Seeing Change; Prophesy to the Wind – Bishop Tudor Bismark

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[Music] [Music] [Music] well hi new life covenant church and our viewers around the world i thank you for joining us on our online church since we've had our challenges with covert 19 church closing we've been online for a while and we want to thank you for your support you know the online program is so important because there are individuals who are unable to be in church for all kinds of reasons especially in zimbabwe but to new like covenant churches in zimbabwe and particularly in harare thank you for your support we are consistently raising money for all kinds of avenues to keep the ministry going for keeping the staff and office going but again kingdom cathedral is a very important aspect of our ministry and we want to thank you for sewing and giving on the screen are places you can give and support please continue to work with us uh we're hoping that as the uh country opens a bit more and more the city opens a bit more and more we'll be able to accommodate you in our services nine o'clock and in 11 o'clock every sunday thank you for your support we love you guys and we'll see you week after week after week [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] come on [Music] everybody [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] are you ready to dance for the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] keep them [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] ten foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah who is like you lord there is nobody but god hallelujah come and live the name of the lord are you gonna press in this morning hallelujah [Music] [Music] who is like a lord you know [Music] [Music] nothing in this world is [Music] say your presence is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] he is the treasure of my heart and my soul's a treasure of is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] father your presence is everything to [Music] [Music] lord your friends [Music] in everything that we do [Music] lord your presence is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] greetings everybody this morning good to have everybody in church with us and we're grateful that you are here just a couple of things we want to mention to you before we read our scripture uh where having church according to the regulations that the government has spelled out the ministry of health the statutory instrument has come up where churches are allowed together everybody has to produce a vaccination card when you enter in at some point in the distant future we may discuss to be or not to be that is the question and so [Music] for all of those that aren't able to be here because they don't have a vaccination card we would encourage everyone to follow us online and thank you for supporting our online program this is extremely important our guys have kept us going now for just in about 20 months online almost entirely and exclusively which we so appreciate and we don't take it lightly lightly also to all of you that have been giving consistently week after week uh on your on our respective platforms and also coming into the office between monday sometimes to saturday people coming in with their support ties offering special giving we're so very very grateful and god richly bless you for that also we want to thank all of our leaders for consistently and regularly on a daily basis in some cases on a weekly on others for posting on your respective platforms uh responsible messaging of encouraging encouragement upliftment i want to thank those that like the mazingers and kafka i know a couple of names like bija timothy and many others that are visiting homes where they can especially when somebody has lost a loved one and so many have lost loved ones so many we just got report today of another family that's lost a loved one as you are aware we have and so our condolences to all of you as family members our heartfelt condolences we will be announcing in the future we will be hosting a couple of memorial services here so that we can honor those that have passed and honor the families and we will announce those memorial services we're not in a hurry to have them we're just trying our best to get back to having church and public meetings in the manner we are today turn to three people and just say it's really good to see you i don't recognize you but it's good to see you okay the theme for 2021 is seeing the kingdom seeing the kingdom and today's message is seeing change subtitle is uh prophesy to the wind prophesy to the wind prophesy to the wind this is part two i want to go to john chapter number three and verse number eight nicodemus comes to jesus at night says we know you're a teacher come from god for no man can say these things and perform these miracles as if god be with him jesus said if you want to see the kingdom you have to be born again shall i enter a second time into my mother's womb to be born again jesus said no you have to be born of water and of the spirit if you are going to enter into the kingdom verse 8 for the wind blows where it pleases king james says listed the wind blows where it wants we don't know where it comes from we don't know where it's going the wind blows where it listed but we hear the sound of the wind but you can't tell where it's coming from or where it's going so is everyone that is born of the spirit we don't know where they're coming from we don't know where they're going to we don't know what tribe what people group what age what gender they're from the spirit will fall on each and every individual let's go now to ezekiel 37 verse 9 before we start breaking this message down ezekiel 37 9. he had asked him the question can these bones live he said i don't know you know and so he then tells them to prophesy to the bones and so to the bones and so he begins to prophesy on the bones and each bone is joined together each one from the feet all the way up and then in verse number 9 of chapter 37 then he said to me prophesy to the wind prophesy son of man and say to the wind thus says the lord come from the four winds everyone say the four winds everyone say the four winds come from the four winds o breath and breathe upon these slain that they may live verse number 10 so i prophesy please say that three times it's quite fascinating they're saying it in in three parts over there i listen to these they were prophesied so i prophesied as he commanded me and the breath came into them and they lived and stood upon their feet an exceeding great army father had a blessing to your word prophesy to the wind daniel chapter number seven verse two in his many visions uh prior to this daniel was with meshech and bendigo from chapter number five we don't see these proteges when there's a handwriting on the wall many many tickle you fasten which by interpretation means thou art weight in the balances and found wanting there's no real support for daniel there even when daniel is standing alone because he's praying three times a day facing jerusalem and he's an alliance then you don't see the other guys there and so in daniel chapter number seven and verse two he said i saw in uh a vision by night which means that daniel was now in a night season in his life and in that vision he said i saw i saw in my vision by night the four winds of the heaven and these four winds began to fight and strive with the winds on the great sea the winds of heaven began to strive with the winds that were on the great sea which is the mediterranean sea and out of that came four great beasts and these beasts were so different one from another let's go now to zechariah 2 verse 4 and i'll come back to daniel quickly hoho come forth and flee from the land of the north says the lord for i have spread you abroad as the four winds of heaven says the lord so there's a couple of things we'll look at here very quickly by bowling this message back to daniel chapter number seven and verse number two daniel is now seeing in the ninth season of his life he's not just seeing a vision at night he's actually seeing a vision in the night season of his life and in this night season of his life there's a change of administration a change of government a change of powers and he then sees the four winds of heaven coming down and hitting the mediterranean sea this uh mediterranean sea called the great sea here has basically four great powers we have the spanish which is spain the french which is france the italians or the romans which was rome and the christians which is greece uh egypt was no longer a major power egypt at this time of daniel's vision was in the past and so these four great nations each of them with their own philosophy their own ideology their own significance and prominence still today still today and in that time the christians had expanded were about to expand way beyond that of babylon and then the medes and the persians and so daniel now is seeing the future of the grecian empire with its language and also beginning to see the roman empire with their language and influence and their significant ideologies what he does see there he sees four winds the winds of heaven everyone say four wins he saw the winds of heaven and he saw those winds begin to blow on these four different ideologies these four philosophies these four distinct pillars of human society in terms of gentilic nations and so that wind is coming we we don't know where the wind is coming from uh archimedes the great uh scientist slash mathematician slash philosopher archimedes comes before the great christian empire the great christian philosophy that birthed arist uh toddlers and uh socrates and plato and many others so archimedes actually is the beginning he is the head of the winds that are going to blow in greece as were others for different philosophies and so what the property is now beginning to see in his conversation he's going to see what these winds are going to do and what they're going to produce everyone say prophesy to the wind and so what wind does firstly wind creates an atmosphere wind creates an atmosphere it creates a change in climate wind number two is a sign or a symbol so whenever wind is blowing both now literally and also metaphorically scripturally god uses it as a sign elijah uh david when the wind is blowing in the mulberry tree moses when the wind is blowing across the red sea we'll get to that wind is a wind brings a new day wind brings a new thing so whenever wind is blowing a new day is dawning so nicodemus the wind is blowing a new day is coming we are having this conversation at midnight you are representing the past i'm representing the future and for you to be part of the future you have to allow that wind of change to change your philosophy paul said we mustn't be drawn to and fro and tossed to and fro by every wind of philosophy every wind of change we have to be driven by one specific idea which is the godly idea of jesus christ being the head of his church number five the wind basically is used to describe a move of god so god will then signify i'm about to move i'm signifying it by the wind so if you are an egyptian and you don't know the jehovah the deliverer that has brought israel out to the mighty hand the fact that the wind is blowing that is unusual in that season you should know this is a sign of something coming six wind is a facilitator wind is a facilitator but the wind does it facilitates precipitation facilitates rainfall it wind facilitates the carrying of seeds if you travel towards the eastern islands in zimbabwe going towards the malawi border a mozambican border you'll pass certain uh massive massive hills or mountains slash rocks and right on the top right on the top you will see trees growing or grass growing looking from the window of my office looking into the gutters there's grass growing there how did it get there wind is a participant a facilitator of caring seed and so from here from your house from your center the wind will take your idea the wind will take what you believe to some distant place and that seed will take root there and perchance in san jose per chance in singapore perchance somewhere in china somebody will get wind of your idea and throw money at your idea because the wind has carried your idea and your way your idea is taking root there are four different types of winds that are mentioned here four winds it's one breath four winds please say that say that again please so what happens is it's god speaking so as god's breath comes out it splits into four the first one by the greeks they call it and no my spell n a n e m o i that signifies the north wind it signifies cold air winter air the second wind is called zephyrus z-e-p-h-y-r-u-s sorry i didn't have my slides ready that wind basically is the west wind it brings early summer breezes the third wind is notas n-o-t-u-s that's the salt wind it brings the harvest it brings the late summer autumn harvest and the last wind is eras or eurus e-u-r-u-s that win basically is turbulent it's the wind that tosses on the trusses ships on the sea and so on and so forth and so when you consider for example the four winds if i can describe it this way it's one breath forward say that so let me do it in musical terms it's one orchestra four expressions say that so if i'm the conductor standing here and i'm directing and conducting the orchestra on my immediate left i would have the strings violin viola cello deep bass but those are all strings on my left right would have the woodwinds clarinet saxophones which would be tenor sex baritone sex alto sex soprano sex clarinets oboe etc in my immediate front i would have the breath section trumpet french horn trombone cuba et cetera et cetera and on my right the noisy neighbors that's percussion that's the drums the kettle drum the deep drum i played drums in embark way and then i played drums at founders high my first instrument or musical expression was drums and i remember when i used to play for uh the founders high band i would have you know the clarinets busy going the guys on the strings are going i'm just standing there waiting waiting and then after 150 bars a bar is where you count one two three four two two three four three two three four four two three four and so on and so forth so you counting one two three four two two three four three two three four four two four four i'd be waiting because i'm only coming in to hit the bass drum once 152 34 boom that's why these are the noisiest bunch and so what happens is that it's one orchestra i'm reading my sheet of music for percussion i'm reading it concentrating so that i don't come in at 149 234 151 234 but the the conductor has all the music for all the expressions every person going through those shots moving so on so it's one voice god then god distributes his breath into four expressions and calls them the winds of heaven the east wind the west wind the south wind the north wind each wind showing an expression of who god is and what god is then is said found in ezekiel chapter number one in ezekiel chapter number one verse number five ezekiel now is getting a view of heaven he's at chiba on the banks of the river chiba and he's suddenly taken into heaven and in the midst of heaven he's going to see god but he can't see god because god is a spirit 4 24 of john he expects us to worship him in spirit and in truth and so what he sees is he's four living creatures these four living creatures are the face of a let me read it the one had four faces four wings these creatures were number one the face of a man verse 10. number two the face of a lion number three the face of an ox and number four the face of an eagle those four faces fit the four winds so the north wind is the face of a man because the human being literally when your heart stops you're cold a human being is generally cruel a human being is generally selfish as seen with the first sin she did not consult her man took the fruit and gave it to him to eat and then when you look at the journey a biblical journey of human beings you'll see human beings are cold beings of course david could kill a thousand men just so he could present the foreskins of those men just to marry a girl that's cold and on and on we can go so the face of a man is drawn to the north wind turn to your neighbor say warm up a little say warm up a little uh she's a very nice man a very gentle man and uh i'm sure there's a few guys that are young boys that are zoe and hosanna's age that tanashi will be nice to but the day that young man comes to the house and says apostle great prophet uh our news brothers castro phantasy please can i take hosanna for a cup of coffee hey he will see the cold lashing of a kind man the south wind is the wind of a lion when the lion begins to move on the lands on the prairie lands no prairie lands on the savannah lands when the land begins to move you know that it's time for eating it's time for feasting it's time for reproduction so the south wind is the face of a lion it's a sign of blessing it's a sign of prosperity it's a sign of progress the east wind is the sign of the face of a cherub the face of a cherub not the face of a man not the face of a lion is the face of a cherub which is an angel that has two wings and so if you look at for example when adam and eve were removed from the garden god put a cherub at the east gate which is a sign of opportunity it's a sign that things have changed it's a sign that it's a different and new day so on the ark of the covenant they won six weeks six winged angels seraphims who were offering incense in isaiah chapter number six they were cherubim so when you see the face of a cherub you know that the cherub will not allow you to partake of the fruit will not allow you but take off the fruit if you have not uh if you have not come to uh a position of agreement with what god requires you have to agree with what god requires the cherub holding a sword will not allow you in and so what ezekiel is seeing here in terms of the wind is seeing an angel the face of a cherub guarding the east wind that wind as moses saw in genesis chapter number 14 and verse number 21 god sent an east wind but notice what went before the east wind god said i'm sending my angel before you not an ordinary angel it was a cherub an angel that was announcing to egypt announcing to the covenant people you've been in slavery for over 400 years the angel is announcing to you that this is an absolutely new day and a blessed day and then finally the west wind the west wind ezekiel saw the face of an eagle because it is that eagle sisters and brothers as the ego begins to sow when we wait on the lord and we are of good courage we shall mount up with the wings as eagles and so i know you're waiting for your blessing i know you're waiting for whatever you're waiting for something to transpire what you have to know that when the west wind begins to blow know that the face of an eagle is going to be the feature in your life and you are going to be able to soar and go higher than all of those that have come before you in this season you don't need a cold face of a man in this season you don't need the brazen face of a bold lion in this season you definitely uh don't need the strength and the force of of of a cherub that that will not compromise has to do it right and no wrong if you do it wrong you're going to be sliced at this time you definitely need the the spirit of an eagle to cause you to rise above to to nest above to recreate yourself above eagles always recreate their future they they in the older age they will inflict hurt on themselves to to break their beak so they can feed again susan brothers for most people in this room i'm praying that the west wind the wind of an eagle the face of an eagle will shine upon your life and so now the four winds that come out of one breath in a given setting like this every individual will have a different wind in your life as a people group in the earth the whole family of man we are definitely in a season of darkness it is the night time in the whole family of man globally we are actually facing a very austere wind it's the wind of it's the face of man there are no men in the earth a handful that actually have answers look at what's happening in afghanistan a decision made to pull troops out afghanistan is is in a free form one side is celebrating victory because they have waited for decades to get to this place of government another side is fearing for their lives people are at the on the runways trying to get out and so you have the cold face of man we are facing a global pandemic where where of people have died so many are still uh becoming sick there are no cures for malaria there are challenges with school there are challenges with getting into university they are even if you can the the cost just getting online and so what we've been facing system brothers is the cold face of man looking for answers pastors bishops apostles leaders looking for answers each and every one of us rendering opinions based on our life experience based on our understanding of the scriptures based on our journeys all of those we have been facing a very very austere north wind the face of a man but if i can announce to you now that the west wind across the family of man is about to blow it's a wind of liberation it's a wind of proclaiming the blessing of god it's a wind that's bringing tremendous rainfall announcing sea time has come it's a wind that's announcing abundance it's that wind if you will look at chapter number 18 verse 41 of first kings first kings 18 verse 41. earlier in the day elijah is asking the prophets of baal saying to every one of them if your god is god let him answer by fire and they dancing and cutting themselves and so on and so forth elijah then gets up prays a short prayer fire falls from heaven and he says if god be god worship him and the people bow down and then elijah took a sword and killed 450 prophets false prophets of baal and then elijah goes and he begins to pray he prays seven times we're not sure what he prayed james said he's a man of like passions as we are and he prayed but when elijah began to pray first kings 18 41 elijah said to ahab get up eat and drink for there is the sound of the abundance of rain and as he began to pray the bible says his servant he's servant on the seventh time when he was praying verse 42 verse 42 elijah went up to the top of mount carmel cast himself john upon the earth put his face between his knees and said to his servant go look towards the sea so the sea was behind him which was the west so the west wind now was coming to announce the drought is over there's been a famine for three and a half years the drought is coming to an end i can hear a sound i can't see the rain i can smell something in the air there's something changing in my body it's not happened the first time so i'm going to pray again and ask my servant don't look towards the east don't look towards the north or the south those winds have served their purpose in their season i want to see if there's the west wind coming because that west wind is going to pick up moisture over the mediterranean sea and come with it and bring and announce a new season and a new day and verse 43 of first kings chapter number 18. the scripture says and his servants uh went look towards the sea went up and looked there was nothing everyone say there is nothing say there is nothing and he said what go again he said what go again sister brothers i'm telling you go again get up tomorrow morning and go again in the midst of tragedy get up and go again invest again have hope again prophesy again pray again believe again because the seventh time here comes the west green verse 44 and it came to pass at the seventh time behold a little cloud began to rise out of the sea like a man's hand and he said tell am to repair because there is an abundance of rain verse 45 he came to pass that in the meanwhile that heaven was black in other words quickly what couldn't happen in three and a half years just quickly the heaven was black and they were black with clouds and watch this and winds and there was great rain shout great rain i'm telling you you have to prophesy to the wind in the middle of a long drought that we've all been through as an as a a people group in the earth as a zimbabwean nation as individual families i'm seeing a great cloud rising out of the sea and i'm i'm seeing automatically out of nowhere storm clouds rising and thunder crashing and lightning flashing and small little drops of rain turning into giant clusters of raindrops falling on your dried part soul falling on your empty uh wallets falling on your dried up accounts and on your business that has had no hope where you couldn't find anything happening in your life i i feel a wind beginning to rise up in your life shout the wind is about to blow i said shout the wind is about to blow the wind is beginning to blow in your life and so now in my closing if you are an ezekiel that has been through so much in your life and you've lost so much in your life and you sacrifice so much in your life god brings you to a valley full of dry bones and the bible says the bones were very very dry i mean they can't get drier than very very dry and god is going to ask the prophet the question can these bones live oh son of man and he said lord you know if they can live again and so we prophesied on those bones and the bible says bones came together each bone joining to its own part forming a significant individual anatomy body and then those bodies joining and to become a great army and after they had become a great army he prophesied to the bones to live and the bones joined together and my logic and rationalism that if god could use my words to bring those bones to live again and then god says to me prophesy now to the wind it's time for you to prophesy to the wind but don't just speak to the north wind don't just speak to the south wind don't just speak to the east or the west wind he said prophesy to all the winds take those winds that have gone into four different expressions and reel them back into the breath of god in other words you breathe on this country as you driving down your respective streets and avenues going to wherever you live don't breathe or complain don't breathe a sigh of relief just let wind come out of your mouth and speak the blessing of the lord in every area and so prophesy to the wind shout to the wind it's time for you to blow again it's time for you to win where you've lost it's time for you to gain where it's been taken away it's time for increase where there's been lack it's time for hope where there's been no hope it's time for the sun to shine again it's time for the rain clouds to move and the sun to come upon my harvest it's time for the blessing of god to awaken in my life and shine upon my life so i say to the north wind i say to the south wind i say to the east wind and i say to the west wind rise up now and blow in my life remove the stench of death remove the stench of failure wind blow in my life and speak blessing all over my life shout the wind is blowing again the bible says the wind began to blow so i prophesied as i was commanded and breath came into them and they lived and stood up on their feet and became an exceeding great army what was dead a few minutes ago is becoming a multinational a multi a multi uh expressional army in your life where there was no life now you have men with weapons where there was no hope you have organized structures moving forward and he said to me son of man let the wind blow in your life on the day of pentecost acts 2 and verse 1 when it was fully come they were in one place and one accord and suddenly suddenly a mighty wind was coming i'm commanding a suddenly wind in your life i said i'm commanding a suddenly windy in your life suddenly wind come suddenly winds blow suddenly wind flow in my life grab your hands for a new expression [Applause] say the face of an eagle is looking at me now say that again they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength stand with me they shall mount up with wings as eagles jesus died as a man the face of a man jesus died as an ox the face of a sacrifice when jesus died there were angels right below his cross they are seen at the tomb but jesus death caused him to saw and mount with wings as eagles and so those looking upon his face they saw the disappointment of man they saw a bleeding ox they saw hopelessness hopelessness but three days later as an eagle he went higher than any cheer up could go higher than any human being had ever gone higher than moses and elijah that spoke to him few chapters before his death and into his resurrection i'm praying for that wind that west wind that new rain that new blessing to fall upon each and every life upon each and every life every single offering that we've had the chance to give whatever it is we we are giving to new hope in our lives based on the tragedy that we have been through and you hope for this church this ministry for kingdom cathedral for every individual for schools school teachers professors business people pastors bishops apostles all over this country that controversy or controversy will not rule our day and will not dictate our night but that the unity of the brethren the unity of the body of christ would come together that we all in open face will be all the glory of the lord i pray that god will bless your offering that god will bless your giving thank you for giving on the screens there are ways in which you can give thank you for your patronage thank you for giving on the various platforms i pray that god will bless your offering and bless your giving and may the wind blow favorably in your life in jesus name [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Tudor Bismark
Views: 6,758
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Tudor Bismark, Bishop Bismark, Tudor Bismark Sermons, Bishop Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismarck, ChiChi Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismark, ChiChi, Bismarck
Id: lbsxy4beEe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 32sec (3692 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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