7 Most Romanced Game Characters According to the Stats

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romance in video games has been around as long as video games [Music] themselves oh you're telling me those two aren't into each other but these days with your color graphics and your romance options things are a little more sophisticated as players get to choose which character to romantically pursue today we discover which characters in which games are the most popular choices according to player stats because what's more romantic than stats nothing shh the we spoilers for The Following [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] games if this all ends tomorrow what happens to us I don't know marriage old age and a lot of little blue children the Mass Effect Trilogy is a game series that tasks you Commander Shepherd with the daunting seemingly impossible challenge of finding the perfect space girlfriend or boyfriend also the Galaxy's ending or something to say that you're spoiled for Choice when it comes to romantic options in the Mass Effect series is an understatement you'll be picking not just from a selection of bog standard Lads and ladies but also from guys like this humanoid praying mantis whose alien junk probably needs an instruction manual just as long as there isn't a bit left over when you're finished let's cut to the chase I need you for a per Mission indeed making the right call for who to pair off with can be tough particularly if you're playing as a sort of Shatner esque space lothario and catching feelings for everyone on board your ship the Normandy why do I have to make a choice maybe the three of us could uh in your dreams Commander it's almost reassuring that even when you're Humanity's last hope of saving all life in the Galaxy that still doesn't work I love it when women fight over me statistically though according to a survey published in the Guinness World Records Gamers Edition back in 2016 the partner you're most likely to have chosen to Rance in the original Mass Effect Trilogy is Dr Liara Toni a member of a blue tinged monog gendered alien race that just so happens to look a lot like a conventionally attractive human woman will you join with me Shephard let our bodies and Minds unite just tell me what to do in a galaxy this huge that is quite The Stroke of Luck Lara has a couple of advantages over her fellow castmates for a start she's been in the trilogy since the very first game appearing in all three of those games and a lot of people will have stuck with their original relationship throughout we've been through a lot haven't we but it's been a good ride the second Advantage is that Liara is the only one of the three romance options from the original Mass Effect that is interested in both male and female Shepherds and when the other option for female Shepherds in that game is earnest but rubbish Caden aleno the choice is clear beautiful but not stuck up about it like you I guess ma'am it's hardly surprising then that Liara is the clear favorite in this Guinness World Records poll with just under a third of respondents picking her as their series romance partner better start hitting that instruction manual it seems to be the perfect night to spend a little time together just you and I assuming you haven't changed your mind of course at the time of recording Boulders Gate 3 has been completed by over 1.3 million people that's approximately the population of Estonia or the number of followers that will weaton has on Instagram and hey if you're all three hit us up in the comments I'll be waiting those Boulders Gate 3 player stats come straight from developer laran itself who shared some intriguing insights on the bg3 player base over on Twitter such as how one .24 million players have been transformed into a sentient wheel of cheese behold my Fury unbelievable for the purposes of this video however the key point is how the most popular romantic option in this whole romance forward game is Sassy goth half elf cleric Shadow heart dominant self-centered savoring another's loss I like it to Victory according to Lan's numbers a sizable 51.3% of players reached the Final Act of Shadow heart's romance Arc making God's favorite princess the player base's favorite D and D girlfriend this will do take off your clothes in addition to Shadow heart's immediate appeal as a slinky worshipper of sha poured into plunging low cut Camp clothes it doesn't hurt that she was also made the easiest party member to recruit and the hardest to miss because she's carrying the mystical D20 that propels the entire plot through to the end of the game don't give me that look I don't know what just happened any more than you do just tell me that you didn't roll a one anyhow after being snubbed for most popular romance option Dreamboat bastard aaran will have to content himself with really being Boulders gate 3's romance option with the best hair what more could I ask hey it's better than being a sentient wheel of cheese they take our people they destroy our Island it is not peace that you want it is that you leave us greedall is an action RPG developed by spiders which is both a factual statement and the most unsettling thing I've ever said the development Studio named spiders clearly took some inspiration from Old School BioWare roleplaying games with a branching narrative moral choices and yes the opportunity to attempt to seduce your adventuring colleagues no I understand and I hope that this singular appearance makes me more attractive to you all I'll say is it's a good job HR manager isn't one of the traditional roles in an adventuring party greet fall has four characters who are single and ready to mingle in this partical fantasy world there's ships cap Vasco botanist AFA magic user Sora and Kurt who is the one who says things are about to get dicey approximately every 10 seconds move away things are about to get dicey move away things are about to get dicey move away things are about to get dicey if you think that's bad wait till you hear him when he's chopping vegetables greet full does us a statistical solid by offering up separate achievements for completing each of these characters romance subplots as a result we can see that siora is the runaway favorite with 7% of all steam players of the game entering into a relationship with her on Xbox achievements site true achievements it's a similar story with 9% of tracked Gamers bagging the [Music] achievements there's a couple of reasons why Sora might be the preferred choice of romantic liaison in greed full for a start she's happy to shack up with either a male or a female deade meaning a relationship with her is available to all players in all playthroughs secondly Sora arrives much earlier in the story than the other romanceable female character Afra meaning you'll have had more time to develop an affection for her who is this amazing person in your company that's not to say there aren't obstacles in the way of Romancing Sora the biggest one is that she can leave your party entirely if you accept a bribe from the missionaries who are hanging out in her Village there are no words that could repair what you have broken it seems plenty of players manag to avoid this obvious Pitfall though given that Sora is the clear front runner when it comes to Greed Falls four paramor I'll give you one guess as to who is the least popular romance option move away things are about to get dicey definitely not something you want to hear in the bedroom under any circumstances let us end this back in 2009 the original Dragon age did a thing where you're awarded a specific achievement for each character you romance therefore the global achievement stat for Dragon Age Origins shows us What proportion of players romanced each of the games for eligible characters take your lectures elsewhere they mean nothing to me there was the salty witch Morgan and the spicy Rogue assassin zevron and the sweet Bard Leiana She's Everything he's just Alistair have you ever licked a lamp post in Winter a do or a doable depending on where you're coming from now according to the stats from trueachievements.com the most popular of the Dragon Age Origins crew was Morgan with 36% of tracked Global Xbox players having unlocked the achievement for experiencing the quote thrill of romance with the witch of the Wilds herself I see this stories they tell of Grey Warden endurance are not exaggerated it's a 30-second cut scene but okay compare that 36% of Morgan devotees to the 22% of players who romanced Elana the 21% who hooked up with zevron and the 177% who went all the way with Alistair sorry Alistair you know according to all the sisters at the monastery I should have been struck by lightning by now considering those stats however it's worth noting that true achievements tracks the achievements of some 400,000 registered players which is a large sample but not necessarily representative of the whole player base in fact according to a 2015 blog post from Dragon Age Origins lead writer David gor quote Leana is the most common romance in Dao by a significant margin and he would know so in the end we simply must hand it to Leiana we must also hand it to the 11% of thirsty Achievement Hunters who unlocked the achievement for putting in the work and Romancing all four characters which took multiple playthroughs really putting the score in gamer score there well done cheers here's to what's yet to come to what's to come sometimes if you want to find out who the most romanced character in a game is you have to pour over surveys and achievement statistics other times the developer just straight up tells you in the case of cyberpunk 1977 a tweet direct from the developers is how we know that a very precise 67.5 3% of players chose to romance PanAm Palmer on their playthrough of CD project red sci-fi RPG I'm just not like that so what are you like more like this for those unacquainted with PanAm she's a motorcycle riding Nomad mercenary who lives out in the Badlands surrounding night City and looks like a Mad Max car but with better personal hygiene ma'am I'm sure you'd be Cozier with your shoes off after a full day in then i' fear a health code violation nonsense after a day as full as today you deserve to kick back it's not an enormous surprise that PanAm ranks highest after all there are relatively few serious romance options in cyberpunk 2077 if you have a maale body type there are a few minor characters that main character V can have a fling with but your options are mainly PanAm or carry eurodig with his tiny robe oh it is a heartbreaker it's been a while since I've been on the dating scene but I assume tiny robe is a red flag it's a similar story for female-bodied player characters with your options for a serious romance subplot being either Judy Alvarez the brain dance technician or a random guy called River Ward who you can entirely Miss if you're just following the main quest come on you can stir the meat uh phrasing frankly though in spite of the odds being heavily stacked in Pam's favor when it comes to Which Romantic partner players will pick it's still a miracle anything happens at all given V's complete lack of game when he's flirting with her just what did you have in mind just um glad to have met you so I thought I'm glad we met to what's the opposite of a pickup artist a put down artist that's you mate of course to address the silver- handed elephant in the room we all know that the only reason anyone else is getting a look in is because Keanu Reeves is trapped in your head and thus entirely [Music] in which you play a single gay dad trying to be a good father and get back out there where there is the quiet neighborhood to which you've just moved and which is happily wall to- wall with eligible dads with all these datable daddies on your doorstep you are eventually going to have to pick a favorite from among the seven up for grabs whether that's Daman the aspiring vampire hipster Barista Matt or Robert the brooding bad boy whose interests include cool knives drinking whiskey and hanging out in Alleyways I don't know only I can fix him you progress your relationship with any given dad by going out on dates with him and the steam Global achievement tracking shows us which of these flirty fathers is most favored since an achievement unlocks when you go on all of one specific character's dates are you familiar with the works of Corey Feldman he simply slayed in the last boys this dating data tells us that troubled hottie Robert is the most dated of all the daddies since 35.3% of players have fallen for his charms been out on all of his dates and unlocked the linked achievement that is named knife dad on account of all the Romantic whittling you did together I may be bad but you made me glad see fixed him [Music] cozy country living RPG Stu Valley couldn't be more wholesome if it served me a nourishing bowl of soup Peak wholesome Vibes this rustic wholesomeness extends to the way in which you can woo your eligible neighbors of which there are many hanging out with them and giving them appropriate gifts to nurture your Rel relationship along the way to getting married which in here as in life is relationship endgame at least until they come out with the relationship DLC or possibly new marriage plus from among stardew Valley's many candidates for marriage a Reddit survey of over 10,000 stardew loving respondents found that the most beloved Bachelorette is Leah the sweet and sensitive artist who lives on the edge of Pelican town hey I get it not least because as your relationship deepens with Leah she will present you with a sculpture that only a low Brow Art hater would think looks like cat poop the most popular bachelor in the valley meanwhile is Sebastian the rebellious loner with anime hair who's living rentree in players heads and also in his parents basement like my Stu Valley Farm he's a fixer upper also according to the survey Leah is overall much more popular than Sebastian so apparently plenty of players really dig that weird sculpture thing she gave you or maybe just the fact that she lives in her own home where there will be plenty of space to keep that weird sculpture it's the perfect marriage does it have to be at the end of the bed though romance statistics we bring you it all here on side Xbox and you know what else we bring you a video like this one every single week along with streams and other videos and all kinds of things and you should subscribe and and find out what those other things are or and watch this video from outside Xbox or this video from outside extra our sister Channel also on YouTube and if you'd like to support us in what we do go to patreon.com Ox Club where you can join our official fan Discord see you on there
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 316,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, panam, leliana, shadowheart, astarion, morrigan, leah, sebastian, robert, dream daddy, dragon age, dragon age origins, liara, mass effect, baldur's gate 3, cyberpunk, cyberpunk 2077, stardew valley, romance, romanceable, characters, kiss, kissing, funny, funny moments, mass effect 2, mass effect 3, kaiden, kaidan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.