a lazy q&a with my dog

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you want to do a little Q&A with me Oh lazy queuing eggs human queuing lays ha ha ha good boy better good boy yes there you go hey guys what's up how's it going I felt like doing a lazy Q&A today because I was really long time ago I was like I'm gonna do a Q&A and then what I normally do during like reading your comments or q and A's and stuff is I forget about that I did that and then and then it takes me 12 years to do it so today I thought that I would do it but I would do it it's Saturday morning you know I'm starting my day I have a I have a thing that I have to go to in a couple hours and I was like you know what I'm just gonna do more of like a lazy Q&A where I just set up a random recording spot in whatever room I'm in Spencer you know and answer some questions from Twitter so I'm going to do that well Spencer be getting any new dog outfit soon tell him he's a good boy from me I actually did get him a new dog outfit I will go and get that in a minute and then put it on him and then I'll edit it in here maybe look at your outfit bud great that's America's ass America's ass some huh strong Wow wasn't that a great dog outfit that was incredible Catherine asked you've been doing a lot more cooking this year what's your favorite recipe that you've learned to me I haven't I don't know how to cook anything spectacular incredible I did make pad thai for the first time the other day it was so good I got a wok i season two that wok and then I made stuff in the wok I also the other night man pinched at a wrapped chicken which was Oh which was really good as well I really like that I also got a I got a I got a multi pot like it's a pressure cooker and I'm a slow cooker and like everything you can do anything in it I got one of those I guess it was kind of a while ago but I made there's a really really good chicken pesto pasta dish that's probably my favorite thing it's not really that much cooking you pretty much just throw a bunch of in a pot and then it's ready in half an hour this is someone asked crunchy or creamy peanut butter Robert idk asked what's the most recent brahmam you've had the last question that I answered hey can I have a kiss can I have a kiss please Spencer can I have a kiss unbelievable he does know that like that is a command that he knows sometimes being picky right now can I have a kiss kiss if you have to go anywhere in the world for a vacation where and why I don't know no that's a good question I really want to go on like a stereotypical tropical vacation sometime this year like I really want to go to like Hawaii or something like that I just want to go I've never been on an actual vacation as an adult so I think that I'd like to do that sometime this year and I'd really like to go to a tropical place but if I could go anywhere I don't know what's the most expensive thing you've broken ooh I don't know that's a good question I do remember this isn't the most expensive thing that I've broken but I do remember when I was a kid my parents got so mad at me because I broke are like family camcorder it was one of the really old ones that you had to put cassette tapes in but we had it in this little camera bag and I remember I always liked taking it out and like making dumb videos with it my parents would also get mad because sometimes I would accidentally record over precious family footage that we can never get back now but I remember this one time the camera bag was open and I didn't realize it and I went to pick up the camera bag and I just like didn't think about it and I grabbed it and the camera flew out and it completely broke it and my parents were so so pissed you could still watch tapes on it but it wouldn't the the lens was all up so it wouldn't open up anymore very sad very sad my parents were very upset at me how does it feel being a big boy in the playground with the verified symbol next to your name honestly it feels exactly nothing has changed the only thing do you want to see what's different about being verified so these are my mentions here yeah you see the thing up top I can't tell if this is in focus or not there's a verified tab and then you go into that and you see just people that are verified and it's only notifications from people that are verified that's the only thing that's different about having a verified account what's something that scares you but you want to overcome I really want to get more into acting acting terrifies me and it excites me at the same time I think it's just going out and doing something new like that is really scary a little bit yeah I'd like to get into that more whether it's on stage or in like short films or something like that I'm in Los Angeles so there's films and stuff going on all the time and there's always like theater and things going on so I really want to try and get back into it because I really really really missed doing that I did it a bit in high school obviously I've done a ton of improv and we went on tour so I know what it's like being on stage and I really miss doing that it's also terrifying though but I want to get past that fear and get back into it how are you feeling today good sir I'm feeling pretty good I've got my swim trunks on I don't know if you can see my sweet ass in the back I'm going to a little a little a little a little industry pool party event thing oh yeah I'm feeling good just took Spencer for a real long walk and went outside he saw a bunch of kids on the playground playing and Spencer does this thing where he doesn't understand the difference between a child and a puppy it's really funny because he tries whenever he sees like a toddler or something he's like it's a small thing kind of like me I would do play he doesn't understand that it's not a dog and he he addresses small children the exact same way that he would another dog and it's really funny are you gonna make some ASMR cooking videos anytime soon I do really want to get back into doing those cuz they're so fun and they're so stupid what should I make next tell me what I should make and if I get at the top comment of what I should make I'll make that unless it's something horrible what something really cool Spencer can do or what does he do that annoys you a lot well I sort of already showed you the like cool thing he could I really love that he kisses on command I think that's really cute [Music] he's so sweet I think my favorite thing about Spencer which you can kind of see a little bit you can really only see it when he when he runs but his ears his ears are pointy but at the ends they're a little bit floppy so when he runs they like flop and it's really fun - my least favorite thing if I had to choose the least favorite thing really not as much Spencer's fault but more the fault of the place that I live in is that sometimes late at night Spencer will pace around my room a little bit or he'll move around and I have hardwood and so the click-clack of his sweet little pods is really annoying especially in the summer right now because he usually sleeps on my bed but it's been so hot recently so he likes to sleep on the hardwood so he moves around a little bit in the room once he's warmed up a spot on the hardwood he moves to a different spot kind of annoying it's a lot of click-clacking but that's okay what were the TV crew doing in your house the other day good question I said good job I should bring this up actually um I had some people in my house the other day the other day okay but it some people in my house the other day it was people from epidemic sound and they're doing a really cool interview we we did a like a basic interview and then we went out and shot a bunch of b-roll stuff and that's gonna be coming out on their channel fairly soon I think September 5th they showed it to me the other day it's really cool it's also really weird seeing myself in that kind of thing I don't know it's for this thing that they're doing called the leap and so they're interviewing a bunch of different content creators and it's like tell us about the leap that you made into doing what you do I'm really excited about it I looking back at the interview I was kind of awkward I was really nervous so I was like super stiff what you guys will see once it comes out but yeah that's coming out fairly soon September 5th on the epidemic sound channel so be sure to check it out what's your favorite Harry Potter movie and book and why also who's your favorite character from that Pacific one my favorite movie is the half-blood Prince just because I feel like that's when it starts to get really dark also the cinematography in that one I feel like stands out above the rest of the films as well I also really like the way that they graded that one I thought it looked really pretty but that's when it I feel like when it well I guess in the fourth one it gets against that's when it really starts to start getting dark but I feel like I don't know you just see Harry struggling with so much stuff in the sixth one and it's really cool and I really love that a lot and it's the most entertaining one to me it's the darkest one in my opinion and I think that Daniel Radcliffe's acting in that one is also really really good I really enjoyed it so there I also like when he's trying to get what he's trying to get Leghorn to tell him to give him his memory when he when he's on the the liquid luck and he talks about the pinches what are your favorite types of videos to record honestly recently these kind of things where I'm just doing random stuff like I've recorded that peanut butter video with Mark the other day and it was really fun it was just fun to do something different in something impulsive and it was literally like oh I kind of want to film this idea that I have and then I went to the grocery store I bought a bunch of not peanut butter and then I randomly called mark and he came over and we filmed it and I edited it that night and then it was up the next day so like I don't know it was just really fun and I still love doing gaming stuff but this is just a bit more fulfilling doing the random impulse stuff like this it's just like I kind of want to film a Q&A but I do want to do it a little differently I just kind of want to sit in a room with my with my main man here and answer some questions so anyway come in come in come in come in come in oh you see my sweet pale legs so anyway I'm going to end this video here what do you don't it's just licking the foot of the tripod thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this cute little QA we spent here it wasn't about Spencer maybe I'll do specifically a Spencer Q&A Spencer would you like that would you like you doing Spencer Q&A I hope you enjoyed I hope you had a great day I hope you have a great rest of your Saturday I hope you have a great weekend enjoy the summer unless you're south of the Equator then enjoy the winter uh I will see you guys next time Spencer do you have anything else to say all right I'll see you guys later
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 133,032
Rating: 4.9924564 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, q&a, q&a with dog, crankgameplays q&a, crankgameplays spencer, crankgameplays dog, reading comments, questions and answers, q and a, questions, answers, reading tweets, reading twitter questions, twitter comment reaction, reacting to comments, reading mean comments
Id: hLveOplYIPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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