We Have Seen Strange Things Today - Bishop Tudor Bismark

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[Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ah [Music] uh [Music] from [Music] ah [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] put your hands together [Applause] [Music] same water you turned into wine open the eyes of the blind there's no one like you [Music] none like you we rise [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] we [Music] here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] nobody [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] all is and always [Music] [Music] is [Music] you are [Music] is you are worthy [Music] he really is [Music] a great guy [Music] [Music] who you are [Music] to you oh praise and praise him somebody praise him somebody give him glory hallelujah come and tell your neighbor that god is good [Music] come on come on [Music] everybody [Music] foreign [Music] my is [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] my [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign father i just want to say thank you for your goodness all my life you have been faithful we're just gonna sing a new song very simple just open up your spirit and your heart and just bless him okay we bless the holy name of god [Applause] i love you lord for your mercy never fails me all my days i've been held in your hands from the moment that i wake up until i lay my head i will say of the goodness of god [Music] you've led me through the fire you have led me through the fire in the darkness night in darkness now you've been closer like no other i've known you as a father known you as a father i've known you as a friend as a friend and i have lived in the goodness of god sing all my life for my life i will sing off the goodness of god i will say [Music] we bless the name of god thank you for your goodness your love and kindness every day of our lives hallelujah [Music] your goodness is running after it's running after me with my life laid down i surrender now i give you everything [Music] your goodness is running after it's turning out to be this hosting say your goodness [Music] your goodness is running after your goodness is running out it's running out with my life later with my life laid down i surrender now i give you everything [Music] is [Music] [Music] i surrender now [Music] is [Music] with every [Music] i will say of the goodness of god sing i will sing i will sing of the goodness of god i want to go to luke chapter number 5 and verse 17 luke 5 17. the last message we spoke was on the subject you being evil and we talked about how the heavenly father gives good gifts to those who love him you being evil know know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give good good gifts to them who love him and so get that teaching and uh follow it and begin to understand a little bit more about what the heavenly father's generosity is to us luke chapter 5 and verse 17. it came to pass on a certain day as he was teaching that there were pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by which came out from every town of galilee and judea and jerusalem i like this part and the power of the lord was present to heal them please say that please say that another time and the old men brought on or men brought in a bed a man which was taken with a palsy which is paralysis and they sought means to bring him in and to lay him before lay him before him and when they could not find a way that they might bring him because of the multitude they went on to the housetop and let him down through the tiling with his couch into the midst before jesus and when he saw their faith please say that when he saw their faith say that again turn to your neighbor say i need your faith this morning i need your faith this morning and when he saw their faith he said to him man your sins are forgiven you now look at that verse again man your sins are forgiven you please notice he was not just forgiving that man sin is he was forgiving mankind's sin can you see that it's a capital m man your sins are forgiven you and the scribes and the pharisees began to reason saying who is this which speaks blasphemies who can forgive sins but god alone but when jesus perceived their thoughts the answering said to them what reason you in your hearts what is it easy to say your sins be forgiven you or to say rise up and walk that you might know that the son of man has power to forgive look at the word man there small m that the son of man has power upon the earth to forgive sins he said to the man that was sick with the pause it was paralyzed i say to you arise take up your bed and go to your house and immediately he arose he rose up before them took up that uh where on he lay and he parted to his own house glorifying god and they were all amazed and they glorify god and they were all filled with fear respect and reverence saying we have seen strange things today for a few minutes i'm going to preach you on the subject we have seen strange things today we have seen strange things today jesus is a is an amazing being uh i would dare to say an amazing organism because he he comes into our space i'm talking about the human race uh in a very timely manner galatians 4 4 says when the fullness of time was come god sent forth his son made of a woman born under the law made of a woman so he comes in a specific time to address the the human family and its many issues the main route around the human challenge is the element of sin which by simple definition is disobedience to god's command and also in opposition to god's request when god reserved the tree for himself he said you may eat of all the trees in the garden but this one belongs to me don't eat of the tree so it was a command and a request because commands needn't be requests and requests needn't be commands but there are times when a a request can be put into a command form and so at a certain place where jesus was teaching and i felt that this morning in my early prayer i was a little bit late coming down because i was trying to get these messages together when i entered into the auditorium as i came in i felt a real presence of christ the christ i felt a real strong presence of the christ and it was like the lord was here this morning in a a significant way and the scripture jumped out the power of the lord was present to heal and for some strange reason there's uh an accentuated presence this morning his presence is here to do something extraordinary for for some person some individual the the the calamity that you have the challenge that you have is very rare it's not seen in in other people or many people and so generally when we look at the list of people applying to be in the first second and third service generally that is is filled uh by tuesday or even by today and so we're trying to expand the possibility of people being in church and so in the second first service i'd popped down to go and see if uh mom was okay she refused to come into this auditorium and so we just want to make sure she was okay and she was fine and i was quite amazed uh pastor regis was telling me that we already as the servers had begun had expanded beyond the numbers and they were accommodating those and everybody coming for praise and worship coming for prayer coming for preaching we have not announced who's preaching when and so it's not like people are coming to hear a particular individual or bishop or past history in this case but people are coming because they want to be in church which is a healthy situation on the continent of africa everywhere you go in africa just about everywhere people want to be in church they want to worship they want to be in a community commun economicity with everybody and that ecumenical feeling of togetherness jointness fellowship of the saints is so healthy and also people want to bring their offering their tithes their offerings to bring to the lord their gifts bring their building fund money and it's just a tremendous thing i have here the offerings of people that have brought earlier for me to bless them not that they're not blessed if you don't put them in my hand it's just that people bring them so i can pray for them and so on it's not possible to get everybody's offering there's really uh it doesn't make sense to do that but those that are in proximity come early some bring it as early as friday or thursday and i walk around the auditorium with it praying over it it's it's faith on display and so when the presence of the lord is is present to heal and to bless it's an amazing thing to see that uh god comes to church with his own agenda tell your neighbors say god has an agenda in the service and the agenda is for you the agenda is for you your unique situation the agenda is for a marriage for a grandchild for a business for a door to open and so uh his power was present to heal and when you feel god's power present to do a thing that's when you have to pull on it you have to pull on it today's presence here is very strong verse 18 of chapter five and uh they brought a man in a bed which was taken with a pause he was paralyzed and it's incidental that this paralysis was caused not from his birth but some sickness some virus had taken a hold of this man that caused him to be paralyzed and uh they tried to find him they tried to go through conventional ways to find him the door was blocked it's not that it wasn't opened it was blocked there was so much traffic uh the windows were blocked it wasn't like there was no window of of opportunity but they were there were so many people everybody pressing somebody to get a word somebody for a miracle somebody to fulfill a and uh so in this kind of a moment the people around you just look at the people around you the people around you are needed to do something that's not conventional we we have conventional church because of time constraints parking limitations seating limitations we can only seat uh or get people present in a building 50 at a time we were hoping that the government would say with social distancing you know you can get as many people as you can provided the social distancing because the church this size struggles to accommodate all its members physically whereas if a person has a church of 35 people they have room for 15 more and so in this particular case the church was jam-packed everybody with their own need everybody with their own blessing i was talking to our presiding bishop on thursday evening bishop ud smith and in our conversation dr smith was sharing with us the challenges with covert uh in in detroit and how many members in the church were ill including his whole family and how they came through it and some of the the challenges of covert and he shared a story that really really blessed me because i was saying you know our mother is insisting to be in church every sunday and we are saying you are in a vulnerable category no i have to be in church last week baba and mama mandasa were here in their late 80s and they were saying no we have to be here we have to be in church and so i was sharing that story and he said there was a 91 year old woman in the church there is a 91 year old woman in their church uh that came to church every sunday and they said you can't come to church he said no i have to be in church i've been in church from when i was 11 years old that's 80 years in church and this thing is not going to set me back now and so during that time uh at somebody had been at an event which became a super spreader and the whole smith family uh got a picked up covert hospital sick lost weight hospitalized blah blah blah and this 91 year old lady also got the virus and they thought she was going to die but she's a survivor she came through it is very strong and he's testifying and so all kinds of people come to church for all kinds of reasons and so here there was a person with a particular need it seems like there was a a a virus in his system that was causing the man to deteriorate very rapidly because there's some desperation here because because if it was just a a paralysis for example from child or a child maybe born paralyzed a baby born paralyzed or a case where a child uh gets polio uh and and the child's been on crutches for a while it it doesn't seem like that would be more desperate because it's not like life threatening it appears that this conditioning this condition was not just paralysis but it was life-threatening there was a virus that was causing this man to deteriorate before the eyes and so when the door was shut they said it doesn't matter we are going through the window when the windows were jam-packed they said we have to go peso and they went to the roof and then somebody had to start pulling out those marathas start pulling them out because if the windows of heaven don't open i'm gonna make my own window right here if god for some reason has is suffering from some sort of amnesia i'm going to force him and re force him to remember me i i will sing a beegee's song to him don't forget to remember me from childhood years that prayer that had not been answered in this season you have got to answer my prayer and so so the bible says they went upon the house drop and they let him down through the tiling with with his couch in the midst before jesus and so jesus doesn't even look at the man jesus looks at the people he doesn't even look at the man and and the bible says when he saw their faith he then looked at the man and said unto him man capital m so this man his condition was pre-planned so that god could address the human issue your challenge whatever it is it's not even about you you are making it about you you are taking it so personal it's about god healing your entire family it's about god cleansing the generations it's about god addressing the law fraternity or the medical fraternity it's about it's about god dealing with with the uh religious practitioners so so your situation is going to be the blessing that god gives you or the ailment or the melody that you're struggling with is not even about you it's about the a much much bigger and broader picture and so he says to him he says man your sins are forgiven you which means from adam to the last person all sins are forgiven everything that's contravened the law everything that has broken god's uh requirement for man all of those now all those that are retro are removed everything that's yet to come is all removed and so the religious people you know those that uh uh are given to long prayers and long hours and there's really nothing wrong with that i like doing that i do that myself become very confused because uh a condition of this magnitude is not as simple as dispensing such a word i mean you can see the man is paralyzed we know that everybody's a sinner he doesn't need to know that his sins are forgiven because he can go to the temple with an offering a pigeon a turtle dove a lamb a bullock whatever he can afford whatever the family can afford and he can have his sins there removed they can be through an act of contrition god will remove those sins the priest will absorb his sins and uh the man's need is not forgiveness of sins the man's need here is generally he needs to be healed of his paralysis and so the reason jesus says here your sins be forgiven him is because this condition was sin imposed jesus was dealing with the root cause of the condition in john chapter number nine they asked jesus this man's condition is it his parents that sinned or is it him that sinned the sin situation year was the root cause of this man's paralysis so jesus had to go now curse the roots he cursed the victory in the roots so jesus had to address the roots problem this year is caused by a sin problem and so whatever happened whatever happened in private whatever happened where nobody knows whatever happened and uh has not been disclosed your sins be forgiven you and so the people then began to be upset and began to reason and said according to our understanding of the scriptures uh this is a blasphemy this man is not even a priest uh he he is not from the uh tribe of levi he's not from the aaronic order he's from nazareth and he has teachings that are not consistent with what we have seen in the torah and now he's crossed the line i mean as a lecturer as a teacher as a philosopher as a professor uh his teachings are good they add quality to life he is reaching out to the poor but but this is too much now this is stretching it way too much to start saying your sins have forgiven you nobody can forgive sins about god and so jesus perceives their thoughts and answered them and said why do you reason in your hearts i'm asking you a question now what's easier to say your sins be forgiven you and there won't be any proof that the sins are removed or rise uh and pick up your bed and walk and so then jesus is going to teach them a lesson to show you that the son of man has power upon the earth to forgive sins he said to the man that was paralyzed i say to you arise take up your couch your bed and go to your own house and and so the thing is with this man's paralysis if i read into the situation here uh when he got sick he was forced to go and stay at somebody else's house my emblems are falling it's overflow sometimes conditions in your life will force you to go and live with somebody that really doesn't want to look after you and so it's it's i was saying to tj uh at the beginning of the year we thank god that you have your own place now and so on because he was staying with some people and so he had decided out of his own he was going to leave and they were saying please don't leave tj we need you here because it's better for you to leave than for people to start throwing food at you they throw food at you they uh they lock the gate at five to six and they know you can only come home by seven they lock the gate and you have to be jumping over the wall the they switch off the stove they unplug the stove and they know that you have to cook and so they they make you feel uncomfortable and it's even worse when you come into a situation like that when you have a condition and you need care and you need help because you are struggling with with this deterioration in yourself you don't know if this is the day that's the last day you don't understand if this is the last moment in your life you don't know uh where to go next and so if you're in a big family you are then moved from this family and then when you first come oh they happy to see you always nice to see you then one week uh uh yeah we see you uh uh you know i think now it's it's clyde's turn and so now clyde's happy to see you then uh oh it's it's lola's turn and so in one year if you are in a big family you are moving from month to month moving moving moving moving and so now you're struggling not just with physical problems now you're dealing with psychological and mental problems and self-worth problems that nobody wants me nobody is is taking care of me and so when jesus now is saying to this man here i'm about to bless you and i'm going to remove your sins first and he says to the pharisees you are reasoning within yourselves within your hearts and saying what's easier to say rise up pick up your bed and walk and he says to the man i'm going to show you the first thing here i'm going to forgive you of your sins and then i'm going to tell you pick up your bed and walk and you are going to go into your own house you will no longer be a lodger voting from this one to the next one this one to the next one uh this one to the next one and now the bible says and immediately immediately he arose an instant miracle a sickness that was gradual now is an instant miracle that thing was stopped in its path right where it was there was a stock mark jesus put a line in the sand and said this disease this deterioration will not go any further it ends now it ends today it ends at this hour and to prove it you're going to pick up this thing and you are going to your house your own house the house you worked hard for the house you sacrificed for the house your family was already trying to uh uh will to themselves uh getting the rentals and sparing them around themselves you are going to your own house and people were not expecting the magnitude of that miracle two things before i come to my clothes the two things that god is going to do for you today in the presence of of of uh is of the people that are here the two things firstly is going to do the visible things the visible challenges you have things that you can see the car that you don't have you will have the house that you are seeking you will find the job that you need you will get the back pay that has been withheld will come the child that you have been wanting to get to university or school that will happen those are the visible things the visa that you've been waiting for a long time the embassy will call you and he will be granted the business that was shut down is suddenly going to be open those are the visible things but the greater things are going to be the invisible things the things that people cannot see the secret prayers that you have prayed the things that you've been asking god to do for you for such a very long time those invisible things there are going to be many many invisible miracles take place in this month of may is not going to be he may not or he may do in this month of may there are going to be many many invisible miracles things that are going to happen quickly things that were withheld in covert things that were hindered in 2020 things that were taken away from you and i was sharing with the church a number of weeks ago that uh god said he's going to recompense and pay back for for what was lost in 2020. where a life was taken he cannot pay back a life but he's going to reward four lives that were taken and and and he's going to do amazing things for people he's going to do things that money can't buy and you are going to receive those and all the critics all those that have stood by and criticized and used logic and rationale to work things out the bible says they are all going to be amazed all were amazed glorifying god and they started being filled with respect people that did not respect you there are some people that are hard to understand and the reason they are hard to understand is because you have not walked one step in their shoes and uh it's easy to to criticize an individual who does certain things i know there was a lady in our church many many years ago uh on a sunday morning she would break out crying and crying and crying and it was sort of interrupting it was unconventional and uh so i had to go and speak to her after many many months you know and say you know you are interrupting the service you know uh auntie please and she said to me you know what pastor bismarck she said to me i have five children and she then began to explain the problems and the challenge she was having the molestations that she was receiving and she said the only consolation and solace i have is when i'm in church and when i feel the anointing all kinds of things fall and the thing is that she said i cannot stand up in church every sunday and ask people in church for permission to cry she said because people will say like you are saying this is not a time to cry but if i can't cry here where am i going to cry if i can't put my offering on the water where am i going to put it if i can't plead and beg god where am i going to do it she said to me people do go through even more extremes when they go to to traditional healers they bring the kinds of offerings and gives what traditional healers want and they go through extreme measures to get something else in their life she said and here i am in a church that has anointing with good preaching and i'm in the presence of god and i'm so desperate she said i've tried the doors and the doors have never opened for me others have gone through windows of opportunity and the winners have never opened for me but now i'm here i have to tear the roof by myself because this issue and this challenge is taking my life it's taking my resource is taking my energy it's taking my mind he said i can't sleep at night so when i'm screaming and i'm crying i'm like the woman with the issue of blood i've been sick for 12 years and nobody has come to visit me nobody has phoned me nobody has brought me nobody has come to find out if i'm distressed nobody has come to find out if i'm alive or if i'm dead so i'm desperate so please allow me to cry if i can't cry here where am i going to cry [Applause] imagine you have your own house you can't live in your house you have your own car you can't drive your car you have your own kitchen your own pantry full of food you can't cook your food you have a a a a cabinet full of medication bandages uh i'm appeals full but but nothing is helping you and you have to depend on somebody to feed you your stomach is falling apart you you you wishing for meat but you have to have a thin thin uh porridge and uh now you have an opportunity to have a great miracle and people around you start hating on you can't your neighbors say don't hate i waited all these years for this miracle i waited decades for this breakthrough and please don't criticize how i look because i waited 15 years to get pregnant and i've had no job for 14 of those 15 years and you are criticizing me for my clothes for my dress for my shoes when i waited for god to give me this breakthrough all this time if anybody is crazy you are crazy you should be celebrating with me i'm elizabeth i'm i'm past my years of child bearing [Applause] i'm i'm here at the clinic having my first baby in my 60s and there's a person here that's 17 also having a first baby and you are laughing at me because it is it's an old woman in the middle of the night and old woman and you're a loving thing this always doing things in the middle of the night uh but don't laugh at me over the situation celebrate with me it's taken all these years for the breakthrough to come and you were criticizing me because i'm telling you god told me to name the child a certain way and instead of celebrating with me and i'm telling you an angel came here saying yeah right celebrate with me and the bible says they were all amazed and they glorified god and suddenly they were they were filled with respect in the month of may people are going to respect you i'm telling you it is all they are going to respect you i was telling my niece i said don't worry what is being said and what is being done the people that look down on you are going to look up to you the people that have put you aside you are going to be the solution the ones that have been screaming and hurling uh accusations against you you are going to be providing solutions for them it's amazing that the people that are hurt the most are the ones that provide the most help the people who have the doors that are close to them the most are the ones that open the doors the most the people who have been accused the most are the ones that are the most accommodating the ones that have been broken down generally are the ones that are most humble and the most receiving it will be your portion and the people that have abused you and molested you and maligned you all of those are going to be full with so much respect and you will be wondering but why are they standing up when i come why are they saluting me why are they calling me sir why are they calling me madam it's because of the wonderful work that god has done in your life what's happened in the past has been expunged now what has caused you not to walk with confidence you are going to walk with confidence because god has dealt with the root issue what has caused you to be ashamed god is removing the shame away god is removing the guilt away god is removing the inability away and you are going to stand up tall you are going to walk upright and everybody is going to say we have seen strange things today oh chanter will never say strange things are happening it's going to be strange when somebody sees you holding a pack of 100 dollar bills it's going to be strange when somebody sees you driving a second car in the second day of the week it's going to be strange when you change three times a day just because you need time for all the clothes you have i said it's going to be strange when people see you laughing when you should be crying it's going to be strange when people hear you shout hallelujah when you should be cursing god and die it's going to be strange when you're going into the enemy's camp and taking back what the enemy has taken for you and people will say what is this person up to i said it's going to be strange when you dare to believe where angels dared to go it's going to be strange when people are told you'll never possess the land but you are bodacious and audacious enough to say that is my mountain if it takes me 40 years in the wilderness i'm taking my mountain it's going to be strange when 10 men say it's impossible to take the land but you say look at the grapes and look at the pomegranates and taste the figs in the land it's strange when one person gives a negative report and you say we believe another report teach and i got a bad report this wednesday but we prayed thursday morning and said whose report will you believe we shall believe the report of the lord turn to a neighbor and say we shall believe the report of the lord yes you will see strange things you'll get a place and you'll get a name and you'll get elevation in incredible places in your prayer time god will give you a flesh of light and you'll see your guardian angel just for you alone to see that you are not alone god will give you a strange sign oh yes when i was going home yesterday morning a man stepped into the street and i was forced to put my foot on the brake and as i put my foot on the brake i didn't see that i'd gone through a red light and a a green light was for opposite traffic and a truck was coming speeding through it seems like an angel pushed the man into my path forced me to put my foot on the brake because i would have been hit bang in the middle with a truck it's a strange thing that that would happen in the middle of the day it's a strange thing that god would cause you to enjoy the plan of an enemy someone told us that someone was using witchcraft against our family and we knew and suspected but it's a strange thing when your enemy is watching waiting for your demise they've put stuff in your food but you're not deteriorating they've put stuff in your tea but you're not losing your mind they've put stuff in your bed but you're not losing your mind they've put stuff on your car but you've never made an accident they've consulted all kinds of traditional healers they've prayed to demons they've tried to activate devils they've gone to all kinds of seers that have told your past but god is in the way telling you pick up your bed take your bags in spite of despite regardless of pick up your situation and start walking like a man walk like a woman upright knowing that the lord is your helper a very present help in time of need so hear my cry o lord attend unto my plea i know you never sleep and you never slumber you hear me when i whisper in my heart you see me when my eyes are closed you interpret my tongues when i don't understand it so god let a strange thing happen today i said let a strange thing happen today let a strange person bless me today let a strange road open for me today let a strange word come from me today let a strange miracle happen for me today give me a strange sign in a strange moment at a strange place give god a praise oh yes [Applause] oh yes oh yes in the month of september i had a strange dream turn to someone say he had a strange dream i dreamed i dreamed i walked into an office and the conference floor was upstairs and there were thousands of people upstairs and so when i went into the room the pastor that was sitting there said to me bishop was so glad to have you the platform is open for you speak to the people freely but while i was talking to him on my immediate left there was a man there just looking at me his eyes were so fixed on me made me a little uncomfortable and i was thinking what in the world is this and so the pastor's enemy bishop this man has something to say to you and so he just took out of his pockets 12 envelopes and he said for the next 12 months don't worry about income don't worry about monday every month had a name on it he said this is for this month and all your provision for this month he said for the next 12 months everything has been paid for you and as he was speaking a man came down the stairs that i had just used he was this man's twin at least i thought it was and he said to me bishop this is my brother that has given you this 12-month provision he said i've come to tell you that the platform is ready for you he said i've been here all night cleaning the platform just for you and cleaning the auditorium is clean just for you i've made a way for you and so i took the envelopes put them in my pockets and climbed up the stairs when i got to the top of the stairs there was a third man there that looked like the two men behind me and he said bishop those two men are my brothers they are my brothers i've prepared the seats for you please can you follow me and sit in heavenly places before you preach and so while i sat down a man got up to sing he was leading praise and worship he looked just like the three men that were in there before me and he said bishop i've been sent to open the heavens for you and sing praises and he began to sing and as he was singing a fifth man came and said bishop i have the microphone for you to speak from it was a golden mic and he said bishop we are the five-fold ministry that god is giving you he's opened a way for you he's given provision for you he's got a platform for you your voice will not be silent so speak and when i woke up i was in a strange moment in a strange place from a very strange god who does strange things for strange people at strange times we have seen strange things today it's the lord's doing and it's marvelous shout the lord he's doing strange things for me give him a praise everybody give him a praise somebody give him a praise every man [Music] when god takes the time to address you as an individual you have to know that god is up to something turn to your neighbor say god is up to something not only has he forgiven all my sins removed my trespasses but i know now that i'm going to my own house notice what jesus said he didn't just say take up your bed and walk he said take up your bed and go to your house i want the devil and his mother-in-law to hear me i no longer will have a squatter mentality i'm no longer being bounced from pillar to post i'm not going from this house this month to another house another month i'm going to my own house i'm going to a pleasant mountain oh yes i'm going to a pleasant mountain and when i land by my present mountain everything will be paid for everything will be covered i'll only be four minutes away because god is a blesser going to my own house with my own money and my own health god has preserved you for such a time as this i want you to know it's a season of ownership what was taken from you now that you can walk you are coming into a season of ownership what was always yours shall be yours shout it is so what was yours will be given back to you it is so come on when i make a decoration you shout it is so what was taken from you will be given back what was stolen is given back restoration is coming back press down shaken together is coming to you a wide jaw is opening for you a massive window is opening for you a roof in heaven is being opened for you god is pouring out blessing on you physical blessing emotional stability mental stability shout it is so shout three times it is so it is so it is so come on esau say it is so it is so the blessing of the lord is about to make you rich and there is no sorrow there is no sorrow there there is no sorrow come to your neighbor say i'm going to enjoy this blessing yes i'm going to enjoy this blessing yes this blessing i'm going to enjoy i'm going to enjoy i'm going to enjoy this blessing i'm going to what's mine i own it i claim it i take it it's mine ah yeah i'm enjoying this blessing oh yes devil eat your head out you can't touch this you are seeing strange things today clap your hands in praise [Music] i had a dream this week and in the dream an envelope was given to me there was nothing in the envelope and i said in the dream to the lord you've given me an empty envelope why are you giving me an empty envelope and the lord said to me it's not an empty envelope you fill the envelope with whatever you want to flee with there's nothing too hard for the lord so fill your envelope fill your envelope start filling it now give him what you want jesus on the mainline fill up that envelope to the devil he looks empty to your enemy it looks empty but don't let that envelope be empty start filling up that envelope fleet up [Music] if i ask you how much is this in this envelope most of you are going to go to a us dollar or a bond note configuration what if i told you that in this envelope is a check which is something that is a a relic in zimbabwean financial culture is a 25 million dollar check what if i told you that you have judged the envelope by its size not the contents of it i was preaching for bishop jakes and uh i hope you guys got to watch my presentation on thursday for the international leadership summit if you go to our website i think that prayer presentation will be appearing there but i was preaching with you objects one sunday there's a very handsome man tall white man with his brother and people were throwing money and so i was standing on the step and he came and grabbed my feet and usually in ministries like that in ours the security team don't allow that especially in certain hemispheres where there's a gun culture and so on but they grabbed me grabbed my feet and put a check in my hand and then asked to see me afterwards and in essence he said the lord has blessed me he said i'm building 2500 houses and apartments and i own this and that and so on and he said we want to be a supporter of your ministry he said i just need you to pray a simple prayer i need you to pray a simple prayer his older brother said to me he said i want nothing from you all i want you to do is to receive from me my my word to you my words to you that god's gonna open doors for you so and so forth and he said uh i'm the older brother and he wants me to give you this offering you know and it was an envelope like this like this and i thought it was a hundred dollars it was a check a huge check to help us pay towards our building which we have next door and so in my mind tinashe i was saying you know these brothers they have used the occasion of their pigmentation to get an opportunity here to pray and they've taken all this time and they've put a hundred bucks in the envelope i judge the envelope and just as well buzz already i was in the hotel when i opened the envelope because i bailed out in the room what god is going to put in your envelope you won't be able to breathe somebody you better have an oxygen tank there those of you that are prone to people just do bioca and start kicking you are going to need oxygen stand stand please baby breathe breathe on the antenna oxygen tank okay indeed the 19th commandment thou shalt not be thou shalt live and not die thou shalt enjoy your blessing you will eat in blessing you will see a strange thing [Music] get a strange offering amen have your tithing in your hands have your tithing in your hand have your offering in your hand have your kingdom with your special projects gift just wave it in the air wave it in the [Music] air [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign you
Channel: Tudor Bismark
Views: 6,561
Rating: 4.9178081 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Tudor Bismark, Bishop Bismark, Tudor Bismark Sermons, Bishop Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismarck, ChiChi Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismark, ChiChi, Bismarck
Id: qAvLSMBbZp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 29sec (4289 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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