Write On Effect in Davinci Resolve Step by Step. EASY and FREE. (no plugins)

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hey everyone my name is toby and today we're going to work through how to do this super cool super easy right on effect you can animate just about anything in davinci resolve it's completely free so you can download it and at the end i'm going to show you how to export it with an alpha channel so you can bring it into any editor that you use alright so we are in davinci resolve right here and in terms of our first step we are going to bring a text plus title into our timeline so that's what i've done right here just drag that in this won't work with your basic text title from here we're going to go ahead and you can write whatever script or text that you want and choose the appropriate font i do i think this effect looks better with a handwritten type of font so but that's entirely up to you all right so we've added our text we've formed our text and now we're going to bring this into fusion so with the text plus highlighted we're going to click fusion which is the fourth tab along the bottom and if you are not familiar with fusion that's completely fine basically these are nodes you see here and uh this is think of it like a flow chart and so that each of these nodes become building blocks where you can have instructions uh in terms of effects in terms of generators in terms of masks etc so that's what we're going to do so with our text here highlighted so this is the the main block of text plus we have that's going to go to our media so that's that's as simple as it gets in terms of you know a flowchart now what we're gonna do is uh actually let me just get rid of this spline toolbox here we will use it later with it highlighted we're gonna to hit shift and space you can also search for it in this effects right here but this is a little shortcut here shift and space and you can start typing mask paint so i already have mask here but once you type in mask or paint you'll see this right here pat mask paint and we're going to hit add and you can see it adds it to our main node and right away our text disappears that's because it's masked it all the way so the next thing we're going to do is go to the mask tab on our right hand side here and we're going to click invert because we want to see it we're going to kind of do it backwards so to speak for now we want to we want to see and mask all this out and then we will apply a keynote or sorry keyframes to create this write-on effect all right so from here we're going to select the polyline tool right here so that you can see all the different brush strokes here we're going to use this i find this is the most um precise and it doesn't take too much fiddling around but you can kind of get the effect so now that we have that selected we are going to click it once here and we're going to come over here and adjust our brush tool so that's under the controls tab and brush controls all right so by default it has it applies a softness you can see there's a soft edge around our brush here and the size is pretty big so let's bring our softness all the way down to zero so you can get a sense of how big this breaststroke is and then we're gonna we're gonna bring it down so basically you want your brush stroke if you're going to be kind of doing it in one pass to be able to cover the width of the widest spot of your writing but do know we can come back once we once we set the points we can come back and adjust the brush controls now we want to mimic this write-on effect and we kind of want to think like if we were writing with a pencil or pen what that would look like now in reality when we see this effect it's it's it's much faster than what a human would would write um so that's something to keep in mind but um so it doesn't have to be precise like like handwriting but we want to kind of get the general just so you can see here my brush controls are pretty good because now you can see i've covered each with each click and control point i'm creating i'm covering uh my writing and just a tip here i would say the more points you make the better on each of these control points uh there's splines that stick out and so you can you know curve and bend each line according to those controls but i find making small clicks kind of small adjustments much better all right so now in this case i covered this the stroke of this t a little bit so i'm going to click this control and just move it over a little bit because i don't need to cover all that i'm going to keep going so it can be a little tedious um but honestly it doesn't take that long now do note that when you cross over like this so we're crossing over a stroke obviously there's something a little unnatural about this because you can see there's this bit here and it's it's going to look a little odd but again because it happens pretty quick when we animate it it won't be so noticeable so i'm following this r here again making small adjustments i'm going to dot that eye afterwards now depending on the type of font sometimes on these kind of up and down strokes i'll cover half of the stroke um up and then the other half down but that is just a kind of a stylistic thing you can do so i'm going to finish this e here make sure this is covered up here now i'm not going to cross over my stroke all the way to the side now naturally how i would cross a t is coming to the left and right but actually i'm just going to come up here because it works it's a bit more convenient and then i'm going to cover the stroke and then dot my eye now from here we are going to go to the o so actually i'm not going to cross over my strokes there i'm going to come over here and then start the o here and i will speed up from here all right so we have masked our writing and right now what we're going to do is actually come back to our mask here we're going to un select this invert button just because we've already done it we can see it and now we're going to add our keyframes on our write on effect so if you go back to can this control tab and then stroke controls you'll see this right on bar here alright so i'm going to bring our playhead right to the beginning of this this text plus composition and i'm going to you can see how when i drag this it's going to bring us all the way down so it's pretty simple you hit this diamond here we're going to create a keyframe then we're going to move forward i'm going to kind of guesstimate right here just about the two second mark hit another keyframe and bring it all the way up all right so let's see what this looks like we're going to hit play so pretty cool it's a decent in terms of timing of course you could if you want that a little faster you can bring it here bring a little closer create another keyframe complete the writing and then actually go to the next keyframe delete it so it's a little faster it's about 1 second and 16 frames so there it is now what we're going to do one more thing additionally is we are going to add smoothing with the spine spline window so i it's right here you can if it's not already open you can click it open and with the mask paint selected let's see let's go to one of our key frames oh here it is we're going to make sure those are selected and so you can see right now it is uh the curve is well there's no curve it's linear and so we can smooth it out so it kind of gives a little more acceleration deceleration as the effect goes looks i i typically do this it's not looks more natural so on this top one i'm going to just click it and right away you can see this spline stick out so now i can adjust that i can you know if i lay it flat here you can see how pulling it longer or shorter affects the rate and that looks all right and then now this point i find is a bit finicky the spline doesn't like to stick out so i'm going to right click and i'm going to ease oh no all right i'm going to uncheck isolate where did it go there we go clicked it again and i'm going to flatten it out so i kind of get this s curve right here so let's have a look we should be able to see a subtle difference so you can see it starts off and then accelerates a bit and then slows down so it kind of eases in and out okay it just makes it a little more natural but of course people understand this is a this is an effect so we're pretty much done here in fusion you can of course again still adjust these keyframes and just a note sorry with the splines here using this box here helps you um show you exactly where your control points are uh sometimes this this is kind of an infinite scroll so you can kind of get lost here so this helps to bring you to uh the control points you're working on all right so let's hit this edit tab we're back in our main editor and usually it takes time to render out play smoothly but you can see it's already there so that's fantastic whatever you decide to create this effect on if you don't want to or don't use davinci resolve we can export this within alpha channel and you can bring it into whatever editor you want so here this is what we're going to do next in davinci resolve we're going to use this rocket export tab so a couple things you need to do here first of all it's to make sure you click select individual clips uh that's how we're gonna make sure we see the alpha channel i prefer uh exporting in quicktime and in apple prores used by many many editors so it'll be really easy to see and then we're gonna click uh we're going to select prores 444 for xq and that's going to give us our little checkbox here for export alpha alpha mode straight is fine and let's call this right on test we hit add to render queue and then we this is kind of in our render and we hit render one so let's do that we'll just take a second all right cool now let's go to uh where this file is located and let's see right on test this is yep this is it so just to preview it you can see here that that black background is gone it is an alpha channel and i have my write on effect so i can import this quicktime movie into any editor i want hey guys thanks for watching hope that was helpful to you check out this next video on the best shortcuts that you can use to help speed up your workflow in davinci resolve hey guys my name is toby and we are going to do
Channel: Toby Nobody
Views: 3,104
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Id: iDSXyaDOS3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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