i got my wisdom teeth removed

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Ethan: You ready for me to have my teeth pulled? E: So today- very exciting day, I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled! Wowowow (Ethan and Mika both making noises resembling "whew") E: Yeah, I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled today- all four of them. I've never really had a-a surgery before, so this will be interesting. I got one tooth pulled when I was a kid, and they put me under very briefly but that's kind of the only experience that I have with this. Mika: I made a cheesecake last night and he can't have any of it! E: I can't have any of it. And I can't have anything to eat at all since 2:00 a.m last night. Can't have anything to eat and I'm super- M: Guess I'm gonna have to eat for the both of us. I don't know why I'm stalking around you. E: (laughing) Stop it. We're about to leave. Uh, Mika's gonna drop me off and I'm gonna get some- I don't know how I'm going under. M: They're just gonna- E: They're just gonna hit me- hit me with a blunt object. I don't know how this video will turn out- got a little tripod on there- I don't know how this videos gonna turn out I don't know how this video's gonna turn out, I don't know how much- M: Look at my earrings! E: (playfully) This is my video! I don't know how much content we're gonna have here Uh, but Mika's gonna come along the journey and make sure that I'm safe. M: Sure! Safe? That wasn't in the original plan. E: Alright, so we're gonna go there. I'm gonna get my tooths pulled and then uhh we're gonna see what happens after. Also for those of you that don't know about getting your wisdom teeth pulled they give you, uh, they put you under uhh and they give you a bunch of drugs and stuff. So when you wake up You're all, you're all loopy. And you say funny stuff. Sometimes. I'm a little bit nervous though, I'm a little bit nervous So let's go to dentist. Let's get these toofers yanked. Not, not these, no. They're way in the- you can't even see em. 'Bout to go in, get my toofs pulled. I should have shaved. That's okay, look at this sweet facial hair. M: The dentist is definitely gonna be offended by your facial hair. E: They can take my teeth, but they can't take (laughing) my facial hair. Very nervous- I'm about to be put under Mika's gonna sit here- M: This is a horrible angle. Don't do this to me. E: Mika's gonna sit here while I get my tooths yeeted. M: Don't expose me like this. E: See you on the other side. M: He's going to the farm E: Goin' to the the ranch- M: He's goin' to the farm. E: Goin' to the ranch. See you guys in a better place. Spongebob guy: One Hour Later... M: Guess who just got their teeth taken out, and is now on a lot of medication. How do you feel? E: *giggles* Pretty silly, I can't feel my whole face. It's so funny. Where did the- M: No no no don't- don't dig in there. E: Where did they take them? M: They went all the way back and took them from each side. E: No but where did they take them after? M: You mean where did they put your teeth? E: Yeah. M: They probably put them in a desk drawer and they look at them every now and then. E: I- M: What? E: What if I wanted them? M: You could have asked for them. E: I didn't-they took me out of the room and I couldn't ask. M: You should've asked before. We should go get you your- your medications- your prescriptions. Okay? E: I can't go in public like this. M: You're gonna sit in the car. We'll go to a drive-thru, okay? E: They'll think that my mouth is- *whines* M: We could go get a milkshake from McDonald's and I could get a spoon and you could spoon it into your mouth. You wanna do that? E: (whining) Yes. M: First we're gonna get prescriptions, okay? *Ethan making various whining noises* M: No, we got to get you your motrin E: *huff* M: All right, say bye-bye to YouTube for now, okay? E: Bye YouTube for now, I love you and appreciate you a lot There's so many things I've had to do on YouTube and that makes me so happy. It was a rough year last year but this year's really turnin' it around and I I feel like we're really gonna do some great things. This is my year, this is- *makes "ooh" noises as he punches the air All the- all the other people will come around and they-*more oohs* I'm gonna get 'em. M: (laughing) You're gonna get 'em? E: Not in a bad way just-I'm gonna get 'em. M: You are gonna get 'em. E: I feel good. M: 2019 is the year of Ethan, with four less teeth. M: But way more goals completed. Yeah? Is that a good one? E: Yeah? M: Alright we're gonna get his prescriptions we'll be back in a bit. E: (laughing) Welcome back everybody. M: It's been three minutes. E: Did I film before? M: I just filmed you. E: When? M: (laughing) Earlier in the parking garage. E: In the parking garage? M: And you were like "I can't see myself- oh wait, there I am." *confused Ethan is confused* M: That's not gonna work, babe. E: Wait. M: (laughing) It's not gonna stay up. You have to hold it. E: I have to hold it. Welcome back to the vlog. We just went to the- M: Can I see your mouth? Can you open? Okay. You're okay. E: No drips? M: No drips. E: I feel like a Kylie Jenner lip kit. M: That's not what it looks like at all. E: It's so much what it looks like. My tongue is so tongue-y. M: I hope so yeah. E: So tongue-y. M: I wonder how much of this you're gonna actually keep in when you edit. E: You know that's not my problem. M: It- Yeah, it's not. E: Fu- future Ethan's problem. M: Mm-hmm. E: Hey bud. M: Why don't you tell 'em what we're about to go do. E: *gasps* So I can't eat I can't eat solid food for few days, as many of you know, and so- ... E: Where are we going? M: McDonald's E: Oh. We're gonna go to McDonald's. I'm gonna get a chocolate shake. But here's the twist M: Here it comes guys, you're never- you're never gonna guess. E: Don't come for me. M: You're never gonna guess the twist. E: You're never gonna guess the twist- The hint is in the name. M: What? E: The hint is in the name. M: McDonald's? What name? E: Or- I can't, I can't use a straw. M: Where was the hint for that? M: Where was the hint for that? E: The tw- the twist. Some straws twist. M: Mmm. E: That was the hint. M: What was I thinking? Oh, man. *Ethan scoffs a little* M:I'm so dumb. E: Maybe you'll understand when you're woke as I am. M: You're so woke. They put a lot of woke-juice in you. Maybe you should take a break from talking Do you know sign language? You can sign for your vlog. *smack* E: I can't feel my...face M: Mm-hmm. E: -when I'm with you. But I love it. M: *softly* Oh dear... But I love it. I wanna be a good friend. M: You are a good friend. E: Do you think I'm a good person? M: You're a great person. E: Wow M: Do you think I would date a bad person? E: No. M: Exactly. E: You're so pretty. M:(laughing) Thank you. E: Look at her. M: No. *laughs* I'm driving. E: Big- bi- big secrets. M: Mm-hmm? E: Mika's the prettiest of all. M: What are you telling them? E: In all the land. M: I can't hear you, it's a secret. E: I said Mika's the prettiest of all in all the land. M: No. It was a secret. If you told me it, it's not true. E: That's not secrets. Secrets aren't lies. A secret's just something that you wanna- keep *Ethan is very offended* M: *laughing* E: Nooo M: You haven't changed. You're great. You're fantastic. E: Am I a good friend? M: Yes, you are a good friend. E: Well guys I'm gonna put it down for now, but we'll be back in a minute when we get to the- When we- M: When we? E: Where are we going? M: (laughing) McDonald's. E: Oh, when we get to McDonalds and we get a shake- M: Oh look, we're at McDonald's. E: *gasps* McDonald's! I can't show you, it'll give away our location. And then- oh. *ethan sounds* E: What's up fam? We got iiice creaaam. I can't eat them until we get home, apparently, because- M: Apparently? E: Apparently because they're not good enough...? Wait, why can't I- M: No. You can't have anything through a straw because it will shoot the stuff back into the holes in your mouth now. So you have to eat it with a spoon- E: Ahhh M: And because of your, pardon me, sloppy state right now, I don't want you eating it in my car with a spoon. E: How dare you? M: Are you gonna really say you're not sloppy right now? E: (laughing) A little bit. M: Babe your mouth is bleeding. You should probably not talk so much. I'm just looking out for you, I know you gotta get that sweet YouTube content. E: I love you. M: Love you too. Spongebob voice guy: Later That Same Evening E: Well, I'm a normal person again. Just with big cheeks. Spencer's here. he's being a good boy. But everything is going A-okay. I hurt a lot. Oh Wow, would you look at that? That's a thing of dreams. That's what dreams are made of. I guess I'll- M: Spencer literally wouldn't get out of our laps, because he wanted to lay on you. E: Aww, buddy. buddy My mouth just really hurts a lot. It feels really, like, big. Look at him! Look at him! wooooow Everything feels real weird in my mouth. *spencer playing with a toy in the bg* It really hurts a lot. It's really sore and I just woke up I fell asleep, but I'm really hungry but I've also just remembered that I can't eat any solid food still. M: You can eat mac 'n cheese! E: I can eat mac 'n cheese? M: Oh yeah, you don't remember that. The nurse is like "You can eat any noodles, E: What? M: You can eat soups, you can eat mac 'n cheese, chicken noodle soup, pudding. You can't have any smoothies that have seeds, so you can't eat like, strawberries or anything. But, yeah. *laughs* And you were like "How long am I stuck in this snack hell?" E: *laughs* M: She was like "It's just three days, it's only for three days, you'll be fine." And I was like "Ethan, you live off mac 'n cheese anyway." And you were like "Stop outing me in the dentist." E: *laughs again* Yeah, everything's very fuzzy. I don't really remember anything from the actual, like, procedure. M: You kept asking me- "Are you sure I didn't wake up?" E: Okay, so that is the thing though, like I I like, I don't remember, the last thing I remember is The dentist came in and, everything was through IV. He came in and he like actually put the, uh the sleepy boy medicine in because they just had like a saline drip going and then he asks, he just started asking me about, uh, my job and he's like "So what do you do for work?" And I was like "Oh I do, I do stuff on YouTube." and he's like "Oh, yeah like what kind of stuff?" and I was like "Oh I do gaming stuff" and then he was like "My four-year-old son- And then I was out. So he was probably gonna talk about Fortnite. M: I remember your doctors came back in and was just like "Oh you were talking to him about YouTube" and you were like "We were talking about YouTube and I fell asleep. What time did I fall asleep?" He was like "Oh, you fell asleep real fast. We were talking about YouTube- I actually sat next to two YouTubers on the plane." And he was getting really, really excited and then you're really quiet and you just sat there then you're like "I'm a YouTuber." *laughter from both* M: And he was like "Oh, wow, really? That's crazy." But, just like, you really with really big cheeks being like, "I'm a YouTuber." E: *laughs* M: I was like, "Woah." E: But now I just have meds to take and milkshakes to make. It's weird cause like. I don't not remember, everything is just like really foggy. Like I remember M: You have to be like, jump started, with a memory E: Yeah, I don't like I don't really remember specifics about anything. I don't remember going at McDonald's at all, uh, I don't remember going to McDonald's at all and I don't remember going to get the prescription at all M: You got a lot of footage of yourself being like "Alright guys I'll talk to you- "Umm, what are we doing?" I was like "We're going to McDonald's." And you were like "Oh yeah! We're going to McDonald's. We're going to McDonald's, and I'm gonna get [unintelligible]" (Ethan Laughter) I wish that I could have like recorded stuff right as I woke up But I asked the dentist offices if I could film and they were like, yeah I mean like I get why you want to but there's like other patients here and stuff right now So it would be great if you could not do that so you know gotta respect their wishes and also it would just be kind of weird if like because there was a lot of people there for some reason. Yeah, I don't want to I don't like filming other people Or having my camera out when there's other people and they don't know what's going on Anywho probably gonna end the video here because I don't I don't think there's gonna be much else except for me M: Using your mouthwash. E: Eating soup- mouthwash? M: Oh okay, I have to explain all your medicine to you. You have mouthwash. You have to use this for a full week We do it once a day. E: Yeah, so this would be cool. I prepped some videos Because, it hurts. Like it's not awful to talk, but it hurts for sure So, I don't know if I'll be able to jump back into video. Maybe it'll be better tomorrow, but Mika and I got some gundams So we were gonna make 'em last night, but we didn't end up doing it. Babe you wanna make some Gundams tonight? M: Yeah I really wanna make some gundams. E: Yeah? Let's let's show them the boxes because they look really really cool M: I wanna show my big boy. E: We've got some Gundams at this cute little Japanese store. Do you know what that store is called? If you're ever in- M: Neko Stop. E: Neko Stop? It's in Burbank. So if you live in LA go to go to Burbank- M: It's a tiny like, sign. So if you wanna find them just use Google Maps or iPhone Maps 'em. They're in Downtown Burbank. E: Yeah. M: I go there and I spend like $50 every time. E: *gasps* Oh babe, hold on, hold this. Kangarumi! M:OH!!!! E: (tension build up sounds before the reveal) E: *reveal sounds!!!* Do I have a tail? M: You do. E: I'm a furry. Oh wait, let's show them the gundams. This is my Gundam that I picked out M: Trans-am Exia Gundam E: Yeah, it's pink Wow, look at that, I'm so excited and then here's Mika's Gundam It's really cool. It's a very big boy Wow He's got a little big shield and stuff So yeah, that kind of does it for this little vlog? Who knows what we got for footage was it good? was it not I don't know but it's the memories that we've made along the way and I haven't made any of them because I was not in *laughing* a coherent state of mind (M: I did though!) You made many funny silly memories today M: I made so many memories E: Well, we're gonna go to... I'm gonna eat some food. I'm..."food". I'm gonna eat some liquid. We're gonna make these gundams And then we're gonna be watch that new Jake Gyllenhaal movie that's on Netflix M: That's what's up. E: wowowow. I love Jake Gyllenhaal. He's my favorite actor M: (playfully) Wow...you love someone else? incredible... E: We're gonna go and do stuff now, thank you so much for watching. I hope it was entertaining And I hope your teeth don't hurt as much as mine do. M: I wish mine did... E: No you don't. Why would you want to be in pain? M: I love having my wisdom teeth pulled E: (playfully) I love being in pain! (Mika speaks unintelligibly as Ethan talks) M: Gosh! E: Okay, see you later! Thanks for watching this thing! Bye! Go down in the description and check out Mika's stuff! *laughs* M: If you're gonna get your wisdom teeth out, let me know, I'll take care of you! E: Yeah. Mika's gonna have like an uber service but only for people with wisdom teeth M: I'd get a lot of knitting done in the waiting room, it's fantastic! E: You knitted? M: Yeah! E: Wow, alright, see you later. Bye
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 2,088,268
Rating: 4.9828749 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, wisdom teeth, wisdom teeth removal, wisdom teeth removal funny, wisdom teeth aftermath, funny wisdom teeth, wisdom teeth videos, wisdom teeth surgery, wisdom teeth vlog, crankgameplays wisdom teeth, crankgameplays after the dentist, ethan after the dentist, funny wisdom teeth video
Id: QpjEJ7L9BGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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