Ranking Every Kirby Game

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finally an excuse to play every single kirby game it's the 30th anniversary this year and i wanted to rank each game based on how fun they are i'm counting every core kirby title as well as the spin-offs remakes e-cards and compilations because i'm an over-ambitious piece of with that said let's get her ranked 37 kirby slide puzzle do the kirby slide this card contains a free game [Music] damn right i'm counting this as a kirby game in comparison to everything else it's the worst one because it's just a slide puzzle and there's only one picture of kirby to solve over and over again i mean i like the e-card it's got kirby and sonic on it so i'm pretty happy about that if you're wondering why this even exists it was basically just promo material for the kirby right back at you tv show it was distributed through toys r us and nintendo power just to give you an idea of how obscure this game is 36. kirby's pinball land i have no idea what the consensus is on pinball nowadays but i've always kind of hated them it feels like no matter how well you time the ball it goes in whatever direction it feels like and that's especially true with wonky game boy game movement the physics are at least consistent but they're very hard to get used to i will give the game credit for having some pretty decent chip tunes as well as cool looking boards there's only three available plus the final boss at the end the puppy board has a section with frosty but it mostly features the bomb fellas the top of this board is just obnoxious you have to break these three eggs before the poppy brothers come down and replace the egg or fix it i don't know exactly what they're doing but you basically have to free the chicken which takes it to the boss krakow's board has a bunch of cloud themed areas but scarfy is on the bottom and to escape you have to bust him into three and then land on the top scarfy to launch up this was a pain in the ass but the boss fight was pretty straightforward the whispy board wasn't that bad either and the final boss is hitting king ddd in a boxing ring there's also bonus stages that show up periodically for more points and you've got a live system for some reason it's completely pointless because the boards are so tiny and you don't save progress anyway if you get a game over you just restart your high score i honestly found the entire game to be extremely aggravating being at a boss and falling down the hole sends you back to the previous board which is nothing short of painful you can't collect maxum tomatoes to save some falls but it really feels out of your control half the time i don't know maybe i just suck at pinball but i had almost no fun playing it 35 kirby tilt and tumble by far one of the most interesting kirby games out there to control the pink fella you literally have to tilt your game boy color to move flicking up lets kirby jump and that's basically the controls you'll sometimes push a to launch off cannons but it's really that simplified and let me emphasize game boy color by the way because the tilt sensor is in the cartridge you can't use a game boy advance or game boy advance sp because the cart has to be upright in a very specific way you could technically try this on a game boy player if you really wanted a spicy gaming session so uh have fun with that i guess here's the thing even if you do manage to get your hands on this game and it works it's a nightmare playing it without a backlit screen like i had to turn on my studio light just so i could somewhat see what was happening this alone kills the game for me and it's only a problem because i have to keep moving the screen around i can't keep the screen and my focus in one spot now sure you could emulate this on something else but this experience is so unique that it feels like it has to be played on the original hardware and it's really not fun when i can barely see the action on screen but i have to give credit where credit is due the motion controls are extremely responsive like they actually work tilt and tumble even attempted voice clips [Music] which are atrocious but i appreciate the effort and can we just talk about the save screens they're all big ass pictures of curb and we cycle through a bunch of different faces the levels are surprisingly well put together too they've got a pretty good difficulty curve and all try new things but man this game is hard as a freaking boulder i mean seriously good luck beating this even if you are emulating it and can see what you're doing you drown in the water after a few seconds these pegs have to be hit in a quick time frame and it's painful there are slippery ice stages narrow platform stages slow-ass blockbot stages this game is a fascinating piece of history but there's no reason to play it nowadays this would be perfect to port onto the switch actually since gyro controls are already built into the controllers 34. team kirby clash deluxe oh boy a free to start game it's not as bad as it sounds but just the fact that there's gameplay-centric microtransactions knocks this down as one of the worst kirby games based on sheer principle but we'll get into that in a bit i do want to talk about the actual game because it is enjoyable if you play team kirby clash from planet robobot it's the same sub game but with more to do you'll fight bosses with up to four players using one copy ability and when it's defeated you get experience points to level up your stamina attack power and the like so it's basically an action rpg but curbified you can also upgrade your weapons armor you support items it's a recipe for a decent game there's also several locations and different enemies to fight all of them coming from planet robobot it is a little disappointing that there's still only four roles to pick from they didn't add a single new one but the gem apples are new and they're what you'll use to upgrade your gear buy support items and increase the likelihood of getting elemental fragments these fragments are essential to upgrading your gear and if you take too long to fight an enemy or everyone dies you have to use gem apples to add time or revive your team so if you can't tell gem apples are extremely important you get apples for free by playing normally but also coming back to the game every day from this tree the problem is the quantity of apples is a negligible amount if not leveled up so to actually finish the game without several weeks or months of grinding you need to spend money on all the sales and buy the 2150 gem apple set to max out the tree with this you'll get 450 apples every 12 hours which is enough to beat the game in a couple of weeks so the game essentially caps you out on spending money which might sound like a good thing but here's my question why not just sell the damn game up front is it because they thought they couldn't sell this smaller title at 40 bucks because i'll be honest the seven dollars i paid was the amount i felt it was actually worth so they're trying to squeeze a full game's worth of money out of us for less and that is gross i know microtransactions are a common practice now but i hate how normalized it's become especially when it ruins the fun factor in a game 33 ddd's drum dash deluxe i doubt many of you remember this one either because it's another expansion but from kirby triple deluxe's sub game ddd's drum dash the only difference is there's more stages which still isn't a lot you've got seven stages total plus secret versions with remix music there's two main reasons i don't really care for this game one the price is way too steep and look i don't usually factor in costs when ranking video games but like it's seven bucks you'll beat this entire game in like 30 minutes maybe an hour if you go for gold medals it's worth more like three dollars in my opinion and two i really didn't care that much for the music which was the main problem now don't get me wrong i was bopping it out to meta knight's revenge but everything else was just okay the gameplay is at least kind of interesting you bounce around on drums and have to collect coins without taking damage you move freely and have to time out high in super jumps so it combines rhythm and platforming into one and that's pretty neat but man there really just wasn't enough songs for the price and i didn't really find any of them that great to begin with 32. kirby's dreamland it's kirby's first core adventure and it'll take you less than an hour to beat it's on the game boy so that's completely fine the only thing is there's no copy abilities you basically just eat enemies and spit them back out this is obviously not the most creative gameplay loop of all time in fact it gets old kind of quickly and the game chugs along too i imagine eating enemies and spitting them out is a lot for a little wittle game boy to handle and for what it's worth the levels generally try different things and all have distinct themes so you gotta give credit where credit is due it's just not a title that's worth playing more than once but if you did there's an extra mode you can try which makes the game harder a lot of the enemies are replaced with much more difficult ones and the bosses are more enduring so it's fine and all it just hasn't aged gracefully 31. kirby's blowout blast or as i like to put it the sonic 3d blast of kirby games it's neat to finally have 3d levels to roam around in they'll suck up all the baddies in order to get to the end of the stage this is another expanded sub game from kirby planet robobot and i like the idea but there's very little to get excited about the main reason is there's zero copy abilities you just inhale enemies and spit them back out to score combos what you've seen in this gameplay so far is basically the entire game and look it's not like there isn't fun to be had i enjoyed seeing chonky kirby and jamming out to the great music but man what a missed opportunity did not include some variety even the levels themselves all look the same aside from changing colors the only thing that freshens up the gameplay are some of the bosses lololo and la la la make an appearance which is pretty obscure but honestly i have to look at this game as a tech demo more than anything a boring experiment that's laying the groundwork for a proper 3d game 30. kirby battle royale no you don't drop out of the karbi bus and squad up to get that victory royale this is actually a mini-game collection yeah really the mini-games themselves are fine but not much tie them together there is a story mode where king ddd somehow makes these clones of kirby's and then you basically just play the minigames a bunch to win it's really not much of an incentive for me to want to play if i'm being honest and even weirder half the minigames are really similar to each other you've got apple scramble and coin clash where you basically just collect the things but with apple scramble you put them in a certain spot then rocket rumble and or express are basically the same collect the green thingies and put them somewhere to win attack riders or robo bonkers only difference is that you attack a robot and robo bonkers instead of the other players battle arena is a free-for-all fight which is alright for a little bit crazy theater reminds me a lot of warioware since you kind of play micro games but there's way less variety and it's much slower then slam hockey is probably my favorite of the bunch you whack a puck around so it's your color and hitting other players gives you points finally you've got flag ball which will send the ball to the other team's flag this is another decent one i don't know why nintendo had this obsession with releasing so many kirby games on the 3ds it's like they just wanted to test if 3d kirby would work like 80 times first i should also point out that there's an online mode but you can't play with your friends directly which is really odd and there's also amiibo support and i'm only bringing this up because the freaking qb amiibo works with it the most valuable amiibo gives him this little hat which i think is worth pointing out if you really like kirby you'll probably like this game but there are better options 29. kirby canvas curse because of course there had to be a kirby ds game that only controls the touchscreen you'll draw lines to move kirby around the screen tapping him gives him a little boost to hit enemies and gain speed it's a simple enough concept and you can still get a handful of copy abilities too i found beam and wheel to be the most useful while the other ones were just okay and honestly i was enjoying the game at first it looks really nice and the music has this really hard almost electronic sound to it the controls are fairly intuitive or at least that's what i thought at first the first red flag came when i played a water level now duh most water levels are slow and tedious but canvas curse is on another level kirby's gravity is flipped in water which i guess means he's really light anyway since he floats up trying to navigate in the water is just awful there's a good chance i was just doing something wrong but man the water levels just got harder and harder and it felt like it was because of the touch screen kirby just wouldn't build up speed and yes i know loops give him speed but that's not easy to do when half the corridors are filled with spikes and you can only draw so much at a time once i got to world 6 i dreaded finishing this game and there were only six levels plus the final boss but all six of them got harder and harder and i would have loved this if it were a normal kirby game where i actually felt like i was in control of what i was doing but that's not the case when kirby decides to change direction when i draw a line the wrong way by necessity speaking of bosses the only one is the final boss everything else is just mini games which are also the sub games so that's a little bizarre these sub games are fine krakow you're basically playing arkanoid king ddd requires you to eat more food than him while avoiding enemies and then paint roller makes you draw really fast and tap blocks at the end they're very forgettable to say the least i really wish i liked this game more it was one that i eyed as a kid and just never picked up it's just aggravating how the one time a kirby game actually gets challenging it uses a gimmick for the sake of being a gimmick 28. kirby and the rainbow curse i mean i guess it's better than canvas curse the game looks absolutely stunning their creative approach really paid off and is obviously an improvement to the ds game now like many others have complained about it does suck that you can't experience rainbow curse's beauty properly since it's all touch screen you have to look at the gamepad the entire time it still looks nice on there but it's just not the same although this game technically is an all-touch screen because there is a co-op mode where a second player can be waddle-dee this is honestly hilarious because waddle dee can just pick up kirby and play most of the level on his own it's like the devs knew this game wasn't that great so there's kind of an option to display normally there's also a few other changes worth bringing up too like there's more than one boss yeah there's four of them and three basically repeat themselves twice i know they were really wilding out this time and then there's the final boss and for some reason this final boss claycia and darkcrafter is simply fantastic the touchscreen is used in such a fair yet challenging way you gotta knock back bombs at claycia to remove her shield and then for dark crafter you fly around as a missile and build up stars to use a charge attack it's one of the few times the game feels genuinely fun because it really isn't half the time like canvas curse the last few worlds are just miserable like last time the water levels are extremely awkward to navigate they still have the flipped gravity but the levels are slightly more tolerable for one reason and that's the gamepad itself because of the wider screen it's a little bit easier to see what's coming up and your hand doesn't get in the way as often worlds 5-7 are frustrating for all the same reasons as before and some of the levels are even worse like there's one in world 7 where you have to be in this blue light to wait for platforms to move and what's annoying about that is kirby coming to a full stop requires vertical lines or holding them down it's just more irritating than it needs to be for six one the game asked if i wanted to skip the level and guess what i did because i was fed up with it and i never give up on levels unless i feel like it's out of my control the music really isn't that great either like yeah you could unlock some great remixes but in game most of it is very forgettable the invincibility music as an example is awful take a listen [Music] yeah why is it so calming it makes no sense on top of that you can no longer stun enemies by tapping you have to tap kirby to attack i thought i was going to hate this change but honestly it didn't make much of a difference but what did is the lack of copy abilities they removed them entirely and replaced them with three transformations that show up periodically kirby tank is awful he's so freaking slow that i'd fall asleep if there weren't so many enemies to take out submarine kirby is fine you'll tap to move him through the water and frankly i wish that's how kirby controlled in general then kirby rocket is probably the best he continuously moves in one direction and is much easier to waggle around so they're just ok replacements but what about the other modes well there's challenge mode you get chest and tiny levels as fast as you can and that's it there's no sub games and the only other thing to do is look at the figurines and listen to music you've collected i honestly hope we never get another kirby game like this i'm pretty over them for like forever at this point 27. kirby fighters deluxe like ddd's drum dash kirby fighters also has an expansion it's probably still not worth it for the price but at least there's more stuff to do it's basically a light version of smash bros but with a damage meter instead of racking up percent crippy fighters deluxe adds team battles as well as a few new stages the single player is very similar to classic mode in smash bros you go through a series of rounds where you'll fight other kirbys bosses and team fights the combat is pretty simple they basically pick a copy ability and stick with it for the entire duration finishing single player rewards you with an alt colored hat which for this game isn't that interesting but damn would this be amazing for smash bros imagine unlocking alt costumes for getting certain scores in classic mode home run contest multiman that would be sick but i'm way off topic now it doesn't feel like there's a lot of strategy unless you're playing with hazards and items off so i guess again that's akin to smash bros but the odds of getting friends together to play multiplayer seriously is slim to none and even then you have very little attack options so there wouldn't be much point the items come from triple deluxe which is a fun nod and the music is pretty solid i really don't like the stage hazards you got hands that push you towards the front of the screen these hammers that smash down an entire boss is just attacking it's a bit much but for what this game is it's alright 26. kirby's avalanche wow it's puyo puyo puyo boyo at kirby which kirby would say that and i mean that quite literally but with some kirby sprites thrown in in remix music if you've never played puyo puyo the idea is to match up four of the same colored blobs for them to disappear if you already like this puzzle game then you'll probably like kirby's avalanche this one isn't really for me i'm more of a tetris guy myself i just like hearing kirby talk model d i mean just perfection isn't it 25. kirby's star stacker look at that cute little wave on the title screen best game ever just like that so this is another puzzle game the main idea is to make matches of two or more but matches don't work with stars to get rid of those you have to make the same kind of matches with stars in between the animals so they'll disappear of all the puzzle games i've played in my life i don't think i've tried one quite like this so points for being something different it can be a bit addicting to play too it's got some decent music in a few different modes this is one of those games that i would love to play a game if it were remastered on modern hardware but probably won't go back to because it's on the game boy honestly i disliked all the adorable kirby art 24. kirby's dream course people tend to on the virtual console switch online but i have to admit that i would never have had the pleasure of playing kirby's dream course multiplayer without it it calls itself a golf game but it's so drastically different that it's honestly in its own category you do technically still get kirby into the hole but the game throws in copy abilities and enemies to spice things up and actually there is no hole until all but one enemy is defeated that's when it spawns this is an amazing concept for a golf game because you can never really anticipate where the hole is gonna be exactly it's a fine enough single player game but it really shines when playing with someone else i can't tell you how much fun it is trying to beat your friend into getting into a hole first or psyching them out with which enemies you're gonna hit it's a great time if you're playing a two-player but otherwise there isn't much else here 23. super curvy clash wow it's the third time team kirby clash has been reiterated but now it's on the switch in glorious hd right off the bat i notice the game runs at 30 frames per second it's not the end of the world but the previous two games were running in 60 frames and some of the menus run in 60 so it's a bit of an awkward scenario there's also barely any new content outside of more missions stickers in the item shop and some new bosses however you probably won't need to buy any gem apples because of party quest this is an online mode where you can play the game with friends or random people and you get a separate vigor for both so by playing offline and online and thanks to the bevy of new missions you probably won't find a reason to buy any microtransactions so at least that's something you don't have to worry about i still think it's ridiculous that they didn't add a single new role again it's the same four from the previous two games but whatever at this point the game is still fun for what it is and this is the best version of this kirby clash sub series 22. kirby's dreamland 2. i'm still blown away that this is running on a gameboy dreamland 1 seemed to barely work and was so limited and dreamland 2 came out after kirby's adventure and managed to include copy abilities there may only be 8 but that is one hell of an achievement the technical prowess it must have taken for this to work is simply immaculate and honestly the game itself is pretty solid too it's so much better than the first streamland it's definitely still laggy which is a bit annoying but i can forgive it there's also animal friends you can ride on and if you have a certain copy ability it alters their power the best part is you can bring the animals from level to level they don't just leave once you exit the animal friends are definitely the highlight it's really too bad they're barely used anymore dreamland 2 is still a pretty short game but at least it's twice as long as the first stream land which is very respectable for the handheld it's on there's no extra hard mode and there aren't really sub games but you can replay most of the bosses and collect all the stars on their stage if you do this you add to your save file completion and at 100 you'll unlock the mode bonus chance and boss endurance in the menu so they kind of skimped on the sub games which honestly is fine for game boy there's plenty to play here as it is and let's not forget that one of the stage maps looks like this just figured i'd throw that out there 21. kirby's blockball what happens when you combine kirby and breakout you get a surprisingly fantastic gameboy game that i slightly prefer over dreamland 2. i'm not even joking i actually had more fun with this if you already like breakout then you're gonna really enjoy this one since kirby can use abilities as if they were powerups spark lets you pass through blocks faster needle lets you stick to your paddle and so on each level not only has different designs but the amount of paddles you use changes constantly sometimes you'll have to move two at once sometimes four and sometimes just one side as spikes which is the only thing that takes your lives moving multiple panels is easier than you'd think going left and right moves top and bottom and up and down moves the sides it's strangely intuitive and while the paddle is pretty small the hitbox is very generous so small errors usually don't punish you by pushing a when kirby is near the paddle it makes them bigger which does more damage to blocks but also protects kirby against the spikes you may think that this would make kirby's block ball too easy but you have to time your a press very carefully or it won't work so there's a very fair balance at stake i died several times and it always felt like it was my own undoing and not a stroke of bad luck the bosses are really cool the game looks decent and the music is amazing it's criminal that none of the music has ever been recreated officially all of it is super catchy and some of the best chiptunes i've heard in a long while give this game a try and i think you'll be pleasantly surprised it's just too bad it's on the game boy 20. kirby fighters 2 because why not said nintendo probably as you can guess by now this is a reboot of swords to kirby fighter's deluxe and of all the expansions from the original 3ds titles this is the best one first off it looks great and it runs at 60fps since this is a fighter game i'm glad we're finally getting that there's actually quite a few new things to bring up too although the gameplay itself is relatively the same we've got a more proper story mode now where you'll climb up a tower fighting harder and harder characters in between each bout you'll select items to help boost your play like auto guard or an attack stone and it's a pretty fun mode and all again there's just not much to add that hasn't already been said there's some new stages which is pretty cool and there's also online i tried that and was shocked not only fine players but the connections seem to be pretty good and we can't forget wrestler kirby who actually debuted in this spin-off game i hope we get him in a core game someday because he's just awesome you can also play as other characters like waddle d meta knight and a few others of all the sub games that got expansions i'd just try out this one the other ones are all right but there's actually a lot to do in kirby fighters 2. if i had more time i could probably be into this for a good while 19. kirby's adventure seen as the one that started it all although kirby's dreamland technically came before it kirby's adventure essentially transformed kirby into what it is today with the introduction to copy abilities this was revolutionary and still is an amazing idea for a game eat an enemy that has a certain power and gain its abilities right on the spot it's pretty damn sweet and for the nes the game still looks pretty decent the colors are a little washed out but there's lots of them hal laboratory was clearly pushing the nes to its limits speaking of limits the gameplay is not the greatest especially on the original hardware it is ridiculously laggy which makes sense because of how much is happening on screen but the lag does dampen the pacing and gameplay which is unfortunate because it was such a massive step for the franchise thankfully the game has been remade a couple times which we'll get into later on there's also an extra mode which gives you half the hit points and you can't save your progress i didn't see much of a reason to play this it doesn't really change anything about the game itself and the sub games are fine i didn't really find a compelling reason to play crane fever quick draw more than once a catcher is kind of fun though you eat as many eggs as you can and avoid all the bombs it's got a bit of an addicting quality to it since there's a sense of rush to snipe all the eggs but yeah there's not much of a reason to play this version of kirby's adventure when remasters exist 18. kirby air ride well this one is striving for originality it's a racer like no other for better or for worse you've got three modes air ride top ride and city trial air ride is technically the main part of the game there's nine different tracks and 14 vehicles to pick from this track selection is just puny especially for gamecube standards f-stroke gx and even double dash had a bigger selection than this the vehicles however are where things get interesting each one controls differently and i mean very very differently the warp star kind of behaves like normal the wagon star doesn't charge the swerve star can only turn when it comes to a complete stop the slick star has really slippery handling i don't know why the vehicles have such extreme differences it just makes the entire game feel unbalanced what ends up happening is you'll find a few machines you like and the rest of them you'll never touch again the controls are also ridiculously oversimplified you steer with a joystick and the a button does everything else inhale enemies with a break with a charge up a drift with a hit the speed boost with a like i get it kirby is supposed to be simple but this is to a point where it makes the game more annoying than it needs to be sakurai look at all these buttons there's so many so nice use them come on you can also unlock kndd and meta knight but those are the only other characters and look i'm just gonna say it the copy abilities don't even feel that useful most of them are short range so they aren't that practical now look i've done a lot of bitching so far and have probably pissed off the super dedicated kirby air ride fans but even so i still enjoy the racing once you do find a vehicle you like the races themselves feel very cinematic it's got to do with the way the camera is really zoomed in on you while the rest of the stage feels wide and open it's strangely exhilarating and we've also got the other modes like top ride and there's not much to say about it you drive from a top-down perspective and you'll be bored of it within 10 minutes city trial of course is what everyone raves about and it's definitely the best part of kirby air ride you drive through the city and collect patches to enhance your vehicle then at the end you'll use the enhancements to complete a final challenge which is completely random every time sometimes you'll fight to the death of destruction derby or glide off a ramp and go as far as he can or even just fight king dedede city trial is a ton of fun with friends and all the different environments lead to a lot of fun to be had so i'm split on kirby air ride i really like the ideas and city trial of course but a lot of the execution falls flat or isn't expanded on enough 17. kirby mass attack the only game where you can go inside king ddd's crotch oh yeah this is another touch controlled kirby game but it's actually pretty solid yeah they didn't completely mess up the controls this time instead of being forced to guide kirby with lines using his momentum you just tap or drag a warp star around the screen to move the kirbys and yes not just one kirby up to 10 most of the time you'll tap enemies to attack them and swipe a kirby to send them flying up or down you can also draw circles and lines to group the kirbys together and send them a certain direction this control scheme is infinitely more intuitive than canvas curse i'm kind of shocked that nobody talks about this game because it's very much under the radar in order to get more kirby's you have to eat a bunch of fruit and getting 100 points adds another one to your team so while this drives incentive to eat the fruit that really only works until you have all 10 kirbys after that the game just pauses and gives you a score boost and the pausing is a little annoying at times there's really only a few downsides to this game for one the levels feel too long a lot of times you get a good grasp on the new gimmick and then the level just keeps going for another 10 to 15 minutes this isn't necessarily a bad thing some people may actually like the longer levels but they do tend to feel a little bit overdrawn the concept of kirby attacking and moving with a touch screen does get old as well but near the end of the game new ideas are brought to the table which help alleviate this issue my favorite level being this tank one where you'll fire your team of kirby as fireballs to get through the level i also love the wispy woods level where he's an obstacle instead of a boss and you have to ride his trunk over some water it's actually pretty innovative this game reminds me of kirby's epic yarn because it's not really a kirby game there's no copy abilities and you don't puff up in the air which are two huge traits of the puffball with that said this game is a lot tougher than that one i found myself scrambling to keep all my kirbys alive as if they were pikmin in fact this game is also like a weird version of pikmin in a lot of ways at least when it comes down to how you'll throw kirby around to solve puzzles or beat up enemies now per usual there's a bunch of sub games to play in fact this game is loaded with them and you unlock them by collecting medals throughout each level honestly though most of them aren't worth your time field frenzy dash course kirby brawl ball and kirby curtain call are one and done deals straddle patrol on the other hand is one of my favorite sub games of all time it's a 20 minute space shooter where you'll collect curvies to get stronger and defeat enemies and bosses the main challenge is that dragging the kirbys around the screen is a little laggy so you have to prepare for that ahead of time and it's actually really fun but this mode was just screaming to have copy abilities as different power-ups for the kirbys like every other space shooter has then there's also kirby quest it boils down to just tapping the screen at the right time but it's framed as if it's an rpg it's not really at all but i do like the idea of a proper kirby rpg in the future i honestly hope they go back to exploring this kind of idea without the touch screen because it's got a lot of potential 16. kirby 64 the crystal shards if i remember correctly this was the first kirby game i ever played and beat so while i have a soft spot for it it's one of the more poorly aged titles as you can see from this gameplay the game moves at a snail's pace i mean seriously it feels like the n64 is gonna catch on fire with all that 3d graphic processing power this was technically the first core 3d kirby but it's played like a 2d platformer and while it controls fine the overall pacing feels really sluggish it seems like it takes forever to attack sometimes or even just run from point a to point b it's also on the shorter side which is acceptable because the graphical upgrade probably took a big toll of time to produce but you can finish the whole game in a few hours don't get me wrong though this game is still a lot of fun especially since the big gimmick is combining abilities and i mean that in the most direct sense you can combine literally all of them into any combination you desire so while the crystal shards technically only has seven abilities the combinations actually give you 35 experimenting on the fly and learning about each of the combos is so enjoyable it makes worth playing the entire game worth it burn plus stone turns you into a volcano burn plus bomb makes you fireworks burn plus cutter gives you a huge sword stone plus ice gives you a curling stone ice plus bomb is an exploding snowman i could go on for a while because these are by far the most creative abilities kirby games have seen even to this day and the mini games are some of the best the entire franchise has to offer 100 yard hop is a race to the finish while also avoiding puddles and other obstacles bumper crop bomb is admittedly just okay you collect fallen crops and shove others around but checkerboard chase this mini-game has no right to be this damn good you basically obtain god-like powers and try to drop your opponents by clearing a row of blocks in front of you i've popped in kirby 64 just to play this mini game it really is that addicting there's so many mind games because you have to plan out when to attack when to avoid the others and the outside of the stage slowly closes in on you the longer you go if nintendo were to ever try to expand out a gimmick again they should make kirby 64.2 or even just a fully fledged version of checkerboard chase 15. 3d classics kirby's adventure it's exactly the same as the original kirby's adventure but you can play in 3d and it runs a lot smoother i don't really care at all about the 3d but the smoothed out gameplay really enhances the whole package some of the graphics have additional effects too and a few random glitches were fixed if you want to play the old school curry's adventure this is by far the best version hello it's me the kirby guy okay now you totally forgot to mention that this is actually the best kirby game out there now i could be biased this is one of my first games i've ever played ever but men you forgot about that one detail oh man the world opening cutscenes i always thought these are so neat and charming they do a great job showing you what the levels are that you're about to head into with this cute little kirby cutscene oh it's so awesome other kirby games would do this for sure but other games of a similar style nah this is mostly a kirby exclusive idea aesthetically i also always loved orange ocean something about the sunset on the water especially on the nes uh this spoke to me in my heart and ways that no other game had done before when i was a kid and even nowadays it's beautiful and also since very few puzzles revolve around specific abilities i always loved that adventure says hey go free go the entire game with basically any ability you want no issues just have fun great great great great stuff all around thanks aunt dude of course man no problem 14. kirby star allies while this may be one of those by the number kirby games it's not as bad as some make it out to be the big gimmick for this one is you can befriend enemies which is a neat idea for what it's worth but it makes an easy game even easier in fact this might be the easiest kirby game of all time does the easiness make it bad i mean not really i still had a good time playing through it but there's definitely some portions that are tedious you'll have more fun with multiplayer because the levels are better built for that but single player wise it's pretty average not only can you befriend enemies now but you can also play as them yourself at launch there weren't a lot of playable characters but over time they added ones like rick king slash q adeline magalor suzy and gooey just to name a few they all have their own move sets so it's refreshing to have this many characters as well as this much fan service and they even added a brand new mode later on called heroes in another dimension it's kind of like playing the story mode but everything is more challenging including the bosses so yeah this is one of those switch games where the extra stuff was added several months later i'm still not a fan of this method for releasing games but i guess that's how things are just gonna work for the foreseeable future i'd rather have the full experience right away but that's just me star allies is also the fourth game to have this art style considering we had to return to dreamland on the wii in both of the 3ds games something i find really odd is the menus run at 60fps while the game is at 30fps it's not a deal breaker because platformers are playable at a lower frame rate but it's a little jarring and a tad disappointing what i do appreciate seeing return is combining copy abilities it's not nearly as in-depth as kirby's 64 but i wouldn't expect that considering there's way more different types of abilities here in fact there's 28 copy abilities which is a lot even for a kirby title some of them returned from previous games like yo-yo and cleaning and there are new ones including artist festival spider and stack star allies also has buff ddd so that alone adds value to the entire package and you can even find a secret level which is a remake of the first level from the very first kirby game we've talked a lot about the new game mode but of course there's other modes too like guest star the ultimate choice and a few sub games guest star is unlocked after being the main game and you basically play an abridged version of the story mode with only a friend helper dream friend and not kirby the ultimate choice is a bosh rush but with multiple difficulty modes chop champs and star slam heroes are the only sub games and they're both very drab and forgettable even as someone that likes these kind of minigames i didn't see much of a point to play them more than once or twice so despite star allies baby difficulty it at least has a lot of meaningful game modes and extra characters to romp around in 13. kirby nightmare and dreamland a remake of kirby's adventure was very much needed and the game boy advance one delivers on all fronts the levels are pretty much the same there's a couple of areas that are tweaked but it's essentially the same game the biggest difference being the controls and graphics if you played kirby in the amazing mirror it feels exactly like that which is much more accurate and responsive i especially love all the background art it looks like it was hand painted with pastels and then carefully compressed down into a more pixelated form one of the weirdest changes i noticed in nightmare and dreamland was the bosses they function the same as before but have zero hits done now if you have something like fire spark or ice you can knock out anything in a matter of seconds especially if it doesn't move very fast it's kind of ridiculous how fast bosses go down it's straight up comical in a sense on top of the remake you've still got the extra mode after beating the main game but now you can unlock boss endurance and meta nightmare boss endurance is your typical boss rush while meta nightmare is the main game as meta knight normally i don't care about playing as different characters in kirby games but god damn is this mode addictive meta knight can inhale enemies but he has a sword and can move around at a zany pace meta nightmare is timed and is meant to be played quickly after finishing a stage you're immediately kicked back into the hub world and just go to the next level the fast nature is super satisfying and it's harder too since you have half the hit points all the mini games are also brand new which is honestly a good change bomb rally has you smacking a bomb around with four different kirby's quick draw is basically the same as the original game and finally we've got kirby's air grind you ride around on rails using a warp star and it's a lot like the surfing mini game from kirby and the amazing mirror these sub games are more enjoyable than the nes's counterparts but there's still not something i'd spend more than 10 minutes playing and i didn't even bring up that this game is four player compatible i mean geez they really went all out here 12. kirby squeak squad here's another kirby title i grew up with and was surprised with how well it's aged i definitely see a lot more flaws 15 years later but i had a great time from start to finish you've probably noticed the graphics weren't updated from the game boy advance yes the screen size is bigger but a lot of the assets are being reused and it's running on the same engine personally i love this art style so i really didn't mind at all the new copy abilities are either really great or at the very least memorable the best one is probably bubble because you can attack enemies and turn them into bubbles and save their powers in your stomach oh yeah you can hold five different items in your stomach on the bottom screen it's a little weird and probably not necessary but i really liked managing my health and abilities while playing through but anyway there's also the animal ability in which you'll dig through dirt this one is just decent if you ask me and there's also metal you're invincible but move as slow as a sloth he's the definition of a tank he'll never stop moving for anything in kirby in the amazing mirror there were a bunch of treasure chests to find throughout the game and squeak squad has many many more to collect at the end of each stage a squeak squad member will try to grab the biggest chest and you have to catch it first or they'll steal it and you'll be forced to fight them at their base to get the chest back while it's a pretty cool concept i very rarely struggle with grabbing the chest from them usually i just snoop in and run to the exit door with no trouble each treasure has a variety of collectibles there are a ton of things to collect maybe more so than usual also something that's really odd is some of the levels are like ridiculously short short as in the level is over in 30 seconds i'm not sure if the developers were low on time or what happened but it was a little strange playing these tiny bite-sized levels and then a normal-sized one my favorite part of the game is combining power-ups if you have the right combination you can make elements for your sword and bombs there's the fire sword ice bombs thunder bombs it's not a lot but it's really satisfying taking the time to create the combinations and using them the sub games are nothing special they're honestly a bit weaker in comparison to the other games with smash ride you scrub kirby across the screen to knock other players off speedy tv time you touch the cake before storrow does and trigger shot is the same idea as speedy tee time but you swipe at the screen instead so it's not as amazing as i remembered it being but it's still a pretty solid game in the series and the squeeze squad members are still an awesome addition 11. kirby's epic yarn i love that they went with epic yarn unironically but the game is honestly pretty epic right away i'm shocked to hear actual story narration in the beginning it's very weird to hear proper words in a kirby game but i kinda like the change speaking of change literally everything is made out of yarn and it is absolutely adorable the attention to detail is heart warming it's impossible to not go aw at least 20 times when playing through the level design is what really keeps the game moving there are so many clever aesthetic choices that make kirby's epic yarn worth trying it's definitely a bit slow at first but once you get into world 2 and 3 the game really starts to shine and get creative another big change is there's no copy abilities and infinite jumps are replaced with one big jump that might not sound very curvy to you but believe me it kind of is instead of eating enemies you'll grab them with a yarn whip and roll them into a ball this can be used to hit other enemies open up passageways and things like that while i like this it does get old after a while but that's why you'll occasionally run into metamortex forms these could take place as an entire level or sometimes just randomly about and i like these a lot the dolphin makes swimming really slick the fire engine puts out water the off-roader lets you catch big air most of these forms are pretty sweet except the train you're forced to draw the train tracks with your wii pointer and the train is slow as ass and i hated the couple levels it was in also this is like the easiest video game of all time there are no lives and you can't take damage having no lives is great because let's be honest it adds no value to games anymore but not taking damage is maybe going too far you do lose your gems yes but they don't make the game any harder personally i would have preferred more challenging level design but i also understand that this wasn't really the point the idea is to explore the game at a leisurely pace grab a cup of hot tea and kick back on a rainy afternoon interestingly there's very few bosses in comparison to most kirby games and the final boss is very anticlimactic there's two different forms and both of them take about 30 seconds to finish so yeah i really like this one for embracing a new aesthetic it's just not quite as good as a top tier kirby title however you can collect furniture from each level and deck out your apartment for fun and there's co-ops so you can't go wrong there 10. kirby's extra epic yarn but is it really extra epic i mean it's a wii game ported to the 3ds so right off the bat the game looks worse it still plays perfectly fine and all but the visual fidelity is definitely missed when that's a big part of the game there's also no co-op which is a little weird because new super mario bros 2 did that but i guess it's not that big of a deal the biggest change extra epic yarn has is the devilish mode and ravel abilities devilish mode gives you a life bar which is awesome but also adds in a devil to annoy the crap out of you why they couldn't have just included the life bar is beyond me but honestly it's nice to have difficulty options and the rival abilities is a very bizarre choice the game adds in 6 abilities wire is a sword button is a bomb nylon is a tornado and so on now i might have the opposing opinion here but i actually really like these additions does it kind of defeat the purpose of the whole game yeah a little bit but does it improve the pacing and freshen things up it absolutely does and you don't even have to pick them up it's still very possible to beat the whole game without these abilities the last thing to mention is the extra two sub games ddd go go go has you dashing through levels collecting beads then slash embed is the same thing but you stop to attack enemies i'm really conflicted on which version i prefer i think i have to give the edge the 3ds one but i totally get those of you that think the original superior 9. kirby's dreamland 3 one of the most forgotten about kirby titles because kirby's superstar overtakes it every time and i don't think it's quite as good either but it's absolutely worth playing the biggest difference being the graphics i mean just look at this gorgeous pastel art style the aesthetic is so perfect for kirby and even the animation is charming the enemies and characters all have these little jiggles when standing idle or moving around it really adds a lot to the tone of the art style like dreamland 2 animal friends return but this time there's a total of six rick koo and kine are back and noodle list or nago a cat choo choo an octopus and pitch a bird all the animal friends are fun to use especially the fish i don't know what it is but i just get a kick out of seeing kirby's little head popping out of kyne's mouth i will admit that a lot of times the animal friends are more of a pain than a game some of them don't have multiple jumps or just really slow and bulky it's also a little disappointing that copy abilities don't have multiple moves like they did with superstar i understand the need to downgrade because of all the animal friend combinations but it's still a little sad the general gameplay is pretty well paced at least when inhaling enemies i noticed a much shorter pause time than normal but then on the other hand the screen takes a second to catch up to you sometimes yeah kirby will often run to the end of the screen before it starts to scroll with him like how is this a problem not for seeing before release but hey at least you can find metroid's in this game it's probably the coolest kirby cameo i've ever seen the music is amazing per usual and man the true final boss is something else you fight a super big eyeball and it shoots blood at you in one of the phases i never thought i'd see that in a kirby game let alone any nintendo game but yeah this is a pretty great one it's worth playing with the art style on its own 8. kirby's return to dreamland kirby drops his cake and it's really sad but anyway the video game it kind of feels like the new super mario bros of kirby games but in a really good way it has an art style that stuck around for several years there's four player co-op it's really easy like it takes a lot of nsmb elements although for being real it was the first score kirby game in a long time so this was and still is refreshing to play the jump from kirby 64 to return to dreamland was pretty massive the game runs much smoother the graphics are extremely colorful and a joy to look at and there's new copy abilities per usual which include wing whip water and spear water being my favorite because kirby can infinitely vomit out water which is the goofiest thing i've ever seen all the abilities have also been upgraded with multiple moves like in superstar so that makes all the much more viable you've also got the super abilities which are visually really stunning but they don't feel very meaningful the experience with all them is essentially a screen wipe there's no small puzzles or challenges you just do the thing and win but hey now there's items and objects you can pick that do extra stuff this french horn gives you a prism shield for reasons and the bosses are also slightly harder than normal which is definitely appreciated there's definitely some interesting things happening in return to dreamland including the subgames there's the typical extra mode which is a harder version of the main game although this one adds a brand new boss called metal general x the arena and the true arena return which are just boss rushes like a lot of kirby games have the sub games are pretty interesting this time around too ninja dojo has you throwing ninja stars with their wiimote to hit targets scope shot is shooting a bunch of robots and challenge involves you reaching the goal with the highest score possible what's distinct is you have to use one copy ability the whole time and you'll almost speedrun the levels these are all pretty fun sub games and it's no surprise two of them use motion controls because this was the wii era while returning dreamland is fun enough it really doesn't do much to stand on its own 7. kirby in the amazing mirror this is probably the most memorable kirby title for me simply because i grew up with it and still remember my dad buying it for me when i was like 11 or 12. it may look like a traditional kirby game but it has a more open world approach it's almost metroidvania-esque in a sense i wouldn't quite call it that but it has some of those elements like hidden items that require specific abilities to get to as well as multiple map screens the gameplay is pretty fluid and it controls well all the usual copy abilities are here and there's one new one called smash this one gives you the move set from super smash bros melee and you obtain it by sucking up master or crazy hand that is genuinely amazing and i wish it was featured more regularly one of the few gimmicks is the ability to play with four different kirbys this can be done with real people or you can call your pals via a cell phone and yes your phone has a real-time battery and it can drain to nothing unless you find batteries around the levels but anyway you'll rarely use all four kirbys unless you're trying to move a giant rock or something they're mostly just walking around the game on their own which i guess is kind of neat to an extent each world looks really nice and the pixel art has aged very well it's such a joy running around trying to find new areas to explore however that is also one of the biggest flaws actually finding new areas can sometimes be frustrating even with the map a lot of times you'll need a specific ability and if you don't have it you have to go back and get it and then return without losing that ability i do wish you could swap abilities on the fly but that would definitely make the game too easy so i'm not really sure what workaround could have been done aside from assuring the required enemy was always nearby but frankly i never really minded some backtracking the game itself is just so enjoyable and the music is really memorable all of ocean has a killer percussion backing moonlight mansion has a mysterious aura to it rainbow route's soft yet strong beat has an enticing charm i really like collecting all the paint cans too which let you change the color of kirby it's just a visual game and it's in other games too but this was before video games made you pay money to change your color palette and the sub games are fine as well there's not much to write home about but kirby waveride is a solid one out of the bunch the only thing i have to say is that the mirror ability isn't in kirby in the amazing mirror which was the ultimate missed opportunity 6. kirby triple deluxe ah yes this was the game that got me back into the kirby franchise i skipped out on the gamecube and wii era and was pleasantly surprised with how enjoyable this adventure was you're doing a lot of the same kind of run and dance again but now you have the power of the hypernova suck kirby turns all rainbow which lets you suck up abilities and even massive objects like trees or snowballs what i like about hypernova is that it isn't just a screenwipe ability a lot of times it has more purpose for getting past obstacles to complete levels and honestly just watching stuff get swirled into kirby's mouth is really satisfying on its own of all the gimmicks kirby has gotten over the years this is one of the better ones something triple deluxe nails is the level design it's excellent and is always throwing new and interesting ideas in your face speaking of being in your face you're able to jump from the foreground to background which i'm guessing exists because triple deluxe is on the 3ds there's a tiny bit of motion controls in the game too but their appearance is so nominal that it's hard to remember you even use them per usual we've got some new abilities and these include archer beetle bell and circus i actually really like all of them even circus which is just super goofy the final boss is worth mentioning too because it's so damn cool queen sectonia is this massive bee that has multiple attack patterns the things that happen in these phases though are just so unexpected and by the end you suck up her literal laser attack that was meant to kill you that is nuts the side modes this time around are a bit more addicting and filled out we've got ddd's tour kirby fighters ddd's drum dash in the arena ddd tour is definitely the best of the bunch and is unlocked after beating the main story you play through a compressed version of the main game as king ddd and he's actually really fun to use there's also curvy fighters and ddd's drum dash which are both games you've heard a lot about already the arena is a boss rush mode and the true arena is the same but more difficult i love how you're giving maxum tomatoes in between battles too it's kind of like all-star mode in smash bros but yeah overall triple deluxe is a pretty fun title with pretty decent side modes to boot 5. kirby in the forgotten land after all of this time kirby finally gets a proper 3d game and it's by far one of the best kirby titles i've ever played first off the presentation is just phenomenal parts of this game almost look like something coming from a ps4 or ps5 game at least the cutscenes are like that the game itself still looks great despite a lot of enemies having weird frame rate issues sometimes when enemies are far away the framerate is chopped considerably almost looking like a claymation but strangely this is kind of charming and i can't really put my finger on why kirby also has very fluid movement he's fun to just move around with and spin in a bunch of circles the gameplay itself is still pretty similar to a normal kirby game you inhale enemies to take their abilities to clear levels this game is more of a collect-a-thon however you have to rescue a bunch of waddle-dees while clearing each level a lot of the waddle dees and other collectibles are hidden well so you're heavily encouraged to explore and are often rewarded for looking around with things like coins or trophies the waddle dees unlock the bosses which by the way are some of the best boss fights kirby has ever had claw relying and silly dillo are highlights for having some really cool and fun attack patterns i love how kirby's role slows down in time when you're close to getting hit by the way not only does it look badass but it's helpful for leading yourself to safety now of course i have to mention mouthful mode we've all seen what kirby looks like and it is freaking hilarious i also love the staircase and water balloon kirby he just looks so goofy and endearing so while i like all the random things kirby can eat there are a few of them that have virtually no purpose such as storage mode kirby opens up an area and that's about it it's still cute watching him get through levels like this but some of these objects that he inhales don't do much it's like the cactus retreat in mario odyssey it just kind of exists for one objective and nothing more one of my favorite new things is the fact that you can upgrade your abilities you'll do this with the coins and rare stones you collect throughout each level so combing through the levels is heavily encouraged so while there may only be 12 abilities they can upgrade up to 2-4 times so there's technically more abilities than most kirby games i especially loved fully upgrading ranger charged up shots are ridiculously broken and you can take out small bosses in like 5 seconds flat ranger is also just a new ability in general basically it's kirby with a gun controlling this is very weird at first since you have to manually aim your charged shots but it's pretty easy to get used to the drill ability is also new which reminds me a lot of the animal ability from squeak squad but it's honestly a lot better waddle the town is pretty incredible as well this is where you'll play the sub games upgrade your abilities and buy health items which by the way you can now store one of them for levels it's not really necessary since the game is still pretty easy but it's still a nice feature to have i'm also obligated to mention the fishing game and it is absolutely adorable look at that little hat what a chad puff boy you've also got the waddle dee cafe and tilt and roll kirby but like most sub games you play them a few times and you're done with them the final bosses are also insane but since this game is still pretty new i won't show them i'll just say that it is up there with the same insanity as say planet robobot so with that said this game is awesome and is definitely worth playing if you've never enjoyed any kirby game in the past at this point i'd be really curious to see a proper open world kirby title that would be an incredible step and one that kirby could definitely pursue now that general 3d works so well four kirby superstar damn this game means business that was impressive for snes standards as someone that's been a kirby fan for many years i never got around to playing kirby superstar despite hearing it was the best game in the entire series so i had high expectations going in and while i don't think it's the best one it does a lot right and really help define who kirby has become today so superstar claims it has eight games in one while technically there's nine and honestly half of these games are somewhat tied together while being kind of broken up into chapters spring breeze dynablade revenge of meta knight and milky way wishes could have all been grouped together and still keep the changes they do have but it doesn't really matter that much spring breeze recreates kirby's dreamland 1 from the ground up while adding in copy abilities dynablade is split into 5 stages and you fight the massive bird at the end revenge of meta knight has you traversing halberd and ending by fighting men at night while this ship is falling and finally milky way wishes has you traveling from planet to planet to prevent the sun and moon from fighting all of these modes are the best part of the game and really did a lot to advance the kirby franchise for one all the kirby abilities have hats now you can perform multiple attacks with one ability and they also introduce partner characters some people don't like this mechanic because the partners tend to be stupid and aren't very helpful but honestly i kind of like that they only help a little bit they only take the edge off the difficulty and look we're playing a curvy game anyway so it's not that difficult to begin with out of all these core modes revenge of meta knight is by far the best the music just absolutely slaps it makes you feel like a badass spy sneaking into an evil villain's camp just cleaning up their guards you're also on a time limit so you're encouraged to play fast which will garner more mistakes only adding to a sense of intensity i also love how the commanders of the ship are talking back and forth reading their text as you're soaring through the ship adds this strange sense of immersiveness especially because you see their cockiness at the beginning and by the end they all abandon ship it's a very real feeling scenario milky way wishes does something really weird and that you can't suck up enemies for copy abilities you have to find the copy essences instead which is much harder to do while i liked a lot of this mode especially the computer virus boss for how freaking creative it is a lot of levels were just irritating especially hotbeat it seemed impossible to avoid taking damage sometimes this is kind of a recurring problem in this game in which enemies will spawn on top of you after entering a new door or they come from off screen too fast and you can't react in time this issue doesn't ruin the game or anything but i did notice it happened somewhat frequently before talking about the other game modes i should mention that kirby superstar introduced 13 new abilities that is just nutty and one of them is mirror this has to be one of the best power-ups i found a strat against the computer virus where by spamming b i would deflect all the boss's attacks almost every time it's hilariously broken but anyway there's also the gourmet race where you have to eat more food than king ddd and finish the level before him this was very short-lived but a lot of fun the great cave offensive is a massive maze in which you run through and have to find all 60 treasures this one is really fun too and actually feels different to most of the modes i especially enjoyed finding the save areas for the first time because i had no idea that the music for smash bros melee's all-star mode came from this game until playing it at the end you unlocked the arena and there's also two small sub games there is not much to say about these for mega ton punch you just have to time your button press to crack planet pop star and samurai kirby is pushing a button before your enemy so all in all kirby's superstar is pretty fantastic for what it brings to the table three kirby superstar ultra it's by far the ultra version of the original snes classic although i do have to say the intro is not nearly as good it just can't match that super smooth looking pixel art with compressed 3d but that's besides the point while this is technically the same game it really adds a lot of new stuff to make it so much better and not even just the new modes but the main games were vastly improved too one of my biggest issues was the screen having trouble scrolling fast enough and now that i've played this version the snes version was kind of laggy superstar ultra no longer has that screen souling issue and it runs way better plus the maps are more zoomed out so you can see what's coming up much easier now there's really nothing bad to say about the main games they've all been enhanced to a higher pedigree and they were already pretty fun before due to the game are a few sub games in a couple of other modes and these sub games are fine kirby card swipe just has you picking the right card before everyone else kirby on the draw is a touch screen shooter and snack tracks has you eating a lot of food while tapping away worms and bombs i like snack tracks the most but like most sub games they aren't entertaining for long however the other new game modes are pretty awesome the true arena is just like the arena although it's more difficult adds more bosses yada yada yada boss wrestlers are just mad to me but for those looking for something challenging to sink their teeth into you'll definitely find it here there's also helper to hero which is a boss rush but you play as the helpers instead i enjoyed this a lot more than i thought i would it kind of reminded me of kirby star allies revenge of the king is a remake of the extra mode in kirby's dreamland so once again you play through the remake playing kirby's dreamland 1 this much is starting to get a little tiring but at least this mode is a little tougher and the new final boss makes it worth it you fight masked king ddd and he has this huge hammer and you're in a cage and the music is way better than it has any right to be meta nightmare ultra is the best new thing you play through all the main games met at night and try to speed through them as fast as you can this isn't a new idea but i like it in the other kirby games so i really like it here too the original superstar is a classic but superstar ultra does nothing but make improvements 2. kirby's dream collection special edition i think i'm actually having a dream because this is one of the best if not the best collections nintendo has ever produced they put so much love and care into kirby's 20th anniversary it really makes me wish i did the same for mario and zelda so dream collection's main selling point is six ports kirby's dreamland kirby's adventure kirby's dreamland 2 kirby's superstar kirby's dreamland 3 and kirby 64 the crystal shards all these titles are fairly varied so if you've never played any of them this is an amazing value on its own the games run about the same as they do on the original hardware although i did notice that kirby 64 seems to be a bit smoother i'm slightly disappointed they didn't fix the lag and curious adventure but that's such a tiny nitpick to what's already an amazing compilation something i did find kind of weird was that there isn't a way to go back to the classic titles menu you have to reset the entire game to play something else i even checked the instruction manual and there doesn't seem to be any other way around this besides that there's new challenges which are basically a small selection of new levels using return to dreamland's engine these are actually pretty fun i especially enjoyed magalor's race stages they reminded me a lot of gourmet race the most interesting aspect of this mode is that you can use the smash copy ability this wasn't in kirby return to dreamland it was created just for this collection that is insanely cool and a level of dedication i wouldn't have expected finally there's kirby's history which takes us through most of kirby's old games by here to get more info on each game you have to suck it up which is just awesome and then you can move the box around and watch bonus videos showing gameplay it's also worth reading all the excerpts for each year because for some reason we're given facts on a lot of real world events like george bush becoming president on the olympics happen or intel releasing its first pentium processor as random as it may seem it really goes to show that hal laboratory knows that kirby is nothing more than a fun game and they probably wanted to educate kids on these important events the coolest thing by far is we can watch three episodes of kirby right back at you right on the disc they picked episodes 1 60 and 72 not sure why they didn't stick with episodes one through three but whatever i can't complain and at the end of the hallway you can suck up kirby's dream collection and watch a live performance of curvy music they genuinely went all out here and there's even physical stuff included this celebration book goes into more detail with the games showing off early concept art a print gallery in revealing unused content finally there's a cd with 45 kirby songs and since i can't play them on a wii i guess i'll just use the cdi [Music] one kirby planet robobot i can't believe i've waited to play this game until now i was missing out on a truly incredible time it's unlike any of the other kirby titles as you'll take control of giant necks that alone is pretty sweet but what's even better is the suit can scan enemies for its own copy abilities i mean just holy sh what a genius idea and it's utilized perfectly when inside the robobot armor your attacks are a lot stronger and can break bigger objects and stuff but the robot suit is also used for a large portion of puzzles because of these elements it gives robobot armor a lot of meaning and value a lot of the puzzles you'll solve are for the code cubes as you need a certain amount of these to get to each level's boss a lot of the bosses strangely come from kirby's dreamland too which is a bit random but the fan service is very much appreciated the final boss is goddamn insane by the way you take on president haltman in this bizarre subspace world then haltman tries to control stardream with a helmet susie comes out of nowhere and snatches it from him to sell for profit the robot becomes sentient and flies away kirby turns into the halberd using the robobot armor and yes i am dead serious you turn into the halberd and you fight star dream in space i don't know how the hell you can top a fight like this the whole thing is just insane and the space shooter segment is a blast from start to finish i especially love wheel mode since you can literally jump from the foreground and background instead of taking a warp star i'm just genuinely blown away at how many new and cool things this game has and speaking of there's a few new copy abilities on top of that my favorite being doctor because kirby gets these huge adorable blue glasses look at him and one of his attacks is with a clipboard like you just you can't beat that i'm sorry there's also amiibo support but they don't really do much you can get some exclusive skins for waddle d meta knight and king ddd as well as easter access to the ufo and smash bros copy ability i haven't even brought up the locations yet they're also incredible because they're actually new and interesting you've got resolution road a busy city in which kirby runs across the street and through casinos and the like the waddle these even stop when there's a red light but good lads gigabyte grounds is a mechanized desert access arc is a massive mothership it's so nice to see varied and distinct locations the music is just amazing par usual a lot of it features remixes from previous kirby games with my favorite being the boss music from kirby 64. and finally there's all the sub games kirby 3d rumble well you kind of already know what that is and then of course there's team kirby clash again same thing meta nightmare makes a return and so does the arena in the true arena they're all just as fun as ever i guess the last thing to mention is you can put your collected stickers on the robobots that's pretty goofy but i guess that's a reason to find them all look if you ever play one kirby game in your entire life make it this one man that sure was a lot of kirby this is an incredibly wholesome and creative franchise and i'm always looking forward to seeing what the pink puffball does next until next time [Music] you
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 1,220,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Kirby, Kirby's Dream Land, Ranking Every Kirby Game, Antdude, Kirby Air Ride, Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, Kirby Copy Abilities, Kirby Bosses, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Kirby Planet Robobot, Nintendo Switch, Kirby Nintendo Switch, Kirby's Adventure, Kirby Dream Land, nathaniel bandy
Id: qNel-BQN9no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 29sec (3989 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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