WOSRT Things Teachers Caught Students Doing (/r/AskReddit) Reddit Stories

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school administrators and teachers have read it what is your weirdest or nsfw thing you've caught a student doing [Music] our high school head teacher walked into our form room during break and found one of my classmates lying on a desk with her shirt pulled up while another was standing over with a sewing needle about to attempt to give her a belly button piercing they tried to pass it off as a tickle fight but wound up in the tension anyway [Music] tea eating strips of neon pink paper to see if it had a different flavor than white paper freshman in high school tea sucking pepperoni slices to get the protein out the white spots of fat senior in high school tea shoving aureus up their butt in the boys bathroom i didn't catch them they admitted it to me seniors in high school t buying clean urine from a homeless in a water bottle and using it for a drug test in the boys bathroom sophomore in high school t-shirt on pants down around ankles washing his genitals in the sink of the male restrooms at a campground on a school-wide camping trip parent chaperone i used to work in special needs and i caught a student vigorously masturbating to jafar from aladdin well i teach adults and i teach writing erotica is one of the topics we cover so having one of my students send me her pokemon erotic fanfic and having to read through it it wasn't bad though good hanky-panky scenes not a teacher but when i was a sophomore in high school this kid in my history class kept asking the teacher to go to the bathroom she said yes but the kid wanted to bring his book bag with him she asked him why and he wouldn't give an answer so she told him to put it back kid gives up on going to the bathroom and just sits down teacher looked suspicious but let it go few minutes later kid is looking into his book bag and moving things around trying to not be noticed but literally everyone did teacher yells at him for acting weird and asks him what's in his bag he refused to answer but i think everyone thought he was hiding drugs teacher calls the school officer down to the class and the kid freaks out tried to leave the room won't give up his backpack yelling and cursing finally school officer gets the bag from the kid opens it and finds a stack of poor no mags kid was trying to leave class to beat his meat masturbating in class some guys just can't keep it in their pants when i was a ta i found a freshman high schooler drawing furry porn on a school computer later in college i had to sit behind another girl who always drew furry porn during our morning lectures not a teacher but in high school english class a dude was watching porn at the back of the class while the boy in the striped pyjamas shower scene played on the screen at the front not a teacher but when i was in school the chain lab professor caught a boy inserting a test tube up his ass let me tell you about guys giving each other head in the restroom in an all boys school i have a few friends that went to a different high school and they told me of two boys were caught giving each other blue jobs in some area of the school this was last year and i don't remember where they got caught the real kicker was that neither of them were gay and the guy who was giving the [ __ ] was doing it in exchange for a half-eaten chicken biscuit from chick-fil-a and a container of dip needless to say it was a big topic in my town at the time not administration but one time in class i looked over at another kid's laptop and he went to close all of his tabs one by one and a good ninety percent of them were hentai when i was a ta for a local high school i saw some weird stuff the administration let a lot of obvious bullying happen my class was an early childhood education class there was one boy i'd see him in the morning and then when he came into class sixth period he was wearing a completely different outfit turns out some of the other student both boys and girls were dressing him up in humiliating clothes and straight up sexually abusing him i caught them one time and immediately reported it when i reported it to the school administration they terminated my ta program not a teacher but this dude in my grade was caught by a teacher eating his gf out in the hallway during class which sounds cool but they were both kind of gross edit a word a student of mine poop herself in class i felt so bad for her she immediately ran out and after everyone had the smell hit them we all put it together got her before she walked back in and just told her to go to the nurse obviously one-on-one where no one could hear but frick it smelled so bad and it freaking lingered edit high school by the way i taught sunday school when i was 15-16 to earn the good boy points so people didn't look too closely at my unchristian personal life i once caught a kid maybe six or seven eating a bible literally tearing out pages and eating it there were several pages missing and the only page i found was the one he was working on when i caught it not that i really expected a reasonable explanation but we never made it past i dunno when i tried to figure out why he was eating a book girl giving a handy dandy to a guy in the last five minutes of class while people watched not at school but with people from my class last year of middle school equivalent we were all 14 stroke 15. some guys freaked this girl five guys went to her house after school got into a line and fricked her the next day her parents showed up to school with a list of the guys asking for them so they could clear things up i was close to one of them at first i doubted it was true but the level of detail and how all of them told the same story made me believe it was true steve this is still a parole violation even if you get someone else to search for how to get 12 year old girls excited [Music] i'm pretty sure one of my students had a hand in his pocket and was rubbing one out during the middle of class nobody noticed but it sure made me give him a double take kindergartner peeing on a floor-to-ceiling mirror with his pants around his ankles the mirror was in the bathroom apparently he just wanted to watch from a different angle caught a group of fourth graders boys and girls performing hanky-panky acts on each other in the bathroom during recess they won't have intercourse but the girls were touching the genitals of the boys so we could only assume it was gonna escalate i'm not either we all found out that a student was giving another one a bj in the boys locker room not admin but here we go and hold on to your horses this is a wild one and before you comment that it's fake i can assure you it's not when i was around 13. i had a thing where instead of a fight or flight response i would just freeze up i have a fight response now i was in after school care as i was young and my parents would work till like 6 p.m school ended at 3 p.m i went to the bathroom and an ex-friend of mine followed too i do not remember his age but he was around 10 or so we are both males this is important i go to the urinal and he goes to the one next to me i thought nothing of it as we were friends we both finish up then he then asks me how big was my pp i immediately got uncomfortable and started trying to separate myself he follows me then pins me up to the wall this kid may have been 10 but he could throw a powerful punch and i was a weak kid so i froze instantly he grabs my pp and starts jerking me off getting hard in the process rubbing his pp up against my leg he gets close to finishing and that's when i bolted i got to the teacher and told them what happened they didn't believe me i ended up switching schools as he kept trying to pull the same stunt over and over again not a teacher but in my high school a straight couple was caught in men's bathroom having sex not a teacher but i had a classmate in high school who had a live goldfish in a water bottle and chugged it not a teacher but a girl in my school gave birth to a baby in the restroom and tried to flush it down my teacher caught this kid in our class masturbating to the romeo and juliet movie teacher here i have had students who have eaten boogers in front of their classmates and teachers student who poop himself during class student who took off his pants in front of the rest of the class students who thought it would be fun to fart on candle flame in hope that it would result in explosions i would like to add that all these situations took place at high school one year in high school a couple of girls put use tampons in the locker of another girl they were trying to get back at and they did it on the last day of class before a long weekend it smelled too high heaven when school resumed also it wasn't hard to break into lockers at my school in middle school a couple of girls got busted giving piercings in the bathroom they were using a sewing pin and rubbing alcohol so it certainly could have been a lot worse a guy in high school got busted for smoking weed in the football locker room across campus on the last day of school he ended up getting expelled and missed his senior season of football there were concession stands inside part of my high school four athletic events and stuff in the auditorium some kids figured out that they could get into the concession stand by going through the drop ceiling in the bathroom right next to it then over the wall in kindergarten a girl went into the bathroom and taped her eyelid shut with packing tape then stumbled back into the classroom screaming in a panic that it hurt too much to take the tape back off not a teacher but two freshmen decided to have fully naked hanky-panky on the floor of the nastiest bathroom in the whole school and of course someone caught it on camera i had a girl give me head in the bleachers once i caught a kid wanking into paw patrol one time in math class i got really worried and started freaking out and breathing heavily and my hand were under my desk and i'm pretty sure everyone thought i was jacking off no a teacher but back in high school we had a girl make a solo porn film for a guy she wanted to get with she sent it to him he sent it to friends then they sent it to friends on and on it went the following week everyone in our year had seen it she had to be taken out of classes and her parents called him because everyone was watching it we also had another girl cover her genitals in peanut butter and let her dog lick it off she was super gross i've never had peanut butter since not a teacher but one kid was doing the dirty with himself and two girls noticed so they confronted him after class he brushed it off and ran away not exactly what you're asking but similar back in my freshman biology class there was a couple k and b everyone knew they were an item even the teachers they even sat next to each other and did their projects together sort of like a power couple really cool kids one day our teacher stopped the presentation in a horror when she saw them sitting next to each other while taking notes and freaked out a bit she walked over and saw that k and b were just sitting in their seats holding hands she breathed a sigh of relief as she said oh but i thought you were sitting on kay's lab bee yeah you can't do that all of us laughed not a teacher but in middle school they expelled an eighth-grader who was caught having hanky-panky in the boys bathroom with their hs senior when i was in seventh grade a couple was caught fingering each other i repeat seventh grade i entered my classroom almost an hour earlier than usual and found one male and one female student inside he was laying on the floor and she was standing in front of him taking off her bra she immediately fixed it and tried to put her shirt on and storm out of the classroom as they didn't actually do anything i just lecture them on not doing it on school grounds not a teacher but had a girl give a blow job about 15 seats away in my road to some dude our class was only about 50 people they weren't even subtle no longer a teacher and never in the us probably our drama teacher when he kissed a student in the middle of class he was fired but never charged last i heard he worked at costco what a creepy fricker he was had a student suspended for throwing a used condom at someone else in class talking to a goat yes a freaking goatee tried to talk to a goat now the nsfw here is he asked to try to seduce the goat into fricking him a couple of year 10 us juniors freaking doggy style in a stairwell mostly clothe thank god but it was um awkward a colleague noticed a number of boys 13 years going to the bathroom one after the other and giggling on their return upon investigation it transpired that the first one had taken a dump on the lid of the toilet seat and was sending his mates in to admire it he had no explanation for it and no he didn't have special needs was in fact very smart this still holds the record of the weirdest wtf story in the staff room hi there look if you enjoyed the video well why not go ahead and hit that like and subscribe to reddit stories in fact if you want to see even more responses to this thread well then take a look there's the link in the description below and remember show some love to those authors while you're there and i look forward to seeing you next time [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
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Id: HXrS6eBi6pk
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Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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