7 Idiot Heroes Who Created Their Own Villains Through Sheer Stupidity: Commenter Edition

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not long ago on the channel we talked about the Video Game Heroes who went and created their own worst enemies in an act of self- sabotage On a par with entering a hot wings eating contest the night before a big job interview I'm amazed outside Xbox still hired me today we're back on the heroic self- owning with the best suggestions from the YouTube comments on that video featuring The hapless Heroes who accidentally drove non villains straight into their villain eras with terrible results thanks for the comments and watch on for the idiot Heroes who created their own villains through sheer stupidity enjoy and wear spoilers for The Following yeah well you know they say to uh come into the room and really assert yourself from the first moment you did that for sure yeah I know I mean the the cleaning bill must have been outrageous but really you know just take it out my benefits package well we I mean we did say you didn't get the job but then you just started showing up anyway yeah well again you know assert your uh your dominance we haven't paid you for the last 12 years either we thought you'd get the hint yeah yeah you're going to give me that attitude you know I usually make it easy for you you ungrateful prick but this time I'll let you see yourself out yep we dat it thanks to my being stuck in a NeverEnding infinite time Loop I've had infinite time to memorize this script and so uh I'll get it next time around in the meantime I can sympathize with Colt the time looping protagonist of death Loop who in order to break out of his Loop has to assassinate the eight so-called Visionaries on black free Island where time resets with every new day boy do I got a bone to pick with you let's do it again tomorrow this would be easier for Colt if he wasn't being hounded by fellow time Looper Juliana who keeps trying to kill him partly to protect the loop which she loves but mostly for the fun of killing him which she also loves you just hurry up already [Music] that would make Juliana the nailed on villain of the piece except for all the sassy radio banter that we live for and also the truth about Juliana's Origins and motivation which is eventually revealed to The partially amnesiac cult that's it I guess Lyla Blake stay warm Juliana Blake no come on no over the course of the game we discover that Juliana is Twist Colt's daughter and that twist back in the earlier days of being trapped in the time looping anomaly Colt started murdering Juliana over and over to try and free her if that sounds like a bad plan it's because it is you used to like me you used to see this place for what it could be then you murdered me turns out that Juliana did not super enjoy being murdered and learned to fight back to the point where she developed a taste for fighting back and actually became a big fan of this consequence-free sandbox murder playground you murdered me over and over so yeah I fought back and I learned to like it therefore we find that colt in fact created his own murderous Frenemy and Nemesis which in a gift of the English language I'm now calling a FR Nemesis oh I'll have to write that down and use it again in my next Loop oh what bat there you are Travis took you long enough no more tells the story of Travis Touchdown a nerd who wins an internet auction for a lightsaber and then instead of mounting it on his wall against the express wishes of everyone else he lives with uses it to kill people what a pain so unrealistic Travis's goal in the game is to rise through the ranks of the United assassins Association by killing those ranked higher than he is during this Quest he faces off against such memorable assassins as destroy man a super yolked Postman in super hero cosplay and speed Buster a 76-year-old woman with a shopping [Music] trolley you were saying sunny I asked if you were ranked third when he reaches the ninth ranked assassin a karaoke Keen Charles Bronson Alik called Dr peace however Travis hits a brick wall in the form of an entry fee he has to stump up 50,000 lb or else he won't be able to go after Dr peace because he's too broke put me in coach all right please transfer 150,000 lb doll what 150,000 lbs your entry fee my overhead costs don't tell me that you were not expecting so many zeros on that price or that I am ripping you off or some to solve this problem Travis takes on a series of smaller contracts to make the money needed one of which is a throwaway Mission about a pizza chain with the wildly inadvisable name of Pizza Butt I'm suddenly not hungry anyway it seems Pizza Butt plans to open up in the town of Santa destroy and to crush their plan and earn a small amount of money Travis must kill their CEO and then once that's done kill two further replacement CEOs from the same [Music] family however in No More Heroes 2 Travis faces a new threat Jasper bat Jr the CEO of pizza bat who is now the number one ranked assassin in the world and has killed Travis's best friend Bishop to enrage him and Prov voke him into a fight not only did you murder my father but my two brothers as well that is why I took your best friend's life makes sense Travis it's called Poetic Justice when Travis confronts Jasper we learned that during those seemingly inconsequential side missions in the original No More Heroes we essentially wiped out Jasper bat's entire family forcing him onto this path of becoming a ruthless CEO taking over the entire town and getting a kick-ass rocket car which he uses to beat your ass in Revenge for his fallen family his greatest achievement though renaming Pizza butt to Pizza bat now there's a businessman seen any tentacles what's a tentacle oh just something I whipped up in my spare time made good pets actually until one of them tried to take over the world had to tie the little buggers up in the basement good thing you told told us that yeah Bernard wanted us to set them free thank God you weren't that stupid the True Villain of maniac Mansion 2 day of the tentacle is man-made pollution because before purple tentacle drinks from toxic sludge in the river behind the laboratory of Dr Fred Edison he has neither super intelligence nor plans for global domination nor limbs I feel like I could like I could a [Music] like I [Music] could take on the world yet when I fell in the temps all I got was dentry in a more immediate actual sense though the True Villain of maniac Mansion 2 is the purple tentacle because of the aforementioned plan to enslave Humanity the blame for creation of this villain lands squarely on the shoulders of Dr Fred with his sludge dramatic toxic sludge making machine and also Alpha nerd game protagonist Bernard Boni it's from my old friend green tentacle he says that purple tentacles mutated into an insane genius and Dr Fred's going to kill them both following the water contamination event Bernard rocks up to the Manion summoned by purple tentacle amiable brother green tentacle because Dr Fred aims to destroy him and his evil tentacle bro we've got to find where Dr Fred is holding the tentacles Bernard finds the two tentacles tied up in the basement and like a chump sets them loose thanks Bernard yes thank you naive human now I can finish taking over the world this unforced error from Bernard sets the rest of the point and clicking Adventure in motion necessitating time travel forward and backward through time to prevent a future in which tentacles Run the World which is presumably a bad outcome although to be honest we don't know whether they do a better job at clean water infrastructure anyway let this be a lesson not to free evil tentacles tied up in basements and I guess boiler tap water help L of help I got no idea who these ass old troops are why they got a murder on for this space station but they got me pinned wearing a mask all the time and calling yourself Handsome Jack is like me covered in crumbs calling myself didn't steal your birthday cake Jane which is to say suspicious we initially got to know Handsome Jack as Borderlands 2's powerful douchebag antagonist he's the basked president of the hyperian corporation who wants you and your fellow Vault Hunters dead welcome to Pandora [Music] kiddos then in Borderlands the Pre-Sequel we learned that before he was handsome Jack he was in over his head jack in the pre villain days it seems Jack was a low-level Hyperion programmer who you were working for and hey it's a gig economy no judgment here yeah yeah don't mind me just the guy who hired you Sor am I being passive aggressive my bad that must be a simp of of almost dying all right but I charge extra for [Music] revives although normal looking jack isn't the capital b capital G bad guy of the game he can't help but start to show his power mad True Colors which is why borderland's one Heroes Lilith and Roland betray him destroying his giant space laser and turning him against Vault Hunters into the bargain freaking Liars freaking cowards they're no better than so Jack is well on the road to video game villainy even before you find yourself in a vault supposedly a trove of ancient alien technology where you discover a floating Borderlands logo oh weon this is the pivotal point at which Lilith turns up and punches the Borderlands logo into Jack's face so hard it leaves a large unbrand scar which would have been fine if Lilith double tapped and confirmed the kill instead of piecing out I'm going to kill her I'm going to kill them all and so Jack is tipped over the edge into his fullon baddy era for the planet of Pandora to deal with in the game to come John is that you call me Jack honey Handsome Jack I can call you whatever you want dude but we all know what's going on under that mask logo face Jack I'm a career career 6 was career 6 like you and not like you in all the ways that matter in most Fallout games you play as a vault dweller which means that you're the wronged party because you've probably been locked underground with a 100 Draculas as part of a social experiment to see what happens when you lock someone underground with a 100 Draculas you know science in Fallout New Vegas however you don't play as a vaultdweller but rather as a courier who has a long past before the game started of apparently questionable Behavior often at the expense of other people 7 years prior to the events the game your career foolishly delivered a package of unknown contents to an area known as The Divide without ever asking or checking what it was unbeknownst to The Courier this package contains something which caused a nuclear stockpile in the Divide to arm and launch itself although having long been sealed up the WarHeads just detonated under the Earth devastating The Divide now even though it wasn't our fault setting off a couple of atom bombs in someone's town does tend to make you a few enemies and in the curia's case that enemy takes the form of ulses a resident of the Divide who has made it his personal life's work to track you down and make you pay for what happened there spent too many years looking for you now letting you come to me thought carrying that ship would end you no you got lives in you heart to kill storms bullets sand and wind yet still you walk for now he's got plenty of plans for ways to do it too we find out that ulyses was the original Courier meant to deliver the Platinum chip at the heart of of the main game story but he saw your name on the list and deferred to you assuming the job would get you killed and he was nearly right truth is the game was rigged from the [Music] start when that doesn't work ulyses decides to lure you back to the Divide which is still armed with nukes for a final confrontation which like most things in Fallout can go one of several ways including the two of you battling to the death as ulyses seems to want hardest of all outcomes to achieve is the one in which you talk ulyses round to your way of thinking but if you manage it you can talk ulyses down and no one needs to get nuked although to be fair they are just lying around it would be a shame not to use them when the legion and NCR are just sitting over there I've just created about 40 new Ulisses haven't I really got to stop setting off atom bombs [Music] if there's one thing I know about quarantine zones it's don't go in them if there's two things I know about quarantine zones it's don't go in them and if you do and find a mysterious glowing Yellow Stone from which you accidentally unleash an alien entity of Rippling darkness that alien entity is not something harmless and ordinary like a swarm of old cleaner Bots maybe what was that uh it's a swarm of old cleaner Bots maybe yeah you wish unfortunately here at the beginning of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Peter Star Lord quill and Co have indeed snuck into an off-limits qz and let loose a Godlike being of immense and terrible power that in the course of the game will pose a major threat to the very Galaxy that peil is supposed to be Guardian not so sure that creature thing was in offensive rocket don't you feel even a little bad for releasing it releasing what are you talking about turns out the entity is the dark Alter Ego of Golden Boy Adam Warlock woried by the Insidious brainwashing Universal Church of Truth hubus made hunger a cancerous craving called Magus this Magus is manipulating the church to feed on the faith energy of its followers gearing up to destroy the Galaxy which it is only free to do because Peter Quill released it from the Soul Stone that Adam Warlock had sealed it away in and business we call that a big oops Yeah thought you were that freaky thing we accidentally released saw we saw some cleaner Bots accidentally so if Star-Lord is mostly known for looking like Chris Pratt and being a bit of a dummy then what he lacked in the former here he makes up for in the latter big time the game's ultimate Mission being to defeat the church and reimprisonment [Music] see this is why you're not an [Music] Avenger ever since Benjamin Franklin flew a kite in a thunderstorm got struck by lightning and then got electric poers that he used to fight Spider-Man we've known that lightning can do pretty much anything so when the makers of comic Zone a sidescrolling Beat beat them up for the Sega Mega Drive had to come up with a way of comic book characters coming to life they knew that there was only one plausible way of having it happen have the comic book be struck by lightning in comic Zone you play sketch Turner who is a comic book artist and freelance rock musician who writes a comic called Comic Zone about the new world Empire's attempt to defend Earth from an invasion of alien Renegades sketch needs a villain for his comic and so literally creates mortise a sort of robot cowboy thing however while working on his comic book one night during a thunderstorm lightning comes in through the window not how that works and Strikes the panel he's working on which makes mortus appear in the real world and drags sketch into the comic now literally everything that sketch encounters is something that he himself created including murderous mutants who want to kill [Music] him and of course mortise the villain sketch created and is probably wishing he made a lot less cool and roboty right about now anyway look forward to sketch's next comic beer and pizza and ponytail maintenance product Zone guys learned a valuable lesson [Music] here thank you so much for watching this video please do like and subscribe to the video it still makes a difference honestly uh if you'd like to watch something else from us uh you should definitely watch one of these two videos and if you don't who knows what might happen you might create your own super villain out of one of us and out out of Andy Rampage it'll be outside your door all T1000 like don't risk it and if you'd like to support what we do here on outside Xbox and outside extra please do check out patreon.com club to join our fan Discord
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 261,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, top ten, top five, top 10, top 5, list, countdown, villains, heroes, created, own, julianna, deathloop, colt, Jasper Batt Junior, pizza butt, travis, touchdown, no more heroes, no more heroes 2, nhm2, Day of the Tentacle, purple, tentacle, bernard, handsome jack, borderlands, borderlands 2, pre sequel, ulysses, fallout, new vegas, lonesome road, the divide, magus, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, star lord, comix zone, mortus
Id: U5ugla3LDKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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