i was left on read...

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what is up my cranky crew we do that for great gameplays and today we are playing a game that I just found on steam called left on red apparently it's a I was about to say dating sim it's not a dating sim at all it's a narrative game that follows two people who just left college that are that are going home because of coronavirus so very topical select day options quit okay so let's just play and let's see what happens it's gotten some good reviews so far and there's multiple different endings I'm probably just gonna do one or two this round but maybe I'll come back you thrilled we thrill me with just a smile with the whole world crumbling I pick now to fall for you is about to gharial emo up be here day for March 16th 2020 this is the day that I started quarantine hey hi hey how was your flight wait how do I come whoa it's a platformer that's cool how was your flight read 6:12 crazy everyone was wearing masks I was so scared that's insane yeah everybody is totally overreacting about all this nah dude that's insane glad you made it home safe this is really cool red 612 Thanks where did you go when did you go home Saturday night this is a really cool way of doing this can I jump on to the the bubble nice them them good ol one-word answers love it love it well now what did your parents make it home all right this is this is very much yeah they did my sister is coming home next Monday oh no whoops gotcha Brad cool really trying to keep the conversation going have you seen any of your friends yet I wasn't sure if this was people who were in a relationship or not it might have said in the description but I can't remember no not yet but my friend Sam and I have plans on Tuesday but how but how you're supposed to be coordinating that's great awesome are you guys gonna do is say I'm a guy or a girl who being a suspicious suspicious what are you guys gonna do I don't know yet I'm getting the feeling that they don't really want to be talking [ __ ] not oh just nice oh oh and it's awkward it's awkward it's getting awkward dude I'm gonna go to bed now good night not even a full good night just the GN wah so early forgot time zones are a thing haha good night Oh hit with that just the the heart reaction day 7 March 19th 2020 what's up hey oh it feels so awkward hey with the two y's Wow haven't been hit with a hey with two y's in a bit how's it going so bored you oh yeah we know about that board quarantine life I mean - this is getting nuts crazy I don't know we just got a we just got a stay at home order oh oh this is just the beginning oh my god we don't have that yet yeah every single restaurant is closed yep and then the normal stores everything Wow got anything more to say or just wow how was your thing with Sam or holy [ __ ] let's go how was your thing with Sam how was that haha we didn't end up meeting up bomber indeed probably for the best oh I'm sorry what happened let's go probably for the best you know with everything going on probably not best staying on people kind of sucked oh maybe that was the wrong thing yeah social distancing is whack that social distancing real whack dude feels so awkward I'm not sure if it's intentionally supposed to feel awkward am I being left on red oh no hello so anyway oh so oh boy oh oh it's awkward oh it's awkward oh it's so awkward what if the triple dog goes away oh man I gotta help my mom with something talk to you later okay damn these awkward convos dude damn so I guess I guess there's there's a lot of anything cuz well maybe that's that's probably not an N Dec day 18 March 30th not even into April hmm you see we're doing a lot of the reaching out here how you doing it doesn't seem like we're being reached out too much huh why do I always have to be the person to reach out nobody ever text me I always have to be the one text in doing good so bored what about you just chilling dude just trying to keep busy just you know keep it on you know what have you been up to during quarantine you also just been chilling like me you know just doing whatever dude lots of movies not really much else that you can do nice seen any good ones Wow it's so awkward it's so awkward it just feels so forced yes oh my god just some parasite is so good I love parasite the cinematography is so sexy I don't all right I don't like the subscribe it is sexy I mean it's wonderfully shot I don't know okay I'm a sucker for rom-coms gotta love a good comedy I really like sci-fi horror is my [ __ ] horror out of all these [ __ ] my [ __ ] can we go back up top oh we can horror is too much for me yeah I get that some of the classics aren't too scary because the special effects are so trash bad it's not for everybody but you know now during quarantine is the perfect time to get into a new genre did you go to the movies a lot I miss the movies I missed the movie theater so bad god I miss the movie theater one of my favorite things to do is go to a movie and I really miss it no not really wish I want more yeah when well when they open back up we'll go together Wow well hopefully they'll open back up put it gone for it could have gone for it you know damn damn damn damn that would be so sad yeah I hope won't be theaters are ok after this who knows who knows damn this sucks I'm actually having a really great time no not impressed space I wish I could go back but wouldn't you send a message you cannot do it always at the end o JK ha ha ha JK just kidding always a joke one of my friends is calling me to talk to you later oh ok bye [Music] oh-oh-oh not even a reaction anymore April first damn april fools hmm ah oops I didn't mean to say I mean Oh oops why not why not I mean not a super appropriate time for I mean it's April Fool's Day and all but you know there's a global plan pandemic happening so you know you know not great ha ha hee hee ho ho ho he ho ho funny jokes who is that supposed to go to my mom she's big into muscular cat one of the boys just joking another girl I'm texting oh one of the boys you know you'd get the joke if you were one of the boys but so you wouldn't aim probably wouldn't get it cuz you're not one of the boys oh yeah just kind of funny funny boys joke you know Oh anyways what are you up to have you been what are you up to today what you doing tell me about your day to day life any fun things going on are you having a okay no plans just like every other day I can't stop thinking about you that's not gonna be the message that you send sorry to hear that where do you keep changing these messages say what you feel express your feelings why not shoot your shot 2020 the world is ending anyway so just why not the global pandemic it's not like you could see them in tenth one interesting I'm here for you if you need anything she didn't sound super excited when she said it so I'm gonna go with this one oh you dastardly dandy I forgot it was April Fool's Day I was really sweet though yeah I'm uh I'm a pretty funny sweet guy that was really good we'll go with that was really good I guess I mean harmless harmless joke I I guess harmless yolk I'm sorry I had to get somebody well you did a very good job loll glad I could do that for you let's go with you did a very good job lo you really got me I was you really had me on the ropes there cuz I was like whoa have you been fooled by anyone else today huh you know just life just daily life nope but now my day can be fulfilled so thanks for that damn that was a good that was a good goof pretty good goof the acting was superb gotta go eat dinner okay talk to you later any reactions this time no nothing day 46 while we jumped we jumped almost a month a month without talking at all again hey how's it going again I'm the one reaching out well I want to be reached out to let me know that you're thinking of me it's going good what about you not so good yes it's finding us huh living life just just living no response oh so you don't want to help me with my baggage I'll help you with your baggage all the time okay sure ooh yikes actually that was like kind of a joke but now are they just gonna talk about themselves laughter I'm just said hey I'm not doing very great but going on hikes it's really nice cool what about my thing let's say cool sure what if we just had cool period when you end a sentence with the period it's like oh nice yeah thanks for being worried what about you but up to anything exciting I just said that I was doing bad my harmonica came in the mail today so I've been doing a lot of piano man I've got big plans huge plans huge stuff going on for me I'm thinking of going on the road if only I could play a show but you know during quarantine that's actually so cool do you really think that are you just trying to please me can can I ask you something oh boy big question do it do it do it [ __ ] come on can't believe when are in the last week of school jeepers or sophomores now yeah well I yeah crazy doesn't feel right express your feelings ask them the question can't wait for next year I feel like we're not ready oh whoops sure can't wait for next year the worst part of life is waiting unless I have something worth waiting you almost said someone worth waiting for when will you express your true emotions hmm when will you express your true emotions our class is going by the way this this meaningless conversation you're saying nothing just speak your truth dude come on just say it just say what you're feeling on the feeling inside they've been going alright haven't been gone to too many of you I've lost some motivation I've been going to a lot of mine except like one do you think schools gonna be online next semester oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah dude hello my lad to answer I think I would actually lose my mind it's impossible to tell really as of now yeah probably probs tbh I don't even know your name do you even know mine you know damn that would be the worst yeah but don't worry I spoke with the CEO of coronavirus and we agreed that that wouldn't happen let's just do with yeah it would be not really the time for jokes you know I mean sometimes but not in this conversation right now anyway you're just gonna leave a man rent for the rest of the night I guess it's this conversation over what are we doing sorry I got a close huh always always talk to you later Dave fifty May first dude we're getting close to the present hey are you up there texting me no I'm sleep let's just go with ya what's up it seems serious what's up I don't know just feeling extra sad tonight is all oh we all got those days I feel you seemed here I'm sorry to hear that what's got you down let's let's ask the questions you know just be like hey I'm all ears baby what you thinking about my what are you thinking about I don't know never mind stupid no say it just kay are you sure I'm sure it's not stupid what's up what's up I just feel so alone I like I talk to people every day but I feel like none of its real yeah yeah and I don't know how much longer I can do this II think we all sort of feel like just feeling really alone you know feel like everybody sort of feels like that where it's just like damn how long we just gonna do this for as long as we can I guess it's just um oh let's go with always be here for you you know everybody's going through tough times with this like it's just it's tough it's tough because like even if you're talking to people it's still you still feel pretty alone it's really hard to deal with I just don't know how much longer I can do this what do you mean by that though we're in this together you know we just gotta stick it out because everybody's sort of in that situation where it's just we're doing the best we can oh [ __ ] I'm starting to cry again hey and that's okay and having bad days is okay especially right now we're going through a global pandemic you know cut yourself some slack don't be too hard on yourself do you feel the same yeah yeah dude yeah totally say more than that though don't just say yeah like making meaningful conversation over text is impossible yeah I feel the same way communication is 93% nonverbal let's just go I feel the same way it's like torture it's calling the phone I mean it's not that much better but at least at least it's not just text on a page and you get a little bit of a person you know so what do I do we're all the same boat we just have to get through it I don't know then everything will go back to normal or will create a new normal enough I know you're right thanks I'm gonna go to gonna try to go to sleep now alright I'm sorry that you're feeling so bad good night good night well heart know there you go there you go who it is tough it is tough may 3rd 2020 have you been feeling about everything little better thanks glad to hear this is two days later I think I think this is the third and we talked to them originally on the first do you remember the night of Jackson's party boy do I you know the pool was filled with water drinks in hand eyes filled with light reflecting off my retinas or whatever McKee and that's how sight happens man air filled with smells and you were there I remember it we got bored and went for a walk oh yeah walk I remember we laid down under that big oak tree and looked at the stars through the leaves it's pretty romantic TBH that sounds like a lovely Eve did something else happen did we shower kiss you told me about your childhood and I told you about mine some deep combos were happening and now look at us yeah I remember sure what about it hmm let's go with the I remember or some feelings about to be spilled it was really nice remember just interacting with people think about that a lot me too I wish me too you should have left the dremel doc lift it open sharing your feelings aren't you sharing you feel is that where it ended May 18th 20 20 hey can I ask you something why do you abbreviate just say something of course you can are we gonna have an option oh I meant to jump but can I ask you something first I meant I meant to jump but are we actually gonna ask sure nevermind you go first I really like you and every day I regret not asking you out before this [ __ ] happened I mean it seems like that's the that's the thing let's do it oh not even not even editing medtechs I thought it was gonna edit the text don't leave on right don't leave on read don't leave on read oh boy that's not really a question more statement hello hello oh these dots these dots these dots give me so much anxiety nothing that's really sweet the butt the butt oh the butt oh the butt why did you ever ask me out I didn't want to screw things up I was just about to I didn't know you felt that way I didn't want to screw things up oh boy oh I see well I really wish you had rats dude me too it's my biggest regret well at least you have something to look forward to now I'm sorry let's do the top one I think oh oh oh was that way you were gonna ask me question mark haha just know I think you're really great well I think you're really really great I'm gonna lose my mind let's do that okay sure this definitely is very like high schoolish flirting oh just like Thanks ah I like you okay bye sorry for bringing this up I just wanted to know how you felt I wish you didn't oh no worries at all it's just me ask you now don't be sorry I'm glad you did say that very glad cool gonna head to bed now good night send that heart do it dude send that heart hey wait gonna head to bed it's 7:30 what are you doing who comes in bed at 7:30 the heart has its reasons of which reasons know of which reason knows nothing you might be thousands of miles away but I've never felt closer to anyone in my life that's nice he's 69 hey you up and then we just stay here for four hours because they weren't there sleeping that did not hear the phone go off you know what's up just bored venting want got something to tell you what's code this how many what was the day before what are you thinking about I've been listening to a lot of music recently let's go with you you baby just you but I miss thinking about how you smell really bad sometimes and maybe you should bathe more song I'm listening to right now reminds me of you [Music] but what song is it is the question what song falling for you juicy somebody like you wouldn't it be nice falling for you what's falling for you is that is that the emo song that's actually stuck in my head right now hold on what falling for you oh no it's not I thought it was the best thing about tonight is that we're not fighting could it be that we have been this way before no you don't think that I am trying oh you're wearing down to the car hold your breath tonight will be the night that I will fall for you oh there again don't make me change my mind I will live to see another day I swear it's true I miss yours too do you maybe wanna call hey isn't that a nice you could call them here your boys did a chief unlock em missus under Royce right now yeah hey hey 72 hey bro what's up y'all have iMessage using and right just playing some rank to you I'm losing my [ __ ] about what ah [ __ ] a to a thought I just feel like texting is so shitty you know it's just like words words what do they even mean you know I think about that a lot oh I got you yeah I don't know just words man listen man she's totally into you you just got to stay strong just to know how to get to the next level without actually being there physically I just don't know how to sustain how sustainable iteration a relationship over text is I think this is the one so it's hard especially like long-distance relationships are really really hard just got to wait it out and remember no so shut up [ __ ] shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up I hate that I'll play a quick game yeah ya did see you ROG field achievement unlocked bro day eighty we're catching up to real life it's June 11th right now yo hey forgot to ask got any summer plans other than staying inside who am i texting right now because it seems weird that we'd start it with yo I did hmm what what happened I wonder what happened sorry sorry might just want to see my friends you'll soon enough what if we had a little is this the same person been watching any good movies this is the same person same girlfriend before seems very different I mean time has passed but my dad took away my Netflix why what do you do during quarantine no Netflix that makes you go oh man be sad yeah big big sad town yeah me too you been up to anything else I gotta go sorry this the same person there's no fun damn June 18th that's a week from now bra moment hey hi hey did they turn off their read receipts they turned off their read receipts do you miss me I can't even tell this is the same person wait the read receipts are back on okay sure same old same old and that side much everything feels so awkward is this the same person not really still quarantined it is the same person still going on hikes I bet they're gonna be like I gotta go bye notice many as I'd like to do you think go back to normal with us one school when we get back dude really asking how the weather is this is rough not as good as the weather back in college of course I gotta go July 4th damn just gonna be hey Oh painful painful it's painful anything I meant to ask you to help I meant to ask to help you with your bags when you're moving wait no I want to know about the moving out thing oh this is where we get left on red maybe not [Music] the triple dot no text oh you're ready to go back I feel like this is the end Oh will der we've still got a long time now who is so awkward aren't you excited the yep so walk or dude [Music] this is painful especially because it just went from everything's great we like each other hey whoa yay and then to this worried about what what are you worried about huh and then it ends oh my god they want 60 August oh my god oh my god dude I'm much more pain what are you up to just finish unpacking all my stuff now that we're back want to grab something to eat this is the the first time that everyone's back in in real real life or whatever Oh [Music] okay uh whoo-ha whoo-ha oh she throws me with just a smile that took a turn with the whole world crumbling I picked the right time to fall for her [Music] this sense means so little when someone means so much I love her and that's the beginning and end of everything [Music] interesting well this is really cool this is a really really interesting game don't wait you never know when you might be too late huh well a realistic mode unlocked well that's gonna do it for me with this game I know that the world might seem really uncertain right now and things might seem really weird and crazy and stressful but just know that with time we will get through this we might not go completely back to the way that things were you know I'm sure that in the future we'll we're gonna take different precautions and stuff like that and you know I think we might have to find it a new normal but we will be able to interact with each other again and spend time together physically you know it might take a sec but we just got to be patient we got to just take it a day at a time I know that it's really hard and yeah just stick in there reach out to people as much as you can talk to people whether it's through text on the phone FaceTime whatever and just be there for each other and remember to cut yourself some slack too we're going through so much stuff right now 20/20 has really been a wild deer but it's specifically with this we're going through a global pandemic cut yourself some slack if you don't feel like you've been ours productive or you feel like you you've been lazy or if you're worried about like your own self-image like you you haven't been working out as much as you did or whatever you might be feeling just remember to cut yourself some slack because no one's really ever gone through this before and nobody really knows what's the right thing to do what's the wrong thing to do but give yourself some credit because this is a hard thing to to deal with on a day-to-day basis and - really weird to have all this suddenly just shoved on to us and then we just have to we just have to figure it out and deal with it so car some slack I hope that you guys are doing okay some thing you guys so much for watching hope you enjoyed it if you did make sure to slap that like button right in the face and I will see you guys in the next video love you all stay cranky bye [Music]
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 495,416
Rating: 4.9834461 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, relationship advice, left on read, getting left on read, play through, lets play, left on read game, left on read steam, relationship simulator, relationship game, sad game, saddest steam games, how to text a girl, how to text a boy, how to ask someone on a date, how to ask someone out
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 7sec (2887 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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