Cuphead LOST BITS | Unused Content & Debug Mode [TetraBitGaming]

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you guys and welcome back to another episode of lost minutes right here on tetra bait gaming the series where we take a look at the scrapped unused and unseen content in video games cuphead is a side-scrolling run and gun game in the style of a 1930s cartoon and it was for sure one of my favorite games of 2017 thankfully the game is host to a plethora of unused content and honestly it's some of the most bizarre leftover stuff that I've ever seen I was going to wait a bit before making this video but a ton of you guys have been asking me to make it including Kevin from smg4 and the hobo Rose so here we are anyways without further delay go grab a cup or a mug this match is about to get red-hot it's time to find some lost bits [Music] alright so what do you say we kick off this video with some unused weapons and charms there are a total of five weapons and two charms that ultimately go unused in the final release of the game first is Ark as the name implies the projectiles fired in an arc and will then stick to the ground soon after hitting the ground the projectile will grow and will then explode if an enemy touches it the weapon also has three distinct damage values depending on when it hits the enemy the lowest damage would come just after the projectile hitting the ground the medium value after it has grown on the ground and the highest damage would actually occur if the projectile explodes you need air when using the e.x attack the weapon would fire out a shot in a downward arc which would again stick to any surface and explode after a while next up is Ranger or exploder as it is sometimes referred to in the files both names explain half of how this weapon works as the attack explodes and it does more damage the further the range is so really I think it would have made more sense to call it the ranged exploder or something right away you can probably tell that this weapon wasn't finished to be used in the final game as it only uses red circles as placeholders which grow and then awkwardly explode upon contact oddly enough in the original cuphead teaser trailer released by the developers we can see that the projectiles for exploder even back then were already stylized so it's pretty weird why only the placeholder circles are left over unused in the final release the e^x Explorer attack simply just fires out a fast-moving projectile which after hitting something will shoot another projectile back at the player and oddly enough it will do damage if it happens to hit you kind of a dumb attack you ask me next is triple laser which is exactly what it sounds like although it is one of the weakest weapons compared to all the rest it is the only weapon that can pass through objects and still damage enemies now whether this is intended or just simply the result of the coating not being complete is still unknown the triple shot also doesn't have a specialty extra and cuphead will just shoot nothing this suggests that it was scrapped from the game before the e^x shot was even programmed at all there's also a scrapped weapon that would have been used in an airplane level simply called laser for some reason this is the only weapon that I couldn't get to work but it would basically look just like the starting weapon but shot from the plane its e^x special would shoot out several shots in a circle I'm fairly certain this was just an early version of the normal plane weapon we got to see in the final game before it was properly stylized the last unused weapon is known as arcade pee shot and it was planned for the also scrapped level called coin off balk which we will come back to later when trying to load this weapon in the game it just straight up did it work and after dying the game actually softlocked so it looks like the coin op bop level was scrapped before this weapon was even fully finished and next up we have some unused charms the first of these was referred to as turrets and aside from some brief mentions in the game's code not much is really known about this charm however based on its name alone it's safe to assume that it would probably spawn some independent object that would assist the player in shooting other enemies the other unused charm was known as shield the shield's charm would simply grant the player invincibility from falling into pits and would also extend the length of the invincibility frames after recovery strangely enough even though this charm is unused the developers actually nerfed it in one of the games patches now let's move along to the games unused music and sounds there are a lot of sound files left over in the game from the 2015 demo of cuphead which go unused but they're mostly like half a second long so I'll just quickly play through all of them [Music] similarly there are also a bunch of unused sounds that sound like they were meant for some of the game's weapons I'll quickly just run through them all as well next are two creepy sounding laughs they are believed to have been intended for the bomb Special Attack used in the games airplane sections the game also contains sounds for cuphead and McMahon's intro animations in the final release these go unused and the intro animations are silenced the game also has unused death sounds for Cagney carnation or as I like to call him the first of these is a death sound that would have played for Cagney being defeated in his second phase this sound was used when defeating Cagney in early demos of the game but in the final release Cagney is silenced between a second and third phase the other unused Cagney sound is believed to be a death sound if defeated in the game simple mode as much as I love cut heads title theme in the games files there is another awesome unused title theme refer to as BGM title screen this title theme is completely different than the final one used and it has different words and it is much more upbeat let's have a listen [Music] mm cut bailiff gambled away his last time into the tournament you buy inside if he can really stay real me Sean and this is how the inventor was born do-do-do-do-do-do [Music] I actually really like it you might have also heard towards the end of the track that the cup had lyrics sounds basically identical to the sound played in the overworld after completing a level so I guess at least some part of the unused title theme made its way into the final release okay time to get into some weird stuff there is an unused sound file refer to as mus intro don't deal with the devil vocal 666 with the 666 obviously referring to the number of the beast from the book of Revelation anyways this track is the opening theme played in Reverse and in a lower pitch and if that wasn't creepy sounding enough towards the end of the track you can hear the menacing laughter of King dice faintly in the background but wait there's more when viewing the latter part of the file as a spectrogram which is a visual representation of the spectrum of frequencies of a sound the first phase transition and second phase of the devil fight can all be made out enough talk let's have a listen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and speaking of the devil fight the game also contains some unused placeholder concept sketches of the devil those sure are some Wiggly arms other unused placeholder graphics includes text for the explosions in the Cagney Carnation fight they simply say this goes boom and then cloudy where the resultant smoke would appear next is a placeholder graphic called soul idle which would have been used for an enemy that would have appeared in the fight with mr. chime next is a placeholder sketch of a nun now this gets even more interesting as this nun would have appeared in a normally unused branched path in the fight with Sally stage play in normal play after the first phase Sally would hop in a car with her newlywed husband and drive off to the next phase at their home instead with some modification there is actually a completely unused alternate path in this fight in a bad turn of events the groom would have died from the chandelier falling on him and instead of driving off Sally would quickly mourn the fight would then transition to a nunnery here the nuns would have throwin rulers at the player for some odd reason but as you can see not only are the nuns not programmed in yet but the rulers defaults to an also unused image of Jarod moldenhauer who was the lead game designer for cuphead this picture is known as Jerry buried is actually the default for projectile if the intended art is removed the game actually has several instances of the dream head such as the realistic version it crossed out an illuminati version one where it explodes and then there is jared head cop heads long-lost cousin anyways back at the nunnery we can also see some unused animations for the priest in the background the third phase would also be different as the husband would return but in an also unused deity form his attack is simply just holding up some grapes and shooting out a removed projectile in a straight path which again defaults to juried surprisingly this unused husband deity form is still loaded in the final game and can be seen just off the screen he can even be defeated off screen however it doesn't really have any effect there is another unused attack that can't even be loaded called shuriken bomb that must have been scrapped even earlier in development it would have just been some curved blades attached to a bomb hanging on a rope and next up are several levels that were scrapped from the final build first there are four unused levels that appeared in the 2016 demo of the game these run-and-gun stages were known as woodland walk tricky thickets forest frolic and backwoods crusade they all follow the sort of forest theme and they all used the same enemies seen in the forest Follies level from the final release I briefly mentioned it earlier but there is another scrapped level called coin-op vaak as the name and parts of the code suggests this level would have been based in a sort of arcade the code also suggests that there would have been different phases in the level with references to classic video games such as Frogger space invaders and asteroids there is also reference to big cup head and big mug man some fans have speculated that this would have meant that Cup head and mug man would sit in front of an arcade cabinet playing the level a fan had even made a mock-up to show what the level might have been I honestly think this would have been such an awesome level design a few unused graphics for this level also exist such as the tenth which would have been seen in the overworld as well as an unused peanut character that would talk about the arcade the arcade tent looks very similar to attend scene in equal isle - in the final release that has the words under construction on it there's also a track titled coin op bot that made its way onto the game's official soundtrack release both this and the tents make me think that maybe coin op bop will make a return to the game in the future as DLC fingers crossed so I already mentioned the unused branching paths in the Sally stage play fight but this game also has a number of other boss fights that were removed some of which can still be accessed in the game's files first up as briefly shown in some early beta footage it appears like goopy LeGrande would duplicate himself and the player would have to go up again two of them at the same time here we can also see an early design for the health bar IX meter a display that shows your weapons and also a boss timer that goes completely unused next up is toast was only seen in very early development and as you can see he never really made a pass to the crude sketches stage as expected the fight would involve bread and a toaster go figure next are two scrapped vegetable bosses both of which are believed to have been intended to be part of the route pack boss fight first is radish who has fully made animations and has a complete sprite sheet with some modifications some fans have found ways to even load him into the game this suggests that radish might have been scrapped much closer to the game's release the other unused boss vegetable is known as Betty beets a number of early sketches for her exists showing how she would enter the boss fight as well as her attacks it seems that she would reluctantly throw what seems to be her own offspring at the player and she would cry while doing so this is pretty morbid so it makes sense why it was removed jelly the octopus is another unused boss but he was actually playable at e3 in 2015 he would simply move back and forth and could only be damaged if the player was to parry the pink antenna on his head the stage for the boss fight was also completely removed and although its name can still be seen in the files trying to load it will just softlock the game similarly another boss that appeared in an earlier 2014 trailer demon the bat was also scrapped he would have two phases that are known one flying around and one in which he would open up a coffin and release some smaller bats both demon the bat and his fight area are similar to that of the devil in the final game as such some fans believe that this was the original final devil fight and since the trailer in which it was shown it was just reworked into the one we got to see in the final release next is probably the most well known unused boss simply named the giant spider or the flying gentleman not much is really known about this boss's attacks or phases and the only thing that is known is that he would have been another flying level boss oddly enough this spider only appears to have six legs instead of eight so maybe the other two might have been used in some other aspect in the fights mix are some of the unused bosses that we can still access in the files first up is Pachi Pachi or as I like to call him Robo Squidward he is a scrapped boss based on a pachinko machine that would have appeared on one of the spaces during the start of the king dice battle Pachi Pachi moves around and shoots an unfinished fire beam out of the top of his head during the fight balls also drop and start to tilt the platforms which still have the word placeholder slapped right on them this is by far the most complete boss fight left over in the game as the fight is fully coated and Pachi Pachi even has a death animation just like many other things this suggests that he was removed very late in the game's development when losing the fight we can also see an unused death quote saying Kling Kling Klang Klang your Bell has rang however the profile picture is still missing I'm hoping just like coin-op off we will see Pachi Pachi brought back in the future now is where things start getting weird next up is a scrapped boss area known as dice palace test now although this area lacks an actual boss we can see some unused pixel platforms and again some moving heads of Jerry there is also an invisible platform on the bottom that you can still walk on when dying in this level to the juries we can see an unused death quote saying you are not a warrior you're a beginner fans of Street Fighter will notice that this is a direct reference to sagat's victory quote from Street Fighter 2 next up is card an angry King playing card boss that was also intended to be one of the mini bosses in the King dice fight judging by all of these crew be drawn placeholder graphics seems like this boss was scrapped very early on card also has no hitbox so to my knowledge there is no real way to defeat him as you can see the different car tiles would fall onto the platform depending on where the player is standing and then the blocks would disappear if lines are made kind of like Tetris the more blocks the platform accumulates the more it will gradually fall and eventually crush the player I find it amazing yet strange that we can still find a way to play the stage and last but certainly not least is the absolute weirdest scrap boss fight left over in the game simply known as the lights this fight consists of a crudely drawn green lag in the middle with some more juried head projectiles and some solid colored lines this honestly looks like the kind of game that someone would make in their first introductory programming class the rotating blue lines will change to yellow and then to red however they will only damage the player when they do turn red it is possible to defeat this boss however he has no included death animation the fact that this exists and is still playable is absolutely bizarre big shoutouts to the developers at m.d. HR for leaving this fight in the game and for the last stop in this video I was able to access the game's debugging feature and similarly to games like Sonic mania has kind of teased throughout this video I was able to zoom out the camera and have a look at some of the games normally unseen content now this was really interesting as it revealed many things that the developers had hiding off screen from our view for example most boss fights would have all of the currently unused phases loaded just off screen waiting to be called for instance during the fight with Korean matchstick the dragon his alternate appearance behind the player can be seen hiding just off-screen on the left good thing that we didn't have to fight both of them at the same time other good examples include the fights with rumor honey bottoms Pepe the clown and Jimmy the great some other bosses namely the ones leading up to the king dice fight unfortunately didn't have all too much to see the run and gun levels however were also really cool to zoom out in we can see that many enemies are called way before appearing on screen as well as the various visual tricks the developers used in the back and foreground once in a while there would also be an enemy or background object that was just left over off screen by the developers as well never to be used again probably the coolest thing however was during the elevator section in the rugged Ridge level in inkwell aisle 3 we can see that many objects remain in the same level as the elevator and they are just brought down with a player to the next segment it was also really nice to just zoom out of some of the run-and-gun levels and just have a nice look at the levels in their entirety and with that concludes this lost bits video on cuphead and I hope you guys enjoyed it this game has a ton of stuff that goes unused so I'm sure there was probably a lot of stuff that I have missed for more information about the game's unused content and stuff that I didn't cover in this video be sure to check out the sources which will be linked in the description and if you enjoyed this video be sure to check out more of my lost pants by clicking on the card right here if you want to stay even more up to date be sure to subscribe and check out my other social media pages which will all be linked in the description below but as always guys thank you all so much for watching today in front of your amazing support and I will see you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 3,821,785
Rating: 4.8881063 out of 5
Keywords: Cuphead, Cuphead unused, Cuphead unused stuff, Cuphead Unused Bosses, Cuphead LOST BITS, LOST BITS, TetraBitGaming, TetraBit, TBG Common, Cuphead secrets, cuphead debug mod, cuphead debug mode, Cuphead unused boss, cuphead music, cuphead unused sounds, Cuphead beta, cuphead beta music, Cuphead cut bosses, cuphead cut content, cuphead scrapped content, cuphead scrapped bosses, cuphead unused weapongs, mugman, coin op bop, cup, head, fnaf, cuphead game, unused content, ms chalice
Id: 6eopPBbhfzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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