Xiaomi 14 Ultra vs S24 Ultra vs 15 Pro Max vs Pixel 8 Pro! Camera Comparison Test!

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hey I'm Olive your host here at versus and today we're back with another smartphone camera comparison this battle is between the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra Google pixel 8 Pro xiaomi 14 Ultra and the iPhone 15 Pro [Music] Max as always we're going to start with standard wide photos as we believe that's the mode people use most often first and foremost thanks to ug green for sponsoring today's video and more on them later now this is an interesting start every single one of these photos looks completely different right off the bat I'd say that the iPhone has the most accurate coloring and pretty even exposure with nice details and sharpness although the pixels colors are slightly off specifically noticeable in my green pants I still think it's a very natural looking image xiaomi has vibrant saturation however its contrast is a tad too high and my skin tone looks far too pasty generally speaking the entire image looks like it has a filter applied to it unfortunately the galaxy has very heightened shadows and a low contrast with muted colors which makes the photo look dull and lose its punchiness now it's time for the blind test results if you don't already know whenever we do a smartphone camera comparison we ask you over on our YouTube Community as well well as on Instagram and Twitter which photo you think looks best without revealing the results until now the majority of you voted for the iPhone and we have to agree that it's definitely giving off the most natural look with the best color accuracy but I'm not going to lie I do like xiaomi here although again it looks like there has been a filter applied and it's also very Overexposed but I mean look at those vibrant colors unfortunately the pixel's image has come out slightly blurry in certain areas otherwise it's also a very natural looking image with cooler tones the galaxy has a somewhat greenish Hue which I'm personally not loving but otherwise the image is decent and usable in this next photo the iPhone and the Galaxy are looking the most natural with the Galaxy making my skin tone look a little more pale and the iPhone giving me a bit more of a bronzed look with slightly harsher Shadows the xiaomi has a warmer Hue with a brighter exposure and vibrancy which we know by now that is something xiaomi likes to do the pixels colors are once again desaturated and kind of off but I don't hate the photo however it is the least accurate in this last standard photo I actually really love the look of the pixel although its coloring isn't 100% accurate because my pants aren't actually this color I do think it has an incredibly natural look and has done an amazing job with its exposure and contrast levels as always the iPhone is the most accurate when it comes to colors but I would have liked to see it handle Shadows a little better unfortunately xiaomi and the Galaxy are both a little Overexposed with the Galaxy having lower contrast and a pinkish Hue while xiaomi as always has very deep contrast all right let's move on to ultra wide photos this is a great mode for capturing more of the scenery around you in the photo as we know by now the pixel's color accuracy is almost always off however that being said it has produced a really great image it's natural with great exposure and contrast as well as strong details the galaxy has also captured a good shot and unlike the pixel it actually has very good color accuracy and a nice deep contrast however my skin is left looking a tad Overexposed and pasty unfortunately the iPhone has a bit of a greenish Hue over the image which isn't ideal and gives off a very cold feel the xiaomi on the other hand has done the complete opposite and given us a warm feel and my skin is left looking very bright and smoothed out losing a lot of details this next one is tricky as I feel that all of the photos are completely usable and look somewhat alike apart from slight color and exposure variations they all have a very similar look the one that stands out the most here is the xiaomi as it's very saturated specifically when it comes to my skin tone but some may like this look and in the end it's really down to personal preference so it'll have to be a draw right off the bat it's clear that the white balance is off on the shiai and it seems that xiaomi generally tends to go for very warm and overly saturated looks the Galaxy on the other hand has done best in keeping the photo As Natural as possible while exposing my features a decent amount and keeping the tones accurate although the pixel is slightly underexposed it does have a very natural look and as for the iPhone it appears to have that greenish Hue all over once again which sadly doesn't look great but it does have very nice exposure so it appears that the galaxy has the most amount of distortion as I look very stret out in this image the xiaomi as always has come out Overexposed and a little too warm which I don't hate however it doesn't feel realistic and would you look at that the pixel has not only achieved the most natural look but it's also nailed the color accuracy my pants are finally the right shade of green the iPhone has done a decent job but I'm really not loving the strong yellowish Hue that it's giving we've come to my favorite part of the video portrait mode Let's see which one of these boys has the best Edge detection all right so I really struggle to decide between the iPhone and the pixel on this one as neither have perfect Edge detection but they both have aspects that I like about them the pixel looks natural with good color accuracy and nice sharp details but it's blurred some strands of my hair the iPhone on the other hand has done a better job at the edge detection however it's slightly struggled when it comes to the front piece of my hair it's also got a a nice warm tone to it but that can also come across as a little too saturated and unnatural as for the Galaxy it's a tad too over exposed with low contrast and its Edge detection is pretty bad xiaomi has gone hard on the contrast and the balance between the darks and the whites is so extreme that unless your name is Snow White it's not going to look good it also really struggled with Edge detection oh my xiaomi is really pushing it with that contrast personally I find it to be way too harsh and also its Edge detection requires improvements the iPhone and the pixel have once again done a pretty great job I really do love the general look of the pixel but I have to give the extra point to the iPhone because it simply has better Edge detection this is also noticeable in the yellow flowers the pixel has somehow decided to keep the yellow flowers in Focus but blur out the entire stem giving it an extremely unnatural look the galaxy has done what the Galaxy does best and oversaturated the image also its Edge detection well it's not very subtle at all xiaomi has given us better results here and although the contrast is maintained at a better level the image is generally Overexposed the iPhone's Edge detection is almost Flawless apart from a few blurred strands near the bottom of my hair it also looks very natural and is well exposed I personally find the pixel to be a tad too dim for my liking and I feel like it could have eased up a little bit on that contrast although the Galaxy is slightly oversaturated I do think it has produced a decent image that's 100% social media ready in this next photo the xiaomi continues to be far too Overexposed and it seems that xiaomi is generally struggling in almost every single image not a good sign at all the Galaxy and the iPhone have both captured good photos with only slight color variations as the iPhone is leaning towards a more yellow Hue whereas the Galaxy is going down a pinkish route the pixel looks a little washed out with a slight gray tone specifically when it comes to my skin Edge detection wise they are all struggling but perhaps xiaomi does it best which yes I know is very shocking oh storage full what a way to ruin a moment that's the worst thing ever when you're about to take a photo you're in the moment and then that dreaded message pops up storage full who can relate well it's a good thing that we've got a solution for that we have partnered together with ug green to try out their newest network attached storage device designed for personal home or business business users the ug green nass sync serves as a smart data management Hub allowing you to store and retrieve data from smartphones laptops tablets and TVs from anywhere with network connectivity so this means you will never receive that nasty storage full message ever again because you'll now have up to 96 terab of storage space instead of the one tab you get on an iPhone 15 Pro Max for example sounds good doesn't it well there's a lot more to it than that but first let's do a quick unboxing to see what's inside the box so this is the ug GRE Nas sync dxp 4800 plus which is a 4bay Nas this series also offers a 2 Bay option and a non plusus 4bay option with various different specifications to match the user's preferences and needs equipped with an SD reader usba and type-c ports it can be connected to various storage devices such as SD cards mobile hard diss USB flash drives and dis array cabinets to realize data backup and synchronization you also have an accessories box with a manual and warranty card a power adapter and two ethernet cables that come with appropriate screws and screwdriver as well as two SSD silicone pads you also have two hard drive tray Keys separately you have your hard drives which are packaged individually let's go through some of the key features as to why this Nas will change your life for the better the 12 gen Intel processor and 8 GB ddr5 Ram means that this Nas is fast things happen quicker like opening apps or handling multiple tasks at once and you can add up to 64 gigs of RAM you can add two M2 SSD drives which means the read and write speed is ultra fast we edited video projects on the nas with four computers at the same time and it was super crazy fast especially for video editing you need a fast connection and for this the 10 GB E Network Port is perfect for our team here at versus this is a game changer as we can all be working at the same time on multiple devices and all have have direct access to all of our material at all times with access to the nas with an app you are able to control everything you also have an integrated smart assistant that enables you to search pictures by text and can also intelligently identify and clarify faces and places creating perfect photo albums for you it's very beginner friendly and good for either solo users or a larger families and even for work teams like us here at versus it also has a nice Sleek durable design that's also pet friendly due to its magnetic dust mesh filter preventing any damage from pet hair we really recommend this device especially if you have a lot of photos or videos it is now available on Kickstarter so click on the link in the description time to test out some video and see how each one of these devices performs because having good video quality is a crucial part of your smartphone in this first standard video we have beautiful warm light coming in and all of the devices have done a pretty good job at maintaining details specifically on my face even though the light is pretty bright the pixel does seem to struggle slightly though as it's blurring out my features and missing that sharpness that the others are giving it's also got inaccurate coloring but hey that's no surprise the iPhone has the warmest tones and although I'm not a massive fan of overly yellow results it is the closest to reality it also maintained great details and sharpness throughout xiaomi and the Galaxy have a somewhat similar look with the xiaomi having the higher contrast of course and the Galaxy lower contrast and slightly dimmer in this next video with indoor artificial lighting the Galaxy seems to be giving us the best balance of exposure contrast and saturation it looks very natural but also Punchy the iPhone has gone down a very muted route and although it also looks very natural it could use some higher contrast unfortunately the pixel has done the same with the colors again as they are extremely muted which I actually personally like but of course it's inaccurate to what it's like in reality the contrast is also a tad too high on the pixel creating unwanted Shadows xiaomi definitely looks vibrant and well exposed but it's a bit too much as my lipstick 100% was not that pink when it comes to ultra wide videos apart from the pixel having a wider frame and xiaomi having slightly less contrast I'd say that all of the devices have done a decent job and every single one of these videos looks great and it's totally usable so it'll need to be a draw all right so in this next video of me getting into my car jokes I wish but instantly I am noticing two things firstly in the pixels video the light above is flickering and creating Orange Lines which do not look great and secondly the iPhone seems to be the only one that has a cooler tone and it also has that flickering light but just not as intensely honestly I'm surprised with the results coming from xiaomi overall it's given us a really nice video and I actually have no no complaints the Galaxy also has decent results as the quality is generally good however its framing is unfortunately not wide enough as it doesn't even fit the entire car in the sh warming up for my run because I'm about to test out stabilization and see which one of these performs the smoothest let's go when it comes to regular stabilization I'd say that the iPhone has the smoothest outcome with xiaomi and the pixel following right behind as they both have a slight bobbing effect to them but not as much as the Galaxy which seems to have the most when active stabilization is turned on the iPhone still performs very smoothly but the xiaomi looks impeccable it's given us a really great result and looks smooth as butter the pixel has also done a decent job however it seems to have a tendency to sway from side to side with active stabilization on which isn't ideal unfortunately the Galaxy seems to have the most trouble here as it's still bobbing up and down a little too much even with active stabilization on selfie time it is time to test out the front camera and see which one can give me the best selfie also I'm going to be testing out front camera video and audio I'm really loving the results of the pixel it has really great color accuracy a nice deep contrast and sharpness that ensures all details are kept the iPhone has also done a good job but with a more saturated look yet it Still Remains looking very natural I find that the Galaxy's contrast is slightly too low and combined with the high exposure uh it's washing out the image a little xiaomi has given me sickly yellow looking skin and although it has a nice deep contrast unfortunately the sky as well as the building behind me are clearly Overexposed in this next selfie I have to say that the Galaxy pixel and iPhone have all captured very similar results that are almost identical they've all done a pretty good job and all of the images look authentic xiaomi has gone for the yellowish look once again which isn't my favorite but the image is still usable okay wow selfies at nighttime did not go well honestly I think it will need to be a draw between all four because I don't feel that either of the devices did better than the other I suppose if the Galaxy and the iPhone hadn't turned out blurry then perhaps they would have taken the lead as they have the best exposure and nice saturation when it comes to front camera video I have no idea what is going on with xiaomi but it ain't good it's super blurry and Overexposed it does get a little better the closer I get to the camera but generally speaking it's pretty bad the iPhone is known to have a pretty good front camera and once again it proves that this is very much true indeed the Galaxy follows closely behind with nice results and unfortunately the pixel has smoothed out my features a bit too much which has lost a lot of details so starting with the built-in audio coming from the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra how is it sounding moving on to the Google p pixel 8 Pro this is what the built-in microphones sound like then we've got the xiaomi 14 Ultra how is the audio sounding on this bad boy and finally we have the iPhone 15 Pro Max there is quite a bit of wind going on so keep that in mind but how is it sounding I still haven't found a phone that beats Samsung's built-in audio it just has such good noise cancellation abilities and my voice is sharp and clear I find that the pixel also has pretty good results as you can really hear everything I'm saying super clearly well well well it seems xiaomi's mics are better than its cameras as the audio isn't too shabby it seems to also have decent noise cancellation abilities in my opinion the iPhone has the worst noise cancellation abilities and the mics aren't able to recognize the subject's voice from other sounds slow motion time let's see which one of these devices captures the best video our first test was to put all of the devices to shoot at frames per second and as the galaxy is the only one that is capable of shooting in 4k it naturally looks the best nevertheless all of the other phones have done a pretty good job and given us smooth performances so it's a tie between them all at 240 frames per second in full HD apart from the xiaomi and HD I'd say none of the devices have done a spectacular job the galaxy has extreme Clarity and exposure which has ruined the quality of the video the pixel has unfortunately come out blurry and for some reason only sharpened the back background and the iPhone although better than the other two doesn't look so good either as it's also borderline blurry although xiaomi has the lowest resolution it's actually not the worst video time for some Zoom action the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra is the only one that can zoom in a 100 times but we will digitally zoom in for the others now let's test them out and zoom into those beautiful carvings over there at three times Zoom all of the devices have given good results with the pixel being the sharpest at five times Zoom the pixel xiaomi and the iPhone have performed equally well resulting in nice Sharp Images and although the Galaxy is also detailed and sharp it's underexposed which instantly loses quality however it regains its exposure in 10 times Zoom however xiaomi along with the pixel seemed to be sharper and more detailed overall at 30 time zoom is where xiaomi completely loses its sharpness and goes into blur mode whilst the Galaxy takes first place with a superb looking pH photo in the last round we have digitally cropped into each photo apart from the s24 ultra as it's able to actually zoom in a 100 times and it's no surprise that it's able to capture the most detail the iPhone and the pixel have also done an okay job as you can definitely see the details of the Engravings whereas on the xiaomi the blur seems to continue I love macro photos they're just so much fun to experiment with let's see which one of these has the most accurate details would you take a look at the Galaxy damn it's done a really great job with the details and sharpness I'm impressed I'd say all of the other devices have given pretty similar results sharp with slight blur and color variations and so it has to be a draw between the three of them this one's a tricky one as initially they all look very similar but after taking a closer look it seems that the iPhone has the sharpest outcome followed by the pixel then I'd say the Galaxy comes in with the xiaomi coming last as it appears the blurriest of them all and its color accuracy is also off when compared to the others however in this final macro photo I think xiaomi has done a great job as it has managed to handle the exposure and contrast levels very well whereas the Galaxy and the pixel are a taded over exposed which is losing a lot of detail the iPhone is a bang in the middle and although I do wish it had a slightly higher contrast I do have to admit that it has managed to maintain perfect sharpness even in areas where it may be slightly over exposed let's explore with night photos and videos and see which one of these performs the best in low light conditions starting with standard wide photos in this first one all of the devices have handled the low light very well I'd say that the iPhone and the Galaxy have the best outcome with good exposure and coloring the pixel also doesn't look bad however it's a tad underexposed and it's also giving off a smooth look specifically noticeable on my face which loses some textures although xiaomi has exposed the image well it has also washed out my skin tone and made me very pale which looks a little unnatural and my skin looks airbrushed which is a nice gesture but it's just unrealistic this is a really tough one personally I prefer the shots coming from the Galaxy and the pixel as you're able to see far more detail although it was very dark outside however many of you may prefer a darker shot like what xiaomi and the iPhone have produced as I mean after all it is nighttime all the images seem to have slight issues such as the Street Lamp being far too bright on xiaomi the inside lighting being far too bright on the pixel and the iPhone and the Galaxy Shadows being a little too heightened on the buildings around the street light in this case it'll need to be a tie between the Galaxy and the pixel versus the xiaomi and the iPhone moving on to ultrawide photos in this first one it's clear that the galaxy has done a pretty good job the image is well exposed and it's also nice and sharp with decent coloring I do also like the image coming from the iPhone it is slightly less exposed with more muted coloring but it still looks good however I do wish it had come out sharper the pixels coloring is very off here as it has a very yellow tint all over and xiaomi also isn't looking ideal as my features are also looking a little yellow but the overall image isn't terrible and it does have nice contrast I've got to say the galaxy has done a pretty amazing job here once again it's got everything right from its colors to the right amount of exposure and superb sharpness the pixel has also delivered a good image and I would have tied it with the Galaxy but unfortunately it's come out slightly blurry so for that reason alone it'll come second it's a tough one between xiaomi and the iPhone as neither has come out great but xiaomi looks overly warm with a strange Mist coming from above which is really ruining the photo therefore the iPhone has the better image here although it's looking a little gray and the contrast and shadows are a tad too high losing a lot of detail especially noticeable in the tree which is blending into the Sky low light portrait mode is an interesting one and I personally think the pixel has given us the most natural looking photo here the har Shadow on my face is inevitable so it handled it as best as it possibly could but the color tones and sharpness are pretty on point the iPhone and the Galaxy have given similar results with the iPhone going in a more yellowish Direction whilst the Galaxy as always takes the pinkish route I see xiaomi has once again decided to go hardcore on the contrast which just is not working as usual however in this next portrait photo shami surprised me as I actually think it has the best photo wouldn't you agree I mean it definitely has the best dynamic range as we can clearly see what is on the screen behind me and the exposure saturation and even the contrast who would have thought right it is looking amazing between the others I'd say the iPhone has the best Edge detection but the pixel has more accurate coloring the galaxy has done okay but I do think the contrast is a little too low while the exposure is far too high specifically on the screen behind me finally let's take a look at some night videos in this first video the pixel has done a really good job with the exposure and it's given the video a good amount of warmth although a tiny bit too dim the iPhone has produced very natural results between the Galaxy and xiaomi I'd say that the galaxy has more visible details as xiaomi's contrast is quite high in ultrawide video it's clear that the Galaxy is struggling the most as it's got a fair amount of noise but it's also turned the entire video very pinkish not a massive surprise to be honest although the pixel has decent exposure it also has quite a bit of noise specifically in the sky which isn't ideal however I still don't think it's a terrible video as always xiaomi's contrast is far too high but it appears to have no noise and the coloring is accurate the iPhone is definitely underexposed but it does look very natural and seems to be the sharp shest while also having no noise so finally let's Summarize each category and see who the winners are for standard photos the iPhone comes in first place followed by the pixel in second place and a draw between the Galaxy and xiaomi in third place next we have ultrawide photos where the pixel takes first place it is followed by the Galaxy which has only one point less then comes the iPhone in third place and finally xiaomi in last place in portrait mode the iPhone takes first place place then comes a draw between the Galaxy and the pixel which sh me coming in last place in videos using the back cameras the Galaxy takes first place followed by the iPhone in second place xiaomi in third place and the pixel in last place when it comes to stabilization the iPhone takes first place once again followed by xiaomi in second place and a draw between the Galaxy and the pixel in third place for front camera photos and videos the iPhone yet again takes first place then comes the pixel in second place place the Galaxy in third place and xiaomi in last place but when it comes to audio the Galaxy takes the win followed by the pixel in second place then we have xiaomi and lastly the iPhone the Galaxy wins the zoom category then comes a draw between the pixel and the iPhone and in last place comes xiaomi slow-mo is a draw between the Galaxy and the iPhone followed by xiaomi and the pixel comes in last place in macro photos the iPhone comes in first place followed by a draw between the rest of the phones and finally in night photos and videos interestingly enough the Galaxy pixel and the iPhone all draw in first place with the xiaomi coming in last place so that pretty much sums up these four different phones we hope you found this review useful and we would love to hear your thoughts which one would you choose definitely let us know in the comments below also don't forget to check out the description for direct links to all of the devices mentioned in this video and of course to the ug green Nas system as always give this video a big like if you enjoyed it and don't forget to subscribe to be a part of our versus Community if you aren't already and also follow us on Instagram at versus.com to stay tuned daily on what videos are coming next with that being said we will see you in our next video and until then take [Music] care [Music] in
Channel: Versus
Views: 41,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xiaomi 14 ultra camera test, xiaomi 14 ultra camera comparison, xiaomi 14 ultra vs galaxy s24 ultra, iphone 15 pro max vs xiaomi 14 ultra, pixel 8 pro vs xiaomi 14 ultra
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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