Yes Minister - S02E01 The Compassionate Society

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[Music] [Music] well they said administrate all the morning on the National Health Service administration nah talk about that in the radio saying that the trouble with health and education and transport is all the top people in government go to private hospitals and send their kids to private school very good probably break down with it and go to work and Stroke a driven cars well don't you think you're something else sir I mean if you answer am free went to work on a number 27 I'm quite impracticable well enough hours a day as it is without having to wait an extra hour at bus stops the bus service much more efficiently they certainly would ya say something was saying cause you're saying that helps sense you remember booth isn't anything on the radio about time - yes - the empowerment been their mother - the opposition member for Birmingham Southwest asked the minister of administrative affairs mr. James hacker about the government's pledge to reduce the number of administrators in the health says yes the government has already achieved a reduction of 11.3% isn't Minister different critical stuff and it's actively pursuing further economies at this point mr. rappin in a full independent inquiry well you were dropped in there so you were lucky they didn't ask you about that use of Everest hospitals right well they finish building in 15 months ago and it's still got no patience the vhss can't afford to start oh it's just our 500 administrators no patient did it come on mate Charlie yeah he's a driver for the Secretary of State for health I'm gonna pull some I'm innocent stupidity I agree I can't think what came over you but you can see the full independent in class free yes myself but I meant but you mentioned stupidity and incompetence you're mine minister how could you've got me into it like that but a small omission from the brief we can't foresee everything but a full independent inquiry any moment you do but if you're drowning and somebody throws your rope you grab it that wasn't a rope that was a noose you should have stood up at the park but that's what you're there for I prepare myself tunnel if yesterday's question time but nowhere in my brief was there any suggestion that you've been juggling with the figures so that I'd give misleading with I still have Minister you said you wanted the administration figures reduced didn't you yes so we reduce the figures don't me the figures not the number of administrators well of course not but I meant well really Minister one is not a mind-reader is one you say produced the biggest so we reduced the views another how did this get out another leak get all the packs well it gives us a little time instead of the time bomb haven't you got a disposal squad it's business but couldn't we get the independent inquiry to exonerate the department you mean rig it no it all depends on who the Chairman is he absolutely has to be sound son well a sound man will know what is required he will perceive the implications he will have a sympathetic insensitive insight into the overall problems in fraud he will be saddened I mean he will be a man of broad understanding how about a retired politician and unimpeachable integrity all right who do you got in mind well I thought perhaps a retired civil servant good thinking Humphrey so Maurice Williams good man he'd be too independent well he's heading for a peerage right get went through this woman never the right finding will learn him a few more brownie points yes they all add up until finally you get the badge Thank You Minister Thank You Brown out the Cuba political refugees not bad again they look as if there's a rob lying out over a refusal to do any more fall well it's not my fault it's the change in me yes but you can't beat the Treasury murmured I should just say nothing oh yeah one more public humiliation nice to become a political refugee myself on telephone well he wants me to find out about that alleged empty Hospital in North London who me yes well as I warned you Minister the driver's network is not wholly reliable Roy has got it wrong thank heavens for that how did you find out through the private secretaries Network well in fact there are only 340 to administer to start the new sniffers hospital the other 170 our porters cleaners laundry workers gardeners cooks and so forth and how many medical staff Oh none of them know then we are talking about David's hospital yes it's brand new it was completed 50 months ago and fully staffed but unfortunately at that time there were government cutbacks so consequently there was no money left for medical services and your hospital well over 500 non-medical staff and that patient oh there is one patient what yes the deputy chief administrator Phil over a piece of scaffolding of Evans Island asked about this in the house hasn't it got out well actually I think it's been contrived to keep looking like a building site and so far no one's realized its operational oh you know scaffolding skip still there the normal thing the normal thing like I better go have a look at this but all the opposition does yes it's surprising the press haven't found out by now isn't it often a burner most of our journalists are so incompetent that had the greatest difficulty in finding out that today's when it's actually Thursday so where's your Minister interested incident with hospital well he's apparently greatly concern but it has no patience pixal sorts yes how patients but it has no nursing stuff the DHS s that it takes time to get things good first of all you have to sort out the smooth running of the hospital having patients around be no help at all just be in the way tell your Minister this is the run-in period yes the running yeah how long is the run in here he ended up you see because my ministers agreed to a full independent and you know what I think about that I know but we are going to get some patients into some dead words certainly our present intention when the financial situation is eased up a bit not to let no how can I open 40 new awards its neighborhoods when I'm making closures everywhere else shouldn't women matter look at my Minister may want to shut the whole place impossible what about the unions well other unions active point you remember that firebrand agitator at Southwark hospital hmm dilly phrase that odious man could be useful time he was moved on there's no Health Service there's an advanced case of galloping bureaucracy Oh certainly not galloping the gentle canter at the most instances plug into this office every day no peanuts from Home Minister empties constituents doctors nurses the public troublemakers they're some of the worst listen to this memo stethoscope requisition because of the current supply situation it is not possible to issue you with the extra stethoscopes you have applied for we are in a position to supply you with longer cubes for your existing stethoscope well does let's focus on yep if they have a splash on tube no no no they don't longest okay what more stethoscope so if the stethoscope has had really long tubes Minister the consultant could stand in one place and listen to all the chests on the wall what about this nurses uniforms it has become apparent that the latest consignment of nurse's coats are made of a see-through material nurses who have been issued with these cups and a question to report to the director of the uniform surveillance center who will assess the extent of the problem nice where could even get it found said it will you please know a soft paper toilet rolls are provided only for the use of patients not stuff but here that in recent months staff have been using the soft toilet for one reason or another this Stevens Mott journey will be closed over Christmas during the holiday medical staff are requested to cooperate in keeping pressure off this department well a very civil and reasonable request no you think that during the rest of the year the doctors are working hard to keep the multitude a busy minister these are just a few isolated examples in general the Health Services is efficient and economical as the government allows us it's not something they speak themselves in 10 years the number of Health Service administrators has gone up by 40,000 and the number of hospital beds has gone down by 60,000 and they only want cost of health services by one and a half billion pumps in real terms if only a British industry could match this growth record you think that's spending more and more money on fewer and fewer patients so that we can employ more than god administrators it's a good way of spending the money voted by Parliament and supplied by the taxpayer certainly this money is voted soul need to make sick people better it is to make everybody better better for having shown that the extent of their care and compassion you see Minister when money is allocated to the health or social services Parliament of the country field Kings purified absolved it is a sacrifice when a sacrifice is made nobody asks the priest what happens in the ritual offering after the ceremony no conferred on the public task and this money is misspelled with respect Minister they care that it should not be seen to be miss effective that's not true look at the uproar over mental hospital scandals my point exactly administer those abuses they'd be going on quite happen if you decades nobody was remotely concerned to find out what was really being done with their money what outraged them was being told about it I think that's a cynical smidge are we or are we not agreed but there is simply no point in running a hospital solely for the benefit of the staff well that is not how I would indeed know how would you express well of course at the end of the day one of the hospital's prime functions is patient care what else but until we have the money for nursing and medical staff it is a function that we're not able to pursue perhaps in 18 months or so 18 months perhaps by then we may be able to open a couple of walls no I'm older couple well I suppose we could form an interdepartmental committee to examine the feasibility of monitoring a proposal for patients and all the staff currently employed at that Hospital and use the money saved to open closed wards in other hospitals Minister we can afford if we open suit Edwards with medical stuff if you would be so kind estate to do that you will delay the opening of some Edwards for patients per year why will you talk as if the staff had nothing to do simply because there no patients there Minister there are a large number of extremely busy departments first as it continues to Department for fire strikes air raids nuclear war epidemics food or water poisoning in such a crisis the local General Hospital is a key Centre for survival then there's the data in research departments where this moment of conducting a full-scale demographic survey of the catchment area we have to anticipate the future requirements for maternity geriatrics pediatrics and the male-female balance then thirdly this finance of course projected accounts balance sheets and cash flow budgets then there's the purchasing department for purchasing medical and other equipment examining estimates looking at priceless cattle or adjusting what well everything then is that everything from brain scanners to Prosser may I continue debriefer what could I good minister but I'm afraid you do need to understand fifth there's the technical department for evaluating equipment six there's the building department which deals with the phase three building plans costing and so forth for the final phase of the hospital which should be completed by 1994 then this maintenance cleaning and catering personnel in charge would leave national health insurance salaries as well as some staff welfare offices to look after the over 500 employees and finally administration administrators nor administrators to administrate the other administrative this is important work Minister the typing pool stationery desks office furniture and equipment liaison between the parties can tell my feelings or not what do you mean you know people even the sick all these vital tasks that I've just listed must be carried out with or without patients what why why I don't understand how second explicit why don't you get rid of the army just because there was no war we don't measure our success by results the per activity and the activity is considerable and productive those 500 people are seriously overworked got the full establishment should be 650 now I show you some of the paperwork emanating from some devil no no no you may not enough is enough men is that we need our administrators otherwise the hospital will never open no second series not equally impossible the unions would wear it well check out the administrators hold game show me stuff and use the money safe to get some doctors are never the old service unions but I don't know that much hope oh thank you what are we going to do about some dead words okay so we gonna fight you on this one what do you mean well I think my members realize that you can't give ancillary stuff on indefinitely an empty Hospital there's not a big defeatist well sure you can stick up your people better than that you mean you will just do it's not just your way is you know the 342 administrative civil servants they must have some way to administer civil servants and ever laid off we live in strange and disturbing times you mean if we take industrial action you support us here on I am the permanent secretary I have been entrusted with the task of keeping the wheels of government turning I couldn't possibly countenance any such action but if there were widespread and effective opposition from the ancillary workers and the civil servants would have to stay on as well what about the minister the minister doesn't know his a cast from his now go I don't got much of a case a lie I mean the hospital empty for 15 months no of any of the wards something for another year Oh pull yourself together man think of their members and their wives and children their cats buddies it's all beliefs they're all more or less resigned to it by now is Billy a phrase there is and word ah yes but he's over at Southwark do you want to bet you mean it oh well that's it matter if I've got some real shop floor militancy to work on see unity solidarity thanks for the drink well please give my kind regards life eternal comrades oh yeah [Music] Minister this is mrs. Rodgers the chief administrator I absolutely do need is Benny Fraser our chairman of the doing shop stewards committee I wouldn't be too sure about that how much do all this comes together with radiotherapy and intensive care two and a quarter million doesn't it reporting that it's not being used a very good thing in some ways prolongs its life cuts down running no but the essential work of the hospital still has to go on our patients you take the word of the hospital running an organization of 500 people is a big job minister but if they weren't here they wouldn't be here either you must get some patients into the hospital oh yes well administer in the course of time in the course of kind mrs. Rogers now get rid of 300 of your people get some doctors and nurses and gets impatient now look here without those 300 people they saw still just wouldn't function now it's run by the most hygienic Hospital in the area as I said my last word 300 staff must go you need 300 jobs lost couldn't do any theory with Justice Kennedy medicals don't do any serious surgery I don't care how to do Pakistani isn't I'll do something you mean 300 jobs lost yes a news to Fraser hospitals not a source of employment it is a place for healing of the sick but it's a source of employment for my members and you want to put them out the word you is that what you call a compassionate society I can't be compassionate the patient's and he or member right we'll come out on strike dude look at this harm do please come out on strike the sooner the better take the administrators with you ready oh yes Thank You Minister very well this morning at the hospital didn't do better yes I'll be sending any argument you know there let me to go on strike play right into my hands yes Cheers yeah I'll be missing the news but diplomatic correspondent says that the United States is now putting considerable pressure on the British government to take in some Cuban refugees the government has made no official comment I've got the money all workers in National Health Service hospitals in the Greater London area but go on strike London the proposed laying off at 170 and 30 workers which spoke to union activist Millie Fraser we are striking against unemployment we could bring London's hospitals to a complete standstill there will be no blood transfusions during operations no cancer treatment nothing until we have brought back the compassionate society we're not doing it it's mr. Hawkin that's doing it should you think twice before inflicting these terrible sanctions on innocent members of the public I can assure you and I'd like to take this opportunity to assure the general public that every stone will be left unturned in a search for the Union to do well at the moment we have an even more serious problem so Maurice Williams independent inquiry about the department well it looks as though it's going to be unfavorable to us but you think he was sound who said he wanted to clear it I know I know but apparently he's also working his period and his capacity as chairman of the Joint Committee for the resettlement of refugees I see and I suppose a little more brownie points to be got from refugees than from government inquiries precisely Minister we haven't got the money to rehouse these refugee well Minister I don't care if I don't want to talk it's number 10 hello Jim yes yes right yes I see thank you number 10 that's also simply Fraser on the news I hope that the peace formula can be reached very soon well on top of everything so Maurice Williams says he'll be satisfied only if the United Kingdom will take and house a thousand refugees we haven't the money for these refugees active we haven't even the money for a thousand big Hospital refugees refugees a thousand pips police staff Minister that's hospitalist a sick British not healthy foreigners there's a huge waiting list but didn't you just say that Samaras independent inquiry was likely to come down against the department what that's done as I see your point Minister Burnett reinstate all the workers it's dead words and tell some iris that we can offer him a new hospital with accommodation but a thousand refugees and tell the press that it was my decision and that everybody's happy do you want to get him to quit why not say it was a tough decision but a necessary one witness to retain the name the compassionate society Minister thank you happy the compassion of society yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well they said administrate all the morning on the National Health Service administration I talked about that in the radio saying that the trouble with help from education and transport is that all the top people in government go private hospitals and send their kids to private school very good comedy program was it and go to work and chauffeur driven cars but don't you think you're something else sir I mean if you answer am free went to work on a number 27 I'm quite impracticable I mean hours a day as it is without having to wait an extra hour at bus stops the bus service much more efficiently to say certainly would yes a city was saying as you're saying that helps sense you remember a booth isn't anything on the radio there's about time to get to the empowerment Oh a bit been their mother Democrat the opposition member for Birmingham Southwest asked the minister of administrative affairs mr. James hacker about the government's pledge to reduce the number of administrators in the health and economies I need a full independent inquiry well you were dropped in it there sir I think I got away with it today you were lucky they didn't ask you about that use of their as hospitals it right well they finished building in 15 months ago and it's still got no patience the vhss can't afford to stop it poster star 500 administrators who did it come on meet charlie he's a driver for the Secretary of State for health I'm a pulsar I'm innocent stupidity I agree I can't think what came over you but you can see the full independent in class free yes that's not what I meant but you mentioned stupidity and incompetence you're mine Minister how could you've got me into it like that but a small omission from the brief we can't foresee everything but a full independent inquiry any moment you do but if you're drowning in somebody throws you a rope you grab it that wasn't a rope that was a noose you should have stood up with a department that's what you're there for I prepared myself yesterday's question time but nowhere in my brief was there any suggestion that you've been juggling with the figures so that I'd give misleading replies to Minister you said you wanted the administration figures reduced didn't you this so we reduce the figures they don't be the figure is not the number of administrators of course not but I mean really Minister one is not a mind-reader is one you said reduce the biggest so we were just a fuse and another thing how did this get out another leak get all the packs man this enquiry gives us a little time instead of the time bomb haven't you got a disposal squad disposals but couldn't we get the independent inquiry to exonerate the department Ewing rig it no it all depends on who the Chairman is he absolutely has to be sound how do you mean son well a sound man will know what is required he will perceive the implications he will have a sympathetic insensitive insight into the overall problems in Schad he will be saddened I mean he will be a man of God understanding how about a retired politician and unimpeachable integrity all right who do you got in mind well I thought perhaps a retired civil servant good thinking Humphrey so Maurice Williams good man not he'd be too independent well he's heading for a peerage might get went through this woman never the right finding will lend him a few more brownie points yes they all add up until finally you'll get the badge Thank You minister thank you political refugees not bad again they look as if there's a rob laying out over a refusal to do any more horrible it's not my fault it's the change in me yes but you can't beat the Treasury Bernhard I'll just say nothing oh yeah one more public humiliation nicely become a political refugee myself on telephone well he wants me to find out about that alleged empty Hospital in North London who me yes well as I warned you Minister the drivers network is not wholly reliable Roy has got it wrong thank heavens for that how did you find out through the private secretaries Network well in fact there are only 340 to administer to start the new sniffles hospital the other 170 our porters cleaners laundry workers gardeners cooks and so forth how many medical staff Oh none of them know then we are talking about David's hospital yes it's brand-new it was completed 50 months ago and fully staffed but unfortunately at that time there were government cutbacks so consequently there was no money left for medical services and your husband they were funded no medical staff and their patient no there is one patient sir what yes the deputy chief administrator fell over a piece of scaffolding heavens I won't asked about this in the house where hasn't it got out well actually I think it's been contrived to keep looking like a building site and so far no one's realized its operational oh you know scaffolding skip still there the normal thing the normal thing like I better go have a look at this but all the opposition does yes it's surprising the press haven't found out by now isn't it ultimately burner most of our journalists are so incompetent that have the greatest difficulty in finding out the today's witness bit it's actually Thursday so where's your Minister interested in sedate words husband well he's bound to greatly concern but he has no patience pixels thoughts this is how patience but it has no nursing stuff okay
Channel: Kyle Benson
Views: 345,481
Rating: 4.6039023 out of 5
Keywords: yes, minister, s02e01, the, compassionate, society
Id: oLU-Evdlt-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2016
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