Super Mario Maker LOST BITS | Unused and Cut Content (ft. DGR) [TetraBitGaming]

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this probably isnt the best place to ask

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to another episode of lost bits right here on tetra bay gaming the series where we explore the scrapped unused and unseen content in video games so if you've been around the channel for a while you'll know that Super Mario maker is one of my favorite games of all time and with Super Mario maker 2 releasing today what better time to dive into this Wii U flagship title beat my upon yet old friend and to help out today joining me is one of my favorite Super Mario maker youtubers and good friend dgr dave hey tetra thank you so much for having me on today's show I hope you're as ready as I am to unpack some spicy unused Mario maker content as always guys if at any point you do enjoy this video go ahead and smash that like button as it really helps us out a lot and with all of that said go dust off your Wii U and gamepad it's time to find some lost bits alright so to start things off let's go over some of the changes and things that were removed from the earlier pre-release versions of Super Mario maker first up is the overall aesthetic of the original Super Mario Brothers theme in earlier builds that were shown off the backgrounds had a way different almost grid like style and the shading was much heavier on basically every object like here let's compare the questioned blocks and the ground tiles between both versions if I'm being honest I like the shading and style of the scrapped version way more than the final used one like I don't know I think it just looks more unique and I think it's just more appealing I guess I suppose the change was ultimately made to make the style look more akin to the original NES game to be more faithful to its from the earlier builds we can also see that both the block and spring icons were altered also in the trailer from e3 2014 we could see that the timer once allowed up to 999 seconds now I know a lot of people disagree with me and think that more time would make softlocks what's worse I still always wished that Super Mario maker would allow for longer time limits than 500 you'll also notice that the early build had the words time like in the original Super Mario Brothers this was ultimately changed to having the little clock icon that we see in the final release in the early build of Super Mario maker that was shown off in 2014 III there was also a completely different an ultimately unused congratulations screen for completing a stage as you can see a congratulations message would appear along with five pairs of clapping hands from Mario Paint confetti streamers in the whole nine yards while the clapping hands from New Super Mario Brothers you style did make it into the final release when completing a set course in course bot the 8-bit style goes completely unused during a pre-release gameplay video on the kind of funny games Channel interestingly and I assume mistakenly a dummy placeholder icon could be seen for a moment on the course box screen after scrolling down and back up the glitch had apparently corrected itself though needless to say this placeholder graphic wasn't meant to be seen and it obviously goes unused in the final release next up is the original design of everyone's favorite Mario style weird Mario before looking like well this an e3 of 2014 weird Mario was just small Mario's normal sprites just stretched vertically like Hinna bad Microsoft Paint webcomic honestly not sure which one is worse and now let's move on to the final build of the game which surprisingly has a lot left out from its first some cut Mario costumes that were to be used in the original Super Mario Brothers style before the game was patched several costume names could be found amongst the rest which suggested that these were also planned to be added at one point some like the egad and Baby Mario costumes were indeed added however there are five costumes that never saw the light of day these include a Golden Retriever costume mario us or mario us probably mario in the style of Super Mario Bros 2 as in Japan it's known as Super Mario USA muncher probably just a costume of the enemy of the same name Tetris likely a single or multiple tetrominoes and finally the windows logo now I can only assume that last one was removed due to licensing issues but for the rest it's our to say why they weren't added and to confirm my thoughts on the mario us costume several sound effects associated with it remain in the game and i believe are used by other characters from super mario 2 such as Berto and shyguy and while we're on the topic of cut costumes placeholder files in the game suggest that several other enemies were also scrapped at least in some styles anyway for example placing a bullet bill directly instead of just the Bullet Bill cannon car Evo shoe goombahs in the new super mario brothers you style and even the angry son in the Super Mario Brothers 3 super mario world and new super mario brothers use styles as you know although the angry son didn't ever make it into this game it is making its debut in Super Mario maker 2 which I'm equally as excited and terrified about there's also a file titled super Cano huh for the super mario brothers you style this is the Japanese name for the super leaf which looks like it too was planned to make an appearance in this style in the final release however the propeller mushroom is used instead and the super leaf was likely removed due to redundancy next up Super Mario maker has some unused bits of audio the first set of these are all audio tracks from the NAT attack minigame while all of these files are used in the mode since it only has a 30-second time limit the songs past the 30-second mark are never normally heard I'll give you a quick sample of each track to give you a taste of what you've been missing [Music] and the other unused audio file is for the arcade bunny rabbit costume that was added to the game the appeal sound effect heard by pressing up while playing was altered from this high-pitched gibberish to this lower pitched gibberish to no clue widest was changed but that's certainly a much weirder voice for a rally Super Mario maker also apparently has two more unused object sizes in the final game objects can either be normal or a hundred percent sized or 200% sized when combined with the mushroom cut from the game however are a hundred and fifty percent and three hundred percent size variants this has shown off very well by SMB 1 2 3 w 64gb over on Twitter with his picture featuring Bowser in each of the size variants I can only assume the other sizes were removed to keep the sizing simple with just the two variations I certainly hope you guys are ready for some unused Super Mario maker graphics because boy there is a lot prepare to get bombarded first an item that has an unused variant in each of the four styles is the pink coin as you can see here each of the unused pink coin sprites are just regular coins recolored pink these were obviously early versions of the pink coins which we saw added to the game in a later update and the change was definitely good here as it made the pink coins more unique than just recolored regular coins now starting chronologically with the original Super Mario Brothers first is a really cool unused version of the clown car which would have been seen after Mario grabs a big big mushroom it's weird because so far we've seen some changes to the game made the sprites more unique and some less there's also a sprite of a teardrop found amongst the unused clown car sprites suggesting that it would have maybe been possible to make it cry at some point in any case I definitely think the Mario style clown car is way more interesting and unique than just slapping a mustache on it and speaking of just slapping moustaches on things that's also what they did with the sprites of peach and Luigi riding on Bowser and Bowser jr. respectively the sprites here without the stashes are left unused then we have a slightly altered sprite of the Cannonball Luigi an unused Mario style underground Goomba with a slightly different mustache as well as a completely different unused style of the stretch enemies here both the enemies and the Mario masks they wear were entirely altered there's also a sprite of the big steel II from super mario world which was seemingly entirely cut from this game next we have some unused tile sprites of the bridges scene at the end of castle courses it looks like at first the developers just tried to recolor these tiles from the original sprites from the Super Mario brother style before ultimately updating it to a newer design there's also an unused graphic of fire Mario that was apparently intended to be used for ground pounding before I guess the move was taken out from the Super Mario Brothers style to keep it faithful to the original next is this fright of weird Mario titled appeal suggesting that it was apparently supposed to be used as the pose when pressing up much like the other amiibo costumes then there's a slightly altered color version of the modern colored 8-bit Mario costume I wouldn't blame you if you thought they were the exact same thing at first glance and lastly for the original Super Mario Bros theme is an unused sprite of some smaller toad no idea if this was meant to be a design change or just a different style but either way it was scrapped and now on to Super Mario Brothers 3 just like with the previous style we again see different versions of both the stretch enemies as well as the bridge tiles from the castle levels I'm not sure about you tetra but I'm starting to see a pattern here then again we also see some unused sprites of Mario seemingly sliding down a slope well since slopes were never added and the files are named hip drop you can either believe that ground-pounding was also meant to be seen in this style or that slopes were once planned to be added to the game go ahead and take your pick but what's even more interesting are these sprites which carry the name wall kick this further suggests that maybe at one point the entire move set from New Super Mario Brothers you would carry over between all of the styles now that's really cool to sit back and think about but it also would have taken away from the uniqueness of each style as well moving on to Super Mario World and guess what yet again are some early unused designs for both stretch and the castle bridge tiles who would have thought honestly I'm a big fan of the original stretch design though as a bit of a change of pace here there are also slightly different unused sprites for the clown car when it hurts with basically just simpler shading then there's an unused tile for what appears to be an icon for the floating platforms from Lemmy's castle in Super Mario World and also there are some weird red silhouette sprites of what looks like Mario and his cape no idea what these could have been used for except for being probably temporary placeholders or something and yet again there's a sprite titled hip drop in this style as well only further supporting the notion we discussed earlier if your mod savvy at all sub mods like this one made by Willy maker adds the ground pound and wall kick moves into the other styles in the game this essentially lets us see what these moves would have looked like in action had they been left in the game now if New Super Mario Brothers you there aren't any unused sprites of ground-pounding or wall kicking and that's because those actions are actually used in this style now for a saucy fun fact did you know all the objects except for Mario Yoshi Bowser and Bowser jr. in the new Super Mario Bros u style are actually 2d despite looking like they're 3d models yep this effect is actually just done by incorporating what's called a bump or normal map with these 2d sprites these essentially create the illusion of three-dimensional depth and texture on the surface of an object by simulating how light would bounce and create shadows with this new shaping pretty cool party trick Nintendo oddly enough sprites which would have made up this death animation for the hammer bros go completely unused in the final version after getting stomped on they kind of just curl up and spin off the screen instead once again there is an unused Castle Bridge tile only this time it's the same one as the Super Mario Brothers version I don't think this was ever intended to be the bridge tile so it was probably just a placeholder until the newer assets were added next we have even more unused images this time some basic sample placeholder images in the original Super Mario brother style featuring just the sky some clouds and hills as well as the word sample slapped right on there this one image is basically the same as the dummy one we discussed earlier so they likely served a very similar purpose furthermore there's also a debug font that goes normally unused and lastly an image of a drawing featuring Nicki from the 3ds classic swap nodes and hey there's that envelope lad again which makes me think of that one unused miiverse placeholder image post from Yoshi's wooly world aside from Nicki being in the game as a costume there's no other indication of any swap note features so it's pretty weird that this image is found here and apparently the game's code even references this image in some sort of initialization sequence when you first get into the course bots when you start the game the file itself dates back to 2012 around three years before Super Mario maker was released so my best guess is that it was just thrown in here as a placeholder alright and for the last stop Super Mario maker has an absolute plethora of unused files from splatoon I just made a splatoon lost bits video and many of you guys told me about these but I wanted to save them for this video man that's crazy to think that these files are in here there's a bunch of splatoon gear here ranging from shirts and head wear to even weapons like there's even the unused warrior headdress an early icon for the stealth goggles you mentioned in your splatoon video there are way too many items to go through individually so I'll quickly just throw them up on screen so you can see all the items left over in this game and not only are they unused here but many are also either unused in splatoon as well or these are some earlier versions of the ones that are used like the splatter shots flat charger and splat roller all look a lot less polished than the final version seen in splatoon there are also early versions of several special and sub weapons from splatoon - some of which completely changed there's the suction bomb which changed completely the burst bomb splat bomb squid beacon which used to look like a flag the disruptor which looked like some sort of smoke grenade the splash wall sprinkler bubbler inkzooka ink strike and lastly the big laser which is believed to be a precursor to what would eventually become the killer whale wow that's a lot of changes and last up there is an unused splatoon placeholder icon which just reads wpn and this would have been used for any of the weapons that didn't have any icons yet splatoon and Super Mario maker released within only a few months of each other so I would think that both development teams exchanged or shared assets during developments and these were just forgotten to be deleted I really can't think of another reason these would be left in but who knows maybe at one point there would Benna splatoon maker skin or something and with that concludes this lost bits video on Super Mario maker and I hope you enjoyed it as always if you did be sure to slap a like down below and let me know what other games you would like to see me cover on lost bits in the future and of course a very special thank you to my friends dgr Dave for joining me if you like Mario maker and haven't yet be sure to check out his channel and his awesome videos and if you enjoyed this lost bits be sure to check out the rest of them by clicking on the card right here and if you would like to stay up to date with me and the channel be sure to subscribe here as well as swing by my Twitter and other social media things which will all be linked in the description below but as always guys thank you all so much for watching today and for all of your amazing support and I will see you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 665,029
Rating: 4.9236927 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Maker, Super Mario Maker 2, Super Mario, SMM, Super Mario Maker Lost Bits, Mario Lost Bits, Lost Bits, Mario, Mario Maker, SMM2, TetraBitGaming, TetraBit, TBG Common, Super Mario Maker Unused Content, DGR Mario Maker, Super Mario Maker Cut Content, Mario Maker Cut Content, Mario Maker Unused Content, DGR Dave, DGR, Cut Content, Wii U, Nintendo, Switch, Super Mario Unused Content, Mario Maker 2 Lost Bits, Mario maker Lost Bits, gaming, video games, gameplay
Id: kJlNDSm45aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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