Every Time I've Almost Died (story time)

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hello welcome to my kitchen why are we in my kitchen no reason at all actually i probably shouldn't even be in my kitchen because as you can hear the audio is probably garbage the audio is really bad because it's like open space over there it's all tile so much reflection happening i'm talking into a like marble countertop i just felt like filming a video in a different space and i had one of my lights up here and i was like hey why not film it here in my kitchen i don't know it kind of looks cool right past different today i wanted to do a story time video as many youtubers have done in the past story time videos are kind of fun you know a little different story time so i thought that i'd tell you the fascinating stories of how i've almost died a couple times hmm how's that sound how's that sound i think i've told a couple of these stories uh a few times maybe on like streams or something i don't know if i've talked about them in videos before actually though so that's why i kind of want to talk about it but yeah i've almost died a couple times so as pretty much all of you know i have a severe peanut allergy i can die from 1 500th of a peanut yeah i'm kind of a dude and so when i was when i was little like 18 months old uh my parents found out that i had a peanut allergy uh they found out uh this wasn't originally gonna be part of this but they found out because i guess i was kind of a picky eater as a baby which is weird because other than obviously peanuts because i can't eat them i'm really not a picky eater at all there's very few things that i don't like and i don't even know if there's anything that i don't like to the point that i wouldn't eat it but i guess i was kind of a picky eater so my mom decided to put peanut butter on pasta which is that's weird why would you do that but i touched my tongue to it broke out in hives parents took me to the hospital um which is thankful that i didn't eat more than just like touching my tongue to it because i probably would have died then too but yeah the doctors did some tests and they're like okay he's definitely allergic to peanuts anyway my whole life has been without the peanuts except for a couple times uh whoopsies so the first time that i ever had an allergic reaction um i guess i should give a warning on this too i mean you kind of already know from the video title and everything but you know there's going to be mentions of me almost dying and a lot of like shock and like that so if that doesn't sit well with you maybe you shouldn't listen so i was in seventh grade um and i was getting ready for school having my breakfast and i decided to drink part of an adwala protein shake which i don't know if a dwala still exists anymore but i had a little bit of an adwala protein shake with my breakfast uh and then i went out to the bus and started feeling real weird started feeling kind of itchy and keep in mind this is the first time that i've ever had an allergic reaction other than when i was super young but i don't remember that at all and so i got to the bus stop started feeling really weird and so i lifted up my shirt and sure enough i was covered in hives uh if you don't know anything about allergies or allergic reactions or anything um usually you'll get like hives or your face will pop up puff up you'll get really swollen your eyes will get really itchy um you can literally feel your throat start to close up you might throw up you might have like really bad diarrhoea or something because your body is trying to get it out of your system so anyway i was really lucky because normally at that time my parents already would have been gone because usually i left for school um shortly after they would have left for work so i'm not actually sure why they were still home but i'm really glad that they were still home because i went up into their room and i just took all of my clothes off because because i was super itchy and i was covered in hives um and so i just like took all of my clothes off and i was like i think i'm having an allergic reaction and so i went into the bathroom and i started throwing up everywhere and then i stood up and i said i i said give me my epipen and then i passed out so that's kind of spooky and so i woke up to not being able to breathe my throat had like pretty much closed up i couldn't breathe and i woke up to my dad giving me the epipen um yeah so that was scary if my parents weren't there i would have passed out and died yikes and so it's it's also crazy because when you have an allergic reaction you're supposed to have a lot of benadryl as well um i should probably know why benadryl is beneficial it's an anti is it anti-inflammatory it's an antihistamine why is it good i don't know but so when i had the reaction when i got home i took four benadryl before getting my epipen in the ambulance i took four more benadryl they gave me four more benadryl then at the hospital they gave me the equivalent of four more benadryl so i had give or take 12 plus benadryl and not only that but i also was going into shock too or i had gone into shock i had gone when you have these kind of allergies you go into anaphylactic shock which i don't actually know how anaphylactic shock is different from other forms of shock shock i mean i assume because it's different because i don't know normal shock like related to injuries and stuff is you know because you're being injured and this is because your body is trying to kill itself um yeah whoops it's weird because my epipens are they're right here actually they're a spring-loaded needle um and so you know it should technically hurt a lot but it actually doesn't hurt i don't know if it doesn't hurt because it actually doesn't hurt or because it doesn't hurt because um your body is saying hey we're in shock we're not gonna feel anything also i was like going in and out of consciousness again um so yeah epipens what a fun time i always carry two epipens on me also at all time they're just in my pocket um because you can have another reaction up to six hours later um also there is a chance that maybe it doesn't work for some reason i don't know but it's good to carry two and if you have a severe allergic reaction or if you have a severe allergy please carry epi pens if you can uh if you can get them that's the other thing that's really up um is that epipens are extremely expensive at least the standard epipens are i know that they're pushing out like alternatives right now um but the normal epipens um which aren't covered under my insurance for some reason are about seven hundred dollars for a two pack so a lot of people aren't fortunate enough unfortunately to be able to afford that and so it's like okay well i guess i might just die then because i can't afford to pay that so it's really up anyway that's not what this is about and so obviously when you have an allergic reaction or an allergy attack you get super super tired not only because of the intense amount of benadryl that they give you but also because your body was just in shock and basically you almost died so you basically just at least in my experience the few times that this has happened you just sleep for a really long time for the rest of the day probably the rest the next day um you get big bruises on your thighs because if you want to know about how to do an epipen oh boy oh boy i'll go get my train i'll teach you hold on okay so usually every epipen they come in two packs by the way it comes with an epipen trainer which doesn't have a needle in it but it's pretty much it's the same thing to just teach you how to use it i couldn't find my trainer because most of the time i don't ever use it but i do have an expired epipen so we are going to demonstrate this on a tomato that's uh that's going bad so again done don't do this use a trainer uh this is how my parents taught me how to use it when i was growing up so this is just the like little case that it comes in the current ones that i have don't have this but it's different yeah so they would they would take fruit and they would teach me how to use it because it also like has some force and stuff to it so you take off the and this is a little bit different depending on the epipen that you're using but it's all basically the same you take off the blue thing this end says on it it's the needle end so don't touch that hold it like this and then you have to go on you have to go on the outer thigh the this part of the thigh the outer thigh you squeeze the person's thigh or your thigh you go on the outer thigh and then do this ready and then you keep it in there for about 10 seconds so yep and then this comes out like this um so that's the needle that's in there this slides out to protect it because that's now a needle but always stab on the outer thigh never ever ever the inner thigh also the thigh is pretty much the only place that you do it people ask like the heart like in pulp fiction definitely don't do that never in the neck never in the arm you do let me show you these gams real quick the you do the outer thigh this is the inner thigh never stab there always the outer thigh here i'll show it to you on this leg you squeeze and stab on the outer thigh you do it on the thigh because it's the fattiest part always the outer thigh because the inner thigh has arteries if you hit one of those you won't die from an allergy attack you'll die from bleeding out anyway that was a little bit of a tangent but the more you know i've just taught you how to use an epipen that's also why i have this wrist bracelet too wrist bracelet this medical alert bracelet um it just says ethan nester anaphylactic peanut algae you flip it over it has uh it says what does it say it says epipen on person and then i have an emergency contact on there um but yeah i wear this because if i ever pass out or i'm having an allergic reaction there's a little bit of info it tells what my medical things are second time i almost died this one was uh i don't actually think i almost died from this so never mind on that but second time i thought i was having an allergic reaction was actually the first time i ever went to pax east and i think that this was due to i think i had some sort of sickness at the time anyway i also wasn't eating a ton that day and i wasn't drinking a lot of water which is really important if conventions are ever a thing again make sure you're well fed make sure you're drinking a lot of water because you're allowing around a ton of people and you are you know walking a lot and so it can get very congested but my dad and i were walking around and i was like hey i need to sit down for a second because i'm getting kind of lightheaded uh which is something that's happened to me a lot i think i just have like an iron deficiency um and so i was like okay i'm gonna sit down and drink some water this is when i was 15 14 15. no i had to be had to be like 16 at this point because i was already doing youtube so it was probably i was probably 16. um and so sat down for a minute had some water then got up we started walking and then i don't remember anything because i just fell over and passed out completely and so because of my history with my allergy my dad thought that i might be having an allergic reaction epipens also are just filled with epinephrine which is something that your body produces naturally so there is really no risk of taking an epipen when you're not actually having an allergic reaction if i wanted to i shouldn't actually do this ever if i wanted to i could stab myself with that right now and nothing really would happen because your body naturally produces that so there's no risk in giving somebody and thinking maybe this person is having an allergic reaction you can give them an epipen and it'll be fine so my dad thought that i was having an allergic reaction i was passed out on the floor he gave me the epipen um and then we went to the hospital from there but it turns out i wasn't having an allergic reaction they don't think because i didn't have any other symptoms and so they thought that it was just me getting very overwhelmed uh in the large crowd third place this was an actual allergy attack this was about two and a half years ago or so it was april of 2018 um i went to whole foods and i did something that was stupid actually so other people with allergies shouldn't do this i don't know why i thought this was fine to do but i did it anyway i went to like the salad bar or uh and i just got rice i just got rice and maybe like a soft boiled egg but the thing that i for some reason didn't think about which i think about all the time but i don't know why i didn't piece this together at that point was there was a bunch of other dishes over there and a couple of them had peanuts in it and so i scooped the rice in with the spoon that they had there i ate it and then i went on my way and i was just doing some other like shopping and stuff and so i was then at target and i started feeling really weird my eyes felt really puffy i was feeling very itchy but not in a normal itchy way it's like a very specific feeling when you start having an allergic reaction you get itchy in like a weird way and your eyes feel really really weird not just like having an itchy eye so i went into the dressing room pulled my shirt up covered in hives um and at that point me and my friend slash current roommate catherine we weren't living together at the time she lived down the street from me and so i called her and i was like hey catherine can you come to my apartment because i think i'm having a little bit of an allergic reaction so she was like yeah sure and so i went to my car um and i looked in my rearview mirror and my face was huge and so i just immediately and i at that point i wasn't in shock or anything so this is why i sort of know that i i don't think epipens really hurt that much um i immediately gave myself the epipen called 9-1-1 um and the thing about it was is at the time i was driving a mini cooper and i was in the middle of a huge parking lot and it was a gray car too so they're like where are you and i was like i'm in the target parking lot and they're like okay what kind of car do you drive and i was like i drive a gray mini cooper but it's in the middle of the parking lot so they're like okay rescue is on the way is there anything that you can do to like to make it more obvious where you are and so i was like yeah so i laid on the roof of my car while i was having an allergic reaction like i was literally going into shock on the roof of my car um so that was really scary and they're required to do this anyway but i was like will you please stay on the line uh until they get here she was like yes not i mean i have to but yes of course i will and so they got there they got me in the in the ambulance and then i don't really remember much after that except for like waking up and catherine being there um but there was a period of time where i was supposed to show up and catherine probably just thought i was dead um but i think at some point in between they were like is there anybody that we can call and i was like yes this person so those are the times that i have almost died really just the first and the last story um very not fun um for any of you out there with allergies be very careful always always always carry an epipen on you because you never know any of those times that i was that i had an allergic reaction i didn't expect it i've had a lot of people be like oh well like it would be so rare for me to for me to actually have something that had something that i was allergic to yes in all almost 24 years of my life i've only had an allergic reaction twice which is very very very very very very small but if i didn't have my epipens at those points i would have died so better safe than sorry thanks for listening hope you enjoyed my little story time uh this was kind of fun for some reason to film in my kitchen i don't know something different carry your epipens if you're allergic to stuff you know be careful out there hope you enjoyed my ethan nestor's epipen training title yeah i don't know what that was thanks for watching there's merch that's out now and uh softboy stuff is gonna be restocked soon because it's all sold out so thank you guys for for being so excited about that um anyway i'm gonna go see you later
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 555,969
Rating: 4.9907861 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, Story time, Story time CrankGameplays, Peanut allergy, Allergic reaction, I almost died, Almost died, I shouldn’t be alive, I almost died story time, CrankGameplays peanut allergy, CrankGameplays allergy, Ethan me story peanut allergy, Phone voice, CrankGameplays phone voice
Id: uJ1eOixXjnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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