True and the Rainbow Kingdom Full Episodes Compilation - Queens of the Day and Night & More

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oh [Music] queens of the day and night i'm so excited to meet the day queen and the night queen making the sunrise each day and the moon rise each night is such an amazing incredible wonderful amazing did i already say amazing important job it's amazing all right sun comes up and i'm wide awake moon comes up and i'm the castle looks golden gorgeous oh thank you for your help true and bother me and your timing couldn't be better here comes the day queen now [Music] uh true you okay true true warmest greetings rainbow king and you must be true and bartleby it's wonderful to finally meet you you know me she knows me it's delightful to see you again your majesty and your sister the night queen should be here any minute rainbow king why do the queens only visit at sunrise and sunset the day queen's power comes from her brightness partly it fades at night so if she's away from sunshine too long she won't have the energy to lift the sun each day just as the night queen must stay in darkness to lift the moon so my sister and i can only be together at dawn and dusk oh it's so sad i get to see my best friend all the time oh oh and speaking of here comes night queen how glorious that you're here day queen seeing you is always the best part of my evening thank you for inviting me rainbow king you're welcome ah you must be true and bartleby i've heard so much about you you've heard of me too [Music] oh and here we go again night queen it's midnight marvelous to have you visit and what a beautiful moonrise you've made though the day queen's sunset is marvelous as well oh thank you your majesty nothing beats a perfect sunset oh dear sister surely you must agree the moon rise is more spectacular i'm afraid i must disagree with you sister a sunset is the most beautiful what do you think true yes which one do you think is best i um well they're both great [Music] if only that were so but clearly my time is the best daytime is the best time the shimmering sun in the bright blue sky nighttime simply can't compare you really [Music] it's [Music] [Music] count all the stars that twinkle so bright daytime is the best [Music] crazy sky is perfect don't you see we can finally be together all the time i just have to stay on my side well i stay on my side this is the best thing that's ever happened everyone please excuse us i must finally convince my sister that day time is the best time i'm afraid that's impossible because nighttime is the best time goodbye [Music] this is most unusual most unusual indeed maybe it'll be fine [Music] daytime and nighttime at the same time more like crazy time a little but it's okay i think please please go to sleep i can't believe that worked so tired oh yeah not it could stop us now you get the energy from the sun or nice calming moonlight whenever you oh looks like one of the buses fell asleep on the night side and the ones on the day side can't pass [Music] come on bartleby excuse me bus it's time to wake up tickle tickle come on good one b excuse me bus but could you please pull over so the other buses can get by oh i get it [Applause] oh true i need your help and happy farming valley sure thing farmer monster i'm on my way oh cute [Music] come on bartleby [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's wrong i know it's not too much sunshine plants love sunshine they sure do all this sun was wonderful at first my berry crop grew bigger and juicier than ever oh giant berry where have you been all my life but now there's too much sun my berries dry out just like that all that plump delicious juiciness gone okay maybe this half day half night thing isn't working out we can't leave the sky like this let's go explain the problem to the queens they'll understand right i still can't believe be strong true good day true and good night i was just telling day how lovely the night stars are but they can't compare with the shimmering sun isn't that right true right thanks bee your majesties both day and night are amazing and everything but could you please put the sky back the way it was please oh true but that would mean i couldn't be with my sister huh the sun and the moon will stay where they are until we decide to change them which we won't ever yeah what now true i think we're gonna need some help to the wishing tree please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey what are you doing reading's true toby look at the wishes half of them just fell asleep and the other half are full of energy i don't know what's wrong that's why we're here z the day queen and the night queen stuck the sun and moon together now it's daytime and night time all the time most unusual and i need some wish help to get the sky back to normal whoa that is a problem come let's sit and have a think about this [Music] how could the wishing tree help well i need a wish that can make the night side brighter and the dayside darker but even better would be a wish that can unstick the sun and moon completely the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes i'm ready please share your wonderful wishes with me share your wonderful wishes with me please [Music] with me [Music] those are some fantastic wishes true let's see what the wishopedia says about them [Music] your first wish is flecto now this is a wish you can really reflect on i don't get it moving on flucto is a mirror wish that can show your reflection it can also bounce light in any direction wow hello handsome that means flecto could bounce sunshine from the day side of the kingdom onto the night side to make it more like daytime there that will really brighten things up your second wish is zeplo it's a blimp wish zeppo can take in a lot of air and fly way up in the sky big and floaty wish hmm maybe i could use zeplo to pull the sun and moon apart your third wish is shoompi it's a protection wish it opens like an umbrella but can bathe you in sunlight while it's stormy and dark around you or cover you in deep shade if you want out of the sun hmm i'm not sure how that wish can help me unstick the sun and moon i'll think of something you always do true thank you z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] okay good luck to him [Music] okay barnaby let's shed some light on rainbow city flecto it's time to reflect [Music] [Applause] are you ready to bounce some sun beams oh great let's go [Applause] the sunlight's working but our beam isn't big enough flucto can you get bigger so i can bounce more light down to the night side [Music] [Music] but neither true i have bad news i've made a model of the sun and the moon and by my calculations if they're not separated soon they'll smush together into one big submoon with no sunlight or moonlight at all we have to fix this it's time to see if zepplo can separate the sun and the moon no i hope it works true good luck this time we're gonna do it hey we're falling wait wait probably just a dream it's not a dream cute milo fell asleep wake up [Music] we have to stare cumulative to the day side so he wakes up lean with me [Applause] [Music] good work humilo come on [Applause] time for some wish power [Music] zip zap zoo i choose you wake up [Music] the sun and moon are stuck together can you help me fix it up great i'm going to guide you between them then you get really big and push them apart okay okay ready now push [Music] is it working i only see which tummy it's a nice dummy let's give zeppo a helping push [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks for trying but the sun and moon are just too big to be pushed apart you should get some rest [Music] [Applause] true how goes the wish work have you separated the sun and the moon not yet whatever you're trying next to we have to hurry or there's only one thing we can do now we have to get the queens to help us didn't we already try that we did but we have to try harder [Music] thank you both for meeting me i know you love being together and i love having you both together but we have to fix the sky your highnesses what's the problem yes we're having a wonderful time but it's affecting the rest of the kingdom huh if you only could see both sides you'd know but i can't possibly travel to the night side i'll lose my glow and i certainly can't travel to the dayside i'll lose my darkness who's your glow who's your darkness i have a wish that can stop both those things from happening now you should be the protection wish to guard you from each other's time of day then i can take both of you anywhere in the kingdom to see what's going on well i don't know hmm you've both said your time of day is the best but how will you know for sure unless you see both sides for yourselves ah well when you put it that way how could we say no great come on out shoopy zip zap zoo [Music] wish comes true hi we need to get over to the day side of the kingdom can you protect the night queen for me oh my fantastic cute first stop is happy farming valley [Applause] my word is it always so dry here no happy farming valley is usually green and lush but oh my glorious sunlight is drying it out you always tell me how people are so happy during the day but i don't see that sister neither do i it's terrible look b they're seeing the problem for themselves now so right you're doing great joby now can you protect the day queen and go to the night side how marvelous sunshine at night would you look at that what's everyone doing on the ground are they sick oh no they're just sleeping but they should be doing that at home in their beds sister you always tell me how quiet and magical and enchanting the nighttime is but uh i don't see any of that here neither do i it's not right it's working true oh don't fall asleep on me huh right back to the dayside please [Music] thanks cumulo and thank you [Music] we see the problem now true too much night is too much for anybody and too much day isn't good either it's time to make things right ready ready the day is bright the night is calm sun moon to where you belong another beautiful sunset thank you queens daytime is a great time the shimmering sun in the bright blue sky we run and skip and jump and play it's a fun adventure time of day night time is a great time a soft cool breeze [Music] it's when dreams take flight count all the stars that twinkle so bright day time is a great time [Music] i like us both being the best me too true you did it what is that it's a face bubble he's never used one before no i think we found another way for you to see each other more here we go your majesties no matter where you are you can talk to each other by face bubble now i'll be able to see you in the night time and i'll be able to see you in the daytime hugs this is the greatest day and night we'll call you soon bye for now bye day queen bye night queen bye bye [Music] yes this tent is staying up only took me ten tries i am awesome great job [Music] hey i forgot you were in there true sorry thanks a lot b just setting up the sleeping bags it's so beautiful out here there's nothing better than going glamping [Music] glamorous camping everyone named griselda is glamping these days i still can't believe she agreed to come with us there's dirt here you know camping is supposed to be roughing it right oh believe me i know i didn't even pack my sparkly bubble wash isn't that right freaky [Music] puppy just the helper i need to find my long-lost treasure who wants a snack i brought sparkly sandwiches who packed these those are glam witches they're tasty and gorgeous just ask my freaky kids he loves them nibbles time [Music] hey snuffing out treasure in a jiffy [Music] he definitely went in here no my snuggle pops will get washed in this big horrible nasty nice it's a maze and it isn't nasty it's breathtaking and you can't go in don't worry true i'll find a little drool machine in here somewhere somewhere somewhere who are you oh clearly you've never heard of a maze troll before we're meanies though when i'm not guarding this maze i'm actually quite nice why would anyone build something so unglamorous to hide my precious treasure from those who would try and steal it but now my precious treasure's in there for good reason between you me and the tree i built this maze so big and tricky that no one can find my treasure [Music] not even me but a dog with nose powers oh your puppy pooch will find my treasure for sure mr troll both our friends are in there now we have to find them fine but the only way to enter my maze is to solve a riddle how many berries from these baskets of plenty can you eat before your stomach is no longer empty oh i'll find out wait for zelda we have to count them as you eat one by one by one the answer is one what that can't be right i've eaten way more than one berry riddle said how many berries can you eat before your stomach's no longer empty if you eat one berry it's not empty anymore little sticks that is correct oh you may enter [Music] but first let me give you a sneak peek inside whoa whoa fantastic isn't it one hallway becomes more hallways then doors begin popping up pretty soon everything's all twisty and turny and where will that leave you lost hopelessly as i said you are free to enter but that doesn't mean you can stay in i just gave myself a shiver saying that i was such a good meanie what do we do true we'll never find freaking bart'll be in that maze don't worry griselda we'll get them out of there but we need some wish help to do it if you're going to the wishing tree then i'm coming too you bet you are the only way we can do this is if we do it [Music] to together wishing tree cumulo [Music] [Applause] [Music] the wishes and i are camping these three have even earned their merit badges camping sure is fun are we still talking about that camping was so five minutes ago we're actually not here about camping we're here about a maze a maze ooh i love puzzles sounds like fun it's a giant maze that freaky and bartleby are trapped in oh that's a lot less fun let's sit and have a think about this no thanks princesses don't sit on mushrooms [Music] stay calm you'll be okay the mushroom will come back down eventually how can the wishing tree help drew well this maze is really tricky wants to move around in everything we need a wish that can keep us from getting lost i'm stuck up here stuck yes if we get stuck in the maze we'll need a wish to help us get unstuck thanks griselda you're welcome the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes i'm ready wishing tree freezing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me [Music] please share your wonderful wishes with me please [Music] please [Music] now these are some fantastic wishes let's see what the wikipedia says about them [Music] your first wish is dot spot it can make as many dots as you need perfect we can use dot spot to find our way back out of the maze so we don't get lost we'll just follow the dots polka dots are fabulous this is a wish with style your second wish is roper room this rope wish is a great help for when you need to climb things or to tie things together that might be handy for pulling us out of a tricky spot and lastly you have slothby a rare and unusual wish indeed this wish can put anything into slow motion that's incredible i'm just not sure how slowing things down can help save our friends i'm sure you'll find a way true i have to agree and i'm always right thank you z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] good luck you do i'm sure you'll do amazing [Music] how do i get out of here i should warn you my ninja kitty skills are set for awesome frookie oh am i happy to see you yeah was happy to see you okay now careful where you step around here this maze is filled with booby traps [Music] [Music] we have to get out of this maze yeah kiki give me a boost spooky this is no time to be sitting on your behind yeah i take it back you're behind is the best did you hear that that's bartleby we're going the right way but how do we keep going the right way there's so many hallways we'll work together to find the right ones but before we can go any further let's make sure we can find our way back out of this maze [Music] come true hot spot can you leave a trail of dots behind us as we walk sparkly pink it's like he knows me [Music] very clever the nice troll part of me would just leave these dots but i need that dog to find my long lost treasure so mean troll it is we've been walking forever why does this keep happening priscilla look you've fallen here before that means we've been here before we're walking around in circles no way how is that possible i don't know hot spots still dotting so we should have known unless the troll's been stealing our dots oh he is a big meanie without those dots to show us where we've been we'll never get back out we'll solve that problem later right now we have to stop the troll from stopping us dot spot can you make us one big giant dot [Music] thanks hot spot that troll is gonna have fun trying to pick up this dot come on a big dot like that [Music] hold on we'll never get out of this maze if we get stuck okay i'll go first then you what did i just say [Music] ah troll huh it's just a door painted like a troll troll oh just another freaky troll door this one's worse than the last i get that a lot to keep going through my maze you need to answer another riddle if you don't solve the riddle by the time this birdbath sinks into the floor you must leave my maze forever riddle us your riddle mr troll we're ready um it's the part of the bird that's not in the sky it can go in the birdbath and yet it stays dry what is it it can go in the birdbath yet it stays dry maybe it's a smelly armpit i can't get a good look at it quick try catching it this bird is too quick we have a better chance of catching its shadow shadow the bird is in the sky but his shadow is on the ground and its shadow can go in the bird bath and not get wet i know what the answer is it's shadow riddle sticks right again you may pass again but i'll be around every corner to give you more riddles until you finally give up see you soon i mean see you soon how are we ever going to stop this troll from stopping us let's think about this we need to get away from him but he knows this maze inside out yeah he's sneaky we just have to slow him down enough so we can catch up to fruity and bartleby and i have just the wish sloth bee guess who's back cool that thought [Music] zip zap zoo i choose [Music] let's put the brakes on this riddle ridiculous troll huh here's your next riddle what jumps in the air [Applause] [Music] you [Music] and keep him nice and slow thanks this way you couldn't have waited until i went through first francis is first you know that [Music] [Applause] [Music] remind me to add this to the grizzle's laundry list are you my smelly collar cans smelly's with me over here wherever here is bartleby we're coming i must block [Music] oh [Music] frookie now is not the time for wait you're behind saved us last time keep going work that tail boy you did it okay bartleby true i am so glad to see you did you miss me of course bartleby are you two okay yes but we're trapped down here and frookie's thinking about giving more drooly kisses help we'll get you out right away [Music] no you're out of power that must mean yes it's me again no more riddles for you two i'm kicking you both out of my maze now hold on this pet i remember now this is where i buried my treasure the doggy [Music] riddle sticks i can't get them out of that pit without my shillely i am not saving this awful maze without my frugicans do you understand me yes wow you'd make a really good maestro you know that oh don't worry i have a wish that can help get everyone out of there [Music] i need your roping help to pull our friends out of this pit can you help us oh sure rope road [Music] grab on you two got it why are we moving freaky let go of that thing no it's my treasure he's got it your treasure is no good if our friends can't bring it up because they're stuck down there oh this is all my fault i need to fix this i'm coming to save you poochy and me hmm yes riddle sticks now i need a new shillely and i'm not strong enough to do this on my own yeah that dog has jaws of steel mr troll we can help each other out of this mess you want us to work with him he's been trying to stop us all day the only way we'll get everyone out is by working together griselda [Music] you got it ready ready griselda uh-huh i wish working together didn't mean having to hold a stinky feet [Music] i watched them just last year [Music] oh that's never good we can do this [Music] [Music] great job roperoo [Applause] [Music] my treasure kings oh thank you thank you thank you thank you everyone working together did the trick i knew it would your treasures a dog bone yeah a dog bone that's why i needed a puppy to find it you put my precious frookie through all of this just to get a little glittery dog bone you are a meanie you're right i've been such a meaty to you today it's just to stop people from coming in the maze and getting lost i hope you can forgive me [Music] i hear this is for you you kept saying you were a mean troll but you can be a nice one too you just gave your treasure to my treasure wow how can i resist this little cutie i suppose it wouldn't hurt if you visit fruity now and then really oh thank you thank you princess hug uh how are we gonna get out of here [Music] what's glamping it's sparkly you like it come on true switcheroo phew [Music] bartleby could you pass me an empty flower pot please oh you're not bartleby good work little helpers i just wonder where my big helper bartleby went [Music] fishy poof crackers ah it's raining it's raining it's pouring and bartleby is snoring are you forgetting what day it is today is it sleep on the grass day nope brush my fur day no eat a big lunch day no silly we're going to help griselda with her gardening today whoa now stop right there where you think you're going with true's flowers it's okay b i'm giving them to griselda so she can add them to her garden oh that's so nice okay enough chatter let's get these flowers onto the [Music] what wagon that [Music] some kind of crystal smells pepperminty what kind of crystal smells pepperminty hmm we might be able to tell if we clean it up a little something's happening i don't know what just happened i think this crystal just made your juice ball switch places with that shovel wow what do you know an actual working for real switchima jig switch them a box yeah switch them a thing switcheroo switcheroo that's good yeah yeah that's what i said have you ever seen anything so amazing just think of all the things we can switch [Music] again wow [Music] [Music] what just happened i don't know you're me and you're an extremely handsome kitty cat switcheroo switched our bodies i can't be a cat what about me how am i supposed to be a human or a girl i don't know how to be either we have to switch back how do you hold anything with these paws oh what are all these fingers for all they do is wiggle around when are you going to get here to help me with my garden the christmas are ruining everything help me true she thinks you're me say something like what wait who said that um hold on just let me guess we're on our way see you soon on our way true we can't go to griselda's like this we have to we promised we'd help grab that crystal and we'll try and figure it out there okay but the second we get there i want to be a cat again i don't know how you people live without fur i'm freezing hmm put the bench where the bush is in the bush for the benches no no that's not right either put them back where they were okay let's try switching back before we talk to griselda [Music] it's hard to get a grip on anything with these paws uh who is that back there oh no here she comes let her do all the talking yeah for a change [Music] true bartleby you two sound weird [Music] anyway everything that's here should be there and everything that's there should be here and trey what are you doing uh hands still dirty from uh gardening okay what's this surprise oh that's so sweet of you true [Music] oh crystal it smells like peppermint it'll be the perfect centerpiece for my garden drew we need the switcheroo back why didn't you tell her it wasn't a gift i couldn't say anything without showing her that we switched christmas put this on the top of the birdbath right away it's my new centerpiece so guard it for all your worth all this gardening is exhausting time for a beauty nap oh and i want that crystal to be sparkling so i can see my face in it so be sure to shine it every couple seconds thank you [Music] every few seconds christmas sweet stuff but everything's getting switched [Music] never fear this ninja cat um girl we'll get it back uh bartleby [Music] i don't know what to do next with your body [Music] i'm the cat i can leap a feather duster dirty trick [Music] i'm used to landing on my paws look the beams are going everywhere true even rainbow city yeah mustard [Music] [Music] there's no way we can fix this on our own we need some [Music] please take us to the wishing tree [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sound wishes you move over here please and bouncy wishes you can move over here [Music] greetings true and bartleby i'm just switching some of the wishes spots in the wishing tree oh more switching can't things just stay the same anymore true there's something wrong with your voice you sound like bartleby no no my voice sounds the same as always e no bartleby my eyes must be seeing things my ears must be hearing things oh i must be dreaming wishes help me wake up please i can't be sleeping on the job thanks bouncing wish it's okay you're not dreaming b and i switched bodies yeah true dug up this crystal thing we called the switcheroo and it zapped us and now i'm a human and she's a cat i miss having fur great gravity what a problem this is come let's sit and have a think about this [Music] how can the wishes help you true well first we need to get the switcheroo back from the grismost griselda thinks true gave it to her as a gift but she did not oh that's that's awkward really awkward but maybe a wish can help us give griselda something else that she'll like even more and once you get the crystal you can switch yourselves back and everything will be normal right uh not exactly we saw the switchroom beams blasting towards rainbow city it is time to get your three wishes wait true's the one who asked for the wishes but right now i'm true the wishing tree always knows the real true but she will need her wish pack all right huh perfect fit i'm ready wishing tree freezing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me please share your wonderful wishes with me [Applause] [Music] please [Music] [Applause] tree these are some great wishes bartleby i mean true let's check the wikipedia [Music] your first wish is snorkel this smelling wish has a very strong nose for sniffing things out if it's strong enough to move things too it could help us push all the switched out stuff back again strong sneezer too i bet your second wish is zillion one of my favorites you can make exact copies of things whether you just need one copy or a hundred copies what can i make a copy of that'll help me huh the switcheroo i could give a copy of it to griselda so i can get the real one back and your third wish is ah yes look see the seeing wish it can help you spot things that our eyes can't see hmm i don't know why we'd need a seeing wish but i'm sure i'll find some way to use it you always do true thank you z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wonderful wishes of me [Music] you're the best good luck to bartleby uh youtuber will be true oh [Applause] ah how are you flowers magnificus hello bee [Music] sleeping lemon yellow now i'm a bee well i'd better practice my buzzing [Music] huh [Music] oh ice cream break b we need the switcheroo first ice cream later oh right it's time to get it back and put a stop to all the switching [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i really need that crystal back i'm not gonna take it i'm just gonna make a copy [Music] perfect and we'd like one copy of the switcheroo please but don't copy its powers a rested princess is a happy princess okay everyone let's see how things are looking in my crystals [Music] [Music] what is going on why is it raining crystals oh he knows oh no oh no oh no i rubbed it [Music] wow that's weird did everyone just get taller i'm a dog why am i a dog i'm really sorry griselda uh why are you talking like true you and your grismos weren't supposed to have my crystal it's a switcheroo and it switches things and people and cats it switched our bodies that's so weird that's me i switch bodies with my freaky kids [Music] what's that it's chasing me [Music] [Music] oh no how are we gonna find the real switcheroo now don't feel bad zillion it's not your fault you got startled you're a good helper i can't believe i'm a dog a really adorable dog but a dog [Music] [Applause] poison grace be a princess come on b we gotta find the real switcheroo i'm with you [Music] this isn't my stop okay things are looking really switched up around here where did all these trees come from oh yeah i found it uh true it's like a giant game of crystal hide and seek how are we gonna know which one's the real switcheroo with all the copies well first we'll have to gather up every last crystal there is okay but how can we find all the crystals if we can't even see where they all are we don't need to see them you just have to smell them oh yeah they smell pepperminty [Music] [Applause] [Music] i need you to find all the crystals wherever they are they smell like peppermint can you sniff them out for us [Music] what is that sorry [Music] [Music] got it hey i'm getting good with these finger thingies i guess that's all of them thanks norfolk now we gotta figure out which is the real switcheroo luckily i have a system grab them nope [Music] nope can i help no i got it nope i'm cramped arm cramp this is gonna take forever [Music] there it is again nope none of those crystals was the switcheroo maybe it's one of these there has to be a way to find out which crystal's the real switcheroo without having to polish them all let's think about this our last wish is look-see it can see things our regular eyes can't right what's on the switcheroo that we can't see my paw print i left paw prints on it when i tried to grab it that's what looks he can search for to find the real switcheroo that's a super incredible idea let's do this [Applause] we're looking for one special crystal that has a kitty paw print on it are you ready to look well [Music] where is it kitty paw print [Music] nice tail control you know what they say b practice makes perfect thanks luxie you've been a huge help great job drew now um switch us back quick okay barnaby whiskers no whiskers tail no tail kitty sense of self-importance uh no tail i'm back are you so happy but we've got a lot more stuff to switcheroo come on can we celebrate for a second okay one second dance party okay let's go let's switch arou with thing or two [Music] [Applause] [Music] no sense wasting all that practice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] tail wagging isn't fun anymore huh that crystal looks so gorgeous in my garden i didn't realize it wasn't for me great news griselda frookie you can have all the crystal copies just don't ask me to count how many there are i can't count that high i'm chasing back to you quick teasing i kissed a cat wait tail gone fingers back ability to curtsy perfect so uh what are you gonna do with that switcheroo drew well i know the perfect spot where it won't cause any more trouble there safe and sound back in the ground [Music] you
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 7,646,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom, true cartoon, kids tv, kids, preschool, cartoon, cartoons, cartoons for kids, netflix, netflix jr, fee fi fo frookie, true switcheroo, queens of the night and day, queens of the day and night, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, true and the rainbow, full episode, full episodes, true and the rainbow kingdom season 2, episodes, vera, netflix series, episode, youtube kids, wish power, netflix shows, day and night for kids
Id: Nbb0SCZ8je0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 49sec (4009 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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