Among Us but if you lose, you drink

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what are the rules for this again okay the rules are if you're on the losing team you drink okay so that's it's that simple and like don't kill yourselves so if you're like three shots deep yeah just pour half or half shots for a half shot or something like don't don't tell me how to live my life whatever if i do anything suspicious it's just because i suck at this game [Music] that's good i believe everyone just get their their pre-existing like uh excuses out right um kill somebody that's a glitch in the game yeah i've been getting that a lot uh what am i doing admin there we go okay you know i'm medpay i don't like i don't like mid-back i do not like it yeah so everybody everybody else is doing shots i'm not um that was fast ethan where were you was it you did you did the kill yeah i killed him uh no i was an admin and then i went up to med bay and then the body was found i got nothing i mean i got nothing to do yeah too much time go by though we do not have a lot of tasks done either so i don't know maybe like change that also chat just just letting you know might have to uh might have to randomly leave stream go to the bathroom because um of the pepper that i ate earlier and in fact i need to do that right now okay okay you wink i hope i don't get killed [Music] oh jeez guys chat for context i ate the world's hottest chip today and it's really oh man she's coming in full storm one thing though is walking by your body and being like i think ethan's gonna try to kill somebody and meanwhile you're just [ __ ] dumping it i literally was talking to chat and i was like all right guys i might have to randomly leave during the stream at some point by the way because of the like pepper thing and then i was like wait no that time is right now exactly right now i'm leaving i have to leave uh okay god listen guys i'm not going to get too much into detail here but ow so gross hey the world why did chris just come in here that was weird i just found the dead body like right in that kind of the entrance to uh navigation so uh what's we have we have to move our report from sven i walked out of there and was all the way up into weapons like headed toward it so what did you say was it in the hallway then sven when you found it it was like three quarters of the way into navigation so kind of in the hallway i'm gonna say it's ben no no no no it's it's eddie and ian trust me i swear ian you can't cast two killers at once we need to find another person out right now we're voting for eddie eddie because he was in the room when the body was but my only thing is why is he trying to accuse two people right now it seems desperate i'm voting sven i voted sven don't do this don't do this whatever you do okay i'm voting it i don't know we're headed for another l all right here we go i totally thought that it was cr like why did he just walk into electrical like that that was weird are you feeling okay ethan no i'm not i i hopped chip today and i'm paying the prize emergency meeting i got it all right guys eddie and ian are still alive bruce finn was i wasn't even at the body when sven reported it why am i all of a sudden like the go-to person that's alive still well because you were the you were the imposter last two games but either way eddie what were you doing i don't know man i don't know bruce yeah i was down in in uh in comms and then i went to shields gus was with me up to the right all the way through cafeteria before right before the body was reported gus you was i not right next to you the whole time i mean he yeah he was there for that portion of it and it's bruce i'm going through it okay so wait hold on hold on hold on don't vote for ethan do not vote do not vote eddie eddie and ian both jumped on that's called in the middle of task a little bit bruce but if it's not if it's not bruce then let's just absolutely vote eddie next time okay okay okay do that absolutely do that okay because we do have the numbers again this is a terrible choice this is a terrible terrible choice oh no oh no no no please win guys please you [ __ ] two [ __ ] rounds in a row i voted for eddie two first listen we'll just kill eddie right off the bat yeah he's just still eddie there's no defense when i go any mode bruce there's no defense guys listen i don't wanna you know give you too much information but my [ __ ] [ __ ] it's just burning burning so bad right now it hurts to sit it hurts to do anything ah it's horrid did you try putting milk on it damn i should put milk i should butt chug a gallon of milk oh boy look everybody all right i want to be imposter sometime today oh it's this uh i don't think it could be eddie four times in in a row okay i'm gonna just finish these up that was spooky oh no wow okay i found [ __ ] wow jesus christ dude how many shots are we in right now four zero [ __ ] as a crewmate for [ __ ] sake i'm tired of this dress i've been stressed for [ __ ] an hour i am i am drinking tonight but i'm not doing shots because i don't want to put my ass through more than it's already going through you know what's a good idea all right bye bye all right baby all right baby each time baby whoopsies and i say whoopsies and i go like this visual tasks are not on right no [Music] right in front of me in front of me i was scanning the bed bay ethan walked out of med bay while i was in there ian just [ __ ] all of them right in front of me i'm [ __ ] voting in immediately before i did see ethan walk by i didn't know if he if he was there for that but come on what did you see okay come on okay stop wasting time right now it's just your word against mine all right okay but you have to come up with a good [ __ ] alibi why are you not decided yet he said come on with his defense well no no i have decided i am voting for ian but i'm just like ian you gotta [ __ ] say anything other than come on ian [ __ ] that one up jesus christ okay i need to i need to get on it is there anybody up here i think everybody is over by reactor you guys were over in reactor who was all there me i ended the game there going up and down with eddie and eric i originally went up there when the reactor was going off and then it stopped and i didn't have any tasks in reactor so i just turned around chris where was the body i think yeah yeah i was going to say the same thing but i want to know where the body is only one and b and only the only reason i think it's due because i didn't see the whole game and i saw most other guys on reactor and the body was like up by like admin like on the top right oh i didn't even go over there i don't know i mean i just didn't have tasks in reactor um wait so chris what were you doing though i was with crispy like the first half i saw like where after together we were the people that went up to reactor to turn it off the first time guys who'd you vote for already unless he's playing the long game prematurely but i ended up voting for ethan that's what adds up the most for me wait why why i mean we could also skip here and get concrete evidence on someone sure whatever you guys want yeah i'm ready to pull the trigger skipping is a better idea skipping's a better idea but uh because we got the math on our side of course here thank you guys don't have too much time go by though not too much why are we both no we're not we're skipping we're skipping i'm saying we should skip okay explain real quick why i think it might be him it's because he was the only one on that side where the bot where the body was found okay all all right that's fair well except for when you went over there yeah but i'm gonna react for first and eric and and gus and chris tell me who to vote for then i'm skipping i'm feeling pretty solid that it's ethan because even if it is and and again this is i already [ __ ] up a vote for ethan pretty early here but like even if it is we have so much time with this the ian conviction all right so keep an eye on ethan and chris yeah it's not me but for sure if you want to participate yeah well because chris reported chris reported you know i need to be really careful really really careful really very much careful i don't even know where the thing is in here all right i'm gonna do this thing three one two three nine doo doo doo just to not look sus okay where is everybody where is everyone god dude oh no i think everybody is with each other oh yeah everybody is 100 even [Music] yeah no i absolutely did [Laughter] good luck boys let's let's let's have some fun here gamers let's have some [ __ ] fun eh how about it that's really risky [ __ ] holy [ __ ] well i just i just missed whoever it was well where is it where is it okay hold on eddie's body is in um is in admin in the bottom right corner i saw someone just vent but i didn't see the color it was me i was i was venting the trash jesus christ could this be a self-report i don't i don't it's definitely not it's i walked into admin and i just saw the vent i swear to you where were other people i want to hear where everybody was i was electrical it was a light color so it could be andy it could be gus i'm on the very very very bottom right was with somebody can somebody validate this i could vouch for gus somebody walked into my room on the very very bottom right somebody walked into that that's me yeah i did it from the top so i know it's not andy i would be really well i would be the thing is i came say that so early who knows if he's the other one or if it was a super cold body because i don't know the i i don't know yeah i feel bad because i just missed it you guys can keep an eye on me but keep an eye on crispy yeah also ian said he vented i don't know if that was a goof or not i think it is i i honestly cannot tell if it's a goof or not i don't know look bro i'm six shots in jesus christ that was uh um that was that was a little risky that was a little risky boys not gonna lie ngl little risky my new rap game a little risky okay doing this okay wow okay so i came up here to do nav quiz where's the body where were you okay there was a bunch of us wait who wasn't in the the um electric room i don't know what the [ __ ] you call it electrical yeah i was in the electric room i had four people maybe three people like there's a lot of people i was gone he was an electric who asked that no gus gus and chris were both that admit with me so i get this body in storage underneath the gas can okay oh that's fresh then because i want it from uh from gums through the bottom when the lights came off by uh by ethan is the person i saw go on lights but then like it had to have been really fresh then yeah yeah because there was i ca so i came up there was like almost everybody in electrical yeah yeah is storage the very very bottom with the trash compactor thing yeah someone could have got the kill and then just walked in this uh electrical and no one wouldn't even know the difference yeah crispy where were you at he's muted crispy oh sorry i was in the top right uh doing asteroids when the lights were called so i just finished it because i figured people would get it and i came down through cafeteria uh and that's basically where i am i'm right outside admin so here's a weird thing gus and chris were together in admin i waited outside of admin to see what would happen went back into admin and they were both gone but nobody died so when i was waiting in storage i walked up to check admin guts and chris left to walk back down into storage and the body was found in storage correct yeah yes see i was electrical when i found after i found it now bruce i that's unfortunately you're implicating me here but like i also i wanted to i wanted to bring this up though too because when when the lights went out i finished the card swipe and i went down and i did the wiring job at the top of storage first and chris came came up at me and then walked back and i saw him go to the back of electrical and then i saw him exit out like the storage way so it just seemed like an inordinate amount of back and forth from where chris usually plays sorry gus what was the timeline for that was that near the end it was yeah it was what you know is when the lights were out so it's like lights are out and i saw chris through the back fourth we went so i thought you were i thought you vented because the lights went out i couldn't find you so i was literally trying to find you and then then i saw that you were because our line of sight got small so we got it out so are you trying to find them you have to skip i'm going to sleep this is one that you call in one minute so that yeah everybody says that it's not them when it's them okay that's pretty smooth tbh piece moves go down here all right damn it i wish my cooldown was done come and pretend to [ __ ] do this for a year man oh man do i wish i had a travis scott burger right now dude that'd be dope it'd be pretty pretty chill to have a travis scott burger we usually have too much time go buying those uh bruce got killed we just got murked okay so what did the emergency meeting yeah and not report the body so here's what i'm wondering i mean finding it is tough but i i obviously here's the only thing i'm really sus on chris because there's no reason to kind of push at me right there too paired with everything else bruce did vote chris last time stood outside the room and just kind of stood there there was another person in that room doing a task wait who followed you i was screaming i was doing the wires and i was doing the navigation one where you take the uh the aim yeah yeah i've been muted this whole time i'm sorry i've been i've been speaking i'm sure bruce was by navigation with me was it you it was a gus i didn't do that wiring panel chris was at that wiring panel but i peeked in there because i doubled back after i saw ian and chris in in nav bay and i was like oh i wonder if one of those is going to die but you guys both came out of there i just i've i've seen skits what's that one or two i've always said did i a little quick no i did scan in med bay med bay was the very first thing that i went through murdered me at the top i'm just a little bit but i didn't see anything suspicious i don't know if i'm barking up the wrong tree but i've seen so much doubling back from chris this game in areas where if he would play so much more efficiently i assume if he was the crewmate i'm just i'm leaning towards him a lot let me be honest so literally when we were in admin you me and bruce before i thought i thought you vented so i literally doubled back to see if you did but since our line of sight was so small because electric was out i didn't see you walk right by me and then that's why you were down doing uh wires i just feel like you're going after me really hard too and i i'm telling you i just saw a weird i saw some weird behavior from from mr melberger so okay so i'm going to be on this one no matter what by the way you can vote for me now or next round and i'll take it as the who said they're skipping um where's the things here's the thing every single time just be aware of eric though i'm voting chris i think we i'm going to vote chris i think we have to vote chris i think we have to vote because of the placement that he could be for that first kill and him trying to miss correcting him for that reason that i'm obsessed with incorrect but good luck guys okay i am being tricked all right so i was gonna try and kill eric but i'm not gonna do that now because i want i want him to look really [ __ ] sauce i'm gonna do the o2 just because i don't want to i'm gonna i'm gonna like wait it out and just pretend let's go damn bro oh that was the best imposter game i've ever played let's crack open this white claw hey i could get the [ __ ] out of there bro oh [ __ ] crispy you're unneeded here i'm needed all right chris melberger was dead in an admin like literally immediately [Music] ethan where were you i went down to admin uh and i was in admin and then uh the body was called and i started making myself a drink and here we are now wait you were in admin i think so guys ethan is trending on twitter but i don't think it's me twitter that's nice all right so where was crispy because i don't nobody's talking to me right so sorry i didn't realize i didn't notice i got locked into storage and uh now i'm in electrical that's literally all i did ethan is not trending on twitter for me it's trending for me okay in gaming it's trending for me okay guys get crank gameplay trending please i've never been trying to thank you so much the door didn't anyone else see the doors get locked off i mean that's a pretty ball so okay so if the body was found in admin and ethan just said he was an admin yeah i'm confused by ethan i don't understand what ethan's [ __ ] game is here listen guys i don't even know if i was an admin i was not paying anyone i was not paying attention i think i'm not paying attention i think that's where i was and i started making my drink because that's what i went to get and i didn't have time to make it because i was afk and then the game started so i was there maybe i wasn't i don't know uh so crispy thought that i was still in my my task bar he killed invented right in front of me dude i just walked into admin and um i would i had my thing open eric was definitely at the task and crispy was asking acting sus earlier walked into the nav and i walked in 100 percent i mean all right crispy so i also saw crispy going to the admins does that make sense all candy who are you voting for i have i'll guess i will for because i have no idea i mean it's clearly chris okay wait hold on andy why why i guess do we have i haven't been paying attention this whole time but why i guess dewey you saw me vent who just said that [Laughter] i think her drunk flip got swooped [Laughter] oh my god okay okay okay [ __ ] all right uh let's go is that only an east coast thing by the way [ __ ] a i feel like that's only an east coast thing uh subscribers here's the thing boys get ready for this one i was just in reactor with bruce i walked down to electrical i was about to [ __ ] sarah with the 25. thank you so much can uh as the brother gus is officially lying he has my vote all right guys it's bruce though it is bruce guys here's a question here's a question bruce it absolutely is brute yeah i just saw him do it guys i have a question all of the alcohol hit me all at once i don't know what's happening who do i vote for i've already voted you're right if it's not gus and we don't win then it's bruce is is ian still alive in real life there's one more killer there's one more killer and gus was one of them all right if it's not gus it's bruce obviously that's all be around listen i am going out on a limb and saying it's andy never mind um okay why did 20 people just walk over that box all right it's [ __ ] easy wait wait hold on where was it where was it it was right in front of electrical it was it was like also i'm pretty sure gus was just with eddie and now eddie's dead um okay so maybe maybe gus for sure ian he was just [ __ ] [ __ ] you i mean for sure ian you were you were walking i saw you walking away from the body ian oh [ __ ] one of my smashed friends right now okay i'm voting ian immediately okay we'll go on this one and then i'm like 80. why me because eddie's dead and i saw you walk up uh from a reactor with eddie i went down dude chris saw me at the bottom i'm down why don't you when i was who went up with eddie then i don't know you saw me though chris down there i'm voting yeah because i've seen you're voting you're voting me ian guess okay so clearly clearly it's [ __ ] ian jesus christ why would you immediately flip it on me yeah dude sorry man i love you but [Laughter] i'm pretty sure that was gus i'm pretty sure that was gus why okay so gus was following me down a reactor when i was going to the reactor yeah i'm voting gus right now i'm on the camps dude i'm [ __ ] on the camps right now easy win easy win i didn't go to the reactor i came down to the camps that's why i'm not the reactor he broke off andy who was in the andy vogt gus and uh let's end this i don't know i don't know the third one it just came from the bottom this couldn't have been i don't think this could have been his kill no it wasn't i came from the bottom it was yeah i don't know andy you have nothing to lose unless you're an imposter so vote gus okay i called the first one skipping well there it is there it is quick round tj's boys [ __ ] that one up that was me i'll tell you right now that was [ __ ] down not bad [Music] here's what happened whole game first of all i walk into admin just as ian's killing a guy and i go out of here so i run out of admin i go to the bottom of the ship and i run into ian killing another guy and i'm like i gotta get the [ __ ] out of here all right let's go one last game baby oh no i killed somebody guys i i killed somebody i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry he's going to call the body good report for it oh my god oh no jesus christ [ __ ] after that first oxygen question gus why were you walking away from oxygen well because i saw that you guys were both heading up there and i just had a panel electric wire job in there which way was he walking away you know he was walking down but i guess that was before you were headed that way before you saw me no i was in the cafeteria and i was gonna go down and then you guys were coming up and i was like well if you guys are both going up i'm just gonna go so from top 02 he was heading down no from the left-hand side i walked through the med bay hallway wait sorry who are you talking about me okay okay explain where did you see the body when whose body frisbee's body top 02 so you were saying gus was walking down from top yeah gus is walking down in admin from somewhere in the cafeteria where did you go after the first oxygen eddy so i did so you and i did the first oxygen and then i think we were both headed toward the other o2 i didn't know if you were going there i was headed there too and i passed gus going the opposite direction which way did you go i was going up into the cafeteria and gus is going down from the cafeteria so i can't tell whether or not gus's story is legit or not you were going up into the cafe no it's not eddie but it's not eddie because i was in oxygen at the bottom in admin and then me and sven both did it and then i was leaving just up into the cafeteria i was nowhere near the other o2 for bruce and for bruce and sven sven you were in the lead and eddie was behind you you both came out of the admin building and i went down into that room there because i had a job there and i saw you were both going up anyway and i was like i'm just going to do my job here's what happened i was i bought him i was nowhere near that can i i never i no no okay that's lame though i'm not even that i know i'm not trying to immediately [ __ ] pick an ally he was doing that he would you were doing that in the middle of walking into the cafeteria ethan and eric where were you guys i was nowhere near over there i was over by cameras i don't care where eric and them were this is immediately deflected right of eddie and gus because now they're both vouching for each other where are [ __ ] dog in this fight really quick together and you're accusing me of killing the guy in the other o2 are you brain dead you're telling him i'm not accusing you of killing him i'm just saying why'd you say you went up to the cafeteria i never saw you there because you were in front of me sven and i need to feed my [ __ ] job these are union shops by the way oh my god enlarged oh that might have been rough enlarged let's go too all right oh my god where's the body up okay let me [ __ ] do my job ian what are you doing i can't tell what are you doing giving you a and it's to complete my goddamn task and you guys are getting in the way of that because i'm trying to like fix the o2 i'm trying to save the day and you guys keep dead bodies i don't care like i'm i'm pretty buzzed is [ __ ] right just let me do my job so now you can see that it wasn't eddie right you could see it wasn't any because he's dead he was not a bad guy myself in that last game i was like knowing eddie he hates the imposter and he hates [ __ ] talking his friends when he called me brain dead i know he wouldn't do that i know he meant that in his heart i know he wouldn't make that up so yes i agree it probably wasn't eddie but i believe there are two killers among us ethan what were you up to okay so i went i went to admin and then i went down to shields and then i was making my way up to weapons when the body was found where was the body found i don't know if i should dismiss smosh ian though because i don't know if i told you guys he was in the room so hey have we voted anybody's i think i saw your name top part of what because i was running across in cafeteria i saw you going down towards admin i i just called with foreign eric i could be fast crispy he was dead kind of like teddy bear like only one fourth of it was peeking out so if drunk ian would have missed it i think he was literally he was literally doing the o2 like feet from this dead body really here's our situation sven all right you and i are not it we we know there's probably two killers let's vote even this time and then buy some time wait hold on sven why didn't you vote baby [Music] you
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 554,482
Rating: 4.9834476 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, among us, among us funny moments, among us memes, among us all kill animations, among us gameplay, among us live, among us funny, among us imposter, among us impostor, funny moments, among us game, among us best imposter, imposter, among us with friends, among, us, among us twitch, crewmate, among us how to play, Among us kill animations, drunk among us, among us drunk, drunk funny moments, crankgameplays drunk
Id: DfbieNvKq0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 36sec (2376 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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