Samsung S24 Ultra vs Xiaomi 14 Ultra - I Tested World's Best Cameras! Big Comparison.

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[Music] today I have a surprise in Battle For You Galaxy s24 Ultra and showy 14 Ultra let's see which Ultra is the best let's get into it I'll be checking out everything these flagships have to offer photography macro capabilities to film cinematic videos low light along with some cool features and selfie camera comparison of course this is my biggest phone camera comparison test to date and since I started posting my videos about a year ago so let's start this year getting closer to 100,000 subscribers and to be honest with you I've never tried shomi phones before so this is a completely new experience for me let's begin okay now let's see what's new on this phone compared to the s24 ultra so right away I will be doing it in the photo auto mode and then we'll switch to the manual one so you see more or less the preview quality is about the same I want to say that the s24 ultra gives a little bit oversharpened look like digital sharpness if you know what I mean as you know s24 Ultra has this anti-reflective screen and right now as we have this sunny weather it really helps a lot one thing that I like on the 14 Ultra is that the HDR switch is right here so I can enable or disable HDR and also the Leica authentic and Leica vibrant switches is here and here's the difference between them I would say that Leica vibrant adds a little bit of Vibrance and saturation to the midtones that's how I feel it you see the wooden handle on this knife has a little bit more to it like orange feels a little bit Rich so if you want to have that richness in colors you use like a vibrant if you want more neutral more close to life I would say then like authentic so that's what I will be using today and if we go into different settings here we have quite a few actually over here so one that really draws my attention is auto aperture you see this phone has adjustable aperture so I can actually switch between Auto and let the phone decide for me in this kind of weather it's acceptable to be honest but if you want to have brighter photo and you know you will be taking photos in low light in that case for sure you will be using f1.6 because this is the maximum opening amount and it will let more light onto the sensor but for now I will use the auto what's cool is that you can actually see as I'm switching between different aperture amounts you can see how the aperture opens or closes so that's really cool and let's take side by- side photo now one thing I want to say is that the s24 ultra definitely feels bulkier in hand it has bigger screen obviously but also the overall shape the square shape is less comfortable to hold now let's do the three times [Music] lens and now let's do the five times telephoto xiaomi gives more natural results with richer contrast whereas the s24 ultra has this HDR look to it and Main camera I would prefer on the 14 Ultra I have a look you see the Samsung has this HDR and just lifted all the Shadows here but this one looks really natural and the contrast is so rich we have yet to test other modes so let's keep moving to say I was surprised with the photo quality from xiaomi in auto mode would be an understatement this like a processing definitely makes some photos look like they were taken on a pro camera and only in comparison side by side I see that the s24 ultra has this wild green tint to its photo maybe for the untrain eye it's not so obvious but for me the difference is massive and hopefully I can teach you what to look for when deciding which camera is better just look at the concrete color here it was nowhere near to what the s24 ultra shows I mean it's too green but maybe it's just me see what other people say in the comments and now let's compare the super wide angle lenses quite High dynamic range over here and I'm just using automatic exposure I'm just pressing at the brightest part of the frame and let's see s24 Ultra seems to have this green Hue to the Shadows while 14 Ultra looks more natural you let me know which one you prefer I think in terms of colors 14 Ultra looks more natural in terms of sharpness it's really hard to tell both are good you know throughout this video I took hundreds of photos on both phones my favorite is this black and white and it works so good with xiaomi dep effect as well as when the phone goes into the always display mode and had some people DM me for photo samples from the phone so I decided to share for free these beautiful photos that you can use as wallpapers even though all of these photos were taken on xiaomi 14 Ultra they still look amazing even on iPhone 15 Pro Max or Samsung s24 Ultra I set mine to change the wallpaper every time I tach the screen on iPhone and on the s24 ultra every time I unlock it so if you want to make your phone look more cinematic then make sure to download your free wallpaper pack I'll drop the link for you in the description and this way you can appreciate the image quality in full Glory okay so we have other to test but first all right so now it's selfie camera test time there is an option to turn on 1X camera or Ultra wide on xiaomi and the same thing goes for the s24 ultra so let's do the widest shot on both of the phones I feel like maybe in terms of colors xiaomi looks more natural but not so bright whereas the Samsung s24 Ultra has more of a HDR feel to the image and has more highlights pop in the photo so you let me know which one you prefer in the comments and on the xiaomi we have 4ks 720 and 1080 resolution I will keep the maximum 4K and on s24 Ultra I feel like the interface for the resolution implemented a little bit in more uh user friendly way because once you press over here you can have a look at all the resolutions and frame rates which is really nice so I will set up Ultra HD 30 FPS okay so this is the video quality on the selfie camera and audio quality on the xiaomi 14 Ultra and this is the audio quality and video quality on the Samsung s24 Ultra we have a little bit loud environment from the roads so you let me know if you hear me loud and clear xiaomi looks a little bit warmer in tone that I like more and the Samsung looks more cool but Samsung preserves more of the sky I feel like like it shows me on the preview that the sky is bright and blue whereas on the xiaomi it's all gray skies so hm difficult decision which one do do you prefer you let me know in the comments Samsung has really nice feature have a look so I'm filming let's say myself but then there is something cool happening over there on the horizon like there's a bird you see and I can do that on the Samsung very easily I can even go into the zoom mode and film this one or a train look look how cool it is on xiaomi there is no such option and then I can go back into the selfie mode on the Samsung this is really cool and I think I think it's just software related difference here and this is something xiaomi can also add to their phones in the future for sure and they should all right as you see both phones have their special features that make each Excel in different scenario and there's one gamechanging feature on the 14 Ultra that I really love using let's talk about macro capabilities you see I love macro photography but the problem with the most phones is that the macro mode there is dedicated to the ultra wideangle camera only which isn't macro really it just lets you to focus closer to the subject and that this stores the subject proportions a lot while real macro is supposed to have one by one ratio meaning that flowers or bugs retain their proportions and appear as they are in real life but zoomed in and this is exactly what the 3.2 lens can do on the 14 Ultra it's basically a long range macro Lance that can be used either for portraits or for capturing small objects up close but there is more there's also an adjustment button for increasing the dep of field to keep more of the objects in Focus so while the 3x T land on s24 Ultra can also Focus relatively close to this subject but it's nowhere near if we talk about the sharpness and image quality so if you are about macrophotography keep that in mind now we get really close to the video comparison but first let's rig the phones a little more incommon photography kit so let's try it and what you do is you slide in the camera over here and then lock it in place like so camera grip all the information is here it says phone is at 82% the grip is at 98% and you can go into settings and adjust the camera interface here and you can assign certain functions to different buttons over here so it's practically like a camera and hopefully the phone is not going to fall off there's no really wobble here there's like a tiny lock it has built-in power bank it's about like 1/5 of the battery capacity of the phone so I hope we will not drain this handle too much I can actually use this rocker over here as the zoom do you see this it works in a a mode that's crazy it's like I'm using a camera from I don't know 2010 maybe I would like it to zoom in and out a little bit faster than this or if I could assign like you know double touch to the zoom racker and then it zooms in quickly so it could be really useful for some dramatic effects even without it it's pretty fun to use if I was a boomer if I was like 60 years old that would make me so happy actually it already does make me happy so maybe I'm 60 hello is this raw Auto am I talking to log video I'm definitely 60 years old by the way I wonder how it works for calls like do I have to remove the phone to call someone because there is no microphone cutout here now if I had to choose just one main feature on the 14 Ultra then hands down it would be an adjustable aperture let me explain what it does to the image right now I'm having an Overexposed image and I can either compensate this overexposure with the shutter speed or with the aperture and I would prefer to do it with the aperture in this case so I only have to do is just adjust the aperture to let's say F4 to the maximum amount and it seems like this jump to F4 is really helping me to darken the image a little bit and in that case I don't have the overexposure that's wild just think about it it's just like on the camera I'm just geeking out over here so adjustable aperture is probably my favorite part of this phone along with like a image processing it just makes it so much more versatile and to to be very honest with you I did not expect much after all it's only F4 we're talking about while PR lens is close down to F22 but keep in mind is that the lens diameter and sensor on the phone is way smaller than fullframe cameras and that makes the aperture at F4 cut out most of the light I have a similar setup but for the s24 ultra yeah it's not made by Samsung it's made by free well but you see for the s24 ultra so it also has the adjust magnetic mounts and everything else so in this way we can have two photography killer setups and see which one is better so let's [Music] start all right now let's take a few shots side by side with the Samsung and compare them we're really lucky right now with the lighting you see the sun hidden the theater on the roof looks amazing let's take the shot [Music] looks really nice let's see which 8K is better xiaomi looks more contrasty I think we're really lucky with the lighting right [Music] now now let's do the photo in auto mode since it's so beautiful a cool thing that I just bought with this uh gripe handle is it has the shutter button but it has like double press you know like on cameras you press it only so slightly and the camera just like pre focuses and then you need to press further and you see it works with people too so it recognizes somehow maybe more contrast area of the shot and focuses on it I wonder if I zoom in will it do the same thing with the objects yeah it does that cool huh all right what else what else I can take photo of traffic light let's do traffic light in vertical you see let's see if it's in Focus actually yeah it is hold on oh all right I'm not sure if I made it or not yeah see should have had shter speed set to manual for this shot because the movement was too fast but hey you learn as you go and now a few more Roar shots amazing look at that look at that lighting looks incredible so vertical shot 8K all auto settings on both phones looks kind of weird with the sound just hitting the roof [Music] oh this one this shot was really nice you know funny thing that I just spotted is if I have a really bright highlight in the shot like here it feels like the phone adds the star this is usually happening when you close down your aperture all the bright objects appear like like this that's quite interesting to be honest you see the cars in the back oh that was really prominent this is F4 apperture closed [Music] down and besides that there is another feature on 14 Ultra that is not present on Samsung Galaxy but it does have its own quirks here we have the ability to shoot in log profile and it's a little bit complicated to use on this phone to be honest because you have to use all manual settings if you do not lock your shatter speed ISO and you move the camera back and forth this is what you get it looks a little bit unnatural and I would assume that the phone would know for you if you set up all the settings automatically and adjust the exposure but for some reason it adjusts it it in a weird manner so you have to set up all the exposure settings to manual if you're interested let me know in the comments I'll make a separate tutorial on that but long story short I have my shatter speed 100 I saw 50 and we cannot film in 8k and log at the same time we have to choose so it's either 8K or log so let me record a few seconds with log and compare to 8K on the s24 ultra one setting that I left the same on both phones is the wide balance let's switch to 8K on the xiaomi we need to disable look and go into the 8K settings and what's cool here is that same as on the 24 Ultra we have 8K for all the cameras so I can shoot in Ultra wide angle camera main camera teleph photo and super telephoto camera all of them do support AK recording now I'm just trying to match all the settings make them identical the framing is almost identical so you let me know if you can tell which one is which so this is the camera a and this is the camera B just looking at the preview quality to be honest xiaomi looks better it has more warmer tone to the image s24 Ultra looks more bland to for my taste all right now let's see the results to be honest xiaomi looks better till the photo camera looks more crisp and detailed interesting but that's on the phone preview let me know if you're watching on a bigger screen maybe the difference will be more apparent to you all right and now the main camera that allows for more light to get under the sensor guys come here come here just have a look at the display quality to be honest which one do you prefer I feel like this one gives more like saturated contrast image quality whereas this one looks more faded so if I were choosen on the basis of how the prev quality looks the xiaomi looks better however this one has anti-reflective coating and this one looks better in this regard so it's very difficult to peck so you have to go for what you prefer yourself definitely the image preview looks more realistic on the 14 Ultra because the s24 ultra looks more HDR like and less saturated even though there is not no log here this one has log but unfortunately it's not available for all the cameras you can only use it with the main camera [Music] oh all right now let me show you guys why adjustable aperture might be a game changer for the phone I'm using the manual aperture control F4 so this is as closed as possible if I open up the aperture the whole shot will be Overexposed and this is for the reason because I set up my shutter speed to longer exposure so that means I will be catching the light trails and this is not some of the smart modes that a lot of people might be saying those are artificial long exposure modes here this is all Optical so look so for the daytime shot maybe this is not enough because you got more sun and more light onto the sensor but for situation as like this it's just perfect and you see we have this light trails and it really delivers the sense of speed and funny enough I made a similar video on the s20 3 and s24 Ultra but I had to use the ND filter for that and a lot of people told me that so many phones have this feature but guys this is this feature artificial long exposure mode and you see all those Trails look un natural whereas here it looks beautiful it looks very creamy smooth because this is Optical mode oh my God I was explaining to you and I miss such a beautiful car guys now you have to leave a like for me oh another car another car thank you for living like okay cool cool cool here's the comparison to the automatic artificial mode I think the difference is clear and obvious it's either the adjustable aperture or you have to use external ND filters for this kind of shots now as for the portrait mode xiaomi offers this effects that adjust the blur but to be honest I was never into this kind of things on the phone and I prefer just regular focal length choice now let's compare it to the s24 ultra these are the shots straight from the phones both have great separation of the subject from the background but they process photos in different ways 14 Ultra is definitely richer in contrast and provides this pop in the image while Samsung looks more toned down and while you're leaving a comment about your winner in portrait mode Let's have a look at low light I used both phones on order right here and it seems like xiaomi just has this amazing software image processing which is when paired with 1-in main camera sensor gives awesome results for photos T lenses are more even in this regard and some sometimes Samsung comes on top and sometimes it's xiaomi well here they are both pretty even to me so main difference for low light I would say is in the main camera department shomi is just crazy clean even at higher ISO and without noise reduction affecting the sharpness and even at longer exposures the photos come out pretty decent when handheld so low light is pretty good on both phones but I'd give the edge to xiaomi so at the end of the day both phones are really good each has its own advantages like the s24 ultra has this Asen integration which I do love especially when editing photos in Lightroom this is game changer I think on the other hand the photos coming out of this xiaomi is really amazing they did some magic with Leica this like authentic is really good especially if you're taking photos during bright sunny weather man it looks like they were taken with proper camera and adjustable aperture is also something unique I know some other phones already been on the market with adjustable aperture but personally this is the first phone of mine with it so I was really excited to try it out and it did not disappoint and if you spend a a little bit time to learn these phones and how to use their cameras I think you can squeeze amazing images out of both of these devices and I will for sure post more updates on how it's going with s24 ultra and xiaomi 14 Ultra meanwhile make sure to subscribe to the channel and click this video next as I think it will be perfect for you and I'll see you there [Music] bye-bye I guess YouTube really wants you to watch this video I don't know why
Channel: Steven Divish
Views: 246,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: S24 Ultra vs Xiaomi 14 Ultra camera comparison, s24 ultra camera comparison, xiaomi 14 ultra camera test, xiaomi 14 ultra leica camera, xiaomi 14 ultra vs samsung s24 ultra, xiaomi 14 ultra camera tutorial, s24 ultra vs xiaomi 14 ultra, xiaomi 14 ultra photography kit, xiaomi 14 ultra samsung s24 ultra camera review, xiaomi 14 ultra video quality, S24 ultra vs Xiaomi 14 Ultra Zoom Comparison, xiaomi 14 ultra vs S24 ultra camera test, best phone, Leica, best phone camera, photography
Id: vVFQyb3b8Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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