Animal Crossing LOST BITS | Unused Content & Debug Mode [TetraBitGaming]

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[Music] hey guys and welcome to another lost bits video right here on tetra bay gaming the series where we explore video game content that goes unused altered or normally unseen though I have never really been a fan of Animal Crossing myself this year marked the release of a new entry in the series after several years and I'm excited for all of those that are eagerly awaiting its release as such I thought this is the perfect opportunity to go way back to the beginning of the Animal Crossing series ok maybe not that far back yet and have a look at the unused and unseen content from the first international release of the game on the Gamecube I have never made an Animal Crossing video before so if you're interested in seeing me eventually cover the rest of the series please let me know anyways guys go grab some bells it's time to find some lost bits alright let's start things off with something that I think is really interesting though there are a whopping 15 NES games available to be played in the game via the NES systems there are also a few more that are normally unplayable for the ones that aren't playable at all there is reference in the game to several NES games including I'm gonna butcher this nazo Nomura Sammy Jew or the mysterious Morris on a castle which fun fact is where Taku Maru who appears in Super Smash Bros ultimate comes from gobo Cunha robbed a Ranju or five in a row Super Mario Brothers 2 I assume the Lost Levels version mahjong and NES open tournament golf since they are referenced I think it's fair to assume that these were once planned to also be playable in the game but for one reason or another they were scrapped be it's obscurity of site of Japan memory or time constraints or a combination of each then there are four more NES games which might not technically be unused but without a cheating device they are incredibly difficult to obtain that they might as well be considered as such dubbed the forbidden for these games are classics including ice climber hour brothers Super Mario Brothers and The Legend of Zelda methods for normally obtaining these games vary by region 2 or the Japanese version of the game Super Mario Brothers was given away as part of a limited prize by the finito magazine and ice climber could be obtained as a housewarming gift via a service where one could transfer data from an original and 64 copy of the game to the GameCube version this service had required a player to actually send in their copy of dough boot tsunemori as well as a GameCube memory card to Nintendo so they could do the transfer and then send it back how obviously this service has been long discontinued and as such - this game is no longer normally obtainable then in the North American release of Animal Crossing only Mario Brothers and ice climber are legitimately obtainable and could only be done so via having their respective e-reader card and I guess a Game Boy Advance an eReader and a GameCube GBA cable yeah pretty complex and pricey set up just to play these NES games and apparently these required eReader cards in question are very rare I'm pretty sure only a tiny tiny portion of players were able to access these legitimately and finally there's the Legend of Zelda and this game is just straight-up not normally accessible in either regional release of the game so yeah if you want to access it you're gonna need a cheating device the European release of the game never got any of these legitimately so they truly are unused there and the NES stuff doesn't end there it turns out there is unused leftover programming that allows for any estrada din to the game externally via a memory card and get this they can even be played so normally there's the one generic NES console item that can be obtained that doesn't play a game when interacted with but in fact as discovered by one James Chambers this item scans memory cards for files that contain NES roms if you're kind of confused here long story short basically the game has a built in NES emulator used for the NES games and it looks like there might have once been plans to allow the player to load even more games via having them saved on memory card it seems Nintendo might have had some bigger plans for the NES game functionality here almost like in early form of a virtual console of sorts my guess is that Nintendo abandoned whatever these plans were as they might have led to competition with the NES ereader cards that were later released for the Game Boy Advance but yeah apparently this is still completely functional and although it seems like it's a bit tough to set up you can load in basically any NES wrong and this discovery has also paved the way for being able to patch the game via the memory card and also execute arbitrary code execution or ace pretty cool for those interested I'll leave a link to the original blog post of the discovery and methodology used down in the description below next there are two seasonal color palettes for grass that go unused in this version of Animal Crossing one appears to have been for a transition between fall and winter and the other for some point in the winter season moving along let's talk unused items of which there are a lot of here first are several dummy items which are glitch items that appear as a white triangle with some Japanese text on it which I'm absolutely shocked translates to dummy now although they may appear the same many of these dummy items do have a name attached to them which reveals what they were meant to be to clarify though none of these items appear or function like their name suggests anyways in the interest of time I won't go over each of these items but I'll list them off here highlights include unused monkey Cola machine milk fridge long-life noodle a hibachi grill as well as trophies for golfing tennis and karting now this is only a hunch but maybe the last three were plans to be obtainable if the player had save files for mario golf toadstool tour Mario Kart Double Dash or Mario power tennis on a memory card that was being used sure these games did come out years after Animal Crossing but maybe these were plans to be future proofed as I can only assume these games were already in development when this game was released but hey that's just a theory uh yeah other normally unobtainable items include one titled The Legend of Zelda which appears as an NES and will reset the game when interacted with a glowing yellow box that just moves back and forth and weirdly enough it seems that every time I'd leave the area and come back it would duplicate over and over again until eventually the game would just crash then there's a sickle which even when equipped to a player it still looks like they are holding nothing and interestingly when the sickle is dropped it will appear as a toolbox then there's this blue fish that was caught playing hooky and finally my favorite is the paper airplane item after being placed on the ground similar to the yellow cube if you leave and enter a building and then come back it will duplicate over and over again and any tile that is occupied by one of these paper airplanes is basically rendered useless it's honestly kind of creepy seeing them multiply like this and if enough of them spawn just like the yellow boxes the game will just simply crash lastly there are also a few articles of clothing that are normally unobtainable by the player these include a summer robe a bamboo robe a red and blue puffy vest which are normally seen worn during fishing tournaments a blue and red sweatshirt which are normally seen worn during the sports fair a plum kimono and finally a sombre robe attention gamers calling all unused text string fans good news got some goodies for you as Animal Crossing has quite a few of these first up and I think most interesting are two unused text blurbs which reference III the first reads I'm terribly sorry but since e3 is being held today we're not accepting any letters I apologize for the inconvenience and the second one reads III is being held today we don't save letters during e3 we're just too busy based on the context of these messages it appears these were likely used at the demo present at 2001 z3 Expo and would appear if the player tried to send mail at the post office I guess this text from the demo was just never fully removed next my favorite self-aware text string that just reads test line of text then there is translates and this is mail zero and this is mail one then hidden away in the game's executable file are a few more interesting text strings that are normally unseen we got sequence error occurred I try to continue okay you are great there is some error in this heap sorry not prepared for szp archive and shop promote version which I guess was meant to be used to signify that a given version was a demo version that was going to be used in retail stores then finally we have this mess the disc SW is Japan mode now but this game is NES version I can't really make out what this one was meant for or what it's even trying to convey in any case based on the spelling mistakes and broken grammar these appear to have been either poorly translated or written by someone who doesn't fluently speak English to say the least next up I wanted to kind of give this its own little segment since it's sort of separate from the base game this is of course animal island the small island resort that can be unlocked and traveled to by connecting a Game Boy Advance to the Gamecube this little unlockable has its own set of unused graphics as well as unused text strings for unused graphics which looks like it's for the Game Boy Advance side of things we got several graphics with Japanese text these include graphics for next and back erase and change sets a bunch of letters and numbers as well as this text bubble which translates to oregano symbols katakana English and numbers it's pretty clear that these were all meant to be as part of a text put system of some sort that was scrapped then for unused text strings in animal island there's Marley demo not one but two references to a Cuckoo's egg tailor shop and of course dum a so Animal Crossing is home to a lot of animal characters from owls two hedgehogs two tanukis surely there must be some animals that were scrapped right well luckily enough for us there is actually one named in the Japanese version as Saki zoo which translates to chestnuts originally dubbed with the name blaze 'el since she appears to be a mix of bliss and hazel chestnut is believed to have been removed late in the game's development as the text string for her name as well as Toria which is thought to have been one of her catchphrases are some of the last ones in the game additionally she is referenced as X s cube which is thought to have been short for extra squirrel although once two have been thought to be a scrapped villager it is now believed that she is in fact more likely a special character this is due to her being referenced under AC underscore evey underscore dokku - which is an abbreviation of actor event docket o do then as Dulko to do is japanese for a doctor hope i said that kind of right it is likely that chestnut would have been some sort of traveling doctor another theory is that she was planned to have been part of a gardening feature in the game which was also scrapped why exactly chestnut was scrapped is unclear but again just based on how far down her related text strings are I guess she was worked on late in the game's development and was canned due to some time constraints sorry chestnut maybe next time and lastly for this video of my favorite part time to look at some of the debugging features that Animal Crossing has to offer and thankfully for us there are quite a few things that we can tinker around with first we've got a player selection screen looks pretty ominous doesn't it there we go much better nothing too crazy here I guess this was just used to test loading a player file then next is a save type selection menu base this was just a tool used by the developers to test saving to a flash rom and an n64 controller pack so yeah obviously this too is a leftover from the original n64 version as far as accessing it here though it's kept pretty useless now on to some more interesting stuff is this games debug mode dub in the game as zuru mode well actually there are two versions of this debug mode mode 1 and mode 2 which are similar but with mode 2 having some more features now this doesn't happen very often but this mode 1 can actually be accessed without the use of a cheating device like an action replay so if you have the game you can try to solve it at home on a regular GameCube as well to access it with a controller plugged into the second slot at any time follow these steps if done correctly a yellow letter D will appear in the top right of the screen now it is really cool that this is possible but if you do want the full debug mode mode to experience you will need either an action replay with the following code or know how to meddle with some of the games hex values anyway is once we activate the debug mode we can start seeing several new things when starting the game several bits of info are now displayed including a CPU usage meter and the build date the ID of the currently displayed texturing will be displayed in the top corner of the screen arrows will pop up which point to certain objects and characters resetti gets banished from the game and more additionally now controllers in the second and third slot can also trigger new functions with the second controller several debug displays can be toggled pressing R changes the game speed pressing C down gives the player one axe one shovel one net and one fishing rod pressing C right gives the player bags of 30,000 bells pressing C left gives the player 1,000 bells you can almost entirely cover your screen with debugging text if you're into that sort of thing and also memory editors can be opened but I didn't really mess around with them here then the controller plugged into the third slot acts more like an item debug tester and this is only available with the mode to debug mode by pressing start an item spawner can be toggled and this text which translates to nothing will appear on screen when it's enabled once enabled you can cycle through all of the different categories of items from tools to food to insects and more once you have found an item number you would like to spawn time to well spawn it pressing down on the d-pad will place one of the items in your pocket and if you like that item a lot pressing X will fill up your entire catalog with it I think this is really neat and super useful if you want to obtain a certain item next is the NES filer mode menu and this essentially allows you to cycle through all of the roms that are playable and contained in the game when the debug mode is enabled here it will also show more information as well as the ability to toggle a demo mode the demo mode isn't anything too crazy it kind of just cycles through the games automatically on this menu and now finally my favorite part of the debugging features is the forest map select which is actually a leftover from the original and 54 version - just like the name suggests this lets you select a map you would like to load into why do I think this is so great you might be asking well that's because although most of the 52 selectable areas you can load into are just areas in the game like the museum nooks crannies etc among these rooms that we can choose our several unused test rooms in the interest of time I'll just be focusing on the areas that I think are most notable anyways first up is field course 1 and this one has a bunch of stuff packed in here right away you can notice this glitchy gyroid that cycles through several glitched out textures when interacted with a messed up name shows up but no message appears a few other NPCs appear here and it seems to change from time to time like one time it was Bob and another time it was goose here in both instances however they seemed to have defaulted to saying things that Phyllis would say additionally there are two other NPCs that spawn here but they can't be interacted with and appear to just be having a conversation of their own you can kind of push them around but other than that they're just there then moving along here we can see what I guess is a test of all the different outdoor flowers in the game then this test map also tests all the different stages of growing a tree as well as them bearing several different fruits from oranges to cherries then the other trees here will drop a honeycomb I guess to test this happening as well as testing how the bees attack the player then in addition to the trees that produce fruit there are also these trees the bags of money produced here vary between one thousand ten thousand and thirty thousand bells depending on the tree yeah let me just pocket that real quick then we also got these basket things in red and white several lighthouses rivers that don't make any sense as well as this pitfall test area in which numerous pitfalls are present in accordance to different elevations I guess these were here to test how pit Falls will work on terrain sloping down up and up again at even steeper angles lastly there is also this tent here that is home to none other than axel nothing too out of the ordinary here though overall a pretty slick little test room I love how some of the areas appear so disjointed from one another that the transition between areas often appears less than logical next up is field course two which basically picks up right where the first one left off again we are greeted by some NPCs this time curly and goose appeared for me and later on I also came across Sampson too and once again they all default to the same glitchy name and talk like Phyllis oh yeah I also met up with Lobo and Freya who sure wanted some more private time curiously pretty much all of the NPC's in these test rooms appear to be wearing a number two shirt or apron not really sure why this area also tests things like a dump several small houses each which lead to the same area with not much inside looks cranny with all the items sold out and also some signs which similarly to the npcs always default to the wisdom of fishing text and also for this area we can come across three of the otherwise unused yellow square items I mentioned earlier once again here they just slide back and forth and push you aside if you get in their way you can't interact or really do anything with them so yeah they're just kind of there doing their own thing next is you guessed it field course three right away we are spawned near a collection of more glitchy textures my assumption is that any glitch no texture appears as such since this is a carryover from the n64 version and maybe the textures are stored in a different place here but this thing in particular doesn't appear to be in the n64 version as far as I know so I honestly have no idea what this was meant to be other than maybe just a test of certain patterns or something there's also another gyroid which behaves just like it did in field course one and then we also have copper here who to my surprise doesn't talk like phil list but actually acts like normal then there are also a few areas which are all the same with several pitfalls and apples lots of apples I guess with all of these apples it makes more sense why chestnut the travelling doctor character was deemed no longer necessary this area also has the able sister store more flower tests notice board with the only messages looking like someone fell asleep on the Ikey on their keyboard on I guess the day Jesus was born then we have this snowball that's contained in a jail of tree stumps for some reason not sure why it was contained the way it was but this is obviously here to test rolling the snowball and how it grows there's also more testing of elevation and another snowball here with the intense I guess being to see how it breaks when you push it off the edge then next up we have water test course and for once this test room differs from the original n64 version here you will spawn in the middle of some water and will be instantly attacked by two swarms of bees which is quite unfortunate soon after though you will realize that this is in fact animal island which as I mentioned before is normally only accessible if you connected a gameboy advance to your Gamecube there are two buildings on this island one will lead to a room with two sets of red and blue aloha shirts kind of nifty I guess and the other building will lead to a home with several paintings from Washington Crossing the Delaware to the Mona Lisa aleena is also here and acts like she normally does and we also have this small and big gyroid which just make farting noises also interestingly the paintings here are different than the ones seen in the original Japanese n64 version next we got NPC test course which just as it sounds features some more NPC characters as well as more signs nothing we haven't already discussed all of the signs defaults to the fishing message and all of the characters that aren't just having their own conversation default once again to Phyllis's messages then there is BG preview without rivers which yeah has more broken textures this is what it was supposed to look like which wasn't much better this appears to just be a simple test area to test climbing slopes to reach a little higher elevation then similarly named is BG preview with rivers I can't decide if this is making my eyes bleed or if it's a powerful aesthetic anyways yeah once again the textures aren't loading properly and this is what it looked like in the n64 version there's not much here overall but a doc the river and some land next in addition to the small room we already saw there is a medium and large version - interestingly enough the camera is fixed in the position of the small room and the normal exits don't work but it seems the warp point from the small room is also left over for the medium and large ones it's really quite bizarre hey guys post-production Tetra here I don't know if you saw this earlier but when I loaded this stage this popped up for only like a frame or two I don't know what it means but if any of you guys know what it means please let me know down in the comments below test course 5 is just some bushes a pond and grass copy and paste it several times over and nothing too crazy and then event announcements just has several signs which I dare you to guess what message they contain and lastly is waiting for visitors demo which will load you right back to the title screen but the kicker here is that you have full control over your character which I guess is kind of nifty while full control - being able to press a or start which will progress you like in the normal title screen and yeah those are all the noteworthy maps we can load into unfortunately with 52 to choose from it was definitely quantity over quality but the few areas that were of notes I think were very interesting and definitely made up for the rest you guys know I always loved messing around in test rooms like these so that's yet another set of test rooms I am happy to check off the lost bits list and that's about it for this lost bits video on Animal Crossing and I hope you enjoyed if you did consider dropping a like down below and also be sure to check out some of my other lost bits videos like the one I made on Super Mario Sunshine by clicking or tapping on the card right here be sure to subscribe here for future videos swing by my other social media things which are all linked in the description below and if you want to support the channel check out my merch over at tetra bit gaming com or consider becoming the latest member of the bit Club click on the join button below for more information anyways guys thank you so much for tuning in and I will see you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 501,027
Rating: 4.918643 out of 5
Keywords: Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing New Horizons, Animal Crossing Switch, Animal Crossing Music, Animal Crossing Lost Bits, Animal Crossing Unused Content, Animal Crossing Cut Content, Animal Crossing Secrets, Doubutsu no mori, Animal Crossing Beta, Animal Crossing Debug Mode, TetraBitGaming, TetraBit, TBG Common, Lost Bits, Animal Crossing trailer, Animal Crossing unused villagers, animal crossing Blazel, Animal Crossing gamecube, gaming, video games, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, NES
Id: YipCwqFjmoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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