Xiaomi 14 Ultra Vs Vivo X100 Pro Vs Honor Magic6 Pro Camera Comparison

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Chris here with another camera comparison this one  was requested quite a lot and it is the xiaomi 14   Ultra versus the Vivo X100 Pro and the magic 6 Pro  from honor so front-facing cameras the honor can   only shoot 4K 30 so I've put the other phones  to 4K 30 as well to match the frame rate it's   a shame it doesn't have 4K 60 so they can all  shoot that 4K now because the Vivo used to just   be 1080p but it got a firmware update stability  across all three is of course electronic with   those front-facing cameras and it's looking good  I'm just going to do a little light jog now which   one looks the steadiest as I move about and I  can see the exposure is very different across   all three of them and I'm swapping over those  audio sources as well and all phones are on   the latest firmware rear cameras Optical image  stabilization and electronic 4K 60 frames per   second so it is looking a little smoother now so  we've got Leo with the xiaomi and Zeiss with the   Vivo and inhouse with the magic 6 Pro from honor  so this is the main cameras as I mentioned I'm   going to go over to the ultra wide cameras now  which you can do with all three of these phones   on the Fly and this is now just electronic image  stabilization so hopefully no dropped frame so no   J coming through cuz I have been seeing a little  bit of that happening uh with most Android phones   and we'll go over to some Zoom cameras now so  3.2 times Optical uh here with our xiaomi first   and this is the 4.3 with the Vivo and you can  go to two and 2.6 here with our honor now I'm   going to increase that Zoom to now the five times  periscopic camera with the xiaomi and we'll apply   some digital Zoom with the others because now it's  just going to be all digital so this is five times   there with the honor and now five times with  our Vivo now there's a light Breeze that could   be coming through on the microphones these are all  default settings out of the box here and I'll look   at the castle here of Dena now and apply more  digital Zoom so this is up to 10 times now 180   megapixel camera with the honor has the largest  megapixel count 10 times with the Vivo and we'll   make this now 10times two with our Xiaomi that is  now 10 times so looks like I'm getting a bit of   a focus I'll tap to focus on the castle in the  background there see if we can get a good lock   on all three hard to get in the same shot with  the zoom cameras being in slightly different   positions there stability with those Zoom cameras  just walking a tiny little bit shouldn't do this   of course and standing still again 8K video sample  now so this is just with the Vivo and the Xiaomi   because the honor does not support 8K video now  this is 30 frames per second scale down to 4K just   like the rest of the video but we can see that  there is some drop frames on both of them when I   pan around even though the media info states that  it's 30 frames per second there's something going   on it is not at times there is some clear dropped  frames and some issues and I've also noticed with   the Vivo that sometimes the focus can be a little  bit problematic and not getting a lock on things   correctly but with these conditions right now it  does seem to be behaving itself and you would have   heard by now that the audio quality with the Vivo  is not good I don't like the microphones the Vivo   has the worst audio by far out of these three  mobiles I'm testing now onto our selfy so the   stitching with all three of them is very good I  think the best stitching probably goes to the Vivo   the shiai is a little soft which is not bad but it  is Overexposed I think the more pleasant shot is   the honor yes it's a little bit more contrasty but  it doesn't have that noise either with my t-shirt   if you look at the Vivo there's a lot of noise  around the area of my t-shirt so that's not really   good to see so that is why the honor gets the win  Port tray shots now in my testing I found that not   using the L mode was in fact better using portrait  Master with the Xiaomi I noticed there's a little   bit of skin smoothing happening with the xiaomi  the honor that's third place here it's Overexposed   you can see my skin is way too white and this is  a Global version too by the way zooming in you   can see stitching on all three is reasonably good  the Vivo has one area that I thought was a fold of   stitching but it's actually where I'm positioned  the camera angle the Vivo has the more pleasant   skin tones no real skin smoothing yes it's over  sharpened a little but I think it is the winner   here out of these three next up was a great test  of the white balance and using their more natural   modes so the Zeiss natural was selected for the  Evo and the like authentic for the Xiaomi and when   I do have a look at them I can see white balance  with the honor is off it's also over saturated   over sharpened the honor looks great for social  media however more true to life is the Shel me   Psy head slightly better with uh the white balance  and the whites and Vera's fur compared to the Vivo   macro mode so it's handled very differently with  the xiaomi and the Vivo they use their Optical   Zo cameras and for me the clear winner is that  Vivo so the vivo's got a lot more details with   the yellow here you can see the different shades  you can even see the texture of the petals and   I like the background blur which looks a little  artificial with the Vivo a more natural looking   background B would probably be the xami and then  the honor let's talk about that quickly it's very   flat so there's no depth with it unfortunately 10  times Zoom shot indoors so a little more difficult   the Shi has uh just not quite got that Focus there  it looks a little out of focus a little soft there   and it was of course the same point of focus for  all of them I like the results here of the honor   considering it's only what 2.5 times Optical the  rest is all digital the most digital Zone but the   higher megapixel count out of these however the  honor again a little over saturated so great for   social media for soccer moms and all that sort of  stuff but here it's the Vivo for me that wins with   this sh they're all set to their natural modes  again so like a authentic sze natural and the   natural tones with the honor straight away looking  at the break caliper now when I crop into 200% it   looks a little bit orange with the Vivo and the  paint job is just a bit too saturated there so the   sheli is the closest to true to life here and  again the honor even though it is the natural   mode just a little too saturated but the red at  least came out red and not orange with the Vivo   since the last update I just had with the Vivo  I've noticed that the white balance is slightly   different now Ultra wide now and again with  their natural presets trying to get the right   color tones looking at them all three you can see  there's a clear difference with the Vivo looking   a little warmer um but the way the concrete is is  actually that color it's not a light gray it look   like this so the white balance this time around  the Vivo did get it pretty much spot on with the   Zeiss authentic sorry the Zeiss natural and what  about just the ultra wide shot in general so the   widest field of view is the Shi and that's 12 mm  versus 15 mm I believe it is or 14 with the Vivo   it's quite narrow for an ultra wide and then with  they onon it still a good looking shot but again   colors and color science there and just tweak  more for social media I think zoom camera shot   10 times across all three and looking at the white  balance this this is where yet again that Zeiss   natural has pulled through it's pretty much spot  on how I remember it that boat was looking quite   White and the blue a little bit faded too which  the others didn't pick up on now the honor third   place there's some artifacts coming in it's a lot  of digital Zoom because again it's only 2.5 times   Optical the xiaomi's good a little on the soft  side you could also say that the Vivo perhaps   is almost oversharpened it almost but for me it's  the Vivo that wins this same story again for the   honor despite me sitting the natural colors it  still is a little too oversaturated those Reds   of the strawberry the bananas missing out the  different shade right in the middle which the   Vivo did capture really well so those phones the  Vivo and the XI have the one-in sensors the Vivo   is the last gen the xiaomi is the New Gen one and  really good shots exposure probably just a little   too much with the xiaomi I feel I lean towards the  Vivo again with this it just represents what it   really looked like in the moment and yes it was  a very nice breakfast those pancakes were great   next up an extreme Zoom test so this is what  I was looking at the castle of Dena the shiai   is a little Overexposed the vivo's got the more  correct colors again the honor oversaturated now   I took it up to a crazy 50 time zoom all three  shots look terrible for me these are not usable   maybe for social media like seeing someone a photo  WhatsApp or something yeah fine now the xiaomi   looks a little kind of weird when you start to  focus on it and I'll explain why they're using an   AI algorithm here to fill in the gaps with stuff  that we couldn't see however it's kind of invented   textures on the walls the stones and parts of the  top of the castle there this I don't particularly   like and then it's just oversharpened it h hell of  a lot so at first glance we were like oh hang on   the xiaomi is the best it's actually the Vivo the  is the better one and I decided to take one more   shot this is of the iron Tower here on the coast  this is again 50 times it's doing the same thing   it's kind of inventing things around the windows  of that house and a little oversharpened don't get   me wrong here all three photos look terrible the  on is the worst but just only just Vivo is better   the better zoom camera I think and night shot so  all three of these photos are very good but you   can see again the white balance is represented  quite differently what was more true to life yes   you guessed it that Zeiss natural preset is very  good and did get it right this time the xiaomi's   also quite good it captured the warmer light there  that's great and focusing in on a little candle   which of course admits more of a warm light to it  it is looking good so I do like them the Vivo yeah   you could almost say is a tad over sharpened here  I do prefer with this and the textures you see on   the table there the Shel me I think got this with  this shot I wanted to focus and look at the sky   and just the general image you can see that the  again the honor it's got a lot of contrast here a   lot of saturation it's still a good shot it's not  bad so many people are going to be very pleased   with it the Vivo has done something super weird  to the sky it looks almost purple there's these   artifacts and this patchy texture to it don't like  it so that is I think that's last place actually   the Shel me it looks like we might have a new  low light Champion the last patch from Vivo as   mentioned seems to have taken things backwards  a step and then a 20 times shot here to look at   the sign again the sky with the Vivo has that  patchiness to it but the Vivo did capture the   areas where there's those LED lights better you  could say it's almost a little over sharpened but   the sign that Neon on sign has come out better  there is some flare ghosting happening with the   lens and the Xiaomiprobably because it doesn't  have the tar coating from Zeiss that the Vivo   does have and then the honor not actually too bad  considering again that it's 2.5 times Optical this   is mostly digital it's still reasonable but it is  third place so winner the Vivo despite yes the sky   being poor and because of that ghosting the xiaomi  gets second place but it's all subjective remember   don't kill me in the comments with this shot here  I want you to focus on the sky first because you   can see there's a lot of artifacts there's noise  and a weird kind of effect happening with well   all three of them here they don't handle the sky  well um the auto exposure cuz this is remember all   default Auto settings that I used is not quite  perfect there for it so that leads me to start   to focus then on the contrast saturation and  things overdone with the honor the Vivo is a   good kind of blend uh but white balance is again  it failed this time so it's a little hit and miss   at the moment the XI got the white balance these  lights have a warm tint to them so it should look   warm the shot so that is why low light here it's  the Shi that won and the final shot this all three   of them did get the white balance more or less  right in fact the white balance starts to look   a little bit more correct from what I do remember  seeing of my post here on the honor this is about   the first time that it's landed that white should  look like that not with the bluish tint like the   Vivo has it however the LEDs do come out orange  which they should so Vivo handles the background   differently the low light is a few seconds longer  than the magic the xiaomi does a few seconds to as   well with its night shop mode but the xiaomi makes  the background look all artifacts and muddy kind   of looking to me if you have a look around where  that tree is you can see a bit of it happening   there the shot itself of the the ball on top of  the pillar is good white balance is good it's not   over sharpened like the Vivo is a bit but it's  just the whole general image looking at it it is   the Vivo here that did get this shot finally that  brings me on to my findings so the audio quality   I found very disappointing with the Vivo this  has always been the downside to them as their   microphone or their audio processing is not good  uh it also picked up some wind noise the xeli has   the best microphones but very sensitive to wind  noise this is default out of the box settings that   I'm using you can apply a filter but it often  makes it sound a little bit muffled the Vlog   footage the colors and exposure look the best with  the Vivo however the stabilization wasn't the best   with the front-facing camera that went to Xiaomi  with 4K 60 front-facing footage Sorry 4 4K 30 uh   the honor was in last place there tended to be  in last place for everything it was completely   just outclassed in this comparison low light  photography as I showed you that went to Shel   me we might have here a new champion at low light  we'll have to see I need to do more comparisons   compare the global model this is the Chinese  version that I'm currently testing portrait   photos Vivo was the best there macro photos  the Vivo was the best zoom shots vvo pulled   ahead slightly there too 8K video the Vivo had  the best stabilization but it was jutting a lot   8K video with the Xiaomi uh looked sharper over  sharpened a little bit artificially sharpened and   the stabilization in 8k wasn't as good 4K video  rare was uh very difficult it's a tie really   between the Vivo and the Xiaomi I believe there  so do you agree with my finding let me know and   if you'd like to see more camera comparisons do  let me know in the comments of what phones you'd   like me to compare if I've got them I'll try and  do that so thank you and see you in the next one
Channel: TechTablets
Views: 71,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: techtablets, Honor Magic6 Pro, honor magic 6 pro, magic6 pro, magic 6 pro
Id: ogdDsAiTM28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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