The Mystery Of Faith

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] now [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] ah oh [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] this is where we are but not where we will stay these are our sundays our wednesdays our everydays this is our passion our heartbeat our song we don't have any members because we are family whether for the first time or the hundredth time for the good times and even the bad this place has been good but now we go to better we go to a sanctuary a place of rest and refuge a place we can call home a home for our god a home for us all let's go together [Music] the journey has begun come with us kingdom cathedral a new home for new life covenant church [Music] [Music] [Music] when [Music] [Music] um [Music] me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] one two three [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] one two three one two three [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah give the lord a praise celebrate the name of the lord hallelujah we just want to thank god for this wonderful time in his house put your hands together [Music] hey [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] god is fighting for us god is on our side he is overcome yet he is overcome we will not be shaken we will not be a man jesus caring [Music] we will not be shaking [Music] i me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i will not die [Music] [Music] is i will not die [Music] let's go [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] i will not die come on come on [Music] jesus [Music] shut it down how many are amazed in the house of the lord amazed at his works and his wonderful works hallelujah we stand amazed oh god you are the sovereign god i stand amazed in your presence there is nothing you cannot do i stand amazed in your presence there is your peace and hope [Music] in all the earth there is nobody like you lord [Music] jesus say i stand to me so god [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're a faithful god [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're an [Music] things [Applause] [Music] to be [Music] [Music] good morning everybody to new life covenant church members in our rari and around the world and to our global viewers thank you for being with us on this sunday morning we take such pleasure in bringing this service to you in the midst of a global shutdown in the midst of challenges and we pray that number one you'd be very careful and very safe secondly we pray that you would be in health and be strong even as your soul prospers and thirdly i pray that in this challenge that you'll find a deeper walk with god and your relationship with god becomes more and more enriched and may god richly bless you and keep you in jesus name amen turn to three three people just tell them you love them from the beginning of the year we started a series on entering the kingdom and we began with mysteries a few weeks ago on mysteries of the kingdom and today we will continue with that today i'm dealing with the mystery of faith the mystery of faith the mystery of faith let's go to our uh key scriptures for today jesus answered verily verily i say to you except a man except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of god everyone say enter say enter matthew e 13 verse 11 jesus answered and said to them when they asked him a question why do you speak to the people in perils because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it is not given please say after miss heavenly father give me the ability to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven very tough to be in the category of to them it's not given i refuse to be in a category that it's not given say i'm in a category way it is given luke 8 10 he said to you it is given to no say i'm in the category of those that know come on i'm in a category of those that know the mysteries of the kingdom of god but to others in parables to others in parables that seeing they might not see and hearing they might not understand i could spend a month on that you may be seated so we've listed 17 mysteries the mystery of the kingdom of god which is the mystery of the kingdom of heaven and that's the mystery of heaven working on earth number two the mystery of israel as a nation the mystery of israel as a nation and that's the church of the old testament and it's god's chosen people who rejected jesus christ as the messiah number three the mystery of iniquity that's a system of organized evil we taught that a few weeks ago number four the mystery of god which is coming up in the next series of lessons which is the existence the essence and the substance of almighty god number five the mystery of godliness which is the character and the characteristics of god played out in living a holy life being holy be ye holy for i am holy number six the mystery of god's will the mystery of his will and there are seven mysteries of god's will number seven the mystery of christ the manifestation of the god man in the earth the anointed god man who functions in the earth who lives in a academic state pre-adamic fall and it is possible to live that way jesus exemplified that where when you don't have a resource you can take what you have and through divine alchemy produce a higher level and divine alchemy is turning water into wine and so when you come into an environment of totally natural things as the god man when there is a shortage you will not just meet the shortage but you will translate the resource into something that is so magnificent the mystery of the gospel the gospel is the vehicle the legal vehicle which dispenses the kingdom of god number nine which is today's lesson the mystery of the faith and that is the currency of the heavens the currency of the heavens number 10 the mystery of incarnation and that's the glorious seed of god's word number 11 the mystery of the resurrection we touched on that a few weeks ago which is life in god eternal number two of the mystery of the indwelling christ christ in you the hope of glory number 13 the mystery of the body of christ that's the church the pride there should be a full stop there the church full stop the pride of christ and the word pride there is twofold the first one is he is so chuffed that he's produced this but the second one he is the lion of the tribe of judah and we also become lions in the earth and number 14 the mystery of israel's blindness blindness the jews was chosen vessel to carry the messiah they didn't even know what they were carrying he came to his own and his own received him not number 15 the mystery of the rapture which is the second coming of jesus the translation of the church the translation of the saints where we will be should we die before he comes and if we are alive where we will be translated if you pass you will be rejoined to your body with the new one the mystery of the antichrist the pseudo false christs carried about that and then the mystery of babylon the great the false church jezebel in operation and when we deal with that it's going to be a very tough and interesting and challenging lesson lesson let's go to the scripture for today first timothy chapter number three and verse number nine thank you first timothy three and verse nine last week i was preaching so hard i robbed my finger on the pulpit in the first service my right one in the second service i collaborated myself on the left hand so i hope this thing is going to be user friendly today please be nice to me paul is talking to timothy and i just pulled the scripture out because of time he's giving him instructions and he says holding the mystery of the faith in pure conscience another version would say holding the mystery of faith in a pure conscience and so the mystery of the faith then is basically the currency of the heavens the currency of the heavens uh bond money works in zimbabwe barely it won't work outside of zimbabwe because this is the currency of this country the iran is the currency for south africa the u.s dollar is the currency for the united states and is generally user friendly in most countries if you are in certain countries and you have us dollars the law is you cannot use that as a method of exchange in shops it has to go through a legal agency to convert an international currency to where it's utilized locally in a particular environment for many reasons one of those would be to uplift a local currency and to give people a chance to grow their business yada yada in a local environment and so faith then faith is the currency of the heavens by faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god and so when god created the heavens and the earth genesis 1 verse 1 he used the currency of faith to do it and his faith purchased everything the bible says what a person can believe they will achieve so god believed and the currency purchased what we can see light sound material things and his currency is so powerful that everything he made first corinthians 15 even the stars are named and so the other day uh teacher was cooking at the house and then she was trying to call jason and she said eugene tj dream and she was calling all kinds of names because sometimes you get to a place where you have so many kids you name them differently salah saudio femino and what happens is that when you have a lot of kids generally you you know what you want to call somebody you want to call to nashville what you're saying and you wonder why chanasian's responding because you're using a different name but the scripture is very clear that god used the currency of faith and including individual stars are named we call ours our center of our solar system the sun because god named it the sun he named it the moon those are their names now there might be another name in the rebels of heaven to identify those individual things and so the mystery of faith being the currency of heaven we can use that currency mark 11 21 where jesus cursed a victory and he did that using the currency of heaven to declare that you are trading illegally you are using an illegal currency you are using bitcoins slide number 11. there are three branches of faith the first one is the faith he says uh in verse nine of chapter number three first timothy holding the faith so the three branches of faith would be would be the faith which is fundamental theology the core beliefs that make us christians that separates us from being another religion shintoism hinduism is islamic religion and the expressions of many others different tribal religions and beliefs traditional beliefs and so their faith we must contend for the faith what was passed down to us by the teachings of moses and the prophets and then uh number two faith then is the act the art and the science of believing the act the art and the science of believing and so to again to use a football analogy did arsenal play by the way and so the thing is they have world-class players they have world-class players who in their own way represent their countries in in international competitions so the problem is not that they aren't playing the problem is they have lost the art the act and the science of believing napoleon hit napoleon hill uh with men like norman vincent p who wrote the power of positive thinking they teach you how to believe in yourself and so self-belief is key so jesus believed in himself and he believed in his message and he was teaching his disciples how to have self-belief and then the third thing about faith is that is number three the mastery of the lifestyle of faith so the act and the art and the science of believing is sometimes you believing for a thing faith is the substance of a thing hoped for but then when it becomes your lifestyle and in my uh life i've been very privileged to be around so-called word of faith people and if you're around with the copeland bill winston uh the faith leaders criplo dollar etc they are put into a category of the world of faith people which is really unjust and unreasonable because they have a lifestyle of faith working with individuals like uh bishop jakes sami rodriguez michael pitts uh uh the great michael kwankwa the the genius mensah audible apostle mongolia in tanzania all of these individuals should not be put into the category of the word of faith but what they have produced is a lifestyle of faith where you will not be denied where if there's a mountain in your way it has to move because you are not moving and so when you look at the mastery of the lifestyle of faith we go to daddy abraham who began one way but lived a life of faith so much so that hebrew iowa romans 4 romans 21 22 says that he staggered not at the promise of god he didn't even consider the deadness of sarah's womb because it was a lifestyle a lifestyle and you have to grow that so when we do the mastery of faith first uh iowa colossians 1 verse 25 he says wherefore i am made a minister according to the dispensation of god which is given to me for you to fulfill the word of god even the mystery which has been hid from ages and from generations but now is made manifest to his saints to whom god would make known what is the riches of his glory of this mystery among the gentiles what's this mystery the faith which is christ in you the hope of glory to whom we whom we preach warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in christ jesus he says where aren't you why also labor striving according to his working which works in me which works in me it's working in me mightily and so the working then is the faith i am anchored to the faith so let's look at faith then faint number one is a mystery it works well you don't see it's a mystery it's amazing that we're all here as a country as a family as a church as individuals it's a mystery and tracking the journey of this church it is a mystery as to how we've come here and how we've survived and so based on last year's figures in terms of finance we were at one level and this year 90 of what we brought in last year has been corroded away we are literally functioning on 10 of what we did last year and it's a mystery that we're still functioning it's a mystery that when you were single and you married you began with one bedroom one jacket one pair of socks one pair of shoes and looking at your journey now it's amazing where you are when you started your business it's amazing where you are when you started your career it's amazing where you are you can't splain it you can't explain it and so looking at our revenue and looking at my tithing record i have literally literally unexplainably made more money and i don't even know where it comes from it's just a mystery it's like five loaves and two fishes phenomenon where i know in my hands i had five loaves and two fish or a little bit of oil but what i have now and what we've expended now we don't even know where it comes from and it becomes a mystery and so it's it's faith is working where you don't even see it working faith is the substance of things hoped for and so faith then is working for something you want to come into manifestation and keep on believing peter keep on believing if it's uh 40 40 ton trucks and you only have three keep on believing keep on believing if it's starting a business for a designer line for clothing and you've just made a few snacks together this is a crazy generation you know you can take snacks and you can make clothes and some person out of hollywood will think this is a wonderful invention and you paid maybe three dollars for a sack which was carrying hufu but certainly now people are paying 150 dollars for the zak and you're laughing going to the bank and so what you've hoped for becomes a reality and it's a mystery faith is the currency of the spirit of heaven which we spoke about faith is predicting your future shaping the future by speaking and confessing so you keep on speaking you keep on confessing and by doing so your faith increases faith is the act of declaring and decreeing it's the act of you have to keep on joke 22. the bible talks about this in psalms i want to get sidetracked and so you keep on decreeing you shall decree a thing we make decorations and those things build and grow your faith the other day at lunch i think it was dream or was it jason had made a statement we have uh two bulbour puppies and uh they have massive paws and you can tell how big those dogs are going to be and big heads and so it sounds like a jason thing where he said ah these dogs will eventually grow into their heads and so faith kind of works that way where there's this big head and a small body but you'll eventually grow into your head that's what faith does faith is the activator of works james said faith without works is dead and so faith comes before works and works then are as a result of you believing faith is the vehicle that moves jesus and i'll show you that with two cases faith is the vehicle that moves jesus faith is the entity that pleases god six iowa 11 6 of hebrews without it it's impossible to please god it's impossible so you can mount up sacrifices you can even put an elephant you can shoot cecil lyon i'm still haven't gone over that and put him on your altar that doesn't please god faith is what pleases god and then faith is jesus and so pursuing a christ-like life is a demonstration of faith slide 16 so we're gonna deal with two case studies two women and two men two women and two men so it's ladies first so the first woman is a woman that's hemorrhaging for 12 years and the second woman is the syrophoenician woman the first woman is a hebrew girl because she observed the law she stayed in house because she was bleeding from internal and so it was the law that if you're struggling and you have that physical challenge in the old testament when a woman is on a menstrual cycle she was to be declared seven days unclean and everything she touched would be unclean which is so unjust and so this woman observing the hebrew law stayed in her house and had no visitors because if anybody just knocked on her door they automatically became unclean and had to quarantine and the second one is a gentile woman who through the same currency accesses the same product and then uh let's go now to the scripture mark 5 and 22. they came one of the rulers of the synagogue jairus by name and when he saw jesus he fell down at his feet and he began to implore him he sought him greatly begging pleading i know a little bit about that and said my little daughter lies at the point of death mark 5 and 23 i pray you come and lay your hands on her and so when you're dealing with uh hebrews chapter number six verse one and two one of the doctrines is one of doctrines of christ is the laying on of hands the laying on of hands and so it it goes back to old testament years where moses laid his hands on joshua and what was in him moses went into joshua and so what this man wanted was for jesus to lay his hands on her so that was what was in him would go on her in him was all the healing 15 26 of exodus all the sicknesses of egypt will not be laid on you for i am the lord that healeth thee and so he wanted what was in jesus to come on his girl which is the resurrection and the life and he says i know that when you lay hands on her she shall live and jesus went with him went with him and many people followed now as he was going to heal this little girl here is a certain woman that had an issue of blood for 12 years she was hemorrhaging and she had suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that she had all that she had including energy and nothing and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse and he said to her daughter your faith your faith has made you whole go in peace and be whole of your plague and so verse 35 says while he spoke so we'll get to that in a minute so here is a woman who is quarantined for 12 years and she says going into the 13th year i know that if i'll just touch the hymn of his garment i will be home and so the oil falls on aaron's head goes to his beard down his garments which is headship the beardy's leadership the garment is fellowship and so she says i know that what is on the head christ is the head of the church if i'll touch the ham on the hymn of the priest was a bell which was witness and a pomegranate which is fruit and so what god has joined together let not man put asunder so it's fruit the pomegranates and witness the ring of the bell so when the priest would go behind the the veil on the day of yom kippur the day of atonement they would know he was alive because the belt kept on ringing but but knowing that he may not because it was not legal to go beyond the veil they would tie a rope around his waist so that evil was unrighteous behind the veil they would then pull him out with the rope but as long as the bells were ringing the bells were ringing the thing is that you may not have fruit in your life but keep the bells ringing they may not be a manifestation orbit or prosperity in your life but ring the bell of prosperity ring the bell of freedom ring the bell of hope ring the bell of promotion i could preach right there and so she came what she touched she didn't touch the bell she touched the pomegranate she got a hold of the pomegranate and when she touched the fruitfulness of the godhead the fruitfulness of god what was in the fruit came into her oh i feel it i feel it i feel it so so when you touch him don't touch a thread people say they he touched the thread don't touch a thread grab a hold of the pomegranate the bible says when this when the spies went into the promised land they came with grapes but don't stop reading there they came with pomegranates because in the pomegranate which is not even easy to eat really are the amount of seeds in that fruit and just by by way of metaphor right outside our kitchen door uh we noticed we have a pomegranate tree i hadn't really noticed it and so yesterday but one uh i noticed that the pomegranate tree in the history of us being there for over 20 years this pomegranate tree has more flowers it's in full bloom and when i'm looking at that i'm saying chicha and i entering into a season of promises into a promised land that we've been believing for you've got to say amen and so jesus said to her your faith has made you whole and so her faith applied gave her everything and jesus sent her back and gave her peace imagine 12 years with no peace gave her peace and removed the plague forever now there's various commentaries on that based on her age group it probably implied that she'd never ever have a menstrual cycle again and this also reveals that she was a young woman and so it's important for us to understand here that menstrual cycles are attached to fruitfulness attached to fruitfulness because uh leading up towards it that's when a woman possibly gets pregnant ten or four twelve days before the menstrual cycle the menstrual cycle reveals that the seed has not taken mothers don't leave me as a man standing here by myself and you marry me and don't look like you don't know what i'm talking about and so when a woman misses a menstrual cycle other than a sickness it it's a sign that the seed has now taken and the sea because a seed will end a cycle that's why we want you to sow in the offering because your offering is a seed that ends a cycle of poverty don't come to church as one of the hundred without a seed you have to end the cycle of no land of no property of no car of no life i don't spend time on netflix it's a sign of no life yeah but why in wa let's go to the second and the damsel arrive let's deal with jairus's daughter so while while jesus is is uh addressing this woman who trusts the hymn of his garment he's actually on his way to heal jairus daughter and jairus's daughter was 12 years old the woman that was healed was sick for 12 years so here's the deal the day excuse me the day jairus daughter was born was the day this woman got sick because the bible says and i'm jumping it but the bible says let the older women teach the younger women and so the strategy of the devil was to destroy the next generation by making the old generation sick and so these women had nothing in common other than one day oh jairus had a baby it's a baby girl he's the leader of our synagogue and so now when the girl comes to her years of adulthood the older women would then begin to teach the the to pass on their experience their knowledge and so on and so the devil attacks both of them and tries to kill them on the same day but jesus yeah but jesus on the same day he heals the older generation that's chi chi and i and he heals the younger generation and i'm telling you that jesus factor by faith is gonna make a whole bunch of us so clap your hands everybody the second woman the second woman is the syrophoenician woman she's a gentile a daughter is possessed with the devil been screaming and so she goes to him and says please can you help me and jesus ignored her and then she asked again and the disciples threw her one version says they threw her on the ground armor bearers but she kept on persisting and and was was showing opportunity and so jesus then turns to her and this is an answer to prayer and said i can't take the crime the bread from the table and give it to the dogs and she answered and said to him the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs stay on the point judah and he said to her for this saying shout that come on with energy come on with energy so so so it's it's what you're going to say it's what you're going to say that's going to move heaven and earth it's going to move where you are it's going to change your life and he says go your way the devil is gone out of your daughter and when she came to the house the devil was gone out of the daughter and and it's what she said what she said now let's deal with the two men the two men mark 9 22. there was a boy that was filled with a cust and a demon spirit threw him in the fire and in the water to destroy him and jesus said if you and the man said if you can do anything if you can do anything jeremiah said there's nothing too hard for the lord god said to sarah is there anything too hard for the lord and so if you have the ability if you can do anything number one have compassion on us shall lord have compassion on me number two and help us and help us and help us and help us and so jesus said to him if you can believe if you can believe i can't do anything but if you can believe all things are possible to him that believes say all things are possible if i believe when i believe all things are possible and so it's belief you have to believe it's a mystery how do you go from unbelief to believing it's a line that you cross not even knowing you cross it it's it's putting four stones and believing that those stones are a car it's going to uh a a a neighborhood that have massive houses with cars that more cars than garages and you are in literally a one shack room but you are going there and you are believing you are saying i'm looking at my future and straight away the father of the child crowded and said lord with tears lord i believe shalt lord i believe shout lord i believe shalt lord i believe say help my unbelief and so we we we lack belief in many areas and so back to a football analogy a man can be very very talented he's going to need a psychologist to come in and help him with self-belief you're the man you're the striker uh you are the most expensive player and so we'll give you play time and and the story goes on and on and on because you can have a a very gifted striker who doesn't have belief the goal will look like a matchbox like this will look like a matchbox and won't score even is actually standing on on the line of the goal because there's no belief but you can have somebody who is like the players in leeds united i can't even name any of them but they have belief based on what the coach has told them you believe you believe you believe you believe and when you have a striker that's on form the gold course looks as wide as the football field it's impossible to miss it's impossible to miss it's impossible to fail amen and so in areas of your unbelief you have to say god help me in my unbelief help me in my unbelief help me because i know that all things are possible give the lord a praise right there the second man is the centurion and when jesus came into capernaum a centurion came to him saying lord my servant lies at home and he is sick of the palsy palsy is paralysis uh that that is not just being paralyzed but it's a paralysis where it caused shakes and and movement and quakes and he says he's grievously tormented and so the torment was not demonic the torment was a physiological challenge which converted into a mental and emotional challenge and caused him to jerk and he was a wonderful servant that the centurion felt it that i'll do anything to get my servant healed and teach and i know a little bit about this in the last month and so jesus said to him i will come and heal him say that and this insurance accident said lord i am not worthy that you should come under my roof but speak the word only and my servant shall be healed for i am a man under authority having soldiers under me i say to this man go and he goes to another come and he comes and to my servant do this and he does it and when jesus heard it when he heard it this is the same thing he heard on the morning of creation the same thing he heard when he said let there be like because all things were made for him all things were made by him they were made for his good pleasure and so what the centurion did is what jesus heard on the morning of creation it was the same language it was the same currency it was the same uh as a strength of faith that he heard on the morning of creation let there be and he marveled he marveled he marveled i pray that god would give you that kind of faith where regardless of what you are in and what you are going through your faith will fight for you and what shall i more say of gideon of jephthah and of bayrack and of those that have gone before us us who through faith subdued kingdoms wrought righteousness stopped the mars of lions endured the ferocity of fires is going to be your faith that's gonna put you opposite bill gates opposite uh i don't want to say his name amen uh the amazon guy for my own reasons put you opposite the strife masihwas it's your faith that's going to do that and god is going to marvel at your faith and so he said i say to you i have not found so great faith no not in israel it's a mystery of faith here's an unbeliever here is a roman soldier who has many expressions of god but he understands that faith is an entity that's a currency of the heavens that if i'll use this currency i can pay for anything i can i can uh put anything on my bill and it will be covered it will be covered say increase my faith and so jesus said to them in mark 11 he said to them when he cursed the tree he said have the faith of god which is the currency of heaven it's a mystery of faith it's going to work for you as a woman uh was healed from an issue of blood as the cyrophonician woman had her prayers answered as jairus had his daughter healed and asked god to deliver him from unbelief as his insurer he didn't say i don't believe he just believed and said send the word so will your faith increase say heavenly father increase my faith say heavenly father increase my faith say heavenly father increase my faith shall lord i believe say lord i believe all things are possible it's in my spirit and i believe it when the mind of a man can conceive it he can receive it what is in your mind is coming into manifestation shout lord i receive it let the work of faith begin in me i'm starting a thing i'll finish it it's working in me right now don't judge me for what i don't have but judge me for what i believe don't judge me because of my lack judge me because of what i believe i will have don't judge me but a little bit of oil judge me by the vessels i'm gathering i have many vessels with no oil so don't judge me for no oil ism judge me for the fact that i've gathered vessels it takes faith to gather vessels without oil pouring out i know your sons are about to be sold you are in debt because your husband left you in debt you borrow he borrowed and got the family in trouble but now you have to have faith that this level of borrowing is going to solve your problem it takes faith to borrow vessels it's a mystery sisters and brothers it takes faith to build elisha a house when you don't have a child it takes faith to to line up the prophets of baal and cause fire to come from heaven it takes faith to ask for a double portion anointing i said it's a mystery y'all i said it's a mystery so don't stop believing don't start trusting don't start investing in what god has done the mystery of faith has saved you i said it's a mystery it's a mystery that has kept you alive i said it's a mystery i said it's a mystery that we are here as a continent your neighbors think you're crazy but you know it's a mystery it's a mystery sisters and brothers that africa is sustained in the heights of covet 19 it's a mystery that small victories are going to big victories it's a mystery of faith that you can face a giant with a stone you have no experience but you have faith this giant will be like the bear and the lion shall god increase my faith oh lord help my faith to work in me so faith comes by hearing hearing by the word of god so what have you been hearing lately is it that house what have you been hearing lately is it that vehicle what have you been hearing lately is it a second phd what have you been hearing lately is it getting married say yes say yes clap your hands as i preach it out [Music] my old pastor yes my old pastor got married at the age of 85. he married a woman at the age of 84 because he believed it could be done sisters and brothers you never too old to believe for a thing you're never too young to believe for a thing you're never too broke to believe for a thing you're never too sick to believe for a thing you've never been so high that you can't believe it's a mystery of faith and it's working in me i said it's working in me and it's working in you clap your hands as you believe with me there was a man who was sick on the bed four men carried him the door was closed the windows were shut so they climbed onto the roof and when jesus saw their faith tell someone believe with me i can't do this by myself believe with me i can't get this miracle by myself believe with me clap your hands if you believe believe with me that kingdom with israel is built belief [Music] believe with me that the woman next to you is a multi multi millionaire clap your hands if you believe it it's a mystery it's a mystery looking at some of you that start with us as teenagers it's a mystery that you hear as a little boy the tvs those years were tubes tv used to come on at five o'clock and ten o'clock you see that picture picture with the rhodesian national anthem and tv was done and so you'll find manchester manchester united from five to six which is the cartoon part of the tv arsenal is quick to join and so cartoons was at a certain time and then the news bulletin came on at eight o'clock read by sonja hatton and roy brushington and then tv was done one channel one i heard the other day barry you have 38 000 different options and channels i have an amazon tablet not much of a movie person but when i got the amazon tablet last year as i opened it it gave me options to 6500 movies which even if i lived several lifetimes i wouldn't be able to watch all those movies and so what i am saying here is that so many options are being opened for you and so you have to then navigate by faith you need the spirit of faith to choose the right one coming off the m1 uh from birmingham and trying to get into dunstable uh the last exit on m1 going into london is the watford exit and so trying to get into dunstable as you come off the freeway there are six different roads that you can take six six because the roundabout goes over the freeway again and around and so on and so sometimes when you don't know which direction you take you can spend half your life going on the roundabout trying to say is this the exit is this the one is this the one is this the one before the end of the year you will come off the roundabout you will find the right exit that will lead you to the right destination can you hear what i'm saying our roundabout at pick and pay going home that roundabout has four options the first one the left is a rubbery drive you land up at the chabookas for braised beef the one straight will take you to mutare mozambique which is our road and the one to the right goes into an industrial area or to the pick and place doors but the other one which we never really see is the one we just came off on and so what a lot of people do is they go on the roundabout and take the exit and go back to where they've come from it will not be so in your life the gift of faith the spirit of faith the anointing of faith is going to lead you in the right direction this ten dollar bill has faith it can do what ten dollars can do what's meanwhile it has faith it can do what ten dollars can do this twenty has faith it can do what twenty dollars can do but here is the mystery of faith when this ten dollars starts believing it can do the work of a hundred dollars and when the ten dollar believes you can do the work of a hundred dollars you will get a million dollar house for a hundred thousand we get a hundred thousand dollar house for ten thousand can you hear what i'm saying i've walked it i've seen it i believe it and so pray up to me say heavenly father allow faith allow the faith allow an anointing of faith to be displayed in my lifestyle like abraham you promised me a son and the son didn't manifest for 25 years father led that kind of faith come on you all let that kind of faith be demonstrated in my spirit in my mind and in my lifestyle give and believe that your tithing will open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that that the that the heavens that your life can't contain [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] is [Music] you
Channel: Tudor Bismark
Views: 4,622
Rating: 4.814815 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Tudor Bismark, Bishop Bismark, Tudor Bismark Sermons, Bishop Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismarck, ChiChi Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismark, ChiChi, Bismarck
Id: 3yVriwng2zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 13sec (4573 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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