Simple Fly-Through Text Effect in Davinci Resolve 16 - 5 Minute Friday #53

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what folks Alex here and welcome to five minute Friday now this video is a viewer request from a guy called Dukey five six seven who asked simply can you do a fly through text effect the answer is yes and in this video I'll show you how to do it you absolutely can do this using keyframes you'll have more control using keyframes but I'm a big advocate for working smarter rather than harder and you can get really really great results really quickly and easily using dynamic zooms so that's what I'm going to show you in this video drums do a separate video on how to do it using keyframes just let me know down below right let's open resolve and I'll show you how to do it so here we are in DaVinci Resolve and we're on the edit tab now I'm going to whip through this first bit really quickly so forty made a video on it in the past you can click on that linked above so all I'm gonna do I'm gonna grab my clip and I'm gonna put it on to video two this is the video they want to see through the text I'm gonna open up the effects library we're going to go to the toolbox titles and then grab text and that's going to go underneath on video track one we're going to click on our video track so not the text the video above we're going to open the inspector in the top right hand corner and we're going to change the composite mode from normal down to multiply and this right away will see our text so I can give the text to click put my text in there I'm going to go with party choose a better font and we'll zoom in a little bit like so so now we've got our text with that video track underneath and it's looking something like that and all we want to do is to fly through the text revealing all of the video underneath so the first thing you want to do is find the point where you want to start flying through so the point where you want this animation to begin so I'm just going to go with about here I'm going to select my text and I'm just going to add a quick cut like so and then we want to find the point where we want the animation to have finished now a second or two seconds works really well with this I'm gonna go with about two seconds and then what you need to do is still cut on both the video and the text like so so we've got a simple cut there just in the text and then I cut here of both the text and the video we can delete this text because we no longer need that that's actually fine and then on this video track here just give it a click and then we actually want to change the composite mode for multiply back to normal she because you can see at the moment because it's a multiply but it can't multiply with anything it's just a black screen so if we change that back to normal now we can see the video track again so at the moment if we hit play we've got our party and then it just cuts off and we've got the video underneath give this small section of text a click with the inspector still open head into the video tab and we're going to use one of my favorites the dynamic zoom so just toggle that little box there to turn it on and then you'll see it will have some sorts of default animation so in this case it's just zooming out slightly which is not what we want down here to the left of your preview window you'll see transform with a little drop-down box you're going to click on this drop-down arrow I'm going to select dynamic zoom now this is dead easy the green box is this starting point and the red box is where you finish so what we want to do is just drag this red box we'll make it smaller and we want it to fit inside a letter so this is the point where you going to fly through so you want to make sure there's no outlines of the text within this red box how that works well for me and then we're just going to make this green box to be the full size of the screen and now if we go back in hit play it looks something like that and this is easy as that now you can miss with the animation slightly so if you give that a click again so it's highlighted again within the inspector go to video scroll down so you've got the dynamic zoom ease and excurrent Lee set to linear which means it will be moving at a constant pace I find ease in works better for this that means it'll start off slow and then get faster as the animation goes so now if we hit play it whips through it's really really nice and that's it folks I hope that was useful if it was thumbs up any comments or feedback down below thank you for watching I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 118,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, da vinci resolve, di vinci resolve, mralextech, mr alex tech, fly through text davinci resolve, davinci resolve fly through text, davinci resolve text effect, davinci resolve dynamic zoom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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