Dying Reborn - Game Grumps

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The solution was DER not because of the Mur on the poster.

Minutes goes before hours. The clock said 45 minutes and 18 hours. Take the 4th, 5th and 18th letter from the alphabet and there you go.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Neaeran πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

the fish looks like the spongebob squarepants news anchor on meth

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pepincity2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Look at the lampshade"

Arin looks at the base of the lamp

"Look at the base of the lamp"

Arin looks at the lampshade

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_-AJ-_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Chromatic aberration" is the right term for the effect Arin is talking about. I've also heard it called "RGB Split."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thithiths πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

{scrolls through letters}


ARIN: Where's the 'E'!?!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/skyyn3t πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can't believe they didn't figure out that 2FC stands for Kentwoky Fried Chicken

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ardub23 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I dunno, Dan, the game looks like ass. And not the kind I like either.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BobtheFiveHalf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thirty whole minutes of grump? :D

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Vitztlampaehecatl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like the idea of having the grumps solve a puzzle room, but this can very easily turn into a walkthrough-heavy game...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HonorInDefeat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey I'm not suger oh hello welcome to this picture of our friend Matt Watson he's uh Larry the fish'll guy he's a nice he's a handsome man yeah yeah I like him welcome to dying reborn I know nothing about this game man me too okay let's buy it it just looked funny yeah it does it does look like a good time I mean [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] just [ __ ] fish it's got what is it called chromatic a Brit a Brit was it called CRO chromatic I don't know it's it looks like the [ __ ] guns aren't just shooting at the right direction on a CRT the guns yeah you know how CRT works know that TV yeah a tube television uh-huh it's a gun it's three guns that shoots cathode rays at a phosphorescent panel whoa in a horizontal fashion super fast and each gun is a color oh wire at the same time so the combination of the colors makes like the actual color that it wants to display that's freaking crazy if the guns aren't firing at the exact same place then it looks like that huh or that where it's like sort of like you can see like a little red bleeding out in one direction a little blue bleeding out in another direction oh yeah like on his back and stuff mm-hmm and his his head fins I see and very interesting there's another word for it now in like graphics cuz it's like a shader effect or some [ __ ] hmm well I like it and I think this guy's handsome so let's play a new game he's like I forgot to turn off this time I just want to see like another fish person like come like head come up and be like did you like it oh all right cool prompt for crosshair yeah whatever I don't know what this means so okay okay okay do you want to save the settings [Music] yes game no yes when you nut but she keeps swimming it's hard for fish man they just female lays the eggs on the floor of the ocean and then the male just swims over them in Jesus wildly into the sea and hopes for the best that shit's crazy and if you're swimming by at that time and the fish is just a cloud of of exceed it theist jizz so they don't they don't really like they don't see a female fish and they're like oh [ __ ] yeah oh my legs and they're like [ __ ] yeah well this is not as friendly as I thought it would be yeah no awakening time give it a shot Aaron I feel like he can just escape because he's a flat boy I think that perhaps those are just your clothes mmm section one you are nude section one you worked out of your clothes good job Matthew is not my real name but the people around me call all call me by it so I got used to it over time many years ago I see a police officer in Harbour Town however due to the downturn in the tourism industry I put periods after you I mean space a few periods the ones prosperous seaside town is now extremely desolate yeah it just looks like a URL yeah I'm dot however a little more than a month ago I still remember my sister Shirley being sad about the news that Harbour Town became bankrupt after all there that was where we earned our first big bucks dot then that once we knew that the town was bankrupt there was only one way to save it we had to go to town dot however log on today donate oh yeah donate to your local town John hell weapon what is this place feels a bit familiar but it seems to have been abandoned for a while now oh oh that's ok so you're in the close you know it's like an escape room I guess yeah I a braided into the clothes this place is a total mess it looks like a murders hey don't you don't be hasty wait the structure this room feels familiar it's like one of those rooms from the hotel in Harbor town my head hurt what left moved a to and so we're escaping oh yeah ok rotate rotate rotate looks like a clock wonder what its function is I'll probably Tate it a couple more times rah rah that was a scary wall oh I thought that was something in the room me too me too what's that noise an alarm clock we would I find a clock how do I turn this stupid thing off this sound is irritating Oh better just stop playing the game here wait I I think it's telling you to take out the batteries from the clock okay no no there's no way to do it stopped it 1845 the screen has been split apart it looks like someone smashed a prude it's 6:45 p.m. December 5th whatever year 2005 6:45 yes yeah yeah I was gonna be like that's not right and then I thought about it and I was like dad that's really rude in your face me stupid idiot getting everything right but a musty scent drips from the drawer when it's open something was not a monk must have been left in here for too long could it have been dead dead dead drugs could've been did its papers a noise in the bottle what is noise I don't know noise oh a noise you like a rattle bit Oh is this game foreign if I hold the bottle upside down and shake it I might get whatever is inside I lost whatever that fill in the grate oops that's great the coin the coin so get it you [ __ ] idiot hmm so perhaps look at a look at what the the buttons do is there a menu for that the drift you must be censored well I can tell you the right bumper is the menu cool which is very strange cool the coin I can't uh uh I can't pick up the coin it just says the corn the corn photo was so old you can't clearly make out the pic people in the picture I can only tell that above there's a man and a woman and the two of them appear to be curious this photo somehow seems familiar to me in an indescribable way he's familiar in the meets he reminds me the photo the couple in PT where it's like gouge it out oh yeah that was fun good yeah look behind you yeah I said the look behind you I rewatched that recently yeah it was a bad time fourteen notes melody hmm whose melody that [ __ ] well what what did you really did I just fudge that [ __ ] or maybe it's just any 14 notes I don't think I played the right keys but something came out of the piano anyway what's the start for and that red liquid is that blood is that blood let me see it I don't know is it blood why don't you just say you hate America if you have a problem with the American Florence the [ __ ] one oh yeah 5 5 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 5 5 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 5 5 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 cool ok it's twinkle twinkle and star [ __ ] you get it large bolt cutters these would definitely be useful somewhere probably not here huh you're a bull if you really gonna split hairs about it well I got a bolts okay job good job good [ __ ] use it on something then let's split some hairs with the bolt what the [ __ ] oh wait there's a there's a there's a lock on the wall behind you you see in that what what is that what what well it's just flashes what I mean just flashes this is that objects operating oh here we use the bolt cutter on that yeah it really needs a bolt cutter to get taken off there Dan or just take it I don't know man do it do something damn I mean isn't that obviously what you need it for I can't even interact with it really yeah it's I could just slide it off the pipe Dan you know is that I thought it was fused into the wall no I didn't mean to talk to you like no no it's okay hmm in the paper-box messily place are some paintings they seem to be the work of a madman who and are also quite depressive to look at depressing I do feel that I have seen them somewhere else before but I can't recall anything as of now no affair mm-hmm awesome teepee only several rolls of cheap dusty paper in the box yeah don't say it like you're so depressed I've got a big one brewing I'm very depressive this umbrellas so old that there are holes all over I can't keep it can't keep out the rain okay everything oh wait bull cutters yes in a victorious if only there was a way lect these could definitely be useful some I did it because I played mary had a little lamb hello um oh okay yes Oh so the when the chain gets that okay great yeah that's totally how it works I love it how do i what do I do now Oh miss I guess I don't have the right item what about the doorknob l doorknob Oh Nabu nope which is what they call me in Spain a big knob oh excuse me sir yeah I don't know if I dry my clothes on the roach covered floor well you gotta get them dry somehow put a monorail II we got here uh nice and warm keeps my skin my pores open mmm just like collard greens great for you here's a door I need to get out of here oh damn it it's locked there should be a key to open it good boy what the [ __ ] was that god that's it scared me do not what do they say this sound is really pissing me off Oh something fell oh my goodness a poster or a poser that's did I look in a mirror Oh do not waste even one minute man Oh what does this mean and this also the head of a screwdriver yes sweet dude I got okay things are happening all right we're doing it well what else what else do we got here we got a hose uh-huh no that's twisted metal we have it some little bug friends painting I feel like I've got everything at this point Oh Oh another lock it doesn't matter well you didn't get the coin right I can't think of any other reason for this type of design this was used to imprison others I don't want to spend another second is Jane clues uh wait what'd you say um excuse me you can't get that coin off the ground no I'm him well let me just as the coin that seems awfully weird maybe I like move the desk or there's no like crouched option no huh just walking around in this [ __ ] room can't do [ __ ] yo whoa prison Hey touched for the very first a beat-up loudspeakers installed in the corner he's got bully is the sound insulation this room so great the communication requires a loudspeaker this really just too strange I've had one wacky heck of a day don't even oh you gotta put the coin in there oh well how am I supposed to get the [ __ ] coin if I can't frickin reach it what a dill hole this guy this man is a dill hole okay a hole of dill I don't have a minute see [ __ ] worthless try putting um your dot like right over it Oh what about what about the umbrella - like try to reach it ah select and then eh okay so I have to like equip an item to use it okay it's not very clear sweet you did it and you got a good boy coin dude thank you I'm feeling like a good boy right as you should take the [ __ ] coin and take the umbrella tier I don't need it anymore okay I mean I guess I could but yeah I mean there's a really good paper just oh sweet hmm we got a b c d e f b c d e f and q r s t you dad dawn yes and now we sit back and play the wicked yeah I'm sure it'll just take a second to unlock it's just sitting there for like hours yeah whoo I'm incredibly hungry and confused okay so this has got to be something right it said take a minute but nothing's going on here looks like someone smashed it pretty hard because they were confused or well they were horny oh I didn't even think of that 6:45 what the heck do we do dude I don't [ __ ] know okay and like some kind of riddle boy huh you claim to me I'm the one who riddles I'm [ __ ] I'm the one who stumps I'm the one who is stumped okay wait what the [ __ ] hold umbrella with holes in it no idea why it wasn't thrown away it still gives me the umbrella prompt when it's not there ooh boy hard here I don't have I do not have faith with all of this I don't know the meaning behind these letters are pattern or how they're connected oh so was this like a clue oh wait is that 2fc is that what that says 2 FC 2 FC oh yeah that's the Wrestling Federation of double people I don't know what the [ __ ] to do man hmm hold on I'm looking up I got nothing I got freaking nothing I got [ __ ] bricks in the wall I got I got that I'm gonna die in here dude really yeah well I mean I can't get out I'm gonna die in here I'm stupid um I'm what wait uh oh oh oh paper yes oh ah does this have a hint on it I would assume so something about math you smell there's a piece of paper under the lamp shade under the lampshade yep this lampshade yeah take a look at the lampshade was it this one what's on the piece of paper I it supposedly says hours maybe hours yeah - can you interact with the lamp at all not just says lamp dude what about the main body the main body yeah up there nope nah dude you know [ __ ] lamp aw hell are you talking about all right I don't know well let's take a quick peek yeah here Matt Ryan pause the episode for a second oh we think we've got it screwdriver action satisfaction or your money back boom there's something yeah all right combined and then ex screwdriver yeah now you got a heavy-duty screwdriver that I can use on the clock yes now you get the [ __ ] battery out I wouldn't want to do something like Josh do it listen to me you [ __ ] you open that oh yeah dude that's it I'm out the keys done I'm the key boy no matter how I'm found the key I found the key it slipped [ __ ] perhaps the other door there's no other did there's no other door there's this door yeah key hole yeah but doesn't let me hmm you see what I'm seeing ain't no door that can be opened with a key ain't no key that can open the door Oh fiddle-faddle okay Dan don't you [ __ ] fiddle faddle I'm sorry for Curt I'm sorry for cussing Lucas I'm so sorry okay check the check the lamp the lamp yeah see if there's a light switch on it well yeah there is but I can't [ __ ] turn it on because the power is cut mmm yeah I'm not good enough I'm not [ __ ] smart enough to play this game Dan of course you are eh you really think so I have a key now so I feel like I should be able to open this [ __ ] door but I can't open the dang Diddley door I really just want to keep the door open wait turn on the light switch see if there's a light switch look on the wall yeah I'll see and I've looked all about left-right up-down tumeric cumin shorty get low oh boy what oh boy I do I do not know where this light switch is yeah me neither maybe they took it out because they didn't want me to see they wanted to be tortured they were like well you paid $25 for this escape room you're going to get an experience of a lifetime I'm David Pumpkins David s pumpkins the power goes over here to the televi and it goes up there to the ceiling and then that that goes out that way and then goes up there to which there is a lamp and some gross hair he's the CEO around there yes I did it's incredible oh there's a decrepit romantic and resting on the top of a gate yeah it does that was the thing that does I've got minute and I've got a dart I leave a red liquid is a blood can you rotate the minute thing see if there's something gets it on the other side of the minute you like flip it or nah man hmm I know right what the [ __ ] I'm confused all right one more second we'll get this Oh at the [ __ ] target the lock ah that's ridiculous okay all right we got it it's [ __ ] ridiculous cut a lot of the wandering out unless it's funny yeah sorry I'm at Ryan Ida click the damn kidding me Aaron didn't know yet to target the lock I neither did I frankly well this game is epic so ravaged oh I miss you so much I will never forgive him why is he another one's dead well there's three alive can anyone help me I really want to kill that bastard yay it's very uplifting stuff yeah was this based on a children's book it's gonna go well switch what would happen if I hit it oh I wonder no one will be insane enough to put a trap under my feet or put an electric shock on the switch right ooh oh oh there's something on the lamp look at that is that like a pea or is that like a look oh yes minutes and hours Oh combined no no all right well I got minutes and hours now what should I put it in the paintings or like a ripped painting or um like like a picture should look at her have minutes and hours got hours of minutes time to kill geez this is tricky do not even waste one oh maybe I could put it here do not even amaze one minute it's so ironic oh how is it ironic yeah I even waste one hours well that's where you got it from I got minute from it minutes hours and bats I'm [ __ ] no dude if I was in an escape room right now I would be dead they would be like good job spending [ __ ] $40 and figure out literally zero puzzles this we need to find the emergency escape box what the hell is that I don't know I'm assuming it's the thing on the door seems like it so what about it use the paper here oh yeah clean Oh neat the liberation hours goes before minutes or minutes goes before hours more likely yeah and then equip this [ __ ] and select and equip it and put it in yes the time is the key to liberation minute goes before hours okay minute goes before hours so 45 o clock 45 6 was an ass what the hell does that mean no no cheese oh gosh time is the key to liberation minute goes before hours [ __ ] all right well I just looked it up and a walkthrough and I gotta tell you it's stupid well I don't I just don't understand what does it say you'll then need to put the alphabet code to escape from the saw room you will need to input the code and the code is three letters but I'm like what the [ __ ] are those letters like it tells me but I don't understand what connection they have to anything we've done so far six that's a number 45 also numbers mm mm I should know the combination by now according to the walkthrough think so go [ __ ] yourself man it goes before hours minute goes before hours minute goes before hours I've got it really this game sucks I figured it out um Murr minute go oh my god what I got it I see why well you gotta give it to me because I can't figure it out you had the solution yeah yeah look at the poster again this poster no the other one this poster yep wait guns furs mur mur mur if you were to continue that word what would it be murica real close Erin Murray letters sir yeah are you [ __ ] what does that have to do with minute goes before hours I don't know where's the e there yeah dur yes that sound it's coming from the TV sir you did it I didn't touch this TV is someone remotely controlling it and messing with me time is the key to liberation minute because maybe that's later let's watch this fun thing you you should have never came here covered this hotels full of traps and dangers my dear I am sorry that I can only communicate with you this way I'm the murder fairy surely you have to find a way to live bigger please don't pick up I am okay fine we're sure what is up with that weird woman whatever I just need to find Shirley first and get out of here according to her let's go wait check the letter why would I check the letter because it's I don't know room 102 outlook awakening timed I was asleep this whole time now I wake up in my bed what the [ __ ] is happening god I'm do a dying low dying reborn lift that prison like room before I have time to calm down what are they trying to hand out the Teresa's up what in the sadistic clues as well as the letter with the picture of me and Shirley were they all mean I am afraid that I am inside the hotel the final Harbor I'm sorry that's rock tonight anyway next time on Gabriel hey we escaped from a room yeah we did it only to be let into another more compliant ated room this seems morbid no that's harsh it is interesting it's harsh and true oh you're just bummed because you wanted to play more jigsaw animal puzzles
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 998,540
Rating: 4.93432 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming
Id: fSby7k5k7bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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