Fujifilm X100 VI vs Xiaomi 14 Ultra vs Vivo X100 Pro Street Photography in Hong Kong

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hey everybody hope you guys outy and safe so you follow me on social media or even if you follow me on this YouTube channel you may know that I'm a big fan of street photography I like to take the latest smartphones to go outside and basically Snap photos of things and the two phones that kind of got me started on the hobby was last year shiai 13 Pro because I had really good T photo lens and then this year's Vivo X100 Pro although right now my SIM card is in the xiaomi 14 Ultra which has the same telepone lens as the 13 Pro so basically these two phones are really good for street photography but for the past 6 months I've been shooting with mostly this guy because Vivo has a really awesome Vintage Film filter that gives photos this C hipster retro vintage vibe that looks like it was taken from a film camera every time I post those photos on Twitter or Instagram I would get positive feedback people would say wow the colors look really nice it looks like a Fujifilm camera and to be honest for the first month I had no idea what the hell they were talking about like I know a Fuji film I knew that they make cameras and they made film but I didn't know what camera they were talking about right now I didn't know Fujifilm was like a super hot thing until I did some research and I realized they're talking about the Fujifilm X100 Mark 5 it's a small point and shoot camera that came out in 2020 but then somehow in 2022 suddenly became super popular because some Tik tokers made it famous so then when Fujifilm released to followup the Mark 6 it was being held as like the most hyped camera release in like 10 20 years and of course immediately it was sold out but because I'm in Hong Kong the place where you can buy literally anything if you're willing to pay for it I was able to pick one up this is the Fujifilm X100 Mark 6 I did pay a little bit above market price for it and I've been using the Vivo and the xiaomi so much for street photography because they've been inspired by the Fujifilm cameras then I figure why don't I take all three of these guys out and do some street photography now I have to be honest and get this out of the way before I piss off camera YouTubers I am not a professional photographer my skill level is above like a normal person but it's way below like a professional photographer so please take that in mind and don't leave angry comments like you don't even know what the hell you're doing like I'm not claiming to be a camera expert I'm going to play with the shutter speed and aperture a little bit but for the most part I'll be shooting in Auto and I will do the same with the xiaomi 14 Ultra which is my main phone right now and the Vivo X100 Pro and we'll just compare results so what makes the Fuji fil X100 so popular is because it can do these film simulation which basically is a filter that makes the digital just looked like it was captured on fil so I definitely see what people mean when they say that my fivo vintage shots kind of look like Fujifilm cameras because the filters here definitely were inspired by Fujifilm cameras now the xiaomi 14 Ultra do not have these filters built into the camera before you shoot but there is a street photography Inspire Mode called fast mode that allows you to shoot at more popular focal length like 35 mm 50 mm 85 and the shot still has this analog feel to it especially since you have an EV dial right here to make the shot a little bit dimmer xiaomi's cameras by itself with the L Car processing already look like film cameras okay one of the things I got to mention is I'm going to have more samples from the 14 Ultra than the Vivo X100 Pro it's because my sim car is in the 14 Ultra right now it's my main phone and it's also the newer phone so it's more relevant for testing okay so one of the things I love about Hong Kong particularly this neighborhood is the justable S like you have pretty fancy pizza place down here on top it's a pretty beat up building with some like underwear and umbrellas hanging out and this is what street photographers like to shoot justable position so we'll grab a couple of shots here so I'm going to shoot the xiaomi 14 Ultra main camera at 50 megapixel right now so this is using the main camera so the Fuji mix100 default focal length is 35 mm but you can turn the Dow here to do a digital crop to get into 50 mm which is what I'm doing so with the Vivo X100 Pro I'm going to shoot in portrait mode and also at 50 mm so one thing you'll notice is that the Fuji fx100 Pro will sometimes blow out highlights or the shadows will be very dark because it is a real camera it doesn't have the digital processing of a smartphone smartphones apply heavy HDR multi-image stacking that um will produce a better dynamic range real film cameras cannot do that and that's how camera used to look like you have to choose between exposing the sky or exposing the shadows and the one thing about the the xiaomi 14 Ultra is I think it's trying to recreate that look that's why the 14 Ultra sometimes blow out the skies whereas Vivo everything is always perfectly balanced which looks great on Instagram but a lot of real photographers say the shot looks a little bit artificial looks a little bit processed it really depends on what you like all right this is one of my favorite streets of Hong Kong it's Center Street it's basically on a steep incline but the street is closed off the car so it's pedestrian only and it's a popular photo hot spot and this area has a lot of coffee shops too so I love it some shots here all right this is another good area the Fujifilm shoots at 35 mm so this 50 mm shot here is just a digital crop whereas with the xiaomi I am using the dedicated telephoto lens all right I'm back in my old neighborhood I used to live in this building here before rent got too crazy because this Hood got gentrified like all the hipsters are here now but I'm going to the basketball court where I think my friend is there and if you follow Tech media you will know him too Mr survive he's the tech editor at Bloomberg right now and before that years ago he was a reviewer at The Verge he would be the guy to do all the camera testing for The Verge basically he is in here what up Mr so right here is the ultimate normal camera for a smartphone camera comparison the colors just pop so much more in the smartphone camera but the shot is a little bit more artificial looking and then yeah I had to get some shots up too my fadeaway is still on point okay so that right there is one of my favorite coffee shops it's called so high again it's a vintage Chinese aesthetic in the area that's kind of westernized once again right here look at that perfect HT in the Vivo shot another benefit of a smartphone over a dedicated small camera is that smartphone it's going to focus a lot faster so the Fuji film a lot of times I have to snap two three shots because the first shot it's a little bit off focus cuz not locking onto the subject as fast as I would like it to it was with a smartphone like a good one you don't have to worry you just point and shoot it will be in Focus every time so this image really popped thanks to xiaomi's processing Fujifilm again goes for a more natural muted look okay so this shot here I'm going to try to focus on this light right here in the foreground and the background the sidewalks going to be a little bit out of focus once again we can see that xiaomi has much more background compression than the fujifim because the fujifim is really a 35 mm shot that's cropped in to look like a 50 mm shot okay I'm going to try to get a shot out this window of this lady cooking on the rooftop so I took these shots through a glass window and vivo's processing even managed to remove the blurriness of the glass has some lowl light shots so the Fuji fim has a much larger image sensor than what's in the Vivo x00 Pro and the xiaomi 14 Ultra I mean these are large sensor phones but ultimately still can compare compared to a dedicated camera I me just look at the size difference so I think Fujifilm shots are going to be a lot brighter and I'm just going to shoot in default without even doing any exposure adjustments we'll start with a selfie but with the main camera obviously once again we're seeing a difference between smartphone multistack processing and a normal camera processing and check out vivo's uncanny HDR all the lights are perfectly exposed whereas xiaomi and Fujifilm blew out the highlights because it's a challenging shot Okay so it's been a whole day of shooting now I've already examined the photos on the computer and I think we can agree that the modern day Chinese flashship phones have really good cameras that at least if you're just looking on Instagram they can kind of hold up well against like a dedicated camera even one as hyped as the Fuji film X100 Mark 6 now I have to say again I am not a professional photographer I shot mostly on auto so there's a lot of stuff you can play with with the camera such as changing like ISO changing show speed changing aperture to get slightly better shots and obviously because this has a larger sensor if you take the photos on a big monitor blow it up to like 100% And pixel peep you're going to see more details here than in xiaomi and Vivo shot but ultimately your smartphone camera processing is no joke like vivo's HDR is just unbelievable like that camera never blows out any lights basically okay point and shoot anywhere and it'll be perfectly exposed every time whereas with a Fujifilm you kind of have to twak settings and all that but that's a lot of the fun with cameras um particularly with Fujifilm people like it because it has a very tactile experience like you have these dials here that you can twist you have a bunch of knobs so you don't have to deal with the settings page if you don't want to you can adjust everything with these dials here and this is such a well-built camera but ultimately though this is a $1,600 camera whereas the xiaomi 14 Ultra at least in Asia you can get it for about $1,200 and the Vivo X100 Pro is actually a lot cheaper it's like $900 Us in Asia and I think when you consider the fact that these two guys can do like a million more things than the Fujifilm you know this guy is not just a camera it is my entertainment machine it's my communication machine it's my alarm clock every morning I work on it so when you consider that it it really doesn't make sense for a lot of people to buy a dedicated camera unless they are an Enthusiast and to be honest a lot of people now buy the Fujifilm almost as a fashion accessory like today in the trendy area of Hong Kong I was walking around and everyone was carrying around a camera on them like it's like a aesthetic thing and this guy definitely looks good it's a cute camera but if you're trying to save money you can just get something like a xiaomi 14 Ultra and this guy can approximate like 80 90% of what this guy can do plus it can do a million other things and that's why I always think smartphones actually aren't that expensive I think people just take smartphones for granted like for example this guy it's about $1,600 in Europe and all the Europeans are complaining it's so expensive but $1,600 for this and all the camera YouTubers say it's a great deal even though this guy can do one thing this guy can do a million things but I you know I'm probably biased because I'm ultimately a fan of smartphones I think these devices are just so polished and can do so many things but yeah that's all it for this video like I said I conc I am not pushing the Fujifilm to his maximum capabilities but in just point and shoot situations this camera is good but this guy and the Vivo can get up to like 90% of that and it has a much more versatile focal range too yeah so I hope you enjoy this content if you did please consider subscribing to my channel it would help me a lot um I'm going to have more content coming up including I believe some new Apple products pretty soon so stay tuned that's it for now thanks for watching
Channel: ben's gadget reviews
Views: 46,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fujifilm x100 vi, fujifilm, vivo x100 pro, xiaomi 14 ultra, best camera, street photography, fujifilm vs leica, leica, zeiss
Id: iw_P_vKqOFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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