Cuphead LOST BITS (Art Book Edition) | Unused Concepts + More! [TetraBitGaming]

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hey guys and welcome to another cuphead video right here on tetra bay gaming so it's been a few months since I made my cup head bosses from worst to best ranking video and there really hasn't been much for news on the cup head front until this week the art of Cup head art book has just been released and I'm very happy to have gotten my hands on it this book is chock-full of conceptual artwork and developer notes that give us a better look into the development of the game and its history this will essentially be a sequel of sorts to my cup head wasp its video which if you're into Cup head and unused content to definitely make sure to check it out this art book is 264 pages long so obviously I won't cover every single notable thing in it but rather what I think are some of the highlights and maybe some parts that shed some light on things I've discussed in previous videos anyways guys let's crack open this book and see what we can find but actually sorry I'm just kidding before we get to the book itself just wanted to show you guys this cool set that came with this edition of the book it's like three layers of art on acetate sheets that shows us how the title screen was layered for animation pretty cool okay now where else can we start but the hardest level in the game turns out this level with a high IQ learning curve that has bested some was initially planned to feature the character is platforming over tools and materials of an artist such as an artist's tool boxes of paper or etc the idea was the start of the game would have been like the start of an art project pretty fitting no but this was obviously later changed to just basic geometrical shapes as the developers felt that the more generic the stage got the more focused it felt and I guess the basic geometrical shapes still maintain that early stage of drawing aspect before we go on to some more stages and bosses let's have a look at some concept art for our protagonists coop and PAL mug men first we have this art that appears to show how cuphead was planned to be able to what looks like curl up and transform into a small alternate form perhaps to add a sort of morph ball ask mechanic from Metroid then based on this concept art for cup head it looks like the straw in his head was definitely planned to play a much bigger role in the game it had a face played a bigger role in the energy beam attack as it would like wrap around the beam Cup head would use it like a shotgun maybe grab enemies and more then for mug man before settling on a different straw style several different inserts were being considered for mug man's head including covers a spoon a sugar cube and even whipped cream also yeah this was one of mug man's early designs glad it was changed this art book also outlines several different designs for cup head and mug man supportive cast most notable are the concept sketches for elder kettle and legendary chalice I really like most of the concept sketches for elder kettle in particular while some are just meth some have a really cool look to them but they don't seem to quite fit the games overall art style so I think they made a good decision with the final design then for a legendary chalice there's a much more diverse set of concept sketches that predated her more feminine look everything from a bearded boxing angel cup boy to a wise sage design to a beer foam topped Viking and everything in between I think it's funny to think of this character was considered to look like this quite the difference now moving along to the rest of the game let's talk about the overworld itself looks like before going for a more open world contract-based system the game was initially planned to have a more basic and linear overworld map with a start several levels and an end boss this was certainly more akin to something like Super Mario Brothers 3 or Super Mario World interestingly even in this very early concept sketch we can see some of the boss and stage ideas were already in place where they more or less ended up in the final game a forest stage at the starts a plant boy in world one this looks like the castle from grim matchstick in world two and a pirate and ghost boss were already considered there's also the sketch of the final world which based on the random boss idea on the way to the final boss this may have been an idea that transformed into the King dice fight dice roll mechanic we can also see from this early concept art that it looks like each stage was just simply numbered with a building or just had a sign I'm glad this was changed in favor of something a little bit more creative alright next let's get to some of the boss fights first up we have the route pack so I initially mentioned Betty beat in my lost bits video way back and now finally we have some more information about her well for starters her actual name is Beatrice Lutz with a lot surname paying homage to one of the developers favorite characters from facts T star and Noah who's named in the Japanese version was lusts anyways this book reveals some more concept art for Beatrice here we once again see her abusing her babies as she squeezes them like a stress ball and readies them to be thrown at the player interestingly these designs look pretty different than the ones I've already seen up until now here we can also see several other potential designs for her like having her eyes on the stalks instead of the actual beats then also for the Reid pack we have an early baby version of ollie bulb the onion I guess Studio MD HR was doing baby characters before baby you woulda made it cool then also this early design of Sal sputter which would have seen him have multiple sets of eyes ha get it cuz potatoes have eyes apparently though they felt that this design was way too similar to this potato from 1938 cartoon tears of an onion so they decided to rework it next up is Hilda burg of which we can see early scrapped designs such as her looking more like Disney's Oswald the Lucky Rabbit some sort of meteor form different Zeppelin designs looking like a cloud a Sun a dragonfly and a pig that would have exploded into bacon okay anyways it's quite clear that other than being a Zeppelin the other theme of this fight are astrological signs in the game Hilda burg will take form of three of these Sagittarius Taurus and Gemini but this art book reveals that several other constellations were being considered these included Leo cancer and the Big Dipper or Ursa Major I'm honestly really curious as to what sort of moves these other forms would have had there's also this early design for the Gemini twins in which they were just to appear as two floating heads that would coordinate attacks and even merge to do some sort of super attack alright guys there's no chance I'd make a coop head video without mentioning plant boy so let's do that this book shows off some pretty unsettling early designs with even crazier eyes which I didn't think was even possible and also cagney carnation having several sets of eyes yeah I'm certainly glad they went with this and this instead we can also see some scrapped attacks for plant boy like a nose projectile attack flinging mud and like spitting out a fuzz ball or having a and come out of his neck to throw the ball at the player huh moving on there's also several different concept designs for baroness von bonbon many of which made her look way more sane than the final design then if you hate clowns you might want to look away for a bit as this book reveals several early designs of bepi the clown many of which are pretty creepy whereas many of the concept designs in this book seem more lame than the final version in this case I think Pepe's final design is way less scary than some of these next up is wall-e warbles here again are several scrapped design ideas for this flight like get involving a flying turtle instead a turtle on top of another turtle who is then on top of a bird then I guess once the bird idea was favored we can see other scrapped ideas like this being the Zeppelin themed fight multiple holes in a birdhouse the bird being inside of the ground beneath a birdhouse which i think is quite a creative design then there's also several scrapped attack ideas like shooting a laser by spinning his head rapidly worm laser a split head laser firing missiles and shooting an attack out of the bottom and top of the birdhouse then there are also some scrapped ideas for the fodder enemies in this flight like a sort of bat a drill beaked bird bird with a bow and arrow a flying dog with a bone sticking out of its behind a spike ball with wings and a little bird with a spiked hat thing I gotta say though none of these early designs even come close to how awesome literally just strapping a nail to the top of a little BIR biz for Captain briny beard here we just see a scrapped phase in which several fish would chow down on him transforming him into a spooky scary skeleton pirates next this isn't scrapped or anything but in my video where I ranked all the bosses in cuphead many of you are saying that the ghost mice in the Verner vermin fight were mere projections but the developers here say that they are in fact the spirits of my still trapped inside the cat's belly oh yeah and the cat's name is apparently officially Kotzen Vagan so yeah since cotton bogging is actually a machine being controlled by Verner I guess since he did eat those other mice that's pretty cata ballistic alright next this book shows off several early designs for doctor calls robots and the developers here also revealed that initially the robot was planned to be distinctly female before going for a more genderless look Cal Lemuria also had several scrapped concepts like different headgear including some tiaras and a crown she was also experimented with looking pretty swollen sporting a tattoo I guess more so going for a Popeye sailor look and also wielding some different weapons like a sword or an anchor this book also outlines the process the developers used to determine a color palette for a character they would basically place them on a background and play around with the color schemes until one looked best against it so yeah here you can see some other planned color palettes for Cala Maria then up next one of my personal favorite fights in the game the battle with Sally stage play now I've talked a bunch about this particular fight in my previous cuphead videos and that's because not only did the stage have a bunch of content removed from it but some of it was actually brought back in a future updates and I'm happy to announce that this book reveals even more content that didn't make it into this fight for starters we got some concept sketches for the toddlers from the second phase which suggests that maybe they were once plans to play a bigger role than just throwing milk bottles at the player and also there are several early designs here for the nuns that were once scrapped but later did get added and to quell all the naysayers yes the nuns are in fact throwing rulers not crosses at the player anyways back to the main fight apparently the fight was initially planned to have even more branching paths than the one we got one of these would have been a turn of events in which the husband would have and she herself would have become a nun and then another scraps alternate path was one in which the priest that pops up in the background in the second phase once in a while would dress up as cuphead and apparently caused all sorts of trouble now I think that could have been pretty funny to see also from these concept sketches for the backdrop it looks like several other ideas were toyed with such as what looks like some sort of dungeon or mad scientist laboratory and what looks like either a torture chamber or maybe a magic show but based on this guy's expression here my bet is on the former now on to the last segment in the game let's start with King dice first we can see that there were several moves for King dice that were considered but ultimately scrapped these include king dice spinning his head and shooting projectiles swiping at the player singing musical note bombs at the player as he closes his hands together slowly other musical note projectiles clapping teleporting around a big dice head slam a pirouette - playing what looks like a clarinet some drop - kick attack and slapping down at the table in the final release King dice really has only one move which is kind of disappointing so it's unfortunate that all of these moves were scrapped as it looks like the King dice fight was once planned to have a bigger emphasis on music I suppose this may have been a time before the King dice fight consisted of several other sub boss fights within it so to make the fight not overly long and complicated I guess they needed to cut down on his moves and speaking of the sub bosses the concept art here makes it appear that enemies like mangosteen chips Bennigan's and others were once just planned to have been smaller enemies in this fight I guess the developers felt that it made more sense to flesh out these designs into their own proper sub boss fights here we can also see early designs of the walking playing cards and yet another scrapped cart attack in which it looks like the cards would fly up or down at the player and lastly for the King dice fight this book includes a literal behind-the-scenes look at the background of this fight in its unobstructed entirety which I thought was pretty cool to see the small normally unseen parts on the bottom now on to the final boss of the game the devil here once again we can see early scrapped concept for the devil's chair as well as some scrapped alternate designs of the devil dressed as well looks like a businessman a king and a jester then there are also some scraps designs of his RAM form which rock and ye kind of looks like Cusco to me unfortunately this art book doesn't spill much info at all about the delicious last course DLC that is still upcoming as I'm making this video it even still lists the upcoming bosses as untitled snow boss and untitled mountain boss but it is still really cool to see some concept sketches for them both as well as miss chalice and chef salt Baker guys I seriously can't wait for this DLC it's come out and lastly I just wanted to show you guys a quick glimpse at the many smaller NPCs and run-and-gun stage enemies that were scrapped there are a lot of really cool ideas and unique designs here but of course I understand it's unreasonable to include this many different enemies so it makes sense why some of them had to be cut but let's give him a bit of a moment in the spotlight here and yeah those are my favorite things that I found in his art book I'm not gonna lie I was kind of hoping for some more scrapped bosses or information about early bosses that we already know were scrapped like Pachi Pachi the giant spider card and the light I'm honestly kind of surprised there was like no mention of any of these at all I guess that can only mean one of two things either a some of these are being reworked to maybe be added to the upcoming DLC or to the developers just don't want to acknowledge these at all and would rather most people not know about them in any case this book is fantastic and if you would like to learn more about the things I discussed here or about the development of this game in general I highly recommend you check it out it gives some really cool behind-the-scenes insight into the game and that just about wraps up this video if you enjoyed it be sure to drop a like down below and if you want more coop head check out my other videos like where I rank all the game's bosses by clicking or tapping on the card right here be sure to subscribe here for future videos swing by my other social media things which are all linked in the description below and if you want to support the channel check out my merch over at tetra big gaming comm or consider becoming BOE latest member of the bit club click on that join button below for more information anyways guys thanks for tuning in and I will se you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 968,830
Rating: 4.928791 out of 5
Keywords: Cuphead, Cuphead Lost Bits, Cuphead Art Book, Cuphead Concept Art, Cuphead Development, Cuphead Art, The Art of Cuphead, The Art of Cuphead Book, The Art of Cuphead Limited Edition, Cuphead Beta, Cuphead Unused Content, Cuphead Cut Content, Cuphead Secrets, TetraBitGaming, TBG Common, Lost Bits, Cuphead Smash Bros, Cuphead Lost Bits Art Book Edition, Cuphead early design, cuphead gameplay, cuphead game, gaming, video games, Cuphead DLC, cuphead delicious last course, Mugman
Id: rfhJ-u2Ex1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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