Basic Tracking Objects In Davinci Resolve 17 | Motion Tracking Tutorial

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hey guys welcome to another davinci resolve 17 editing tutorial and in this video i'm going to be showing you how to do basic motion tracking now if you're new to my channel don't forget to hit the subscribe button and click the notification bell to stay notified for my next uploads also if you want to see some awesome behind the scenes content of projects that i'm working on check out my social media accounts the links will be in the description below so in this video i'm going to be going over two different types of motion tracking i'm going to be going over the point tracker and i'm going to be going over the planar tracker the difference between a point tracker and planar tracker is the point tracker is a single 2d point that tracks contrast objects so if the lighting conditions change or if the perspective shifts you risk the 2d points drifting away and losing the tracking detail a planar tracker gives you more advanced tracking and more of an accurate result than a point tracker so a lot of the time you may want to be using a planar tracker instead of a point tracker but it's great to know how to use both of them just in case one of them works better than the other so let's open up davinci resolve 17 and let's start motion tracking okay so i've opened up davinci resolve 17. so i've got three clips here this first one is like handheld movements just because there's not a lot of details on the ground here i actually put my camera bag in the middle of it just because there's a good contrast point there for motion tracking the second clip is a perspective change where i've got this card with contrast points it's just basically it's one of those color data charts thing and there's like some good contrast points on there that's why i've used it for this example and then i've got a third clip here that i'm actually going to be showing you how to do some motion tracking inside of the color tab as well so let's go to the first clip and let's open up fusion because the first two clips we're going to be using fusion to do some motion tracking so we've got our media in and media one out and what we want to do is we want to track so the first track i'm going to show you is the point tracker now this is a very simple way to add text in very quickly to your video clip and some basic motion graphics overlay stuff so to access the track point i'm just going to click on our media in one and i'm going to hold shift and space and i'm going to type in track and we want this tracker right here now if you've used after effects before this is going to look very similar to how you do some point tracking inside of after effects you've got your box where you do a lot of the tracking and then you want the cross hair to be on the point that you want to track so with this camera bag there's a little bit of a handle loop where you can see a bit of white in the middle and this is going to be a very good tracking point for us to use and then we've got our box here where we want it to search for our area that we want to track and then we can adjust the size of the search area and then we've got this other search area just in case the tracker loses this part it can actually look for it in the bigger window for a better more accurate track so i'm happy where this is and i'm actually going to track this forward so we've got two different ways to track i've started on the very first frame so i'm just going to be tracking forward so you can track frame by frame if you want to or you can analyze the whole clip and get it to track all the way through so i'm just going to analyze it forward and as you can see it's doing a really good job at finding our tracking point cool our render is complete and then now let's play this back we can see that our tracking point stays on to the part of the clip that we want to track all right so we've tracked our clip and now i'm going to bring in some text i'm going to click and drag our text i'm just going to get a basic text in i'm just going to hit one on my keyboard just so i can see a preview of it and i'm just going to type in motion tracking and we can't see anything on our media outs just because we haven't connected it just yet and i'm just going to adjust the size i might change the fonts so the really cool thing about using the point tracker is it also acts as a merge layer because normally when you add text into your footage inside of the fusion tab you actually have to have a merge node to be able to preview it on your clip so i'm just going to connect this to our foreground which is our green arrow and at the moment you cannot see anything and we need to do one more thing in our tracker node so we can see our text and that's to go over to operation and we're going to change our operation from none to match move so now you'll see our text and when we play it back it is following the motion of our tracking point if you want to adjust the positioning of the text you know you can do it over here if you want to or you can add a transform node let's go transform and we can put that in between the text and our merge node and then we can you know adjust the positioning of it even the size angle as well that's how you use the point tracker inside of the fusion tab so now let's go to the other clip and i'm going to show you how to use the planar tracker so i'm just going to go back to the edit tab and i'm just going to go over to our second clip over here and i'm just going to go over to the fusion tab so we're in the fusion tab now and we're going to start tracking so i'm just going to select our media in one and i'm going to click shift and space and i am just going to type in track again and then now i'm going to choose the planar tracker so i've added my planar tracker and the first thing you want to do is we'll just find a reference point i'm going to start at about here and i'm just going to click i'm just going to make a shape around the point that we want to track there we go i'm actually going to set our reference time so i'm going to click set and that's just going to take us back to this frame when we're analyzing just because we're not at the beginning of our frame as well and you always need to set your reference time every time you use the planar tracker yeah i'm going to leave it at track for now and i'm going to change our tracker points to hybrid point area i'm going to leave our motion type to perspective leave the output to background track channel to luma the reason why i'm leaving a perspective is because when i'm playing it back you can see the object is shifting around and that's our perspective so i'm just going to track forward it's very similar to how you'll do this in point tracker so i'm just going to analyze forward and as you can see that's the uh perspective of this card is shifting as well so now when we move forward you can see that it's still sticking really well to our tracking card that we're using here so what we can do is we actually when we play this back you can see that it doesn't stick to the beginning of our footage and to fix that this is why you create the reference frame or the reference time is you can just click go and that will take you back to our reference frame right here and then i'm just going to track backwards and then i'm going to analyze the clip to the beginning of our clip so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to the media pool and i'm just going to drag my image in since i want the perspective to shift i'm actually going to right click and click and drag onto our planar tracker and i'm going to change it to corner pin and then i'm going to change our operation mode from track to corner pin we can just click and drag our clip over because we've already created our tracking points now we can roughly put our image onto our card right here let's just bring it there there we go and now when we play it back it will stick to our card this is very good for phone screen replacements or tv screens and as you can see our image is now stuck to our clip so i decided to go back to the first clip because i'm going to show you how to use the planar tracker in a different way if you're not using a perspective shift or a screen replacement and you want to add text and it and you want it to do a very similar thing to a point tracker just because sometimes with point trackers you may lose some of the details with bigger motion and all of that sort of stuff so i'm just going to hit shift space and we're going to type in planar tracker and we're going to open that up and i'm just going to create the points um i might use the backgrounds so i'm just going to create some points over here the bigger the area the better the track will be so i've got quite a lot of detail in this bit of frame right here so i'm going to keep it at track i'm going to set our reference frame and i'm going to change the motion type this is where um you can play around with and make sure you're getting the correct track for this sort of stuff i'm going to keep this at translation and rotation just because the camera is staying where it is and it's just going up and down left and right you know and then there might be some slight rotation so that's why um i chose translation rotation but if you're doing a parallax camera side to side movement you may want to have perspective or if you're doing a dolly in you might want to have the translation and rotation but if you're moving in closer to an object you may want to have the scale option as well so for this type of movement it's just translation rotation and i'm just going to analyze forward and now it's creating a lot of points to track and that's looking good cool and then i'm going to go to go it's going to go back to our reference frame and then i'm going to track backwards just so we get the whole clip tracked there we go so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to create a planar transform i'm going to click that and that creates a new node over here so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to create a merge node i'm going to click and drag and hold shift then we've got our text that we have from before so i'm just going to click and drag and bring our text into planar transform and then i'm going to bring the output of playing a transform into the foreground of the merge node and then now we've got our motion tracking data so it's doing the same thing the point tracker as well but you're getting bit more of an accurate result you know you're getting the translation of the up and down left and right movements and you're also getting that rotation as well so it makes it look like it's sticking to image much better so that's how you do motion tracking inside of the fusion tab if you're doing you know tracking text or doing some sort of graphics or visual effects sort of stuff this is the best way to do motion tracking inside of the fusion tab in resolve now i'm going to go over to our final clip and i'm going to show you some basic similar tracking inside of the color tab okay so i'm in the final clip and i want to do some motion tracking inside of the color tab just so i can isolate certain parts of the image i'm going to right click and i'm going to create a new node and what i'm going to do is i'm going to find the part of the image that i want to effect and what i'm going to do is i'm going to go over to our window and i'm just going to click on our power window and what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to the beginning of the clip for this one i'm just going to resize this so i'm just going to put this power window on our actors face i might just leave it a little bit wider and i'm going to go over to the next window and i'm going to go over to tracker and i'm going to make sure that we're on cloud tracker and then what i'm going to do is i'm just going to track forward and now it's tracking her face and then now i'm just going to see what we've tracked so now when we um do any adjustments we can you know make a face brighter and then we can just uncheck that so now we can see we can see now that we've affected it and when we play this back the power window follows along maybe we want to affect everything around her face and we want to keep her face just like that we can also go back to our power window we can invert it so now when we go back to see it's going to affect this area except her face so let's just change the gamma to just something ridiculous so you can see this better so now when we play this back you can see that it's tracking to her face we can of course go and adjust like the feather as well this is really good for color grading or you can actually use this for certain effects as well so i'm just going to reset our primaries wheels so another really um good way to use this effect is you can use this to blur people's faces so if somebody doesn't want to be in your film and you shot a really nice clip and that person you know walk through you can track their face and you can blur them out pretty quickly so to do that it's very simple so i'm just going to make sure that we are not inverted so we're just going to be affecting the person's face i'm just going to go over to our blur and i'm just going to push this all the way up so now we've got an anonymous face so yeah that's how you do basic motion tracking inside of davinci resolve inside of the fusion tab and also the color tab i hope you guys found this video helpful if you did don't forget to give this video a thumbs up and if you're new to my channel don't forget to hit the subscribe button and click the notification bell to stay notified for my next uploads [Music] you
Channel: McFilmin
Views: 34,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: McFilmin, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve effects, planar tracking davinci resolve, tracking in davinci resolve fusion, tracking in davinci, tracking titles, planar tracker resolve, motion tracking, Basic Tracking Objects In Davinci Resolve, Motion Tracking Tutorial, davinci resolve tutorials for beginners, davinci resolve 17 fusion tutorial, tracking in davinci resolve, tracking in davinci fusion, motion tracking davinci resolve
Id: G3R9zmwi9uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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