Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Teams LOST BITS | Unused Content & Debug Features [TetraBitGaming]

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[Music] hey guys and welcome to another lost bits video right here on petrova gaming the series where we explore video game content that goes unused altered or normally unseen I honestly can't believe how long it's been since the original pokemon mystery dungeon games were released from doing the Pokemon personality test to meeting team hydro to recruiting numerous legendaries and beyond I have a lot of very fond memories with this game and now I'm very excited to re-experience those mid-2000s memories in the upcoming remake for the Nintendo switch so in celebration of pokemon mystery dungeon DX being soon released I think it's a good a time as ever to dive into the originals gear anyways guys this game has a lot of different unused stuff to cover so it's time to party like we're in a monster house and find some lost bits alright so first things first as you may know the first pokemon mystery dungeon games were released in two versions red and blue rescue teams for the Gameboy Advance and D s respectively these games are more or less the same technically and share many bits of unused content but if there is something specific to a certain version I'll be sure to point it out anyways let's kick things off with some unused graphics first are normally unused tile sets for various dungeon styles there's these early versions for the pitfall valley and purity forest tile sets then there's a differently colored version of waterfall ponds tile set potentially meant for southern cavern and lastly there's this unused Foresti tile set interestingly all of these would go on to be used in the Explorers sequels except for this one which did make it into those games but still remains unused also I did say these are normally unused tile sets because these two are actually used in some normally inaccessible dungeons in this game but we'll get back to that in a bit next up is the entirety of the title background for red rescue team well this is technically used the bottom part here is normally obstructed so is never seen then we got some unused animations for munchlax flick ative such a happy little fart then there's these item sprites here seen in all the item color palettes and some unused animations of a pokemons shadow on water then as far as scrapped placeholder graphics go we got this for HP indicator which is a placeholder for the text graphic that pops up either when an attack is missed or health is lost or recovered then there are these story progress badges this unused text icon this Japanese writing graphic found only in red rescue team which translates to around this area and finally there's this early mock-up of the language selection menu again only found in red rescue team and this time only in the European version the bottom Japanese text is actually the first row of characters from the Japanese hiragana alphabets we got aa e foo and O and next let's get to some unused audio files for unused sound effects there's an alternate sound effect for evolving as well as a track that plays for different sound effects only the third of which is ever normally heard based on the file name or rugaru which is Japanese for music box it is speculated that this jingle was very likely meant to be used when using the music box item which normally doesn't produce any sort of sound and gets destroyed upon use then as far as unused music goes there's one named event Zook okay which translates from Japanese to acting stupid or foolish and then there's system training just simply based off their names these were apparently meant for some sort of training area or menu and some sort of scene where some Pokemon probably does something dumb anyways these songs absolutely slap my dudes so here's a quick sample of both enjoy [Music] there are also two tracks in each color of rescue team that don't produce any sort of sound when played these are titled dummy and save underscore one based on the dummy file name it was obviously some sort of placeholder but I'm not too sure exactly what the save underscore one could have been besides maybe a sound that would play when saving the game now I'm feeling like some unused items there are actually quite a few here so in the interest of time I'll just fire through them pretty quickly there's the nothing placeholder item that defaults to an Oran very sprites which you guessed it does absolutely nothing rings D E and F which don't have a known function alert specs a held item that would prevent a pokemon from having a held item snatched which is pretty stupid now that I think about it I mean you'd be preventing an item from getting snatched that prevents an item from getting snatched that's just a long-winded way of saying it basically does nothing then there are TMS for excavates and spin slash which we'll come back to later the observe orb which basically pauses a target in place the possess orb which would have had you sacrifice an adjacent Ally to feel the leader kind of morbid I can see why this wasn't used then there's the Reviver orb which as the name suggests would just instantly revive the Pokemon holding it if it faints the toss orb would force the user to show the item throw animation the beat-up orb which would just warp all allies to the leader just like the beat-up move G machine six seven eight and mime jr. and the weave I'll figure I'll just have the same effect as the link box and lastly is the switch box which i think is a fantastic item as it lets you switch the rescue teams leader mid dungeon that's miles better than having to back out to go to the friend area swap do all that fun stuff yeah major headache next up time to talk about some unused Pokemon well unused as and you can't ever play as them fight them or recruit them and yeah some of them aren't even actual Pokemon either these can all be loaded in as the players character with various cheat codes anyways for these normally unobtainable of Pokemon first is munchlax who although is seen in the game is never recruitable then there's rayquaza who can be recruited but this version is a special one which has certain animations that are only used in the story cutscenes then diving into the weird zone there's decoy the substitute doll graphic used for the decoy status ailments just look at this happy jumpy boy and then statue the kangaskhan statue graphic that is normally used for the save points before entering a dungeon the statue has absolutely zero animation so it just looks super awkward and due to a glitch it also appears blacked out after entering a dungeon for the last two surprisingly there are even stat values and types associated with each like the substitute doll is labeled as a slacker pokémon like slack off and is steel type while statue labelled as a coal pokemon like torkoal is water type yeah I don't know whether these were intended to be other Jen for Pokemon or something completely different is anyone's guess and then even weirder still is an unused Pokemon with its name just being a bunch of question marks but for brevity let's column Q it is labeled as an eruption Pokemon probably taken from camerupt it is a normal type and has a recruit chance of negative 999 yeah good luck with that one and unlike the other unused Pokemon I mentioned so far Q isn't ever obtainable as when trying to load Q in the game will just simply crash as such the prominent theory is that Q was just a placeholder of some sorts but who knows interestingly Q also has some unique dialogue text strings that also obviously go unused these include something this is getting tough when dropping to less than half health I can't go on when dropping below 1/4 health and I leveled up I'm happy when leveling up again whether these are just more placeholder text strings or there's something more to this is currently unknown so you get to be the judge oh and don't worry there's more unused text strings coming up later for you epic fans of unused text strings all 5 of you anyways up next is data for several map coordinate points that are either normally unused or used in game but normally never selectable on the map here is a comparison of all the used coordinates with a mock-up image of those that orange interestingly for the locations that are used but aren't accessible directly from the base the points are actually visible briefly on the top screen in blue rescue team during cutscenes after certain boss fights if the top screen is set to show the map alright fellas the moment some of you have been waiting for unused text strings so in addition to the text rings of the unused cue Pokemon we already discussed there's also a failsafe text string which just reads unregistered dialogue script which appears to be a debug string to be called if no dialogue script is set then there's invalidity which I assume had a similar role I guess instead for menus then found right after invalidity is undefined obviously for undefined strings and lastly this which translates to nameless and this is apparently a placeholder text string for a friend area and with that fun stuff done now time for some unused moves now here there are some moves that aren't actually selectable like the basic attack that's used by pressing the a button or moves that are activated by orbs all of these moves despite not being selectable contain unseen data for their type PP use and in some cases even a description for example the basic attack actually only has 17 PP programs but obviously it's set that you can use it and amount of times then there are the moves that are truly and completely unused these moves are excavate which has the same effect as rock smash spin slash which has the same effect as cuts and famish which would have decreased the belly room of all enemies in the same room by 10 just like we discussed excavate and spin slash earlier it is also believed that famish is a scrap orb effect to additionally there's also scrap data left over for several moves with unknown effects almost all of the descriptions just say reserved suggesting that they are just blank spots that never got filled but then there's also the move named pool with an unknown effect and no description the move wait-and-see with the same description and a blank move with the in-game description just being inflicts damage on the targets yeah very profound description I am pretty curious as to what the wait-and-see move might have been though both versions of this pokemon mystery dungeon actually have a debug menu but don't get too excited it's not really the most impressive one we've come across here on lost bits basically by fiddling with some hex values or using this action replay code with red rescue team the delete save data option on the main menu will now instead lead to a new sub menu now although all of these options may seem promising unfortunately the first five options will just make the menu disappear before the game locks up storage will do the same but without the menu disappearing and H open will just return you back to the main menu it's very unfortunate that a debug menu with what looked like so much potential just turned out to be game crashing simulator 2005 but despite this small setback were Enochs for I have saved what I think is the best for last so next let's dive into this game's unused dungeons and luckily there's a whopping twelve of them first is a dungeon simply known as boss 3 and it goes from being a marshy like area to a rocky one and then to a grasslands one and it's filled only with poliwag and cast forms there's no boss here so I'm not really sure why it's named as it is then there's boss for which takes place in an ice cave terrain this time with many more different Pokemon to be seen but again no boss then boss 9 is 12 floors of only shop it's in a desert oasis and again no boss but one thing I found strange here is I was brought to just a massive room with no maze elements not sure if it's completely unused but I can't say I've ever seen this before then wondrous sees again 12 floors of just shop it this time in the labyrinth zone like area and just like the last dungeon it seems like I always get dropped into an area with just a ton of shop it's okay howdy fellas how do you do then d 50 d 51 d 54 and d 61 armed or not so noteworthy dungeons this time with more Pokemon than just Shepards but of those a few things I did find out of the ordinary is that with D 50 the amount of steps or moves you can take here seems to be much lower before you get banished and D 61 appears to maybe have been some sort of weather test area as each floor has its weather completely randomized and now finally something more noteworthy first is a dungeon called autopilot just as the name suggests this dungeon is basically an autopilot of your characters entering a room seeing nobody is there and then leaving on to the next room I can only assume this was to test a how this sequence would play out and B to test loading various different biomes next is a dungeon listed as dojo registration and this groups all of the mazes from the makuhita dojo into a single dungeon with and get this actual boss battles every three floors up until floor you guessed it 69 in which the game will crash then there's fantasy straight which despite sharing the name of a dungeon area that is used here it is completely different and lastly is a dungeon simply known as rescue team - nothing too crazy here it's just three floors of pretty weak Pokemon then not an unused dungeon but there is another unused room known as the provisional Map Room the game mistakenly lists this room as the makuhita dojo when you bring up the menu screen but a dojo this is certainly not the collision is also kind of funky here as you can just freely walk all over the table but you can't walk up these stairs here at the bottom of the map you can also see the Japanese text spelling out provisional map and as you probably noticed there are also two NPCs here both of them seem to not have been given much thought as when interacted with both will just spit out the unregistered dialogue script string it's hard to say I went over earlier and to add even more fuel to the flame of mystery here the background music is also the same from the makuhita dojo and leaving this area will spawn you outside of the dojo as well and now for the final stop of this video saving what I think is the best for last is a very large normally inaccessible debug test room if you've been around the channel for a while now you know I love me some fresh new test rooms before we get to the Pokemon here first stop on this tour you'll notice that overall the background graphics look much simpler as they don't have as much detail or shading most of the graphics here are unused anywhere else in the game including the trees the buildings and more unfortunately the buildings don't lead anywhere as no war points are programmed in this level alright back to the area with the Pokemon getting the not-so-special stuff out of the way first to these two mail boxes function just like the team mailbox and the mission board respectively then the first two Pella firs here the Gulpin kecleon Zweig Leigh tough Kangaskhan and Persian all just act as they normally do in the Pokemon Square area now on to the Pokemon that act out of the ordinary first back at the pail AFER's the third one here appears not to do anything that is until you interact with him for the tenth time after which the game will softlock I guess he's had enough of our shenanigans not including myself here there is not one but two blast toys here which I love to see the first will just spit out the unregistered dialogue script string while the second one has a bit more to show us he gives you the option of choosing between four effects the first causes a glitchy unused explosion to pop up the second effect does seemingly nothing the third shows us some sort of steam effect or something for the game softlocks great and lastly the final effect is an earthquake animation a very violent one at that pretty cool blast toys thank you then right by this second blast ways golem here just parrots the unregistered dialogue script string but in the Japanese version he has a bit more to say instead there he says other stuff like alright I'll give you the question mark question mark question mark that the player has peered into a barrel that the player has found a blast seed and finally he will save to come back after a while we'll do pal in the same vein there's the octillery here that I guess for some sort of testing reason has the paper animation from this cutscene in the game playing constantly octillery to will just say the notorious unregistered dialogue string in the international versions but in the japanese version this octillery instead contains what is apparently a list of overworld non dungeon locations selecting them doesn't seem to do anything but maybe at one point this was some sort of debug feature to warp to those locations perhaps and speaking of warping two locations next up is a Zoomer l who does just that when interacted with the screen will go dark and you are instructed that this is the event test Pokemon here you can basically warp to any main cutscene in the game and depending on the cutscene it can lead you right to the corresponding dungeon and this is pretty handy to get to certain parts in the game quickly then similarly Wartortle here does basically the same thing but with the side mission cutscenes instead here you have to be careful though as some options will result in just a black screen softlock or this will happen at the end of a cutscene whatever this is and for the last stop of this tour of the debug room is jirachi here who interestingly enough acts like the luminous cave in which you have to go to to evolve in the game and as a bonus when interacted with the music will also change to the luminous cave theme overall some of the functions and how they're accessed here really reminds me of the debug room we saw back in the mario golf lost of its video in any case pretty pleased with this test room a lot of cool features here and it's nice that it's in an unused area to boot and with fat my friends we can check another awesome debug room off the lost bits list and there you have it all the noteworthy lost bits from pokemon mystery damn pokemon mystery dungeon red and blue rescue team and i hope you enjoyed if you did consider dropping a like down below and also be sure to check out some of my other lost bits like the one i made on the main series gen 2 games by clicking or tapping on the card right here be sure to subscribe here for future videos swing by my other social media things which are all linked below and if you want to support the channel check out my merch over at tetra bit gaming calm or consider becoming the latest member of the bit club click on the join button below for more information anyways guys thanks for tuning in and i will see you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 187,352
Rating: 4.9466763 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team, Pokemon Lost Bits, TetraBitGaming, TetraBit, TBG Common, TetraBitGaming Lost Bits, TetraBitGaming Pokemon, Pokemon Unused Content, Pokemon Cut Content, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Cut Content, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Switch, Game Boy Advance, DS, GBA, pokemon sword and shield
Id: 75MAiBnAMnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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