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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] this is where we are but not where we will stay these are our sundays our wednesdays our everydays this is our passion our heartbeat our song we don't have any members because we are family whether for the first time or the hundredth time for the good times and even the bad this place has been good but now we go to better we go to a sanctuary a place of rest and refuge a place we can call home a home for our god a home for us all let's go together [Music] the journey has begun come with us kingdom cathedral a new home for new life covenant church for everything you do in our lives [Applause] [Music] oh oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] and [Music] um me [Music] oh [Music] good morning you left covenant church uh bishop here as always has been the case for the last number of months we've had to bring recordings to you because of the coronavirus covert 19 protocols and we're told that in certain places it's it's increasing and we really want to encourage all the viewers to really take care you know wear that mask wash your hands social distancing is so important you know south africa is becoming an epicenter that i just pray that they don't get out of control it will affect its neighbors and we're one of them and i just pray that we observe the lockdown regulations these are important it's for our own good for our families good and thank you for adhering to that we have started a series at the beginning of the year which ultimately will be a book or a series of books and it's entitled entering the kingdom and we had so many different teachings i began a mini-series of that series which is enemies of the kingdom we dealt with poverty famine we also are dealing with last week we dealt with an enemy of a kingdom which is unbelief and that was a very powerful message i really my faith really jumped in dealing with unbelief last week we dealt with confusion and enemy of the kingdom this week which is a two-part message i'm going to do part one is enemy of the kingdom tormenting spirits tormenting spirits and for this we will be studying uh all not studying by just breezing through the demonic hierarchical system just breezing through it uh but i want to deal with particular the things that into the kingdom tormenting spirits tormenting spirits and for our scripture reading i'm starting in samuel first samuel chapter 16. the backdrop of this story is that saul has been anointed king he's won a couple of victories now that he could be trusted the lord gave him a task which was simply go and annihilate the amalekites get rid of all of them because of what they did to the children of israel in exodus 17. the amalekites were known as scavengers marauders they would target weak people weak nations weak societies and and take everything they had and so the first war that israel fought as a nation was against amalek and joshua is named there for the first time the word writing is named there for the first time moses was sitting on a rock which was christ his son-in-law married to miriam her his name was her he was a hundred years old uh aaron was on his left who was the high priest he was the younger brother but in the capacity of a prophet so her was in the capacity of an of an apostle mariam's sister was a prophetess miriam his wife brother was a prophetess and aaron is standing here as a prophet because the lord told moses in exodus seven verse one uh i am making you a god in the presence of pharaoh and aaron shall be your prophet so the entire uh family were prophets and so they're sitting on a moses sitting on a rock christ not standing because we're sitting at the right hand of the father in heavenly places in christ jesus on the right we have apostolic authority on the left we have prophetic penetration and moses has his rod which is the apostolic rod of correction and direction that will separate and and create anything we need and uh so with this war of amalek the lord says to moses at the end of exodus 17 write this in the book for all generations to know that i will take vengeance with amalek until every one of them are removed from the face of the earth and the years roll by joshua leads the promise into the promised land that's 40 years and the years roll by that from joshua joshua dies he gathers all the elders he says as for me and my house we shall serve the lord and then the years roll by again we go into the book of judges and we go into 14 judges and that's over a period of 300 years the last of the judges becomes the first of the prophets he was born of a barren woman whose name was hannah who through intercessory prayer prayed a very deep prayer and a backslidden high priest thought she was drunk but she was praying in other tongues and said to a god has heard your prayer because out of your body is coming a prophet and samuel was born he was raised in the house of eli who was old fat and blind old meaning he was not in touch with the law obese means that he had been eating the fat of the land and wasn't concerned about the health of his people and blind meant that he could see no revelation and then his sons were immoral phineas and hofny and the bible says they abused the offerings and they abused the women in the nation of israel and so god called samuel three times in a night dream he was only nine years old and there's five times the bible uses uh where god calls a man twice by his name there was moses moses it was samuel samuel there was peter peter and there was saul saul and i don't remember the other one but samuel samuel was called first and whenever god calls a person by their name twice it simply means that they have an earthly authority and a heavenly anointing that means whatever he's done in earth he has been sanctioned in heaven and what heaven has sanctioned they can do on earth and so he calls him samuel samuel and one of the promises that your words will not fall to the ground and one of the things that samuel was mandated to do was to anoint a king because the people asked for a king and the king that god chose god chose this man his name was saul god chose him he said there's a man from kish he's a poor man he's a humble man he's very very humble he's extremely good looking he's in the business of trading uh animals and donkeys but i want you to sit in the gate and bring him because he is the one i want you to anoint as king and he anoints saul as king against his own personal wishes and saul does well for a while he does well for a while but then when he begins to gain wealth and riches and understand that he has power even the power to take human life he begins to exploit that power and in the law it was not legal for a man to be a priest and a king at the same time uh only if you were from a certain order and so saul was from the tribe of benjamin through whom kingship was permitted because in one of the blessings given was that benjamin would have a royal anointing and that scene by his name son of my right hand which is the fivefold ministry which includes apostolic royalty and also benjamin was given five changes of clothing by joseph benjamin was the second son of rachel and whom jacob loved and joseph was the first son of rachel and so joseph is a type of old testament that god had raised up in old testament israel that god had raised up and blessed and given all the blessings leading up to the time of the church and benjamin is given a hint that he's the new testament church because joseph gives benjamin five changes of clothing when joseph reveals his identity in other words when the old testament is revealed in its purpose it then activates the change of clothing five changes of clothing apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher benjamin was the only one that could have five changes of clothing revealing a new testament church and so saul who was a custodian of the old testament being the first king he was a king of the natural world and should have been a good king he was going to meet the king of the spiritual world which was from the the priesthood of melchizedek which was from judah and so he was representing the natural kings of the earth how a natural king should live and david was coming to represent how a spiritual king in the earth should behave so you have the natural first that's first chronic uh corinthians chapter number 15 around about verse 40. you have the natural first then the spiritual you have the physical and then the spiritual you have heaven and earth uh two of them what you bind here is bound there what's your binder is bound here so god is initiating now uh royal kingship in the earth and so one of his jobs as the natural king was to get rid of anything that is a work of the flesh and the first assignment was deal with the amalekites because amalek is the work of the flesh the the flesh always destroys the spiritual if you weaken the spirit if you weaken spiritual things the flesh takes control if you weak in prayer the the amalekites will raid the small little treasures you have and so god said we must take vengeance on the amalekites so samuel comes to him and says god is pleased with you you have an assignment now as the natural king you've got to take care of natural enemies in the earth amalekites are first and so he goes he does his job but he saves little pieces of the amalekites he saves the king which is the one he should have killed first because if you kill the headship of a thing it's unlikely that the rest of its body would survive if you kill a snake don't cut off its tail take off its head and so it's head first and so he saves the head which means that this thing is going to be alive to bite future generations and he saves all of the idolic idolatry uh instruments for worship which were the fat sheep and the fat cows these were used to worship the amalekite gods which was baal perez zach and all of that and samuel god's priest and prophet was so displeased and said what you have done god is not pleased he said but i brought this for spiritual things and he's saying the natural man cannot please god the natural man cannot please and understand the things of god they are spiritually discerned this king should have been killed all of these animals should have been destroyed but what you have done is you've opened a window now to extend this evil in the earth and so god is cutting you off he has found someone else to take your place and so now the natural man or the natural adam is cut off and now you're going to see the spiritual adam or the spiritual man being released and so we pick up the reading now in chapter number 16 of first samuel i feel stronger than anyone be here this afternoon but the spirit of the lord departed from saul and an evil spirit took its place the bible says from the lord an evil spirit from the lord took its place so there's no vacuum in nature nature abhors a vacuum so the minute god's spirit moved out okay uh now an evil spirit the lord gave permission it's not like the lord sent an evil spirit the lord gave the nod it's okay for the evil spirit to follow that space because we're not putting an angel in that space you'll see this in the book of job chapter number one where the lord gave a nod to satan to touch job so now that the lord the anointing has moved away from saul an evil spirit fills that space and it became so evident in verse 15 the servant said to saul behold now an evil spirit from god troubles you in other words god's no longer blessing you something has full that space verse 16 let our lord with a small l now command your servants which are before you to seek out a man who is a cunning player on the harp and it shall come to pass that when the evil spirit from god comes on you and the spirit troubles you that he shall play with his hand and you shall be well and so they already had the idea they knew what to do but they had to make it like it was his idea and so saul was so messed up such a psychopath look what he says this is his idea and source it to his servants oh i got a good idea provide me now a man that can play well and bring him to me and then they said well there's such a man who was one of uh the servants said there's such a man and we've seen him he's the son of jesse he's a bethlehemite he's a cunning musician he can play well he is a mighty valent man a man of war prudent in matters a comely person and the lord is with him and so souls cio was working for him because they had the intelligence on all the families and david is the youngest of uh seven brothers uh some say he had he was the eighth of seven some say he was the seventh of seven but he was just the youngest so the the central intelligence already knew who was who and so they had nominated david now verse number 19. so wherefore saul sent mr jesse and said send me david your son which is with your sheep so the cio knew it was really with the sheep they knew he was a man of war they knew he was valiant they knew he had integrity they knew everything about this man because of who he was verse number 21 and david came to saul so here you have the spirit and now you have the flesh so notice is david came to saul it's not saul comes to david because it's the spirit first then the flesh second so david came to saul and stood before him and he loved him greatly and he became his armor-bearer and he came to pass that when the evil spirit would come to terms saul the flesh the works of the flesh that david would get in the spirit play his heart with his hands and soul was refreshed and was well and the evil spirit departed from him which may have been forever and so saul then was dealing with the sins of the flesh and they were tormenting spirits that would torment him they would come on him often and just as a a uh a sideline uh the tormenting spirits were what was were just talk they weren't uh spirits of the heavens they were earthly spirits that were tormenting because david is going to deal with spirits of the heavenlies and the first one you'll see is in the next chapter genesis uh genesis iowa first samuel 17 where he deals with goliath and goliath starts talking about his gods that he cursed david by his gods or his demonic leaders and so for this david has an anointing to deal with demonic gods spirits of the heavens so these tormenting spirits are nothing he's just going to sing a simple chorus and they'll go but these tormenting spirits are hinderers they are enemies of the kingdom so here are the tormenting spirits number one they come in clusters they don't come one at a time they come in clusters and they all start screaming in your ears at the same time producing confusion and they torment and they are constantly over your bed or over your chair or in the lounge and the moment you open your eyes before you can even say something whatever you had done whatever it is you've done these things start tormenting you and they use guilt and they torment that you just can't get a it's like loud speakers in your ear you did this you stole monkeys money yeah you took lillian's this you did this this you know uh that's why you hiv positive torment torment torment number two they come with an assignment number one they come in classes number two they come with an assignment the heavenly spirits uh demonic princes the principalities assign these things they'll say judah bismarck has done this we want to break him down but before we break him down you have to torment him so that you break down his will power you break down his strength because he's a he's got a strong will he's solely strong in the lord he's made a mistake but you need to torment him that he starts losing his mind they come with an assignment number two number three they come unrelenting they don't give up they push push push push push push on the bus on the train in the plane in the toilet in the bath trying to watch a decent football game they're just they're unrelenting unrelenting unrelenting and they they they don't allow you to have peace number four they come with accusation you did a small thing a small thing but they make it big and they accuse and accuse and accuse and accuse number five they come and they add pressure and they use the the tool of guilt they add pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure and you can see somebody at work that was a good woman or a good guy and suddenly this person starts losing their shine they don't have the glow they don't have the bouncing they step they're no longer as effervescent as they normally would be you know they looking a little bit more tired and exasperated you know they look like they've been sleeping and the fumes of an imbala have got them all drunk and all or they were smoking benzene or something they're just like duckworth you know they they look like uh whatever the case might be and and so lastly they come number seven they come adding mental stress mental stress even to the point where you don't want to live you don't want to leave the house some people even contemplate suicide they bring mental stress and you you suddenly now start finding that you have to have medication and it's not a medical issue you have or a mental trust challenge you have the problem you have is a tormenting spirit it's been tormenting you from here for years and years and it's come with clusters and if you can't imagine watching for example if you've watched the lion king you know and it's like when those hyenas are coming for little simba who thinks he's killed his father mufasa and has come and they come together and even if you watch national geographic pictures where a lion kills its prey and then the hyenas come and they come with that silly little laugh and the little gigger and they all and they're taking bites and nibbles those are the tormenting spirits they don't have power to get their own kill they they torment torment torment okay goliath goliath introduces himself as a giant but as a tormenting spirit and so after saul is tormented watch me now after soul is tormented and david removes those tormenting spirits which is through praise and worship and and so that's why you've got to have praise and worship music that's why you've got to have it in your car have it in in by your bedside have it if you're a run or a jogger because you keep those tormenting spirits away amen it brings peace on your life it moves cementing spirits so watch how the giant is going to be introduced now in gen in uh first samuel 17 they rose up a champion from gath the bible says and day and night he will shout give me a man i need a real man so i think i'm a man judah i'm a man i've got four sons i've done well i've drive a nice car i i've looked after my wife i've taken on holiday and so now there's this huge brute of a man saying give me a man and so now i don't feel like i'm a man because this is a man's man he's a giant so what the the tormenting spirits do is that they do the groundwork to introduce the demonic prince so they start tormenting israel 39 mornings yes this giant i want a man huh i want a man a bunch of cowards no you don't even deserve to be you say god is your god give me a man and then soul is eating a drumstick of a chicken this man they bring him a whole a leg of a sheep and he's eating it still eating a trump's exiting a sheep of a leg he throws it they says bring me another one they bring him all half a leg of a cow and he's basically hit in that cow and so he's trying to eat a lamb drop and he's tormenting 39 nights i'm going to bed tomorrow morning i want a man 39 days and nights now saul has been accustomed to being tormented so the tormenting spirits are tormenting him tormenting him tormenting him 39 nights and 39 days but then the bible says david comes david comes and when david comes now david is going to kill goliath which he does he kills goliath but now look at saul okay after david kills goliath he loves david david can sing he can play he's a people's man he's charismatic he's a sanguine guy ah he becomes his name kwasha now he's the son-in-law he's in the house ah david david david then saul is walking on the veranda one evening you know uh having a cognac maybe and uh a a banned cuban cigar and uh smoking there and he has some little chickies singing there you know david david ten thousand david saw one thousand ha david ten thousand pasty saul one thousand and he's what's this he says no the songs are going out they're singing david has killed ten thousands you've killed a thousand and so should have said this is wonderful at least now i can stay at home i'm an old man let the youngster go and fight you know i'll be at home and reward him so he starts getting jealous of david jealousy opens the door to torment so the things that david got rid of in his life they are looking for a way to come in jealousy he's jealous of the youngster so now the youngster comes to eat and saul is different the tormenting spirits are saying to him i look at him he wants your crown huh look at him your thought is not enough look how pretty he is he's taking all the jam he took the the biggest drumstick look at him he has no respect for you he didn't even comb his hair properly tormenting tormenting and soul is getting angrier and angrier and the more he's being tormented his facial expressions are changing his eyes are getting glassy and they're starting to poke out he starts getting a nervous twitch and every time he sees david he's got this you know and so he's tormented so much so that at dinner now he starts wanting to throw javelins and uh they told david don't go to dinner because if you go to dinner this old man's going to kill you and so david misses one dinner and then the next dinner he was so mad he threw the javelin and he almost killed his son his son jonathan and he tormented and then uh david starts fleeing in the wilderness and saul starts chasing him in the wilderness to kill him it's like he's going crazy and the tormenting spirits are saying kill him kill him kill him kill him the answer is just to kill him and he's going crazy and all these soldiers are riding behind him and they're watching this man obsessed with killing david can't sleep tormented tormented and they get to the cage cave of engetti actually went to the cave of engetti it's massive it's about maybe four times the size of this auditorium maybe six and so saul gets in there there was like bad weather and so he wanted to like uh ease himself have a bathroom break and so david and them had been backed up right into the back of the cave because the cave has a bend and so they had backed himself up in there nobody talking no noise no breathing and soul comes they see him coming sits down he has his toilet break and the guys are telling him this is your chance doesn't do anything and then they move a little forward uh saul moves he goes and he lies down and falls asleep and these guys are so drunk devin and his team now tiptoe around them and he cuts a piece of soul's garment and they tiptoe around him and they move around it takes about an hour to come around and get it to the other side because the cave is here and there's a big valley between the the cave of ingeri and the other side on the other side is like where the sound desk is but there's a huge escarpment it's impossible to get there it'll take an hour to get there and so david starts hitting his sword on his shield his soldier started hitting the sword on the shield and saul comes out and david says to him he says baba he says i was in the cave with you i could have killed you you were chasing me senselessly huh i had you in my hands saw saying rubbish so he says look at your garment that hole there is this piece yeah this here i cut it off this is yours and the bible says that for a moment soul repented oh david my son i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry now david leaves he thinks everything is right the next thing here comes the tormenting spirit again tormenting the regret that you didn't chase david you didn't chase david you should have chased david you should have while you had the chance you could have gone around and you could have gone this way uko and had these guys come this way and block him now he can't sleep at night he's tormented tormented tormented then he's reminded you didn't kill the amalekites torment torment torment so a battle comes up and so samuel says wait for me uh god is with you wait for me i'll come to the sacrifice of bless the sacrifice i bless the troops the victory is yours wait for me now the tormenting spirits are around him you should have taken david when you could you should have you should have and he's being tormented now samuel is he's he's 63. he doesn't know where the keys of the car are you can't find his suit he can't find his tie he's forgetting this huh somebody has to remind him hey somebody you are a sacrifice for saul oh by the way by the way and so instead of getting a horse you know the old chaps are he's got an old donkey old item and you know no fuel and he's in a donkey queue trying to get grass because there's a long line and so now he's on his way hitting the thing and seoul khan can't wait saul can't wait and so now he performs the sacrifice as he performs the sacrifice which was illegal here comes samuel and samuel says what have you done he says i couldn't wait i made myself do it i was impatient and samuel said because of what you've done god was about to give you a second chance but but now the spirit of god is leaving you and he's going to give it to another and as samuel turns away saul grabs him to plead with him and assembles a man's man as he walks it rips his garment and sami returns to him and says as you have rooked my garment your kingdom was going to be given to another now it's going to be ripped away from you please pray me a blessing and he began to be tormented neglecting to uh to wait for for samuel to offer the sacrifice and he's feeling bad and he's being tormented tormented so he's supposed to be the king he's supposed to be ruling with judgment with righteousness he's supposed to be creating opportunities for business he's supposed to be protecting the nation he's supposed to be creating uh you know opportunities for new housing because young couples are getting married he's supposed to be protecting the agricultural land for the shepherds and the herdsmen and those that are raising wheat is it supposed to be protecting people like nabal who have become very wealthy but he's busy tormented tormented and the whole country is going down because of a tormenting spirit the whole family is suffering because the wife has a tormenting spirit the father has a tormenting spirit the child has a dominion spirit the whole family's money is being lost huh this man is trying to find medication he's gone to every doctor in the world the only one that can help him is somebody that they said is jesus that's in the mountain somewhere they don't know which side of the mountain is coming down and so they've got watchers watching which side of the mountain is this man coming and and when jesus arrives the man says we spent all our money my wife has lost her mind this boy from when he was a little boy was bothered by a tormenting spirit the whole family is crazy because of a tormenting spirit we can't rest it's day and night tormenting aside of a nation woman said to jesus please i know that i'm a dog i know what category i'm in but i can't take it anymore my my daughter has been struggling with the tormenting spirit she can't go to school she can't play on the playground she's just tormenting she our body contorts and and so soul has the same thing the spirit is unrelenting now the worst thing for him now when saul tells samuel tells him the kingdom has been ripped away from you now the spirit of rejection jumps on this man and they torment him the spirit of rejection torment him yeah ma always love lillian more than you huh that's why you can't go anywhere ah you had this baby i you this you and now the spirit of rejection yeah bishop do you see he didn't even create you he just passed you and it has nothing to do with that uh there's an emergency somewhere it's not that bishop didn't create you it's not that joke didn't want to do that you know it's none of that it's a tormenting spirit because of the spirits of rejection the spirits of rejection the spirits of rejection and if you suffering with the spirit of rejection you are going to be tormented all your life pray this prayer to me say heavenly father shout heavenly father forgive me for having the spirit of rejection knowing that you have accepted me when i became a christian the spirit of rejection has left me if all people leave me you have promised you will never leave me so you spirit of rejection i reject you now i torment you with my praise and worship you have tormented me with lies you have badgered me now it's my turn i'm going to worship and praise god and torment you come and clap your hands in the name of jesus this tormenting spirit was so bad on the life of saul that samuel goes to anoint david and after david leaves saul's cabin our castle is in the wilderness for years the bible says in chapter 21 of first says samuel that's david goes to the house of uh abinadab and when he gets there he says i need a sword because i have no weapon saul has gone crazy he wants to kill me a tormenting spirit has caused him to be ravenous and the priest said all i have here behind the veils is the sword of goliath yes and david says give it to me because there's no sword like it in the land and so now the giant killer gets a giant killer sword and leaves that place and he says to the priest do you have anything to eat and the priest says him we have nothing here but only five loaves of showbread and the priest said are your men clean and he said yes they are they've not been with women in days and so because of purification laws that had to be the case and so he gave david five loaves sisters and brothers david for the ministry he was about to embark on he had to have a five loaf uh five-fold ministry assurance and so when the priest gives him a five-fold ministry assurance the wilderness will not torment him so chasing him will not torment him uh all kinds of enemies will not torment him but he's being chased by a psychopath but the soul now is driven more is driven by the power of these tormenting spirits so much so that at the end of his life he lands up going to the main sangoma and he goes to the witch and asks for power and through her power she's even able to raise up samuel such a powerful spirit tormenting spirits will lead you to do evil you never thought was in you tormenting spirits will change you into a woman or a man you never meant to be tormenting spirits will put you in desperate measures you'll become a drug addict and you never intended to be an alcoholic you never intended to be you'll become a killer you never intended to be because of tormenting spirits i want you to shake off any tormenting spirit now for some of you you've got guilt it was not your fault the devil told you it's your fault your sister died told you it's your fault your mother got a stroke told you it's your fault uh the the school bus overturned and has been lying all these years the devil is a liar i said that devil is a liar i rebuke that tormenting spirit the kingdom of god is going forward no tormenting spirit can come against you every time a spirit came against jesus the bible called it or tormenting spirit i'm nearly there now a tormenting spirit has the following traits it's root king is the spirit of jezebel amen there's two things about jezebel number one there's the spirit of jezebel and number two there's jezebel's spirit jezebel's spirit is a person's character it's the way they are made up in character some people are gentle and quiet some a little loud and aggressive so jezebel spirit she was a dominant feature she was a strong character a domineering person and she just happened to have a a portfolio as a high priestess in a balaam temple and she was a phoenician uh goddess and so she became opened to the spirit of jezebel or the demonic spirit jezebel and so when you have a person who already is a person with incarnate a person who has chingarism you know when you greet them they look at you as if you know you took their things those are typical people to work with because you say good morning the answer is in their heads shut up you know you open the door for them they treat you bad it's hard when you deal with the person that has a character like jezebel it's just hard people to deal with they stoic they don't have an emotion they just got this china thing about them and and every time you look at them they just look angry and if you have people like that working in your office they dominate the whole office and they make everybody feel bad you know they meet like everybody's gone to the toilet and and missed themselves in there i hate working with people that have that kind of a temperament i like somebody like david who's got flowing hair and curls you know he's walking with the tambourine sure yeah i got to do the accounts but yeah i'm happy yeah man peace jesus god loves you all give me a high five oh sorry covert amen what's up anyway you know let me sing you a song it's better working with people who are jovial and happy and are optimistic not pessimistic who are sanguine and not phlegmatic and and so come on tammy and so david now uh who is that kind of a temperament uh he's going to attract things in his life but but look at the four features of the tormenting spirit they come from jezebel and number one jezebel is controlling number two jezebel is intimidating number three jezebel manipulates number four jezebel dominates and so you'll see those four things in any tormenting spirit or in any person that carries that they love to control they got a controlling spirit they love to intimidate they love to manipulate and they love to dominate anywhere you see that witchcraft is working and it doesn't have to be a son gomer it can be a child in a family a husband to a wife a wife to a husband a bishop to a church a church member to other church members they dominate and and intimidate and so on and so the tormenting spirits come empowered by jezebel you'll find this inherit all the herods had tormenting spirits they were cold-hearted killers but they are tormenting spirits the first herod tormented bethlehem killed all the babies the next herod tormented john the baptist took off his head tried to torment jesus jesus was free from torment he told her you're just a fox but i'm a lion from the tribe of judah how can a fox intimidate a lion that herod showed up and intimidated the church and tormented the first church killed james but the antidote is prayer and fasting as you see the first church doing in 12 and verse number 5 of acts they prayed continually for peter that he would be delivered and angels will be dispatched to take care of that kind of herod you also see the tormenting spirit in herodias she was philip's wife who was herod's brother and herod took his brother's wife his brother had built a town called caesarea philippi and so it was a beautiful city and so herod took his brother's wife and he had a child philip at a child with his wife herodias whose name was salome and she had also a tormenting spirit she'd walk around the house with a thong in the presence of the king with no clothes just walk around there and the mother was doing that to entice and intimidate the king and so john the baptist would constantly say you took your brother's wife take her back you took your brother's take wife taker back and so the tormenting spirits will torment herod and torment herod and torment herod and so on his birthday salome was dancing some crazy dance and doing some mixed beyonce quest across whatever all in one gyrating gymnastics and the man was going crazy he was salivating a sheet was too small they couldn't even use a boob and so they said to the king uh the young girl is finished he said bring her here he said girlfriend you dance tonight i'll give you half of my kingdom she must have been dancing i'll give you half of my kingdom for this dance and it would tormenting spirits will make you crazy for one little dance you give away half your kingdom half your vineyards half your houses half your farms half your servants half the mines half the road half the treasury are you crazy half the army to a 16 year old girl and so he said i'll give you half the kingdom the mother said ask for john the baptist's head and so literally john the baptist was literally half the kingdom because he was the first one to preach the kingdom and so she got half the kingdom in john the baptist but the full kingdom is in jesus oh yes a tormenting will make you give away stuff that you didn't intend to a tormenting spirit will make you do things you would not normally do or tormenting spirit will make you go places you would hardly ever think about going to i bind every tormenting spirit in this room sometimes a tormenting spirit will wake me up at night and say to me you'll never build kingdom cathedral and i feel bad and i've got to get up and tell that devil you lying devil you're nothing but a tormenting spirit i have a promise from god i'm like father abraham i will not be tormented if i can't have isaac in the first year i will not be tormented in the second year i will not be tormented in the tenth year i will not be tormented in the 20th year because god made a promise shout no torment i come against the spirit of torment i come against the spirit of torment whether it's jezebel coming against me whether he's herod coming against me whether it's a a foul spirit coming against me i stand strong you have to be you have to be you have to be like elijah who'll stand in the face of ahab and in the face of jezebel and say you never you never in fact are shut the heaven you'll never touch me you have to be like elisha and tell all of those prophets and tell jezebel your days are up you have to be like jee hoof and tell jezebel the dogs are gonna eat your flesh and drink your blood you have to be like jeremiah even though you're in the mire of clay you're not going to beat your mentions look at nebuchadnezzar in his face when he threatens you to bow down you tell him say nebuchadnezzar i'm not bowing down my god is able and so he'll start tormenting you and make the fire bigger i don't care nebuchadnezzar you can make the fire hot as the sun i know the god that made the sun and i also know the god that rides on the sun oh i feel like preaching now you can make the furnace hotter i'm not bowing down you can put a thousand lions in the den i'm not stopping to pray i refuse to be tormented keep some on the elbow say no torment shout no torment hallelujah do you know that even if you have to go to calvary don't allow a piece of wood and three nails to intimidate you god owns the earth and the fullness thereof don't let three nails intimidate you the reason is three nails because that's all the power the devil had one nail for the first day one nail for the second day and one nail for the third day but he didn't know that those three nails were not for three day three nails those three nails were number one for body for soul and for spiritual that devil didn't know that those three nails were for the outer court the holy place and the holiest of holies in him we live in him we move and in him we have our being faith hope and charity the same yesterday today i'm walking into tomorrow the devil is a liar don't let the nails intimidate you it's opening doors for you give god a praise by clapping your hands if you are stuck in samaria and they are selling donkeys don't be intimidated god has a solution come on tammy i need some volume from you god has a solution even if it's for lepers shall we come we're going to the enemy's camp get in don't be intimidated just down don't be intimidated samson don't be intimidated david don't be intimidated we taking out this devil i said the devil is a liar every tormenting spirit i'm entering the kingdom i don't need your permission get off my life get off my children leave bernstein alone i demand every tormenting spirit to leave my son alone every tormenting spirit leave my mind alone i know i can get more money somewhere else but i'm here right now grab your hands say yes say yes again so here i come with my praise here i come with my worship yeah i come with my prayers yeah right come with my sacrifice i overcome every devil because i come with the blood of the lamb and my testimony look what the lord has done i'm not tormented if the devil says you could have been there tell him i may not be there but at least i'm not where i was with you at least i'm here thank god he whom the sun sets free is free indeed if you are tormented god is sending a david to sing to live the devil god is sending a david to bring royalty in your life god is sending a david to bring blessing on your life god is bringing the david to open doors for you that no man can shut god is bringing the david to bring down a goliath and open heaven for you this week is a mighty week for someone's deliverance tormenting spirits are leaving they growing somewhere but they leaving your land never to come back again every tormenting spirit i bind you in the name of jesus let me go let my family go come on give god a praise praise him in your house praise him watching this in your car praise him around the world that tormenting spirit has got to go clap your hands everybody say yes say yes show lord shalt lord remove every tormenting spirit in my household now clap your hands and give god a praise [Music] father we thank you for your grace and your blessing we come against the spirit of torment [Music] uh well guys thank you for watching this program we have great joy in preparing the lessons and and then presenting them to you and we have a small audience that are here to support but for you around the world and all over zimbabwe thank you for watching thank you for your support it means so much to us i was getting text messages this week from hawaii of all places and thanking me for the services and one guy said we just we don't even have church anymore we just show the videos and uh the recordings but thank you also for your financial support uh most of you are sending your money through the rfcgs platform some of you are passing by the office you know the lockdown is quite serious but there's always somebody at the office that can receive any offerings you have for us i was so blessed coming in this morning a young lady was trying to get in the office and the security wouldn't let her in and fortunately i was there and i said you know can i help you said bishop i brought my offering for kingdom cathedral and this man won't let me in i said okay uh let's do the hand sanitizer thing a temperature was uh 36 point something she went in and there was somebody there shelly or somebody was there to sign for her giving for kingdom cathedral and so thank you for your support and also for your prayers for kingdom cathedral we're in a bit of a battle in court right now but god is our victory amen don't forget next week sunday our broadcast and share these with others you know send them to other people uh put them around the world let people be blessed we love you guys teaching i really do and uh may you have a successful week in jesus name amen [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] is [Music] you
Channel: Tudor Bismark
Views: 10,131
Rating: 4.9512196 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Tudor Bismark, Bishop Bismark, Tudor Bismark Sermons, Bishop Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismarck, ChiChi Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismark, ChiChi, Bismarck
Id: I96b4xBopmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 7sec (4267 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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