Mysteries of the Kingdom: Gentile Nations & the Antichrist

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] now [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] ah oh [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] this is where we are but not where we will stay these are our sundays our wednesdays our everydays this is our passion our heartbeat our song we don't have any members because we are family whether for the first time or the hundredth time for the good times and even the bad this place has been good but now we go to better we go to a sanctuary a place of rest and refuge a place we can call home a home for our god a home for us all let's go together [Music] the journey has begun come with us kingdom cathedral a new home for new life covenant church [Music] praise the lord hallelujah he's a good god somebody put your hands together and bless his name bless his name i know you can do better than that come on somebody bless his name [Applause] hey here we go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] uh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i am [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] tv [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] he is a great god he is a great god because we have praised him we are now entering into the space of worship i believe that god is doing a new thing in your life today [Applause] [Music] and no one can worship you for me [Applause] [Music] he's [Music] all of my worship [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for the reason my worship [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] they've done for me [Music] and worship you for me [Music] [Music] [Applause] my worship [Music] [Applause] i will [Music] [Applause] [Music] always worship your jesus [Music] is always worship you jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] i am [Music] is [Music] all of my work [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] good morning everybody to all our viewers uh watching online new life covenant church members welcome to our service this morning we so enjoy bringing this service to you every week and we've been consistent and of course the challenges in the country haven't changed really as it pertains to church attendance and so thank you so much for being with us this morning and uh share the word with somebody and to all of you here this morning welcome and our online viewers thank you for for participating we so appreciate you being with us amen in the auditorium please take your seats okay slide number 20 slide number 20. entering the kingdom is the series for the year and we are now in mysteries of the kingdom mysteries of the kingdom and today we're dealing with gentile nations and the antichrist gentile nations and the antichrist i'm now reading ii thessalonians chapter number 2 and verse 7. for the mystery of iniquity does already work or abound only he who lets will let until he be taken out of the way that's the function of the holy spirit is so present as long as the function of the holy spirit is still present it means that the antichrist will be kept away until he be taken away so when the holy spirit is removed because the church age will have expired all have been done away with then verse 8 shall that wicked be revealed whom the lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming and then i've added a scripture here we're going to continue reading first thessalonians paul says to timothy that in the last days that many will depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils and there's never been a time in history where we have that to be more true than this this day we're still in first thessalonians second this runs true verse nine even him whose coming is after the working of satan with all power and signs and lying wonders and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness to them in them that perish because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved and so paul says the mystery of iniquity is here it's already working and he says there's going to be a time when a wicked man is going to be revealed and when that wicked man comes he will be the antichrist and so the terminology antichrist is mentioned four times all by saint john all in his epistles that he wrote first john 2 verse 18 first john 2 verse 22 first john 4 3 and 2nd john verse 7. in first john chapter number 4 and verse 3 i would have read all the scriptures but this is a summation of all those verses and every spirit does not confess that jesus christ is come in the flesh is not of god and this is that spirit of antichrist wherefore you have heard that it should come even now already it is in the world so the the mystery of iniquity and the spirit of antichrist are running together the mystery of iniquity is the vehicle that causes the antichrist an individual to manifest and so as the years have gone by for centuries antichrists the word christ is sent one or anointed one anti-god's agenda they have been men that have been raised that were anti-god's agenda anti-god's will anti-god's purpose in our terminology would call those anti-christ and so the latin word for iniquity is iniquitas meaning unjust or harmful and the greek word is aqueous which means equal but what the greeks do is they they render that word more to lawlessness great is the mystery of lawlessness individuals that refuse to bow down acknowledge submit themselves to god's law and that's always been there from the first kids born in the earth there was lordless lawlessness cain is a type of antichrist abel is a type of christ and there's always a a dispute and contention between the two so let's read daniel and start gathering scriptures now around uh the the various vehicles and the various positions on the antichrist and the mystery of iniquity in the book of daniel king nebuchadnezzar has a vision and in his vision he sees a huge image whose head is of gold his chest and arms are of silver belly and thighs are of brass his shins are iron his feet and toes are mixed iron and clay and so he does not remember the dream and he then threatens to kill every wise man in the nation uh i was about to be sarcastic kill every wise man in the nation and so daniel was included in that group and they initiated a prayer meeting and god revealed the dream to daniel the vision to daniel and the interpretation so daniel goes before the king tells him what he dreamt and gives him the interpretation and so we pick it up and you o king saw a great image this great image's brightness was excellent stood before you in the form that was so terrible this image head was a fine gold say fine gold his breast and his arms of silver his belly and his thighs were of brass or copper his legs of iron his feet of iron and of clay verse number 34 you saw that vision and a stone shown out of a mountain without without hands hit the image by the feet where the iron and clay were and broke them in pieces then the iron the clay the brass the silver the gold was broken in pieces together and became like chaff of summer threshings and the wind carried them away that no place was found for them and the stone that hit the image became a great mountain and full the church that little stone was jesus the mountain that full the whole earth is the church and so what we see here is that in the mystery of iniquity you have a system that is released into the earth the facilitator or to accelerate the system comes in what we just read called the table of nations and so in the table of nations now this becomes an accelerant an agent to accelerate the mystery of iniquity and so the mystery of iniquity is a system that's been governing the world for thousands of years it is an interwoven series of complex systems political economic financial military media uh academia and religious and others they intricately uh interwoven and connected and they are submissive to a hierarchy a higher iraqis arch arches that that lead to something higher and so the mystery of iniquity began with nimrod now you'll find the writings concerning nimrod in the book of genesis chapter number 9 and chapter number 10. very brief you have to go outside of the book of genesis to do a more uh exhaustive study on the man nimrod the name nimrod means rebel the woman he married was miss sariramus sariramus and they began to gather what is called the mother and child cult now in their marriage in their marriage this comes while they building his building the tower of babel and the lord came down to see what they were doing and said there's nothing that will be impossible unto man when they conceive it in their heart that's genesis 1 verse 11. and nimrod caused all men and women to become his slaves and didn't allow them the individual rights to manifest their gift and to manifest their god-given ability and anybody that wouldn't subscribe to serving him in bullying this tower uh was either killed uh or put in some sort of prison uh there's reasons for the tower that the reason he sold to the participants building the tower is that another flood is going to come we've got to build high enough that if another flood comes we'll we'll be saved and save our lives which made a lot of sense because the flood was a global flood uh but what he didn't tell them his hidden agenda he was trying to like lucifer raise his throne above the throne and to disobey god's mandate to fool to cover and fill all the earth and so nimrod have a child and she holds this child and you'll see this image still today in catholic churches they the same system they the same order and they are facilitators of uh the mystery of iniquity and the antichrist movement and so nimrod at the same time as he is a boater he ordains himself as priest he becomes the first false high priest in the satanic religion and his priest name is stir stir s-t-u-r and uh sarah rama's name is given to her is ashtaroth and you'll find asheroth appearing in many many many places in especially the the time of the kings where the people worship worship ashraf and molech and shimosh and so when nibra becomes the high priest and his name is stir on his mitre are engraved the number of a man 666 which is also engraved and embroidered on the the priest the pope the the pastor of the church in rome that's engraved on his hand on his uh on his miter and he sits above the throne he sits above he sits above everybody and he rules and dictates uh i was very stunned uh reading uh some just researching the pope addressed the heads of state of europe on the 3rd of march and met with all of them all the heads of state 27 nations they were summonsed to rome and they set in the sistine chapel which is not very big the assistant chapel is about this size it's stunning when you go there because when you see all those priceless pictures paintings that leonardo put up there it looks much bigger but it's small it's narrow and he sat up here and the heads of state sat down there and his instruction to them was europeans must stay together this is not a time for division it's a time to stay together and it was a conversation uh due to uh the brexit thing and he was adamant that according to the first mandate which the pope of rome conceived in 1957 a european union and it was signed in 1958 where there'd be one europe no borders one currency and at that time they had stated uh very clearly that europe would only have 10 countries but now there's 27 and so in our first journey in eschatology studying the coming of the lord and the manifestation of the antichrist we were adamant that the ten chose whether was the european union but in my study i discovered something extremely fascinating which is just an idea it's an idea it's a thought it's a possibility one thing we'll all agree and we can concur on that there's never been a generation like this one that's more ready for an antichrist if you look at the lockdowns around the world strip joints are allowed to be opened uh certain pubs and bars are allowed to be opened but churches are not allowed to be opened our churches in jamaica for example they are only allowed to gather in numbers of 15. 15 to have church and some of our friends they have massive churches it's 15. and so in california uh pastor roy uh mccoy i think it is uh two weeks ago uh he had a strip session they played music in the back and he started stripping he stripped of his tie and he said this is not a church this is a strip joint and told everybody come with something to strip now don't strip all the way down but he declared his church a strip a strip joint just so that they can have church because if you having church it's illegal and you go to jail so there's a war against the church against religious institutions and right now the catholic church has taken governor cuomo to court because he's allowed certain uh practices or certain events or certain enterprises to continue but but no church and so it's a spirit it's a spirit and so the city that nimrod set up is called saturnillia after his name setter satinilia later on was named romulus after the twin founder romulus and remus who then named the city romulus was then named rome now when you read the book of revelation and talks about the ten heads and the the ten horns and the seven heads it's the city of rome the ten heads are mountains and rome sits on seven mountains and it represents the ten horns which are heads of state let's go to the next slide mr babylon the great revelation 17. this is the vehicle that the antichrist will use it's the mystery of iniquity to carry the antichrist and from the year 606 bc babylon began to accelerate this thing nebuchadnezzar then becomes more of the type of antichrist because nebuchadnezzar this was like a test to see how human beings would respond and react to a leader and so he builds the image which is going to be coming in the future in our generation he builds the image and then the sound of the music there were seven instruments that played each instrument representing the seven heads when the instruments would play everybody would bow great and small and if you didn't bow down you'll be thrown into the fire of furnace but three guys refused to bow down meshech shadi and bendigo they refused to bow down and they were cast into the fire but when they got into the fire and incidentally they made the fire seven times hotter because let's leave that they made the the fires it was hot enough to melt gold there was no need for them to make the fire seven times hotter but they made the fire seven times hotter because on the top of that heat that's where jesus lives because there's a consuming fire and they meet jesus there where two or three are gathered together in my name especially when it's seven times hotter that's where you will meet jesus and so the babylonian system then was introduced and the laws were introduced basic human rights actually were founded out of the babylonian system uh the way we function and operate as individuals comes out of babylon all religions no matter what they are come out of babylon all of them have the same symbols the mother and child symbols all of them have the same symbols of satanism it's on our money it's it's in our alphabet a lot of it is in uh the calendar uh the days uh everywhere you go there are satanic symbols that we don't even realize they are satanic symbols we we just are born into it and we adopt and adapt to it and uh it's very dangerous uh to be so blind and naive not to know that these things exist and i'm trying to stay as as as plain and as simple as possible so that everybody can understand if you grew up in the church as long as we did this presentation will be very narrow but if you're a new christian you'll be wondering what in the world we're talking about so we'll give you some things that you can read on uh there's a book by alexander hislop who wrote on mystery bamble on the great harlot it's strong reading tough feeling and it's an expose on the catholic church and then the silver the head of gold the silver was the meat and the persians the brass or the copper was the greeks and then the roman empire was iron the roman empire ended around about 404 a.d but the work had been done already because in the year 325 323 and 325 in nicaea constantine the emperor became a christian allegedly and he brought to constantinople his priests from the pagan gods that the romans worshipped and they brought representatives from egypt with their pagan gods ra you know egyptology and all of that they brought the pagan gods from the grecian empire zeus and all of that bunch mercury hercules etc and at that meeting after much deliberation with the founders or the the custodians of the church back then in a meeting they started the universal church the universal church and because the leadership originated the re the leadership came from the city of rome they then called it the roman universal church the roman catholic church which becomes the vehicle that's going to carry the mystery of iniquity all the way through this is tough listening especially for my mother-in-law and so let's move on in time the actions of the singular church and organization and the things they have done are horrendous horrendous they became a political power they made kings and destroyed kings and then there are horrendous stories and testimonies of how babies were murdered nuns had becoming pregnant by priests and this is not uh an expose on the roman catholic church it's just dealing with the mystery of iniquity to the antichrist there's research that you can follow we studied years ago but horrendous actions and the the number of abuses in catholic schools perpetrated on little boys and the story goes on and on and on and it's not like pentecostals don't have issues they are issues with pentecostals they have been raped and molestations and women abused and boys abused this was basically these basically happen in individual capacities but when we talked about an organization like this simultaneously it was happening from argentina to new zealand uh from russia all the way to iceland and the usa constant constant it's not like guys were getting on the phone and and agreeing to do it it's just it was part and parcel of the system now let me just say this within the roman catholic church they are phenomenal believers great christians that believe in the lord and uh they are there serving god in their own way they are not carriers of evil they are seeking righteousness seeking peace seeking holiness they in a system though that uh is not such a good one and so from this let's read daniel chapter number 18 verse 23 now dealing with the antichrist he's my sister bernier please see me after church bernie the scripture says yeah and in the latter time we believe that this is the latter time jesus spoke about what's going to happen in the latter time john uh matthew chapter number four paul talks to me that in the last days things are going to come and in the latter time of their kingdom so he's dealing with the kingdom here uh of babylon uh gold the meat and the persian silver the greeks brass the romans ein at the latter time of their kingdom and all these kingdoms now will have joined their ideas their ideology their worship their behavior when the transgressors are come to full a king a king of fierce countenance and standing dark understanding dark sentences shall stand up and dark sentences is the depth of evil and his power shall be mighty but not by his own power and he shall destroy wonderfully and shall and shall prosper and practice and shall destroy the mighty and the holy look at this individual again fierce countenance understanding dark sentences and he's going to have mighty mighty power and holy people are going to be destroyed so the next slide the antichrist is an individual that is a system of in that the system of inequity produces and in history as i said they are types of antichrist and they are prototypes of the antichrist in the world today we are ready for that manifestation so there has never been a time globally when we are more ready for this so in studying the blocks here are the blocks i discovered blocks that exist today there's the g7 there's the eu the asian bloc the russian federations china and so these blocks economic blocks all subscribe to similar things the united nations is a body that one has to keep their eye on because it seems like the united nations is the false prophet not an individual it seems like the u.n is a false prophet because of the message it carries and and those that don't subscribe to its uh manifesto and its requirements and there are certain things that uh they they push and they hawk that are very very very dangerous it doesn't take you can have a glass of totally clean water and just a little drop of cyanide will kill you and so they do a lot of good things they keep the peace and so on and so forth but their dogma is so toxic and poisonous are we together everybody's quiet daniel chapter number seven and verse three in the next generation the king has a vision and this king sees the same thing but in animal form he dreams of a lion with leopards wings he dreams of a bear with three ribs in his mouth he dreams of a leopard a lion with eagle's wings rather a bear with three ribs between his teeth a leopard with four heads and four wings and then a beast that was so horrible horrendous had uh iron for teeth a teeth of iron and the feet wherever it stomped there was destruction and three horns were out of his head now the lion was babylon that's the top of the food chain the eagle is the top of the birds the bear the strength of the bear literally with three ribs in his mouth those are the nations that the meat and the persians destroyed and just notice this before david killed goliath the big antichrist threatening the church david had already dealt with these predecessors who were the lion and the bear he already dealt with them and so because our worship is davidic comes from the tabernacle of david worship which is government and mount zion worship because we worship that way we already in principle are fighting the lion and the bear is everybody trekking with me and then the leopard uh which is very stealth but has four wings and then the beast and this is all of these animals joined together which we are seeing come in in the world today the laws that govern our world as is roman dutch right so roman law governs us still today a lot of language in which we we have for example medicines dispensed are in the latin language or their root word is latin because they really believe that they can provide healing for the nations as opposed to being healed by his stripes and so there's so much in there that is very questionable go with me now to the slide that says daniel chapter 7 and verse 4. this is describing some of the nations and the man that comes out of these nations and the ten horns which are ten kingdoms shall rise and another shall rise after them and he shall be diverse from the first and he will subdue the kings and he shall speak words against the most high he shall wear out the saints of the most high and think to change times and laws and they shall be given into his hands shall be given into his hand until a time end times and a time and hour or dividing times so he's speaking of a a generation when an individual after these ten horns or these ten nations are in power out of that is coming an individual who is going to change the laws imagine a person can make an announcement from thursday nobody moves around from six to six there's a curfew and everybody complies i i don't think there's a lawsuit against the government for a curfew even the toughest lawyers have not taken the government to court because of uh the six to six nobody has done it to my knowledge there's a few people in the states that are taking governor cuomo to court uh because they feel like their rights are being violated in the states the number of people that are refusing to wear a mosque biden is is now going to insist on a mosque mandate well good luck to that in the states because if you have in one city 50 000 people refuse to where a mosque which prison you're going to put them in how are you going to put people in prison are you going to put them behind the fence how are you going to feed those people what about toilets and so the idea is trying to see who's going to bow down to the image and africa we're so easy to we bow down to anything just a suitcase of a little bit of money 200 grand we have ministers bowing down and here when you have this man of power who's working miracles who's got unprecedented money who's got all this kind of support commands military might ah the number of guys that went to china the heads of state that went to china for for an economic meeting for trinkets trinkets promising small little things and they're coming to grab all the resources on the continent without investing in this car in this country building schools building cheap highways and bringing people here and holding to ransom the people eventually here they don't care about black people just look what happened in china when covert hits zimbabweans were persecuted above most of the black people were there that were there and still we are still looking towards china and so being conditioned as human beings see when when you become a believer you have to have the spirit of christ rule in your life you have to be censored to say i don't understand this but this is not right there's something here that is not right and so this man of power is dangerous look at chapter number eight and verse 25 of the book of daniel and through his policy everyone say through his policy is it there and through his policy uh also he shall cause craft to prosper in other words the economy is going to prosper in his hands he will magnify himself in his heart and by peace shall destroy many for a while i was a bit worried about donald trump because the peace deals he had been brokering have been things that have been attempted for years and years and years and years he's got the the saudi arabia is in a piece of culture with israel he's very concerning he shall also stand up against the prince of princes but as he shall be broken without hand this is a very powerful individual daniel 8 verse 26 and the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true therefore i shut the vision for it shall be many days to come that's daniel saying and after daniel finished with this vision the bible says he got sick he vomited fell on the floor he was so astonished because of the dream and daniel could not understand it because those nations when you were not yet born to time daniel chapter number 11 verse 36 daniel 11 verse 36 and the king shall do according to his will and he shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every god and shall speak marvelous things against the god of gods and shall prosper indignation his indignation is accomplished for that that is determined shall be done neither shall he regard the god of his fathers no have the desire of women nor regard any god for he shall magnify himself above all verse 38 but in his estate shall he be shall he honor the god of forces the god of forces is the devil the god whom his fathers knew not the not shall he honor with gold or silver or with precious stones or pleasant things thus he shall do in the most strongholds with a strange god that's the devil whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory and shall cause them to rule over many and shall divide the land for gain so when this individual comes satan is going to be driving the agenda is clearer in the book of revelation revelation chapter 13 verse 1 will go there now i was standing on the sand of the sea and i saw a beast come out of the sea in the bible to see his people so from amidst the people a sea of people here comes a beast out of the sea of people seven heads so this is a human thing seven heads which are seven mountains bible tells us that and ten horns which are ten crowns upon their heads and was all blasphemy and the beast that i saw like a leopard and his feet with the feet of a bear his mouth was the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave this beast power and a seat and great authority that's a whole teaching right there and i saw in one of his heads as it were wounded unto death and the deadly wound was healed and the world wandered the world wandered at this creature and they worshipped the dragon and gave power to the beast and worshiped that individual that frightening being saying who is like this beast i mean it's such a frightening thing years and years ago when we were doing eschatology we were taught that the beast is a computer in belgium that this computer was so fast and so quick and uh incredibly techno technologically advanced that they nicknamed it the beast and we were taught that the beast was actually computers well this one this little car one here does more than what that computer was doing back then my ipad is one terabyte that thing wasn't even in the gigs yet but the idea was that there's stuff coming and it's all interwoven together to lay the foundation for the mark of the beast there's people in this room you don't carry money in your pocket and yet you have money in the air you can go to a shop the other day somebody was shopping for me and at home i just sent my eco cash number and stuff was delivered so we're becoming more and more cashless i feel sorry for the teachers of this world who love to hold it and smell it and touch it enjoy while you can because it makes sense to be cashless it's going to somehow stop money laundering or not impede let me say impede impede the movement of money and all those guys that have hidden uh us dollars in drums and stuff like that it's all going to be thrown away because they'll be given a date when you have to turn in money because we're going cashless isn't that something and uh verse 4 and they worship the dragon which gave power to the beast they were shall be saying who's like the beast and who will make war with him verse five and they was giving him a mouth to speak great blasphemy's powers giving him to continue forty and two months and three and a half years and he opened his mouth and blessed him against god blessed in the name of god blasphemous tabernacle hated on the church and and all them that dwell under heaven and it was given him to make war against the saints to make war against the saints to make war against the saints the agenda in the world today today as we speak is anti-jesus is anti-god there's a movement in the stage to take god out of everything on the monies in god we trust in the national anthem has to do with god and in carolina the the senate uh passed a ruling that the ten commandments must be removed of the state capital berlin and one senator took the court to the supreme court and said we have religious liberty in this country and if you are allowing somebody who is an agnostic or someone who is an atheist to have our symbol removed they are raising theirs and putting ours down so hours days they can raise theirs next two hours but the movement is on if you go to birmingham there's a place where you branch off of m1 on m2 into birmingham when you're coming towards coventry in the uk there was a place that had a massive cross a huge cross you could see it for miles and miles and miles there was a a an edict a lawsuit and those people had to remove that cross because they don't want any religious symbols a school teacher was fired from a school because she was wearing a chain with the cross and she was said to be evangelizing she was outside of her job description and was fired but you got kids that are coming with tattoos you know knives and blood things and all of that and so there is a strong movement to remove jesus to remove church but we we look in the devil's face and say jesus said upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail even if it means we have to have church in another way underground we are not going anywhere we are not bowing down to any system we are not going to bow down to any devil we are not bowing down to any demonic system we're telling you now in advance i need a strong amen from somebody that dares to come here on a sunday [Applause] some of you are here you you're taking somebody's place that wanted to be here you wanted but you're sitting here lazy this is the place where you should have been rejoicing and saying bishop we're with you we're standing all the way we we come against every satanic agenda let's jump to the slide verse number 13 chapter 13 verse 16. he causes both small and great rich and poor bound and free bond and free to receive a mark on their right hand and on their forehead their right hand and on their forward that no man might buy or sell say they have the mark of the beast the name of the beast or the number of his name now here is wisdom there's only one thing he gives us he gives us the number the number of a man the number is 666. what we don't have is his mark and his name we don't have his mark and his name so what concerns me concerning his mark is uh where technology has moved to now uh chief and i went to australia a few years ago and uh the visas were processed they don't stamp the visa and possibles now on arrival the visas on the on the computer so when you get on the plane and you you check in the boarding pass is issued australia is aware that tudor and delfin bismarck are on a flight so you're already processed because if you're not processed you the boarding pass rejects you and so when we arrived all the information the things they knew about us they knew everything about us they even knew chichi's first boyfriend they knew everything about us because they share information they share information arriving in the united states a couple of years ago i was pulled into the side and i never traveled with my title bishop and i never traveled clergy i just i traveled plane and so on and so forth and so i was pulled out of the queue and put into a room and there were about 40 people there finally a big guy came through and he said bishop bismarck can you come i was like how do you know i'm a bishop my wife doesn't even know i'm a bishop and so they said we know who you are these are your bank accounts uh brian holmes and sabrina holmes work for you we know you've been to certain places who is matthew ashimolow who is uh akwankwa mike akwankwa who is mensahatable how are they to you who is uh kevin bismark who is valenda bismark who is jason bismark hey amatoro they know everything even when you go for your visa here don't go and try to tell a story they already know we don't know his name and we don't know the mark and so to make things convenient it's being suggested in many circles especially those that are moving in advanced technology that instead of getting a visa instead of carrying a passport instead of having your password renewed every year they're just going to put a chip in your hand and even that ship will be used as a supermarket you just go into the supermarket you put all the stuff you know the barcode you put all your stuff in there when you walk out the chip will be picked up and the deduction will be made from your account and if you don't have money i think that something will grab you there but all of those things are in advanced stage already because you have to carry a driver's license you have to carry your passport you have to carry a national id all of those things are being joined into one document and so we're moving very quickly and this generation my generation we've seen the steps for you that are born into a generation where you already have a cell phone imagine three-year-olds have smartphones to to those that that have access to the internet kids are jumping from video game to this website and that website and this one quickly i'm still trying to find how you spell something so for us are the older generation we've seen the steps from when it was a a breakthrough to own a bicycle a pre when you own from walking to owning a bicycle people from the neighborhood come and congratulate you ah you own a bicycle you're on a tv i remember we used to go watch somebody's house we used to go watch tv there we had to stand outside the window and watch tv because when a person on the tv i remember the time when chi chi and i got a a a video recorder some of our relatives came and said hey you guys have arrived welcome welcome you've arrived people actually came to our house to come and see the microwave and for years i was calling it a heat wave so the things that that that that this generation has been sanitized to for me that got saved in 1972 and were taught these things it's frightening to see what we've allowed and permitted frightening to see what's happening in judges frightening to see the standard on the platform shift to where uh even if somebody a girl is wearing short shorts leading praise and worship we're living under grace it doesn't matter be it soul amen you can live under grace by your house but not live under grace on this platform if you want to show something and wave something show it and wave it in your bathroom not here because we we are proponents of strong holiness internal and external i need a strong amen from 100 people who wanted to be here this morning [Applause] the world has serious problems ladies and gentlemen covert 19 has tested us to the very core and even though i'm just a sideline domestic preacher this disease has tested every single nation and its resources in the uk people are dropping more than flies i think 152 157 000 yesterday uh were said to be contacting or become infected with covert and in the states is now in the millions someone's looking for resolution they suggest there's a vaccine somewhere but the point is everybody's looking for an answer africa is looking for an answer because our money is failing look at our zimbabwean money it doesn't even make sense uh it it it keeps on fluctuating and there's things that that places you go in the city where they won't take zimbabwean money they want american dollars and uh so it seems like we become a a u.s trade zone i said it seems like and it seems like people prefer another to this one but again it is a challenge and then there's a challenge when it comes to health care zimbabwe is not being given access to covert 19 grants because of sanctions turn to your neighbors say here we go sanctions and so zimbabwe should and could sue on human rights because we're not being given medication for covert but that's the tricky one because every day in concerning human rights we have cio people bashing people and black boots people hitting people so we are are we now trying to sue on human rights when we are also uh amen just send me nando's when i'm in chicago and so it becomes very tricky in our situation but africans were not considered in all the years i've watched the last administration not one time did i ever hear the administration under president trump mention zimbabwe or mention africa not one time ever heard boris johnson talk about africa ping hasn't talked about africa only in private dinners on the side handing out money and so africa they don't care about us the church around the world is falling apart but the church in africa is getting stronger people are getting saved every day from villages to cities africans are getting born again and baptized i thank god for the african church you know why covert 19 has not hurt africa the reason covert 19 has not heard africa one of the reasons for it is because for over 30 years from morning till evening from evening all night africans have been in deep intercessory prayer praying oh god hear our prayer we are a testimony that prayer does work can you imagine what could have happened if covert 19 in a uk and united states scale italy france and spanish scale hit this continent it would totally wipe us out so keep on using hand sanitizer keep on wearing your mask practice social distancing if you're sick stay at home let's not chance fate can i heaven amen but in spite of that the church is rising and carrying the rest of the world like simon africa is carrying the cross the little journey like simon the blood of jesus that was not made available went on simon first the efficacious blood touched simon first and simon carried the cross all the way to the top come on african people i know there's an antichrist coming i know there's a mark of the beast coming we don't care about that we're gonna carry this cross carry salvation preach this message live holy baptize people rebuke sin cast out devils heal the sick raise the dead can i preach this thing i want the devil to know that you can manifest your antichrist but i heard paul say behold i show you a mystery we shall not all sleep in a moment in the twinkling of an eye when the last trumpet sounds we shall be changed for this mortal will put on immortality and this corruption shall put on incorruption and we shall be changed i want you to know jesus is coming soon this same jesus shall return in the same way he came give someone an elbow say jesus he's coming soon we are in the season of the return of jesus i don't care what the devil says i don't care what government says i don't care what the economic prognosticators say jesus is coming back for the blood washed those that are living holy baptized in his name filled with the holy ghost those that are winning souls i said jesus is coming back he's coming so quickly thessalonians says he's coming with a shout first thessalonians 4 and verse 18. he is so excited he's coming with a shout out even so lord jesus come i said even so lord jesus come he's coming back he's coming back like a thief in the night you shall be in the field the one shall be taken the christ nature the one shall be left behind the earth nature two shall be in the bad the one shall be taken the one shall remain the christ nature shall be taken and the ungodly nature shall remain come on someone he's coming soon he's going to separate the sheep from the goats the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me besides the soul waters he leads me in the past of righteousness for his name's sake yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i shall fear no evil for thou art with me your rod and your staff may comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil [Applause] i said you were annoying you anoint my head with oil come on give someone some oil anoint your head with oil my head is anointed [Music] he anoints my head with oil my cup is running over i said surely couldn't ascend mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and yes [Music] and yes and i shall dwell in my father's house are many mansions and i shall dwell in the house of the lord forever come jesus grab your hands for a coming christ [Music] stay standing [Music] don't be ignorant watch the news follow the signs there are 27 european nations but i discovered something this week the world is now divided into 10 economic blocks those could be the ten toes ten economic blocks and they're now out of the ten economic blocks three heads have emerged from there three heads the united states china and germany and of the three they are elevating one to lead that and it appears it's angela merkel that's probably why the scripture says we'll have no love for men she is i'm not saying she's the antichrist i'm not saying that all i'm just saying we're looking at different blocks of things that are emerging so quickly and so watch the news look for signs look for signs but look for the coming of the lord raise your hands father bless the men and women we know and that the mystery of iniquity does exist we know that the mystery of antichrist is among us we pray god that you would bless thank you for this church thank you for this church thank you for those that have come to worship and serve you i pray for every man and every woman the blessing of the lord the blessing of the lord the blessing of the lord the blessing of the lord be upon each person [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tudor Bismark
Views: 4,090
Rating: 4.8367348 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Tudor Bismark, Bishop Bismark, Tudor Bismark Sermons, Bishop Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismarck, ChiChi Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismark, ChiChi, Bismarck
Id: xbg2oBhBVhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 2sec (5102 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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