Restoring The Kingdom - Part 1

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] ah [Music] uh [Music] ah [Music] hey [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] ah [Music] uh [Music] from [Music] me [Music] [Music] this is where we are but not where we will stay these are our sundays our wednesdays our everydays this is our passion our heartbeat our song we don't have any members because we are family whether for the first time or the hundredth time for the good times and even the bad this place has been good but now we go to better we go to a sanctuary a place of rest and refuge a place we can call home a home for our god a home for us all let's go together [Music] the journey has begun come with us kingdom cathedral a new home for new life covenant church [Music] somebody shout to the king hallelujah [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign his majesty offering [Music] his majesty [Music] [Music] he's [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yay [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus in spirit and the truth [Music] [Applause] he's a mighty good god our god it's awesome thank you god [Music] oh [Music] he has overcome we have overcome we would not be shaken we will not be moved jesus we would not be shaken we will not be moving the resurrection [Music] [Music] the resurrection power [Applause] in jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] here we go [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] our god is an awesome god he reigns above every other names he's the king of kings the brighter morning [Music] our god is all he can move the mountains keep me in the valley hide me from the red [Music] all god is awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh god is awesome excuse me when i'm wrong [Music] [Music] say [Music] [Music] say is i believe in his name i believe in his wonderful name [Applause] yeah he's mighty he's mighty he's mighty he's mighty awesome i believe he's awesome i believe he's awesome yeah protector projector protector he protects you [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] my god is awesome he can move and keep me in the valley hide me from we make miracle work promise keep light in the darkness my [Music] [Applause] [Music] my god [Music] is oh my god he keeps all his promises he's my god [Music] he keeps his promises [Music] [Music] [Music] open up your mouth and worship the king of kings [Music] is every other day [Music] is [Music] trump [Music] work [Music] [Applause] can i say this [Music] you never stop you never stop making away even though i can't see it but you're blessing even though i can see it i know you're making it you never stop [Music] promise keepers [Music] i'm now in acts chapter number one and verse one i'm in dealing with the kingdom thoroughly enjoying it today we are teaching or slash preaching on the subject restoring the kingdom and the way this is panning out to be it looks like it's part one restoring the kingdom let's go to the book of acts chapter number one and verse one all of these materials that we are preaching if you've missed some you can pick it up on our respective websites and follow them it makes good anchor teaching and uh it'll help bring a few things to balance this is luke writing his second book to theophilus the former treaties have i made the old theophilus of all that jesus began to both do and teach except that's luke until the day in which he was taken up after through the holy ghost had given commandments to his apostles whom he had chosen to whom he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible truths in many infallible proofs being seen of them 40 days speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of god and being assembled together with them commanded them that they should not depart from jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the father which said he you should have you should have heard of me for john truly baptized you with water but you shall be baptized with the holy ghost not many days from now and when they had therefore come together in verse 6 they asked him saying lord will you at this time restore again the kingdom to israel and he said to them is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father has put in his own power but you shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me both in jerusalem and in all judea in samaria and to the utmost part of the earth and as he was speaking when he was speaking these things while they yet looked at him or beheld him he was taken up in the cloud received him out of their sight and then there were two angels next to them as men and said ye men why stay up into the heavens this same jesus will return in like manner and so for those that have said jesus has come back that the second coming of thought has taken place already the angels prophecy has not been fulfilled in that manner so we are still waiting for the return of jesus chapter number three of the book of acts verse 20 and 21 tells us why he hasn't come back he says for the heavens must hold him until the times of refreshing which is an end time revival so he wants to come but the heavens are holding him because there are many souls that are yet to be saved i'm now in proverbs 15 and verse 30. proverbs 15 verse 30 the light of the eyes causes the heart to rejoice the light of the eyes so when you get a revelation when you see something it makes your heart rejoice and a good report makes the bones fat everyone say a good report say that again in the midst of so much tragedy yesterday we got some really friday we got some really really good news and that was a good report it really encouraged us and tried to be a little bird a carrier of good news restoration of the kingdom is predicated on a number of very important imperatives and so let's look at what jesus actually said if you can go back to verse number six of the book of acts chapter one okay if you are falling asleep just pull your mask right over your eyes as well when they were therefore come to come together they asked him a question will you restore at this time everyone say at this time so they were talking about the time they were in will you restore that kingdom again to israel notice jesus answer it is not for you to know everyone say the times say all the seasons say the times or the seasons and so the restoration of the kingdom is predicated on two things time the times and the seasons and so in studying this thing through for a while i have noticed that the word the times and the seasons as a terminology appear very few times in the scripture the word times as a standalone the word seasons as a standalone are in several places but as the word the times and as the word this seasons are mentioned very in very few places so let's see with firstly the times and try to describe what that means first chronicles 12 32 first chronicles 12 32 this is actually a locatory verse it locates the intent of the terminology of the times and the children of israel which were men that had understanding of the times to know what israel ought to do and the heads of them were 200 and their brethren were at their command or commandment and so in that chapter the writer of chronicles is actually describing the characteristics of all the tribes they are listed with their redemptive prophetic gifting what they are anointed for as tribes and one of the prophetic prophetic redemptive giftings of the tribe of issika was for them they had understanding of the times and that was to know what israel ought to do and so then the times understanding the times teaches us what we ought to do and so in this chronic uh very toxic season wherein globally we need issykas that are able to discern or able to understand the times jesus said to his generation you are a foolish generation and he said but a foolish generation of vipers he said you are generation like children in the marketplace and so jesus was telling them what they were in a time they should be recognizing they said if the people of sodom and gomorrah were here they wouldn't be as they are he said taya and sidon will rise up in judgment against this generation because you haven't recognized what you have and so when jesus came the times of coming of the messiah were not discerned by the scholars the doctors of the law the pharisees the priests they missed it he appeared to shepherds kings came from a different country and a handful of people identified or recognized him as the messiah and so understanding that times is important put your hand on it say father open my eyes to know the times this is true of everything you do teach and i kind of function in that kind of a way where we we never we try not to look for property when we are not in a season for property that's not concerning harare or this church it's for our own personal life we know when it's a season to buy a property or to buy a vehicle or to attain something or to make a certain move because if you do it out of season it's not that it can't be done it just makes the work 10 times more difficult the guys are selling chewbacca on the side of the road were ready they were selling chibaki in june and that's not customarily the season for corn when it's in the season for corn it grows very easily and very quickly with not too much attention needed i think you understand my point and so you have to understand for your own life the times if you get married in a season for your family when it's not the time to get married even though you're marrying the right person it it makes it a little bit more difficult for you to function easily or easier i think the point has been made let's go to first chronicles 29 and verse 26 thus david the son of jesse reigned over israel he reigned with all his might he reigned with all his might and the times that went over him and over israel and over all the kingdoms of the countries and so when david ruled israel unlike his predecessor saul even though god had chosen saul saul was in a very difficult time span but when david came he was in the time a season where it became easier for him uh he killed a giant with a stone and so many things he did which you don't have time to list because of the material that's he had to come but he ruled with all his might and the times that went over him that season was favorable for david and his achievements and accomplishments accomplishments are really outstanding they're quite stunning i mean esther 1 verse 13 esther 1 13. the king said to the wise men which knew the times the king spoke to the wise men which knew the times say this pray after me say heavenly father help us to know the times okay and so was the king's manner towards all that was in law and judgment which i think is brilliant this is absolutely brilliant this is the law of the media and the persians ezekiel 12 27 one of my favorite prophets and so the lord is speaking to ezekiel in many visions and so on most of them are prototypes of things to come and he says son of man behold they of the house of israel say the vision that he sees is for many days to come and he prophesies of the times that are far off which was basically true most of ezekiel's prophecies were concerning certain time spans or eras that we were to be born and so for where we are right now there's a lot of teaching globally on eschatology which is the coming of jesus some people are running long series on the coming of jesus i haven't felt led to do that yet but some are claiming that the coroner of iris covert 19 is part of matthew chapter number 24 that many diseases will come and it's possible it's possible that we're in the season of the second coming of jesus i won't refute that because they are wars and rumors of wars paul said to timothy in the last days they'll be seducing spirits uh doctrines of devils heresies so we're seeing all of that and more the world has never been corporately more sinful in in not just sinning but the kinds of heinous sins the kinds of sins the bible calls them inventors of evil this is the season where we are seeing that some horrific things that we can't even mention here so let's go now and deal with the seasons chapter number 2 verse 21 of the book of daniel daniel 2 verse 21 and he changes there it is the times and the seasons and so there's a difference between a season and the seasons i got a beautiful montage of uh a painting yesterday rather got a lovely painting yesterday and the painting was a montage of the seasons and the painter painted spring summer winter autumn and winter and uh said to me bishop this is just for you uh for you to identify the seasons you are in i said why didn't you just paint the the season of harvest for me why did you paint all four seasons but again uh in our hemisphere we have an assimilation of four seasons uh they not so clearly defined semi but in various countries they are absolutely distinct very distinct we just know the rainy season cold season and then of course there's the jacaranda season and so when the jacks start coming out we know it's spring and then somewhere the rainy season begins december or so january february march we say that summer and then autumn is march april may uh may june july august this year winter was a bit long so he's not referring to the seasons that affect the earth where as long as the earth remaineth chapter number 8 of the book of genesis as long as the earth remains there will be seasons and day and night he's not talking about the four seasons he's talking about certain times in your life ecclesiastes chapter number three a time to be born a time to die a time to laugh a time to cry a time to rejoice he's talking about those kinds of seasons like i was saying earlier a season to buy a house a season to travel etc and so here god was saying daniel was saying god god changes god changes the times and the seasons so the times in the seasons are not subject to a a contiguous consistent flow where one can predict that july and august are over the jacarandas are coming you can't predict the season year it says god changes the times and god changes the seasons so you can be in a night season right now in this service god can change that season jesus was in a season of daytime and he said i must work the works of him who sent me while it is day for the night comes when no man can work and so he changed the season for peter in chapter number four i think it is of chapter number five of the book of luke where he said launch out into the deep and peter said we have toiled all night and caught nothing because back then it was prudent to to fish at night and to wash your nets in the day and rest and so jesus said launch out into the deep they said but we've we've gone out and we've caught nothing and so he changed the season for them you can catch a lot of fish in a season there's not a season to catch fish because god is able to change the season shall change my season yes i changed my season in if you are in the right place at the right time and it's your season to be blessed strange things will happen in your life strange i was reading a scripture concerning the children of israel sending out to our spies into the land of promise and when joshua and caleb came back the bible says they carried between them a bunch of grapes that one bunch of grapes were so huge it had to be carried by two men but then also in that scripture it says they brought samples of figs and pomegranates and chinese in my our yard right outside the kitchen door i had no idea that the first tree that's there is a pomegranate tree and on the little tree there were little pomegranates forming there and so i thought to myself this is a season of coming out of the promised land because i've been in this yard for 19 years and i've never seen this thing produce pomegranates so i have to be god is showing me for my life that i'm in the season of taking what the enemy has taken from me and so then you have to look for signs and you have to look for symbols that direct you that you are now in the right place is everybody trucking with me so god then also removes things sets up kings he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to them that no understanding he doesn't give wisdom to the stupid he gives wisdom to the wise and he doesn't give knowledge to them they don't have understanding he gives knowledge to those that want understanding both things solomon said you must desire first thessalonians 5 and verse 1. but the times and of the times and of the seasons brethren there's no reason for me to write to you because i've already explained them to you this is paul talking so he joins those two together the times and the seasons and paul was talking about various seasons that the church would go through now acts chapter number 3 and verse 20. take too much time with this and he shall send jesus before you that we preached to you whom heaven must receive or hold until the times of the restoration of all things and so with all the things that are going on around the world as challenging as they are uh someone prayed a prayer over us yesterday or the day before that with with great trial where sin death abounds grace doth more abound and so where great darkness is brighter light shines where great poverty manifests god's blessing comes with great prosperity where there's lack god brings great provision in the middle of a drought your water doesn't run dry etc and so jesus is about to come whenever that's going to be but uh until the times of the restoration of all things and so as a kingdom preacher that's what i've called myself as a kingdom preacher we are looking for the agents and the the elements of the restoration of all things and so as even pentecostal evangelicals we track our historical journey back to when the reformation began with martin luther a great priest in germany who nailed his thesis on a cathedral draw and made the statement of a habakkuk reiterated in the book of romans that the joshua lived by faith and walked away from the roman catholic church and began a journey away from that organized system into a system to where now we have the baptism of the holy spirit and more and so the restoration of all things even includes the messages that are preached because certain revelations are kept for certain seasons a revelation and a season must be compatible because a revelation preached out of season cannot take root it will be a revelation that's planted by the wayside it will not be received by people if a revelation is preached not in season it can land among stony ground or stony ground but when a revelation is taught in season it will always hit good ground the courtyard the holy place and the holiest of holies and so just tracking for the last 40 years becoming more aware of what god does and how he does it because we studied intensely for four years eschatology now we're beginning to see the restoration of all things and the remnant of people getting saved and and and the most unlikely people rising up and preaching the gospel and and heresies wheat and tears growing at the same time and so we are excited because we are now in the times of the restoration of all things which means we are moving very quickly back to the status of what the first adam was and what he was intended to be and what he was intended to do and the way he did it in other words the spirit and the gift of dominion on mankind is being restored very quickly and the church has to get into that bandwagon very quickly uh president trump announced in one of his rallies yesterday or last night that uh and and already interviewed the woman they're getting ready to put a woman on the moon in the next few months and they are about to launch another initiative to where uh in the next few years they're going to put a man on mars and settle a rocket went up a few weeks ago that launched 34 satellites or something crazy and so uh the chinese did something similar and so when you see this advancement in knowledge and the advancement in revelation the church has to be way in there we have to be in there we have to advance and we have to use our kingdom advantage the message of the blood of jesus and salvation to exercise dominion and we have to make sure that in doing so we are challenging principalities and powers okay so let's look at the journey of restoration and about halfway through this message uh the journey of kings begins in chapter number 10 uh chapter number 9 and 10 of the book of genesis where the first kingdom begins talks about nimrod chapter 10 verse 8 kush begat nimrod and he nemrod began to be a mighty one in the earth so he became a king in the earth he was a mighty hunter before the lord and uh even as nimrod the mighty hunter before the lord and the beginning of his kingdom was babel iraq irish accord colony and the land of china which is a massive province in which babylon was built and so that was the beginning of the kingdom era the beginning of his kingdom these are gentilic kingdoms the beginning of his kingdom is the way gentile kingdoms are structured the way gentile kingdoms conduct their business the way gentile kingdoms set up their economic social political uh systems and jesus mentioned this to his disciples when they were fighting for position he said the gentiles do that we don't the gentiles do what you guys are trying to do god has a different way in which his kingdom functions so the kingdom era or gentile kingdoms begin in genesis chapter number 10 and verse 10. jesus said in matthew chapter number 6 verse 31 and 32 he said after these things of the gentiles seek he said they have a way they do things but you seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you and so in deuteronomy chapter number 17 and verse 4 god now begins to make provision for kings because up until this point now and of course time doesn't permit for us to do it from nimrod there are many kings that emerge from there in chapter number 14 for example of the book of genesis abraham goes and fight different kingdoms and he goes with certain kings to fight these kings and he meets melchizedek the king of salem and throughout genesis into exodus you find different kingdoms of different styles including pharaoh and then they become the amorites the high rates the heads he dies parasites so won't deal with that but so now israel coming out of slavery led by a strong monarch structure pharaoh by his by name whose kingdom extended extensively but the kingdom was a dynasty where a son would take over and so god then makes provision for kings in israel genesis 17 verse 14. stay with me it's a little bit rudimentary uh but just stay with me and when you come to the language the lord your god gives you the position and you shall dwell it in and say i will set a king over me like as of other nations that are about me so you're going to go to a land where you're going to see kingdoms and kings and so on and as a nation you are going to ask we want a king and i say he says you shall in no wise set the king over you whom the lord your god has not chosen so requisite number one god has to be pleased and god has to choose that king if you say tenacious our king god has to be pleased and the way we'll show that is simple it's like aaron's rod will bud or the fleece will be wet or the fleece will be dry or a giant will fall with the stone something supernatural and the king must be chose from among you you cannot choose a foreigner to be your king your king in zimbabwe must be born in zimbabwe not born in malawi verse 16 he shall not multiply horses unto himself well why did god say that the reason for it is because uh god wanted the children of israel to trust in him and not to trust in horses which is economic might generated by yourself he said some trust in horses some trust in chariots we will trust or believe in the name of the lord because if you are going into a battle and it's a hundred of us and there's 200 000 of them and you only have three horses and they have two hundred thousand horses you can faint but the the apostles said that uh with one with the lord is the majority if god before us who can be against us and he's proved that over and over again so he's not saying i don't want you to have horses he's saying don't multiply them because you will then lean on the arm of flesh and not trust in the lord your god and and the thing about is that it's not that god doesn't want you to have a lot of money the tendency is if you haven't been raised from the bottom by faith to the top we tend to lean on what money answers which is all things where your money solves your problems where you have to trust in god if you don't and i've discovered that in both worlds you still have to have faith because you must trust in god tell your neighbor say you've got to trust in god and then throughout these says you shall not multiply wives you shall not multiply uh silver and gold much it's not because solomon god doesn't want to have a chicks for christ's website it's not that god doesn't want you to have a lot of money it's it's a matter of trusting in god because solomon trusted god but his wives turned his heart away and so on and uh verse 20 of chapter 17 i'm just jumping now he says and that the king's heart must not be lifted up that's what happened to uzziah when god had blessed him when his heart was lifted up that's what happened to saul when his heart was lifted up he finally was brought down and so let's look at a couple of kingdoms before we get to two models uh the kingdom of babylon which nebuchadnezzar sets up in daniel chapter number 2 and verse 36 this is different a two-part series in a dream he had a head of gold chest of silver with arms of silver belly and thighs of brass iron shins and mixed iron and clay feet daniel interprets the dream and this is the part of the dream he's explained to nebuchadnezzar this is the dream and we will tell the interpretation to the king verse 37 of daniel 2 you o king nebuchadnezzar you are a king of kings he doesn't say you are the king of kings you are a king of kings in other words of all kingdoms in all the earth you are the highest category of the kinds of kingdoms that are established in the earth and they are lesser categories and the reason for that is because the god of heaven has given you this kingdom god has given you power god has given you strength god has given you glory so when you have a king who is a king among kings or a a a businessman who is a businessman above businessman or an apostle or a bishop or whatever the case might be or the father these are the things that make you on the top of the food chain a kingdom or a business a church a political party and with that comes power strength and glory and so those are the things that become the anchor things that build a kingdom so when we pray we see this with jesus for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory that's what make jesus the king of the kings of all the kings is the kingdom the power and the glory and so nebuchadnezzar is on the top and then you will see various kingdoms that come after that all the way through until we come to king herod in jesus day then we have king saul saul's kingdom is a kingdom that's in the church but it's a kingdom of flesh it's adamic and then you have the kingdom of david which is born in the same time when king's a king when saul is a king and that becomes the kingdom of the spirit and so we make the comparison of the two the flesh and the spirit everything that saul did was up to the flesh everything that david did barring his sin with bathsheba was after the spirit everything that saul became he started right he didn't end right david started and kept on increasing until the day he died and so a list of soul you'll find in chapter number nine of first kings saul was from the time of tribe of benjamin he was humble when he started his hidden shoulders above the people and he had his own business and his problems begin because the donkeys he's looking for kept on getting lost he meets samuel after god tells samuel in chapter nine uh i'm i'm setting up a king and samuel disappointed in first samuel chapter number 10 uh verse 1 samuel anoints saul to be king and he gives him signs from chapter number 10 verse 2 to verse 9. from verse 9 he begins to prophesy and he becomes another man but instead of staying that other man he leans back on the flesh and the bible says he starts well for two years first samuel 13 and verse 1. for two years he does very well because he's still humble before the lord still doing well but now he becomes demanding the flesh that's kicking in his decline begins with constant disobedience sets the number one uh chapter number thirteen i think is verse one he offers illegally fourteen verse one he offers illegally uh offerings he didn't wait for samuel he builds an alt and often offers sacrifices illegally in chapter number 14 he refused to believe god and uh against the enemy he's sleeping under a uh a tree a fig tree and the bible says when jonathan goes to attack the enemy and gets a victory he wants to kill jonathan because he cursed anybody who disobey him in chapter number 15 or first samuel when he's told to kill and annihilate the amalekites he blatantly disobeys god keeps the king and some of the animals and because of this rebellion samuel says god has replaced you and so the famous words 15 23 he says to him you've been constantly disobeying but now you are in and you are in active rebellion chapter 20 15 verse 23 for rebellion is as witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity as iniquity and idolatry because you have rejected the lord through constant disobedience god has rejected you and then in chapter number 15 26 that the rejection of saul means that the kingdom is being taken away and so saul grabs samuel as he's walking away and samuel's garment tears and samuel will turn to him says you've just presented a metaphor as you have rent my garments so shall your neighbor rent your kingdom away from you chapter 16 now that saw that the spirit of the lord has left saul in chapter 16 demons begun begin to come on saw and they begin to affect him and david comes and removes those demons in chapter 17 verse 1 because he's affected by demons for the first time saul is afraid when he sees goliath and then david comes into his world chapter 18 of first samuel he then becomes jealous and starts trying to kill david in his house and then he begins to chase david around the nation so jealousy then and the principle of jealousy it starts internally it starts in your life in your heart and then before you know it there are people around you friends family neighbors they begin to know you because you are jealous of a thing and so if you are jealous of anything kill it quickly before it becomes public knowledge and then in chapter 19 he tries to kill david and he's chasing david everywhere in chapter number 21 he killed all the priests and only abideth the god away he killed all the priests because they gave david bread and the man is getting worse and worse and worse and worse and many times david had opportunities to take his to take saul's life he wouldn't do it sword would repent but because his heart was so hard uh he had neglected the kingdom his entire assignment now was not to improve the nation uh improve his relationship with god try to bring back the ark i have to kill david and then in chapter number 28 of first samuel the the most heinous crime he then goes insult them consult the most powerful sangoma in the land and the scripture was clear a witch shall not live and so now sisters and brothers soul is all the way down now we look at saul dying in a horrible death which was not god's intention he wanted his kings to sleep with the fathers as david did now david's kingdom is a model which will analyze next week david's kingdom is modeled when you first find david is because god is sick of the flesh saul and he's looking for the spirit david and he says to samuel he says i want you to go to bethlehem because in bethlehem that's where jesus is going to be born because a good heart is always born in a place if your heart is not good you must pray that god would give you a good heart that your heart mustn't be hard he said i found a goodly man there and in chapter 16 verse 2 he sent verse 12 they sent for david he was ready he was of a beautiful countenance he was handsome young man and the lord said arise and anoint him and saw samuel anointed david with the horn of oil in the midst of all his brothers a kid that didn't understand what was going on but because of his heart his countenance his attitude and he started there and we watched god build this young man all the way to the top and one of the things that david establishes which we look at next week he establishes what he's called the tabernacle of david let's go to isaiah 16 verse 5. isaiah 16 verse 5 the tabernacle of david is the kingdom way of governing a kingdom way of governing which gets lost along the way when other kings after david and some of his inheritors die they lose the system and so isaiah comes and prophesies and says and in mercy shall the throne be established shout and in mercy come on shout and in mercy shall the throne be established and he shall sit upon it in truth in the tabernacle of david why he'll be judging seeking judgment and hasting righteousness so when jesus comes he's coming now to resuscitate to restore the kingdom to restore the tabernacle of david which is kingdom rule in the earth and and and so when there is a a dispute within the church james gets up and says in the book of acts chapter number 15 god is visiting israel and what he's doing he's restoring again the tabernacle of david which was promised and so when jesus comes he comes in 19 of the book of luke to seek and to save that that which was lost which was kingdom rule in the earth and he starts by announcing the kingdom of god has landed and then in his prayers he said this is how you pray you pray for kingdom rule to come not in a soul manner but in a davidic manner and he says you have to make a demand that the kingdom come when you say thy kingdom come you then put a demand on the anointing which is come thy kingdom come on shout come thy kingdom shall come thy kingdom and so jesus then says in chapter number 11 verse 2 of luke you must shout come thy kingdom and so your house has to manifest kingdom rule we seek first the kingdom of god money second we seek first the kingdom of god political power is second we seek first the kingdom of god everything else is now underneath the kingdom of god and so the kingdom of god is then expressed in our lives in the way we live earthly and so in john chapter 18 verse 36 pilate who is a governor subject to a caesar of an emperor of an empire in jesus arrest and beating standing before pilots pilate says to him are you a king and jesus says you have said it and then in 1836 jesus answered and said my kingdom is not of this world which means the worldly system which means the roman system that had its roots in nebuchadnezzar which had its roots in nimrod he said we don't run our affairs the way you do he said our kingdom is predicated on forgiveness is predicated on showing mercy is predicated on being honest and truthful he said but look how your kingdom runs you have allowed the people to choose between me who is a man of truth a man who has done good and you have chosen barabbas who is a thief and a murderer because he has taken the shortcut he doesn't want to work a full-time job so while you're sleeping in your house he'll break into your house and steal your goods and he'll take your khan take your children and take your wife or husband and money and and if you catch him he'll kill you in the process because the thief cometh not but for to steal to kill and to destroy but my kingdom is not of this world amen the way up is down the way to be a king is to be a servant amen the way to attain is to give and it shall be given can you hear what i'm saying and so the kingdom then is opposite to the way we see things now shalt thy kingdom come and so the kingdom of god romans 14 7 is not meat and drink but it is righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost righteousness is god's standard in the earth peace is god's environment in the earth joy in the holy ghost is god's nature and character in the earth so do you have god's standard in your home do you have god's environment in your home do you have god's nature and character in your home do we have god's standard in this church do we have god's environment in this church do we have god's character and god's nature in this church that's true of your business it's even true of a country when i hear someone pronounce that their country is a christian nation it makes me wonder if they meet this standard but if you look at islamic nations they have a standard that everyone adheres to if you ever go to dubai and you're walking through the great barge mall you can hear them at certain times a little announcement being made and people will go aside and pray on kenya airways one day cheech and i were flying and going to nairobi and one man came and spoke to me in arabic language and torah was one of them and like peter i quickly denied because i was not one of them because of my little beard and so they asked me which way is mecca so i just pointed uh i was just being silly and so they believed me because they thought i was one of them and so when we got to ten thousand feet they wanted to start serving something to eat but these guys took their prayer mats out and they said that man said mecca is this way and all of them on the plane started praying towards a certain way for a minute i even thought the plane started leaning over this way because of the weight on the one side do you think they cared about a pilot do you think they cared about a steward do you think they cared about some man that gave them instructions that wasn't even the right instruction do you think they cared about the teenage wife he was traveling about there's a way they do things and for us as christians we've got to start doing things the kingdom way our business has to be the kingdom way zaki has come down from that tree that's not the kingdom way peter put your sword back that's not the kingdom way judas i'm not going into your demand that's not the kingdom way i need about 400 people to clap your hands that includes you at home shout restore i'm closing now with this jesus said in luke 11 and 20 if i by the finger of god cast out devils no doubt the kingdom is come to you and so the kingdom of god is not meat and drink but it's righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost now jesus said the kingdom of god is pointing your finger at the demonic system and casting it out if you look at the finger of god the finger of god wrote the law denouncing the demonic system of egypt the finger of god cast out illegal occupants from a man that was possessed with six thousand devils he pointed his finger at those devils and commanded them into the pigs and the kingdom of god came to that man jesus wrote on the ground with his finger when people accused a woman caught in the act of adultery and said to her i don't condemn you go and sin no more the finger of god establishes the new law and so we must point our finger and say that's not right corruption is not right abusing people is not right beating your wife is not right stealing from your job is not right lying is not right can you hear what i'm saying so by your finger point at every devil and say get out and then demand a restoration of what was lost restore my kingdom right i command you restore at midnight what belongs to me nicodemus i command you for your hand to be straightened out matthew chapter 8 12 and verse 13 he restored a wooded hand by pointing with his finger mark 8 25 he pointed his finger and someone's eyes came back so they can see point at your eyes say see kingdom amen he pointed at a boy he was possessed with the devil in john 17 and cast out that devil he pointed at a rock and said to that rock lazarus come forth and he that was dead came out oh yes he pointed sisters and brothers to institutions that were demonic and changed them by his life and so amos says in amos 9 11 in that day i will restore the tamper number of david james says in acts 15 this is that which was spoken of by amos kingdom rule has come so restore now the kingdom to me restore the kingdom to the nation of zimbabwe if you're following american politics the way both candidates are conducting themselves it's quite fascinating but it's very hard to see who's who the way they criticize each other and slam each other that would never happen in this country and so what god is trying to tell us with all the the unrest in every continent they are demonstrations on every continent there's sickness and disease on every continent there's confusion on every continent they are businesses lost on every continent jobs have been lost on every continent money has disappeared on every continent people are crying every day on every continent churches can gather together on every continent people are losing their mind on every continent we have nowhere to turn our prayers we are asking the lord lord can you help us and he says look up to the hills he's not talking about a mountain he's talking about a kingdom system look up beyond the hills from winds cometh my help my help comes from the lord so come thy kingdom kingdom of god come now let my life be governed by the righteousness of the kingdom because i'm the righteousness of god in christ jesus let the peace of god that goes beyond human logic govern my life i will not fear because god has not given me the spirit of fear i have peace in my life my home will not fall apart i have peace in my home i might be sick but i have peace in my knowing that everything's okay even though i might be on a dying bed i know that this death is asleep because on the other side the angels are ready to take me to abraham's bosom so i have no fear of what i will eat or what i shall drink or what i shall wear or where i shall live because i know that god will provide for me but if he doesn't give me material things the kingdom of god is coming to me it's in me it's moving in me it's working through me so restore god the kingdom to me restore understanding to me restore wisdom to me restore actions to me put kingdom words in my mouth that i'll speak of the kingdom i'll declare the kingdom our state the kingdom i'll manifest the kingdom shall restore the kingdom to me restore it give it back to me restore it let me be like obedient living in a kingdom environment i'm not a christian but i'm i i'm an over deidomite i'm not a jew but i'm an obedient i'm serving god in a kingdom environment and god is blessing me there shalt restore the kingdom clap your hands if you have to i met a man last august now it was uh novemberish i flew to dallas for 12 hours i went in on british airways i went to a meeting and flew out stay standing i'm done stay standing i'm done and i met a man there and uh he heard about me and so and so we chatted for about 30 minutes and he said to me bishop he said the secret to our business doing well it's two things the first one is that i i gave i dedicated my business i gave my business to god and he said i i wrote a covenant and said god this business is yours and it's mine it's a kingdom business and he said uh he then gave a special offering whatever it was and then he said i want to be a kingdom provider he said i want to be a kingdom provider and his business is on the south part of texas near the mexican border it's very dry there not too much water but he has probably one of the largest dairy farms in the united states they are the third largest producers of cheese in america the town he lives in the population is 8 000 people he has more people working for him than the whole town and he says the milk that comes out of there it's like 24 hours around the clock and it's running in huge conduits flowing into huge tanks and they have hundreds of trucks and every week in his commitment and dedication he keeps on rededicating his business as a kingdom business and him as a kingdom provider and then he started sharing the numbers the kind of money they're making which is frightening the money that they make in that small little town or that village is more than what this country makes in a year and he said it is very possible even in he said i've been studying zimbabwe because of your heard the cattle herd is is well known in in the world that zimbabwe potentially had one of the best corporate herds in the in the in the world he said we've been studying it so we know your nation is going through a difficult time but he said in the midst of that and he prayed with me and for me that even in your ministry god is going to raise up men and women that are like-minded and it's going to start by them saying restore the kingdom to me the disciples said will you restore the kingdom to israel he said no when the kingdom is restored it's not going to israel it's going to people who have kingdom minded mindsets and i really believe this is we are in the times and the seasons for that and in this room as i'm speaking and whoever's watching you are going to see unusual multiplication you are going to be sitting in a strange place and there's going to be a convoy led by skilled men one of them is probably a colonel followed by a major captain and a bunch of men riding on horses that have been decked and they start calling for you and you think they are coming to take you to kill you but you are a mophoba seth and your kingdom is about to be restocked to you because you've got a man who's david who's a righteous man [Applause] the land that has been given to every one of you here don't let that land be fallow go on that piece of land ask god to give you wisdom take that dirt and say this soil was made in genesis one for me it was made for me not to grow weeds this land was given to me father give me the wisdom to produce from this land whether it's wheat tobacco corn vegetables father i commit this to you as a kingdom ground this is kingdom ground now give me the wisdom and you'll begin to see how quickly because god is the god of covenant imagine that piece of soul was made for you your name was on it before a white person got a title deeds that land was given to you use it if you are looking for a house there's a piece of land in our rari that was made for you somebody built a house for you i will give you houses you never built poor hogs you didn't dig [Music] it's there i thank you for your provision father thank you for restoring the kingdom thank you for restoring the kingdom take about a minute and ask the lord to restore to you the restitution of all things further restore restore restore restore restore restore restore restore restore restore restore restore restore restore restore restore restore restore restore restore restore restore make it good again bring it back again build it like it used to be before make it better restore let money that is all be returned restore that health that's been lost let that health be restored restore restore [Music] [Music] softer keep playing but softer just before my mom dad she shared a story with me that i i knew the beginning i didn't know the end they had bought a lovely stand on the kami road i remember going there several times as a boy you know it was all bush but there was a lovely house on there and apparently uh my dad had a a drinking bowl and didn't tell my mom and he sold a lovely plot a lovely lovely plot like four or five acres nice house he sold it to settle his drinking bowl you know sanders and those old chaps were cut in the skittle inn they would so he sold his land to settle his drinking wall so when my mom went there she saw people on the land and said hey this is my property. so they said no we've got the deed and what was if he had said to my mom look surely i owe money uh for uh debt at the skittle inn i'm sure my mom uh if they had to sell that property would have got the right price for it not to settle for booze or could have wronged money to settle that bill and kept the property but what that did that one action yes a debt was paid and got him off the hook but that one action potentially set the family back and there's some things you can't calculate and so that little story in a nutshell there are things that you can't calculate in your head what was actually lost in a time and in a season it's hard to predict what was actually lost and so i want to pray a prayer for things that you know were lost you can't put a price you can't predict but i'm just going to ask god to restore father in the case of mathuba said our case study he lost his legs he can't get them back but the lands of his father and his grandfather those are coming back the servants that his father and his grandfather had that whole family their children and the grandchildren of ziba they're coming back to serve all the food that i lost i'm getting it back sitting at the king's table all the favor that i lost i'm now getting it sister and brothers look at me carefully mephoba said had lost 38 years 38 years when the nurse dropped him and he broke his feet he was 2 years old and then jesus walked to the pool of bethesda on mephoba's 340th birthday and said pick up your bed and walk the king called for him on his 40th birthday there are some things that could not be restored his legs but everything else was given back to him father for what we have lost for generations you are giving back we receive it in jesus name everyone with an offering everyone with your tithe all those with kingdom cathedral money please mark it clearly amen past the votes ready to go we're building this building go we're building this building go we're building this building [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tudor Bismark
Views: 8,832
Rating: 4.8865247 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Tudor Bismark, Bishop Bismark, Tudor Bismark Sermons, Bishop Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismarck, ChiChi Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismark, ChiChi, Bismarck
Id: 5npWt7nZ2qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 2sec (5522 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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