Fallout's Dunwich Mystery Keeps Getting Weirder

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hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and just over two and a half years ago on this channel I uploaded a video investigating the origins and nature of what I think could reasonably be called one of the Fallout universe's greatest Mysteries you see since bethesda's acquisition of the franchise in 2008 literally every single Fallout game has contained Easter eggs and references hinting at the existence of a lost ancient civilization and a mysterious lovecraftian entity which it worshiped all hiding behind the curtains now when you play the games and come across the supernatural instances for yourself it's easy to assume that these are all just well you know mere Easter eggs that Bethesda create needed for fun and aren't meant to be taken all that seriously with no real consequences on the broader lore or narrative however when we start to connect all of these dots together when we start really diving into the thick of this stuff it becomes increasingly obvious that there's something greater at work here you begin to realize that Bethesda is telling a cohesive Story one that offers us a tremendous amount of insight on the nature of the Wasteland and on the Sinister beliefs of many of the powerful people who came before everything went boom now I first made that original video again over two and a half years ago but today I'd like to revisit the subject for a few reasons the first is that due to my own self-imposed time limitations I left a lot of stuff out of the original I know given the length of my modern content it sounds kind of funny that I would be be so conscious about a video's duration but at the time I was desperate to keep the whole thing around 40 minutes that was sort of my Max back in the day and while all of the important stuff was included a few smaller details were left out of that video details which while they don't really change anything major are useful to understanding the big picture the second reason is that there's been some major updates despite its less than enthusiastic reception by the community and critics Fallout 76 has continued to receive expansions and DLC by Bethesda expansions and DLCs which have given us our best Insight yet on the true nature of these mysterious Eldritch forces and finally reason number three is that I've just been itching for any excuse at all to play some more Fallout lately and this seemed like the best of them thus without any further Ado grab a glass of your coldest a nuka-cola Quantum set your Mr handy to do not disturb mode kick back and relax as we revisit Fallout 4's most enthralling mystery already so while this whole mystery really begins with Fallout 3 we're going to break the rules of chronology a bit for the sake of Storytelling and initiate our investigation with what Fallout 4 reveals about our subject as this game provides some useful foundational knowledge that will Aid us throughout our journey thus let's head on over to Dunwich borers a large mining Quarry located on the Northwestern side of the Commonwealth as many of you already know Dunwich borers is not the actual name of this location itself but rather the pre-war company that created and operated it long before the bombs fell Dunwich borers LLC was a successful company which manufactured all sorts of mining equipment and ran several excavation sites across the old world you'll be hearing a lot about them throughout this video nonetheless the site is currently occupied by the forged a powerful Raider tribe which also controls the nearby sagas Ironworks plant evidently the forged are extracting ore from this Quarry and then transporting it to sagas where they process and turn it all into armor and building materials a rather sophisticated operation for a bunch of Raiders right nonetheless it has a fatal flaw well at first the place seems like another typical Raider dungeon as we progress deeper and deeper into the depths of Dunwich the Raiders start getting weird they can be overheard talking to themselves in a weird sort of way and occasionally even more ominously the entire Quarry will be rocked with these mysterious footstep-like vibrations that escalate in intensity and sound the closer we get to the bottom throughout the whole complex numerous terminals can be found with entries from the pre-war corporate managers they document an alarming series of workplace safety issues as the company refused to offer employees the bare minimum in safety equipment eyewear was never distributed and railings around sharp Cliffs were always left uninstalled as you might imagine this led to several unnecessary deaths among the workers even more alarming though is that as we go through the ancient correspondence it becomes more and more apparent that the Dunwich company was trying to dig up something greater than just marble and iron something Supernatural almost notes left by the current Raiders also speak of a frightening tale evidently the bandits assigned to guard this Quarry have been plagued with fear anxiety and paranoia reports have experienced battle-hardened men losing their mind and just disappearing into the depths of Dunwich while on duty are common while other members have just left altogether against their orders eventually as we near the bottom the sole survivor will begin to experience weird pre-war-esque flashbacks depicting the excavations during normal operations or at least what seemed to be normal operations no matter as we enter the final chamber of the Quarry one last flashback will play this one seems to depict a cult-like ceremony of some kind with a captive audience and Human Sacrifice taking place not only that but the room we see in the flashback is decorated with all sorts of strange marble Furnishings after this flashback ends though a large flooded tunnel will emerge which we can swim down to find a small underwater chamber with more of the mysterious marble furnishings and a unique blade crimva's tooth lying on a Podium which serves as a reward for Conquering the dungeon crimva's tooth is a beast of a blade boasting more than just a unique model and texture it possesses a special enchantment called sacrificial blade which allows it to do a considerable amount of lingering poison and bleeding damage on any non-robotic foe it's used against notably the blade is flanked by two mini nukes which is well bizarre to say the least why were these placed down here and how on Earth did the Dunwich company acquire them the answers to these questions are anything but obvious though could indicate a potentially radioactive power at play furthermore aside from the ancient Shrine and architecture at the bottom of the flooded hole we entered this place from a very suspicious metallic eye can be found staring back at us what on Earth clearing this dungeon has only left us with even more questions than answers insane Raiders mythical blades freaky Rumblings and remnants of ancient artwork as I said in my first version of this video conclusions are difficult to draw but it seems apparent that something Supernatural had drawn the Dunwich company here though what exactly they were trying to gain remains elusive well thankfully Bethesda wasn't shy about their inspiration behind this location you see Dunwich borers is a clear reference to the works of early 20th century horror writer Howard Phillips or HP Lovecraft Lovecraft is famous for creating what is now often known by the public as the Cthulhu Mythos and through it essentially pioneered a new genre of horror one dominated not by vampires werewolves and Gore but by strange mysterious and incomprehensible god-like entities who are at best indifferent to humans and at worst opposed to us furthermore while Lovecraft is most often associated with the terrifying Divine beings he concocted he also played extensively with the idea of humanity not being the only intelligent species to have inhabited the Earth he wrote frequently in his Works about ancient non-human civilizations that Rose and fell before Mankind and who worshiped his cosmically horrifying Gods one of lovecraft's more famous stories is called the Dunwich Horror get it done which borers the Dunwich Horror yeah Bethesda did that on purpose the Dunwich Horror is set in the fictional town of Dunwich in rural Northwestern Massachusetts not unlike the location in Fallout 4. it tells the tale of the secluded Wheatley family who are believed by their neighbors to practice dark magic and strange rituals evidently they've been hoarding mysterious ancient books and whenever they do business with anyone in the town they pay with these strange gold coins rather than just paper money the Wheatley child is described as goat-ish in his appearance and it seems to have completely reached manhood by the age of seven for some reason anyway throughout the story it's mentioned in passing that the family is continuously working on renovations to their Barn constantly purchasing Timber Nails tools also they can add new rooms and Floors to their building but for seemingly no reason neighbors know that despite how much bigger their Barn has grown the Wheatley family's cattle herd has only gotten smaller what's all that space for it doesn't help that bizarre Rumblings are also often heard coming from the farm as the story progresses the events escalate locals start going missing the rumbling gets much much louder and many of the town's residents are captured by a wave of unexplainable paranoia and anxiety eventually at the climax of The Tail it's revealed that the wheatleys had been raising the child of a lovecraftian god known as yag sothoth in their barn and the frequent expansions and contractions to the building were necessary not to accommodate a larger cattle herd but to fit this creature inside the Beast soon grows so large that it escapes the barn and begins terrorizing the region until it's finally defeated by what is essentially a coalition of academics who are well-versed in the ancient text and have an idea of what's going on the end Bethesda seems to have been inspired by this tale to include a similar Supernatural entity at the center of their Fallout 4 location much like the wheatleys the Dunwich Mining Company seems to have captured the attention of a dark force through this Quarry though their effort were disturbed by the Great War before they could fully complete whatever the objective was there's so much more we could discuss about this place and the similarities between lovecraft's story and we will in time but for now I'd like to shift our attention away from this Quarry and over to Parsons State insane asylum where we can encounter one of the most interesting men in Fallout history Lorenzo Cabot Dr Lorenzo Cabot is easily one of the oldest humans we've ever encountered in the franchise born in the late 1830s he's nearly 500 years old and shows no signs of aging past his 50s as we learn during the events of the Cabot house quest line long before the bombs fell Lorenzo was a world-renowned archeology gist with a specific interest in ancient non-human civilizations that predate our own according to his son jack who is also very old though just maybe 40 years younger sometime in the mid 19th century Lorenzo embarked on an expedition to the rubal Khalid desert in Arabia in search of some lost city that he believed would prove his theories right once and for all here's just how Jack explains it you think aliens created human civilization yes if by alien you mean a non-human precursor to the commonly understood founding cultures Sumer Egypt Assyria my father excavated a city in the rubal Khali in Arabia which he dated to more than 4 000 years before the rise of any non-human civilization the structures and artifacts were strange disturbing even clearly not constructed for or by humans I've spent my life trying to decipher what he uncovered I was intrigued by your theory about an ancient alien civilization actually it was my father's Theory now proven Beyond doubt although only to me unfortunately there aren't many archeology journals publishing these days what was your father's theory he believed that all of the earliest human civilizations shared some common parent that was unknown to history think of Atlantis the myth of an advanced civilization destroyed by a cataclysm is shared by many widely separated ancient cultures eventually he found what he was looking for a lost city buried beneath the Sands of the empty quarter of the Arabian Desert Millennia older than the earliest human civilizations but with technology that seems to have surpassed our own and yet everything about it is strange disturbing geometries tools not made for human hands carvings that hint at Dimensions beyond our own what's going on at that old insane asylum I carry out some of my research there that's all you need to know more I know the better I'll be at my job well suppose that may be true my father is confined in Parsons for his own safety and everyone else's he became dangerously unstable after handling an ancient artifact he found in Arabia I've spent my life trying to figure out how to cure him indeed as the quest line reveals after finding a mysterious Crown in his lost city Lorenzo Cabot began to go mad he refused to take the device off and it caused him to develop an assortment of supernatural abilities including superhuman strength intelligence immunity to aging and even telekinesis while such Powers may seem like a blessing they came with a dramatic cost Lorenzo lost feelings of empathy and compassion and seems to have committed a horrible series of crimes following his return as a result his son had him confined at Parsons and desperately began studying the situation long story short while Jack was unable to cure his father he did discover that his father's blood could be used to Halt aging and expand the gift of mortal life to others thus nearly half a millennium after the Great War the Cabot family continues to live in their pre-war ways while their patriarch rots in an ancient Asylum ultimately the player will be given the choice between finally freeing Lorenzo from his confines which will result in him Minecrafting his whole family in an angry rage and unleashing unforeseen Terrors upon the world or helping Jack put his father down once and for all now while the Cabot family quest line is easily one of the most enjoyable moments in the game and at its core seems to just be the writers having some fun over the years I've grown increasingly convinced that this is all strongly connected to whatever Beast has been plaguing the tunnels of Dunwich here's why for one all of the lore around a lost city in the deserts of Arabia populated by an ancient non-human precursor is straight out of Lovecraft indeed in 1921 the author published a story called The nameless City that mirrors Lorenzo's Expedition ominously well the nameless City describes the adventures of a late 1800s archaeologist who hunts down and finds a lost city literally in the rubal Khalid the same place Lorenzo found hits the protagonist descends into its depths and discovers an assortment of horrifying ancient artifacts before eventually being scared Away by something scurrying inside and while there are notable deviations between lovecraft's hero and Lorenzo for example Lovecraft makes no mention of a crown and his protagonist doesn't become crazy and evil the similarities remain too obvious to ignore as a matter of fact when Jack mentions disturbing geometries in his father's City I I said that a little too empathetic disturbing G anyway he's almost a Verbatim quoting HP Lovecraft who uses the same term in several of his works and specifically to describe his City in the book furthermore and here's what I really consider to be the Smoking Gun remember that metallic eye we found at the bottom of Dunwich borers well by no clipping around the object or just inspecting its reference ID number via the console we'll discover that it's actually a part of a much larger bronze bust that we've seen before indeed the exact same kind of head can be found at several locations across the Commonwealth including the mass Fusion building Swan's pod hubris Comics and More and similar though not necessarily identical busts exist all over as well this architectural trend of just giant faces seems to have extended well beyond Boston in the pre-war days as indistinguishable bronze megaliths could also be seen throughout the capital Wasteland in Fallout 3. heck they've even appeared in the classic isometric Fallout games okay Nate so the I had done which is associated with some weird pre-war artistic Trend but where does Lorenzo Cabot fit into all of this well dear viewer the answer to that question lies in Fallout Shelter online fallout shelter online is basically just an online spin-off to The Fallout Shelter mobile game that was released in 2020 and in it there's an interesting mechanic where the player can collect trading cards representing certain characters in The Fallout universe and indeed Lorenzo Cabot has his own card this is what it looks like look at that background dare I say that appears to be the exact same megalithic sculpture from Dunwich notice the identical position of the eyelids in both sculptures this trading card in my opinion heavily implies if not outright confirms that Lorenzo Cabot must have stumbled upon one of these during his excavation of the lost city now there's a lot more for us to say about Lorenzo and the Commonwealth Quarry and we will in time but for now I'd like to take a moment to shift our gaze away from Fallout 4. and see what Fallout 3 has to say about this Eldritch mystery because boy does it have a lot to say thus let's pack up our bags and head to the capital Wasteland specifically to the southwestern corner of the map and visit the Dunwich building as its name eludes the Dunwich building is actually the corporate headquarters of Dunwich borers LLC and like its sister location seems to be a hub before all things paranormal upon entry we'll find the remains of a few scavengers and a handful of ghouls occupying the premises but as we navigate this ancient workplace it will become more and more obvious that this is no ordinary dungeon the lone Wanderer will begin receiving flashbacks and will start seeing doors open and close on their own as well as occasionally here a strange rumbling not unlike what we encountered earlier notably about halfway through the complex an old terminal can be found it evidently was using some sort of text to speech software as its earliest entries date to before the Great War and seemed to have been direct transcriptions of certain speeches given by dunwich's corporate Executives however there are also three entries from the year 2134 nearly 60 years after everything hit the fan when the software must have picked up on some scavengers and what those scavengers were saying was recorded and it's pretty weird you can pause the video to read everything but the author of this terminal appears to progressively be growing matter and matter eventually calling out to some entity named OG qualtoth and praising its return what on Earth that's not all though scattered throughout the office we can find several holotapes left behind by a man named Jamie who evidently came to Dunwich in search of his father who had this book that he really wanted to bring here for some reason take a listen [Music] why the hell would he come all the way out here that has been a little nuts for some time now but not like this leaving me in that crappy old hospital without waking me without a goddamn flashlight I made enough selling the meds we scrouns to have kept us both fed at the colony for weeks now I'm almost out of rations my shoes are pretty much destroyed and I'm still chasing the old coot by my last Reckoning he was headed south maybe I shouldn't have waited so damn long to start tracking him Trail's gone cold gonna wander with these guys a while they say they wander the area maybe somebody seen dad these guys aren't who I thought they were Jesus they killed that family for a sakurot and vegetables getting out of here next chance I can without catching a bullet hit a caravan today Trev didn't see the kid and got popped I took care of Tony right then and put one in Thor before he saw her fall that earned me some grub from the traitors even better they saw Dad he was in pretty rough shape and still has the goddamn book Trader says it gave him the creeps me too but it's good to know he's still alive still headed south he must have been trying to trap food here I recognize his snares I can make out a building on the horizon that must be where he headed if not at least I get a roof tonight what could have been leading Jamie's Dad to this god-forsaken place and more importantly what exactly does that have to do with this book of his well as we approach the end of the dungeon we'll get something resembling an answer to that question in the final chambers of the office the lone Wanderer will discover a small Cavern system beneath the building where we'll find several ghouls praying to a bizarre Obelisk of some kind and among them will be a ghoulified and very hostile Jaime whom will have to defeat what in Adam's name has happened here the Obelisk itself is of a traditional Egyptian design though decorated with skulls and a distressed body rather than hieroglyphics and it emits a small amount of radiation which likely has something to do with all of the ferals that have overrun the place in Jamie's inventory we'll be able to find his last two Hollow tapes which conclude his unfortunate story God help me I found dad today I didn't think it was him but face the zombies didn't touch him I think he was becoming like them didn't know it was him until I found that old book near him no more killing I just need to go can't forget the book all I have left of him it's warm against the stone I'll I'll just rest a while sharp knife sharp knife to send him to deep Temple play and say my words Abdul comes again on the Feast of the weaker Feast for the Deep Temple born again here yes yes clearly in his final moments Jaime succumbed to the same Supernatural force that took the author of those terminal entries earlier though pay attention to the dialogue of that final Holo tape sharp knife sharp knife come to deep Temple fillet and say my words while this seems to reference the cavern we're in now it's worth noting that this weird series of words also perfectly describes what we find at the Fallout 4 sister location where we discover a sharp knife crimva's tooth buried in a deep Temple where sacrifices seem to have been performed so maybe it's just a coincidence or maybe this is some real foreshadowing here additionally in his ramblings Jaime mentions the name Abdul and goes on to call upon the name Eliza red this is a clear reference to Abdul al-azared a character featured prominently in the writings of H.P Lovecraft according to Phillips Allah zared also known as The Mad poet was an Arab writer and philosopher who lived in the early 700s around Damascus and worshiped many of the strange Eldritch gods that at that point had been long forgotten his greatest contribution to the lore I would say was writing the Necronomicon or Book of the Dead a text said to have been directly inspired from yogsothoth and Cthulhu though we don't exactly know its contents Abdul and his forsaken text are mentioned in several of lovecraft's writings and Bethesda save them directly by name to whatever is going on at the Dunwich building the book Jamie's Dad was so obsessed with could very well be some variation of the Necronomicon we'll have quite a bit more to say about the Mad poet and this location in a bit but for now let's move on to Fallout 3's Point Lookout DLC where the next piece of our puzzle lies released in 2010 The Point Lookout expansion was the game's fourth and final major add-on it takes us to a swampy region of the Chesapeake Bay roughly a hundred miles down river from the capital Wasteland and maybe a third is large this new region is defined by its ominous murky environment not unlike Fallout 4's far Harbor and it all has a uniquely creepy undertone on the southwestern side of the map we can stumble upon black Hall Manor here we'll encounter a sickly wheelchair-bound man named Obadiah black hole who will offer the player an interesting if not strange a side quest civil discourse the greatest of our Lost Art wouldn't you agree I'm glad you think so conversation is but one of the virtues that separate us from cretans like those swamp Folk swamp folk who I should mention absconded with a book a precious family heirloom I wanted to ask your friend will you get it back cash plain and simple return with the book and I'll pay you a thousand caps no questions asked good the fools who stole it believe it has powers so the thing is probably well guarded there's a ritual sight east of the boardwalk in the basement of a ruined house I think you'll find it there bring it back to me and be paid so Obadiah is in search of an ancient family book that he apparently really wants back given the astounding reward he's offering a thousand caps is insane for a fetch Quest so that right there should raise a few red flags evidently the book has fallen into the hands of the swamp folk the irradiated indigenous inhabitants of the region who stand somewhere in between ghoul and man the swamp folk are very hostile to all not of their kind and seemed to practice a bizarre almost occult-like religion what would they want with the black hole family text well real quick to get a sense of the answers to those questions I'd like to pause the video right here and take a look at what the Fallout 3 official game guide has to say about Obadiah and his family as it contains some interesting information essential to understanding what's really going on here published by Prima Games but written by Bethesda the official game guide is a separate companion book for Fallout 3. that contains walkthroughs for virtually every Quest and profiles for every character here's what it says about Obadiah quote The Last Descendant of the black holes a famous some say Infamous family of wealth in the history of Point Lookout Obadiah is stubborn and is still entranced by an old book his family once lost the black hole family was deeply involved in the commercialization of Point Lookout in the early 21st century Constance blackhall head of the estate after the new plague made her an unexpected Widow in 2058 cooperated with entrepreneurs from the ILO realty company who had been trying to acquire the Family Estate unsuccessfully for years despite overwhelming local cultural resistance Isla persistently attempted to bring tourism and modernization to Point Lookout and Saint Mary's County Constance black hole was obsessed with the occult she turned her Newfound wealth into a means of acquiring archaic texts and artifacts the most notorious of these was the krivekne Constance drew a small circle of devotees to herself styling her as a priestess of an obscure sect based around the kravechna Constance lived an unnaturally long life even in the irradiated soaked marshes of Point Lookout after the war local Legend states that the kriv bechna was stolen from her and without it the woman succumbed to a death that she should have found Generations ago her Legacy having permeated the provincial culture of Point Lookout persisted but what little structure existed within that group deteriorated with no form of leadership theirs is not so much of Faith as a collection of incoherent chants and rituals their meanings long forgotten the black holes have stubbornly clung to existence but Obadiah appears to be the last of their line he knows that the kriebekna has found its way back to Point Lookout and intends to reclaim it with the hopes of restoring power over the swamp folk to his family end quote so there you have it the black holes were a wealthy and Powerful pre-war family who in the year 2058 were taken over by Constance blackhall after the passing of her husband she was a practitioner of the dark arts and apparently secured a cursed text that tremendously lengthened her life sound a little familiar eventually the text was stolen and Constance passed but almost 200 years later after the apocalypse the book is back in Point Lookout and Obadiah the last black hole once it again we'll talk more about Constance and the family history in a bit but for now let's continue with the actual Quest as we make our way to the Target location the lone Wanderer will suddenly be approached by a Christian Missionary named Marcella who will issue us the following warning wait a moment I need to know has Obadiah sent you in search of a book I thought as much listen to me very carefully child you mustn't bring it to him that book is known as the quebecne and it's a thing of evil purpose yes the kriebekna the black hole family has a long evil history with the book it was lost to them long ago but it's found a way back to Point Lookout and Obadiah seeks to reclaim it Obadiah is no better than the heathens he's asked you to steal it from he believes he can use it to control them and God knows what else there's a way to destroy that damned thing I intend to do just that I can't promise you money but I have some medical supplies I can share please it would be a good thing you do [Music] I ask no more you can find me at my tent on the beach south of black hole God bless your path child [Music] so indeed Obadiah wasn't telling us everything and evidently the krivekna as it's called can be used to control the local swamp folk in some way reinforcing what we heard in the game guide Marcella begs us to consider delivering the text to her instead of Obadiah so that she can destroy it no matter what you're thinking right now though the quest marker will ultimately lead us to the seller of a burned out building where we will discover a massive Subterranean cave Network populated by an army of angry swamp folk and a number of strange marble ruins not unlike those we found at the bottom of Dunwich though these are significantly more numerous and expansive it seems like we've stumbled upon a full-fledged ancient city or at least a grander temple complex Lorenzo Cabot would be very jealous right now at the back of the cavern the player will be able to secure the krivekna and after that all that's left to do is to decide whether to deliver it to Obadiah or Marcella let's do the former first the lone Wanderer return the family heirloom to Obadiah he will thank us for our efforts and give us our promised 1000 caps before suggesting that we leave his house and never speak about this ever again notably we will lose karma for this action giving us an idea of what the writers think about our choice now interestingly if we decide to hang around the black hole Manor for a few minutes after completing the quest Obadiah will miraculously stand up from his wheelchair and start walking around implying that his sickliness has just been an act this whole time or perhaps at the kravekna really does have some healing properties he'll head downstairs to the Manor's basement unlocking a normally inaccessible door and will approach a shrine where he'll begin praying occasionally chanting the following line of dialogue a quote is returned be afraid worms Ugg quartoth has returned be afraid of worms what have we done here clearly Marcella was right Obadiah black hole is a twisted man dabbling with dark Forces planning who knows what so what happens if we reload our last save and decide to take the kravekna to her instead well we'll be in for a bit of a plot twist as upon our rival to the medical camp where the missionary told us to meet her we'll instead find a small gang of very hostile mercenaries whom will have to defeat and in one tent will Lai Marcella's body in her inventory is a hollow tape titled Marcella's last words take a listen [Music] they attacked while I slept I I don't expect to survive I only pray that that you haven't taken that book to Obadiah you must take up my mission there is one way to utterly destroy the krivakness but you must take a pilgrimage far north of Point look out in the capital Wasteland seek a place called Dunwich within is an obelisk itself a wicked thing it'll consume the book you need only press the book do its surface my God shed his blessings upon you child make haste for done which my God I am sorry for all my sins with all my heart in choosing to do wrong and failing to do good I haven't sinned against you oh I should indeed it would seem someone presumably Obadiah sent this gang to eliminate Marcella and now we're left to follow her posthumous instructions sure enough if from here we take the book back to that spooky statue underneath the Dunwich building and depress the interact button it will be destroyed in a hail storm of fire and the quest will be completed with a major positive Karma boost so there you have it the dark heart of blackhall questline sends us to recover an ancient cursed text and that allows us to choose between surrendering it to an elderly evildoer for a generous reward or following a missionary's instructions and destroying the thing once and for all so we're all done with the black holes in Point Lookout right well not quite you see a look in Fallout 3's creation kit reveals several unused audio and Quest marker files related to this mission that were for whatever reason cut from the game evidently Bethesda had originally planned for the dark heart of black hole story to go in a very different direction in the ultimately unused version of this Quest Obadiah black hole would have actually played the role of a good guy who resented his evil family history and would team up with the player and Marcella to destroy the Krave Beckner once and for all take a listen to some of Marcella's unused lines of dialogue Obadiah sent you well then let's see what he has to say oh dear no no this can mean only one thing I fear Obadiah is in Dire Straits long ago the black hole family possessed a terrible heirloom a book of evil rituals best forgotten the curvy have their origins in it the book was stolen years ago though the curvy have never known of the theft their fear has kept the black hole family safe these long years Obadiah is a good man but his family has an evil past this book is an unwanted heirloom and the foundation of the Heathen curvy ritualists now here's the interesting thing while we have the actual audio files that Marcelo would have used during this cut version of the quest we don't have obadiah's audio files either they were never recorded or Bethesda deliberately went out of their way to scrub them from the archives however what we do have are textual versions of the lines he was meant to say so basically we have his script just not the actual actor voicing it over and this script reveals some pretty fascinating stuff apparently there would have been two possible endings to the quest in one Obadiah would have heroically sacrificed his own life to destroy the kravekna in some sort of ritual and spare the world of its Horrors in the other ending which could be realized by passing a speech check we could convince Obadiah to let us take the book to the Dunwich Obelisk and destroy it there instead sparing his life but more fascinating than the multiple endings the real reason I bring all of this cut stuff up is one of the revelations Obadiah was supposed to make about his family history in one of the now cut lines of dialogue after being convinced by the player not to sacrifice himself Obadiah would say the following quote there is another option I could never make the journey myself though North far to the North Constance had a brother Richard Dunwich he was a wealthy businessman outside of the city to the north had a company building there his obsession with the occult was as great as her own and there's an object of great evil in that building the book has been drawn to it before end quote so Constance black hole was the sister of Richard Dunwich owner of the Dunwich company and the two siblings shared an obsession with the strange Eldritch forces plaguing the world well Richard would use his company to finance and cover his excavations of ancient artifacts Constance as according to the official game guide married into the black hole family and inherited the estate after her husband passed and like her brother used her Newfound wealth to satisfy her strange beliefs now this relationship between Constance and Richard would also make Obadiah black hole technically a descendant of the Dunwich family by Blood of course though the only mention we have to this Richard Dunwich character comes from dialogue that was removed from the game and isn't actually there so we can't definitively declare this as all Canon but it at least gives us a very good thumbnail sketch of what Bethesda originally envisioned this whole story to look like or maybe it is Canon after all you see rather late into my investigation well after I thought I was done building my outline and doing most of my research I stumbled upon an interesting bit of information evidently in 2021 Bethesda soft Works in collaboration with modifis I think I said that appropriately entertainment released a tabletop strategy game in the mold of Dungeons and Dragons this tabletop game came with a massive 400 page rule book that of course not only laid out instructions for playing the game but also provided tons of background lore about the Fallout Universe you may be able to see where I'm going with this and indeed there are a couple of pages dedicated to the history of the Dunwich company which confirmed the existence of Richard Dunwich and his relationship to Constance blackhall as well as a whole lot more let's take a look at what fallout's tabletop RPG has to say about our favorite pre-war company it's a mouthful but it's worth it Richard dunwich's Washington DC based company made Rock tunneling drills these Mammoth engines of industry made possible The Mining and resource extraction necessary for companies like Poseidon to thrive for societies like pre-war America to be built and for weapons like those used in the Great War to be produced although a favorite of its industrial clients Dunwich had a more Sinister reputation among its Workforce they had an abysmal record of safety keeping employees on through a combination of high paychecks and morale building events that sought to sweep their accident rate out of the public spotlight this neglect frequently claimed lives of employees and family members a persistent but likely ridiculous rumor holds that these deaths were not as accidental as Dunwich claimed Richard Dunwich and his sister Constance blackhall were known for an obsession with the occult a marble Quarry where they tested their drills was known to cover the sight of an ancient Temple to dark Gods whose adherence routinely practiced human sacrifice some say the poor safety protocols at Dunwich facilities and especially at the Quarry were a modern form of sacrifice intended to bring Eldritch attention and Supernatural powers to corporate leadership none can say for certain as Dunwich borers LLC and nearly all of the records were destroyed in the Great War so not only does this rule book essentially canonize Richard Dunwich and his relationship to Constance black hole which also would make Obadiah a member of the Dunwich family by Blood but it also reveals that the poor safety standards at the Commonwealth Quarry which so confused us may have been intentional acts of human sacrifice previously I think you could be forgiven for assuming that maybe the Dunwich company didn't quite know what they were doing like yeah sure they were clearly trying to excavate in ancient city but maybe they just didn't understand the true scale of the forces they were dealing with this paragraph however proves that the Dunwich company was deliberately trying to awaken whatever Sinister entities were beneath them with the lives of their employees no less now believe it or not the rulebook actually has a little bit more to say about our lovecraftian mystery as in a section about the characters of The Fallout franchise oh good qualtoth the name we read back at the Dunwich Terminals and heard Obadiah call out to has its own paragraph it reads quote Ugg kwaltoth much of what is known about this entity comes from the Mad ravings of captured swamp folk many say it's a forgotten god well those who worship it suggest it may not be so forgotten after all it is known that the Dunwich siblings believed in it enough to purchase and excavate land to unearth a great monolith supposedly dedicated to the alien entity of course most knowledgeable and civilized people dismiss the rumors as a product of fevered imaginations signs of deities of any kind are few and far between in the Wasteland why spend time and resources on this one on the other hand if there is a God of the post-war era it would almost certainly have to be an Eldritch Horror from Beyond human imagining end quote furthermore just underneath the Ugg qualtoth section the rule book contains a quest seed in tabletop games Quest seeds are basically just a suggested ideas or prompts that hypothetical game Masters could use to build a mission or Quest this Quest seed is called the trail of tekelly Lee and it reads the trail of tekelly Lee starting in an Appalachian Hollow an exodus of several dozen worshipers of Ugg kwaltoth begin a pilgrimage to the Dunwich borers quarry with the intent of waking their sleeping God as they walk the train picks up more and more followers end quote huh worshipers from Appalachia going on a pilgrimage to the Dunwich Quarry are there really Ugg qualtoth worshipers in the Appalachian Mountains well I suppose there's only one way to find out ladies and gentlemen it's time to open our wallets stock up on atom points and hope there's no server maintenance going on today because we're heading to Fallout 76. I think that the best place for us to begin our Appalachian Excursion is at a location known as tanagara town on the Far Eastern side of the map in the mire as is immediately obvious tanagara town is a very unique place even by Fallout standards the entire town and seemingly the soil beneath it has been lifted several hundred feet in the air by a uniquely aggressive family of Strangler Vines creating a sort of Island Strangler Vines are in it of themselves not a particularly big mystery evidently the destruction of a Geck at a nearby Vault shortly after the bombs fell gave rise to this peculiar floral phenomenon and the entire Maya region is full of structures and Roads that have been consumed by these Vines but nowhere is their impact greater or more Majestic than at tanagara Town The Vines were evidently thoughtful enough to create a neat little path for us to climb and scale the mound as we work our way up the player will find the entrance to a small Cavern hidden away in the soil beneath the city inside we'll find a small cave Cricket's nest and whoa hold on what in Adam's glory is this indeed at the bottom of the cave lies yet another metallic head ominously poking out of the ground this bronze monolith has been lurking beneath tanagara town for who knows how long until the Strangler Vines revealed it heck maybe it has something to do with why the vines are so present at tanagra in particular interestingly while it's not obvious whether or not they were aware of the bronze statue The Enclave evidently took an interest in this floating island as nearby literally just a few yards south the player can stumble upon a small very abandoned Enclave research Outpost in the husk of a barn several destroyed Terminals and workbenches lie dormant in the structure as we investigate it becomes increasingly clear that this base wasn't abandoned in an orderly fashion blood stains dirty the floors and the bunk beds are filled with human skeletons while it's easy to miss on one of the cluttered desks lies a note which offers Clues regarding the fate of this Outpost it's titled didn't want to hurt them and it reads quote didn't want to hurt them they gave me no choice destroy the research only way it's unclear what would have incited this lad's madness but given what we know about the lovecraftian force that appears to be associated with this era it's more than possible that the supernatural had a hand in invoking this person's episode perhaps whatever else is buried beneath the statue doesn't want to be studied moving on our next stop in Appalachia is Point Pleasant a small City on the far Northwestern edges of the map Point Pleasant serves as the de facto capital of the cult of the Mothman The Cult of the Mothman is a hostile minor faction in the game dedicated to the worship of well the Mothman and unfortunately for us the extermination of all non-believers they seem to practice human and animal sacrifice as well and their members erect these unseemly totems made out of human remains wherever they go we can find cultist camps and totems all over Appalachia but the nucleus of their operation is really here Point Pleasant a town that in the real world is famous for being the Hub of the Mothman urban legend anyway well the base game doesn't include too many quests involving these people here in one of the abandoned Apartments we can find a hollow tape left behind by a Mothman cultist named Jeff Lane it's titled interloper take a listen there are other things in this world now that cannot be explained explain we all know man is out there stalking and watching us but what of the Unseen there are things we can only Glimpse in our minds great entities beyond our comprehension the Mothman is a creature more like us than the unknowable horrors in the peripheral vision of our subconscious Minds no longer just a false memory now heard a tail of this entity made real deep in the Earth the Storyteller was mad by any Reckoning but his story no less true my name is Jeff Lane and I will lay bare this watcher no matter how deep I must go come to know the true nature of the interloper so in this tape Jeff seems to be arguing that there are other beings additional ones greater than the Mothman quote great entities beyond our comprehension as he calls them and he specifically singles out one such figure called the interloper that he heard about from a mad Storyteller and Promises to reveal the truth himself while in a vacuum it's easy to write this hollow tape off as just some deranged rabblings by a wastelander there's actually much more to this tale quite a ways away from Point Pleasant on the other side of the map lies lucky hole mine an old silver and copper mine currently inhabited by a legion of Mothman cultists and decorated with an abundance of their trademark ominous artwork inside the cavern just next to the main entrance lies a small campsite and within said campsite yet another holotape from Jeff Lane this one continues his story and is titled the chosen the inner Loper is here can feed clearly last night envisions more real than the senses it called to me and I go to it now signs are all around that I am not the only one to hear the call though where they have failed I will not for it summons me alone in the end before I go deeper for the truth revealed changes all by its very nature let it be known in this world the interloper has chosen Jeff Lane as the conduit of the unknowable together the hidden reality becomes manifest at long last evidently Jeff Wayne has gone from merely being fascinated with this interloper figure to becoming convinced that he's Somehow Here in Lucky hole mine and that he's its chosen one let's see if that theory holds any weight now this mine is huge significantly bigger than Dunwich borers and its Chambers act like a maze which can get very confusing at times but even then at face value the whole place doesn't seem like it holds much significance sure there's a large very upset presence of Mothman cultists and they even have a really neat Chapel set up towards the bottom of the complex where they seem to have been making sacrifices and not the animal kind but overall not much of a surprise down here that is until we notice a secret hidden passageway behind some brush that blends in with one of the walls this little spot is seriously easy to miss and the best way to find it is by just hugging the walls until you sort of let yourself fall in anyway once inside it becomes obvious that Jeff Lane was on to something still a bit wacky but on to something as down the passage we'll find this bizarre sight we're a handful of Mothman acolytes are worshiping this this weird creature thing aside from the alien organism that's just sort of lying here on the floor there are several more of those same bronze heads we've been seeing all throughout our investigation ominously just staring back at us on the walls ladies and gentlemen we've found our interloper now this creature doesn't actually do much of anything really nor is it connected at all to any in-game quests and there's no reward for finding it Beyond The Cursed knowledge of its existence that we gain notably the being appears to be alive though as every few seconds it'll wiggle around a bit almost like it's breathing and it seems to bleed when taking damage though has no health bar furthermore around the interloper are several human skeletons and glass jars jars which the Mothman acolytes were likely using to collect something I don't know interloper milk it's unclear how the interloper got here or how long he's been underground but the bronze sculptures hint at a very ancient origin perhaps as ancient as Lorenzo Cabot stuff additionally its name May provide a bit of a clue as the word interloper is basically a synonym for Intruder or trespasser it's official Oxford definition is quote a person who becomes involved in a place or situation where they are not wanted or are considered not to belong end quote this highly implies that the interloper came from away perhaps an extraterrestrial origin is even in the cards now finally I think it's also worth asking what exactly is the interloper doing down here like if it's alive why isn't it moving and how is it sustaining itself Jeff Lane claimed the creature was communicating with him calling him to it though it's unclear why given the fact that we can't find Mr Lane at the mine at all and that there's a giant pile of skeletons right next to the interloper it seems as though the creature has been luring people down here for consumption either of their flesh or their souls Jeff Wayne wasn't actually its chosen one or whatever the thing was just hungies and telling him whatever would lure him down I also suspect though I have no evidence to support this that the reason why the Beast doesn't move could be because it's still growing and hasn't matured yet what we're seeing now may not even be its final form it could have a growth cycle of thousands of years for all we know and maybe the thing gets a whole lot bigger or perhaps the developers just didn't feel like creating movement animations and Mechanics for it it's anyone's gas no matter whether it's a baby Aug qualtoth or an extraterrestrial from another galaxy or both the interloper remains connected to our lovecraftian search by the presence of the bronze sculptures which Overlook it though what I struggle to understand is why the cult of the Mothman has attached so much significance to this thing they obviously consider lucky whole mind to be a holy site of some kind and are literally praying to the interloper when we find him but why well we actually have something resembling an answer and honestly I think it's really good storytelling you see back in December of 2021 Bethesda released the Mothman Equinox seasonal update for Fallout 76. this was a seasonal update so it only lasted a couple of weeks but essentially introduced a whole bunch of new short quests Hollow tapes books and no notes that expanded upon the history of the Mothman cult much further than they had gone before perhaps the biggest thing of consequence that it revealed though is that the Mothman who we've been dealing with all throughout this video the crazy deranged cultists with the totems and the sacrifices and stuff yeah well they don't know it but they're actually worshiping the interloper instead evidently the interloper has recognized that by pretending to be this Divine being and whispering in people's ear he can convince them to do whatever bidding he pleased during this event we need a group calling themselves the enlightened ones the enlightened ones are evidently former members of the Mothman cult who realized that they were actually following the directions of a crazy lovecraftian monster and didn't let the door hit them on the way out now the enlightened ones haven't entirely abandoned the whole idea of the Mothman just yet they don't recognize it as a God and they don't sacrifice people to it but they do think that the purple eyed Mothman which is a specific type is benevolent and kind to humans and sometimes shares a little bit of wisdom again not a God but a higher being worthy of respect in their eyes they call it the wise Mothman during the now very inactive for over a year Mothman seasonal event the enlightened would have the player help them complete a short ritual that would summon the purple eyed Mothman for their observation for a brief moment in time and indeed this Mission went exactly as it sounded like the player could do a few tasks and then we could spawn in a purple eyed Mothman who would be friendly with the player but not really do much other than give us XP and look at us as a reward for completing this Quest we would gain access to the six sacred tomes of the enlightened a series of short books which offered some additional Insight on the enlightened one's religion and their perspective of the Mothman and the interloper take a listen to this passage from the Tome titled the catechism of Hillary quote time and time again has the wise Mothman come and time and time again the mad and twisted have rejected his message they were attuned to other Whispers hearing the call of a thing Beyond drawn to the Deep places of the Earth for inhuman purpose the broken heard the song of the interloper and turned from the truth scoring wisdom as the product of mere mortals in favor of the unknowable yet the wise Mothman remains with us and is truth Shields us from the call time and time again has the wise Mothman come and time and time again fools and dullards heard his Whisperer yet understood it not hearing only the echo of their own small minds bouncing within their skulls the dim ones named him God and fell to their knees calling themselves chosen yet the wise Mothman was no skyborn deity nor had he come to anoint them elect you can really see how the enlightened ones are exposing their cultish and hostile Brethren as following the ramblings of a false god they don't have their story straight and it specifically calls out Jeff Lane's language who if you'll remember declared himself to be The Interlopers chosen apparently falsely now unfortunately the Mothman seasonal Equinox event is over and its quests can't be replayed at the moment however thankfully the clues behind this occult mystery go beyond the reaches of the Mothman cult as in 2020 specifically in April Fallout 76 received a major new story driven expansion called wastelanders free for all players as bethesdas apparently making enough money in the atom shop wastelanders added several new locations to the map including a very peculiar cave system in the Savage divide called The Deep upon entering this Cavern will immediately be greeted by a large body of water and the remains of an unfortunate diver with the following holotape titled president's Eyes Only in his inventory this here is James Addison of the white Spring Resort staff I tell you they never thought I would tell him the truth but I found it I swear by all that is Holy I found it I knew it was there all along okay see it started with the rumbling we had some minor earthquakes you heard me right earthquakes of all things in this neck of the woods I knew something wasn't right I was going to prove them all wrong all the other people at the resort just laughing at me well who's laughing now I just discovered a underground spaceship and the rocket fuel leaking off of that day hell is making even a rocks glow I gotta Tell The President I gotta tell the president if it's the last thing I do I'll be an American hero get the middle of Honor I bet all right enough talking time to swim back home to glory and to wiping that damn smirk off Robbie's face James out a spaceship soon to be national hero this man must have found something very important should the player hop in the water which by the way is heavily irradiated so bring some rat away and begin navigating the Labyrinth of submerged tunnels we'll eventually emerge on the other side in a very alien world a mosaic of biooluminescent Flora greets us at the surface with one of the more beautiful views in the Fallout franchise however it's not just the plant life that's alien here indeed in one of the tunnels we'll find this strange sight a four-legged thing lies motionless on the floor much like the interloper we just witnessed it has an octopus-like mouth but is considerably smaller and doesn't wiggle around at all it appears to be lifeless now hilariously there's no real story that Bethesda gives us here um this site isn't expanded upon in any of the wastelanders quests and unlike the interloper there aren't even any holotapes or books that give us more insight now notably in the game files this creature's object ID is named visitor corpse zero one which confirms that it is indeed not alive but also invokes our previous definition of interloper right remember that word means uh trespass come where one is not welcome now interestingly as we descend deeper and deeper into the mine we don't learn anything more about the creature we just saw but we do find a hidden secret Chinese Spy Facility where they are still conducting operations nearly a century after their job became meaningless as we learn from some of the terminals down here which are helpfully written in English the Chinese have requisitioned old mining equipment and are digging a series of tunnels around the area it's unclear why they're digging them out there seems to be some strategic purpose behind it like they're trying to develop some Transportation mechanisms but yeah that's what they're up to there are two theories behind what's really going on one theory is that the reason the Chinese are doing all of this down here is because that they have been under the influence of that weird creature we saw earlier right much like the interloper with the Mothman cult it is commanding them to dig these tunnels and excavations for some unknown reason however Fury 2 and I think I agree with this one more is that the being might have been accidentally killed uh by the excavations that the Chinese were doing anyway they had no connection with the being they didn't know it was there just all of their Machinery somehow put so much stress on the little guy that he passed away and that would explain why what we see is a corpse rather than a living breathing one like back at luckyhole mine so not quite as satisfying of a story as the one the interloper gave us but still I think Fallout 76 has done an excellent job at expanding this mystery uh already with what we've seen I think there's a lot of parallels between this Mothman organization and Dunwich borers LLC both are making sacrifices on behalf half of a being that they think is on their side but really isn't and both ultimately dig down to unveil these giant Bronze Statues heck going even further Strangler Vines are technically living beings and we find one of the bronze heads at tanagara town which has been lifted up by the Strangler Vines you know maybe these creatures powers can infiltrate not only human minds but non-humans as well speaking of the bronze heads we see more of them on architecture throughout Fallout 76 which only further suggests that members of the pre-war Elite some of the world's old rich and Powerful must have also been working under similar influences they must have had some sort of knowledge about this ancient culture given the fact that Fallout 5 is more than likely at least 10 years away my gosh uh I guess we're just going to have to wait for more Fallout 76 content to elaborate upon this mystery further clearly Bethesda is going to continue playing with these ideas in every game since Fallout 3. this has been a very big subject so I don't expect that to stop but until we get said updates I'm all out of Words which is how this video was originally meant to end from the beginning ladies and gentlemen we have said all there is to say we have explored a mysterious Quarry in the Commonwealth inhabited by dark Forces we have met a blood descendant of Richard Dunwich in Obadiah black hole and pacified his evil book and now we have explored the Appalachian wonders of Ugg qualtoth ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for stopping by sorry this video took so long it was expected to only take like maybe three or four weeks but as I got towards the end several times in a row I made made really big like discoveries or new information crossed my eye that forced me to rewrite then redo basically the entire video but anyway guys I hope you all enjoyed and I hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone [Music]
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 2,278,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fallout, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Fallout Mysteries, Fallout Theories, Fallout Mystery, Fallout Theory, Bethesda Game Studios, Starfield
Id: R1lDibsvhXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 11sec (5051 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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