Lies of P is a Masterpiece

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this game is actually extraordinary and I feel sinful for not having beat it the first time you were just about to get to the part where it gets really good too yeah but it's not worth just picking up from there if it's been so long I'd rather just start over I'll get back quick enough I'll first try everything what's Li of P it's it's Pinocchio so wow everything fell apart when I tried to answer that it's Pinocchio Souls God damn it forgot how tough perfect parries are the timing is so tight on a perfect Parry this is your first play through no but I didn't beat it on my first playthrough I stopped so now I'm going to actually beat it I didn't get stuck or anything I'm not like a coward who ran away way tail tuck between his legs to get warm milk from Mommy or anything I just stopped playing it cuz I think something else came out and then I never came back to it I don't recall but I was hailed as a prodigy for this one Souls games are my bread and butter and I was making this game look like Child's Play than a t one Smurf there we go looking good my timing's kind of kind of getting there yes no that was that was greedy so clean yes sir I forgot about that looking good first try Okay this game ABS they nerfed this into the ground what wait that was so easy I remember that was difficult the first time around this game was way harder than every Souls game to be fair it was tough it was definitely hard but not like unbeatable or anything I am absolutely going to down patch this maybe I'll beat it first time around here on current patch and then go through and down patch just to test the difference oh my God this guy's kind of popping off on me wow that guy me up I shouldn't have tried to perfect guard him I think on just normal enemies I'll just dodge I'm not going to bother learning the timing de's got to Nerf that guy yeah guy's too busted no shot what a bunch of baloney this guy's cheating wait he's not dead I'm dead unbelievable all right let's see if I first try the officer this guy ate my lunch last time I played actually no it's was during the demo he absolutely slapped me around like a high school bully I one this is where I have to bring her her baby thank you so oh what that hit me on the back swing that was greedy oh but it worked out first try on this guy did they Nerf him too or am I just that good well puppet you can't sneak past me die give me your worst donkey Ali oh you got me up with that no way I missed that backstab he's absolutely been nerfed his health is so low but why even nerfing me was super easy to begin with I'm getting a little rambunctious just going for backstabs here are you a dream or night how did I not get that backstab showing up already the backstab the backstab damn you he there we go he almost blocked me from it if I took a death on Donkey Oli there I would have been tight that would have been so cringe I would have quit playing right then and there and Revisited this game in another two months that could have been the world's first death stop that was never in the cards maybe I should to spent my Echoes but let's see if I get this first try I've got a lot of confidence here I first tried everything else let's see how this boss goes oh that's right in this game the souls go in front of the boss door not inside of it I forgot okay then there's no risk here at all but I I feel like I'll slap him around first try regardless there we go good flurry oh unlucky I'm in the Flow State now okay I blew it oh God I'm really okay I'm falling apart second try is not bad we take those could have been first try but I just wasn't him but now I am puppets Must Die kill the puppets okay you dirty rat I wish I'd known backstab what the hell of it own I've missed every perfect guard on this guy I wish I had run away first try scary a tight squeeze but as the expression goes uh wait what's the squeeze enough juice for the squeeze that doesn't fit here I thought it was something a little more appropriate doesn't matter though still first try man I'm first trying everything I'm a wizard here oh I recognize this alarm anywhere this is the iPhone alarm I said that last time too didn't I let's see if I get it first try I only have one health or one full cell [Music] left but all right had to stretch out a little bit get a a little loose for it yeah is that guy that's got the Glock on him here he was a pain in the ass it's certainly a lot easier with a faster weapon on this guy using a slow weapon on this guy's attacks was miserable oh you got me up how do I dodge that do I stand behind the pipe must be it must be how you coward come face me Jesus Oh close what a close shave that was I'm almost out of heels too you turns around and just no scopes me what a sack of no oh my reflexes are second to none I wish you would stop using that attack though there we go so far nothing has taken me more than two tries and it never will that's what it means to be a gamer I just build different yes sir yes sir easy game easy game wow that worked out blasted him out of midair with that I'm sure he didn't expect that that should do it well that was the easiest boss in the game thanks for the quartz idiot oh wait I remember seeing a video on the booster glaive that's a technique item isn't it that's the one that gives you the giant lunge is it there it is yeah it's the charged heavy thanks Jacob it's the best not legendary is that right I believe it that seems really strong I remember there's like an explosion up here okay that was unavoidable scripted all right here comes the booster glaive not the rake God damn it down here I guess I can kind of cheese her like that she's just walking menacingly at me will she not fight back is this her top speed how old is she oh God all right hold on she's turning on the the turbos now guys Jesus get off of me you soon go back to walking better than devour no I'm not proud of the way I did thats but it is what it is I didn't have a whole lot of healing so I kind of played it like a there we go oh that didn't kill you dirty rat that still didn't kill there we go finally it took me like 20 tries to kill that dude there there's just a huge difference between you and I between me and Mortals to be honest when it comes to gaming so it's not fair to compare yourself to what I do don't feel bad all right here I come this guy really threw me into the lockers last time but I I feel good this time around I like my build I'm also a stronger man now than I was then I wonder how this guy plays post Nerf oh did he get nerfed yeah let's see easy rain all right let's see I'm I'm feeling optimistic let's see if I remember the timing nope that's an immediate no okay okay I remember I never quite got the timing down for that one I can see his health really got nuked yeah yikes I remember how long it took just to get him to phase two first time around it also seems like he doesn't attack as much in general and I'm perfect guarding everything oh he's such a shell of his former self why what have you done to my boy my sweet boy he's such a re sub mobster all right maybe phase two it pops off now maybe they put all maybe they backloaded it so they took all the difficulty from phase one and put it into phase two for this guy I don't think that's the case but we'll see I think I blew it for first try but it's still not bad I I I forgot about that move I didn't attack all right I saved my fire for phase two so I'm coming at you with a head of steam and a heart of gold here I come you little you're not the man I once knew God damn it God damn it why are you doing this man Jesus Christ what okay what an two tries is all it takes I've never seen three deaths and never or I've actually never even seen two deaths and never will yeah they really nerfed that bad boy into the ground I just double checked Bishop had his HP nerfed attack speed and patterns were untouched I don't believe that for a second he attacked so much slower and now the stage the membership sushi I really like this guy's voice actor it reminds me of the House of the Dead 2 guy friends you've come we have to protect the life cycle that guy never even got far enough to beat him last time so I'm excited I haven't even upgraded my weapon a single time yet how's the new tattoo good it's finally stopped being so itchy so that's nice and it's healing pretty well okay I'm getting pranked left and right here good jokes okay from the top turnbuckle huh what a big tough guy no shot I missed we go pretty clean oh man this poor guy I gave him that Dirty Work die wait how did I already break him well okay that poor guy I I expected that to be a little bit more challenging absolutely massive hulking creature and I popped him like muscles filled with Synthol okay that was so sad also that did so much damage what the I thought I could tank at least one hit though that guy said you got another thing coming pal and I forgot to open this door or wait no I didn't make it to the door I have to go all the way around don't do it oh yep I saw that coming that move is really strong that's the first enemy I've died twice too now he is statistically now stronger than any of the bosses wait did I go the wrong way oh my God I can't I can't move I can't move no well I locked on and it forced me off that was okay now I'm just getting bullied here okay okay this area is really giving me the work that was easy Jesus he's still going all right all right the 3v one but luckily I was trained by Dale Brown a Detroit urban survival training fitness regimen I can handle a group of 20 minut at once this is nothing this a child's play God that goes hard oh is it four wait I thought it was three even better so call 20 more dudes and it'll be an even fight H stamina all right I okay I thought that would stagger okay I got greedy that was on me that was on me heat check that was just a heat check God damn it little unlucky that I got all three at once here uh I don't think I get it here to be honest no pulse cells okay and the fourth one I thought it was I thought it was health related is it time related why did he come okay I'm just going to rush this guy it's been a while since I've got anyone on is mine mine move for me it's my what the why again why are they coming in 2 by two like it's Noah's Arc my stamina oh God damn it oh that was close okay that'll send him back you sweep [Music] no not like this uh I'm just not going to go for any perfect guards against him anymore it much easier if I had just done that from the beginning I could not get the perfect guard timing on that this pupp is crazy how did that hit what what [Music] okay oh she has some fast feet man I am just tornado around [Music] her interesting idea how do I not get that backstab I'm going to scream from me rotten puppets [Music] God damn [Music] it is what it is I guess as your sister she kept exposing her back but I could do nothing about it except for the 20 times I did I I doubt I do this hitless that that guy's probably just going to snipe me but I'm not a either I'm going for it okay he stayed way back okay remember he gave me sad thanks brother just what I needed he's got me trapped in the fire I I can't I actually can't move at all I I literally couldn't move his girth was suffocating stagger yep now I got pulse cell back that was easy is he just a meme or something that had no chance all right let's see how this boss goes maybe this is going to be the one that finally forces me to upgrade for the first time in my whole play through but I doubt it nothing can make me bleed my own blood never will man I got a too so I'm going to go if you guys don't mind I'm just going to try and kill this B Lo within the first 30 seconds so I can go poop quick so I'm going to kind of rush it Bravo good work that guy is so cool looking let me see that phase too cuz there's no way that's a one-phase fight right [Music] there it's just a boy damn that was a wide arc on that oh I'm dead yeah I saw that coming I gambled now I don't have to poop anymore so I'm going to do another run here H it in for too long now it's just one of those things where if you like hold in a for too long it just kind of like the urge the goes away or at least it's one of those things for me I guess maybe not for everybody okay all right why is phase one kind of popping off right now on me help how are you hitting me like [Music] that okay might not even see pH two on this run wow I can't get the timing on the perfect guard for this I'm going to go back to dodging instead of trying to guard it thanks for the membership Luna I'm back I have a lot more pulse cells this time so let's see how this goes that sight kind of crazy don't do it don't do it wait why didn't I heal why didn't I heal no I still had so many left why didn't the heal okay I think Raper is going to be the key though I'm stuck inside of him I love that I love that okay we'll do it the oldfashioned way with a couple of pokes great all right I'm back what's up okay okay what was that flurry there that was a good run though just got to run the away from that one seems like it it's like the melenia attack all right I am absolutely blasting through phase one with the Rapier I didn't fully charge it this is so sad [Music] I thought he was going to phase shift no I'm stuck inside of him no push it push it I wasn't sweating no upgrades no problem incredible you defeated the king not only is it incredible I defeated the king I did it without upgrading yeah he didn't use the fire grinder I must have just out DPS the phase shift where can I buy the vaginal yeast beer I don't think it's been brewed yet yeah we talked about the bass pro shop tiny wiener guy thanks membership wiip oh they don't like each other okay he dislikes me more Jesus Christ go back to fighting each other Jesus oh what the I'm stuck on the wall no man this guy went crazy going for it that didn't stagger but somehow it dodged for me all right we'll take that that that guy had a wacky move set there that he wasn't afraid to fling around the fact that you first tried this Jester is crazy hey I don't know what to tell you Gaming's in my blood that kind of sh is just free for me me this is a pretty pretty tough pickle I find myself in how do I squeeze my way around you here huh there's no way I can fight him here CU even if I just perfect guard everything I want damn that was so clean py I bet you there's still some people stuck right there and I'm not one of them couldn't be me what cannot be used before it breaks promise I don't know oh an egg my answer was super stupid it was just the first thing I thought of reward you with a hint at the Grand exhibition you now must behold look close is this a puzzle what was it something about the tin fingers the woman's cold so one of these women is cold I'm guessing you can tell by nipples maybe oh that wasn't much of a puzzle at all got it overthought that damn this poor thing just got annihilated it didn't even get to play I just turned the game off for it this guy's cool no shot what a bunch of baloney oh no he's got one little titly wink of Health left no I can't move not again he gets like some kind of crazy buff at the zero health I guess where he turns my brain into mush wow I wasted all my pulse cells on that that's embarrassing well that'll be pretty efficient for clearing mobs I don't know how it'll do on the boss on a boss but we'll see Charlie have you been being bullied no I've actually been the one being the bully here I don't use any summons on any boss and I've pretty much killed all of them in the first or second try except for king of puppets and black rabbit gank I have been absolutely slapping the cheeks of these bosses here I am Victor oh Victor the champion oh he's pretty cool he reminds me of Solomon Grundy actually a little bit if Solomon Grundy practice Muay Tha I guess are the I got stuck on his hit box damn you oh I'm still alive Scythe isn't treating me super well for this fight then again it is my first time using it you bastard okay oh he's got a phase too got he's really cool all the bosses in this game are so cool no no that was out of stamina vanity must be born again Dam their F we are the reborn Humanity must beorn again it's their Duty and their F that missed must that felt good it's their F all right thanks a re tinkle no pulse cells left this is already he just if framed me again again what are these Jesus is this controlled by a player right now these ey frames he's popping off on me are [Music] crazy this is the power of the reor oh I didn't expect that I thought that was the end of the string yeah I still haven't upgraded anything I don't need to not for this I just need something faster I bet I get it first try with Rapier just a feeling God he's Invincible for so long here all right phase two Rapier is treating me a lot better for this guy not again I fell for it again the oldest trick in the [Music] book oh wow that was close can you stop I'm trying to fix my weapon okay haven't seen that [Music] yet no you I got way too greedy with that heavy wait oh what the I was wondering what was going on I was like why didn't he get stunned [Music] man this thing just doesn't do a lot of damage but slow and steady wins the race like the turtle in the hair taught us now he's just walking menacingly there we go told you first try with Rapier I don't know what it is man Rapier just feels so easy just the punish is unmatched just popping Victor cuz it's fast as yeah guess so that guy's pretty cool some kind of BDSM steampunk guy I've had a feeling there was going to be something here outplayed that's cool yeah this will be really nice for just clearing trash mobs I like this site classic this area's just got so many little cheeky spots the live puppet AE let's go we finally got it so now I just put that blade on the booster glaive and I've got my in-game booster glaive and then I'll have my two dragon swords as wellet will hate me if I learn how to feel would that be possible if you tell me how I'll return favor hello my only friend so do I teach him about sadness it doesn't seem like he really wants to learn about sadness he seems already pretty downtrodden but I'll make him even sadder I guess I see now not bad plus seven or plus eight oh that was sad oh my God I just died to puppet of the future that is embarrassing this is definitely a better Rapier fight then you must be dead logic oh maybe not could just get easy backstabs on this oh I wonder what happens if I do this in here that was pretty nice that worked out super well in here how do I not get that backstab there we go that guyy going to report me for cheating that was brutal absolutely brutal that was one of the big guys please stop I I just want to use this attack thank you I'm going for it I'm going for it I'm going for it I'm going for it make it make it damn it going for it going for it going for it no okay okay how did I not Dodge that oh my God this guy's he loves hugs oh another boss oh this is the one that gives the two dragon swords isn't it oh it's all coming together oh come on all right let me see that phase two you little all right phase one was wasn't clean but we got there oh no he's going to defile this corpse oh this is the uh Watchers move set that hit me that that was the Watchers move set plus some some new stuff plus tangula from Pokemon oh God I'm out of stamina okay out of midair love that for us oh my God all maybe I'm getting too greedy God that's so much damage but he still stacked Decay on me somehow okay Lightning Fast phase one right there that might actually be a speedrun world record for this boss to be honest okay that was sad okay that was very sad everything he does insta Stacks Decay what the is that I'm dead y well that was a terrible run that turned into possible possibly getting it there that little Zoidberg movie does right there seems like it'd kill me if I even got close to it that that hit what a bunch of baloney oh my God now he's out of range for that all right perfect no what are you doing okay perfect run against the wall again get out of the Zoidberg oh scary I'm stuck against the wall no health I need a miracle stun nope too early I tried to get behind him there we go finally I knew you do it easy first right the last hero weapon is in my hands you can move while attacking what do you mean oh wow what the wait that's that is nasty oh full moon okay I got it to plus three it's not terrible I guess oh right I need to put the technique crank on it thanks for reminding me yeah yeah yeah yeah all right let's see this let's see the damage numbers now I'm ready to just fall on the floor in awe good start give it to me again one more knuckle sandwich cool there's a quartz down there in the DK area which one that one down there probably that would be my guess well there's got to be a way to get rid of the Decay right yeah who cares I'm just going to grab the quartz wow I didn't even get it that's actually huge I didn't even get decayed my armor saved me that's so big oh okay huge easy lined them up only cost me three pulse cells Yahoo that I just don't want to with there we go much better okay I'm getting the timing down well that was disastrous okay I hate oh my oh what the was that I couldn't move okay they just flailed around on the ground and just gave me the work huge I really want to hit some perfect parries on you I'm going be honest ooh that's that is a nasty weapon for backstabs I bet since you can move while attack there's no way that baby still chasing me that's crazy welcome to the city what the why is she popping off like all this sudden right here at the end what the is going on her final stand is crazy I was literally toying with her and now all of a sudden she's invincible I'm actually going to die City where is upside down oh I thought I had that timing perfect okay there we go I just wanted she had the fanciest footwork that's not oh my God where clean God I'm dirty holy God I'm filthy yucky let me show you love that God he's Invincible for so long down there how'd that Miss bunch of baloney oh thank you that was so nice of you he said I'm so impressed with that perfect Parry on the the two dragon sword I'll kill myself he man perfect I it feels so good to get that Parry holy that is euphoric like atheism on Reddit that feels good what are you doing what are you doing man oh my God thank you I thought I had that timing not a bad first attempt though that doesn't seem like a boss that's going to have two phases that wasn't bad where was the shortcut I dropped no not again I tried so hard to get that off in time to get the Stagger damn that was clean holy that was dirty what I did to her it's a command grab every time I feel like I got my timing perfect on the two dragon Perry but it does nothing against the command grab you holy that was new okay I said enough of that no no more fishy business no no more fooling around what the oh God damn it come on baby let's get this first try first try so clean so easy actually built different constructed in an unusual fashion nice we take those all right this is the boss everyone's saying is a real pain in the ass worst boss POG cool it's the black rabbit gank again everyone is saying this is the worst in the game that's so cool even if we're just oh it's all at the same time your come on now I don't know why I'm not getting the second part of my attack is it only on him oh no they just they just dodge those eye frames are going crazy on them there we go okay what a bunch of baloney okay well then I'm assuming the eldest still comes so it's not just these three which is why it's so hated is my [Music] guess huh I thought I timed that perfect that was so sad now I'm dead finally I can put something in than you some fried brother it's just annoying fighting all three at once oh wait really so it's just the three I can oh that's not going to be too bad I thought they'd bring him back to life or something okay Jesus Christ okay Jesus man okay there's one puet just whale on him okay last one fight even it's just tempering what the oh come on I knew it and now I'm stuck in the corner oh I actually have some saws take this just going to keep hitting this guy with saws that's really not oh God that's not much damage you again just planing it real safe what okay didn't expect that huh cool cool cool oh I'm throwing saws I was wondering why I wasn't my nose is running so much they're snot dripping in my mouth okay second try we take that now I can stop eating boogers here Jesus Christ huge do I need to do that now or can I go to this next location that the Batmobile submarines taking me well I don't have a choice God that thing is so cool I love that looks like those old Torpedoes used to throw in the pool as kids not make it AIT all right shock is really annoying there we go first try didn't even need to use the booster glaive you were actually supposed to hit the right or his left leg for damage it was a gimmick fight [Music] well okay then all right really thought I could get around that hit box Thanks Jen uh show recommendations I don't really know it depends on what you like you'd have to be a little more specific well I didn't expect that I didn't think he could hit me from there huge huge huge this area is really grinding my gears I thought I had eye frames on that okay I'm so wow wow and I didn't even get decayed I just sat there and let my big cheeks tank it beautiful what a calculation would you rather have a bloodborne remaster or a sequel if you had to choose a sequel absolutely a sequel attacking a man while he sneezes have you no honor you fiend disgusting swine this boss is so sick I'm excited I'm here this boss is weak to acid yeah and my about to go crazy on it I feel it oh this is that thing that was with the main bad guy that is so cool all right this boss is pretty awesome already just like aesthetically all right let's ride that was a misclick holy that was was close all right the arm of God will I really thought I had the timing on that to be honest holy oh my God she's still going oh my God she's still going all right a 50 attack combo cool it's too fast I'm dead man she goes from Fast to slow so quick she keeps hit me with the change UPS I got to get the timing down so I can start getting the two dragon Perry I'm dead the arm of God will awaken good leap okay what the okay all right let's see that phase two show me it take that helmet off oh it's a vampire Darth Vader holy okay so did me breaking that shield on her back do anything looks like she still has it SARS to protect this Tower than a tier one catfish oh my God okay okay so she charges holy Lord oh my God she just oh I'm dead God will a she can go from so fast to so slow that mixup is brutal that timing was perfect Balon baloney baloney I keep forgetting that why I sa that this is only my second time seeing it but still I I forgot about it oh oh okay will awaken soon what the is happening she just running in circles damn it if I had perfect pared everything I would have been able to get a a pulse cell back not a bad run not a bad run that's sad yeah I saw that coming I got greedy I thought that attack was coming but then I still committed I should have just backed out that timing is unreal awaken timing can I outrun that like can I run far enough away the arm of God oh what the I haven't seen that yet okay I tried to go for a little distance but that didn't pan out let's just go back to what was working C okay perfect phase one love to see that no no no I had buffered a Dodge I thought h damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it I could have had that that was a really good run threw it away I've got phase one down to a science really it's just phase two is brutal phze one is so free it's just this right here oh I actually got it what the didn't ice didn't I stagger her what is happening okay cool she just has like this giant fr at the end the my weap awaken through durability was letting me down that was a good run that okay booster glaive did better than I thought it would for phase two to be honest took too much damage here on phase one damn I forgot to sharpen too got it this is a good time for puppet [Music] string oh that didn't stagger her she's right above me I can't see scary I'm out oh I'm out of puppet string come on come on come closer oh my God why [Music] St oh let's go oh let's go huge Jesus Christ first try easy game they need to up the difficulty man all it takes is just parrying that dive if you can Parry that dive the fight gets so much easier but it's like unreactable you just have to know the timing through banging your head against the goddamn brick wall harder or easier than melenia oh easier for sure don't mind me Sophia just stretching my legs out got to get these puppies some blood flowing down there yeah you got it oh God it hurts so much please enjoy the peace thank you oh it's fine I can eat that my camera tried to betray me but I was my instincts were too sharp no oh my God move why just let me through please just move all right here she goes this is a really cool Boss Arena that is so fire the gift from me Simon monus who will transgress even God whoa now let's not get carried away to your God who will be born whatever you say bub show me everything you have looking pretty good okay didn't expect that definitely didn't expect that he's still going okay not bad seeing phase two on my first try we take that to transgress even God more like yep who's who's below God Evolution oh my God he's beautifulness oh my God he's birthing a man whoa oh my God that's so cool now this boss is really cool damn that is absolutely beautiful bro hit the domain expansion yeah [Music] oh my God okay when does that stop okay I'm going to go Dodges on this cuz I can't get that timing at all right now okay there's a giant hand thought I had the timing hey first attempt not bad not a bad first attempt at all wow I AB he didn't even get to play the game I just I turned the I turned the whole goddamn PC off on him stop it the next evil is coming no no no no Ah that's the first time in the entire game disruption has hit me I tried so hard to get out of there in time I had that too I just got way too greedy okay that's this boss is so much easier than look look ax whatever damn damn damn yes that was very cinematic but very unlucky cuz I really needed that to hit gotcha all right we take those not the cleanest A little sloppy is what it is all right what do I say for true ending now unless there's a phase three I don't think there is though this does not look like phase three on the way this looks like I just sent him to the shadow realm third try ain't bad can't now just refuse jepetto okay refuse jepetto all right refuse jepetto true ending and I get to fight nameless puppet really give me your heart son no you're a bad man get out of town I believed you were a good boy but you insist on Breaking My Heart take a hike believ you were a good boy stop calling me a good boy I'm a great boy damn it if my son all right let's get it you can become a real human to me my okay good start that one felt pretty good Andy teabag me got it I thought he was going to be attacking much faster your freedom is not for you oh God get up clutch oh oh boy what a God oh oh I just busted a nameless nut on that that was so beautiful all right all right all right already to phase two I like that he is so goddamn cool but you know one thing jepetto never planned on how dare you thermite you're just nothing thermite thermite okay I'm going stop around thermite oh that was fast oh I forgot to introduce myself I aell aell again no I'm at the heal I see what you mean though that throwables are kind of broken that did so much damage from just tossing little goofy things at him oh man oh I'm out I panic rolled I I thought I had more oh the electricity yeah yeah I can swap my grind Stone actually do I even have shock I can't remember I do I do I'll swap it get up get up get up quick okay almost almost I shouldn't have gone for that Fable Lord I should have just done the uh the uh long range I thought that it would stagger him that was stupid I gambled too hard human Okay lock it in me my son I Never Bound you to the Grand puppets because of car's memories Within oh I know you have there we go freedom is man I keep missing that one you B bastard you can't find those memories myself G so sloppy how dare you you're just a puppet nothing more how do I miss that I [Music] oh what I just had to try that there we go maybe is I just had to see what the cluster grenades did I had to see how much damage it wasn't a ton that was a solid run I landed most of my paries jepetto took it didn't he you're a Hero jepetto 3 seconds ago you wanted to take my heart were you going to destroy than thanks Bobby Carlos heart fair enough Michael oo that's so anime no was I a good boy dad oh tears the real Carlo was inside us the whole time sorry please rewatch the beginning scene from King of Puppets fight it's going to change so much how you look at him that's where he put on the play and he had like oh he had like the thing take the heart out of the Mei puppet right if I remembering correctly in the normal ending he just calls you a useless puppet then dies and that's it wow that'd be so unsatisfying you go through this whole adventure and he's like yeah cuck get out of here you just die God this game was so good yeah I'd say I don't know if I'd put this at number three best Souls game for me it still is going to go either Elden Elden ring or bloodborne at number one I still can't decide fully dark souls three actually you know maybe maybe I'd put this right behind that I'd go bloodborne Elden ring Dark Souls 3 then this
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,190,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ligB84aDNWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 30sec (5850 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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