Ghoul Grumps: Blair Witch - 1 - A Million Percent Dead

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man all I know is that if Arin and Dan ever wander into the forest, they will most definitely get lost and die

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/trainercatlady πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Backwards talk is Dan saying "Kill your parents, won't you?"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MagnifyingGlass πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Only started watching Grumps last November, so very looking forward to my first official Ghoul Grumps

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AdamBombTV πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

There's a dog

Oh boy!

In this horror game

Ohhhhhhh nnnoooooooo

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Backupusername πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

As someone who grew up near burkittsville, the woods look 0% like this game and that really bums me out.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fluffenchops πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lol. I can't believe how hopelessly lost they got immediately. AGAIN, Dan was right but unwilling to assert himself and let Arin walk 180 degrees backward into the map boundary, again and again, over and over, bouncing off it like a pinball. Legit lol at these idiots, no criticism.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 40 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thadude42083 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not even five minutes, they've ignored control prompts.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DrBodyguard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thefuryx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

We Ghoul Grumping bois!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xavined πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey uncle creation will snare app really okay um welcome to yet another year of cool grumps mm-hmm something that I just have to clench my cheeks and try to survive which cheeks all of them every pair of cheeks because I hate scary stuff hey it's scary games and we're gonna play them we are Dan we're absolutely gonna play them and I am excited for one this is something called the bear which project the Blair Witch Project I believe it is about a large grizzly who has been imbued with the powers of the undead and the occult when they find him on their video camera he's like staring at a wall a bear would if he was sad he couldn't get the honey [Music] that really would be a turn wouldn't it didn't see that coming did you Heather good so I don't know anything about this game but it's new right uh yeah I guess it's like new ish uh is that actual footage I don't know man no it's not wow this is not is that see gizzle Wow but boy see gizzle wow it looks so good man video games are amazing yeah they really are getting excellent with all these graphics look at that look at that high quality Bork er it's a bluebird team production oh man it's been so long since I've had a good blue bird it's put me in the mood man that name has just scared me honey we've been going out for I don't know ten years you think you're finally ready for a bluebird taking it to the next level huh ball work oh we should also say there's some kind of seizure warning thing that we were oh yeah we were warned about when we turned this game on so Burkittsville get ready for that many many don't know this but Burkittsville actually the place they invented butt sex that's not a real team so this is that's the real Blair wait ray yeah that's the class ii kinda gaudy those are good times listen those are excellent times this car seemed like I was moving too fast for one second are you driving right now oh dude no okay good oh yes but I'm not driving okay got RB to get your phone got it answered I thought it said Jesus will you answer the call I just driving towards my impending doom we got the pupper in tow how he's looking for the kid what kid the girl from the movie no no the kid disappeared nine-year-old disappear old Baltimore crows cube yeah you know why yeah are you gonna pick up a Hallmark card of course it's a bad idea looking for the freaking Blair Witch and you pick up a card for Mother's Day [ __ ] it's Mother's Day more I got to get a new phone this is way old this is like 2019 man he still thinks he's in the nineties I don't know what's going on he's super dead yeah that kids a Honda [ __ ] is a million percent dead he got Blair which it's not a verb Aaron it sure is [Laughter] you should sir you should have a license plate Rock sorry boy like goes to close the caravan sorry Tim this is for what I do karaoke later oh wait where are you where is he what are you doing where are you oh there is it boy you just spend the next hour and a half looking for oh is he looking in the trunk or what's going on here oh look reports interact man I can't read that freaking handwriting mm-hmm if you stopped pissing your pants every time someone mentions the witch and decided to show up check the oh this is for me yeah check the trunk just walkie-talkie in there for you I'm also leaving you a photo of the kid we're looking for call sheriff laning and unil to I don't know what that means handle to channel 2 since you're ready to join us man that's like critical information for how to play the game could you not like write it in friggin chicken scratch like my roommate I think there was a button where it reads it alone okay okay so I've got a walkie-talkie and write the foo L the fool yeah yes we will know this tyre know this box no great all right here we go where's my dog dog down he's just with you really in spirit definitely in spirit boobers that dogs gonna die I'm like to say Oh should I like jump over that's uh that's obstacle one yeah oh sweet what is this believe it's a bishop they can only move diagonally huh better keep looking you can access them by holding the RB and choosing backpack yep I get it okay okay I got it what a scary menu all right I got it oh it wants me to do it Oh RV there we go walkie talkie you're on channel one okay yeah it turns Channel two I want a channel two you change the channel oh then take two steps not now not now not now what do you want me to do walking forest oh wait look at my backpack uh scroll object we got carved figurine we got dog snack Peters photo great well hey bullet I'd say this case is just about solved onward to the forest which chest comes running out didn't look you backpack very well Matt again that's like I'm getting Resident Evil 7 vibes I was such a bad time Bork why'd you face me the other way oh well is that me yeah you just went third person where do we there's a violinist somewhere in the woods gotta find him gonna grab that bow from him what a pretty forest no see kinda helicopters like ah okay funny joke loggers baby did you see the new one the new film no I've never seen actually I saw the first player which a long time ago oh you that they're not there with us when we water for sure recently no it's scary it is creepy it's like pretty well done oh yeah they they did a lot with very little all right now I can call that looks like it says Charles Ellis is my maiden name call me Charles yeah what are you talking about and you're here to give me exposition so just tell me what's up yeah can we just move this along and I need the flavor text what where am I gonna get scared where's the scary my health issues what did I like dogs yeah what a health issue I know I have trouble seeing what my swollen prostate has to do with any of this let's talk about how you're missing both your legs yeah how did you know I have a UTI oh here we go bullet burns when I pee come here boy hurts my feet that's what he named his dog oh he's my right hand dog listeners barking watch this body language he'll be the first to alarm you have trouble the way you treat him can affect his behavior later in the game really stay close to him prolonged loan - oh cool like now I can pet him and he's nearby I look at him and hold a he'll be and I'll pet him yeah I'll put him a lot cool I don't want the seek it's bullet before shadowing dog work you're [ __ ] I want to pet him I want I want I want to hit him but let me pet him first let me pet yeah who's opposers who's the goodest poseur yeah yeah he loves it yeah okay anyway good luck finding that Satan's paunch he just goes and looks at the wall there's no walls here how'd you even do that would you find would you fund your boy Oh dead kid stuff hates a dead kid I mean uh no way how do i how do I activate Irby there we go nope no dang it no dang it dala what the buttons are stuck up ah the guy with a swollen prostate forget about a hair alright alright thanks I'll stay behind in fact I think mine I'm needed in the parking lot out of the woods I guess I'll tell him to seek more I'm sticking don't come on man today today today dog is sniffing I guess I'll just go on my own oh it come humble it onward you feisty mutt it's an interesting twist to have a little pop oh yeah what was that a message to the left I don't know what that means all right no pressed left I looked left it wasn't a message well it oh there you are honey baby don't leave me yeah hey you should spray paint that dog something that doesn't look exactly like the rest of the forest yeah seriously a couple stripes on him I see fleas it's like uh what I don't know you want me to do buddy we're running we're running in the woods with my friend dog welcome aphorism 30 woods yeah man it's really beautiful space trail light coming through scary monster lurking somewhere yeah did they ever uh they ever show what the Blair Witch is supposed to look like I think they showed the Blair Witch in the new one really but not in the old one know if they that was part of like the the coolness of it was scurry yeah that was part of this you don't even know if if there is one oh snap is that like is that like the jam like oh man you didn't even know was it just the kids went crazy yeah yeah I mean that that's like one of the theory is that like the two guys were basically luring her in there ticular oh oh you find something honey hole it where are you well it I'm scared well then I'm immediately scared he'll what does he'll mean oh hi so you saw something over here something real scary somebody oh oh I'll pull it you're wasting my gdt that's my gosh dang tizzle hello what do you think look a baby what the hell someone was taking pictures looks pretty good all right well someone has a great eye for nothing took the patient you're going the right way sure you might be going back do you think so and once you came I don't know man boy there's no map in this game is there I guess not I'm walking toward the light or away from the light I don't know yeah boy is that part of the the freakiness of this game you get like hopelessly lost I guess that would be like oh I just got an achievement lost in the woods great you did it Aaron because I'm like going back or am I truly lost yeah not all those who wander are lost you however are sure as [ __ ] lost my little burger he's like look at him he's like whoa yeah I see something good over there this is pretty cool man I gotta say lead the way Bork it's not scary but I can see how it would get scary very quickly looks like I'm blocked or cur find a way for me to be unblocked uh-uh is there it's like a jump button jump nope boy I'm lost as hell yo Bork yeah get over here Booker yeah how about you call the the dudes see he's like I don't know what you want me I don't man they just start speeding and there huh just searches right where he is I guess we'll try one of the other eight million spots in this forest alright let's let's let's call the boys channel 2 night in the woods just like old times huh well I in finance apply unless I do some exercises out here I'm saying cool could talk where are you yeah I'm scared I'm sorry I didn't mention that I was scared we were having a reminiscing conversation I I just wanted to mention that I'm scared it's definitely like a dead end though I mean like we're out where the hell is what I go hmm worker little Bork boy it's not like another option to be like ooh Oh where's this where's the where's the good stuff mr. borke emic or christine rep stigmatism asta close yeah oh he's as confused as I am can you hit like a select menu or something uh I got a backpack and what was that dog snack ooh that sounds nice a leather wallet don't need it well little Bourque we've done our best is there should we pause this and see if we can figure out what to do cuz we could easily be doing this for the next like half-hour sure and not find [ __ ] yeah you got it cool all right hold please you want to play a little game [Applause] found a small hidden cave oh yes we did look at this bed we stumbled upon that [ __ ] and it looks like it looks like there's something in there well let go in there bullet check that shiz seek go search bullet seek inside bullets physic Bart Simpson trying to like teach Santa's Little Helper he's trying to cover it up cover up the fact that sound of this little helper is totally undisciplined he's like sit walk away sniff out of their dogs but what is that thing I don't know but it's not letting me do anything maybe I need to send bullet in there does need a pet amour yes you're so okay now go in there you stupid freakin doh yeah look around he's looking right at it oh maybe I should use a flashlight little flashlight perfect yeah I can see that I think it's a hat is it a rock no it looks like a hat dude it looks like that hat the kids wearing a little blue and the Baltimore Crows hat so I have like a machete do we have my chat well why can't I [ __ ] do anything here well you mean got anything so far found a cave I guess I guess they don't want me to go in this cave tell the dog to search there I did hmm oh oh there you were hey buckle seek yeah go in there go in the hole hole it yeah bullet does not care about our let's play that is for dang sir is this the game is this with scary yeah the idea that your animals can turn on you at any moment fetch I had to press a different way to go off all right we're learning we're learning in the game such a dumbass he's got it he's got the hat yeah let me see yeah you're good dog aren't you good job now to see if the child is in this hat can we conjure the child so it said that's Peters crab can you fall show the object a bullet sniffing dude he's like oh [ __ ] I'm on it would you sniff that go go what is it minish like hurry I smelled something Oh excellent cut some of that meandering out then yeah okay only the good bits okay keep in the pork pork pork pork the greatest hits that was some Blair Witch action what happened I fell man how far did you fall I don't know where's my boy my guy did you fell like two feet yeah turn around what it's a crow you thought you felt like a foot-and-a-half yeah I don't yeah I don't I'm not like hurt or anything I'm totally fine don't worry way that's weird this looks very not intimidating at all yeah I know onward towards the crow I'm sure that's where good things are see see down here Dona fragglerock not now you didn't blurry oh yeah I think my illness is kicking in your swollen prostate oh no I really wanna be the prostate so huge you barely walk yeah well this something happened with my vision or something Oh weird oh let's make me want to throw up yeah oh he's got some kind of scary scary oh dear it's got a scary situation going on noise now I've got a scary situation going oh no it's gonna be like bad no [ __ ] I hope not oh there's my boy will it let's hear it for my sweet porky man I got ahold of myself ok 1 1 that's the pupper oh thank god alright buddy dude don't don't bring your dog it wasn't your dog's fault you're a clumsy two footed bastard alright yeah what is it boy oh yeah follow and fall again why didn't you help me walkie-talkie what does that mean means pick it up oh oh um confirm whoops no I didn't know not cancel good job damn it good job call her there we go no signal nice work [ __ ] dude jess is gonna break up like Rick thought a was be and I thought B was a yeah Wow why would they have a cancel option there were two buttons the real life oh it's getting spooky err and smooth this is getting spooky fetch aren't you fetch bullet aren't you scared to pull it pull it pull what I'm immediately freaking out let's hear it for the dark no man Oh campsite hey nothing ever happens at a campsite in a blur which movie virtually none or blue which great well should we continue this next time on game rabbits on the camera this is what the found footage came from yay we're gonna see clips in the movie now oh great here's some of your favorite Blair Witch hits such as standing in a corner screaming and dropping the camera wait whoa ah [ __ ] what's happening maybe you should know I'm fine I'll deal with it I just my wife's face is blurry we'll find out who she is next time I gave maybe maybe your face is a boob get Sun blurry this is like blah blah
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 933,608
Rating: 4.9522986 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming
Id: En_ByQuWUr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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