Yoshi's Woolly World LOST BITS | Unused Content and TONS of Unseen Test Rooms [TetraBitGaming]

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hey guys and welcome back to another lost bits video right here on tetra bay gaming the series where we explore the scrapped unused and unseen content in video games at the time of making this video Yoshi's crafted world for the switch is just around the corner so I figured this is the perfect opportunity to have a look at craft of the worlds predecessor Yoshi's wooly world this is my first lost bits on a Yoshi game and the first Lost fans covering a Wii U game a lot of firsts with this one now I didn't think this game would have that much unused stuff to show you guys but hot dang I was able to find so many currently undocumented and unused testing rooms that have really excited to share with all of you as always really quick if at any point you guys do enjoy the video or learn something new be sure to slap a like down below it seriously helps me out all laws and with all of that fun intro stuff out of the way we got lots to cover so sit back grab your knitting supplies it's time to find some woolly lost bits alright let's start things off with some of the games unused graphics first up are some early versions of the games pause menu graphics these include an old graphic for the B patch the flower patch the wool patch and the stamp pack the biggest difference is obviously in the last one as it was changed from a me head to the stamp apparently at an earlier point in development the stamp patches were called me beads instead now it's unknown whether or not the me beads would have had a different effect than the stamp patches but I'd say that would be a pretty fair assumption next up are some unused drawings which looked like they were meant as samples for testing of the games miiverse functionality these images include a thought or speech bubble a woolly Yoshi as well as a goofy image of an envelope from the 3ds classic swap note during a suit and saying hi moving along there are several other unused image files which reveal some early design choices that were scrapped now unfortunately I wasn't able to open these myself so shout outs to random talking bush for converting these files into a viewable formats first is what looks like a screenshot from a very early point in the game's development when Yoshi was still just a yarn outline like Kirby is and Kirby's Epic Yarn for those that remember this is actually how Yoshi looked when wooly world was first announced in early 2013 Yoshi would then transform into the style we see in the final game after swallowing an enemy it looks like it could have been a pretty cool game mechanic so it's too bad that it was scrapped anyways back to the image it appears much flatter almost more scrapbook life and there's also a sign with a gusty likely just a warning that they are coming up ahead next is an image of both styles of Yoshi as well as some relative measurements of the yarn and gridlocks meaning no she's only like 6 centimeters tall in this game next is another early screenshot that looks to have been taken during some sort of debugging process it's interesting to note both what looks to be a color checker in the bottom left as well as an early version of the heads-up display of Yoshi's head and life meter similarly there is another screenshot this time in a roomful of the bouncy creatures once again we can see a different heads-up display in the top left which now has a red yarn ball what this ball meant isn't a hundred percent clear but based on the heart from the last image I'd be willing to bet it's another health meter of some kind there's also an unseen tutorial image that would teach players to shake a Wii Remote to shake off enemies from this curtain that you'll see hanging onto here this is interesting in itself but we should also make note of the realistic looking wooden and rock-like textures of this image too pretty cool next is an unused stage clear graphic featuring what looks like too lazy shy guys looking up towards the text if I had to guess this might have been for an early beta build of the game and lastly for the unseen images are several that show off a larger once intended me feature of the game first are some renders of amigurumi style means after looking up what that means amigurumi is the Japanese art of knitting small stuffed yarn creatures here the Me's are also seen riding some of the early style yarn Yoshi's and then what looks to be an in-game engine screenshot of some nice celebrating with several early style Yoshi's probably meant as an end game sequence or something in any case it looks like bees were planned to play a much bigger role in this game even as far as maybe being playable characters that would ride Yoshi's around definitely seems way different than the integration we received in the final game next up are some unused models for gold Yoshi coins as well as red ones similar in style to the one seen in the original Yoshi's Island there are also several sound files that would go along with these coins a simple coin sound for the regular coin as well as ascending sounds that go up in pitch with each red coin collected similar to those in other Mario games and speaking of unused audio there's two more normally unheard tracks the first based on the file name is some sort of early stage clear jingle from an early demo version and the second is likely some kind of early loading theme [Music] alright guys time to get into the juicy stuff while researching for this video I saw there were like five test rooms that have been documented okay no problem that's a decent amount of test rooms to explore but there is also a plethora of stage data in the game that hasn't been explored so explore it is just what I did now before getting into the playable stages there are several files that still contain data but I wasn't able to get them to load for one reason or another this includes an entire folder of seventy eight stages titled Epic Yarn Kirby since I couldn't open these ones it's not confirmed but judging by the name and how similar the two games are I assume these might have just been Kirby's Epic Yarn levels that were ported over for testing purposes in this game why their data is still in the game though is anybody's guess okay now on to the playable courses if any of you wonderful contributors to the cutting room floor are watching get your pencils oh we got lots to talk about Yoshi's woolly world has the most unused test rooms that I have ever seen by far I'll try to organize these as best as I can so we'll start with the less interesting rooms and progress into the more interesting ones as we move along buckle up we got lots to go through cool first up we have test fujiwara test boss test map sample test takahashi and test you cheetah which all contain basically nothing but some invisible grounds to walk on I was hoping test boss would at least be a cool boss test room so the empty room was kind of disappointing here as well also a few things to address a it seems like many of these test rooms in this game are named with a Japanese last name I assume attributed to the developers of the game and be sorry if I completely butchered their pronunciations test goal is up next and instead of having a goal like I expected it's just another empty area except for this dummy object in the middle based on the name I would guess there was at one point an early version of the stage and goal here we're gonna be seeing these dummy blocks a lot going forward and I assume they just take place of an intended object that is no longer found in the files of the game anyways next up is test Yoshi call regulation and although it looks empty this test room actually does have some invisible ramps and such this was probably used to test the collision detection for Yoshi on ramps of different angles and that would make sense based on the name of the stages file test kimochi 3 also appears to serve the same purpose only this stage has some steeper ramps next is test meat and this is another empty room with several dummy objects based on the name I assume this room was used to test several me characters either normal or in the amigurumi style as we discussed earlier but since those knees were removed we're just left with these dummy blocks test me chicawa also has some dummy blocks as well as collision for some invisible obstacles I really have no clue what this could have been for test no Bay is a room that appears to be meant for testing some sort of wobbling feature on platforms there's also some Japanese Kanji on the texture in the background as well as on the Box on the left I would assume it just says nove based on the name of the file but if it's something else let me know down in the comments test madoka emoji 2 & 3 are both seemingly identical at first I thought they both just had a single egg block each but after going to the right long enough they also have an end goal ring as well as a board with the chorus results and speaking of end goals both test sudha 1 and test suda2 appear to be stages testing them both stages are almost the same and feature several dummy objects however pseudo one's camera will rotate towards the end goal while suda2 the camera just stays in place in both endings it obviously doesn't work as normal and we can see yoshi hid probably one of the most powerful t poses that i have ever seen there is a test suit of three course but we'll come back to it later because it's quite different test Nisha's akka 2 is up next and it's a small room with a single red balloon I think this happy lad needs a name so drop some names for him in the comments and I'll heart some of my favorites oh wow look actual textures this is test new Itsuki and it features an enclosed area with an egg block some dummy objects as well as a pair of angry Sun enemies which seem to be the main testing purpose of this room next we have test minigame and test minigame - the first minigame room doesn't seem to work at all as Yoshi spawns in below the large conveyor belt in the middle there's also a dummy block on the left side but besides that it's really hard to tell what this might have been for but my best guess is maybe some early design of the game's bonus rooms with all the fruits the second minigame room is definitely more interesting as the camera forces a third-person perspective behind Yoshi this perspective makes me think that maybe at one point there was supposed to be a sort of third-person mini game in which Yoshi would have to avoid enemies and collect fruits or something it's too bad this was scrapped as it would have been pretty cool to see based on the name area math test is likely just an early version of the overworld stage selection map it's very small and basic and Yoshi still only walks on it like a normal 2d level though so who knows similarly there's test warawara 1 and 2 which are also like 3d dioramas whirl whirl one features a number of differently coloured Yoshi seemingly celebrating or relaxing on the water and warawara 2 appears to be the same area just expanded and this one also contains two amiibo characters amongst a Yoshi considering all the models are motionless I would assume these stages might have just been used to take screenshot stills for cutscenes or something like that up next is BG parameter sample which features several wool blocks running over all of them I notice that they each seem to have a different amount of squishiness and I guess that's what's being tested here I tried translating the text on the blocks but to no avail I can only assume it lists the various properties of each block such as distance from the foreground how rounded the edges are as well as amount of squishiness similarly we got stitch texture test which just as the name implies tests all the different styles of stitching in the game it's interesting on its own but there appears to be more to the stage on the right but unfortunately there is a big invisible wall that I had no way of getting through test Masuoka contains an egg block as well as several windmills it's pretty obvious that this stage had the purpose of testing shooting the wool balls at the windmills to create their platforms at the end of the stage is also a giant slab of photorealistic polystyrene foam it appears to go up forever but I had to be sure so I increased Yoshi's jump height enough to get to the top it was cool to see it up top here but unfortunately there's nothing of interest on the other side next we got test knit stage 2 donkey cam which has some unwind herbal strings as well as another diorama type area this time with some lower quality textures as well as several T posing shyguys and a gnome looking guy that appears to be roasting a marshmallow on the fire going right from there are also some more dummy objects and some non T posing shy guys pretty interesting stage the whole idea what the donkey cam is referring to though test map 10 shader test 2 has the same diorama only this time without any of the shy guys and instead has some weird yellow spikes that go up and down on Yoshi steps on them there are also some bigger spikes below the area as well as another pair of angry suns next is test kono which starts you off in a room with two nests full of baby fluff and puffins I never thought about this before but it's really morbid that Yoshi just throws these baby chicks which explode upon contact with the wall yikes anyways this room is obviously just to test their functionality as they leave behind puffed rails that Yoshi can walk on although the four pipes on the ceiling would make you think there are four different destinations that you all actually lead to the same area which just has some eggplants and various yarn slopes once in this room you're stuck here for good as each pipe here just brings back Yoshi to the first one up next is test Miyazawa which is a pretty straightforward room that tests the various colors of yarn in warp pipes wonder wolves presents platforms etc apparently this room is pretty computationally taxing as I have a pretty beefy computer and it was still causing it to chug next up we have tests a1 this course is really cool because it tests a perspective changing mechanic which isn't really used in this game but is set to be a big part of Yoshi's crafting world this course features a small puzzle that has you going through several pipes and changing perspectives to reach a final bead man I really wish the game used more of this perspective changing mechanic so I'm really excited to see more of it in crafting world tests a2 is pretty different from the first one it first tests some wool blocks coming out of the background as well as add our beads at first I thought that was it here but after going far enough to the right Yoshi will fall through to another area this may be an early version of another level but if it is I honestly don't remember it there's also a door here that takes you to a sub area with several my speeds and Wonder wool next is test mori which appears to be a very early version of level 2-4 this level is currently documented briefly on the cutting room floor but it stated that it's impossible to progress due to this time the object not working as it should well with our jump height increased we can continue here albeit very basic looking the stage is more or less how it appears in the final game that is until we go through the door here the door takes us to a room with several more doors each which take Yoshi to a different boss fight area the first three will take Yoshi to each of the fights against not winged Koopa the fourth against naval piranha and the big one which I was hoping would take us to the final boss fight instead just crashes the game I think it's especially cool though that each of these boss fight areas has their own early version room as well coming off of that really big test room I had big hopes for test mori too but unfortunately it was a pretty basic area with just a few platforms as well as a single shyguy tests Tokunaga has several things like shyguys watermelons egg blocks beads some testable conveyor belts and more baby fluffing puffins this area also tests terrain like ice for Yoshi to skate on as well as water also I don't remember if this rainbow bracelet is seen anywhere in the game or not but I couldn't find any information on it except for this screenshot of a Poochie level from the games to BTS port if you guys know if and where this is used let me know test such ivana also tests several things such as gust ease the blocks with the 8-bit style bullet Bill's Koopa shells etc as well as several types of shy guys and some other while on the topic of testing enemies there is also tests Matsuyama this course not only has basically every enemy in the game but also like every item - there's every type of shy guy booze even this giant navel piranha you name it this courses got it it's an absolutely massive area with lots to see it just sucks that you can't see where the platforms are because it makes getting around pretty annoying here really cool to be able to see all these enemies and items all in one place though next is test croakie which also tests several things such as Yoshi's silhouette behind this fabric these candy cane looking things some windmills moving platforms as well as this sneaking fabric thing test IAM ouchie also tests some more things like the springy leaf some invisible vines some clinical fabric presence as well as a pressable switch it looks like this course is mostly focused on interactable objects tests UML g3 is next and it features more presents and more shy guys it might seem that some shy guys are bigger than others but they are actually just closer to the foreground and amazingly going right actually turns the camera and again changes perspective this is really cool and again something i wish was more utilized in this game okay we're doing well but we got quite a few more to go through probably the most feature-rich test room is test kobayashi this is a huge area that's basically a gauntlet of various different game mechanics each pipe here takes Yoshi to a different part of the stage which is awesome for getting around quickly anyways this place has it all testing the Chain Chomp balls platforms these peg things these spindles ramps doors some of which softlock the game spikes webs ice blocks bigger ice blocks stores that instantly crash the game like everything is here again really awesome to be able to test so many of these things in one area next up we got test Luigi you won one and if you're thinking that's a pretty peculiar name for a test room well it is I kid you not it is an actual recreation of world 1-1 from new super Luigi u it may not look nearly as good but I actually went and checked and yep all the beads even line up with where the coins are in Luigi u this is honestly such a bizarre find but boy am I glad it exists moving on with more weird stuff we have map 16 amiami test master at first this may just seem like world 1-5 of this game but you'll soon notice that the collision for much of the stage is whack and several things are missing like the windmills so it seems like this test version still uses the collision of the final build of the course but the actual graphics appear to be placed in a different layout I assume in early beta one it was pretty interesting to play through this version as several things just look so weird like clipping through the floor the mist placed backgrounds and even moving through the background texture at one point towards the end so bizarre as actually isn't the only test stage like this either test map 6 looks mostly the same as world 6 - 2 from the final game save for a few things like the dummy objects again although it may look similar the collision of the stage is way off making this course much harder to play through because you can't really tell what you can or can't jump on for the most part the stage also doesn't progress like the final version and instead has an inaccessible trail of beads going further to the Wrights next is test map 14 shader test 3 which appears to be a test of various different environments these include a crystal cavern some water area with some excited clouds and autumn or fall looking environments and an area that looks like the inside of a home with some white paper hung up by clothes pins and some vertical oriented wall art this is likely a callback to one of the original intended directions of this game in which was planned to moreso appear to take place inside of someone's house which would make the game seem more like someone's art projects lights test is up next and as the name implies this room was probably just meant to test the game's lighting which would explain why it looks so basic the words normal cube and basic are seen here as well I thought maybe it was a reference to a company or something but I couldn't really find any information about them towards the right of this area is a large spiraling ramp that causes the camera to rotate as well for some reason though there is an instant death barrier at the top of the ramp again another really cool camera effect that I wish the game made more use up test map 7 looks very similar to the light test map only now it's during a sunset it's definitely more fleshed out than the previous course but this time there's no spiraling ramp at the end for those that remember this course was actually seen in the first announcement or the game pretty neat that it's still leftover and accessible there is yet another similar room titled test map 32 lights tests it again features a similar layouts only some different textures and background and this time the spiral at the end is there but it's invisible next is test map 30 and 30 e^x if you remember from earlier in this video this stage is actually the same one where this early screenshot was taken here we can also see these bundles of wall with the goodfeel branding which is of course the development studio behind this game the most interesting part of this level to me anyway is that we can see the shadow being cast on the backdrop which can be made out as a window as well as a plant of some sort this again makes reference to the game being originally planned to take place inside a house the e^x version of the stage is the same just everything is invisible yeah very cool sure those small early build stages are fine but how about with some more complete ones first up is test oka heesu 2 and test map four just like previously mentioned these are basically the same stage only test oka heesu 2 lacks texturing for most of the course so we'll just look at test mat for this stage looks far more complete and looks almost ready to have been in the full game so I can only assume this was put together pretty late in the games developments it has everything you'd expect in a normal level but it also has some really cool stuff like this room with stars and a Yoshi constellation sewn into the fabric as well as this boffin flower although understandably short this date was still pretty fun to play through next is test Mina Mora which is what looks to be a short unfinished desert themed stage it plays well for the most part that is until the end where the collision of the stage just becomes non-existent and the stage just ends next up our test map 5 and test sudha 3 again these maps are basically the same with only one having the proper textures that said though test sudha 3 does have something extra though at the start you can see a bunch of dummy blocks and the number 30 made out of beads well touching each of the dummy blocks will shift the camera to a different position like further away or right up next to Yoshi pretty neat anyways this test level is pretty similar in quality to test map 4 and has more perspective changing rooms which aren't seen all too often in the final release the stage does have a stupid flower here which is just a big debate as there's only one way into this room effectively soft locking the game the stage also has what appears to be several more sample Movers posts slapped around that I don't think have been documented as of now man the stage was actually awesome it was just so nice to play through up next is test UV regulation x6 version 4 say that 5 times fast there are other versions of this level but this one appears to be the most complete you may also remember the stage from earlier as it's actually very similar to the one that was shown off in the initial reveal of this game from the January 2013 Nintendo Direct it's another decently made level with again a seemingly big emphasis on being able to switch perspectives between each side of this background as we can often see enemies and items behind it but unfortunately you're unable to swap sides in this one I assume each of these vertically aligned columns of yellow be its means a transition door should be placed there and for some very odd reason touching the middle bead will instantly kill Yoshi now I wasn't able to load this one myself but random talking Bush was able to render the stage titled test line 6 which is another unused level but you may also remember this sign with the gusty on it from earlier once again this stage uses dowels to hold up the backdrops of the stage to give it that diorama look this level looks pretty complete and is decently long so I'm really curious why it was removed ok almost there only 2 more stages to go now we're diving into unused stages that use assets that are completely unseen elsewhere in the game first up is test map 15 shader test 4 and it looks to be an early version of some sort of tea party themed stage may be meant for world 3 which has a tee-time baked goods aesthetic anyways this course is pretty small but it still has silver air cups some angry Suns and several baked goods including a large cake with a massive candle in the middle there's also these blocks with Marino on them throughout the stage I had to look this up and apparently Marino is a certain breed of sheep so I guess it just shows which breed of sheep the wool is made from another weird thought that Yoshi and all the creatures in this game are essentially made from sheep hair alright and lastly but certainly not least is test map 9 shader test 1 this stage has been documented already but it's just so cool and definitely the most interesting one in my opinion the stage starts Yoshi off on a desk and you immediately realize you are in someone's room this stage uses so many realistic looking assets that are unseen anywhere else like Lego blocks calendars books a globe good feel brand beverages and even a flippin realistic penguin this unused stage is a direct look at the original plan for the game again as seen in its first reveal trailer definitely feeling some chibi-robo vibes here quite honestly I think the direction to have the game take place inside of a realistic house or what looks like someone's art project would have been so awesome and I think it's a shame that it was decided to abandon this style I really hope this concept gets resurrected in future games cool boy that was a lot of test rooms anyways with that concludes this loss of its video on Yoshi's woolly world and I hope you enjoyed it it's always awesome to discover some new things to share with all of you guys if you're new here and you enjoyed this video be sure to check out some of my other lost bits videos by clicking on the card right here I'm sure you'll enjoy them as well and if you would like to stay even more up to date with me and the channel be sure to subscribe here as well as swing by my Twitter and other social media things which will all be linked in the description below but as always guys thank you all so much for watching today and for all of your amazing support and I will see you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 668,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yoshi, Yoshi's Woolly World, Yoshi's Crafted World, Yoshi WW, Yoshi's Woolly World Lost BIts, Yoshi's Woolly World Unused Content, Yoshi's Woolly World Test Stages, TetraBitGaming, TetraBit, TBG Common, Lost Bits, Yoshi Lost Bits, Yoshi's Woolly World Unused Stages, Yoshi Cut Content, Mario, Yoshi Unused Content, Yoshi's Island, Yoshis Crafted World gameplay, gaming, video games, Yoshi's Woolly World Cut Content, Yoshi Switch, Yoshi Wii U, Nintendo, Switch, Yoshi Wooly World Beta
Id: tTY70fYJgUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 17sec (1877 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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