How many eggs does it take to beat Yoshi's Island?

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[Music] my boy Yoshi is back today in a brand new game but you know before we play the latest in the series let's go back to the one that started it all Super Mario World to Yoshi's Island for the Super Nintendo this game is super fun and I played it a lot during my childhood basically you have to reunite baby Mario and baby Luigi and feed baby Bowser and to do so you'll have to eat enemies turn them into eggs and then use those eggs to pop balloons attack other enemies and break stuff but wait a minute why should we break those beautiful eggs they have so much to live for they could turn into new baby Yoshis or you know they could be used to cook the best omellete du fromage ever so I wondered how many eggs do we actually need to break in order to beat the entire game the rules are simple we are going to be playing Yoshi's Island from beginning to end and we are going to try to dodge all of those pesky eggs when possible the goal here is to beat the game without breaking too many eggs but considering a lot of elements in this game are based off this egg throwing mechanic this could prove to be quite a problem but I let's not cry already I'm sure we can figure out a way to break as few eggs as possible let's begin shall we the game starts off with a short intro level to teach you how to move jump and flutter so yeah no eggs in here world 1-1 will be a great way to explain the mechanics we're going to be using in this quiz basically to replace the eggs we usually shoot at balloons and enemies we can actually just eat the enemy and then spit it out and it does the same thing no need to turn them into eggs and no need to break them this will be used to create the vine over here without using any egg but you know you can also avoid creating that vine by bringing an enemy with you and then using it to bounce above this whole section as you'll see using enemies to balance will be very important if you want to make it far in this quiz world 1-2 will already show us the limit of those and when not turned into eggs you see once you reach this part here you're supposed to use an egg to break this wall of dirt let's just use an enemy except it doesn't work yeah enemies do not break those dirt walls does this mean we have to break an egg already well this level will also allow me to teach you how X work in Yoshi's Island eggs can have three different colors in the game green yellow and red once an egg bounce on a wall it turns yellow and then red and that it breaks but we can actually use this to our advantage here you see once you throw an egg you can actually use your Yoshi tongue to stop it and just bring it back with you this means we can actually break this wall with the egg and then use the tongue to save it before it breaks nice to break the top part here just flutter jump and there you go world 1-3 is a pretty straightforward level and doesn't contain any problem let's just bring our new buddy the yellow egg with us and we'll be done in no time next up is world 1-4 the first castle of the game and this castle will try to make you use an egg on this part here you see using an egg on this balloon will create a bridge used to get to the other side of this deadly lava pit but you know let's rewind here because we actually do not need to do any of that we can just flutter jump to make it to the other side and keep our yellow egg buddy alive nice the first bus bird the bashful needs to be hit with an egg to be defeated and sadly you cannot use any items during bus fights oh yeah I guess I should talk about items now right Yoshi's Island does contains some minigames that can be accessed when you cross the end ring and the roulette lands on a flower in those minigames you can get extra lives as well as items to use like melon seeds fireballs and ice breath you can also access a mini game menu when on the title screen by holding down the select button and tapping X X Y be a don't ask me why but it works using those items will probably be very useful in this quest but now let's go back to the bus since we cannot actually use any IDE during bus fights were actually going to have to use eggs goodbye yellow egg you were a cool dude but we got a break you man and to beat the bus you're actually going to need five more eggs after that bringing the total to six broken eggs whirl 1-5 is our first autoscroller of the run yay it is slow boring and there's nothing to do really whirl 1-6 requires you to pop a balloon to use the jump pad and since we cannot use any eggs let's just spit back some shy guys shall we you'll have to do the same thing for that flower over there and this level will be done whirl 1-7 is home of the fuzzies and touching those things will make the world a very different place whoa what's going on woo anyways it doesn't matter as this level will be done in no time whirl 1-8 is a pretty easy castle and it doesn't feature anything special to defeat the bus in here you're supposed to throw eggs at it but here's the thing if you enter the room without any egg some enemies are going to drop from the ceiling and you'll be able to use them to replace those eggs so you can actually defeat this bus without having to use a single one nice world 2-1 features a lot of Koopas and we can actually use their Koopa shells to hit anything we want no eggs required world 2-2 starts off with a wall on your path and you're actually supposed to use an egg to pub the balloon sadly the only enemies that are here are those baseball players and they cannot be eaten as they're too fat so in order to pop this balloon we're going to have to use a green watermelon as it gives us the ability to spit melon seeds and this will be more than enough to pop the balloon in order to progress in this level you'll also have to use the Baby Mario superstar and in order to free it use a melon seed when falling down this path and you'll be all good world 2-3 starts off pretty easy but the difficulty cranks up a little when you reach the underground section and especially this part over here you once again need to use some melon seeds to break open the wall of dirt so make sure you have some melon items before entering this level this path over here does contain two eggs in the way and I don't want to pick them up to make sure not to break them but you know a very precise tongue action will do the trick and move them out of the way nice world 2-4 does require you to use a melon to pop the balloons to make some stairs appear but that's about it really the bus here is a big boom and you'll need to use some eggs to defeat it I tried using the bats that are moving left and right to spit them right back at him but I wasn't able to use them to defeat the bus they sadly do not seem to harm the bus forcing you to turn them into eggs that you have to break so that's five more eggs we have to break in the quest ouch worm 2-5 does feature a bunch of those egg spinning plants that are meant to help you in your quest by giving you eggs but we don't want to touch eggs so make sure to avoid them at all cost world 2-6 is super easy and doesn't require a single egg just use the bats to bounce high up there and you reach the end of the level very quickly where L 2-7 is also a very easy level that doesn't contain anything that requires any egg so we can move on to world 2-8 which does contain one very difficult part you see this spiky pillar here typically requires you to throw eggs at it to get it moving up but you'll have to be using some shy guys in order to make it through this first one is rather easy because there's a bunch of shy guys next to it but this second one is where the big problem is just after this second one there's a third one and there are no shy guys left after you make it through the second one so you'll actually have to wait for tons of shy guys to get out of this pipe only to use some of them on the second pillar and then bring others on the platform which you to have them in hand ready to open up the third pillar it is very technical and requires a lot of practice but I assure you it can be done finally you need to break this spiky blue thing over there so bring in melon with you and you'll be all good the bus is just a potted plant that you have to push off the edge so no eggs are required in here world 3-1 is very easy and there's nothing to say about it really world 3-2 does require you to pop some balloons but you can just use your shy guy friends no eggs in here world 3-3 has a lot of transformation bubbles like the helicopter and the submarine but you just walk onto the bubble and you get transformed you do not need any eggs so we're all good we're a 3-4 has this wall of dirt here which will force you to use melon seeds in order to pass this part with the spike here will require you to spit those enemies on the balloons while gliding in midair I'm gonna admit it's kind of scary but it is actually easier than it looks the bus in here is a frog that swallows you and basically every shy guy that will come in his stomach can be spit right back at him without the need to turn them into eggs so you know no eggs will be broken in here we're all three - five has a lot of those yellow walls but you can just let the monkeys drop their explosive missiles and clear out the way for you Thank You didi Conn I appreciate it world 3-6 it's pretty easy just grab the key and get out of here world 3-7 is a really easy level and doesn't contain any difficult part for resist quest world 3-8 will have a couple of issues we'll need to resolve first off this level starts off with this guy in the tunnel that spits shy guy at you and you're actually supposed to turn it into eggs and then throw eggs at him to push him back to move on sadly since we don't have any place to just spit back the shy guys at him I suggest using a melon seed item to get rid of it thankfully the second enemy of that kind leaves way more place to maneuver so you'll actually be able to just spit the shy guys right back at him and make your way above him you'll need to do some midair fluttered chumps to get rid of those plants over there so basically just grab one of their yellow things they spit and just flutter and spit it right back at them and you'll make it to the bus now for the novel piranha plant bus fight there's actually a secret trick that you can use to only use one egg to defeat it before chemic actually gets the check to transform it and make it bigger but you know that's still one egg too much I decided to see if this plant could be defeated by just spinning back the little white plant babies at its weak point and it took me quite a while to figure out a way to do it but yes it is actually possible to defeat level piranha plant without having to use a single egg you'll need to flutter jump under the platform and spit the enemy right with the correct timing and you just do it a couple of times after that and that's it we defeated this hard bus without using a single egg nice world 4-1 is up and this one won't be a problem at all you'll need some melon seeds in order to free the Baby Mario star in there oh and pro tip do not use an enemy to get there as you'll be stuck and need to reset your Super Nintendo I just wanted to see if baby Mario could break the things by itself but no it just gets stuck their world 4-2 is super easy and doesn't feature anything to block your weight so you'll finish it in a breeze world 4-3 has a couple of plants that spit yellow things that you have to spit right back at them this will take a while but it's not very difficult world 4-4 is a dungeon in which you need to complete four challenges in order to get the four keys needed to get to the bus and my tip here is to bring a lot of melons because you actually need one melon for each key for this first one you'll need to pub this balloon and there are no enemies around you'll need a lot of melon seeds to break those blocks and you'll want to avoid those pesky eggs while you're at it use the remaining melon seed to bub this balloon and retrieve the second key you'll need a melon seed to knock out this bucket into the lava in order to reach the third key over there and finally the fourth key will be obtained after you use the melon seeds to destroy those walls of dirt and defeat the plant with all four keys unlock all the doors to reach the bus which is just plain dumb basically it's a discount Kirby that doesn't fly doesn't swallow enemies and you know just ground pound it to the death you'll require no eggs in here well 4-5 needs no eggs at all just push your buddy the rock through the entire level and you'll clear it easily world 4-6 does have a lot of those eggs spitting plants that we don't like just make sure to stay as far from them as possible and then you reach the end of the level world 4-7 is super easy and will not require a single egg World 4-8 does contain those big blocks and they cannot be damaged by enemies so you'll have to use the melon seed in order to clear the path if you want to avoid using any eggs you'll also need to move those two eggs out of the way in order to reach the pipe up there it will be a little bit tedious but it can be done you'll once again need some melon seeds to break those blocks and reach the bus room now this bus battle will be quite the problem basically you fight against a giant Koopa Troopa and in order to defeat it you have to shoot four eggs in his face to make him fall on his back and then you have to ground pound his belly but the thing is you'll have to do this process three times meaning you'll need 12 eggs total pouch that's gross but sadly there is no other way to defeat this boss so yeah well 5-1 has those icicles and that cave that I assume you have to get rid of using eggs but we don't have access to those so we can just damage boost through them and make it to the end in no time well 5-2 starts off easy and the level actually is but there's this one egg that we are forced to collect when going up there like there's no way to dodge it that's dumb but I guess we shall bring it with us and hope to never have to actually use it world 5-3 requires you to use those buckets to navigate the ice-cold water but we can just use an enemy that's lying around to get the bucket down so no need to use our new friend the green egg make sure to have some melons ready for world 5-4 as you'll need them to pop this bubble and make your way to the top the bus requires you to throw eggs at him in order to eventually reach the heart in the middle his buddy thankfully his buddy super stuff so the first eggs you throw at him will just bounce back and will not break this means we can actually reuse eggs in this fight basically we'll still need to break four eggs to defeat it but that's not that bad and we use that green egg we got previously so that's cool we recycled we're environment friendly now world 5-5 is a very easy level and you won't need a single egg for it world 5-6 is an auto-scrolling level and it's super easy especially since you can grab one of those little penguin dude and use them like boomerangs in place of using eggs so that's kind of neat we're all 5 - 7 is also pretty easy and you won't need any egg in here the only place where you could need one is over there where you have to fight this plant but once again it does spit those yellow things you can just spit right back at it so no worrys world 5-8 will require some melon seeds to clear out those blocks over there but this is actually the only place where you'll need them for this level now to beat the penguin bus you'll have to rotate around the planet and ground pound the poles so that they hit it on the other side so no eggs require world's 6-1 is up and it's kind of easy and will not require a single egg world 6-2 is also pretty easy but it does contain a couple of eggs and especially during the baby mario section but you can actually just run through them without picking them up so no worrys world 6 - 3 does feature a couple of eggs on those mushroom platforms but you can flutter jump above them world 6 - 4 as this one room where there are two eggs on those platforms and a plant in the middle but you can actually just jump in between all of that so that's good you'll need some watermelon seeds to defeat this enemy over there to get the key to move on to the next part and now for the bus what you're supposed to do here is to break those platforms with eggs so that the bus jump in the lava and dies so you know I thought we would need to break one egg to clear a path in here but the thing is we can actually use our Yoshi tongue to get the egg back once the platforms are all broken meaning we don't have to break any egg to defeat the bus so that's kind of nice hopefully this new red egg buddy of ours will not have to be used anywhere we're all 6-5 has one annoying egg that has to be moved out of the way over there but that's about it really well 6-6 is a total maze and it's super annoying to navigate I spent way too long on this level and when I first played this I thought we needed to use the red egg we got in order to create a bridge over there and make it to the next part but there's actually another way when you reach this part here use some shy guys to bounce up there and then if you do a perfect flutter jump with the correct timing you can actually reach this top part and there you go we saved our red egg bunny nice world 6-7 takes place on a moving platform and at first it's all good but then you reach this platform that has an egg spinning plant on top of it it means we're going to have to constantly dodge the exit shoots until we get to the very top yeah super annoying world 6-8 is a super easy level normally you have to throw an egg on those rotating doors but you can actually just use a melon seed I actually needed a second melon to defeat this bus over there and get the key but that's it really the fight against baby Bowser is up and you don't need a single egg in here all you got to do is ground pound the floor so that it hits him three times and that's it but the fight ain't over as kamek will use his magic power to make baby bowser a giant so big in fact that all the castle will break now it looks like we lost our red egg buddy and that's pretty sad but wait a minute it's here on a balloon it's saved itself nice it isn't broken but we're gonna have to break it anyways in order to defeat baby we actually need six more eggs to finish the job meaning we use seven eggs in here but I we did it we have completed Yoshi's Island reunited baby Mario and baby Luigi's and now the babies can be safely delivered to be safe and sound with their parents so how many eggs do we need to break in order to beat Yoshi's Island well let's recap we need six eggs on this bus over here in one - four we need five to defeat the boot in two - four we need twelve to deceive the big Koopa in four - eight and four against the bus in five - four and finally we need seven eggs to defeat baby bowser in six - eight bringing up the total to thirty four eggs and they're all needed against buses so we actually do not need a single one for the normal levels which is crazy when you think about it now I actually wonder how many eggs were gonna need to beat Yoshi's crafted world which just came out today I guess if this video gets 5,000 likes I'll attempt to beat this new switch game with as few eggs as possible anyways thanks for watching this video guys I hope you enjoyed it so make sure to subscribe hit the bell and smash the like button if you want more challenge and top tens in the meantime tap the cars on screen right now to check out more challenges and other videos alright guys I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Nicobbq
Views: 441,857
Rating: 4.9300032 out of 5
Keywords: Yoshi's Island, Yoshi Island, Yoshi, Island, Is it possible, Is it possible Mario, Is it possible Yoshi, yoshi eggless, yoshi no egg, yoshi coinless, without a coin, without an egg, mario challenge, yoshi challenge, ceave, ceave gaming, gamechamp3000, vg myths, gaming myths, impossible, hardest, level, ever, eggless, minimum egg, challenge run
Id: V7uO1FgdcLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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