like Bishop were saying earlier something is going to happen in the future we don't know when we don't know how but we know that that will come to pass it's called the obstetrics of prophecy the birth date then the pediatrics of prophecy the growing period and then the Bar Mitzvah of prophecy the harvest season it is going to happen it's going to take place if it takes a lifetime it will happen in your life that's why you have to be very active in a zone like this all prophecy is under an anointed environment and when prophecy comes there are times when God is not speaking he is not speaking for whatever reason that's when you have to do what Paul said to be son Timothy you have to fight with the prophecy spoken in your life even though God is not speaking he already has spoken so you have to fight with prophecy and tell that devil in his face I will not die I haven't seen what God has called to come to pass in my life no prison no part of his house no woman in part of his house for safety because I saw in a prophetic vision that one day I will rise up and because someone has to say Amen if you are prophecy on your knife you have to fight with that thing use it with all of your power call that war and remind God of what he spoke about that's why you can claim your children your grandchildren your great-grandchildren you can call that thing you can call your grandmother's breath and make it come to pass in your life because if a prophecy was released it shall come to pass in the service gossip are the wolf unusual Murray throws on your life the right place at the right time Gard tomorrow orchestrate something so that by the time you get home it's going to break out in your life that's someone a high five and tell them it's your season yeah yeah yeah applied linguistics the highest-ranking prophet is a face-to-face prophet as the highest-ranking prophet Adam spoke to God every day he was with God face to face and a face to face prophet gets what they want and what they say you name the animals prophetically they are to this day what Adam for physically they create on their life le front Mouse no your erect not a mouse and lion tiger so Adam is functioning in his prophetic gifting calling those things that were not as though they were and along with that prophetic word comes definition it comes organization of course Adam is the only human being on the earth at that point the brother doesn't even know he's doing the right thing he doesn't know that is he is doing the right thing at the right time only in time that's been proven to be true are we together so far so the highest ranking properties of face to face prophet and so here comes Moses and his older brother Aaron and they older sister Miriam Moses was a face-to-face prophet and so when God calls Moses he tells him in 7 was one of Exodus he says I'm sending you to Pharaoh again I'm making you a God in the eyes of Pharaoh and Aaron shall be your prophet so the Bible confirms that Aaron was a prophet and then in Exodus chapter number 15 the prophetess Miriam grabbed the cambering when they saw all of the enemies floating alongside the Red Sea picked up that bad boy began the best descent into the temporary and gathered a million women and they started to dance and the Bible called Maria a proper yes so here you have in one house three prophets and so a little family squabble breaks out and so God some then in numbers chapter number 12 and says let me just learn you a lesson as to how this thing really works is that now y'all are prophets he said but Moses is not the kind of profit that you categorizing him to be he is a face-to-face prophet he is my friend when I speak to prophet I'll speak to them in visions and dreams but I won't speak to Moses that way so we last you when you desire a double portion anointing you can have that provided you raise your rank to be face to face because if you are a face to face property you get what God says anytime you are that so from time to time you're going to need a face to face property you come in and you find who you are you find your life tell you you're doing the wrong thing but put you on the right track show you that be encouraged you're doing the right thing keep on pushing you're going in the right direction help your ear to hear what you've been struggling to hear recognizing that what you are absolutely in easy natural a move of God that even a nice season is a move of God then a famine is a move of God that less is a move of God that what you are being challenged through is a move of God and a face to face proper can help you resurrect your dry bones help you oh I feel happiness I feel something rushing to where you are to push you over the line to give you what you've been believing for to get you I saw in Genesis chapter number three and verse 15 God says to the first family said you guys messed up but I'm sending my son a messiah he's coming right out of the human loins he's going to bruise that is because the devil's gonna brew his heel but he's going to crush the devil scar that prophecy was 4,000 years old in Galatians chapter number 4 and verse 4 when the fullness of time was come God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law the angel said to the Shepherd's born to you this day in the City of David is Christ the Lord he will save his people from their sin that prophecy was four thousand years old in Genesis 50 and verse 30 God spoke to Abraham who did not even have a son and said Abraham all of you is coming a mighty nation and that nation will go into slavery in a land that's not their own in Exodus chapter number 12 verse 41 and 42 in that region the Bible says the soul joining of the children of Israel was 430 years and the day they marched out of the part of Egypt was 1,000 years after God and spoken to Abraham that prophecy was a thousand years old in judges chapter number in Joshua chapter number six when Joshua saw the walls of Jericho come down and they marched him to possess the first spoils of the promised land Joshua stood up in a profit moment and said the man that builds the walls of Jericho will pay for it with the death of his first son and the man that lays the gates of Jericho will pay for it with the death of the last born son in first Kings 16 verse 34 he el both the walls of Jericho his first son died and then when he laid up the gates of Jericho his baby boy died that was 700 years later the prophecy was released the prophecy was grown and there was a harvest season for it it's unlikely that he L knew that that prophecy existed but that did not forbid or inhibit the prophecy to be fulfilled in his life can you hear what I'm saying here oh my goodness I feel this thing here in the name of Jesus er in Jeremiah chapter number 12 25 and verse 12 Jerry got up one morning and said the slavery of Israel in Babylon will be 70 years and then in captain number 9 of Daniel goes one two three Daniel understood by books the prophecy of Jeremiah and began to pray that prophecy was birth the prophecy was grown and after Daniel intense prayer in Chapter number nine of Daniel the Bible says the children of Israel started going back it was a 70 year old prophecy in numbers 13 and 14 Moses was standing there aghast at the fact that so close to receiving the promise and yet so far and God said to Moses I love Joshua and Caleb because they have an excellent spirit but the Ken are not inheriting and every person has 21 years and above they will not possess the land that I promised they will die in the wilderness but if they twenty years and under they can take that land and promised that was such a fine line because if you were born if your birthday was this day you missed the promise by a day if you were born a day after you came the promise by a day that I'll find the line was that prophecy took 40 years to be fulfilled when Caleb came back he said I'm young now like I was 40 years ago and when I walked out carrying those grapes I saw emotion and I said that's my Mountain give me my Mountain sex 40 years ago I want my money and I want it now I enjoyed the ordinance I enjoy the curse I end your pain I went through sickness I went to swallow get my mouth in second Kings chapter number 4 and verse 16 the shunammite woman had built a room on the house on her house for Elisha the prophet and Elisha said baby do you want to meet the king she said no you want to meet the captain she said no he said I tell you what girl next year this time you will embrace aside the prophecy was birthed the prophecy grew and a year later she was holding a baby boy it was a one-year prophecy in chapter number 7 of second Kings Elisha brought up in the middle of a famine children were being eaten by their parents they were eating absolutely rubbish but he is like she got up and said tomorrow about this time they'll be plenty in the gate the prophecy was birth the prophecy groove and the prophecy was harvested it was a 24-hour prophecy in chapter 26 of Matthew Peter said that Jesus I'll go with you all the way to the end till Jesus said to Peter said peak before the crows you will deny me three times that prophecy was six hours II or six hours long so in your life whether it's a four thousand year prophecy a thousand year prophecy a 700 year prophecy a seventy year prophecy a 40 year prophecy a net gear this time prophecy our 24-hour prophecy whether that's prophecy whether it is a prophecy that's being broken in your life it will come to pass that Kevin is a liar devil is a liar and so is his mother-in-law I'm going to the harvest I'm taking what's mine I possess it now I take what belongs to me I will not be denied I will not be denied that's always opening for me front down shaken together running over [Applause] give someone a high five tell them it's mine I'm taking it home today I've been denied for too long you will get married you will have twin boys you will build that company you will go to the next level give yourself a high five the person lifts you so boring I'll high-five myself I'll go get my money okay [Applause] [Music] can you feel that stuffing something coming on your row to give you what rightfully belongs to you can you clap your hands somebody clap your hands everybody clap your hands because you can tap your hands for your season trap your hands for your property I've been doing the right thing all this time and I didn't even know it [Applause] I mean this man OKs goody-good a man I'm coming about 15 moments in Matthew 17 Nana this is mercy shocked even oh okay two minutes two minutes two minutes so long two moments they met this is the leader you got nowhere to go a mr. Lee over there in Matthew 17 Jesus took three of his disciples on the top of the mountain and left nine below the reason he took the three to the top of the mountain was for intimate communication and when they get to the top of the mountain Peter James and John see Jesus in a way the others would not see him he was transformed before them his face began to shine like the Sun or brighter than the Sun his clothes were electrified turned into translucent light and right before the eyes they saw Moses and Elijah talking to Jesus now they could hear what they were saying but they could not interpret what was being said they didn't even understand they were in a moment it was the fathers of the law and the prophets talking to the son of the New Testament the son of grace because fathers have to impart to sons their future and their destiny and so while Moses and Elijah Moses the law and Elijah the prophets are talking to Jesus they are transmitting to him from the shadow to the actual body the things to come and they rehearsing in his mind and saying now son everything we said would happen in and shadows you are now epitomizing and fulfilling you are doing the right thing keep on doing what you're doing and they reiterate your point you have to paper it with your life to fulfill the law and the profits because that is the will of your father for you Peter who doesn't understand what's going on says let's just start a movement right here because he was misinterpreting what he heard and in the middle of intimate communication of voice speaks and since this is my beloved son listen to him so you have three levels of intimate communication in one place Jesus then comes back down to a normal environment and says to the three promise me you will not tell the nine what you just saw until after my resurrection so Jesus now was prophesying I know I'm going to die the fathers confirmed it but I'm telling you three that I will be raised from the dead but don't share what you just witnessed until after the resurrection and so when they come down from the mountain there's a boy that devil possessed and the nine are trying to cast out that devil and the father's in a desperate place and Jesus comes he says to Jesus can you help my boy who's got a devil and Jesus says how often has this come upon him he said from when he was a juvenile jesus said what is the condition he says he throws himself in the fire and he throws himself in the water Jesus knew this is an opportunity to prove he had an impartation because the water was Moses he separated the Red Sea and the water came out of a rock he turned the water sweep out of Marah because Moses was the father of the law and when the fire came down from Elijah's command Jesus knew if I cast out the y'ever the law and the prophets are with me I will die I will be resurrected you've got to clap your hands for confirmation by the time you get home their world is confirmation something's going to break out in your life it's taken you a lifetime come on Gigi it's taken you a lifetime to get where you are and so if you King David and you're doing the right thing but you're doing it the wrong way you think you're doing the right thing but you don't understand that what your intention is is the wrong way to do it David is bringing the Ark home it's being out of the land for a century it was lost by a bit by Eli and is jacked up boys Venus and hopefully they took the earth the full of science got it the full of science were playing they put it on a mukau card and it landed up at a Bennigan's home it stayed there for a long time and his baby boys grew up to adulthood seeing that Ark in the house but they never shared that with anybody King Saul becomes king of the anointing of Samuel Samuel gives him an anointing and it gives him an anointing to prophesy but Saul never ever brings the ark home Saul was costly doing the wrong thing knowing he's doing the wrong thing and even when he saw the right thing in David saw perpetuated doing the wrong thing over and over again and so God said to Samuel I'm done with saw I found a boy in the middle of the bush he's doing the right thing but he doesn't know is doing the right thing he's a boy after my own heart he can hear and he can't communicate I'm going to use that boy and so all of David's life God is hearing him and moving him he's not the obvious choice of his mom and dad or his brothers but he kills a blade and a lion he doesn't know that's the right thing when he killed Goliath he's just ruddy and strong he's doing the right thing he's running through the wilderness and God isn't talking he thinks he's doing the wrong thing but the day comes when he becomes king and the first thing on his agenda I gotta bring back the Ark and he goes to a penitent house makes a big party brings the up all the way and his dancing and dancing and dancing but at net Ron's floor where the world is going to judge him that's where a user guide and David with God you know my heart I'm doing this thing for you it could only give me a little bit more money and according to my life open a door here somewhere but God isn't talking to him but here you have opened Edom who gets up and God does blessing over didim watch me now as I close the blessing of the Lord is on over gillum's house over Gidon is experiencing a season of fulfilled prophecy because when Moses left Egypt coming into the Promised Land he said to his cousins the can you please go to through your land if we eat any grass if we drink any of your water we will pay for it and the forbid them to go through and God said no neither might well enter into my kingdom or into my presence for 10 generations but a generation was raised up in obed-edom he didn't even know that he was at the receiving end of over a thousand years of prophecy he's at the right place doing the right thing doesn't know he's doing it [Music] you could be at the receiving end of a prophecy that was broken over Toledo a hundred years ago that you have no record of but maybe it's coming it's on the way it's breaking out your marriage any shot [Applause] and so David goes to open Eden's house and he's now doing the right thing and he's doing it the right way but overheat them shuts up house and says we're following the glory and they start dancing on the way to the place of the Arts resting place baby when you get it right you'll dance maryam dance when you see the egyptians lying on the seashore Misha shaving and the Bendigo dance in the fire when you see them you can leather trembling under the power so dance when you get it right celebrate your breakthrough celebrate your poverty never break your anointing celebrate your future celebrate your tomorrow give God praise in the look you will rise from the dead get up and dance dance on your tombstone dance on your disappointment dance in your night season yeah yeah [Applause] everybody stand I have 30 seconds 30 seconds how to pray a blessing on you amen three things I pray that God will give you the ability to interpret when he speaks you interpret when he speaks but you I pray that God give you favor to men I give you wisdom to manage favor and number three I pray that God will give you the strength to manage the season of your prophecy because when prophecy starts being fulfilled in your life when I would do good that the present evil is there there's a beast at the door of Ephesus I pray God will give you the strength to carry your prophecy and harvest he father I pray that over this tremendous church I pray for the cornerstone family all of the campuses all the leaders that are here for so many years for decades that have stood with Bishop I pray for the blessing on their lives we command in this place literally we command men with substance we command men of substance we command businesses in the rekindling and reawakening of this phenomenal city I pray for your significant blessing and anointing on each family in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus amen put your hands together one more time
Channel: Cornerstone Church
Views: 89,295
Rating: 4.7923727 out of 5
Keywords: Cornerstone, Church, Cstone, Toledo, Michael Pitts, God, Christ, Praise, Worship, Ohio, Jesus, Faith
Id: Z8bhXJnSZqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 46sec (3406 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2017
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