you asked my dad EMBARRASSING questions about me...

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shooting another QA with my dad hi my dad's in town right now and so I thought hey I don't have any Content let's make a video I'm whoring you out for views how does it feel so I asked you guys on Twitter to leave us some questions it was very cute I was like yeah dad do you want to make a video we'll do a little QA he was like yeah but doesn't that take a while for people to respond and I was like okay here's a good one to start off on actually from Francisco first video game you ever played versus video game I ever played yeah oh okay I thought this is gonna be a Q&A by you know it's a little bit of a little bit of both the very first video game I played was pong back in 1976 probably black-and-white TV you guys probably all know what pong is the whole thing was self-contained like this like one device had two paddles on it I like an on/off switch what does that mean the entire two-player no it was it was just a song it was the machine was pong and you cook can I get it to your TV set pong was it console yeah you had to sit like right next to each other because you had to use the controls I think I think that's how it was that's my memory of it anyway how did you decide Ethan's name what Ethan's my name would be when he was born also somebody else asked that was from brizi Oh for somebody else asked earlier I don't know where it is in here but somebody else asked were there any other names you were thinking about I know that if I was gonna be a girl I was gonna be Alyssa yes with two S's it was there any other boy names I don't think there were any other boy names we were convinced that you were gonna be a girl your mom you were your mother's second child so your mom was like this feel it's caring different when I had Andrew his brother he carried it was up I don't remember if it was high or low or left or right or whatever but she was like it's carrying different so I think it's a girl so we focused on girl names and then what were the other girl names and then we had a sonogram so we didn't we picked out all the folks on girl names she said it was gonna be a girl we go have a sonogram yeah you're having a boy oh [ __ ] so so so then from the beginning that we focus on boy names and then I remember like the first boy name that was like we'll have a dairy I didn't like any of the boy names but I don't remember what they were specifically nobody didn't name me Derrick no offense all the Derrick's out there nothing wrong with deer but I don't like your name so the how we landed on Ethan I don't know it's kind of cool it's kind of is it like I wish you the story was all my great-great-grandfather who invented ice his name was Ethan who invented ice yeah my great-grandfather did not have an ice ice it's made up but I'm pretty sure nature invented ice so anyway so I was watching the first Mission Impossible movie and so I had never heard that name before oddly enough or at least I don't remember and I was like I really what would you and Ethan do together when he was a child pulled me out of school for Harry Potter movies yeah that was really I thought that was pretty cool yeah I went to pick up Ethan once I'm proud was with the second one I don't remember and I was because me and granny went to the first one so I said Ethan you have a dentist appointment tomorrow and he's not as most people do and so I lied to the school of course and say what you don't need to do yeah I could have just said I'm taking my child [ __ ] yeah so I go to pick up Ethan he gets in the car I was like you ready to go to dentist you're like yeah you probably asked some questions about it maybe I don't know but and then I have tea I only have a tooth and then I was like we're not going to the dentist and you were like you were in the back seat because you were in a car seat until yeah I go senior in high school ether would I go we're not going to the dentist's and I was like we're gonna go see Harry Potter and you lost your [ __ ] you were like we went to every Harry Potter movie so it's set for the first one we went to every Harry Potter movie either at midnight or opening day yeah mostly opening day I think the last like two went at midnight but did he even ever have a special stuffed animal toy blanket etc that he carried around as a kid so you had blue guy blue that who's a blue it was a blue bear that I named blue kite another parenting of the Year moment and the way he if you set him like you're in you're like when you were a baby baby like if you were in your carrier thing I bet I had like a thing like this or we blankets or whatever and we would prop blue guy just right and we could put the bottle in your mouth and then we can like at restaurants or whatever and then we could eat and you would just sit there with the prompt bottle in your mouth what were your thoughts on Ethan becoming a youtuber instead of going to college did you believe in him your good answer honestly I mean honestly I I wanted you to go to film school it's not like I want you to go to normal college nor me school and get like a degree and you know nothing or whatever but you know I was concerned that you know well I never I didn't think you'd get necessarily to the level you now at least not this quick I mean you know it's it's like my kid likes to play basketball and he wants to be in the NBA okay great I'll tell you get all your games and practices and stuff but the likelihood of that actually happening pretty slim pretty slim so I thought well wouldn't it be great if you had something else to fall back on mm-hmm and it was something that you like to do like you very you're still very interested in film obviously and behind the camera and all that kind of stuff so I was nerved so he took a gap year as he's probably talked about for it and then he took a gap year turned into gap to year so Ethan when Ethan said hey this opportunity came up do you think I should do it and I was like absolutely 100% you do this because I don't think you know these types of opportunities don't come up every day and so I was 100% supportive of you coming out to LA - chasing your dream how old was eaten when he stopped peeing the bed have you stopped what was a thens favorite show to watch as a kid that drove you crazy oh when you were like one and a half you got pneumonia mm-hmm and I had to stay with you in the hospital like round-the-clock and your mom had the flu so I like some a friend would come in for like an hour to stay with you while I went home and like took care of your mom and made her food and whatever rough and then I would come back to the hospital and we watch all we watch those [ __ ] Blue's Clues [Laughter] but why though I'm like one I'm one at that point like I'm not gonna remember well you were very earliest you were very interest alias yeah they were very interested in it but then you watched like it wasn't so much so much shows all you watched a lot almost up but it was more movies that you you wore this the war war the tape out these we had a lot of VHS early on yeah so you wore the tape out on Lion King you wore the tape out on Balto did we have Benji on VHS I think we had some sort of ghetto Benji I don't know if it was but and then you had Simba the white lion was its nose Kimba the White House sorry Kimba did he ever go through any phases like how some girls have a horse face well I had a horse face actually you also were super into dogs and so this one Christmas you were convinced that you were gonna get a puppy and every box that you opened every present that you opened you cried if it wasn't a puppy like even boxes I did the same thing Sports is right no think you cried over the horses but like you legit thought like a box that was this big had a puppy in it and so you open it up strong imagination and you were like you just started crying and we're like oh wow okay this is gonna be rough there's like 19 more presents what was Ethan like as a child is the level of crackhead energy the same as it was or worse when he was younger crack head energy are you a really good baby actually like you were not you are not hard to raise but as a child well that's when you raise a child when you're a child you were very very easy I was pretty talkative I talked a lot you were very talkative and you could you could hang out with adults no problem yeah we have a lot of we have a lot of like home video of it was when we were like when we first got the house and we were going to just like see it for the first time of just me and the back seat of the car just rambling to myself mica asked how good at bowling are you I am not good at bowling you're pretty hit or miss I'm it like sometimes sometimes you ball really sometimes I bought really good like I think my best game was like a 1 so I would say you're pretty average and you're in consistently good that's pretty yeah how do you feel that your son has put content on his and another man's YouTube channel of them fully nude doing things like painting each other to be super villains and them drawing full body art for a profit I don't know but this kind of seems like porn how do I feel about it well I know what context that was done in so I didn't really answer the question other than like I knew what what context that was done in and it was all done and sort of good day truth those are the videos that you show to people though when you're like what did your son do a living absolutely we're just like this yeah exactly yeah and they go oh that's great because I want to get out of the conversation it's perfect for that if you could live anywhere else what worry worry where would it be like in the world I would have to go scope out some places to see if there was somewhere I would like to live but within the United States San Francisco would be cool I think Austin would be cool I wouldn't mind having like an apartment in New York City something like that that'd be cool lots of cool places around the world there's so many cool places around the world the world such a cool plate I've not really been to were there any words Ethan couldn't pronounce as a child when he was growing up almost all of the words you didn't pronounce most of the words what was your reaction when Ethan decided to move to LA but do you remember your reaction because I remember your reaction I got the call from mark and then you were at work and so I called you and I was like all right texted you and I was like hey when are you gonna be home from work that was kind of a weird question because usually it didn't matter and so you're like I don't know in like 20 minutes why and I was like well because something happened and I want to talk to you about it and you were like is it something big and I was like yeah and so you're like okay and so you came home and then I told you and you thought that I had gotten the girl that I was dating pregnant yeah yeah that must have been a fun ride home what is your favorite memory of Ethan when he was younger I could give you one of my favorite memories on your the day you were born ooh the day I like Warnick you know what it is a little background first cuz that'll be why I was dressed the way I was otherwise it my son but so pregnancies I mean the birth is moving long you know like that and so the doctor was like well why don't you get in the hot tub sometimes that helps move the process along or whatever and I was like cool so I you know we had known that that was a possibility so I had a bathing suit so I wouldn't put a bathing suit on and we get in the hot tub for like ten seconds and then all of a sudden it's like oh wow so like you know we need to have time for margaritas which was kind of a bummer I hope you mom and so we so we you were born I was in a bathing suit no shirt sort of half wet when you were born and so well I was fully wet so yeah you you had stuff all over you was I look like a blueberry didn't I yeah you look like a blueberry you look like someone beat the [ __ ] out of you with a stick after you so you immediately went up on your mom's chest and then I cut the umbilical cord and then shortly after that I had you on my chest and I was holding you and you had your very first poop if any of you are familiar with the first poops of babies there's something called meconium which is like tar it sounds like a toxic plague it was pretty toxic both in smell and texture like it was like goopy grow like it was uh uh it was like so I had to let go take that for a while yeah yeah so that was one of my cherished memories of a view I guess so throw me or I was like somebody take that it was almost like take and just sitting so that was like it was like this connection of poop tar what I was there but it was like well where well yeah I totally bonded for the first that's right that's right well the SD card is about to marry a mound memory so we gotta go fam dad well how was your time here it was great I wish there were more snacks but other than that it's been swell there's new Mimi merch that's in the description give them that sweet merch plug there's some sweet sweet merch I don't know that I've seen it so how do I know house in a box upstairs alright I'll go check it out but I did see that the samples came so when is that merchan gonna be available it's available right now where can I get it you can get it right now crank and place comp now check out the link of the description go and get it yeah anyway thanks for watching hey thanks thanks for having me everybody let my dad know happy birthday hey thank you even though by the time this is up it won't be your birthday anymore well we could like just like a birthday month it's at 2% we got to go okay bye everybody ah
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 442,824
Rating: 4.9928112 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, answering uncomfortable questions, q and a, family vlogs, questions, answers, asking my dad questions, ethans dad, crankgameplays dad, funny q&a, funny vlog
Id: hwuF6HAUrVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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