Xiaomi 14 Ultra vs Vivo X100 Pro vs S24 Ultra vs Honor Magic 6 Pro! Camera Comparison Test!

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are you ready for the ultimate Android battle hey I'm Olive your host here at versus and today we're going to be doing a smartphone camera comparison between the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra the honor magic 6 Pro xiaomi 14 Ultra and Vivo X100 [Music] Pro the without further Ado let's start with standard wide mode as that is the mode that people use most frequently before we begin I'd like to thank hide me VPN for sponsoring this video and more on them later it's important to note that xiaomi 14 Ultra has two separate modes you can shoot in there's authentic mode and vibrant mode as well as master and Le a mode for portraits in our previous video a lot of you asked why we chose to shoot in vibrant mode and the main reason is that after experimenting with both modes we found authentic mode to have much harsher contrast and inaccurate skin tones as well as intense vetting while vibrant mode seems to be more similar to what the other devices capture in their regular mode although we do feel that photos can still sometimes be a bit too saturated and something in between authentic and vibrant mode would be ideal for portraits we have chosen the Leica mode in this first photo honor has done a really great job from having the right amount of exposure in contrast to nice saturation making the image Poppy and eye-catching xiaomi and Vivo have also done well when it comes to exposure but the contrast could be a little higher the Galaxy looks somewhat washed out and the colors aren't as vibrant as I'd like them to be which I must say is very unusual for Samsung the contrast is also a tattoo low well I've got to say that the galaxy has definitely bounced back in this next photo it has very natural looking results with great color accuracy and good exposure vivo's results are also pretty nice with the exposure slightly heightened but not over the top It's tricky to choose a favorite between the honor and xiaomi because it really depends on what you prefer here honor has pretty high brightness whereas xiaomi has lower exposure with high Shadows specifically around my face right off the bat it's clear that Vivo has delivered the best photo here it's a really good image and what would have made it even better as if the contrast had been a tad higher honor has also given us a nice photo however it's a little too warm as for the Galaxy and xiaomi they're both Overexposed with the Galaxy Shadows being too heightened and xiaomi's colors being off moving on I'd say that the honor is looking pretty good here it's got a nice strong contrast good exposure and a warm tone that isn't overpowering I do also like the image coming from Vivo as it looks very natural and has great color accuracy however from my personal preference the contrast is too low leaving the photo looking slightly dull the Galaxy Shadows are far too heightened with very low contrast which gives the image a lackluster feel and xiaomi is on a similar page however its contrast is a tad higher now it's time for ultra white photos this mode is really great for capturing more of the scenery in your shots in this first one all of the devices have given us a good photo with Vivo having the highest saturation but it is the most accurate coloring xiaomi is looking a tad too bright with the contrast and Clarity not being high enough which has some details in the buildings both the Galaxy and the honer have done a decent job with sharpness ensuring all details are captured but the Honor's colors seem somewhat off I got to say I'm leaning towards Vivo here as it has really nice but subtle saturation without going over the top it also has a nice balance between exposure and contrast the galaxy has captured a very natural photo but I just wish the Shadows weren't so strong specifically on my face as it does lose some details honor is looking nice and bright but perhaps a little too bright and it has a warm tone to it which isn't necessarily a bad thing but in this case it's making me look a little orangey as for xiaomi it's Overexposed with low contrast which loses the photo's punchiness moving on to indoor photos and in this first one the Galaxy and Vivo have done a better job specifically with the balanced shadows and controlled contrast honor and xiaomi have also produced good photos however the contrast and shadows are a little too harsh and the saturation on my face is just a bit too too much in this last photo of this super cute Cafe in Berlin the galaxy has produced the most accurate results although it is the only cool toned image it's balanced everything out really well the honor and xiaomi also aren't bad and if you generally prefer a warmer tone in your photos then you're most likely going to choose those as your top picks Vivo has gone a little too bright with very lifted Shadows the light above has also come out very orangey which just doesn't look so great it's all of space favorite time because it's portrait mode I love portrait mode you guys let's see which one of these has the best Edge detection I've got to say that in our previous comparison that included xiaomi y'all were so disappointed in me for constantly stating that xiaomi's photos just aren't that great but when it came to our latest camera blind test xiaomi only received eight points eight points I couldn't believe it it's funny how opinions change as soon as the brand name is invisible H my choice here is Vivo and apparently 229 of you agree as Vivo won the blind test Vivo not only has the best Edge detection but it also has a great natural look Samsung's results are also really nice and it came second place in the blind test but unfortunately it has a slight error with the edge detection honor contrast is quite extreme with the vibrancy pretty Punchy but I do prefer it to xiaomi which has produced an Overexposed image with muted colors that looks well extremely dull and the majority of you agreed and left some well pretty passionate comments in this next image however xiaomi has done a really good job with its Edge detection it seems pretty Flawless and although it's giving that cinematic straight out of a camera look it's also Overexposed my face and muted the colors to the extreme I've got to say that Honor's photo is pretty great the colors are Punchy and it has a nice deep contrast the edge detection also isn't too shabby both the Galaxy and VI have slightly failed with the edge detection specifically on the top of my head but between the two I'd say VI looks better as its colors are more pleasing moving on to portraits indoors Vivo has nailed this one the edge detection is perfect and it has a very natural look with good color accuracy the Galaxy is leaning slightly towards a pinkish Hue but it does look vibrant and it would have been my favorite out of the lot but unfortunately the edge detection has failed slightly around my head honor and xiaomi have both resulted in Overexposed images with the honor being more yellow toned and xiaomi remaining on the cooler side in this last photo Edge detection wise every photo has done a really good job with Vivo being my favorite it's not overly warm or too saturated and it has a good balance of exposure and contrast I'm sorry to say it but I do not like what's coming from xiaomi the image is Overexposed and the colors are so dull we generally find that the like code gives a slightly more saturated look but this doesn't seem to be the case here honor has got a nice deep contrast but is making me look very pale whereas the galaxy has nicer color tones but isn't looking so sharp let's pause for a moment and briefly talk about safety a VPN keeps you safe online by turning your information into secret code and hiding your computer's location this means no one can see what websites you visit or find out where you are if that sounds like something you'd find useful then want to hear this next part hide me VPN is one of the fastest offshore vpns with 24/7 support and crossplatform access enjoy 10 gbyte 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underexposed which is the exact opposite to what we saw in the previous example xiaomi on the other hand looks great look at that nice even exposure and vibrant yet natural looking colors the galaxy has also produced a pretty nice video with colors more muted than shy but very realistic looking I do wish the exposure was a little higher though unfortunately the Honor's white balance is completely off and the entire video looks dark and yellow moving on to ultra wide videos in this first one I honestly think all of the devices have captured a decent video apart from slight exposure and color variations plus the vi having a tighter frame they all have nice detail and have given us what we asked for so it's a draw here ultrawide indoors I have to say that the galaxy has the best results as it's maintained its exposure really well and the colors are looking superb Vivo has also produced a nice video but it does bother me slightly that its frame isn't as wide and it's also giving off quite a reddish look especially noticeable in my skin tone xiaomi has done okay here but the exposure levels keep shifting and the overall video has an overly warm look as for the honor it's definitely got the worst results as the video has an underlying green Hue and generally feels lackluster it's our all-time favorite part of the video and that is stabilization let's see how each one of these stabilizes video and that means we got to go for for a run with regular stabilization it seems that xiaomi although not perfect has the smoothest outcome honor has also done a decent job but the Galaxy and VI are definitely struggling they both have consistent flickering on the tall building in the back there's also a fair amount of General Distortion next we switch the settings to active stabilization apart from on the honor which doesn't seem to have this option but its electronic stabilization is always on as again xiaomi is looking pretty good with smooth results the galaxy has also stepped up its game and steadied the shot giving us a pleasant outcome unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much improvement in Vivo and honor has done okay but considering it doesn't have boosted stabilization it's done relatively well the sun has finally come out in Berlin which means that our selfies are about to level up let's see which one of these has the best front camera and whilst I'm at it I'm also going to check out front camera video and audio [Music] this one's a tricky one as I really like the image coming from honor but the uneven balance between darks and lights is making it look a little unnatural the Galaxy on the other hand has come out looking very sharp with great texture although the contrast could be higher I do think it's a decent photo xiaomi and Vivo have almost identical results with Vivo having better color accuracy in this next selfie the high contrast coming from honor is actually working this time as it makes the photo pop I find that all the others look super similar with only tiny color variations so it'll need to be a draw between them all front camera in low light conditions is never easy all of the devices apart from Vivo have come out blurry but I do really like the high contrast on the honor so if it had just come out sharp it would have been a winner the Galaxy is looking a little pinkish while xiaomi has a yellow tint to it which isn't my favorite moving onto front camera video it's going to have to be the Galaxy here as it's looking sharp and detailed even when I'm further they away from the camera I also think honor is doing a decent job however it becomes super yellow looking when I get closer to the camera which isn't ideal it seems that Vivo is quite blurry especially when I'm standing further away from the camera which is quite disappointing actually I'm not sure why xiaomi is so Overexposed but it seems to also do that in the majority of its photos well at least when in vibrant mode so it wasn't a massive surprise so starting with the audio coming from the Galaxy S 24 Ultra how is it sounding moving on to the honor magic 6 Pro how is the built-in microphone sounding over here then we have the xiaomi 14 Ultra how's the built-in audio sounding on this bad boy and finally we have the Vivo X100 Pro how is the buil-in audio on here all right I've got to say that judging the audio wasn't that easy I had to listen quite a few times as I'll be honest all of the devices sound pretty decent I'm very impressed with xi's noise cancellation abilities as the audio sounds really great the Galaxy and the honor also sound super smooth and are doing a good job ensuring that my voice is being heard clearly Vivo also wasn't terrible but out of the four I'd say its noise cancellation abilities are the least effective time for some slow motion this one always makes me dizzy but let's see how the slow-mo performs on each one of these bad boys first we tested each phone at the lowest frame rate possible which is 120 frames per second on all of the devices with the highest resolution possible which is 1080p for honor and VI and 4K for Samsung and xiaomi keep in mind that to enable 4K 120 on xiaomi you need to be in pro video mode as it's not accessible in slow motion mode which we personally find strange and wonder why xiaomi has made it like this as it's easy to miss naturally Samsung and xiaomi look better due to their 4K abilities but vfo also isn't looking too bad don't mind the slight wobble on all of the videos it was pretty windy and as we have all of the four phones on a stand they tend to sometimes Shake in vigorous weather conditions next we set all of the devices to the highest frame rate with the highest resolution possible this was 240 frames per second on all devices apart from xiaomi which can shoot up to 480 frames per second well technically it can shoot up to 1920 frames per second but only for a few seconds so we didn't count this as you cannot shoot a longer video with those settings xiaomi is actually looking pretty good it also has to get an extra point due to its capabilities to shoot at a higher frame rate as for the rest of the devices each one has its weaknesses Vivo looks a tattoo blurry and on our is also a little bit too bright but nevertheless they've all resulted in a decent slow motion video it's time to test out the zoom capabilities of all of these devices and see who performs best it's been a while since we've zoomed into our favorite TV tower here in Berlin so without further Ado let's get zooming at three times Zoom all of the devices have done a decent job with only minor variations at five times Zoom honor xiaomi and Vivo are looking pretty good and although the Galaxy is sharp the Shadows are so lifted with the contrast being super low making the entire image look dull at 10 times Zoom if you look closely the honor is looking slightly blurry xiaomi is underexposed vivo's Shadows are a bit too heightened and well H the Galaxy still isn't looking great I'm not sure why it's contrast is just non-existent at 30 time zoom xiaomi is actually looking pretty good Vivo also isn't doing a bad job as it's relatively sharp with good exposure the Galaxy is definitely sharper than the honor but the contrast is still non-existent at 100 times Zoom xiaomi is looking pretty great I'm impressed Vivo has also produced a pretty solid image unfortunately Samsung is struggling here and well honor is disastrous now for some fun a moon Zoom because we recently had a full moon Moon and I couldn't help myself but since the results are basically relyant on software we won't be counting the points at 30 times Zoom each Moon has a very light halo around it with honors being the most subtle well at least on a computer screen but it may vary on every device Vivo and xiaomi have a more earthy warmer tone whereas Samsung and honor have a cooler gray tone at 100 times Zoom Vivo does have the clearest result however it has a very harsh outline which makes it super obvious that the image isn't real the Galaxy is also looking relatively clear however the halo around the Moon has massively increased time for some macro shots these always fascinate me let's take a look at the results in this first photo all of the devices have done a pretty great job with Vivo and honor particularly sticking out the texture and details are looking so good and apart from the Galaxy's framing being slightly wider it also looks very nice and sharp unfortunately xiaomi seems a tad blurry but other than that the photo is totally usable in the next macro photo apart from slight color variations Samsung honor and Vivo have all captured a very detailed and textured shot that is looking super sharp xiaomi seems to be a little bit blurry once again which is a bummer finally in this last photo Vivo seems to have the sharpest and most detailed image with good color accuracy as does the Galaxy the honor and xiaomi have also done okay but Honor's colors are slightly off and xiaomi isn't as sharp as the others which just seems to to be a reoccurring issue finally let's take a look at a mixture of low light and night photos and see which one of these performs the best in this first photo all of the devices have performed really well and I'm really loving these shots the galaxy has a very detailed and sharp look with cooler tones honor has very high contrast and warm tones xiaomi has gone down a cinematic route with lower contrast a smooth look and an overall warm feel Vivo also looks nice and sharp with a cooler tone definitely a draw here as all photos are usable and it comes down to personal preference as always indoors under low light honor has definitely left a good impression it has managed to balance all aspects very well with good color accuracy nice exposure and a fair amount of contrast although we are shooting in vibrant mode xiaomi's colors are looking relatively muted and somewhat dull but on the other hand Vivo is the one looking a bit too vibrant and slightly unrealistic these two will need to tie as in the end it really depends on what you prefer as an individual unfortunately Samsung's Shadows are far too lifted with the contrast being too low and it's giving the entire image a very lackluster feel next we have a street view and again all of these images are 100% usable and each device has its own unique feel the Galaxy once again has a very sharp and cool tone feel honor leans towards a warmer tone with deep contrast xiaomi gives off a cinematic feel with low contrast and a warm Hue and Vivo is somewhere in between honor and xiaomi with a warm feel and its contrast being Midway so let's take a look at some ultra white photos in this first one all of the devices have performed pretty similarly with only slight variations in color and sharpness as well as vivo's framing being slightly tighter the galaxy has also managed to give off the best color accuracy Outdoors is going to have to be a tie between the Galaxy and honor and this will depend on if you prefer cooler or warmer images both have produced good results providing a lot of details specifically in the sky just look at how great those clouds are looking xiaomi's photo is extremely cinematic and some may prefer this look but the high amount of smoothness is leaving it looking kind of blurry it's also struggling to control the Street Lamp above giving it an Overexposed look Vivo has a very green undertone which isn't ideal and its framing isn't as wide as the others in portrait mode oner is killing it once again from great sharpness to nice saturation it has produced a very nice photo The Edge detection also looks flawless when it comes to xiaomi and VI both have good photos with xiaomi having a smoother more cinematic Vibe while Vivo has slightly more exposure and is sharper both of them also have pretty decent Edge detection unfortunately for the Galaxy its Edge detection isn't the best and the image lacks contrast in this second portrait photo I'm still going to have to stick with honor for the same reasons as before xiaomi and Vivo are looking quite similar with slight color variations and both are having some difficulties with Edge detection particular particularly Vivo Galaxy's photo isn't terrible but it's the only device that completely disregarded the shadows and oversaturated the photo moving on to Night videos and in this first one none of the devices are looking good but xiaomi is particularly dark I purposely went to a very dark area just to see how each device would handle the scenario and clearly all of them struggled equally with Vivo having the highest exposure in ultrawide video we have a little more Light present but again the conditions are very dark and it looks like Samsung has managed best to expose the video enough without creating an insane amount of noise which is what's happened with Vivo although its video has the highest exposure of all it is extremely noisy which ruins the overall video quality honor and xiaomi have both remained pretty dark however the noise has been controlled pretty well so finally let's Summarize each category and see who the winners are for standard photos it's a draw between Vivo and honor followed by xiaomi and in last Place comes the Galaxy next we have ultrawide photos where Vivo takes first place followed closely by the Galaxy in second place honor in third place and finally xiaomi in last place in portrait mode Vivo takes the win once again then comes honor followed by the Galaxy and unfortunately xiaomi has ended up in last place yet again however in videos using the back cameras the Galaxy and xiaomi tie in first place with Vivo and honor tying in second place when it comes to stabilization xiaomi comes in first place place with a tie in second place between the Galaxy and honor unfortunately Vivo stabilization abilities just aren't that great leaving it in last place for front camera photos and videos the Galaxy and honor tie in first place with VI coming in second place and xiaomi in last place but when it comes to audio xiaomi actually takes first place as its mics are pretty great the Galaxy and honor tie in second place which leaves Vivo in last place xiaomi wins the zoom category which makes sense as it can zoom all the way up to 120 times which is impressive Vivo takes second place with just one point less followed by the Galaxy in third place and honor in last place slow-mo also goes to xiaomi and the Galaxy tying in first place due to their unique features Vivo takes second place leaving honor in last place in macro photos Vivo comes in first place with the Galaxy and honor tying in second place and xiaomi coming in last place finally in night photos and videos honor takes first place with the Galaxy in second place which ties xiaomi and Vivo in last place so that pretty much sums up these four different phones when battled against each other we assume that a lot of you will want to see xiaomi operating in its authentic mode therefore we are currently working on a video where we actually test out vibrant and authentic mode against each other to show you the detailed differences so make sure to subscribe and follow along to see our upcoming videos we hope that you found this revie RW useful and we would love to hear your thoughts which phone would you choose let us know in the comments down below direct links to all of the devices mentioned in this video can be found in the description and as always give this video a big like if you enjoyed it and make sure to follow us on our Instagram for daily updates on our processes and upcoming videos we're also almost at 200k guys make sure to keep following and stay tuned for a big surprise with that being said we will see you in the next video and until then take [Music] care
Channel: Versus
Views: 54,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smartphone camera comparison, xiaomi 14 ultra, samsung galaxy s24 ultra, s24 ultra, galaxy s24 ultra, vivo X100 pro, honor magic 6 pro, honor, vivo, versus, versus comparisons, camera comparisons
Id: reYkxmNBlDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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